Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 118. Technical regulation on the requirements for gasoline and diesel fuel - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. I. General provisions


  1. This regulation establishes requirements for motor and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel and heating oil (hereinafter referred to as products) put into circulation and being in circulation.
  2. It is allowed to release into circulation and circulation of products supplied for federal state needs under the state defense order, the characteristics of which differ from the characteristics established by this regulation.
  3. The main concepts used in this regulation mean the following:

    "petrol"- liquid fuel for use in engines with spark (Changed edition) ignition;

    "diesel fuel" - liquid fuel for use in compression ignition engines;

    "liquid fuel"- liquids of petroleum or synthetic origin used to meet energy needs by converting the chemical energy of hydrocarbons into thermal energy;

    "oil product" - products obtained during the processing of hydrocarbon-containing raw materials;

    "product brand"- the name, number or letter designation of the product, including an indication of the octane number of motor gasoline; (Changed edition)

    "product turnover"- finding products at the stages of transportation, storage, wholesale and retail;

    "octane number" - an indicator characterizing the detonation resistance of gasoline, expressed in units of the reference scale;

    "batch of products"- any quantity of products manufactured in the course of a continuous technological process, homogeneous in composition and properties;

    "additive" - a component added to the product to change its properties;

    "marine fuel" - liquid fuel used in ship power plants;

    "jet fuel"- liquid fuel for use in gas turbine (air-jet) engines;

    "fuel oil"- liquid residual oil fuel for use in stationary thermal and power plants;

    "cetane number" - an indicator characterizing the flammability of diesel fuel, expressed in units of the reference scale.

    II. Product safety requirements

  4. Automobile gasoline must meet the requirements in accordance with Appendix No. 1.
  5. (lost power)
  6. Motor gasoline must not contain metal-containing additives.
  7. Automobile gasoline may contain dyes (except green and blue) and labeling substances.
  8. Automobile gasoline may contain detergent additives that do not impair its performance and properties.
  9. The manufacturer (seller) is obliged to indicate in the accompanying documents for motor gasoline, in the passport for it and in its advertising, the brand and class of this gasoline (modified version).
  10. Diesel fuel must meet the requirements in accordance with Appendix No. 2.
  11. Within 3 years from the date of entry into force of this regulation, along with the circulation of diesel fuel that meets the requirements provided for in Appendix No. 2 to this technical regulation, it is allowed to release into circulation diesel fuel used for agricultural and off-road vehicles, with a norm of 45 in terms of "cetane number, not less", with a norm of 2000 milligrams per kilogram (0.2 percent by mass) in terms of "mass fraction of sulfur, no more" and without rationing of indicators "lubricity, no more" and "mass fraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, no more" subject to the compliance of other characteristics with the requirements provided for in Appendix No. 2 to this regulation.
  12. Diesel fuel may contain dyes (except green and blue) and labeling substances.
  13. Diesel fuel must not contain metal-containing additives.
  14. The manufacturer (seller) is obliged to indicate in the accompanying documents for diesel fuel, in the passport for it and in its advertising, the brand and class of this fuel (modified version).
  15. The manufacturer or seller in the passport for motor gasoline and diesel fuel supplied for sale must indicate information about the presence (name, properties and content) of additives or their absence in these fuels.
  16. Fuel oil must comply with the requirements in accordance with Appendix No. 3.
  17. The mass fraction of sulfur in heating oil used in boiler plants not equipped with flue gas cleaning devices should not exceed 3 percent.
  18. (lost power)
  19. Jet fuel must comply with the requirements in accordance with Appendix No. 4.
  20. Jet fuel must not contain surfactants or other chemicals in quantities that would impair its properties.
  21. Jet fuel used in cold and arctic climates must have a crystallization temperature of no higher than minus 60 degrees Celsius.
  22. It is allowed to sell fuel for jet engines with a flash point in a closed cup not lower than 38 degrees Celsius.
  23. Aviation gasoline must comply with the requirements in accordance with Appendix No. 5.
  24. Aviation gasoline with an octane rating of at least 99.5 and a grade of at least 130 may contain a blue dye.
  25. Aviation gasoline must be oxidatively stable and must not contain surfactants or other chemicals in amounts that would impair its properties.
  26. Aviation gasoline may contain tetraethyl lead.
    Aviation gasoline must only be used in aircraft, the use of this gasoline for other purposes is prohibited.
  27. Marine fuel must comply with the requirements in accordance with Appendix No. 6.
  28. Products may contain additives that do not harm the life and health of citizens, the environment, property of individuals and legal entities, life and health of animals and plants.
  29. Each batch of each brand of products in circulation (with the exception of retail trade) must have a product passport. The product passport issued by the manufacturer or seller (at enterprises that store products ready for sale) contains the name and brand of the product, information about the manufacturer (seller) of the product, including its address, the standard values ​​of the characteristics established by this regulation for this type of product, the actual the values ​​of these characteristics determined from the test results, the date of sampling, the number of the tank (batch number) from which the sample was taken, the date of manufacture of the product, the date of the analysis of the product, as well as information about the presence (name and content) or absence of additives in the product .
    The passport is signed by the head of the enterprise or a person authorized by him and certified by a seal.
  30. When selling products, the seller, at the request of the purchaser, is obliged to provide him with a product passport, as well as other documents containing the following information:

