Steel corner GOST 8509 86. Equal-shelf corner. Introduced by the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR


2 According to the accuracy of rolling, the corners are made:

A-high precision;
B-usual precision.

3 Limit deviations in the dimensions of the corners should not exceed those indicated in table 2.

table 2
Corner number Limit deviations
across the width of the shelf by shelf thickness
up to 6 incl. from 6.5 to 9 incl. over 9
2 to 4.5 + 1,0 + 0,2 + 0,3 - - - -
-0,3 -0,4
5 to 9 + 1,5 + 0,2 + 0,3 + 0,2 + 0,3 + 0,3 + 0,4
-0,4 -0,5 -0,5 -0,6 -0,5 -0,6
10 to 15 + 2,0 - - + 0,3 + 0,4 + 0,3 + 0,4
-0,5 -0,6 -0,6 -0,7
From 16 to 20 + 3,0 - - - - + 0,4 + 0,5
-0,7 -0,8
From 22 to 25 + 4,0 - - - - + 0,4 + 0,5
-0,8 -0,9
4 By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture corners with a shift in the maximum deviations along the thickness of the shelf within the tolerances of the appropriate accuracy.

5 By agreement with the consumer, deviations in shelf thickness may be replaced by maximum deviations in mass in accordance with Table 3.

6 The deviation from the right angle should not exceed 35".
By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the deviation from the right angle at the top should not exceed:

1.0 mm - for corners with a shelf width up to 50 mm inclusive;
2.0 mm - for corners with a shelf width over 50 to 100 mm inclusive;
3.0 mm - for corners with a shelf width over 100 to 200 mm.

7 The blunting of external corners (including the corner at the top) is not controlled.
At the request of the consumer, the blunting of external corners (including the corner at the top) should not exceed:

0.3 shelf thickness - for corners up to 10 mm thick inclusive;
3.0 mm - for corners with a thickness of over 10 to 16 mm inclusive;
5.0 mm - for corners with a thickness of over 16 mm.

8 Corners are made from 4 to 12 m long:

Measured length;
measured length with unmeasured in an amount of not more than 5% of the mass of the batch;
multiple measured length,
multiple measured length with unmeasured in the amount of not more than 5% of the mass of the batch;
unmeasured length;
limited length within unmeasured.

8.1 By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the corners are made in measured and multiple measured lengths with random lengths of more than 5% of the batch weight.

8.2 It is allowed to manufacture corners with a length of at least 3 m and over 12 m.

9 Limit deviations along the length of the corners of the measured length or a multiple of the measured length should not exceed:

30 mm - with a length of up to 4 m inclusive;
+ 50 mm - with a length of more than 4 to 6 m inclusive;
+ 70 mm - with a length of more than 6 m.

At the request of the consumer, for corners with a length of more than 4 to 7 m, the maximum deviations of length should not exceed + 40 mm, more than 7 m - + 5 mm for each next meter.

10 The curvature of the corners should not exceed 0.4% of the length.
At the request of the consumer, corners are made, the curvature of which does not exceed 0.2% of the length. For corners from No. 2 to 4.5 inclusive, the curvature is checked over a length of 1 m.

11 The dimensions of the cross-section of the corners, the bluntness of the corners are measured at a distance of at least 500 mm from the end of the rod.

APPENDIX A (recommended)

(ISO 657-1-89)
1 Scope
This part of ISO 657 includes dimensions for hot rolled equal angles.

2 This International Standard contains the terms of this part of ISO 657. At the time of publication, this edition was current.
All standards are subject to revision, so the most recent edition should be used.
Member countries of IEC and ISO should be provided with valid International Standards.
ISO 657-5-76. Hot-rolled steel sections, part 5. Equal and unequal angles, limit deviations in metric and inch series.

