Closed question example. Open, closed and alternative questions. Examples of open questions to the client


Consider three types of questions and how to formulate them.
Open questions should be formulated in such a way that the partner would like to answer them. These questions require a detailed answer.
Start your question with:
What? How? Why? How? Under what conditions?
What facts (conditions, benefits) should we pay attention to?
What should be done to change the situation?
What result would be acceptable to you?
How could we formulate our task?
What do you mean when you talk about...
If you take this position, what will be your first actions?

Closed questions suggest an unambiguous answer (for example, a message of the exact date, name, indication of the amount of something) or a “yes” or “no” answer. These are hypotheses, ready-made assumptions that only need to be confirmed or refuted. It is better to replace hypotheses with open-ended questions that allow the partner to give his version.
When is the project deadline?
How many people are in your group?
Do you want to quit your job?
Are you most interested in the work schedule?

Alternative questions occupy an intermediate position, their wording contains answer options, but, in essence, these are also hypotheses, just an alternative question contains several hypotheses.
And all these hypotheses may be wrong.
Do you prefer to perceive information by ear, visually or in combination?
Do you prefer me to answer you by phone or email?

Question Types- types of questions used in the sales process, depending on the form of the question and the function performed. The questions are divided into open, closed and alternative questions. By function, questions can be clarifying, generalizing, inspiring, questions-hooks, etc.

Types of Questions by Form

  1. Open-ended questions are those that do not allow a short answer "yes" or "no", requiring a detailed answer. Open-ended questions begin with interrogative words: who, what, how, when, where, why, why. For example, “How do you form the assortment of goods in your store?”, “How often do you order confectionery?”, “What soft drinks do you sell best?”, “What is most important to you in the work of a supplier?” etc.
  2. Closed questions - those that allow a short answer "yes" or "no" (in English language this type of question is called Yes/No questions). For example, “Did you have a merchandiser in your store yesterday?”, “Are you interested in holding a promotion?”, “And if we give you a discount, will you take the entire range?” etc.
  3. Alternative questions - allowing the choice of an answer from two or three proposed options. What distinguishes this type of question is the use or implied conjunction "or". For example, “Do you pay in cash or by bank transfer?”, “Which juice will you take, orange or pineapple?”, “How many packages do we include in the order - one, two, three?”, “What is your standard markup - twenty-five, thirty percent?” etc. Sometimes questions of this type are considered as a kind of closed questions, which is not entirely true, since the context of the use of closed and alternative questions is different.

The ability to ask different types of questions is one of the basic skills in sales. An experienced or sales manager knows how to choose the right type of question depending on the current situation in the sales process. Different types of questions have different information value:

  1. Open-ended questions are used when the client needs to be drawn into communication, to talk and get as much information from him as possible. An open question pushes for a dialogue, a detailed answer with the justification of one's opinion. A client may answer an open question briefly, but this is the exception rather than the rule.
  2. Closed questions are used when it is necessary to get a short and unambiguous answer from the client, “yes” or “no”. If you wish, you can get a detailed answer to a closed question, but for this the interlocutor will need to make an additional effort and overcome the context of the question, which implies a monosyllabic answer.
  3. Alternative questions provide more information than closed questions, but less than open questions. To answer an alternative question, one cannot simply say “yes” or “no”, one must name the option chosen, but it is not necessary to justify one’s choice. If the client wants to state the reasons for his choice, this will be his personal initiative.

Accordingly, open-ended questions are used at the beginning of communication with the client, for example, at the stage and analysis of needs. In particular, used at the stage of establishing contact, the form is open-ended questions. On the contrary, by the end of the sale, there is a growing proportion of closed questions that are asked, for example, in order to clarify details.

Similarly, the needs analysis phase first uses open-ended questions to provide a preliminary understanding of the client's situation, followed by closed-ended questions to clarify information and confirm the correct understanding of the client's needs and requirements.

In addition, different types of questions exert different degrees of psychological pressure on the client:

  1. Open-ended questions have the least pressure on the respondent, they only define the topic of the conversation and do not set any framework for the answer. The respondent is free to decide what and to what extent he will answer.
  2. Closed questions put a high degree of pressure on the respondent, forcing him to move from an opinion to a decision: “yes” or “no”.
  3. Alternative questions also put the answerer in front of the need for a solution, but give him space to choose a solution. In this sense, alternative questions give the respondent a higher psychological security than closed questions.