    a) the name of the product and its intended purpose;

    b) information about the documents containing the norms to which this product complies;

    c) the name of the manufacturer, its location, the country of origin of the product, the name and location (address, telephone) of the seller;

    d) batch number of products supplied for sale;

    e) net weight of products in containers;

    f) information about the presence (name, content and properties) of additives added to the product, or about the absence of additives;

    g) product hazard signs in accordance with legal requirements Russian Federation in the field of fire, environmental and biological safety;

    h) information about the certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity;

    i) information on the safe storage, transportation, sale, use and disposal of products.

  31. Manufacturers and (or) sellers of motor gasoline and (or) diesel fuel are required to indicate in information materials posted in places accessible to purchasers, including on fuel dispensing equipment, the product name, brand and class of motor gasoline or diesel fuel, as well as in cash receipts- the class of this gasoline or diesel fuel. (Changed edition)

    III. Conformity assessment

  32. Conformity assessment is carried out in relation to:

    a) products put into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation - in the form of a mandatory confirmation of conformity;

    b) products that are in circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation - in the form of state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of this regulation.

  33. With mandatory confirmation of conformity, the applicant is the manufacturer (seller).
    In relation to products imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, mandatory confirmation of conformity is carried out by the seller, who performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of an agreement, in terms of:

    ensuring compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of this regulation;

    liability for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of this regulation.

  34. Mandatory confirmation of the conformity of motor gasoline and diesel fuel obtained by processing hydrocarbon-containing raw materials is carried out in the form of a declaration of conformity based on evidence obtained with the participation of an independent accredited testing laboratory (center).

    The declaration procedure includes the formation by the applicant of technical documentation (product passport, sampling certificate, laboratory accreditation document), testing of a product sample by an independent accredited testing laboratory and acceptance by the applicant of a declaration on the conformity of motor gasoline and diesel fuel to the established requirements.

  35. Mandatory confirmation by the manufacturer of the conformity of motor gasoline and diesel fuel in the event that the manufacture of products is carried out by mixing petroleum products, including the addition of additives of various origins, is carried out in the form of mandatory certification with testing of a product sample and inspection control of certified products. The procedure for the implementation of mandatory certification includes:

    a) sampling and product identification;

    b) testing of a product sample by an independent accredited testing laboratory;

    c) summarizing the test results and making a decision to issue (refuse to issue) a certificate of conformity to the applicant;

    d) issuance to the applicant of a certificate of conformity, the validity of which is 3 years;

    e) implementation by the certification body of inspection control of certified products;

    f) taking corrective measures in case of non-compliance of products with established requirements and incorrect application of the sign of circulation.

  36. Confirmation of the conformity of heating oil and marine fuel is carried out by the applicant in the form of a declaration of conformity based on his own evidence.

    When declaring conformity on the basis of own evidence, technical documentation (product passport, documents on storage and transportation conditions), results of own research (tests) and measurements and (or) product quality system certificate are used as evidentiary materials.

  37. Mandatory confirmation of the conformity of aviation gasoline, jet fuel and products for state needs is carried out in the form of mandatory certification in accordance with paragraphs 42 and 43 of this regulation.
  38. Mandatory confirmation of conformity of each brand of products is carried out separately.
  39. The declaration of conformity is valid for 3 years. At the same time, a document on the conduct of research (testing) of products by an accredited laboratory for the purpose of state registration of a declaration of conformity is valid for 1 month from the date of issue.
  40. The applicant must draw up a new declaration of conformity and submit it to state registration in the prescribed manner in the following cases:

    a) reorganization of a legal entity;

    b) making changes to the composition of products, technical documentation or technological processes production of products that have affected or may affect the conformity of products to established requirements.

  41. To confirm the conformity of aviation gasoline and jet fuel, mandatory certification is carried out by the manufacturer (Changed edition) at his choice through mandatory certification of products with testing of a product sample, inspection control over certified products or through mandatory certification of a batch of products.
  42. Mandatory certification of products with testing of a product sample, inspection control over certified products includes the selection, identification and testing of a product sample by an independent accredited testing laboratory, summarizing the test results and making a decision to issue (refuse to issue) a certificate of conformity to the applicant, issue the applicant certificate of conformity, inspection control of the certification body for certified products and taking corrective measures in case of violation of product compliance with established requirements and incorrect use of the circulation mark.
  43. Mandatory certification of a batch of products includes the selection, identification and testing of a sample (s) of products from a batch of products by an independent accredited testing laboratory, analysis of the test results and a decision to issue (refuse to issue) a certificate of conformity to the applicant, issue a certificate of conformity to the applicant, conduct corrective measures in case of violation of product compliance with established requirements and incorrect use of the sign of circulation.
  44. To confirm the conformity of aviation gasoline and jet fuel, mandatory certification is carried out by the seller in the manner prescribed by paragraph 43 of this regulation.