3 Dimensions

3.1 Preferred sizes are in bold.

3.2 Internal rounding radii are given for information and are shown in Table A.1.

3.3 The radius of curvature of the shelves is not defined, but can be calculated if necessary.

Table A.1
Size Weight kg/m S, cm 2 Quantities Distance from the center of gravity Reference values ​​for axes
x-x = y-y u - u v-v
BUT, mm t, mm r root, mm C x = C y cm FROMu, cm FROMv, cm I x = I y, cm 4 r x = r y, cm Z x = Z y, cm 3 I u, cm 4 r u, cm I v, cm 4 rv, cm Z v, cm 3
20x20x3 0,88 1,12 20 3 3,5 0,598 1,41 0,846 0,392 0,590 0,279 0,618 0,742 0,165 0,383 0,195
25x25x3 1,12 1,42 25 3 3,5 0,723 1,77 1,02 0,803 0,751 0,452 1,27 0,945 0,334 0,484 0,326
25x25x4 1,45 1,85 25 4 3,5 0,762 1,77 1,08 1,02 0,741 0,586 1,61 0,931 0,430 0,482 0,399
30x30x3 1,36 1,74 30 3 5 0,835 2,12 1,18 1,40 0,899 0,649 2,22 1,13 0,585 0,581 0,496
30x30x4 1,78 2,27 30 4 5 0,878 2,12 1,24 1,80 0,892 0,850 2,85 1,12 0,757 0,577 0,607
35x35x4 2,09 2,67 35 4 5 1,00 2,47 1,42 2,95 1,05 1,18 4,68 1,32 1,23 0,678 0,865
35x35x5 2,57 3,28 35 5 5 1,04 2,47 1,48 3,56 1,04 1,45 5,64 1,31 1,49 0,675 1,01
40x40x3 1,84 2,35 40 3 6 1,07 2,83 1,52 3,45 1,21 1,18 5,45 1,52 1,44 0,783 0,949
40x40x4 2,42 3,08 40 4 6 1,12 2,83 1,58 4,47 1,21 1,55 7,09 1,52 1,86 0,777 1,17
40x40x5 2,97 3,79 40 5 6 1,16 2,83 1,64 5,43 1,20 1,91 8,60 1,51 2,26 0,773 1,38
45x45x4 2,74 3,49 45 4 7 1,23 3,18 1,75 6,43 1,36 1,97 10,2 1,71 2,68 0,876 1,53
45x45x5 3,38 4,30 45 5 7 1,28 3,18 1,81 7,84 1,35 2,43 12,4 1,70 3,26 0,871 1,80
50x50x4 3,06 3,89 50 4 7 1,36 3,54 1,92 8,97 1,52 2,46 14,2 1,91 3,73 0,979 1,94
50x50x5 3,77 4,80 50 5 7 1,40 3,54 1,99 11,0 1,51 3,05 17,4 1,90 4,55 0,973 2,29
50x50x6 4,47 5,69 50 6 7 1,45 3,54 2,04 12,8 1,50 3,61 20,3 1,89 5,34 0,968 2,61
60x60x5 4,57 5,82 60 5 8 1,64 4,24 2,32 19,4 1,82 4,45 30,7 2,30 8,03 1,17 3,46
60x60x6 5,42 6,91 60 6 8 1,69 4,24 2,39 22,8 1,82 5,29 36,1 2,29 9,44 1,17 3,96
60x60x8 7,09 9,03 60 8 8 1,77 4,24 2,50 29,2 1,80 6,89 46,1 2,26 12,2 1,16 4,86
65x65x6 5,91 7,53 65 6 9 1,80 4,60 2,55 29,2 1,97 6,21 46,3 2,48 12,1 1,27 4,74
65x65x8 7,73 9,85 65 8 9 1,89 4,60 2,67 37,5 1,95 8,13 59,4 2,46 15,6 1,26 5,84
70x70x6 6,38 8,13 70 6 9 1,93 4,95 2,73 36,9 2,13 7,27 58,5 2,68 15,3 1,37 5,60
70x70x7 7,38 9,40 70 7 9 1,97 4,95 2,79 42,3 2,12 8,41 67,1 2,67 17,5 1,36 6,28
75x75x6 6,85 8,73 75 6 9 2,05 5,30 2,90 45,8 2,29 8,41 72,7 2,89 18,9 1,47 6,53
75x75x8 8,99 11,4 75 8 9 2,14 5,30 3,02 59,1 2,27 11,0 93,8 2,86 24,5 1,46 8,09
80x80x6 7,34 9,35 80 6 10 2,17 5,66 3,07 55,8 2,44 9,57 88,5 3,08 23,1 1,57 7,55
80x80x8 9,63 12,3 80 8 10 2,26 5,66 3,19 72,2 2,43 12,6 115 3,06 29,9 1,56 9,37
80x80x10 11,9 15,1 80 10 10 2,34 5,66 3,30 87,5 2,41 15,4 139 3,03 36,4 1,55 11,0
90x90x7 9,61 12,2 90 7 11 2,45 6,36 3,47 92,5 2,75 14,1 147 3,46 38,3 1,77 11,0
90x90x8 10,9 13,9 90 8 11 2,50 6,36 3,53 104 2,74 16,1 166 3,45 43,1 1,76 12,2
90x90x9 12,2 15,5 90 9 11 2,54 6,36 3,59 116 2,73 17,9 184 3,44 47,9 1,76 13,3
90x90x10 15,0 17,1 90 10 11 2,58 6,36 3,65 127 2,72 19,8 201 3,42 52,6 1,75 14,4
100x100x8 12,2 15,5 100 8 12 2,74 7,07 3,87 145 3,06 19,9 230 3,85 59,9 1,96 15,5
100x100x10 15,0 19,2 100 10 12 2,82 7,07 3,99 177 3,04 24,6 280 3,83 73,0 1,95 18,3
100x100x12 17,8 22,7 100 12 12 2,90 7,07 4,11 207 3,02 29,1 328 3,80 85,7 1,94 20,9
120x120x8 14,7 18,7 120 8 13 3,23 8,49 4,56 255 3,69 29,1 405 4,65 105 2,37 23,1
120x120x10 18,2 23,2 120 10 13 3,31 8,49 4,69 313 3,67 36,0 497 4,63 129 2,36 27,5
120x120x12 21,6 27,5 120 12 13 3,40 8,49 4,80 368 3,65 42,7 584 4,60 152 2,35 31,6
125x125x8 15,3 19,5 125 8 13 3,35 8,84 4,74 290 3,85 31,7 461 4,85 120 2,47 25,3
125x125x10 19,0 24,2 125 10 13 3,44 8,84 4,86 356 3,84 39,3 565 4,83 146 2,46 2,46
125x125x12 22,6 28,7 125 12 13 3,52 8,84 4,98 418 3,81 46,6 664 4,81 172 2,45 34,6
150x150x10 23,0 29,3 150 10 16 4,03 10,6 5,71 624 4,62 56,9 990 5,82 258 2,97 45,1
150x150x12 27,3 34,8 150 12 16 4,12 10,6 5,83 737 4,60 67,7 1170 5,80 303 2,95 52,0
150x150x15 33,8 43,0 150 15 16 4,25 10,6 6,01 898 4,57 83,5 1430 5,76 370 2,93 61,6
180x180x15 40,9 52,1 180 15 18 4,98 12,7 7,05 1590 5,52 122 2520 6,96 653 3,54 92,7
180x180x18 48,6 61,9 180 18 18 5,10 12,7 7,22 1870 5,49 145 2960 6,92 768 3,52 106
200x200x16 48,5 61,8 200 16 18 5,52 14,1 7,81 2340 6,16 162 3720 7,76 960 3,94 123
200x200x20 59,9 76,3 200 20 18 5,68 14,1 8,04 2850 6,11 199 4530 7,70 1170 3,92 146
200x200x24 71,1 90,6 200 24 18 5,84 14,1 8,26 3330 6,06 235 5280 7,64 1380 3,90 167
250x250x28 104 133 250 28 18 7,24 17,7 10,2 7700 7,62 433 1220 9,61 3170 4,89 309
250x250x35 128 163 250 35 18 7,50 17,7 10,6 9260 7,54 529 1470 9,48 3860 4,87 364