Thus, choosing the type of question, the questioner chooses the degree of psychological pressure that he will exert on the respondent. For example, this is important when choosing a deal:

  • when communicating with a client who has demonstrated a clear purchase, you can use questions that are closed in form to complete the transaction,
  • when communicating with a client who has a generally positive attitude towards the offer, but there are still minor doubts and hesitations, it is better to use questions that are alternative in form to complete the transaction,
  • when communicating with a client who has not yet clearly expressed his attitude to the proposal, it is preferable to use questions that are open in form to complete the transaction.

As you know, the initiative in the conversation belongs to the one who asks questions. Questions of any form allow you to keep the initiative in your hands. However, the risks of losing the initiative are different: when using closed and alternative questions, the initiative is retained more tightly. When answering an open question, the client receives a higher degree of freedom, respectively, there are risks of intercepting the initiative.

Thus, open, closed and alternative questions differ in three parameters: informational value, the degree of psychological pressure exerted on the interlocutor, and the degree of retention of the initiative in communication.

Types of questions by function

Informal interpersonal communication can be carried out without clearly defined goals, “just like that”. In contrast, business communication (including sales) always has clear goals and a plan of action. Therefore, every question business communication performs a certain function, helps to achieve the goal.

The selection of types of questions according to their functions is due to the techniques and methods in which these questions are used. For example, general and focused questions are distinguished in a number of techniques, there are concretizing questions, four types of questions are used in sales techniques depending on their function (situational, problematic, extracting, suggestive), etc.


Monologue in sales is not allowed. The best strategy for every salesperson is the one with the right sequence of questions. However, not all questions are equally useful. At least at different stages of the sale and depending on the degree of trust the client has in us, the sequence and form of questions may differ significantly. Consider the main options.


Used to neutralize a possible negative reaction of the opponent to your questions:

- Tell me, how do you usually recruit staff?

- Why are you asking me questions, tell me plainly what you need.

- What are you doing to promote your site?

- Why are you asking about this?

How do you usually motivate your employees?

- I don't think this is related to the topic of the meeting. What exactly did you want to tell me?

- Where do you usually keep your savings?

- Why should I tell you this?

- What would you like to change in the accounting system of your company?

- I don't want anything, everything suits me. And I only have ten minutes, so let's not waste time asking questions, just voice your proposal.

Before asking, justify that your urge to ask questions is solely due to the desire to help the client, and ask for permission.

So that we can find the right option for you, let me ask you a couple of questions ... (Short pause.) Please tell me ...


Closed questions are those to which the client can answer either “yes” or “no”. In the vast majority of cases, inexperienced salespeople ask closed questions. There is no need to practice asking them, because the questions are formulated automatically.

- Are you interested in our offer?

- Would you like to try our products?

- Wouldn't you like direct deliveries?

- Maybe we can try to start working?

- Do you agree to our terms?

- Would you like to improve the quality of the product?

- Maybe we can agree?

- Do you want to invest in this project?

- Is this question relevant to you?

The seller himself creates a problem for himself, giving a chance to the client to answer “no”. Accordingly, there is a need to work with objections. In addition, it gives the impression of an interrogation: a long question - a short answer. The client answers briefly, without revealing at the same time. Therefore, it is very difficult to catch his needs, understand the train of thought and look for common ground.

Asking closed questions is acceptable with good rapport and/or clarification, and to get a more complete answer with the informational questions “Why?” or "What's the reason?"

- Have you tried using the integrator?

- No.

- Why?

Open-ended questions are those that the client is forced to answer more fully and extensively when he does not have the opportunity to answer briefly - “yes” or “no”. Asking questions in this mode does not happen automatically and requires the development of a certain skill.

An easy way to ask open-ended questions is to start the question with interrogative pronouns "who", "what", "what", "which", "why", "why", "in what way", "for what", "where", " in what", "when".

- What do you think about...?

- Tell me, what is the reason that you...?

- How do you usually...?

- How do you select staff?

- What should be considered first of all when drawing up a package of services?

- What is the reason that you decided to come to the master class?

- What is our task?

- What will be the next steps?

- How do you feel about...?

- How did you come up with the idea...?

- What can you get if...?

- How do your customers react to...?

- How are you currently...?

- What are you doing to ensure...?

When answering an open question, you get enough information to draw conclusions about the needs of the client, find intersection points, and join his values.


Questioning technology (used mostly in sales) that allows you to have the client tell you the main points that are important to you. The main starting points are:


"I take it you're interested in just such a system?"

"The price range is large, please check the price."

"Tell the deadlines so that we can deliver everything on time."


"Do we need to involve someone else in your company to discuss this issue?"

What happens in normal mode?

