How to write a resume in English examples. Beautiful presentation: how to write a resume in English. Resume or CV structure in English


Writing a resume is an important but not so easy task when applying for a job, especially for young specialist with no work experience.
There are 3 types of resumes:

  1. functional-
    • usually compiled if you need to focus on your capabilities and achievements
  2. chronological -
    • is compiled if the work experience is large and a solid track record
  3. mini resume
    • usually placed on websites and newspaper headings
sample resume in english

Consider a sample resume in English and analyze it.

So, a recent graduate of one of the universities of St. Petersburg, Sergei Kondrashov, decided to try his luck in a foreign advertising agency and compiled the following resume (the sample contains a simultaneous Russian translation of the main part)

  1. Personal Information(Personal information)
    Sergey Kondrashov
    133, Lermontov Prospekt, apt. 46
    St. Petersburg, 190 005, Russia
    + 7 812 432 27 16
  2. Objective(Target)
    To obtain a position as a visualiser on advertising or the art director of advertising agency
    Get a position as an ad visualizer or art director for an advertising agency
  3. Work experience(Experience)
    2012 — 2013: Skylab advertising agency, St Petersburg
    Graphic designer.
    Preparation of advertising sketches and mock-ups
    2012-2013: Advertising agency "Skylab", St. Petersburg
    Graphic designer
    Preparation of advertising sketches and original layouts
    2012: Advertising publishing house "Neva"
    The layout designer.
    Preparation of advertising leaflets, booklets, banners
    2012: Advertising publishing house Neva
    Maker-up designer
    Training flyers, booklets, banners
  4. Education(Education)
    St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design (SPSUTD), specialty 420 301: Advertising and Public Relations, 2008-2012
    St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design (SPGUTD), specialty 420 301: advertising and public relations, 2008 — 2012
  5. Additional Skills(Special Skills)
    Knowledge of Windows 7 and 8, programs Photoshop, CorelDraw, 3D Max, HTML and CSS, Ward, Excel
    English — Basic knowledge of Business English
    Knowledge of Windows 7 and 8, Photoshop, CorelDraw, 3D Max, HTML and CSS, Ward, Excel
    Languages: native - Russian
    English - basic knowledge of business English
  6. References(recommendations)
    Anna Petrova, Director of "Skylab" advertising agency, St. Petersburg
    Anna Petrova, director of the advertising agency of "Skylab", St. Petersburg
    +7 812 726 26 10

    Vladimir Trofimov, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Technologies, St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design
    Vladimir Trofimov, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Technologies, St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design
    +7 812 424 37 45

References may not be specified - they can be provided upon request, in this case, in paragraph 6 we write:
References available upon request. — Recommendations available upon request .

How to present yourself on a resume

Let's analyze this sample summary.
A technical resume is well-written, it contains enough information about education and work
young specialist Sergei Kondrashov, his goal is clearly expressed. However, it is not quite complete for getting a job as a visualizer of an advertising agency in terms of revealing the creative abilities of the applicant. He had to give examples of his real work or provide a link to a portfolio. How to Present Yourself Profitably in a Resume For the position of an art director, in addition to creative abilities, one also needs organizational skills and experience of working together on a project in a group, which is not mentioned in the resume.
In view of the small work experience, it is better for Sergey to give a functional character to his resume, rather than a chronological one, namely: to expand paragraphs 3 and 5, adding information about real projects and his abilities to them.

Typical resume mistakes

Often a resume sample in English contains a number of errors.

  1. So, for the sake of getting a vacancy, people often try to compensate for the lack of experience by listing unnecessary details, use a lot of incomprehensible terms and abbreviations in the document.
    For example, age and marital status, if you noticed, are not mandatory items in an English resume.
  2. Technical errors:
    • confuse the sequence of listing personal data (it should be the same as indicated in the example: first name, last name, street, city, country, phone, e-mail, etc. contact details)
    • the chronology of work experience should be conducted starting from the last place of work, and not vice versa

Another common mistake is an exaggeration of the degree of language proficiency, when instead of an elementary or below average level, in fact, the resume indicates fluent- Fluency.
Remember: this little trick will still open when applying for a job. Even if you have basically mastered the grammar and easily translate English texts with the help of an online translator, but at the same time you have a hard time grasping the spoken language, then this cannot be called fluency. It is better to be honest - possession with a dictionary Basic English(basic English) or Basic knowledge of Business English(basic business English).

