Steel tape GOST 14959 79. Distance from the cooled end, mm



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It applies to hot-rolled and forged long products with a diameter or thickness of up to 250 mm, as well as to calibrated and special surface finish products intended for the manufacture of springs, springs and other parts of machines and mechanisms used in the hardened and tempered state.

In terms of chemical composition, the standard applies to all other types of rolled products, ingots, forgings and stampings.

Edition (May 2000) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

1 Classification and assortment

2 Technical requirements

3 Acceptance rules

4 Test methods

5 Packaging, labelling, transport and storage

Annex 1 (informative) Purpose of hire

Annex 2 (informative) Steel hardenability bands

Appendix 3 (informative) Limits of fluctuations in hardness (maximum and minimum) along the length of end specimens for branded hardenability bands

Annex 4 (informative) Maximum allowable dimensions for the manufacture of springs and springs

This GOST is in:


29.03.1979 ApprovedUSSR State Committee for Standards 1149
PublishedIPK Standards Publishing House 2003
PublishedIPK Standards Publishing House 2000
PublishedStandards Publishing House 1987
PublishedStandards Publishing House 1979
DesignedUSSR Ministry of Metallurgy

Spring carbon and alloy steel bars. Specifications

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Introduction date 01.01.81

This standard applies to hot-rolled and forged long products with a diameter or thickness up to 250 mm, as well as rolled products calibrated and with a special surface finish, intended for the manufacture of springs, springs and other parts of machines and mechanisms used in the hardened and tempered state.

In terms of chemical composition, the standard applies to all other types of rolled products, ingots, forgings and stampings.


1.1. Rental is divided into:

processing method:

hot rolled and forged;


with special surface finish;

hot-rolled round with a turned or ground surface;

according to the chemical composition of steel:


high quality - A;

according to standardized characteristics and application for categories: 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 2A, 2B, 3, 3A, 3B, 3V, 3G, 4, 4A, 4B.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 5).

(Amendment, IUS 1-2000).

1.2. Depending on the quality of the surface, hot-rolled and forged products of categories 1, 1A, 1B, 4, 4A, 4B are produced in groups 2GP and 3GP.

1.3. The range of rolled products and limit deviations in size must comply with the requirements:

Hot-rolled steel, square, with a square side of 30 mm, of the usual rolling accuracy B according to GOST 2591-88, from steel grade 50HFA, category 3A:

Hot-rolled steel, trapezoidal, dimensions (H ´ H) 45 ´ 6, increased rolling accuracy B according to GOST 7419-90, from steel grade 60S2A, category 3B:

Trapezoidal strip B-45 ´ 6 GOST 7419-90/60S2A-3B GOST 14959-79

Rolled calibrated, round, with limit deviations h11 according to GOST 7417-75, with a diameter of 15 mm, from steel grade 50HFA, category 3A, surface quality of group B according to GOST 1051-73 :

Rolled products with a special surface finish, round, 20 mm in diameter, with maximum deviations in h10, surface finish groups D according to GOST 14955-77, made of steel grade 80, category 3A:

Hot-rolled steel, round, 6 mm in diameter, standard rolling accuracy B according to GOST 2590-88, made of steel grade 65G, surface quality of group 3GP, category 1A, for pantented wire:

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 6).

2.10. The macrostructure of rolled products on fractures or on pickled transverse templates should not have any remnants of a shrinkage cavity, friability, bubbles, delaminations, cracks, slag inclusions and flakes.

Point heterogeneity, central porosity, segregation square should not exceed a score of 2 according to GOST 10243 for rental categories 2, 2A, 2B, 3, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3G and score 3 - for rental of other categories.

(Amendment, IUS 1-2000).

2.11. Hot-rolled round bars with a turned and ground surface and with a special surface finish are produced without a decarburized layer.

The depth of the decarburized layer of rolled products of categories 2, 2A, 2B, 3, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3G per side should not exceed the standards specified in Table. eight.

Table 8

2.12. Steel grades 50KhG, 50KhGA, 50KhGFA, 60S2, 55S2, 60S2A, 55S2A should be checked for the size of the austenite grain. For steel grade 50KhGFA, the size of the austenite grain should be no larger than number 6, and for steel of other grades - no larger than number 5 according to GOST 5639.

2.13. At the request of the consumer, steel is produced:

a) with narrowed limits of the mass fraction of carbon in comparison with the norms of Table. one;

b) with a mass fraction of sulfur not more than 0.015% and phosphorus not more than 0.020% in stainless steel;

c) with a normalized austenite grain size not larger than number 5 for steel grades not listed in clause 2.12;

d) with normalized microstructure;

e) with normalized contamination with non-metallic inclusions;

e) with a fatigue test;

g) with the determination of the elastic limit;

h) with the control of martensitic and troosto-martensitic areas and the depth of tempering sorbite in the microstructure of rolled products with a surface quality of group 2ГП, intended for the manufacture of wire.

Note. Rules for subparagraphs a, G, d,e, well, h are established by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer.

(Amendment, IUS 1-2000).

2.14. The rates of hardenability of rolled products of categories 2, 2A, 2B, 3C, 3G are set in agreement with the consumer.