1 ISO member countries may include in their national standards the dimensions of the corners they require.
From the range given in the table for equal-angle corners, the national standard can include those corner sizes that S- cross-sectional area, cm 2;
t- thickness, mm;
r root - radius of internal rounding, mm;
r toc - radius of curvature of the shelves, mm;
BUT- shelf width, mm.

3 When calculating the mass of 1 m, the density of steel was taken to be 7.85 kg / dm 3.

APPENDIX B (recommended)

1 Scope of the standard and scope
Real international standard regulates the maximum deviations in the dimensions of hot-rolled steel equal-shelf and unequal-shelf angles in metric and inch series. The dimensions of the angles in the metric series must comply with ISO 657-1 and ISO 657-2, in the inch series - ISO 657-3 and ISO 657-4.

2 Limit deviations for the width of the shelf
Limit deviations for the width of the shelf should correspond to those given in Table B.1.

Table B.1 | Limit deviations in width
Metric series, mm Inch series, inch
Shelf width 1 Limit Shelf width 1 Limit
Over From and to incl. deviations Over From and to incl. deviations
- 50 + 1,0 - 2 + 0,04
50 100 + 1,5 2 4 + 0,06
100 150 + 2,0 4 6 + 0,08
150 200 + 3,0 6 8 + 0,12

3 Limit deviations for the thickness of the shelf
Limit deviations in thickness of equal-shelf and unequal-shelf angles must correspond to those given in Table B.2

Table B.2 | Limit deviations in thickness
Metric series, mm Inch series, inch
Shelf width 1 Limit Shelf width 1 Limit
Over From and to incl. deviations Over From and to incl. deviations
- 50 + 0,5 - 2 + 0,02
50 100 + 0,8 2 4 + 0,03
100 150 + 1,0 4 6 + 0,04
150 200 + 1,2 6 8 + 0,05

1 For unequal corners, the width of the larger shelf is taken as the base.
Note -
For corners with a shelf length of more than 75 mm, the maximum deviations in mass are + 2.5% per unit length and can be replaced by the maximum deviations in thickness. The mass of a unit length of the corner is given in the appendix BUT.