To make a technically competent resume sample in English, be sure to use business reference books and dictionaries.

Fun moment:

Let's not say that knowing English will raise your salary. But the statistics of the site on this subject are as follows: in Russia average salary in vacancies where the requirements include knowledge of the language, 30-40% higher than the average salary in vacancies without this requirement.

Of course, compulsory English is more common in jobs of a certain level - for executives or in international companies. But HR managers advise having a CV in two languages, even if you are not looking for a job abroad: English often acts as a filter by which candidates are identified who have good growth prospects in the company.

Therefore, it will not hurt to tighten up your tongue before making a leap up the career ladder. Start simple - resume. Maria Mikhailova, a methodologist and teacher at Alibra School*, helped me figure out how to translate it into English correctly.

You can create a resume without errors at a free master class in Moscow, which is organized by Alibra. They will also talk about the features of business communication during employment - this lesson will help those who are serious about their career.

Profile: "About me"

It is better to start English-language resumes with a section that can be called a “profile” in English. In fact, this is a squeeze from your entire resume in the amount of three or four sentences.

Here you need to say who you are and why you are applying for this vacancy. For example, "A lawyer with 5 years of experience with the Russian, US and UK copyright" - "A lawyer with five years of experience with copyright in Russia, the US and the UK." Briefly explain why you were attracted to this job and accompany it with a list of your main skills.

What words will help here? Everything related to your professionalism, knowledge, experience and intentions. Experienced, dedicated, qualified, proficient, enhanced, striving for, eager to, focused on. This short section has one task - to "sell" a resume to an employee of the HR department so that studying the CV arouses maximum interest in him.

Work Experience and Achievements - work experience and achievements

Under no circumstances should this section be translated from Russian into English verbatim. Direct translation of constructions like “my job was…” or “worked on problem solving…” will turn a resume into a badly written essay by a sixth grader.

Your task is to retell the main theses contained in the Russian text in organic English. To do this, it is best to use simple sentence constructions and action words - words that indicate the actions you have taken.

For example, instead of "I had to make interviews with a large amount of people," just write "Interviewed people." Instead of "My responsibility involved planning and making decisions in..." write "Planned and made decisions in...".

Here are a few words to help describe your experience: advised, created, managed, researched, arranged, promoted, distributed, trained, supervised.

You can demonstrate a high level of English using professional terminology. Include one or two specific terms in your summary, but before that, carefully check whether it turned out to be a tracing paper from Russian, which has a different meaning in English or is completely meaningless. A rough example: using a staff manager or, even worse, a personal manager instead of an HR manager.

In addition, try to avoid clichés - phrases like "achievement of personal and organization goals" and "opportunity to grow" the recruiter definitely sees ten times a day.


Key skills related directly to your job should be clear to the employer from experience. Additional skills usually indicate knowledge of professional programs, driving skills, and the level of foreign language proficiency. By the way, it is not necessary to confirm it with Cambridge or other international exams. For most employers, a certificate of course completion is enough: for example, the Alibra certificate has a mark on the level of vocabulary and grammar a student left the school with.

More abstract skills, like team spirit or advanced communication skills, should only be listed if you have something specific to back them up. For example, communication skills can be combined with frequent participation in industrial exhibitions, and leadership can be reinforced by active participation in sports competitions for the university team.

Words that might come in handy here: meeting deadlines, working independently, data handling, analytical and problem-solving skills, communication skills (written and oral).

Hobby - hobby

Some employers pay attention to what a person does in his free time, and in this way evaluate the degree of his socialization, character traits or other qualities.

We understand that not everyone can boast that they are busy with something impressive at their leisure. But this is not required of you. Just point to any socially approved occupation, if you have anything to do with it. Played basketball at the institute - excellent. Travel from time to time - great! Love the books of Charles Dickens - almost perfect!

Unlike Russia, in Europe and the United States, it is customary to indicate the contacts of past employers directly in the resume so that the recruiter has the opportunity to contact them even before being invited for an interview.

