How to organize your life in order to keep up with everything and be happy. How to Organize Your Life: Discipline and Limitations in Pleasure How to Organize Your Life Complete Guide


Last week, at my urgent request, my mother brought back one of my old books (you know, when you move from place to place, you keep trying to shove "everything you don't need" into your parents' apartment - they already have it rubber!), which I bought it for ten rubles when I worked in a bookstore. It was about five years ago and few people needed my book, and now, just imagine, you can’t buy it on Ozon for less than 200 rubles!
So what am I on about? About Georgina Lockwood and her repeatedly reprinted "How to Organize Your Life". I like to re-read all sorts of books on self-organization with the advent of autumn. Hee hee...

"People like Martha Stewart and the pages of glossy magazines assure us of the 'normality' of a lifestyle that most of us are completely unacceptable for. Don't get me wrong. I'm biased against just a few magazines. I even watch shows on TV. But do I believe that this lady really edits her own magazine, hosts a weekly show, runs several houses, irons her linen with her own hands, shovels manure in a perfectly manicured garden and cooks the most complicated dishes on the go? I don’t believe it!

Then I remembered my girlfriend, who married an American and drove off to Washington to clean a three-story house, feed her husband with all sorts of incredible things, look after the garden and garden, iron, sew and all that!))))) I even make fun of her, that after her arrival in the States, the quotes of Russian wives went up sharply!))))

"Journalists came to my house to interview, expecting to see an old mansion stuffed to the top with stylish souvenir gizmos. Instead, they ended up in a modern house without any special architectural frills, but comfortable and cozy, in a house in which it is very easy to keep clean. Of course, I have some knick-knacks that I keep as the apple of my eye and keep in plain sight.But I disappear at work all day, I have family and friends, hobbies that I spend my leisure time on.I decided for myself a long time ago that all this is more important to me than the "exemplary" house from the cover of a glossy magazine.I do not want to be a slave to my own house and, to tell the truth, I very much doubt that anyone will ever pay me to show my dwelling on TV "

At this point, all questions as to why I once every hundred years wash my tiny stove and wipe the mirrors have disappeared by themselves. Now you understand why I fell in love with this book?))))))

"... commercials show you sparkling clean houses, and you get the impression that without such a house you will not be able to be good parents and simply acceptable people in society. In addition to the ideal house, you should also have white teeth, soft and silky hair - and no dandruff! - stain-free clothes and dry underarms. Do not let yourself be lured into these traps! Take advertising adequately, as an illusion - nothing more! All you need is a cozy, comfortable, clean and beautiful home in which you will be pleased to live and achieve your goals"

Then Georgina suggests taking several sheets of paper and devoting each one to one area of ​​your life:








Under each heading, write what you would like to change in this area (what would you do if you had more time, money or opportunities). This way you will get a complete picture of what you really need. It is necessary to work out all eight categories, and then on each sheet circle one, the most important desire.

"Desires turn into clearly defined goals, goals into actions, and all this somehow magically transforms into a RESULT"

Then you need to select and circle two more important points from each area. You will already have three important desires on each piece of paper (which is why you need to write down as many desires as possible from the very beginning - at least six for each area of ​​​​your life). When you have three goals from each list, you need to write them down in an organizer or hang them on the wall so that your goals are constantly in front of your eyes.

"If you do not have an organizer, or at least a place where all important information is stored centrally, you will greatly complicate the process of self-organization. Buy an organizer and keep it where it will be most convenient for you to constantly refer to it"

In general, everything is quite simple. You formulate goals, make a plan, break the plan into small tasks, and then write them down in an organizer and start slowly but surely doing everything. For successes and victories, Georgina advises herself to be encouraged. To do this, you need to make a list of what you like the most. When you achieve one of your goals, simply "reward" yourself with something from this list (small gifts for small accomplishments, big gifts for big ones).

"Don't set the bar too high - it won't help you succeed"

"How consciously did you make your last purchase? Why did you decide to buy this particular thing? Did you see it on TV or in a magazine? Or maybe you noticed from a friend and decided that you should definitely get this thing too? .. Go around your house, look at things around you, and ask yourself where each particular item came from. If this is your purchase, try to remember how and why it was made. How often do you use it? What purpose does it really serve? What would happen if it lost or stolen?

With the light hand of Georgina, half of the contents of this house can be taken to the trash!)))))

"Useless things tend to multiply. The more you have, the more you need... Useless things crowd out useful things. The more useless, outdated and broken things you have, the harder it is to find a place for items that you really often use.. Useless things usurp all free space.The more empty horizontal surfaces and empty cabinets in the house, the more items appear that need to be placed somewhere ... The easier it is for you to put away things, the more likely you are to actually remove them. .. Useless things greatly affect your state of mind. Cluttered rooms are oppressive. If you are not having the most successful period and you are already in the grip of depressive moods, the sight of useless junk that has not been functioning for a long time will aggravate your condition... On you there will be pressure to put it in order and the impossibility of doing it ... All things have value only when they are used. things are nothing more than rubbish, rubbish... Things will never make you happy. Both money and things are only improvised means with which you build your life and create your happiness. Try not to bring new things into the house for a whole week. Put a moratorium on shopping, make do with what you already have... The more things you have to keep track of, the less time you have for everything else..."