The customer asks you about the price and when you can deliver the goods. You tell him how good the product is, that it costs only 100 dollars, and you can put it anywhere and at any time. After that, the client, citing the fact that he does not make decisions, takes a time out to think about the price. If the client himself said that he basically needs your product, he has money and he plans to buy now and makes a decision himself, this forces him to buy. The challenge is to get the client to ask questions and get answers in which they formulate their thoughts aloud and state the main starting points that are important to you, after which it will be much more difficult for him to refuse your offer.

The use of technology means:



The question is a tool of power. Who asks questions, he owns the initiative. The one who answers takes the leading position. In normal selling or negotiating with a weaker position, the initiative usually belongs to the opponent.

If your original phrase is:

We would like to offer you...

then the standard question that the opponent is forced to ask you:

- Which Proposition?

And then there is a further usual scheme: the seller talks in detail about his offer, the buyer is silent, listens and asks clarifying questions. The main mistake sellers make is that after answering a buyer's question, he pauses, during which the client either expresses an opinion or objection, or (in the vast majority of cases) asks the next question.

- How many items from this assortment do you have in stock?

- Fifteen.

- And how quickly can you deliver them to us?

- During two days.

- How much is it?

- Ten thousand dollars.

- I understood everything, thanks. I'll think about it and call you back.

It all ends with the fact that the client, having received all the information, informs you that he is not interested in your offer, or refers to the fact that he needs to think.


Approach from afar

An inexperienced or poorly trained salesperson, while understanding the need to ask and identify needs, does not know exactly what questions to ask.

And accordingly, questions are asked not so much for the cause, but for the sake of asking questions.

They usually start from afar:

- How long have you been on the market?

- How did you start?

- What difficulties do you face?

Questions of this kind can be used in small talk to establish contact and find ground for conversation when the subject is not clear. With a specific, understandable meaning of the meeting, such questions can cause irritation on the part of the opponent and an internal reaction like “why is he madpot mco questions, the answers to which lead nowhere.”

In order to avoid such a mistake, the corporate sales scenario must be carefully thought out.


The mistake is that an inexperienced seller asks several questions in a row in one "clip".

Tell me, do you have experience in organizing such events? And who was the organizer? Well, I mean, what would you like to see there?

The client does not have time to catch the meaning of all questions and answers only the last one. Usually this disadvantage is inherent in sellers with increased energy, overly talkative. Behavior gives the impression of fussiness, frivolity. Corrected by awareness of behavior, training. Slowing down the pace of speech, working with the client according to the script and training in the "cold" mode in front of the camera are necessary.

"How are you?"

Asking "lengthy" questions, when the client does not really know what to answer, and, perplexed, loses the thread of reasoning. He feels awkward, in limbo.

- What would you like from us?

How do you like our trainings?

- How do you generally work with your staff?

This happens because the seller, mentally building his own line of behavior, wants to hear the desired answers from the opponent. But the client does not always have time to figure out what they want from him.

The interlocutor answers in monosyllables and just as incomprehensibly - in the mode “what is the question, this is the answer”:

- How are you?

- Fine.

- Well, how do you like the proposal?

- Nothing.

In order to get out of this situation, give the interlocutor several answers if you see that he is “hung”. It's best not to fall into this position.

The mistake is that by asking a closed question, the negotiator gives the opponent an opportunity to say “no”. In addition, these questions are often used in the mode of so-called "insult questions".

Are you interested in getting better quality products at lower prices?

- Would you like to earn more money?

- Do you agree that our offer is the best?

The lower the opponent's status, the easier it is to influence him with these questions. The higher the status, the greater the chance that by asking such questions, you will lose authority in the eyes of the interlocutor, you will cause overt or covert aggression, hostility, and rejection.

Explanation: a status, influential person, even with internal consent, does not want to externally confirm his interest in anything. Answering such questions, he loses the role of "the one who allows things to happen" and changes it to the role of "the one who is forced to agree".

"Jumping Hare"

The mistake of an inexperienced seller when asking questions: the answer to the previous question has nothing to do with the next question. Questions go randomly, not obeying a certain sequence, canvas, which leaves a feeling of incoherence of the conversation, the uncertainty of the seller and can cause unconscious irritation in the client. The interlocutor does not see confirmation of the significance and necessity of his answers for further conversation.

- How many years have you been on the market?

- Ten years.

- What do you specialize in?

- On the supply of equipment for the chemical industry.

- Do you have a specialized department for working with difficult clients?

Such an order (disorder) is acceptable with a good establishment of contact, an accurate understanding of the purpose of asking questions in this sequence and the justification expressed to the interlocutor why he needs to answer these questions. In the usual case, the rule is used: "The next question comes from the previous answer."

- How many years have you been on the market?

- Ten years.

- What do you specialize in?

- Supply of equipment for the chemical industry.

- Say, equipment supplies require highly qualified from your employees?