If the resume turned out to be more than one or two A4 sheets without taking into account the “profile” and cover letter, then you definitely wrote too much. Simplify the text and remove insignificant details to the last. Leaving in the resume only the most important, you will focus the recruiter's attention on your main advantages.

Don't rush to send your resume right away: force yourself to wait at least a day to check it again with a fresh mind.

Even better - give your resume to an English teacher for verification. If you live in Moscow, sign up for a free English resume writing workshop at Alibra School to learn how to write the perfect resume to use in your job search.

Sign up for a masterclass!

*The material was prepared jointly with the Alibra School of Foreign Languages ​​(Alibra School).

If you dream of working in a large international company or even going abroad to further gain experience, then you will definitely need, along with certificates of knowledge of the language and translated official documents, a resume in English.

Key points

General design requirements include the following:

  • Standard volume. Usually this paper takes no more than 1 - 2 pages, and this is true even for the Russian-language version. If we are talking about more impressive volumes (sometimes there are copies of 3, 4 and even 5 pages), then it is desirable that the main part of the pages would be occupied by work experience and the passage of educational programs. There are companies that require resumes of 10 - 15 pages, but this is more of an exception than the rule.
  • Page Format. The main format of the form is A4.
  • Font. It is advisable not to use more than 2 or 3 font sizes in a document, otherwise the text will be overloaded and difficult to read. You need to highlight the following items: name and purpose. Subheadings can be made slightly larger than the body text or bolded. And the detailed information on each of the points should be written in the smallest font. The following values ​​are selected as the ratio of the text size: 20 - 14 - 12 or 18 - 14 - 12.
  • Document Format. If you need to submit a resume in English in electronic form, then it is best to convert the resulting file to RTF format. Why is this extension suitable? The fact is that a file of this format can be easily opened and read within any operating system and a text editor.
  • Letter with attachment. In the case of forwarding "curriculum vitae" (this is how an autobiography is formulated in English), do not forget to indicate the subject of the letter. As a rule, in the case of an e-mail, this line indicates the name of the author and the desired position. Take care of the correct name of the document - it should not contain unnecessary numeric or alphabetic characters (especially incoherent ones), it is better to duplicate the subject of the letter in the title.

Take care of spelling in such aspects as

  • Appropriate capitalization. Do not forget that all components in the name of the university, faculty, department, academic degree and specialty must be capitalized. The exception is the service parts of speech.
  • Correct spelling of abbreviations. Be careful with the use of abbreviations. If for a native speaker of the Russian language the abbreviations SamGU, St. Petersburg State University are familiar, then not every American or Briton will be able to understand this. Therefore, decipher abbreviations in the CV if they may seem unfamiliar / incomprehensible to the specialist of the organization.
  • Minimum cuts. In no properly composed English resume sample, you will find abbreviations familiar to colloquial speech or informal correspondence. Therefore proofread the document before sending/providing to a specialist personnel department on the subject of "it "s", "haven't", "aren't", etc.
  • Choosing the right terms depending on the language variant. The American and English versions of the language have some differences, including in terms of spelling. For example, in examples of translating resumes into English for companies from the United States, the word “qualified” in the letter will look like this: skillful. In the British variant, the adjective "skillful" is preferred. A similar situation with the word "license": choose depending on the location of the company "license" or "licence".
  • Some nuances of punctuation. Remember apostrophes when putting a noun in the possessive case (Master's degree). Also pay attention to compound adjectives, between parts of which a hyphen must be placed (problem-solving skills).

Differences between resume and CV

Those who are concerned about the issue of preparing documents for foreign companies often ask: “CV - what is it? How is it different from a regular resume? The main difference between these two papers for applying for a job is the purpose. The main task of the resume is to convey brief information about the life, education, marital status and hobbies of the applicant for the vacancy. Curriculum vitae- a sample and indicator of what key skills you have, what experience was gained at each of the places of work and study. For CV, a detailed description of each place of work and acquired specialties is typical.

Resume structure

If the spelling rules may differ depending on the country, then the main points of the document remain unchanged in any case - be it a company from Australia or the USA. Consider the structure of this paper and figure out how to write a resume in English correctly and in compliance with all applicable standards.