Appendix 2 shows the hardenability bands for steel grades 55S2, 55S2A, 60S2, 60S2A, 50KhGFA.

Appendix 3 shows the limits of hardness fluctuations (maximum and minimum) along the length of end specimens, Appendix 4 shows the maximum allowable dimensions of rolled products of various grades for the manufacture of springs and springs.

(Amendment, IUS 1-2000).


3.1. Rolled products are accepted in batches consisting of rolled products of one heat, one size and one heat treatment mode and issued with one quality document in accordance with GOST 7566.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

3.3. To check the quality of rolled products from a batch of bars, strips and coils are selected:

for chemical analysis - samples according to GOST 7565; control of residual chromium, copper, nickel is carried out periodically at least once a quarter. In the manufacture of steel, taking into account the manganese equivalent, the control of residual copper, nickel and chromium is carried out on each heat;

to control the macrostructure by fracture or etching, to determine the microstructure, for tensile tests (yield strength, tensile strength, relative elongation, relative narrowing) - two rods or coils, two strips;

to test the hardness - no more than 2% of the strips (rods, coils), but not less than three strips (rods, coils);

to determine the hardenability - one sample from the melt - ladle;

to determine the depth of the decarburized layer - three rods, strips or coils;

to determine the size of the grain - one sample from the melt - ladle;

for the determination of non-metallic inclusions - samples according to GOST 1778 ;

to control the quality of the surface and dimensions - all bars, strips and coils.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

(Amendment, IUS 1-2000).


4.1. Chemical composition steel is carried out GOST 22536.0 - GOST 22536.5 , GOST 22536.7 - GOST 22536.9 , GOST 22536.14 , GOST 28473 , GOST 12344 - GOST 12352 , GOST 12355 , GOST 12360 and GOST 18895 or other methods providing the necessary accuracy of determination.

4.2. The geometric dimensions and shape are determined with a measuring tool according to GOST 26877 , GOST 162 , GOST 166 , GOST 427 , GOST 2216 , GOST 3749 , GOST 5378 , GOST 6507 , GOST 7502 and templates according to regulatory and technical documentation or tools and templates certified according to GOST 8.001 or GOST 8.326.

4.1; 4.2. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 5).

4.3. The quality of the rolled surface is checked visually, applying, if necessary, surface cleaning.

It is allowed to use non-destructive control methods.

4.4. Sampling for mechanical tests - according to GOST 7564(scheme for cutting samples according to option 2).

Sampling from coils for all types of tests is carried out at a distance of at least 1.5 turns from the end of the roll.

4.5. Tensile test (yield strength, tensile strength, relative elongation, relative contraction) is carried out according to GOST 1497 on samples of five times the length.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 5).

4.6. Brinell hardness is determined by GOST 9012. Measurement of the hardness of a strip of trapezoidal and T-shaped profile is carried out in a thick section of the strip.

4.7. Determination of the depth of the decarburized layer is carried out according to GOST 1763.

Trapezoidal and T-shaped strips are controlled in the place of greatest thickness.

(Amendment, IUS 1-2000).

4.8. The grain size is determined by GOST 5639.

Control of the grain size of steel grades 55S2, 55S2A, 60S2, 60S2A may not be carried out provided that the steel complies with the requirements of this standard.

4.9. Hardenability is determined by the method of end hardening according to GOST 5657.

4.10. The determination of non-metallic inclusions is carried out according to GOST 1778(method Sh1 or Sh4).

4.11. To control the macrostructure, mechanical properties and grain size, it is allowed to use non-destructive control methods.

4.12. The manufacturer is allowed to check the macrostructure, mechanical properties and hardenability on an intermediate billet or sectional steel of a larger section and apply the test results to all profiles of a given heat.

The grain size is allowed to be determined during melting control.

4.13. Macrostructure control is carried out according to GOST 10243.

4.14. When used by the manufacturer statistical methods control of hardness and mechanical properties in accordance with the normative and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner, the control of hardness and mechanical properties provided for by this standard may not be carried out by the manufacturer. The manufacturer guarantees the conformity of the manufactured products with the requirements of this standard. In arbitration cases and during periodic product quality checks, the control methods provided for in this standard are applied.

4.13; 4.14.(Introduced additionally, Rev. No. 2, 3).

4.15. Methods for controlling fatigue, elastic limit and microstructure are established by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. No. 5).


5.1. Packing, marking, transportation and storage of hot-rolled and forged steel - according to GOST 7566 with addition.

The outer diameter of the coils must be no more than 1500 mm, the inner diameter - no less than 180 mm.

Packing, marking, transportation and storage of calibrated rolled products - according to GOST 1051, rolled products with special surface finish - according to GOST 14955.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 2, 5).

5.1.1. Products are transported by transport of all types in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

The weight of the package must not exceed during mechanized loading onto open vehicles- 10000 kg, indoor - 1250 kg.

Packing means - by GOST 7566.

When transporting two or more packages, the dimensions of which allow you to issue a transport package with overall dimensions according to GOST 24597, cargo places must be formed into transport packages according to the NTD.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

5.2. (Deleted, Rev. No. 5).




APPENDIX 1.(Revised edition, Rev. No. 5).