- Yes, sure.

- How do you select them?

Asking questions in sequential mode can be divided into segments.

For example, you first ask questions about the services that the client needs:

- How do you train employees?

- They are taught by our corporate trainer.

- If they are already being trained, what is the reason that you decided to contact the training center?

- We would like to get more effect from training.

- What exactly is meant by effect?

Then you switch to another segment. For example, if you agree on terms:

- Do you have a specific training schedule?

- Not. There is no strict binding.

- Based on what considerations will we set the date of the training?

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that improper adherence to this rule can lead the conversation far away from your immediate commercial offer. This usually happens if the seller has not been able to find a starting point to determine the buyer's greatest benefit.

Often the seller himself has a feeling of inefficiency in asking these questions. He doesn't know what to do next.

- How many years have you been on the market?

- Ten years.

- Have you been here in Moscow all ten years?

- No, we moved here from Arkhangelsk.

- And how many were in Arkhangelsk?

- Two years, but there were difficulties.

- What are the difficulties?

- Lack of personnel.

- And for what reason?

You can get rid of this shortcoming by compiling a corporate sales scenario.


When asking closed questions, it is necessary to distinguish between the following options for the answer “no”.

Informational “no” - an answer in which you only receive information that the client (for example) is not familiar with this problem, has not encountered it, does not know the details, has not used something, etc. The positive point is that that no matter how the interlocutor answers your information question, positively or negatively, you always have the opportunity to continue the conversation in the way you need. You get a decisive "no" by asking a direct closed question, forcing (often pushing) the client to make a decision by answering with an automatic refusal. This response puts the client on the defensive, complicates the negotiator's task, and escalates tension.

Information "no"

Do you use XXX methods in your work with personnel?

Decisive "no"

Do you want to apply XXX methods in your work with personnel?

For any answer to the information question (“yes” or “no”), you can say:

- Well, then we have a common topic for conversation.

Questions that can lead to a decisive "no" can be used in a good rapport or in a tough negotiation mode.


In most cases, the question is pronounced automatically at the moment the opponent refuses or disagrees with you:

We will not agree with you.

I do not agree to these terms.

No, why?

This scheme will not work.

Failure to establish contact leads to:


Often as a result of the question "Why?" you ARTIFICIALLY get a PREMATURE and maybe not yet fully considered answer, which, when expressed in some form, forces the opponent to stick to it. The interlocutor does not have the time and/or inclination during the conversation to think carefully about the real reason for the refusal, and the pressure of your question leads to the fact that he expresses just the first suitable objection that comes to his mind.

Opponent-buyer receiving goods from a factory owned by relatives:

We are not interested in your offer.

The assortment is too narrow, the color scheme is too faded, and the material is not of the highest quality.

An investor who is afraid to admit that he did not understand what the profitability of investments is:

For me, the question of investing money is irrelevant.

I have already invested in another project.

Buyer whose wife offered to buy a tour from another operator:

I will not buy this tour.

Well, I don't like the hotel and the beach is far away.

The question "Why?" can be used with good contact, as in this case it allows you to quite fully find out the REAL reason for the failure and, accordingly, get the opportunity to work with it.

It is better to use the wording "What is the reason?", or, for example: "How is it that ...?"


Technique of asking questions "Labyrinth"

It is used very effectively when working with a group and making presentations in which interactive work with the audience is acceptable. It is necessary to write questions from the audience in advance and possible answers to them. The basis of the technique is that you ignore answers that don't work for you and purposefully talk about options that lead you further to the conclusion or action you need.


The task is to recruit several advertising agents from among the undergraduates by holding a presentation.

Standard Solution:

Hello, I represent a large company. We have been on the market for a long time, we work in such and such an industry, with such and such companies.

We need only a few employees, whose tasks will include: ..............................

Our requirements for employees:...........

If you join our company, you will receive:.......................

If anyone is interested, fill out the form and contact us.......................

Another example of a presentation:

- What is necessary in life?

Health, happiness, money, success, freedom, etc.

- Let's talk about money. Where do they come from?

Win, rob a bank, work for a salary, open your own business, etc.

Let's talk about our business. What is needed to get started?

Desire, money, idea.

- Let's talk about the idea. How would you prefer to start a business? starting capital or without?

Socrates method. Receiving the required answer ("yes" or "no")

The application of the method requires a fairly good contact with the opponent. In some cases, the interlocutor's answers are implied without receiving verbal confirmation from him.

Common use:

Are you already working with someone in this area?

And you chose the most profitable option for yourself?

That is, when you chose, you compared?

Do you know that the market is constantly changing?

And it may well turn out that someone provides better conditions?