4 Limit deviations when cutting into lengths
Maximum deviations in length when cutting into normal and exact lengths of equal-shelf and unequal-shelf angles must correspond to those given in tables B.3 and B.4, respectively.

5 Curvature

5.1. The maximum allowable curvature for equal-shelf and unequal-shelf angles must correspond to that given in Table B.5.

1 For unequal corners, the width of the larger shelf is taken as the base.

Table B.6 | Right Angle Deviation
Metric Series Inch series
Shelf width Deviation Shelf width 1 Deviation
Over From and to incl. Over From and to incl.
- 50 1,0 - 2 0,04
50 100 2,0 2 4 0,08
100 200 3,0 4 8 0,12

1 For unequal corners, the width of the larger shelf is taken as the base.


GOST 8509-86

Official edition


DEVELOPED by the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR Gosstroy of the USSR


S. I. Rudyuk, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. F. Kovalenko, Ph.D. tech. sciences; N. F. Gritsuk, Ph.D. tech. sciences; K. F. Peretyatko; G. I. Snimshchikova; E. I. Bulgakov; Zh. M. Roeva, Ph.D. economy sciences; V. I. Krasnova; B. G. Pavlov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. F. Belyaev, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. V. Berezin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; S. I. Bochkova

INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR

Member of the Board V. T. Antipin

APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards of October 15, 1986 No. 3083

UDC 621.357.74: 006.354 Group B22




Hot-rolled steel equal-leg angles.

Dimensions OKP 09 3100; 09 3200; 09 3300

GOST 8509-72 | ST SEV 104-74)

By the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated October 15, 1966 No. 3083, the validity period was established

from 07/01/87 to 07/01/92

Non-compliance with the standard is punishable by law

1. This standard applies to steel hot rolled equal angles.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 104-74.

2. The dimensions of the corners, the cross-sectional area, reference values ​​for the axles and the mass of 1 m of the corners must correspond to those indicated in the drawing and in table. one.

Official publication Reprint prohibited

© Standards Publishing, 1987

GOST 8509-86 Page 3

Table 1

Reference values

Weight of 1 m corner, kg

Jxq check. cm 4

GOST 8509-86 Page five

Continuation of the table, 1

Cross-sectional area, cm * n

Reference values

Weight of 1 m "corner, kg

/.Vo max, cm 4

I'm 7 woo, see 3

GOST 8509 -W Page 7

Page 6 GOST 8509-86

■ - - Continuation of the table. one

Weight of 1m corner, kg

Cross-sectional area, cm 2

Reference values ​​for axes

/us, min cm 4

739,42 813,62 956,98_

260.97 307,09 374,17 439,24_

60.53 68,15 75,92 82,08 90,02

375.78 430,81 484,64 537,46 589,43

37.39 43,57 49,07 54,79

1933,10 2092,78 2554,99 2992,69 3271,31

948.00 1108,00 1210,00

14 16 18* 20 24* 25 30

749,40 805,35 861,00 969,74 1076,74 1181,92 1387,73 1438,38 1698,16

96.96 106,12 119,71 133,12

7492,10 8336,69 9159,73 9961,60 11125,52 12243,84 12964,66

260.52 287,14 311,98 327,82


1. Cross-sectional area and reference values ​​calculated from nominal dimensions. When calculating the mass of 1 m of the corner, the density of steel was taken equal to 7.85 g/cm 3 .

2. The radii of curvature, the shape and dimensions of the interface of the inner edges of the shelves, indicated in the drawing and in Table I, are given for constructing a caliber and are not checked on the corner.

3. Corners marked with an asterisk are made at the request of the consumer.

Symbols for the drawing and table. 1. b - shelf width; t - shelf thickness;

R is the radius of the inner rounding; r-radius of curvature of the shelves;

/ - moment of inertia; i - radius of inertia;

Z 9 - distance from the center of gravity to the outer edge of the shelf; J xy - centrifugal moment of inertia.

Example symbol equal-shelf angle with dimensions 50X50X3 mm of high rolling accuracy (A) made of steel grade St3sp, category 3, subgroup 1:

50X50X3-A GOST 8509-86

StZspZ-1 GOST 535-79

3. According to the accuracy of rolling, the corners are made:

A - high accuracy;

B - normal accuracy;

4. Limit deviations in the dimensions of the corners should not exceed those indicated in Table. 2.

table 2

Limit deviations, mm

by shelf thickness

Corner number

across the width of the shelf

up to 6 incl.

from 6.5 to 9 incl.

soo o o + 1

y o o o +1

5. Limit deviations in the dimensions of angles made on mills not equipped with rigid stands should not exceed those indicated in Table. 3 until 01.07.90

Table 3

Limit deviations, mm

by shelf thickness

Corner number

across the width of the shelf

up to 6 incl.

from 6.5 to 9 incl.

soo o o + 1

^oo o o + 1

6. At the request of the consumer, the maximum deviations in the thickness of the shelf may be replaced by the maximum deviations in mass, equal to! ^ %.