(Amendment, IUS 1-2000).




Steel grade 55S2, 55S2A

Steel grade 60S2, 60S2A

Steel grade 60S2G

Steel grade 50HGF




Distance from the end, mm

Hardness HRC for hardenability bands of steel grades

GOST 14959-79 spreads on hot-rolled and forged long products with a diameter or thickness up to 250 mm, as well as on rolled products calibrated and with special surface finish, intended for the manufacture of springs, springs and other parts of machines and mechanisms used in the hardened and tempered state.
In terms of chemical composition, the standard applies to all other types of rolled products, ingots, forgings and stampings.
  • GOST 10243-75 Steel. Test methods and evaluation of macrostructure
  • GOST 1051-73 Rolled calibrated. General specifications
  • GOST 1133-71 Forged round and square steel. Assortment
  • GOST 12344-88 Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods for determining carbon
  • GOST 12345-2001 Alloy and high alloy steels. Methods for the determination of sulfur
  • GOST 12346-78 Alloy and high alloy steels. Methods for the determination of silicon
  • GOST 12347-77 Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Phosphorus determination methods
  • GOST 12348-78 Alloy and high alloy steels. Methods for determination of manganese
  • GOST 12349-83 Alloy and high alloy steels. Methods for determining tungsten
  • GOST 12350-78 Alloy and high alloy steels. Chromium determination methods
  • GOST 12351-81 Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Vanadium determination methods
  • GOST 12352-81 Alloy and high alloy steels. Nickel determination methods
  • GOST 12355-78 Alloy and high alloy steels. Methods for determining copper
  • GOST 12360-82 Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Boron determination methods
  • GOST 14955-77 Quality round steel with special surface finish. Specifications
  • GOST 1497-84 Metals. Tensile test methods
  • GOST 162-90 Depth gauges. Specifications
  • GOST 1763-68 Steel. Methods for determining the depth of the decarburized layer
  • GOST 1778-70 Steel. Metallographic methods for the determination of non-metallic inclusions
  • DGOST 18895-97 Steel. Photoelectric spectral analysis method
  • GOST 22091.11-80 X-ray instruments. Ready time measurement method
  • GOST 2216-84 Gauges-shackles are smooth adjustable. Specifications
  • GOST 22536.0-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements to methods of analysis
  • GOST 22536.1-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining total carbon and graphite
  • GOST 22536.14-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Method for determination of zirconium
  • GOST 22536.2-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for the determination of sulfur
  • GOST 22536.3-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Phosphorus determination methods
  • GOST 22536.4-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for the determination of silicon
  • GOST 22536.5-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of manganese
  • GOST 22536.7-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Chromium determination methods
  • GOST 22536.8-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining copper
  • GOST 22536.9-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Nickel determination methods
  • GOST 24597-81 Packages of packaged goods. Main parameters and dimensions
  • GOST 2590-88 Hot-rolled round steel. Assortment
  • GOST 2591-88 Hot-rolled square steel. Assortment
  • GOST 26877-91 Steel products. Methods for measuring shape deviations
  • GOST 2789-73 Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics
  • GOST 28473-90 Cast iron, steel, ferroalloys, chromium, manganese metal. General requirements for methods of analysis
  • GOST 2879-88 Hot-rolled hexagonal steel. Assortment
  • GOST 3749-77 Calibration squares 90°. Specifications
  • GOST 427-75 Measuring metal rulers. Specifications
  • GOST 4405-75 Hot-rolled and forged strips from tool steel. Assortment
  • GOST 5378-88 Goniometers with vernier. Specifications
  • GOST 5639-82 Steels and alloys. Methods for detecting and determining grain size
  • GOST 5657-69 Steel. Test method for hardenability
  • GOST 6507-90 Micrometers. Specifications
  • GOST 7419-90 Hot-rolled steel for springs. Assortment
  • GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Specifications
  • GOST 7564-97 Rolled products. General rules for sampling, blanks and samples for mechanical and technological tests
  • GOST 7565-81 Cast iron, steel and alloys. Sampling method for determining the chemical composition
  • GOST 7566-94 Steel products. Acceptance, marking, packaging, transportation and storage
  • GOST 8.326-89 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological certification of measuring instruments
  • GOST 8559-75 Steel calibrated square. Assortment
  • GOST 8560-78 Rolled calibrated hexagonal. Assortment
  • GOST 9012-59 Metals. Brinell hardness method

GOST 14959-79



Official edition


to GOST 14959-79 Rolled products from spring carbon and alloy steel. Specifications

In which place

Clause 1.1. Last paragraph


Must be

1A, 1B, 2, 2A, 2B, 3, ZA, ZB, ZV, ZG, 4, 4A, 4B

Second paragraph Examples symbols.

for hot-rolled

for hot rolled

Eighth paragraph

tenth paragraph

Circle hi 1-15 GOST 7417-75/50HFA-ZA-B GOST 14959-79 Circle h 10-20 GOST 14955-77/80-ZA-D GOST 14959-79

Circle hi 1-15 GOST 7417-75/50HFA-B-ZA GOST 14959-79 Circle h 10-20 GOST 14955-77/80-D-ZA GOST 14959-79

Item 2.2 table 1.