And give up more favorable conditions Does it mean losing money?

In order not to lose money, it is necessary to consider offers, and the sooner the better, right?

Another example.

I take it you've been driving for a long time?

And, probably, they changed more than one car?

Did you get into trouble on the road?

Do you think this could happen again?

Have you heard that reliable car security systems save lives?

That is, it makes sense to refuse to save on your health and invest money once to protect yourself just in case?

A more modified technique involves getting the desired answer in any case. If it can be assumed in advance that the opponent will object in response to your statement, then you ask a question in the mode: “as a rule, you do this, but you also know that there is an exception to the rule, right?” Further construction of the conversation is based on the answer that is more preferable for you, beneficial. During the conversation, you can choose any option: either "as a rule" or "exception".

Formative (informing) question

The ability to ask formative questions requires serious training and is extremely effective tool both in sales, negotiations, and in presentations, debates, disputes, etc.

The use of this technique allows, depending on the need:


- Will you find something to do when I sometimes go away on business?

Direct question: "Find something to do?". Info: "I'm going to leave." The subtlety is that the opponent, answering the main question, automatically gives the embedded information the status of “correct”, “truthful”, “taking place”.


The classic technique for identifying customer needs graphically resembles a funnel that narrows downward.

  1. General situation, somehow related to your commercial offer.
  2. The presence of a problem or several problems in this situation that your client would like (could) solve with your proposal.
  3. Possible variant (options) of solving his problem.
  4. The choice of the optimal this moment decisions, fixation on the first action of a technical nature.


Questions, answering which the opponent is forced to describe the usual standard process, to clarify the situation, which is indirectly somehow connected with your commercial offer.

How do you usually choose your supplier?

Tell us, if possible, in more detail about how you allocate the budget.

Sometimes the question is asked in order to find out the opinion of the interlocutor about the current situation. If you receive a positive response, encourage the client and continue the conversation. When you receive a negative answer, you "push" the interlocutor's opinion with the fact of a meeting or with an appeal to the highest benefit.

As the client responds, ask clarifying questions. If he doesn’t talk enough, use “nudge” techniques if necessary:

What else?

But more about this.


How do you usually organize promotions?

We usually recruit promoters and hand out flyers.

Anything else?

Yes, we set up stands in public places.

Oh, but about this, if possible, in more detail.

When you ask situational questions, you solve several problems at the same time:




Pay attention to the mistake of novice sellers - they can also ask situational questions, but not related to the main offer, leading away from the topic of conversation.


Questions that clarify the essence of the client's specific problem in the current situation, or questions about what is the decisive factor for him in choosing, the determining criterion. Depending on the degree of establishing contact, choose the degree of directness of questions about problems. With good contact, questions are as direct as possible and can be asked almost from the very beginning of the conversation, without preliminary introductions.

What do you dislike about your current position?

What exactly is the problem with recruiting?

What would you like to change?

In the absence of contact, direct questions about problems turn into questions that devalue the partner. By asking them, you automatically put the client in the position of "a person who has problems" and get an aggressive or defensive response.

To avoid this, formulate the question more gently, offering the client the position of "a person who is already doing well, but if it gets better, he will not refuse."

What do you pay special attention to when organizing a promotion?


There are several types:

  • DEEP;

The last two types of clarifying questions are discussed below.

Clarifying questions about additional needs

Questions you need to ask after a core need has been identified and a fundamental interest in your proposal has been shown. Often the opponent does not think about any details, and the seller's task is to make him think about the expediency of acquiring additional benefits. Leading questions are recommended to be used after a fundamental interest in the main product has been fixed.

Algorithm for developing these questions:

1. What is a basic need?

2. What additional components would we like to offer to the customer?

3. What questions should be asked to the client so that he agrees to our offer or shows interest in additional components?

Salon conversation:

As I understand it, this phone model suits you perfectly, and this is a gift for a girl.

Yes exactly.

Tell me, does she have a car, does she drive herself?

How do you like the idea of ​​giving her a hands free headset so that she can talk calmly with her hands on the wheel and not be distracted? She's comfortable and you're comfortable. What do you think?

I think, yes.

Clarifying technical questions about facts

Questions concerning the identification of technical details, facts, characteristics. The use of these questions does not require special skill, and therefore they are used by poorly trained salespeople almost from the very beginning of the conversation, which is a mistake.

The problem is that the seller, having failed to achieve a fundamental interest, begins to ask about specifications choosing a service or product. Then he receives from the client the answer "I'll think about it" or "we're not interested." You can ask such questions right away with good rapport, customer loyalty, or after doing preliminary work on all points: “driving a hook”, “asking permission to ask questions” IT. d.