The message is simple: by controlling your things and time, you begin to control your entire life.

"When does a habit appear? If you repeat some action so many times that you perform it completely without thinking about what exactly you are doing ... It is difficult to get rid of a habit, and the more difficult it is, the more we are "used to" (then there are more times they repeated some action) ... Since you can “quit” a bad habit, it means that you can “acquire” a useful one ... Within three to four weeks, consciously perform some action again and again - and one you will become more of a habit

In my opinion, this is also a great way to train willpower - to do what you really need, but do not want to at all.

"... the fact that something is 150 years old does not mean that this "antiquity" is worth keeping at home! After all, you do not live in a museum ... If you are not a professional antique dealer, you do not need to force house, even if it is very valuable and old junk ... "Excellent" qualities of things appear only when these things are used. Things lying dead weight, even if they are in thrice perfect condition, were and remain useless trash. Better give them to someone who will find a use for them, or at worst, sell for nothing. Free up space for something that will really "excellent" serve you daily "

Excellent recommendation! Use or give away! I remember something from my semi-Soviet past, when the worst sin was to be known as a "greedy beef." We felt it was our duty to share everything we had (even if we didn't feel like it at all).

"Sales are cunning tricks to lure you into the store... Going to a sale makes sense only if you are going to buy everyday items or have planned some kind of purchase for a long time, chose a model and brand, asked the price and suddenly found out that the price of this particular item is reduced for one reason or another. Otherwise, you will not receive any benefit from visiting sales"

"If you feel low on energy, everything you do will seem like a chore. Are you unwell, not getting enough sleep, maybe spending too much time in nightclubs or experiencing depression? If any of this is related to you, then, before you start serious work on yourself, be sure to rest and recover, restore lost strength"

"Break the work into pieces," bytes ". Finish one piece, dust one room, set a timer, have a cup of tea and spend another 10 minutes on the next" bytes "... Do some, even a very small part work every day"

This is not all, of course, next time I will tell you about all sorts of "household tricks" (how to put things in order in papers and wardrobe, how to organize your workplace, how to go shopping, and all that).


Start with the easiest things or the ones that don't take a lot of time, crossing them off as you go. The view of the shrinking list is inspiring.

A fixed list allows you not to be distracted by thoughts about whether you forgot something.


How to organize your life? Anything That Can't Be Postponed - A. Do it. Everything B tolerates here and there. Do as much as you can. Everything that is almost not important - in the B list and forget about it.

Already at the stage of compiling the list, you will feel that you can control the course of life again.


Everything that is not written down is forgotten. Do not waste your energy on this, trust external media (paper, computer, telephone), and then in the morning you will not have to painfully beat your head against the wall in an attempt to remember yesterday's brilliant insight.


In it, you can store and recognize not only machine texts, but also photos of your handwritten notes, videos and drawings. It allows you to find what you need by tags.


You can manage all your business, including checking email and contacting colleagues, from anywhere, wherever you are.


How to become an organized person in life? Each morning, make a list of three key things you would like to accomplish that day. Check with him in the middle of the day and make sure you're on the right track. If not, turn off your phone and Wi-Fi and focus on what needs to be done.

The level of self-esteem in one way or another affects the actions of a person. A person constantly underestimates his capabilities, as a result, “life prizes” go to others. If your self-esteem is getting lower and lower, then the 20 tips in this article will help you. By starting to apply them in your life, you can increase your self-esteem and become a confident person.

Many will agree that, from time to time, they are overwhelmed by unwanted thoughts that cannot be rid of. They are so strong that even doing interesting things does not help at all. This is accompanied by negative emotions that add to the painful sensations. Sometimes it seems that it is not possible to defeat such thoughts, but if you consider the problem from different points of view, you can find the right solution.

We kill our happiness with our own hands. The negative that we carry in ourselves towards others, destructive thoughts, envy, anger, resentment - this list is endless. Review your life, let go of unpleasant memories, get rid of people, activities and things that poison the mind. Be good and positive. Do something nice, something that you have long dreamed of.

A person's life changes with age, desires and priorities change. This is a completely normal process, although each of us is individual. If you want to make the most of your life after 30, the following 9 tips will help you.

The fight against complexes is often very difficult due to lack of motivation. And in order to achieve the maximum effect in the fight against complexes, it is necessary to develop a tactic for finding the necessary motivation and further actions. It is on such joint work that the principle of working on oneself is built.

Happiness - no matter what anyone says, the goal of life of every person. But is it so difficult to achieve this goal? People strive to become happy, but they neglect simple joys, which together can give this feeling. Here are some ways to help you feel happier.

Do you want to become a healthy person? If you follow the advice given in this article, then you can say with full confidence that you will become healthier than you were before. At first glance, they seem simple, but start doing them and you will be amazed at the real changes in your health and condition.

Resentment is not an incorrigible, pathological character trait, it can and should be corrected. Resentment is a person's reaction to a discrepancy with his expectations. It can be anything: a word, an act, or a sharp glance. Frequent grievances lead to bodily illnesses, psychological problems and the inability to build harmonious relationships with others. Do you want to stop being offended and learn to understand your grievances? Then let's look at how this can be done.

