What is the basic module in logistics? Efficiency of logistics operations


  • Question 8. Logistic channels and locistic chains. The problem of choosing a distribution channel.
  • 9. Prerequisites for using the logistics approach to managing material flows in the areas of production and circulation.
  • 11. Problems and prospects for the development of domestic logistics
  • Question 13. The main categories of logistics: logistic function, l operation, l chain, l link.
  • 14. Transport services in logistics.
  • Question 15. The concept of a logistics system. Logistics systems by depth and boundaries of logistics. Micro-, meta-, meso-, macrologistic systems. Examples of l systems in trade.
  • Question 16 The role of inventories in logistics.
  • Question 17. Flows in logistics and their classification.
  • Question 18.
  • Question 20
  • 22. Warehouses in logistics: concept, classification, main functions. The role of warehouses in logistics.
  • 23. Logistics as a type of business activity. Conceptual basis and philosophy.
  • 5.5. The effectiveness of the use of logistics in trade
  • 24. Making a decision about the location of the warehouse in the service area.
  • 25. The main logistics functions and their distribution among the various participants in the logistics process at the macro level.
  • 26. Deciding on the number of warehouses in the distribution system
  • 26. Deciding on the number of warehouses in the distribution system
  • 2. The dependence of the cost of maintaining stocks on the number of warehouses in the distribution system.
  • 3. Dependence of the costs associated with the operation of storage facilities on the number of warehouses in the distribution system.
  • 27. Intermediation in logistics.
  • 29. Organization of logistics at the enterprise.
  • 30. Research of operations in warehouse logistics.
  • 31. Commercial logistics. Functions, goals and objectives of logistics.
  • Question 32. Information systems in logistics: concepts and types, principles of construction.
  • 33. The task of "buy or make" ("Make-or-Buy Problem"). Examples of solving the "buy or make" problem in commercial logistics.
  • Question 34. The use of automated barcode identification technology in logistics.
  • 35. Tasks and content of procurement logistics, logistics principles for building relationships with suppliers.
  • 36. Logistics strategy: concepts, key issues. The influence of the external and internal environment on the logistics strategy of the company.
  • 38. Strategic, tactical and operational planning in logistics: time intervals, goals, objectives, decision-making models.
  • Strategic logistics planning
  • 39. Research of operations in procurement logistics.
  • Question 43
  • 45. Pulling control systems mp in the areas of production and circulation. Kanban system.
  • 47. Coordination of logistics and marketing strategies in the management of the enterprise.
  • Question 50. The concept of a basic module. The role of the base module in logistics.
  • 51. Functional cost analysis (FSA) in logistics
  • Difference from traditional methods
  • Advantages and disadvantages of functional cost analysis compared to traditional methods
  • Question 52. Cargo unit: concept, role in logistics. Main characteristics.
  • Question 50. The concept of a basic module. The role of the base module in logistics.

    The dimensions of cargo units, as well as equipment for their loading, transportation, unloading and storage must be agreed upon among themselves. This allows you to effectively use the material and technical base of the participants in the logistics process at all stages of the movement of the material flow. Standard pallets sized 1200x800 and 1200x1000 mm are used as a base, a platform for forming a loading unit. Any cargo packed in standard shipping containers can be rationally stacked on these pallets. This is achieved by unifying the dimensions of the transport container. In logistics, a diverse material and technical base is used. In order for it to be commensurate, some conventional unit of area is used, the so-called base module. This module is a rectangle with sides of 600x400 mm, which must be laid multiple times on the area of ​​the loading platform of the vehicle, on the working surface of warehouse equipment, etc. The use of a single module makes it possible to harmonize the dimensions of the material and technical base along the entire route of movement material flow, from the primary source of raw materials, up to the final consumer. Based on the basic module, a unified system of unified sizes of shipping containers has been developed. The principle of creating this system is that the area of ​​the pallet is divided into a grid of dimensions that are multiples of the pallet, which determine the outer and inner dimensions of the shipping container.

    51. Functional cost analysis (FSA) in logistics

    Functional cost analysis(FSA, A activity B settled C osting, ABC) is a technology that allows you to evaluate the real value of a product or service, regardless of the organizational structure of the company. Both direct and indirect costs are allocated to products and services depending on the amount of resources required at each stage of production. The actions performed at these stages, in the context of the FSA method, are called functions (activities).

    The purpose of the FSA is to ensure the correct distribution of funds allocated for the production of products or the provision of services, according to direct and indirect costs. This allows for the most realistic assessment of the company's costs.