- What is the number of employees in your company?

- What program do you use most often?

- What volumes do you process per year?

- What are the deadlines?

- What mechanisms do you use?

- How many vehicles does your fleet contain?

- How many tons of cargo do you usually transport?

- How many goods do you usually put on display?

- What tools do you use?

It is very convenient to use the form with prepared questions.


Questions that take advantage of the client's previous responses, summarize those responses, and capture the client's need at the same time.

If I understood you correctly, would you work with a company that, without being a brand, would be able to provide the highest level of service?


The question is asked in order to lead the client to determine specific aspects of the transaction.

Will you take?

Well, are we working together?


Ask questions about purely technical details that imply the agreement of the client to cooperate:

When is the best time for you to see our designer?

What address should I send to? Dictate, please.


A sheet of paper attached to a tablet (a beautiful leather folder) designed in the style of your company with a heading with the name of the client's company, date and place of the meeting.

On the sheet - a list of questions that you would like to ask the client. Performs several functions at once.

1. Gives you weight and solidity.

Gives the impression of seriousness and trustworthiness.

2. Gives you expert status.

In your hands is a sheet of questions, depending on the answers to which you need to “diagnose”, clarify the situation in order to help the client.

3. Gives you the initiative.

When a person sees that you have prepared for the conversation by making a list of questions, he is psychologically ready to answer, not ask.

4. Programs the result.

Correctly chosen questions often lead the client to the given answer you need.

5. Helps out in critical situations.

If the conversation has veered off into a dead end, you can use the questionnaire as a lifeline, clarifying some questions and answering them.

6. Gives you the opportunity to contact the client later.

You always have a mini-shortcut of your conversation at hand, which you can return to some time later. In addition, there is an opportunity to discuss secondary issues indicated in the questionnaire.

1. Firm, date.

2. Number of people

3. Average age.

5. Staff turnover.

6. What is being sold.

7. Is there a plan?

8. How many percent are they fulfilling the plan?

9. The main reason for the failure of the plan.

10. What is the main difficulty?

11. What does the current education system look like and what does it include?

12. Who teaches?

13. Is there a corporate sales scenario?

14. Who wrote the script?

15. What is the purpose of learning?

16. Do I need to write a corporate sales script?

17. Do I need an escort?

18. What is the budget allocated for training last year?

19. What is the maximum budget that can be allocated?

20. What budget would you like to meet?

21. How much time can be allocated for training?

22. What is the format?

At first I also thought about the CEO of Microsoft :) But this is another Bill Gates - an expert in attracting customers through referrals. Surely his name also helps him attract customers - agree, as it sounds: “ Bill Gates advises me". Maybe it's a pseudonym? Let's listen to Bill.

The Benefits of Open and Valuable Questions

…Through the questions you ask, you add value to potential buyers, current customers, and even yourself. But this only works if the right questions are chosen. Let me introduce you to my theory" value added questions».

Generally speaking, a question of value is one that provides useful information either the questioner (you), or the person you are asking the question (your client or customer), or both. The very best value questions benefit both sides of the conversation.

Value questions are always open, not closed. An open-ended question is one that does not require a short yes or no answer, but rather a long answer. I am assuming that you have already encountered this division of questions, and perhaps already put this technique into practice. It remains only to make your open-ended questions that you ask customers as valuable as possible.

How to ask open-ended questions to a client

If at the end of the meeting I ask a potential client: Do you find our conversation useful? is a closed-ended question (it can be answered yes or no). And although it is nice to know that a person considers the meeting not in vain, however, if the client does not voluntarily develop the topic, you will never understand what kind of benefit he made for himself. Maybe he just said that out of politeness.

On the other hand, I can say: We've gotten pretty far in the negotiations, haven't we? Can you tell us what you learned from our communication that was useful for you?»

What happens in this case? The client clearly expresses his perception of the negotiation process, this helps you to lead them in the right direction and further. Also, the question of the value and benefits of negotiations, as it were, pushes the client himself to convince himself of their value and benefits. Their trust in you will grow, you can even ask them to recommend your services to friends and acquaintances.

Examples of open questions to the client

Here are some examples of open-ended valuable questions that a seller can ask a buyer.

What are your main business priorities?

What are the wisest decisions you have made regarding...?

What do you think about the current situation with …?

If we met in 5 (10, 20) years, what would you proudly boast about ...?

What opportunities do you see ahead of you?

What problems do you expect to face?

If we started working on this together, what main results (two or three) would you like to see?

How would you evaluate the success of our cooperation?

What are you risking if the situation does not turn in your favor?

How to turn any question into an open one

So, here is your action plan for the next few days.