    The certificate of conformity is valid for 3 years.

  45. Product identification is carried out when assessing the conformity of products or in cases where information about a specific product contains an incomplete description of the product or it is necessary to confirm its reliability.
  46. Product identification is carried out:

    a) certification bodies - during certification;

    b) authorized federal executive bodies - when exercising control and supervision functions within their competence;

    c) other bodies and organizations - in cases stipulated by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

  47. Product identification is carried out by:

    a) analysis and verification of documentation;

    b) visual inspection of a product sample;

    c) testing a product sample.

  48. Product descriptions can be used regulations federal executive authorities, standards, specifications, shipping documentation, supply contracts, specifications, technical description, labels, labels and other documents characterizing products.
  49. The results of product identification are formalized in the form of a conclusion of the certification body or another body authorized to carry out the identification of this product.

    The form of the specified conclusion is established by the certification body.

  50. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements for products established by this regulation, with the exception of aviation gasoline and jet fuel, is carried out by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.
  51. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements established by this regulation for aviation gasoline and jet fuel is carried out by federal Service on supervision in the field of transport in accordance with the Air Code of the Russian Federation.
  52. The procedure for carrying out measures for state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements for products established by this regulation is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "Federal Law "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Implementation of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control".
  53. The release into circulation of motor gasoline and diesel fuel is allowed in relation to:

    class 5 - no time limit. (Changed edition)

  54. The release into circulation of marine fuel with an indicator of the mass fraction of sulfur is allowed:
  55. Within 5 years from the date of entry into force of this regulation, the circulation of products put into circulation before January 1, 2009 is allowed. (Changed edition)
  56. Documents confirming the conformity of products issued before the entry into force of this regulation are valid until their expiration date.
  57. Persons guilty of violating the requirements of this regulation shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. (Changed edition)

"On approval of the Regulations on the preparation, approval and approval of technical projects for the development of mineral deposits and other project documentation for the performance of work related to the use of subsoil plots, by types of minerals and types of subsoil use"

In accordance with Article 23.2 of the Law of the Russian Federation " About bowels"The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached on the preparation, approval and approval of technical projects for the development of mineral deposits and other project documentation for the performance of work related to the use of subsoil plots, by types of minerals and types of subsoil use.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian FederationV. Putin

Position on the preparation, approval and approval of technical projects for the development of mineral deposits and other project documentation for the performance of work related to the use of subsoil plots, by types of minerals and types of subsoil use

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation establishes the procedure for the preparation, approval and approval of technical projects for the development of mineral deposits and other project documentation for the performance of work related to the use of subsoil plots (hereinafter referred to as project documentation), by types of minerals and types of subsoil use.

2. Preparation of project documentation consists in the development of sound technical and technological solutions that ensure the fulfillment of the conditions for the use of a subsoil plot, rational integrated use and protection of subsoil, as well as compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on subsoil.

3. Preparation of project documentation is carried out by the subsoil user or an organization engaged by the subsoil user to prepare project documentation (hereinafter referred to as the design organization), based on the design specification developed and approved by the subsoil user, and the available geological and other information about the subsoil.

4. Project documentation prepared by the design organization is signed by an authorized person of the design organization, certified by the seal of this organization and submitted to the subsoil user for approval and approval in the prescribed manner.

5. Prior to approval by the subsoil user, project documentation is subject to approval by the commission created by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use or its respective territorial body (hereinafter referred to as the commission). The organizational support of the commission's activities is entrusted to the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use or its respective territorial body.

6. The composition of the commission created by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use includes representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

The commission, created by the territorial body of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, includes representatives of the territorial bodies of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, as well as representatives of the executive authorities of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.

If necessary, specialists from specialized research and design organizations are involved in the work of the commission.

7. Coordination of project documentation by a commission created by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, or commissions created by its territorial bodies, is carried out taking into account the criteria for attributing the issues under consideration to the competence of the relevant commission, determined by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

II. Types of project documentation subject to approval

8. The Commission shall coordinate the project documentation in relation to the following types subsoil use:

a) geological survey, including the search and evaluation of mineral deposits, as well as geological survey and assessment of the suitability of subsoil plots for the construction and operation of underground structures not related to the extraction of minerals;

b) exploration and extraction of minerals, including the use of waste from mining and related processing industries;

c) geological study, exploration and production of minerals carried out under a combined license;

d) construction and operation of underground structures not related to the extraction of minerals.