Count "Bor". For brand 50HGA column "Chrome". For brand 60С2Н2А note 7. Explication

Clause 2.5. Last paragraph

Clause 2.6. Table 5. Note Clause 2.7. Table 6. Head

Spring-loaded carbon and alloy steels must

according to the melting analysis of the ladle sample

residual content of chromium, nickel, copper in steel, not exceeding the norms of Table. 1 by ladle steel test

In the manufacture of rolled products from

MPa (2 times)

Rolled products made of spring-loaded carbon and alloy steel should

according to melting analysis

Not more than 0.30 residual mass fraction of chromium, nickel, copper in steel, not exceeding the norms of Table. 1 in melt analysis of rolled products

In the manufacture of rolled products without

N/mm 2 (2 times)

(Continued see p. 30)

(Continuation of the amendment to GOST 14959-79)


In which place


Must be

Clause 2.10. After-

for steel of other categories

for the rental of other

day paragraph

Clause 2.13. Listing h)

subgroups in

with surface quality group 2ГП

Clause 2.14. Pos-

(maximum and mini-

(maximum and mini-

ice paragraph

small along the length of the end samples), in Appendix 4 - the maximum allowable dimensions of steel

small) along the length of the end specimens, in Appendix 4 - the maximum allowable dimensions of rolled products

Clause 3.3. The third

two rods or skeins,

two rods or skeins,

two lanes

Clause 4.7. Last paragraph



Annex 1. Table. Column "Appointment of rental". Last paragraph



(IUS No. 1 2000)




Spring carbon and alloy steel bars. Specifications

About KP 09 5800, I 4100, 11 5000

Introduction date 01.01.81

This standard applies to hot-rolled and forged long products with a diameter or thickness up to 250 mm, as well as rolled products calibrated and with a special surface finish, intended for the manufacture of springs, springs and other parts of machines and mechanisms used in the hardened and tempered state.

In terms of chemical composition, the standard applies to all other types of rolled products, ingots, forgings and stampings.


1.1. Rolled products are subdivided: according to the processing method: hot-rolled and forged; calibrated;

with special surface finish;

hot-rolled round with a turned or ground surface; according to the chemical composition of steel: high-quality; high quality - A;

according to standardized characteristics and application for categories: 1A, 1B, 2, 2A, 2B, 3, ZA, ZB, ZV, ZG, 4, 4A, 4B.

(Changed edition, Rev. N ° 5).

1.2. Depending on the quality of the surface, hot-rolled and forged products of categories 1.1A, 1B, 4, 4A, 4B are produced in groups 2GP and ZGP.

1.3. The range of rolled products and limit deviations in size must comply with the requirements:

GOST 2590 - for hot-rolled round, including turned;

GOST 2591 - for hot-rolled square;

GOST 1133 - for forged round and square;

GOST 2879 - for hot-rolled hexagonal;

GOST 103 - for hot-rolled strip;

GOST 4405 - for forged strip;

GOST 7419 - for hot-rolled strip, trapezoidal-step, T-shaped, trapezoidal and grooved categories 2, 2A, 2B, 3, ZA, ZB, ZV and ZG;

GOST 7417 - for calibrated round;

GOST 8559 - for calibrated square;

GOST 8560 - for calibrated hexagon;

GOST 14955 - with special surface finish;

Official edition

Reprint prohibited

© Standards Publishing, 1979 © IPK Standards Publishing, 2000

other regulatory and technical documentation.

Legend Examples

Hot-rolled steel, round, 100 mm in diameter, standard rolling accuracy B according to GOST 2590-88, made of steel grade 65G, surface quality group 2GP, category 4A:

Circle V-100 GOST 2590-88/65G-2GP-4A GOST 14959-79

Hot-rolled steel, square, with a square side of 30 mm, of the usual rolling accuracy B in accordance with GOST 2591-88, from steel grade 50XFA, category ZA

Square B-30 GOST2591-88/50HFA-ZA GOST 14959-79

Hot-rolled, trapezoidal, dimensions (H x H) 45 x 6, increased rolling accuracy B in accordance with GOST 7419-90, from steel grade 60S2A, category ZB:

Trapezoidal strip B-45 x 6 GOST 7419-90/60S2A-3B GOST 14959-79

Rolled calibrated, round, with maximum deviations according to hi 1 according to GOST 7417-75, with a diameter of 15 mm, from steel grade 50XFA, category ZA of surface quality group B according to GOST 1051-73:

Circle H11-15 GOST 7417-75/50HFA-ZA-B GOST 14959-79

Rolled products with a special surface finish, round, 20 mm in diameter, with limit deviations according to N0, surface finish group D according to GOST 14955-77, from steel grade 80, category 3A:

Circle hi0-20 GOST 14955-77/80-ZA-DGOST 14959-79

Hot-rolled steel, round, 6 mm in diameter, standard rolling accuracy B in accordance with GOST 2590-88, from steel grade 65G, surface quality of the ZGP group, category 1A, for pantened wire:

Circle V-6 GOST 2590-88 / 65G-ZGP-1A GOST 14959-79, for patented wire.

