Sizes of windows in typical houses. Etiquette of business correspondence. About a good impression


legal information

This site is an independent aggregator of clients (applications / requests), is for informational purposes and is not a public offer.

Important: The site copyright holders are not responsible for the activities of companies or other persons that have received requests or entered into agreements with clients on requests received from this site.

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5. Privacy Policy

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5.4. The user's personal data will be transferred for processing to such third parties.

6. Site interruptions

6.1. If for any reason this Website cannot function as planned, for example, due to force majeure, technical problems, unauthorized interference, fraud or other reason beyond the control of the Site Owners that disrupts operation or affects administration, security, integrity of the Site, the Rightholders of the Site reserve the right to terminate the operation of the Site, change or suspend its operation.

6.2. The site or its services may be partially or completely unavailable due to preventive or other work.

7. Final provisions

7.1. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

7.2. If, for one reason or another, one or more provisions of these Terms are invalid or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions.

7.3. You agree to indemnify the Owners of the Site, the Company, suppliers, licensors, directors and employees from any losses, liability and costs (including legal costs) related to claims regarding your violation of these Terms, the law or the rights of third parties.

7.4. For answers to your questions, you can contact the Rightholders of the Site.

This article is the result of my observations on what aspects make a good impression from a business letter.

It happens like this, you get an answer to your letter and immediately make an internal decision: I want to and will continue to communicate with these guys, but I want to say goodbye to these guys right away. Have you ever experienced this? I have - yes. The last such practice happened to me quite recently: I corresponded with different companies for the selection of language courses.

Below are my summarized conclusions about what you should keep in mind if it is important for you that yours makes a good impression on the addressee and makes him want to continue business interaction with you.

1. Email response time.

  1. Positive letter ending

- the last thing that remains in the field of attention of the addressee when reading your letter. Fix the emotionally positive atmosphere in the last phrases business communication. Create a good mood for the addressee so that he wants to communicate with you again!


Answer option 1 Answer option 2
Hello Masha! First of all, thank you for choosing our institute! We are sure that you will be satisfied with our cooperation. In order to send you an invoice, we need to get the details of your employer company from you. Please send them as a reply to this letter.….. Hello Masha! First of all, thank you for choosing our institute! We are sure that you will be satisfied with our cooperation. In order to send you an invoice, we need to get the details of your employer company from you. Please send them as a reply to this letter. If you have any questions - please contact us!

Tip #4: Set the addressee to continue the dialogue. Show respect! Create and strengthen the mood of comfortable cooperation! Share your positive mood and sincere desire to continue business interaction with the addressee!

Options for final phrases:

I will be glad to cooperate!

I will gladly answer your questions.

If you have any questions - please contact us!

Looking forward to fruitful cooperation,

Always ready to help and answer your questions.



Yours sincerely,

With respect and hope for fruitful cooperation,

5. Signature and block of contact information.

It is important for a person conducting business correspondence to understand who is “on the other side of the monitor”: the name and surname of the addressee, position, contact details.

What is it for?

Name and surname - allows you to conduct personal communication.

Position - gives the addressee an understanding of the boundaries of authority and professional competence in resolving issues.

Coordinates - provide the possibility of additional operational communication if necessary.

Compare: which of the answers looks more professional and inspires more confidence in the information.

Hello! I passed the pre-test when enrolling in a Spanish course at your institute. According to the results of testing, I was recorded in the PS-A2.1 group. My tuition will be paid for by my employer. Please send me an invoice for tuition fees. Thanks. Sincerely, Masha Petrova
Answer option 1 Answer option 2
Hello Masha! First of all, thank you for choosing our institute! We are sure that you will be satisfied with our cooperation. In order to send you an invoice, we need to get the details of your employer company from you. Please send them as a reply to this letter. If you have any questions - please contact us!
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