9. The Commission coordinates project documentation for the following types of minerals:

a) solid minerals (including common ones) - a project for the pilot development of a deposit, a technical project for the development of a deposit, a technical project for the liquidation or conservation of mine workings, wells, and other underground structures, technology system primary processing of mineral raw materials;

b) hydrocarbon raw materials - a project for pilot (trial) operation of a prospecting well, a project for trial operation of single exploratory wells, a project for trial operation of a field (deposit), a flow chart for pilot development of a field (deposits or areas of deposits), a flow chart for developing a field, a process design field development;

c) groundwater, with the exception of groundwater specified in this Regulation:

when using subsoil for the extraction of drinking and technical groundwater - a water intake project;

when using subsoil for exploration and production, as well as for geological study, exploration and production of mineral, thermal power and industrial groundwater, carried out under a combined license - a project for pilot development of a field (site), a technological scheme for developing a field (site) and a project field (site) development.

10. Project documentation for the extraction of groundwater (for technological water supply) for their own needs when subsoil users carry out exploration and production of other types of minerals or under a combined license for geological study, exploration and production of other types of minerals within the boundaries of the mining allotments granted to them is agreed as part of project documentation for the development of the relevant type of mineral or in the form of an independent project.

11. When using subsoil for the construction and operation of underground structures not related to the extraction of minerals, project documentation is subject to agreement with the commission in relation to:

a) construction and operation in rock layers of various types of storage facilities for hydrocarbon raw materials and products of its processing;

b) disposal of production and consumption waste;

c) disposal of radioactive, toxic and other hazardous wastes in deep layers, ensuring the localization of such wastes.

III. Basic requirements for the content of project documentation

12. The project documentation includes:

a) measures for the safe conduct of work related to the use of subsoil;

b) measures for the rational use and protection of subsoil;

c) measures to ensure the requirements in the field of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety in the use of subsoil;

d) information on the terms and conditions for the performance of work on the conservation and (or) liquidation of mine workings, wells, other underground structures, as well as land reclamation.

13. In addition to the activities and information provided for by this Regulation, the project documentation also includes reasonable options for design solutions, including:

a) in project documentation for the development of deposits of solid minerals, as well as for the development of deposits of common minerals - in relation to:

the scope of work, the timing of the start and completion of work;

the procedure for putting operational facilities into development;

technical and economic indicators of the development of a mineral deposit, including the levels of annual production of minerals, the degree of extraction of the main and associated minerals from the subsoil;

term for reaching the design capacity;

the procedure and conditions for the implementation of primary processing (enrichment) of minerals;

b) in the design documentation for the development of hydrocarbon deposits - in relation to:

allocation of operational facilities;

selection of methods and agents for influencing the formation;

selection of the placement system and grid density of production and injection wells (except for single prospecting and exploration wells);

levels, rates of production of hydrocarbons and fluid from reservoirs, injection of displacing agents into them;

application of methods for increasing the degree of extraction and intensification of hydrocarbon production, preventing complications in the operation of wells and combating them, monitoring and regulating field development processes;

methods and modes of operation of wells;

indicators of hydrocarbon recovery factors, operation and use of the well stock;

well designs and technologies for drilling operations, methods of opening reservoirs and well development;

measures to ensure the use and utilization of associated petroleum gas;

c) in the design documentation for the development of groundwater deposits - in relation to:

selection of production well designs, drilling production technologies and equipment for the water intake part of wells;

selection of instrumentation to ensure groundwater monitoring;

d) in the design documentation for the construction and operation of underground structures not related to the extraction of minerals - in relation to:

waste composition and technologies for their preliminary treatment, volumes of waste to be disposed of;

volumes of liquids or gases that are planned to be placed in underground storage facilities, the size of mine workings for the construction of underground structures in accordance with their intended purpose;

type and method of construction of underground structures, construction technology and design of absorbing and observation wells on the target reservoir or reservoirs, as well as on buffer horizons and horizons of the active water exchange zone;

optimal modes of operation of an underground structure;

technological scheme of the ground parts of underground structures (if the design documentation provides for their presence).

14. Requirements for the structure and execution of project documentation for types of minerals and types of subsoil use are determined by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

IV. The procedure and terms for consideration and approval of project documentation

15. To approve project documentation, a subsoil user submits an application to the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use or its territorial body indicating its full and abbreviated names, legal form and location, as well as a list of documents attached to the application.

16. The following documents are attached to the application of the subsoil user:

a) project documentation (2 copies on paper and 2 copies in electronic form);

b) a copy of the previous decision of the commission (if the design documentation is reviewed again);

c) in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, copies of the conclusions:

state examination of reserves;

state expertise of project documentation and engineering survey results;

state ecological expertise;

industrial safety expertise;

d) a copy of the license for the use of the subsoil plot, within which there is a mineral deposit or an underground structure not related to the extraction of minerals, with all annexes and additions to it.

17. Copies of the documents attached to the application shall be signed by the subsoil user and affixed with his seal.

18. Materials submitted for approval are considered by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use or its territorial body for compliance with the requirements stipulated by this Regulation within 5 days from the date of their submission, after which they are sent for consideration by the commission.