Examples of symbols that are allowed to be given in the design documentation:

Hot-rolled steel, round, 100 mm in diameter, standard rolling accuracy B in accordance with GOST 2590-88, made of steel grade 65G, surface quality group 2GP, category 4A

V-100 GOST 2590-88 ^ 65G-2GP-4A GOST 14959-79 "

1.2-1.3. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 6).


2.1. Spring-spring carbon and alloy steels must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Grades and chemical composition of steel according to the melting analysis of the ladle sample must comply with the standards specified in Table. one.

2.3. The mass fraction of phosphorus and sulfur according to the ladle test in steel of all grades should not exceed the norms indicated in Table. 2.

2.4. Permissible deviations in chemical composition in finished rolled products should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 3.

2.5. Depending on the standardized characteristics, rolled products are manufactured according to the categories indicated in Table. 4.

Appendix 1 shows the purpose of steel depending on the categories.

2.5.1. Rolled products are manufactured in a heat-treated state (annealed or high-tempered) - categories 1A, 2A, ZA, 3V, 4A, or without heat treatment - categories I, 1B, 2, 2B, 3, ZB, ZG, 4, 4B.

2.6. The hardness of rolled products must comply with the standards specified in Table. 5.

2.7. The mechanical properties of rolled products of categories 3, ZA, ZB, ZV, ZG, 4, 4A, 4B, determined on heat-treated longitudinal samples, must comply with the standards specified in Table. 6.

2.8. The quality of the rolled surface must meet the requirements of Table. 7.

Table 1

Mass fraction of elements, %



Not more than 0.25

Not more than 0.25

Not more than 0.25

Not more than 0.25

Not more than 0.25

Not more than 0.25

Not more than 0.25

Not more than 0.25

Not more than 0.30

Not more than 0.30

Not more than 0.30

Not more than 0.30

Not more than 0.30

Not more than 0.30

Not more than 0.30

Not more than 0.30


1. In the designation of steel grades, the first two digits indicate the average mass fraction of carbon in hundredths of a percent, the letters behind the numbers mean: G - manganese, C - silicon, X - chromium, F - vanadium, V - tungsten, H - nickel. The numbers after the letters indicate the approximate mass fraction of the element in whole units. The absence of a number means that the brand contains up to 1.5% of this alloying element. With a mass fraction of an element over 1.5% to 2.5%, the number 2 is put after the letter corresponding to the element, over 2.5% - the number 3. In the name of steel grades, with a mass fraction of up to 0.9% manganese (according to the upper limit), the letter "G" is not put.

2. In steel of all grades, the mass fraction of residual copper should not exceed 0.20%, and residual nickel - 0.25%.

3. In accordance with the order in steel made by the scrap-process and scrap-ore process, the residual mass fraction of copper is not more than 0.30% and nickel is not more than 0.40% for rolled products of all categories, chromium is not more than 0.30% for rolled products of categories 2, 2A, 2B, 3, ZA, ZB, ZV and ZG from carbon steel and not more than 0.40% for rolled products of categories 1, 1A, 1B, 4, 4A and 4B.

4. In steel grade 60S2G, the total mass fraction of sulfur and phosphorus should not exceed 0.06%.

5. Steel grade 51HFA is intended for the manufacture of spring wire.

6. For the manufacture of patented wire, steel grades 65, 70, 75, 80, 85 with a mass fraction of manganese of 0.30-0.60% and grades 65G and 70G with a mass fraction of manganese of 0.70-1.00% are used. In steel intended for patented wire, the mass fraction of chromium should not exceed 0.15%, nickel - 0.15%, copper - 0.20%. Mass fraction of sulfur and phosphorus - in accordance with the requirements of the wire standards, but not more than the norms indicated in Table. 2. In accordance with the order in steel grades 65, 70, 75, 80 and 85, intended for the manufacture of patented wire, the mass fraction of manganese is 0.40-0.70%.

7. At the request of the consumer, the lower mass fraction of manganese in steel not alloyed with chromium and nickel can be reduced against the norms of Table. 1 by the amount of manganese equivalent (E m), but not more than 0.30%.

The value of the manganese equivalent is determined by the formula

0.3 (Cr, %) + 0.5 (Ni, %) + 0.7 (Cu, %),

where Cr, Ni, Cu are the residual content of chromium, nickel, copper in steel, not exceeding the norms of Table. one.

table 2


1. Rolled products from high-quality steel grades 65,70,75, 80, 85.60G, 65G and 70G can be made with a mass fraction of sulfur and phosphorus in accordance with the requirements of Table. 2 for stainless steel. In this case, the letter A is added to the name of the steel grade.

2. In rolled products from high-quality steel grades 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 60G, 65G, 70G, categories 1, 1A, 1B, 4, 4A, 4B, the mass fraction of sulfur is allowed up to 0.040%.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 5).

Table 3

* Deviations for steel grades 55S2A, 60S2A, 50KhGA are not allowed.

** Phosphorus deviation is not allowed for stainless steel.

Table 4

Normalized characteristics

Chemical composition

Hardness of rolled products in the heat-treated state

Rolled hardness without heat treatment


Mechanical properties determined in tension on heat-treated samples (quenching + tempering)

Permissible value of the decarburized layer


1. The sign "+" means that the characteristic is normalized. The sign “-*” means that the characteristic is not standardized.