    Essentially, the FSA method works according to the following algorithm:

      The sequence of functions necessary for the production of a product or service is determined.

      For each function, the total annual costs and the number of working hours are determined.

      For each function, based on the estimates from paragraph 2, a quantitative characteristic of the cost source is determined (cost driver).

      Once all functions have identified their cost sources, the final cost estimate for the production of a particular product or service is made.

      Does the market dictate the price level or is it possible to set the price of products that will give the planned profit?

      Should the projected premium on FSA costs be applied equally across all operations, or do some functions generate more revenue than others?

      how does the final selling price of products compare with FSA indicators?

    Thus, using this method, you can quickly estimate the amount of profit expected from the production of a particular product or service.

    If the original cost estimate is correct, then income (before taxes) will be equal to the difference between the selling price and the costs calculated using the FSA method. In addition, it will immediately become clear which products or services will be unprofitable (their selling price will be lower than the estimated costs). Based on this data, you can quickly take corrective actions, including revising business goals and strategies for the coming periods.


    1.2 The concept of a basic module in logistics

    One of key concepts logistics is the concept of a cargo unit. A loading unit is a certain amount of goods that are loaded, transported, unloaded and stored as a single mass.

    A cargo unit is that element of logistics that, with its parameters, connects technological processes participants of the logistics process into a single whole, a cargo unit can be formed both at production sites and at warehouses.

    The essential characteristics of a cargo unit are as follows:

    The dimensions of the cargo unit;

    The ability to maintain integrity, as well as the original geometric shape in the process of various logistics operations,

    The dimensions of cargo units, as well as equipment for their loading, transportation, unloading and storage must be agreed upon among themselves. This allows you to effectively use the material and technical base of the participants in the logistics process at all stages of the movement of the material flow.

    Standard pallets sized 1200x800 and 1200x1000 mm are used as a base, platform for the formation of a cargo unit. Any cargo packed in standard shipping containers can be rationally stacked on these pallets. This is achieved by unifying the dimensions of the transport container.

    In logistics, a diverse material and technical base is used. In order for it to be commensurate, some conventional unit of area is used, the so-called base module. This module is a rectangle with sides 600x400 mm, which must be stacked multiple times on the area of ​​the loading platform vehicle, on the working surface of warehouse equipment, etc.

    The use of a single module allows harmonizing the dimensions of the material and technical base along the entire path of the material flow, starting from the primary source of raw materials, up to the end consumer.

    Based on the basic module, a unified system of unified sizes of shipping containers has been developed. The principle of creating this system is that the area of ​​the pallet is divided into a grid of dimensions that are multiples of the pallet, which determine the outer and inner dimensions of the shipping container.

    The ability of a cargo unit to maintain integrity in the process of performing logistics operations is achieved by bundling. Bundling is the operation of forming a cargo unit on a pallet and then linking the cargo and the pallet into a single whole.

    Packing provides:

    Safety of the product on the way to the consumer;

    Possibility to achieve high efficiency indicators when performing loading and unloading and transport and storage operations due to their complex mechanization and automation;

    Maximum use of carrying capacity and capacity of rolling stock on all modes of transport;

    Possibility of reloading without re-forming;

    Safety of loading and unloading and transport and storage operations.

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    One of the key concepts of logistics is the concept of a cargo unit. A loading unit is a number of goods that are loaded, transported, unloaded and stored as a single mass. The cargo unit is that element of logistics...

    One of the key concepts of logistics is the concept of a cargo unit. A loading unit is a certain amount of goods that are loaded, transported, unloaded and stored as a single mass.

    A loading unit is that element of logistics that, with its parameters, links the technological processes of the participants in the logistics process into a single whole; a loading unit can be formed both at production sites and at warehouses.

    The essential characteristics of a cargo unit are as follows:

    The dimensions of the cargo unit;

    The ability to maintain integrity, as well as the original geometric shape in the process of various logistics operations,

    The dimensions of cargo units, as well as equipment for their loading, transportation, unloading and storage must be agreed upon among themselves. This allows you to effectively use the material and technical base of the participants in the logistics process at all stages of the movement of the material flow.

    Standard pallets sized 1200x800 and 1200x1000 mm are used as a base, platform for the formation of a cargo unit. Any cargo packed in standard shipping containers can be rationally stacked on these pallets. This is achieved by unifying the dimensions of the transport container.

    In logistics, a diverse material and technical base is used. In order for it to be commensurate, some conventional unit of area is used, the so-called base module. This module is a rectangle with sides of 600x400 mm, which must be laid multiple times on the area of ​​the loading platform of the vehicle, on the working surface of warehouse equipment, etc.