Materials that do not meet the established requirements are returned to the subsoil user with an indication of the reasons for the return within 7 days from the date of submission of the materials.

19. With regard to materials related to the development of hydrocarbon deposits, the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use or its territorial body, simultaneously with sending it for consideration by the commission, sends the following project documentation in electronic form to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation:

technological scheme of pilot development of a deposit (deposits or sections of deposits);

technological scheme for the development of the field and additions to it;

technological project for the development of the deposit and additions to it.

The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation reviews the project documentation within 7 days from the date of its receipt, after which it sends to the commission a conclusion on the results of the review, including on the version of the design solution recommended for approval.

20. Consideration of project documentation is carried out by the commission within 30 days from the date of submission of materials by the subsoil user. The term for consideration of project documentation for unique and large mineral deposits may be extended, but not more than 30 days.

Based on the results of the review of the project documentation, the commission makes a decision on the approval of the project documentation or on a reasoned refusal to approve the project documentation (in relation to hydrocarbon raw materials - with the obligatory consideration of the conclusion of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on the results of the review of the project documentation), which is sent to the subsoil user within 7 days from day of acceptance.

21. The grounds for the commission to make a decision to refuse to approve project documentation are:

a) non-compliance of the project documentation with the conditions for the use of subsoil, established in the license for the use of subsoil, and (or) the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

b) non-compliance of the data specified in the project documentation with the conclusion of the state expertise of mineral reserves (with the exception of the project documentation provided for in subparagraphs "c" and "d" of this Regulation);

c) non-compliance of the project documentation with the requirements for the composition and content of the project documentation, provided for in this Regulation.

22. In the decision to refuse to approve the project documentation, the rationale for the refusal and recommendations for finalizing the project documentation are given. The specified decision is signed by the chairman of the commission or the person replacing him.

23. The decision to approve project documentation is signed by the secretary of the commission, approved by its chairman or a person replacing him, sealed by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use or its territorial body.

24. Project documentation that has been agreed with the commission in accordance with these Regulations is approved by the subsoil user.

25. Preparation, coordination and approval of changes (additions) made to the project documentation are carried out in the manner established for the preparation, coordination and approval of project documentation.


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 3, 2010 N 118 "On approval of the Regulations on the preparation, approval and approval of technical projects for the development of mineral deposits and other project documentation for the performance of work related to the use of subsoil plots, by types of minerals and types of subsoil use"

Approve the attached on the preparation, approval and approval of technical projects for the development of mineral deposits and other project documentation for the performance of work related to the use of subsoil plots, by types of minerals and types of subsoil use.

on the preparation, approval and approval of technical projects for the development of mineral deposits and other project documentation for the performance of work related to the use of subsoil plots, by types of minerals and types of subsoil use

1. This Regulation establishes the procedure for the preparation, approval and approval of technical projects for the development of mineral deposits and other project documentation for the performance of work related to the use of subsoil plots (hereinafter referred to as project documentation), by types of minerals and types of subsoil use.

2. Preparation of project documentation consists in the development of sound technical and technological solutions that ensure the fulfillment of the conditions for the use of a subsoil plot, the rational integrated use and protection of subsoil, as well as the fulfillment of the requirements of the Russian Federation on subsoil.

3. Preparation of project documentation is carried out by the subsoil user or an organization engaged by the subsoil user to prepare project documentation (hereinafter referred to as the design organization), based on the design specification developed and approved by the subsoil user, and the available geological and other information about the subsoil.

4. The project documentation prepared by the design organization is signed by an authorized person of the design organization, certified by the seal of this organization and submitted to the subsoil user for approval and approval in the prescribed manner.

5. Project documentation, with the exception of technical projects for the development of deposits of common minerals and other project documentation for the performance of work related to the use of subsoil plots of local significance (hereinafter referred to as documentation on subsoil plots of local significance), prior to approval by the subsoil user, is subject to agreement with the commission created The Federal Agency for Subsoil Use or its respective territorial body (hereinafter referred to as the Commission). The organizational support of the commission's activities is entrusted to the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use or its respective territorial body.

Before being approved by the subsoil user, documentation on subsoil plots of local importance is subject to approval by the authorized state authority of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body).

6. The composition of the commission created by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use includes representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

The commission, created by the territorial body of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, includes representatives of the territorial bodies of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, as well as representatives of the executive authorities of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.