7. Deviation from the right angle at the top should not exceed 35".

8. The blunting of the external corners of the shelves (including the corner at the top) should not exceed:

0.3 shelf thickness - for corners up to 10 mm thick incl.

3.0 mm - for corners with a thickness of St. 10 to 16 mm incl.

5.0 mm - for corners with a thickness of St. 16 mm.

9. Corners are made in length from 4 to 12 m: measured length;

multiple measured length; unmeasured length;

limited length within unmeasured.

It is allowed to produce corners with a length of more than 12 m.

10. Limit deviations along the length of the corners of the measured length or multiple measured length should not exceed in millimeters:

30 - with a length of 4 m;

50 - with a length of over 4 m up to 6 m inclusive;

70 - with a length of more than 6 m.

At the request of the consumer +40 mm - for corners with a length of over 4 to 7 m; +5 mm for every 1 m above 7 m.

Page 10 GOST 8509-86

11. The curvature of the corners should not exceed 0.4% of the length.

At the request of the consumer, corners are made, the curvature of which does not exceed 0.2% of the length. For corners from No. 2 to 4.5 inclusive, the curvature is checked along a length of 1 m.

12. Twisting around the longitudinal axis is not allowed.

13. The dimensions of the cross section of the corner are checked at a distance of at least 500 mm from the end of the rod.

Editor T. I. Vasilenko Technical editor Af. I. Maksimova Proofreader B. A. Muradov

Rented in emb. 11/14/86 Signed. in the oven 01/15/87 0.7e st. p. l. 0,/o val. kr.-ott. 0.70 ed. l. Tyr. 40 000 Price 5 kopecks

Order "Badge of Honor" Publishing house of standards, 123840, Moscow, GSP, Novopresnensky per., 3 Type. Moscow printer. Moscow, Lyalin per., 6. Zak 3067

Angle rolled products are one of the most demanded and widespread types of metal products. Equal-shelf corner GOST 8509-93, due to its characteristics, is used more often than others.

1 Corner products - production and varieties

The steel corner on application of metal products takes one of the leading positions. It is a shaped steel, the cross section of which resembles the letter L (shaped steel, in contrast to long products, is called products in which at least one tangent to the profile contour intersects the cross section. For sectional circles, sheets and other rolled products, not a single tangent crosses the section ).

These products, with the exception of the stainless corner, are made from various grades of low-alloy and carbon steel. According to the type of section, they are divided into equal-shelf and unequal-shelf, according to the manufacturing method - bent and hot-rolled. According to these classifications, the following GOSTs have been developed for ferrous metal corners, which they must comply with:

  • GOST 8509-93 - equal-shelf hot-rolled corner;
  • GOST 8510-93 - unequal hot-rolled corner;
  • GOST 19771-93 - bent equal-shelf corner;
  • GOST 19772-93 - bent unequal angle.

It should be noted that a product is called equal-shelf, the shelves of which (the sides of the transverse angular section) have an equal width. Accordingly, the dimensions of the shelves are different for the unequal shelf.

Hot rolled products are produced by rolling a hot billet between rotating shafts of a rolling mill, where the angle is formed under pressure. Bent products are produced by bending on roll forming machines or using pipe mills. The strength of a hot-rolled angle is higher than that of a bent one. But the latter have more precise dimensions, lighter weight, a wide range of shelf sizes and wall thicknesses.

2 Main characteristics for equal-shelf corner GOST 8509-93

When classifying corner products, it is important to know the grade of metal used in the manufacture, the production method, the dimensions of its shelves, the length and accuracy. Equal-shelf corner GOST 8509-93 is made from the following steel grades:

  • carbon grades St0, St3sp, St3kp, St3ps, St4ps, St4kp, St4sp, St6ps, St5ps, St6sp and the like;
  • low-alloy increased strength 12GS, 14GS, 08G2S, 16GS, 17GS, 17G1S, 14KhGS, 09G2S, 15KhSND, 10G2S1, 10KhNDP, 10G2BD, 10KhSND, 14G2AF, 15G2SFD, 16G2AF and others.