2. For rolled products with special surface finishes, decarburization is checked for all categories of rolled products.

Table 5

Rolled hardness

steel grade

thermally untreated (categories 1B, 2B, ZB, 4B, ZG)

heat-treated (categories 1A, 2A, ZA, 3V, 4A)

HB, no more

HB, no more

indentation diameter, mm, not less than

75, 60G, 65G, 70G, 55X2, 55X2A 80, 85, 60X2, 60X2A, 70SZA, 50HG,

50HGA, 55HGR, 50HFA, 55X2GF, 60X2N2A

50HGFA, 60X2HA, 60X2HFA, 65X2VA

Note. In the manufacture of rolled products from heat treatment in coils, deviations in hardness + 10HB are allowed.

Table 6

Heat treatment mode (indicative)

Mechanical properties, not less than

steel grade




Yield strength st, MPa

Temporary resistance sg in,

Relative elongation

Relative contraction

hardening, C

holidays, s

MPa (kge / mm 2)

Oil or water


1. Norms of relative narrowing are given only for round samples.

2. Heat treatment is carried out on samples intended for mechanical testing.

3. The norms of mechanical properties apply to samples taken from rolled products with a diameter or thickness up to 80 mm. When testing rolled products with a diameter or thickness over 80 to 150 mm, it is allowed to reduce the relative elongation by 2%, the relative narrowing by 5% compared with the standards indicated in Table. 6. For rolled products with a diameter or thickness over 150 mm, a decrease in relative elongation by 3%, relative narrowing by 10% is allowed. The norms of mechanical properties of rolled products with a diameter or thickness of more than 100 mm, rolled or reforged into a square of 90-100 mm in size, must comply with the standards specified in Table. 6.

Table 7

Type of processing

Surface quality

Hot rolled and forged

1.1 A, 1B, 4, 4A, 4B

On the surface of bars, strips and coils of surface quality group 2 GP there should be no rolled bubbles, rolling strips, sunsets, rolled and forged pollution and stress cracks. Local defects on the surface must be removed by shallow cutting or cleaning, the width of which must be at least five times the depth.

Depth of cleaning of defects should not exceed the following values:

6% of diameter or thickness - for bars larger than 200 mm;

5% of the diameter or thickness - for bars ranging in size from 140 to 200 mm;

sums of limit deviations - for bars ranging in size from 80 to 140 mm;

half the sum of the limit deviations - for bars smaller than 80 mm.

Depth of cleaning of defects is considered from the actual size.

In one section of bars with a size (diameter or thickness) of more than 140 mm, no more than two strippings of maximum depth are allowed.

On the surface of bars, strips and coils, individual small risks, dents and ripples are allowed without stripping within half the sum of the maximum deviations, as well as small rolled bubbles with a depth not exceeding '/4 of the sum of the maximum deviations per size, but not more than 0.20 mm.

On the surface of bars and coils, surface quality groups ZGV, local defects are not allowed if their depth exceeds:

the sum of limit deviations - for bars with a size of 100 mm and more:

minus diameter or thickness tolerance - for bars smaller than 100 mm.

Depth of defects is considered from the nominal size.

On the surface of the bars and strips, there should be no rolled cracks, bubbles and contamination, rolling films, ripples, rolled scale. Local defects on the surface should be removed by grinding or flat cleaning in the longitudinal direction and should not bring the strip and rod beyond the smallest allowable dimensions. Punching of defects on the surface of strips and bars is not allowed.

The surface roughness should be no more than Rz40 µm according to GOST 2789 or according to agreed standards.

According to GOST 1051, surface groups B and C

According to GOST 14955, surface finishing groups B, C, D, D

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 5, b).

2.9. Hot rolled and forged bars and strips must be cut.

The cut angle of strips for springs must comply with GOST 7419. The cut angle of forged strips, hot-rolled strips (except for spring strips) and bars up to 30 mm in size is not regulated. Over 30 mm - should not exceed 0.1 of the diameter or thickness. Bars and strips up to 40 mm in size of random length are allowed to be produced with unedged ends.

When cutting on presses, scissors and under hammers, as agreed with the consumer, it is allowed

hot rolled

Hot rolled with turned or ground surface


Rolled products with special surface finish

2, 2A, 2B, 3, ZA, ZB, ZV, ZG

2, 2A, 2B, 3, ZA, ZB, ZV, ZG

1, 1A, 1B, 2, 2A, 2B, 3, ZA, ZB, ZV, ZG, 4, 4A, 4B

1, 1A, 1B, 2, 2A, 2B, 3, ZA, ZB, ZV, ZG, 4, 4A, 4B

slight crumpling of the ends of the bars and strips. The size of the collapse of the ends, if necessary, is established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

Crumpled ends and burrs are allowed on bars and strips of categories 1, 1A, 1B, 4, 4A, 4B.

Trimming of the ends of calibrated rolled products - in accordance with GOST 1051, with a special surface finish - in accordance with GOST 14955.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 6).

2.10. The macrostructure of rolled products on fractures or on pickled transverse templates should not have any remnants of a shrinkage cavity, friability, bubbles, delaminations, cracks, slag inclusions and flakes.