7. Coordination of project documentation by a commission created by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, or commissions created by its territorial bodies, is carried out taking into account the assignment of the issues under consideration to the competence of the relevant commission, determined by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

8. The Commission coordinates project documentation, with the exception of documentation for subsoil plots of local importance, in relation to the following types of subsoil use:

A) geological study, including the search and evaluation of mineral deposits, as well as geological study and assessment of the suitability of subsoil plots for the construction and operation of underground structures not related to the extraction of minerals;

B) exploration and extraction of minerals, including the use of waste from mining and related processing industries;

8.1. The authorized body coordinates documentation on subsoil plots of local importance in relation to the following types of subsoil use:

A) geological study, including the search and evaluation of deposits of common minerals, as well as geological study and assessment of the suitability of subsoil plots for the construction and operation of underground structures of local and regional significance, not related to the extraction of minerals;

A) solid minerals - a project for the pilot development of a deposit, a technical project for the development of a deposit, a technical project for the liquidation or conservation of mine workings, wells, other underground structures, a technological scheme for the primary processing of mineral raw materials;

B) hydrocarbon raw materials - a project for experimental (trial) operation of a prospecting well, a project for trial operation of single exploratory wells, a project for trial operation of a field (deposit), a technological scheme for pilot development of a field (deposits or sections of deposits), a technological scheme for developing a field, a technological project field development;

On approval of the technical regulation "On the requirements for motor and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel and fuel oil"

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

"brand of products" - the name, number or letter designation of products;

"nefteprodukt" - a product obtained by processing hydrocarbon-containing raw materials;

"product turnover" - finding products at the stages of transportation, storage, wholesale and retail trade;

"octane number" - an indicator characterizing the knock resistance of gasoline, expressed in units of the reference scale;

"batch of products" - any number of products manufactured in the course of a continuous technological process, homogeneous in composition and properties;

"additive" - ​​a component added to the product to change its properties;

"marine fuel" - liquid fuel used in marine power plants;

"jet fuel" - liquid fuel for use in gas turbine (air-jet) engines;

"fuel oil" - liquid residual petroleum fuel for use in stationary thermal and power plants;

"cetane number" - an indicator characterizing the flammability of diesel fuel, expressed in units of the reference scale.

II. Product safety requirements

4. Automobile gasoline must meet the requirements in accordance with.

5. Within 3 years from the date of entry into force of this regulation, along with the circulation of motor gasoline that meets the requirements provided for by this regulation, it is allowed to release into circulation motor gasoline with an octane rating of at least 80 according to the research method and a motor method of at least 76 and motor gasoline with a research octane number of at least 92 and a motor method of at least 83, provided that the remaining characteristics comply with the requirements provided for in this regulation.

6. Automobile gasoline must not contain metal-containing additives.

7. Automobile gasoline may contain dyes (except for green and blue) and labeling substances.

8. Automobile gasoline may contain detergent additives that do not impair its performance and properties.

9. The manufacturer (seller) is obliged to indicate in the accompanying documents for motor gasoline, in the passport for it and in its advertising, the brand of this gasoline and the environmental class of automotive equipment for which it is intended.

10. Diesel fuel must meet the requirements according to.

11. Within 3 years from the date of entry into force of this regulation, along with the circulation of diesel fuel that meets the requirements provided for by this technical regulation, it is allowed to release into circulation diesel fuel used for agricultural and off-road equipment, with a norm of 45 in terms of "cetane number , not less", with a norm of 2000 milligrams per kilogram (0.2 percent by mass) in terms of "mass fraction of sulfur, no more" and without rationing of indicators "lubricity, no more" and "mass fraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, no more" at subject to the compliance of other characteristics with the requirements provided for by this regulation.

12. Diesel fuel may contain dyes (except green and blue) and labeling substances.

13. Diesel fuel must not contain metal additives.

14. The manufacturer (seller) is obliged to indicate in the accompanying documents for diesel fuel, in the passport for it and in its advertising, the brand of this fuel and the environmental class of the automotive equipment for which it is intended.

15. The manufacturer or seller in the passport for motor gasoline and diesel fuel supplied for sale must indicate the presence (name, properties and content) of additives or their absence in these fuels.

16. Fuel oil must meet the requirements in accordance with.

17. The mass fraction of sulfur in heating oil used in boiler plants not equipped with flue gas cleaning devices should not exceed 3 percent.

18. Fuel oil must not contain hydrogen sulfide and volatile mercaptans.

19. Jet fuel must meet the requirements in accordance with .

20. Jet fuel must not contain surfactants or other chemicals in an amount detrimental to its properties.

21. Jet fuel used in cold and arctic climates must have a crystallization temperature not higher than minus 60 degrees Celsius.

22. It is allowed to sell fuel for jet engines with a flash point in a closed cup not lower than 38 degrees Celsius.

23. Aviation gasoline must meet the requirements in accordance with.

24. Aviation gasoline with an octane rating of at least 99.5 and a grade of at least 130 may contain a blue dye.

25. Aviation gasoline must be oxidatively stable and must not contain surfactants or other chemicals in amounts that would impair its properties.

26. Aviation gasoline may contain tetraethyl lead.

Aviation gasoline must only be used in aircraft, the use of this gasoline for other purposes is prohibited.

27. Marine fuel must comply with the requirements in accordance with.

28. Products may contain additives that do not harm the life and health of citizens, the environment, the property of individuals and legal entities, the life and health of animals and plants.