According to GOST 8509-93, corner products are produced with a flange width in the range of 20–250 mm and a thickness in the range of 3–35 mm (at the end of the article there is a table with all types of sizes). In accordance with the width of the shelves, the rolled products are assigned numbers from 2 to 25 (width in centimeters). When designating products, the parameters of the shelves and the thickness of the corner are indicated: 63x63x6 mm (corner with shelves 63 mm and 6 mm thick). Usually, for equal-shelf products, the width of the shelves is indicated once (63x6 mm). Thickness may not be specified.

GOST 8509-93 corner products are produced in lengths of 3–12 m. It is possible to manufacture over 12 m. The following lengths are produced:

  • measured;
  • measured with non-dimensional in the amount not exceeding 5% of the entire batch of products;
  • multiples of dimensional;
  • multiples of measured with non-measured in a volume not exceeding 5% of the entire batch;
  • off-gauge;
  • limited within unmeasurable.

For products of measured and multiple permissible deviations of length should not differ upwards by (in mm):

  • 30 - for corners up to and equal to 4 m;
  • 50 - longer than 4 to and equal to 6 m;
  • 70 - over 6 m;
  • according to the customer's requirement 40 - longer than 4 up to and equal to 7 m;
  • at the request of the customer for each 5 meter after 7 m - over 7 m.

By accuracy, corner products are classified:

  • high - class A;
  • regular - V.

In the manufacture of rolled products, GOST 8509-93 regulates the prevention of twisting of products along the axis. The coefficient of curvature of products should not exceed 0.4% of the length, and at the request of the customer - 0.2%. The shelves are at an angle of 90º.

3 Corner and GOST - weight of a running meter

Another very important characteristic of angle bars is the weight of 1 linear meter. This value allows you to quickly convert the required amount of products, indicated by the footage, into its total weight. Knowledge of the mass of rolled metal is necessary when taking it into account at the time of payment and shipment, when choosing a method of delivery and transport. Weight data are even more important in the calculation of metal, building and other structures, as well as for solving other problems and issues.

To determine the weight of the settlement lot of the corner, you need to find out from the reference book specific gravity 1 m of the product with the corresponding values ​​of the shelf width and metal thickness. This value is multiplied by the number of meters of corner products. The reference book indicates the theoretical value of the mass of 1 m, that is, calculated according to the nominal dimensions and the average value of the density of steel angle 7850 kg / m 3.

The actual value may vary slightly up or down. This, to a small extent, depends on the actual density of the steel grade from which the rolled product is made. And to a greater extent due to the actual dimensional characteristics of the angular profile, regulated by the accuracy class of the product. A table from the reference is given at the end of the article. It also indicates the number of meters of corner products in 1 ton of products.

4 Tolerances and deviations of the main characteristics of the corner

According to GOST 8509-93, deviations of the actual mass of 1 linear meter from the theoretical values ​​should not exceed 3%. At the same time, the tolerances for the width, thickness, and length of the corner can add up to an error of up to 5%. Permissible width deviation (all dimensions in mm):

  • width up to 45 - tolerance ±1;
  • 50–90 - ±1.5;
  • 100–150 – ±2;
  • 160–200 - ±3;
  • 220–250 - ±4.

By thickness in mm:

  • for a shelf width up to 45 mm and a corner length up to and equal to 6 m - -0.3–+0.2 (class A), -0.4–+0.3 (B);
  • 50–90 mm and 6 m inclusive – -0.4–+0.2 (A), –0.5–+0.3 (B);
  • 50–90 mm and 6.5–9 m inclusive – -0.5–+0.2 (A), –0.6–+0.3 (B);
  • 50–90 mm and over 9 m – -0.5–+0.3 (A), –0.6–+0.4 (B);
  • 100–150 mm 6.5–9 m inclusive – -0.5–+0.3 (A), –0.6–+0.4 (B);
  • 100–150 mm and over 9 m – -0.6–+0.3 (A), –0.7–+0.4 (B);
  • 160–200 mm and over 9 m – -0.7–+0.4 (A), –0.8–+0.5 (B);
  • 220–250 mm and over 9 m – -0.8–+0.4 (A), –0.9–+0.5 (B).

By agreement with the customer, it is possible to replace thickness deviations with the maximum mass tolerances:

  • for corner numbers 2–7.5 inclusive - –5–+3% (A and B);
  • after 7.5 – ±2.5% (A), –5–+3% (B).

The mutual arrangement of the shelves should not deviate from the right angle at the top by more than 35 minutes. By agreement, the maximum deviation can be for the width of the shelf (all dimensions in mm):

  • 1.0 - for products with a width of up to and equal to 50;
  • 2.0 - more than 50 up to and equal to 100;
  • 3.0 - more than 100 up to and equal to 200.