Point heterogeneity, central porosity, segregation square should not exceed score 2 according to GOST 10243 for rolled products of categories 2, 2A, 2B, 3, ZA, ZB, 3V, ZG and score 3 - for steel of other categories.

2.11. Hot-rolled round bars with a turned and ground surface and with a special surface finish are produced without a decarburized layer.

The depth of the decarburized layer of rolled products of categories 2, 2A, 2B, 3, ZA, ZB, ZV, ZG per side should not exceed the standards specified in Table. eight.

Table 8

Permissible depth of total decarburization, %

Rolled diameter or thickness, mm

2.12. Steel grades 50KhG, 50KhGA, 50KhGFA, 60S2, 55S2, 60S2A, 55S2A should be checked for the size of the austenite grain. For steel grade 50KhGFA, the size of the austenite grain should be no larger than number 6, and for steel of other grades - no larger than number 5 according to GOST 5639.

(Revised edition, Rev. Ns 2).

2.13. At the request of the consumer, steel is produced:

a) with narrowed limits of the mass fraction of carbon in comparison with the norms of Table. one;

b) with a mass fraction of sulfur not more than 0.015% and phosphorus not more than 0.020% in stainless steel;

c) with a normalized austenite grain size not larger than number 5 for steel grades not listed in clause 2.12;

d) with normalized microstructure;

e) with normalized contamination with non-metallic inclusions;

e) with a fatigue test;

g) with the determination of the elastic limit;

h) with the control of martensitic and troosto-martensitic areas and the depth of tempering sorbite in the microstructure of rolled products of subgroup c, intended for the manufacture of wire.

Note. The norms for subparagraphs a, d, e, e, g, h are established by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer.

2.14. The rates of hardenability of rolled products of categories 2, 2A, 2B, ZV, ZG are established in agreement with the consumer.

Appendix 2 shows the hardenability bands for steel grades 55S2, 55S2A, 60S2, 60S2A, 50KhGFA.

Appendix 3 shows the limits of hardness fluctuations (maximum and minimum along the length of the end samples), Appendix 4 - the maximum allowable dimensions of steel of various grades for the manufacture of springs and springs.


3.1. Rolled products are accepted in batches consisting of rolled products of one heat, one size and one heat treatment mode and issued with one quality document in accordance with GOST 7566.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

3.2. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 7566.

3.3. To check the quality of rolled products from a batch of bars, strips and coils are selected: for chemical analysis - samples according to GOST 7565; control of residual chromium, copper, nickel is carried out periodically at least once a quarter. In the manufacture of steel, taking into account the manganese equivalent, the control of residual copper, nickel and chromium is carried out on each heat;

to control the macrostructure by fracture or etching, to determine the microstructure, for tensile tests (yield strength, tensile strength, relative elongation, relative narrowing) - two rods or coils, strips;

to test the hardness - no more than 2% of the strips (rods, coils), but not less than three strips (rods, coils);

to determine the hardenability - one sample from the melt - ladle;

to determine the depth of the decarburized layer - three rods, strips or coils;

to determine the size of the grain - one sample from the melt - ladle;

for the determination of non-metallic inclusions - samples according to GOST 1778;

to control the quality of the surface and dimensions - all bars, strips and coils.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).


4.1. The chemical composition of the steel is carried out according to GOST 22536.0 - GOST 22536.5, GOST 22536.7 - GOST 22536.9, GOST 22536.14, GOST 28473, GOST 12344 - GOST 12352, GOST 12355, GOST 12360 and GOST 18895 or other methods that provide the necessary accuracy of determination.

4.2. The geometric dimensions and shape are determined with a measuring tool according to GOST 26877, GOST 162, GOST 166, GOST 427, GOST 2216, GOST 3749, GOST 5378, GOST 6507, GOST 7502 and templates according to normative and technical documentation or tools and templates certified according to GOST 8.001 or GOST 8.326.

4.1; 4.2. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 5).

4.3. The quality of the rolled surface is checked visually, applying, if necessary, surface cleaning.

It is allowed to use non-destructive control methods.

4.4. Sampling for mechanical tests - according to GOST 7564 (scheme for cutting samples according to option 2).

Sampling from coils for all types of tests is carried out at a distance of at least 1.5 turns from the end of the roll.

4.5. Tensile test (yield strength, tensile strength, relative elongation, relative narrowing) is carried out according to GOST 1497 on samples of five times the length.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 5).

4.6. Brinell hardness is determined according to GOST 9012. The measurement of the hardness of a strip of trapezoidal and T-shaped profile is carried out in a thick section of the strip.

4.7. Determination of the depth of the decarburized layer is carried out according to GOST 1763.

Trapezoidal and T-shaped strips are controlled at the point of greatest thickness.

4.8. The grain size is determined according to GOST 5639.

Control of the grain size of steel grades 55C2, 55C2A, 60C2, 6QC2A may not be carried out provided that the steel complies with the requirements of this standard.

4.9. Hardenability is determined by the method of end hardening according to GOST 5657.

4.10. The determination of non-metallic inclusions is carried out according to GOST 1778 (method Sh1 or Sh4).

4.11. To control the macrostructure, mechanical properties and grain size, it is allowed to use non-destructive control methods.