Mandatory item of the document is personal data. It specifies the first and last name (patronymic is optional), gender, address, phone number and marital status.

  1. First and last name must be transliterated.
  2. If, after reading the full name, the gender is not obvious, then write in front of the name Mr. or Ms. depending on who the resume is about - a man or a woman.
  3. The address in the form in English is indicated in reverse order with respect to the Russian version, i.e. after the index, the house number and street are indicated, and only then the city and country.
  4. The phone number is written in international format (country and city codes must be present).
  5. In addition to your phone number and email address, you can include links to social networks and business accounts to make it as easy as possible for the employer to contact you.
  6. When describing marital status, the following terms will come in handy: single (if you are not currently married), married (if you have a spouse), if you have children, you can write “have a child / children”.

The next paragraph of the summary is the goal or objective. In CV examples in English, you will not find vague phrases like “I want to get a new unusual experience”, “bring the company to a new level”, etc. The goal that you are pursuing is indicated: for example, you are looking for a job as a graphic designer, so write briefly “graphic designer”. For a more detailed answer, we suggest using a few phrases:

I am seeking a company where… (translated into Russian means “I am looking for a company in which…”);

Pursuing a position… (translated as “Looking for a job…”).

  • able to..(in Russian - "capable");
  • proficient in... (when translated, it means "specialist in the field");
  • experienced (an analogue in Russian is “experienced”).

After that, "resume in English" should include your work experience or "experience". All jobs are listed in reverse chronological order. When placing each new place of work, years are first entered, then the name of the company, positions and responsibilities, as well as the results that were achieved during the work. If you are currently officially employed, then when specifying the dates “from - to”, “Present” is written in place of the second number (i.e. “until now”). The narration at this point must be in the active voice. Here are a few verbs that might come in handy:

  • assisted ("helped");
  • calculated ("counted");
  • promoted ("promoted");
  • created ("created");
  • tested ("checked").

When formulating achievements, it is better to use not vague concepts, but specific figures, i.e. if there is, for example, the phrase “made a lot of sites”, it will need to be replaced with “developed about 65 new sites”.

One of the most important chapters in the sample of writing a resume in English with translation is "Education" (Education). When listing educational institutions, the same rule applies as when indicating places of work - reverse chronological order. Each item is accompanied by the terms of study, the name of the institution, followed by the faculty and specialty, as well as the academic degree.

Tip: Do not try to formulate the name of the place of study on your own. Today everyone has educational institution there is a website with an english version. It is in it that there is how to write the abbreviation and the full name of the university or college in English correctly.

We bring to your attention the commonly used names of places of study:

  • institute, which translates as "institute";
  • college or "college" in English;
  • university - analogue of the Russian word "university";
  • private school or "private school".

The next item in the resume is the block “Professional skills” (professional skills). This can include those that make you a suitable candidate for the specified position: knowledge of languages, programs, control of any devices / machines, etc.

  • well-developed skills in... (formulated in Russian as “developed skills in the field”);
  • in-depth knowledge of... / understanding of... (or otherwise "deep knowledge of ... / understanding of ...").

Also important information in the resume is information about personal qualities (personal characteristics). You do not need to write all the personal characteristics, it will be enough to familiarize yourself with the list of necessary qualities for an employee and indicate those of them that you possess.

Add to document:

  • dependable (reliable);
  • patient (patient);
  • multitasking (multitasking);
  • well-organized (organized).

The icing on the cake of an English resume is a cover letter. In it, answer the question why this particular company and vacancy was chosen, as well as what distinguishes you from other candidates for the vacancy.

resume template

Now you know what a CV is. To facilitate the filling of paper, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the document template.

CV or resume (header)

First name, last name


I am seeking a position…(Pursuing a position…)


I am an expert in...

I am proficient in...


2014 - 2008, Company, Country, Address, Post, Responsibility, Results.

2007 - 2002, Company, Country, Address, Post, Responsibility, Results.


2000 - 2001, University, department of …, degree in …

1998 - 1999, College, department of …, degree in …

English for work

Resume in English: how to get a dream job?

We all want to have a good and interesting job where we can prove ourselves and realize grandiose plans. But before you get this very job and start conquering the world, you need to pass an interview for the desired position. And before meeting with a potential employer, we will need to send our resume to an open vacancy.