At the request of the customer, external corners (including at the top) must have a bluntness not exceeding the value:

  • 0.3 shelf thickness - for products up to and equal to 10 mm thick;
  • 3.0 mm - more than 10 up to and equal to 16 mm;
  • 5.0 mm - over 16 mm.

5 Other references and specifications

Also in GOST 8509-93 reference values ​​​​of the radii of curvature, cross-sectional area, distance from the outer edge of the shelf to the center of gravity of the corner, moment and radius of inertia, centrifugal moment of inertia are indicated. Some values ​​are used when calculating the rigidity and strength of metal structures, which are going to be made from the selected corner products. And some of the parameters are necessary to adjust the caliber of the rolling equipment of the rolling mill.

Characteristics of the steel from which they are made this species corner, provide it with good resistance to loads of various types at a relatively low cost. Due to this, hot-rolled corner products are used in almost all areas. Most widely - in construction for the creation of frame and other metal structures, as well as concrete reinforcement.

It should be noted that the corner has a low corrosion resistance. Therefore, if it is intended to operate it in conditions of high or high humidity, it is recommended to replace it with galvanized, stainless, or maybe.

Weight of 1 running meter and number of meters per ton of angle bars GOST 8509-93


Weight 1 m, kg

Meters per ton

Shelf width, mm

Shelf thickness, mm

Hide calculator

Hot-rolled steel equal-shelf corners have found their wide application in construction. We invite everyone to buy bent equal-shelf corners in Moscow at an affordable price. Under the steel corner is meant a kind of shaped metal rolling. This is an L-shaped profile, which has several varieties.

Today, metal steel corners are in high demand and popularity. It has found its wide application in various fields of industry and construction. Craftsmen use corners during repairs, installation of various structures.

Steel angles are classified according to several important parameters. This is a manufacturing method - hot-rolled and bent steel corners. Also, special attention is paid to the scope. There are equal and unequal. Each person will be able to choose the best option for themselves, depending on further use.

Production features

The assortment of equal-shelf corners is regulated by the current GOST. During production, several important steps are involved. First, a high-quality steel billet is selected, which is passed through a rotary shaft. Thanks to such specialized equipment, it is possible to form the necessary parameters and dimensions of the future product. Next, the billet is passed through a rolling mill under high pressure.

It is strictly unacceptable to twist the corner along its axis. The maximum possible angle curvature coefficient is no more than 0.4% of the total length. Also, state quality standards set the maximum possible deviations, which relate to the length. The value should not exceed more than 0.75% of the total.

To get acquainted with the prices for a steel equal-angle corner, you need to contact our company. We employ qualified managers who will take into account all the wishes and preferences of each client. We always follow the high quality of service.

Our catalog contains metal corners of the following parameters: 40*40*4 mm, 40*40*3 mm, 25*25 (equal-shelf), 63*40*6 mm (different-shelf) and many others.

Characteristics of hot rolled equal angles

The presented variety of rolled metal products is made from high-quality square-shaped blanks. The end result after processing is a corner that has equal shelves in width.

There is the following marking classification:

  • - marking "A" is used for high precision products;
  • - marking "B" is used for rolled metal of ordinary accuracy.

Steel equal angles differ from each other in terms of accuracy, as well as possible permissible deviations from the norm. Our corners, which are presented in the catalog, are produced taking into account established and existing state standards quality. All indicators and maximum permissible deviations are regulated by GOST 8509-93.

state standard



GOST 8509-86

Official edition


DEVELOPED by the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR Gosstroy of the USSR


S. I. Rudyuk, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. F. Kovalenko, Ph.D. tech. sciences; N. F. Gritsuk, Ph.D. tech. sciences; K. F. Peretyatko; G. I. Snimshchikova; E. I. Bulgakov; Zh. M. Roeva, Ph.D. economy sciences; V. I. Krasnova; B. G. Pavlov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. F. Belyaev, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. V. Berezin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; S. I. Bochkova

INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR

Member of the Board V. T. Antipin

APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards of October 15, 1986 No. 3083

UDC 621.357.74: 006.354 Group B22






Hot-rolled steel equal-leg angles. Dimensions

GOST 8509-72

tCT SEV 104-74)

OKP 09 3100; 09 3200; 09 3300

By the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated October 15, 1986 No. 5085, the validity period is established

1. This standard applies to steel hot rolled equal angles.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 104-74.

2. The dimensions of the corners, the cross-sectional area, reference values ​​for the axles and the mass of 1 m of the corners must correspond to those indicated in the drawing and in table. one.

from 07/01/87 to 07/01/92

Non-compliance with the standard is punishable by law

Official edition

Reprint prohibited

Standards Publishing, 1987

Table 1

Cross-sectional area, cm!