29. Each batch of each brand of products in circulation (with the exception of retail trade) must have a product passport. The product passport issued by the manufacturer or seller (at enterprises that store products ready for sale) contains the name and brand of the product, information about the manufacturer (seller) of the product, including its address, the standard values ​​of the characteristics established by this regulation for this type of product, the actual the values ​​of these characteristics determined from the test results, the date of sampling, the number of the tank (batch number) from which the sample was taken, the date of manufacture of the product, the date of the analysis of the product, as well as information about the presence (name and content) or absence of additives in the product .

The passport is signed by the head of the enterprise or a person authorized by him and certified by a seal.

30. When selling products, the seller, at the request of the purchaser, is obliged to provide him with a product passport, as well as other documents containing the following information:

a) the name of the product and its intended purpose;

b) information about the documents containing the norms to which this product complies;

c) the name of the manufacturer, its location, the country of origin of the product, the name and location (address, telephone) of the seller;

d) batch number of products supplied for sale;

e) net weight of products in containers;

f) information about the presence (name, content and properties) of additives added to the product, or about the absence of additives;

g) product hazard signs in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of fire, environmental, and biological safety;

h) information about the certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity;

i) information on the safe storage, transportation, sale, use and disposal of products.

31. Manufacturers (sellers) of motor gasoline and diesel fuel are obliged to indicate the name of the product, the brand of motor gasoline or diesel fuel, the environmental class of motor vehicles for which this product is recommended in information materials posted in places accessible to purchasers.

III. Conformity assessment

32. Conformity assessment is carried out in relation to:

a) products put into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation - in the form of a mandatory confirmation of conformity;

b) products that are in circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation - in the form of state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of this regulation.

33. In case of mandatory confirmation of conformity, the applicant is the manufacturer (seller).

In relation to products imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, mandatory confirmation of conformity is carried out by the seller, who performs the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of an agreement, in terms of:

ensuring compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of this regulation;

liability for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of this regulation.

34. Mandatory confirmation of the conformity of motor gasoline and diesel fuel obtained by processing hydrocarbon-containing raw materials is carried out in the form of a declaration of conformity based on evidence obtained with the participation of an independent accredited testing laboratory (center).

The declaration procedure includes the formation by the applicant of technical documentation (product passport, sampling certificate, laboratory accreditation document), testing of a product sample by an independent accredited testing laboratory and acceptance by the applicant of a declaration on the conformity of motor gasoline and diesel fuel to the established requirements.

35. Mandatory confirmation by the manufacturer of the conformity of motor gasoline and diesel fuel in the event that the manufacture of products is carried out by mixing petroleum products, including the addition of additives of various origins, is carried out in the form of mandatory certification with testing of a product sample and inspection control of certified products. The procedure for the implementation of mandatory certification includes:

a) sampling and product identification;

b) testing of a product sample by an independent accredited testing laboratory;

c) summarizing the test results and making a decision to issue (refuse to issue) a certificate of conformity to the applicant;

d) issuance to the applicant of a certificate of conformity, the validity of which is 3 years;

e) implementation by the certification body of inspection control of certified products;

f) taking corrective measures in case of non-compliance of products with established requirements and incorrect application of the sign of circulation.

36. Confirmation of the conformity of heating oil and marine fuel is carried out by the applicant in the form of acceptance of a declaration of conformity based on their own evidence.

When declaring conformity on the basis of own evidence, technical documentation (product passport, documents on storage and transportation conditions), results of own research (tests) and measurements and (or) product quality system certificate are used as evidentiary materials.

37. Mandatory confirmation of the conformity of aviation gasoline, jet fuel and products for state needs is carried out in the form of mandatory certification in accordance with and of this regulation.

38. Mandatory confirmation of the conformity of each brand of products is carried out separately.

39. Validity of the declaration of conformity is 3 years. At the same time, a document on the conduct of research (testing) of products by an accredited laboratory for the purpose of state registration of a declaration of conformity is valid for 1 month from the date of issue.

40. The applicant is obliged to draw up a new declaration of conformity and submit it for state registration in the prescribed manner in the following cases:

a) reorganization of a legal entity;

b) making changes to the composition of products, technical documentation or technological processes for the production of products that have affected or may affect the compliance of products with established requirements.

N 1076, paragraph 41 of this Technical Regulation has been amended

41. To confirm the conformity of aviation gasoline and jet fuel, mandatory certification is carried out by the manufacturer of his choice through mandatory product certification with testing of a product sample, inspection control over certified products, or through mandatory certification of a product batch.

Mandatory certification of products with testing of a product sample, inspection control over certified products includes the selection, identification and testing of a product sample by an independent accredited testing laboratory, summarizing the test results and making a decision to issue (refuse to issue) a certificate of conformity to the applicant, issue the applicant certificate of conformity, inspection control of the certification body for certified products and taking corrective measures in case of violation of product compliance with established requirements and incorrect use of the circulation mark.