A good resume can be difficult to write even in your native language, and in English it can seem like an impossible task. But this is not so at all. As in any other business, it is important to know the basic rules and some "tricks" that will distinguish your candidacy from others and help to interest a potential employer.

From this article, you will learn how to write a CV (resume) in English, how to talk about past work experience, education, basic skills and how to write a good cover letter (cover letter).

Rules for compiling and formatting a resume in English

A resume is your calling card. According to it, the employer will evaluate you and your skills for the first time even before a personal meeting. A well-written resume increases the chances of being invited to the next stage - an interview. But we will talk about it a little later.

Before you start compiling your own resume in English, you should remember that there is no universal ideal resume.

Tip: Write a new resume and cover letter for every position you apply for.

First of all, the employer wants to see a living person behind the soulless text, because it is he, and not his impeccably compiled resume, who will take a vacant position in the company.

For different work may need to highlight different aspects of your career and past skills learned. That is why it is recommended to update your resume regularly and carefully review it each time before sending it.

If you are submitting a resume to a job search service, it should be detailed and detailed in order to present you well from different angles.

However, there are a few basic rules to keep in mind:

  • Resume should be short and concise
  • Emphasize the most important aspects of your past activities, but do not get carried away with writing. Everything that you would like to say or emphasize beyond the information indicated in the resume - write in a cover letter. The best option is 2 pages of A4 format.

  • Your resume should leave a good impression of you.
  • Indicate the merits or achievements in past jobs - this will be your advantage. If you are a novice specialist, then tell us in more detail about what skills you got during your studies and what internships you took.

  • Resume should be written in a business tone
  • Avoid slang and informal phrases. From the very first lines of the resume, it should speak about you as a professional.

  • Resume must be readable
  • Take the time to write your resume. It should be written in a consistent style, broken down into key topics, and should be easy to read.

  • Resume must be well-written
  • Making spelling mistakes on your resume is a surefire way to get rejected. Before sending, it is worth re-reading the text several times. And even better - check it with the help of special services. You can also give your resume to a friend or family member to read. A fresh perspective doesn't hurt.

Resume or CV?

The use of the term CV is common in the UK and Ireland, which was then adopted by many other countries. CV is an abbreviation for the Latin expression Curriculum Vitae, which translates as "the course of life."

In the USA, the summary is denoted by the word résumé [ˈrezəmeɪ], which is understandable to us. CV is not as widespread in America and is used more often in academia and highly specialized circles than in employment.

The summary consists of main sections:

  • Personal information
  • Objective / Professional Summary (Vacancy for which you are applying or desired field of activity)
  • Work experience / Employment history
  • Education (Education)
  • Personal qualities (Personal qualities)
  • Special skills (Special skills)
  • Interests
  • References (Recommendations)

Let's consider each of them in more detail:

Personal Information

This section is the "header" of the resume, which contains standard personal data: first name, last name, address, phone number, Email and other ways to contact you. Whether to indicate more detailed information (age, marital status, nationality) is up to you. The employer should view the resume without any prejudice and evaluate you only as a specialist.

Name: Petr Sinichkin
Address: 20 Lenina Street, apt. 34, Moscow, 215315, Russia
phone number
- home: +7-ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХХХ
- mobile: +7-ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХХХ
Date of birth: 15th December 1990
Email [email protected]
Social Media:
- Facebook:
- LinkedIn:

Objective/Professional Summary

At the very beginning of your resume, you can indicate the area in which you want to work, indicating your key skills. Don't write too much - leave details for the cover letter. One or two sentences are enough. For example:

I am seeking a competitive and promising position where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English - I am looking for a competitive and promising position where I can use my ability to communicate with people and apply my knowledge of the English language.

Work experience

This is one of the most important parts of a resume. Your work experience should list any previous positions you have held or where you have been an intern.

Jobs are listed in descending order. That is, starting with the most recent one you worked on or are currently working on. The last 3-5 jobs will be enough.

For each of them, indicate the position you hold and the duties that you performed in it. If there are good indicators that you are proud of, be sure to indicate them too and pay attention to the wording. Compare two sentences:

Significantly increased income and the client base between 2006 and 2008 - Significantly increased profits and customer base between 2006 and 2008.