Start paying attention to the questions you ask your potential clients, existing customers and generally everyone with whom you communicate. Do you ask closed questions even though an open one would give both you and the client more valuable information? If possible, start changing closed questions to open questions.

Here is a little trick that might help you. If you find yourself asking a closed question, you can always “open” it at the very end of the statement. For example, if you ask: " Do you find the process helpful?", - you can add: " If yes, please tell us what».

Colleagues, what opportunities do you see for using open-ended questions?))

Question- this is one of the logical forms, which includes two parts: initial information, which is called the basis, or the premise of the question; an indication of its insufficiency and the need for further completion and expansion of knowledge. Consider, as an example, the question: “In what subjects will you take exams this year?” It contains background information (you will take exams this year) and an indication of its insufficiency (in which subjects).

The question-answer method of searching for truth was intensively developed in ancient philosophy and literature. Even then, they knew seven classic questions that could streamline the dialogue: who? what? where? when? by what means? as? why? Currently, a whole theory of questions is being created, on which scientists in the field of formal and mathematical logic, semiotics, psychology and other sciences are working. One of the main tasks facing them is to develop a complete classification of issues. To date, the main types of questions have already been identified. The division is based on several signs (see table):

Closed questions questions that already suggest an answer are usually one word, so the questioner only has to choose the statement that best suits his position. Usually this is the answer “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”, etc. The grammatical indicators of closed questions are, firstly, the absence of interrogative words (with rare exceptions), and secondly, the frequent use of the particle “whether ".

Examples of closed questions:

1. Like whether you study at our university?

2. Tell me, is a social worker a profession or a vocation?

Closed questions have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of closed questions are as follows:

1) you immediately get the information you need:

2) they clearly set the framework, aspects of the topic;

3) they are convenient for processing and therefore are widely used in mass surveys, questionnaires, including in social work.

Disadvantages of closed questions:

1) the information you receive in response to them is superficial;

2) the given answers create a certain element of coercion, imposition, which in many situations can cause the interlocutor to have hidden irritation and a desire to end the conversation faster.

When closed questions don't work, the interviewer resorts to open-ended or informational questions.

Open questions these are questions that cannot be answered in monosyllables, which are constructed in such a way that they cause a meaningful answer (thought, judgment, presentation of facts, positions, etc.). They are used to find out a person's knowledge of the topic of conversation. The grammatical sign of open questions is the presence of interrogative words in them: what, where, why, how, etc. An example of an open question: Why Do you like studying at our university?

The next variety: direct and indirect questions.

direct question it is a question asked in a categorical manner and requiring a direct answer. However, a situation may arise when the interlocutor cannot answer such a question, as he is shy, does not know how to express what the interviewer needs. In this case, set indirect questions .

This is useful in the following situations:

1. It is necessary to obtain information about behavior, feelings, relationships that are unpopular in this environment. It can be assumed in advance that the questioner will find it difficult to express an opinion that is contrary to the moral or aesthetic norms of the group to which he currently belongs. In this case, it is necessary to build a question in such a way that it frees the interviewee from the need to speak in a categorical form, while at the same time allowing him to obtain the necessary information. Thus, in one study, a young worker was asked, "Would you advise your friend to take this job?" using the indirect form instead of the direct form: "Would you like to change jobs?"

2. Indirect questions are also used in cases where direct questions do not reach the goal, since the interviewee does not have a definite opinion on the problem under discussion. So, in the study, which was already mentioned above, the authors made sure that the question: “What kind of relationship are you with your boss?” did not give the desired result. Then, instead, they began to ask about the appearance of the boss, about his manners, about his characteristic features, and in these descriptions the attitude of the respondent to the boss, his relationship with him, was manifested.

The choice of the personal and impersonal form of the question is very essential.

Personal questions these are questions that contain the personal pronoun of the second person (you or you). They are addressed directly to the questioner and reveal his personal point of view.

AT impersonal questions no named pronouns. Such questions very often reveal not the personal opinion of the respondent, but his ideas about how necessary respond.

Another small study demonstrates the difference in the results of answers to personal and impersonal questions. The same question was asked to the students in two versions. At first they were asked: “Is there a need to read additional literature in your specialty in addition to textbooks?” In the case of an affirmative answer to this question, the students were asked another: “Do you personally feel such a need?” Of the 300 respondents, 227 answered yes to the first, impersonal question. Only 148 people gave an affirmative answer to the second, personal question. At the same time, it should be noted that the second question was asked immediately after the first, i.e. the answers to it could be influenced by the answers to the first question.

Another type of questions are questions. correct and incorrect, appropriate and inappropriate.