Reference values ​​for axes

Weight of 1 m corner, kg

1x) check, cm*

Continuation of the table. /

Cross-sectional area, cm;

Reference values ​​for axes

Weight of 1 m 'corner, kg

/ l "a check, cm *

/i/o, min cm*

5.67 6,27 7,43 8,57

2.72 2,71 2,69 2,68 2,64

12.80 15,67 18,42

2.47 2,45 2,44 2,42 2,40

3.11 3,09 3,08 3,04 3,01

1.58 1,57 1,56 1,55

130.00 149,67 168,42

186.00 203,93 235,88

8 10 12 14 15* 16

19.24 22,80 26,28 27,99

19.69 22,0 24,33 28,89 33,37 37,77

233.46 283,83 330,95 374,98 395,87 416,04

76.40 86,30 110,00 122,00

Continuation of the table. ?

Cross-sectional area, cm 2

Reference values ​​for axes

Weight of 1m corner, kg

/to check, cm

iXi check, cm

/Ko, min cm*


1. The cross-sectional area and reference values ​​\u200b\u200bare calculated according to the nominal dimensions. When calculating the mass of 1 m of the corner, the density, steel, was taken to be 7.85 g / cm 3.

2. The radii of curvature, the shape and dimensions of the interface area of ​​the inner faces of the shelves, indicated in the drawing and in table. 1, are given to build a caliber and do not check on the corner,

3. Corners marked with an asterisk are manufactured at the request of the consumer,

Symbols for the drawing and table. 1. b - shelf width; t - shelf thickness;

R is the radius of the inner rounding; r - radius of curvature of the shelves;

J - moment of inertia; i - radius of inertia;

Zq - distance from the center of gravity to the outer edge of the shelf; J xy - centrifugal moment of inertia.

An example of a symbol for an equal-shelf angle with dimensions 50X50X3 mm of high rolling accuracy (L) made of steel grade StZsp, category 3, subgroup 1:

v 50X50X3-A GOST 8509-86

Corner ----

StZspZ-1 GOST 535-79

3. According to the accuracy of rolling, the corners are made:

A - high accuracy;

B - normal accuracy;

4. Limit deviations in the dimensions of the corners should not exceed those indicated in Table. 2.

table 2

Limit deviations, mm

by shelf thickness

Corner number

across the width of the shelf

up to 6 incl.

from 6.5 to 9 incl.

soo o o + 1

5. Limit deviations in the dimensions of angles made on mills not equipped with rigid stands should not exceed those indicated in Table. 3 until 01.07.90

Table 3

Limit deviations, mm

by shelf thickness

Corner number

in width

up to 6 incl.

from 6.5 to 9 incl.

6. At the request of the consumer, the maximum deviations in the thickness of the shelf may be replaced by the maximum deviations in mass, equal to ± 1%.

7. Deviation from the right angle at the top should not exceed 35".

8. The blunting of the external corners of the shelves (including the corner at the top) should not exceed:

0.3 shelf thickness - for corners up to 10 mm thick incl.

3.0 mm - for corners with a thickness of St. 10 to 16 mm incl.;

5.0 mm - for corners with a thickness of CB. 16 mm.

9. Corners are made from 4 to 12 m long:

measured length; multiple measured length; unmeasured length;

limited length within unmeasured.

It is allowed to produce corners with a length of more than 12 m.

10. Limit deviations along the length of the corners of the measured length or multiple measured length should not exceed in millimeters:

30 - with a length of 4 m;

50 - with a length of over 4 m up to 6 m inclusive;

70 - with a length of more than 6 m.

At the request of the consumer +40 mm - for corners with a length of over 4 to 7 m; +5 mm for every 1 m above 7 m.

11. The curvature of the corners should not exceed 0.4% of the length.

At the request of the consumer, corners are made, the curvature of which does not exceed 0.2% of the length. For corners from No. 2 to 4.5 inclusive, the curvature is checked along a length of 1 m.

12. Twisting around the longitudinal axis is not allowed.

13. The dimensions of the cross section of the corner are checked at a distance of at least 500 mm from the end of the rod.

Editor T. Ya. Vasilenko Technical editor M. I. Maksimova Proofreader B. A. Muradov

Rented in emb. 11/14/S6 Go, in print. 15.01.87 0.75 arb. p. l. 0.75 uel, cr.-ott. 0.70 ed. l. Tyr. 40 000 Foam 5 kop.

Order "Badge of Honor" Standards Publishing House, 123840, Moscow, GSP, Novopresnensky per. 3 Typ. Moscow printer. Moscow, Lyalin per., 6, Zak 3067

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