Increased income from $750,000 in 2006 to $3 million in 2008 and doubled the client base from 15,000 to 30,000 - Increased profit from $750K in 2006 to $3M in 2008 and doubled the customer base from 15K to 30K

The second sentence presents the candidate in a more favorable light, because it relies on quantitative facts and impressive indicators. At the interview, you will most likely be asked to talk about the achievements in your past job, so why not include them in your resume.

This section should also include your main responsibilities in your previous position and the key skills you gained in each of your previous positions. Use the bulleted list for registration. For example:

company name,
2016 - present
St. Petersburg, Russia

financial analyst

Preparing business plans
- Planning investment activities and budget
- Analyzing data
- Preparing financial forecasts
- Preparing reports

Name of the company
2016 - present
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Financial analyst

Preparation of business plans
- Planning of investment activities and budget
- Data analysis
- Preparation of financial forecasts
- Preparation of reports

Advice: if the resume is compiled for a specific vacancy - in the work experience, pay attention to those points that are more suitable for the desired future position. Draw the attention of the employer to the experience, qualifications and achievements that will help you in the position you are applying for.

If you have volunteered or completed work internships, be sure to indicate this in the section work experience.

It is best to avoid large time gaps between jobs. If you have been traveling for some time, being treated or caring for a relative, briefly indicate this in your resume. This will help you avoid awkward interview questions.


In this section, list all the places where you received your education. It can be a university, college, additional courses, and so on. Similarly with the work experience section - indicate educational institutions in reverse order, starting with the last one. Be sure to indicate the year of issue or the date of the course.

All seminars, trainings and other courses that you have taken are also indicated here. If you have confirmed certificates of additional education or awards that you consider it necessary to talk about, write about them in the section education.

You can specify the places of study in different ways. Here are some common options:

South Ural State University, Marketing department, Master's degree in Marketing (2010-2012)

South Ural State University, Faculty of Marketing, Master's Degree in Marketing (2010-2012)

September 2007 - June 2012
Moscow State University
Advertising Specialist

Additional qualifications and courses are listed in the order in which they are listed. For example:

Marketing Specialist courses in Moscow Marketing College, started in 2016 up to present- Courses for marketing specialists, Moscow College of Marketing, from 2016 to the present

Certificate in Social Media Marketing, 2018 - Certificate in Social Media Marketing, 2018

Personal Qualities

For many, this section becomes a stumbling block, because in it you need to describe yourself from the outside and indicate your best qualities. Here it is important to find a balance between boasting and excessive modesty.

Tip: put yourself in the shoes of the employer and think about what personal qualities will suit the desired position. For example, the ability to find a common language with people and high stress tolerance are suitable for a sales manager, but attentiveness and the ability to work monotonously are more positive qualities for an editor or accountant than for a creative specialist.

Your resume may include personal qualities such as proactive(initiative), communicative(communicable), organized(collected, organized) and others. Full list qualities and skills you will find in this article below in the section "Vocabulary for a resume".

Special Skills

In the same section, you can indicate your special skills that will help you when applying for a job or any other additional information(additional information) that may be useful and put you in a good light.

Among the main special skills, one can indicate the knowledge of foreign languages. For example:

Native Russian - Native Russian language
Fluent English - Fluent English
Basic (knowledge of) German - Basic knowledge of the German language

Knowledge and skills in other areas such as computer literature(computer literacy) is accompanied by a list of mastered programs (Microsoft Office, Outlook Express, 1C, Adobe Photoshop, etc.), and the presence driving license(driving license) must be indicated with a category (category B).

For key skills, it is not superfluous to indicate the level of proficiency: beginner (beginner), intermediate (intermediate level) or expert (expert).

Knowledge level (background) in a particular area can be expressed using phrases:

in-depth knowledge of... - in-depth knowledge of...
well-developed skills in... - well-developed skills...
with broad experience in… - with extensive experience in…
in-depth understanding of... - deep understanding of…

excellent written and verbal communication skills - excellent written and verbal communication skills
speaking in public - the ability to speak in front of an audience
solve technical problems easily - I solve technical problems easily
read and write in English fluently - read and write fluently in English
and others.