4.12. The manufacturer is allowed to check the macrostructure, mechanical properties and hardenability on an intermediate billet or rolled section of a larger section and apply the test results to all profiles of this heat.

The grain size is allowed to be determined during melting control.

4.13. Macrostructure control is carried out according to GOST 10243.

4.14. When the manufacturer uses statistical methods for monitoring hardness and mechanical properties in accordance with the normative and technical documentation approved in the established manner, the control of hardness and mechanical properties provided for by this standard may not be carried out by the manufacturer. The manufacturer guarantees the conformity of the manufactured products with the requirements of this standard. In arbitration cases and during periodic product quality checks, the control methods provided for in this standard are applied.

4.13; 4.14. (Introduced additionally, Rev. No. 2, 3).

4.15. Methods for controlling fatigue, elastic limit and microstructure are established by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. No. 5).


5.1. Packing, marking, transportation and storage of hot-rolled and forged steel - in accordance with GOST 7566 with an addition.

The outer diameter of the coils must be no more than 1500 mm, the inner diameter - no less than 180 mm.

Packaging, marking, transportation and storage of calibrated rolled products - in accordance with GOST 1051, rolled products with special surface finish - in accordance with GOST 14955.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 2, 5).

5.1.1. Products are transported by transport of all types in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

The mass of a package must not exceed 10,000 kg for mechanized loading onto open vehicles, and 1,250 kg for closed vehicles.

Packing means - according to GOST 7566.

When transporting two or more packages, the dimensions of which allow you to arrange a transport package with overall dimensions in accordance with GOST 24597, packages must be formed into transport packages in accordance with the NTD.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

5.2. (Deleted, Rev. No. 5).

APPENDIX 1 Reference


APPENDIX 1. (Changed edition, Rev. No. 5).

Hardness, HRC Hardness, HR C

APPENDIX 2 Reference


Hardening B50 0 C

Heck. one

Steel grade 60S2, 60S2A

Distance from the cooled end, mm

Hardness, HRC Hardness, HRC

Steel grade 60S2G

Distance from the cooled end, mm

Steel grade 50HGF

Hardening 850°C

APPENDIX 3 Reference


Hardness HRC for Hardenable™ steel grades

Distance from the end, mm

APPENDIX 4 Reference


APPENDIX 4. (Changed edition, Rev. No. 5).



A. S. Kaplan (topic leader); N.P. Lyakishev, Dr. tech. sciences; L.V. Meandrov, Dr. Sc. Sciences, R.I. Kolyasnikov; E.V. Kruchinin; V.M. Busarov; IN AND. Saramutin, Ph.D. tech. sciences;

B. V. Runov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; Yu.S. Novoicenov

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated March 29, 1979 No. 1149

3. REPLACE GOST 14959-69 and GOST 1050-74 regarding steel grades 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 60G, 65G, 70G

4. The standard is unified with BDS 6742-73


Number of paragraph, subparagraph, enumeration, application

Number of paragraph, subparagraph

GOST 8.001-80

GOST 8560-78

GOST 8.326-89

GOST 9012-59

GOST 10243-75

GOST 12344-88

GOST 12345-88

GOST 12346-78

GOST 1051-73

GOST 12347-77

GOST 1133-71

GOST 12348-78

GOST 1497-84

GOST 12349-83

GOST 1763-68

GOST 12350-78

GOST 1778-70

GOST 12351-81

GOST 2216-84

GOST 12352-81

GOST 2590-88

GOST 12360-82

GOST 2591-88

GOST 14955-77

GOST 2789-73

GOST 18895-97

GOST 2879-88

GOST 22536.0-87

GOST 3749-77

GOST 22536.1-88

GOST 4405-75

GOST 22536.2-87

GOST 5378-88

GOST 22536.3-88

GOST 5639-82

GOST 22536.4-88

GOST 5657-69

GOST 22536.5-87

GOST 6507-90

GOST 22536.7-88

GOST 7417-75

GOST 22536.8-87

GOST 7419-90

GOST 22536.9-88

GOST 7502-98

GOST 22536.14-88

GOST 7564-97

GOST 24597-81

GOST 7565-81

GOST 26877-91

GOST 7566-94 GOST 8559-75

3.1, 3.2, 5.1, 5.1.1 1.3

GOST 28473-90

6. The limitation of the validity period was removed according to Protocol No. 5-94 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-12-94)

7. EDITION (May 2000) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, approved in November 1982, December 1985, December 1986, June 1987, January 1989 , February 1993 (IUS 2-83, 3-86, 3-87, 9-87, 3-90, 1-94)

Editor V.N. Kopysov Technical editor N.S. Grishanova Proofreader N.L. Schneider Computer DTP by A. S. Yufina

Ed. persons. No. 021007 dated 10.08.95. Signed for publication on 16.06.2000. Uel. oven l. 1.86. Uch.-ed. l. 1.57.

Circulation 98 copies. From 5386. Law. 202.

IPK Standards Publishing House, 107076, Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14.

Typed and printed at IPK Standards Publishing House

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