Mandatory certification of a batch of products includes the selection, identification and testing of a sample (s) of products from a batch of products by an independent accredited testing laboratory, analysis of the test results and a decision to issue (refuse to issue) a certificate of conformity to the applicant, issue a certificate of conformity to the applicant, conduct corrective measures in case of violation of product compliance with established requirements and incorrect use of the sign of circulation.

44. To confirm the conformity of aviation gasoline and jet fuel, mandatory certification is carried out by the seller in the manner prescribed by this regulation.

The certificate of conformity is valid for 3 years.

45. Product identification is carried out when assessing the conformity of products or in cases where information about a specific product contains an incomplete description of the product or it is necessary to confirm its reliability.

46. ​​Product identification is carried out:

a) certification bodies - during certification;

b) authorized federal executive bodies - when exercising control and supervision functions within their competence;

c) other bodies and organizations - in cases stipulated by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

47. Product identification is carried out by:

a) analysis and verification of documentation;

b) visual inspection of a product sample;

c) testing a product sample.

48. Regulatory documents of federal executive authorities, standards, specifications, shipping documentation, supply contracts, specifications, technical descriptions, labels, labels and other documents characterizing products can be used to describe products.

49. The results of product identification are drawn up in the form of a conclusion of the certification body or another body authorized to carry out the identification of this product.

The form of the specified conclusion is established by the certification body.

50. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements for products established by this regulation, with the exception of aviation gasoline and jet fuel, is carried out by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

51. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements established by this regulation for aviation gasoline and jet fuel is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport in accordance with the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2010 N 268, paragraph 52 of this Technical Regulation was amended

52. The procedure for carrying out measures for state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements for products established by this regulation is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Exercise of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control".

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 N 1076 clause 53 of this Technical Regulation is set out in a new edition

53. The release into circulation of motor gasoline is allowed in relation to:

class 5 - no time limit.

The release into circulation of diesel fuel is allowed in relation to:

class 5 - no time limit.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 N 1076 clause 54 of this Technical Regulation is set out in a new edition

54. The release into circulation of marine fuel with an indicator of the mass fraction of sulfur is allowed:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 N 1076 clause 55 of this Technical Regulation is set out in a new edition

55. Within 5 years from the date of entry into force of this regulation, the circulation of products put into circulation before January 1, 2009 is allowed.

56. Documents confirming the conformity of products issued before the entry into force of this regulation are valid until their expiration date.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 N 1076, this Technical Regulation is supplemented by paragraph 57

57. Persons guilty of violating the requirements of this regulation are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Appendix No. 1

Requirements for the characteristics of motor gasoline

Characteristics of motor gasoline

Unit of measurement

Regulations regarding

Mass fraction of sulfur, no more

Volume fraction of benzene, no more


Iron concentration, no more





Manganese concentration, no more





Lead concentration, no more





Mass fraction of oxygen, no more


Volume fraction of hydrocarbons, not more than:




Octane number:

according to the research method, not less than

by motor method, not less than

Vapor pressure, no more than:

during the summer

in winter

Volume fraction of oxygenates, not more than:









other oxygenates (with an end boiling point not higher than 210 degrees Celsius)

Appendix No. 2

Requirements for the characteristics of diesel fuel

Characteristics of diesel fuel

Unit of measurement

Regulations regarding

Mass fraction of sulfur, no more

diesel fuel, except diesel fuel for arctic climate

Fractional composition - 95 percent by volume is distilled at a temperature not higher than

Mass fraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, not more than


Cetane number, not less than

Cetane number for diesel fuel for cold and arctic climates, not less than

Limiting filterability temperature, not higher:

diesel fuel for cold climates

diesel fuel for arctic climate

Lubricity, no more

Appendix No. 3

Requirements for the characteristics of fuel oil

Appendix No. 4

Jet fuel performance requirements

Jet Fuel Characteristics

Unit of measurement

Regulations regarding

aircraft with subsonic flight speed

aircraft at supersonic flight speeds

Kinematic viscosity at a temperature of minus 20°C, no more

freezing temperature, not higher



Fractional composition:

90 percent is distilled off at a temperature no higher than

overclocking residue, no more


not standardized

overclocking loss, no more


not standardized

Height of non-smoking flame, not less than

Flash point in a closed crucible, not below

Volume fraction of aromatic hydrocarbons, not more than


Mass fraction of total sulfur, no more


Mass fraction of mercaptan sulfur, no more


Thermal-oxidative stability at control temperature, not lower than:

pressure difference across the filter, no more

color of deposits on the tube, points on the color scale (in the absence of uncharacteristic deposits), no more

thermal-oxidative stability under dynamic conditions:

temperature of the beginning of deposits formation, not lower than

thermal stability index, no more

clogging speed of the control filter, no more

Grade (rich mixture), not less than

Crystallization start temperature, not higher


Saturated steam pressure

Fractional composition:

10 percent is distilled off at a temperature not higher than

50 percent is distilled off at a temperature not higher than

90 percent is distilled off at a temperature no higher than

Mass fraction of sulfur, no more


Flash point in a closed crucible, not below

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