Tip: list the main skills, no more than 10. Do not overload your resume with unnecessary information.

Interests and Achievements

In this section, you should not write about how you like to read books or cook dishes from around the world. For the employer, this is unnecessary information.

But if you have personal achievements or hobbies that you are proud of - indicate them in this section. A good impression will be made by a passion for sports or art. If your personal interests will be useful in the position you are applying for, it is better to tell about them.


This section lists the contacts of people from whom a future employer can learn about you and ask various questions about your personality and experience. Therefore, in this section it is worth indicating people who will talk about you in a positive way.

If you do not have work experience, you can indicate the contacts of a teacher at a university or a person under whose guidance you had an internship.

In addition, these people should be aware that you include their details in your resume and should be ready for a call from the employer. Usually 1-2 contacts are indicated.

If you do not want to disclose this data to third parties, you can limit yourself to the standard phrase that recommendations available upon request(available upon request).

Cover letter for resume in English

cover letter(cover letter) is as important as the resume itself. Many applicants do not send any additional information other than a resume, but all HR managers(HR managers) argue that a cover letter has a positive effect on the image of a future employee. The main purpose of a cover letter is to help get an invitation to an interview.

A cover letter makes it possible to clearly define your position and explain why you are interested in this vacancy and stimulate interest in your candidacy from a potential employer.

The cover letter should be in a neutral business tone. Emphasize those aspects that are indicated in the job advertisement, but do not overload the letter with emotions. Everything in the cover letter must be relevant to the position(refer to the position) for which you are applying.

Despite the fact that cover letters are drawn up in free form, the following rules for compiling a cover letter can be distinguished:

Structured Information
- The volume is not more than one printed page
- Brevity and professionalism
- No grammatical errors
- Includes key job skills and competencies relevant to the job

cover letter sections


At the very beginning, indicate how you heard about the vacancy and what position you are interested in.

For example:

I am looking for a part-time job at... I am looking for a part-time job in...

I would like to find out about employment opportunities in the finance department mentioned on your website- I would like to know about the vacancies in the finance department mentioned on your website

Main part

In the body of the letter, state the reasons why you are interested in the position. Your motivation can attract a potential employer. Also, highlight the skills that will help you get the job. For example:

With my educational background and a strong interest in business I think I will be a great asset to your company. I speak German and Japanese and am at ease in a multicultural environment. My career aim is to work in the HR department - Due to my education and interest in business, I believe that I will become a valuable asset in your company. I speak German and Japanese and feel comfortable in a multicultural environment. My career goal is to work in the human resources department.


In the last part of your cover letter, indicate that you are interested in an interview and leave your contact details.

For example:

I will be glad to discuss my experience during the job interview with you. If you need any additional information, please contact me by phone: +1 893 65 67 89- I will be happy to discuss my experience at the interview with you. If you need Additional Information please contact me at +1 893 65 67 89.

And of course, do not forget to check the letter for grammatical and stylistic errors.

Vocabulary on the topic "resume"

Personal qualities

  • Approachable - Going to meet, responsive
  • Articulate - Able to clearly articulate and express one's thoughts
  • Attentive - Attentive
  • broad-minded
  • Calm - Calm, balanced
  • Capable - Capable, skillful
  • Cheerful - Cheerful
  • Committed - Committed to the cause
  • Communicative - Communicative
  • Confident - Confident
  • Conscientious - conscientious, conscientious
  • Cooperative - Easily cooperating with other people
  • Courteous - Polite, courteous
  • Creative - Creative, inventive
  • Dependable / Reliable - Reliable, trustworthy
  • Decisive - Decisive
  • Determined - Purposeful
  • Diligent - Diligent, diligent, executive
  • Eager to learn - Ready to learn new things
  • Eloquent - Eloquent, persuasive
  • Energetic - Energetic, active
  • Enthusiastic - Enthusiastic, enthusiastic
  • Flexible - Flexible, able to adapt
  • Hard-working - Industrious
  • Honest - Honest
  • Independent - Independent, independent
  • Proactive - Initiative
  • Inquisitive - Inquisitive
  • Insightful / Astute - Insightful
  • Meticulous - Scrupulous
  • Open-minded - open to the new, unbiased
  • Optimistic - Optimistic
  • Organized - Collected, organized
  • Persuasive - Able to convince
  • positive - positive
  • Punctual - Punctual
  • Self-motivated - Independent, not in need of additional motivation
  • Versatile - Versatile