Correct or pertinent questions:

Correctly set, which are based on true judgments;

directly related to the topic of this conversation.

Incorrect or irrelevant questions:

Incorrectly set, which are based on false or vague judgments;

Not related to the topic of conversation.

The composition of the questions are divided into simple and complex.

Simple Questions these are questions that cannot be divided into parts, do not include other questions and require one answer. An example of such a question is: “In what subjects will you take exams this year?”

Difficult questions questions that can be divided into two or more simple ones and require two or more answers, respectively. For example, the question “In what subjects will you take exams this year and when?” is complex because it consists of two simple ones (“What subjects will you take exams this year?” and “When will you take exams this year?”) and requires two answers.

The next basis of division is the functions that the questions perform. There are basic, probing, control and mirror questions.

Main questions these are questions that should bring the most important information, so they are usually drawn up in advance, in preparation for a conversation, negotiations, interviews and other situations of communication. However, in real life the main question may not “work” (people may evade or give an incomplete answer). Then come to the rescue probing questions , which de-talize the answer, make it more complete. Examples of such questions: “And what do you think about this?”, “And how do you feel about this?”.

Target control questions - check the received information for accuracy and clarify ambiguities in the answers. Approximate schemes of such questions are as follows: “Then how do you explain ...?”, “What do you mean by talking about ...?”, “Explain why ...?”, “You do not specify your wording ?

Mirror questions technically consist in repeating, with an interrogative intonation, part of the statement just uttered by the interlocutor. They are a way of going back to an already given answer for clarification and clarification. Mirror questions are also used to test consistency in the interviewee's answers.

To give an example of a mirror question, consider the following dialogue, which consists of two replicas:

In addition, our industry is quite dynamic.

You said that your industry is quite dynamic?

The second replica is the mirror question. Questions can affect the interlocutor to a certain extent. Depending on the degree of impact, they are divided into neutral and suggestive.

Suggestive questions These are questions that imply certain answers. According to the definition of the American scientist Morgan, these are questions constructed in such a way, pronounced with such emphasis or accompanied by such non-verbal behavior of the questioner that they inspire the desired answer. So, these questions impose an answer, especially in cases where the respondent is not sure of his position or is easily suggestible.

Sometimes these questions are used intentionally.:

1) in order to convince the interviewee and make it clear what is expected of him;

2) in order to check whether the interviewee has the courage to disagree and how he relates to extraneous pressure.

Usually such questions begin with the phrases: “You obviously know ...”, “You certainly cannot disagree ...”, “I hope you understand ...”, etc. Often at the end of suggestive questions, the semi-question-half-statement "isn't it?" is used. An example of such a question: “I hope you understand that you cannot get rid of drug addiction without outside help, right?”

Unlike leading questions neutral have almost no effect on the interlocutor.

The last group of questions are questions expressing a certain attitude towards the interlocutor. Let's take a quick look benevolent, unfriendly, hostile and provocative questions . It is not necessary to give examples of the first three, since in terms of linguistic expression they may not differ from each other in any way. The nature of the question is determined based on the situation of communication, as well as on the basis of the tone, facial expressions, posture and other non-verbal means of communication used by the interviewer.

provocative questions these are questions that are asked in order to put the questioner in an awkward position, to provoke a response that can lead to unpleasant consequences for the responder. Therefore, it is usually advised not to answer a question if, in your opinion, there is some kind of catch behind it.

By the way, in addition to provocative questions, there are other dishonest tricks that interviewers sometimes resort to. Among the dishonest methods of interviewers, two are most famous. The first approach is called mistake of many questions. The opponent is immediately asked several different questions under the guise of one and requires an immediate answer: yes or no.

But the fact is that the sub-questions contained in a given question are directly opposite to each other, one of them requires the answer "yes", and the other - "no". The respondent, without noticing this, gives an answer to only one of the questions and thereby falls for the bait. Here is a typical question of this type: “Have you stopped beating your wife? Yes or no?" If the respondent says “yes”, then it turns out that he beat his wife. If he says "no", then it turns out that he continues to beat his wife. Obviously, such a question cannot be answered in the form of "yes" or "no".

The second technique in foreign literature is called " antagonistic probing". In a stereotypically humorous form, it is expressed as a question: "When did you stop beating your wife?" It is assumed that the respondent will deny the accusation if it is unfair. If the accusation is true, the foundation for a sincere story will be laid. In a word, the question-accusation activates the interviewee, makes him express his thoughts under the influence of irritation, indignation, disagreement.

The next question we will look at in this chapter is about the culture of asking and will introduce you to a number of guidelines and rules that should be followed. social worker in a situation of asking questions to the client or his environment.

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