    The use of a single module allows harmonizing the dimensions of the material and technical base along the entire path of the material flow, starting from the primary source of raw materials, up to the end consumer.

    Based on the basic module, a unified system of unified sizes of shipping containers has been developed. The principle of creating this system is that the area of ​​the pallet is divided into a grid of dimensions that are multiples of the pallet, which determine the outer and inner dimensions of the shipping container.

    The ability of a cargo unit to maintain integrity in the process of performing logistics operations is achieved by bundling. Bundling is the operation of forming a cargo unit on a pallet and then linking the cargo and the pallet into a single whole.

    Packing provides:

    Safety of the product on the way to the consumer;

    Possibility to achieve high efficiency indicators when performing loading and unloading and transport and storage operations due to their complex mechanization and automation;

    Maximum use of carrying capacity and capacity of rolling stock on all modes of transport;

    Possibility of reloading without re-forming;

    Safety of loading and unloading and transport and storage operations.

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      4. Cargo unit as an element of logistics

      One of the key concepts of logistics is the concept of a cargo unit.

      A loading unit is a package, a physically indivisible load consisting of one or more items (connected to each other by means of packaging), having a certain shape and linear dimensions and prepared for loading, transportation, storage and unloading. Linear dimensions of the universal module of the loading unit are 600 x 400 mm (a multiple of the dimensions of the euro pallet, on which 4 loading units of the universal module fit in one layer, as well as the dimensions of the pallet 1200 x 1000 mm, on which 5 loading units of the universal module fit in one layer).

      The essential characteristics of the loading unit are as follows: dimensions of the loading unit; the ability to maintain integrity, as well as the original geometric shape in the process of various logistics operations.

      The dimensions of cargo units, as well as equipment for their loading, transportation, unloading and storage must be agreed upon among themselves. This allows you to effectively use the material and technical base of the participants in the logistics process at all stages of the movement of the material flow.

      Standard pallets sized 1200x800 and 1200x1000 mm are used as a base, platform for the formation of a cargo unit. Any cargo packed in standard shipping containers can be rationally stacked on these pallets. This is achieved by unifying the dimensions of the transport container.

      In logistics, a diverse material and technical base is used. In order for it to be commensurate, some conventional unit of area is used, the so-called base module. This module is a rectangle with sides of 600x400 mm, which must be laid multiple times on the area of ​​the loading platform of the vehicle, on the working surface of warehouse equipment, etc.

      The use of a single module makes it possible to harmonize the dimensions of the material and technical base along the entire path of the material flow, starting from the primary source of raw materials, up to the end consumer.

      Based on the basic module, a unified system of unified sizes of shipping containers has been developed. The principle of creating this system is that the area of ​​the pallet is divided into a grid of dimensions that are multiples of the pallet, which determine the outer and inner dimensions of the shipping container. Separate variants of schemes for placing transport containers on pallets are shown in fig. one.

      The ability of a cargo unit to maintain integrity in the process of performing logistics operations is achieved by bundling. Bundling is the operation of forming a cargo unit on a pallet and then linking the cargo and the pallet into a single whole.

      Packing provides:

      o safety of the product on the way to the consumer;

      o the possibility of achieving high efficiency indicators in the performance of loading and unloading and transport and storage operations due to their comprehensive mechanization and automation;

      o maximum use of the carrying capacity and capacity of the rolling stock in all modes of transport;

      o the possibility of reloading without re-formation;

      o safety of loading and unloading and transport and storage operations.

      In practice, apply various methods packaging of cargo units, such as banding with steel or polyethylene tapes, ropes, rubber couplings, adhesive tape, etc.

      One of the most progressive methods of formation of cargo units is the packaging of goods using shrink film. Let's take a closer look at the advantages of this method.

      1. High degree of cargo safety.

      The cargo package, wrapped with shrink film, has increased stability. Even its inclination at an angle of up to 35 degrees does not cause destruction of the package. As a result, losses during transportation are reduced, and the safety of working with cargo is increased. Shrink wrapped shipments are protected from dust, dirt and moisture and can withstand weather conditions for up to two months. The possibility of theft of goods is reduced, as any violation of the packaging becomes immediately noticeable.

      2. Possibility of packing loads of various sizes and shapes.

      Shrink wrap can include bricks, groceries, books, irregularly shaped metal parts, and more.

      3. Relatively low labor costs.

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      In addition, the cargo unit stored in the rack wrapped with film can be opened to select part of the package. At the same time, the integrity of the cargo unit is not violated, which also saves working time: it does not require repackaging of the cargo.

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