  • Ability to work efficiently both individually and in a team - The ability to work effectively both independently and in a team
  • Ability to work under pressure - Ability to work in stressful situations
  • Business communication skills - Ability to communicate in a business environment
  • Communicative skills / Social skills - Good communication skills
  • Conflict management skills - Ability to resolve conflict situations
  • Creative thinking skills - Creative thinking
  • Critical thinking skills - Critical thinking
  • Decision making skills - The ability to make decisions
  • Effective listening skills - The ability to listen to the interlocutor
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills - Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Good sense of humor - Good sense of humor
  • Multitasking - Ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time
  • Organizational skills - Organizational skills
  • Positive attitude - Positive thinking
  • Problem-solving skills - Ability to solve problems
  • Quick learning skills - Quick learner
  • Resourcefulness - Resourcefulness, ingenuity
  • Risk taking - Willingness to take risks
  • Sales Ability - Ability to work in sales
  • Strategic thinking - Strategic thinking
  • Strong analytical thinking - Strong analytical thinking
  • Time management skills - Ability to manage time
  • Willingness to learn - Willingness to learn

Example and sample resumes in English with translation

Today, many programmers are looking for work abroad. So, as an example, consider a resume of a programmer in the gaming industry.

James Blake

123 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94122

Home: 000-000-0000 | Cell: 000-000-0000

[email protected]

Professional Summary

Extremely efficient Game Programmer seeking a position in which my creative skills and programming knowledge can be used as an asset to the company.

Core Qualifications

  • Experience in all aspects of game development from writing to designing and programming
  • Great understanding of all types of programming languages ​​that are used in game development
  • Work ethics and determination needed to focus and accomplish the task at hand
  • Ability to work as part of a team to meet a common goal
  • Great capacity for learning and implementing new types of programming
  • Great analytical and problem solving skills


Game Programmer
8/1/2010 – Present
Welsh Developers
Indianapolis, IN

  • Write code to determine the mechanics and gameplay of the new software
  • Program many aspects of video games such as graphics sound interface scripts etc.
  • Research the statistics relating to the game to determine the type of gameplay to use
  • Oversee the testing of the game to determine whether it is up to standards

Game Programmer
12/1/2005 – 8/1/2010
Childs Play Inc.
Chicago, IL

  • Develop and program games and gaming systems for children
  • Work with game designers and developers to release the most beneficial games for kids


Bachelor's Degree
2000 – 2005
Programming University of Illinois
Chicago, IL

  • Knowledge of C++, C, and other programming languages
  • Specific platform experience (PlayStation, Xbox)
  • Good understanding of game industry
  • Highly organized
  • Good communication and teamwork skills
  • Work to deadlines
  • creative approach to work

James Blake

123 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94122

Home: 000-000-0000 | Mobile: 000-000-0000

[email protected]

professional goal

A skilled programmer in the game industry is looking for a position in a company where my creative skills and knowledge in the field of programming will be useful.


  • Experience in all aspects of game development from writing to design and programming
  • Excellent understanding of all types of programming languages ​​that are used in game development
  • Work ethic and ability to focus and get the job done
  • Ability to work in a team to achieve a common goal
  • Great potential for learning and implementing new types of programming
  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills


Game programmer
August 2010 - present
Welsh Developers

  • Writing code to define mechanics and gameplay for new software
  • Programming various aspects of video games, such as: graphic and sound scripts in the interface, etc.
  • Studying the statistics related to the game to determine the type of gameplay
  • Overseeing game testing for standards compliance
  • Development and programming of games and play systems for children
  • Working with game designers and developers to create rewarding games for kids


Bachelor degree
2000 – 2005
Chicago Programming Institute,


  • Knowledge of C++, C and other programming languages
  • Experience with platforms (PlayStation, Xbox)
  • Good understanding of the gaming industry
  • organization
  • Good communication and teamwork skills
  • Compliance with deadlines
  • Creative approach to work

Now you know how to properly compose and format a resume in English. Good luck with job hunting!

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