How to raise cheerful children while maintaining parental resilience?

Everyone, as parents, wants their children to be emotionally stable - able to cope with life's ups and downs. But the ability of parents to increase the resilience of children depends largely on the emotional resilience of adults themselves.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Each of us thinks about how to be happy. On a subconscious level, we strive to achieve harmony in life. It turns out it's not difficult at all. In this post, we decided to publish the advice of the sages about life, which will help streamline the chaos of thoughts, ideas and emotions on this topic in your head.

Where to get the truth?

Few people know how to properly organize their lives in order to become happy and harmonious individuals. Those who know these secrets go step by step to the goal that they clearly imagine in detail. And, as a rule, they manage to build their life exactly the way they dream of.

The majority of the population needs the advice and tips of the ancient sages. Mostly they are representatives of oriental culture. As a rule, their formulations in a slightly modified form are passed on by mankind from generation to generation. And they remain more than relevant today.

  • Accept yourself the way you are. You are inimitable and unique. Love yourself with all the flaws and virtues.
  • Train your body and spirit. During regular sports activities, we train not only muscles. As proven by scientists, sports training makes the brain more active, and thoughts more clear.
  • Speak only when necessary. Excessive talkativeness never did anyone any good. On the contrary, people in their desire to appear sociable and friendly, as a rule, give out a lot of personal, useless information, thereby often putting themselves in an uncomfortable position. And often after that they have to regret what was said. But remember that time does not come back. Therefore, it will become a good habit to speak when we are asked about something or there is an urgent need for it. In all other situations, it is better to remain silent.
  • Give up bad habits. As soon as you do this, you will immediately notice how the quality of life has improved. In addition to health and saving money, you will look independent in the eyes of other people. After all, any bad habit is an addiction. And addiction is a weakness. Take this step and you will grow at least in your own eyes.
  • . A good complexion and strong immunity, we provide ourselves with a good sleep. And no matter how many things have piled up, you need to sleep enough. Even if you do not get enough sleep one night, the next you need to catch up on missed hours.
  • Come to terms with the injustice of life. We are all born different in hair color, weight, height, social status. But it does not matter, because everyone has a chance to succeed. It is important to understand what you are doing and know exactly the purpose of these actions.
  • You won't change direction along the way, you need to stop for that. Don't be afraid to stop. Perhaps this is a chance to direct your movement for the better.
  • Try not to borrow. Remember, first you need to sow, and only then harvest. It's the same with shopping - first earn money, and then spend it. After all, a loan is not only moral feelings and obligations on your part, it often causes inconvenience for the person who lends you money. Recommended with tips from billionaires.
  • Deliberately fill your life with bright and joyful moments. Remember that if you don't, it will fill up on its own, and usually with something else.
  • Each of us at some point pays for everything. And most of all, inaction costs us the most. Just imagine how much time you have already lost because of your indecision. And it was better to try and fail than to spend half your life thinking and calculating risks. Don't forget that all is not lost yet, and start acting right now!
  • Never complain. We attract into our lives those events and people that we need to learn certain lessons. But if we run away from them, then the fee is likely to increase several times.
  • Formulate your desires and plans clearly and clearly, try to present the future result in detail. And if you yourself do not know what you want, or constantly change your desires and intentions, the result of this will be chaos in life.
  • Every day take at least a small step in the intended direction. Only in this way can any result be achieved. And if you think and dream every day, without doing anything, most likely you will not get anything.
  • Change despite the stereotypes. After all, they are the main obstacles to change. Don't wait for the right moment, start now.
  • Gain and loss are, in fact, absolutely one phenomenon, contemplated from different angles. When we acquire something, we lose the ability to choose. And in case of loss, on the contrary, we gain it. Don't be afraid of losses.
  • Resolve issues promptly. After all, when you leave it for later, they multiply and accumulate like a snowball, gradually knocking a person out of a rut.
  • Don't try to please everyone. It's impossible. Let the golden rule for you in any act be alignment with your own conscience.
  • The environment is neutral. It is our thoughts that make it good or bad. Try to find something positive in every event.
  • Don't get angry and don't take revenge. Hatred is too heavy a feeling that makes our thoughts gloomy. Let go and forgive. The best punishment for the offender will be the contemplation of your success. Work on yourself and achieve your goals.
  • We come into the world from nowhere and we go there. You must try to live life as your conscience tells you. Having solved all the tasks set before us, we can move to a new level.


There is a lot of truth and justice in Chinese proverbs and sayings of philosophers of other nations. If we learn to follow them at least a little, we will soon notice that our life becomes meaningful, correct, harmonious.

Make a list of self-improvement books you would like to read, seminars you would like to attend, audio and video recordings you would like to buy or rent. Contact them regularly, stimulate the consolidation of new habits with positive emotions both on a conscious and unconscious level.
Immerse yourself in communication with positive, organized and purposeful people. Having dealt with your relationships, you cut off all unnecessary contacts with those who pulled you back. Build new relationships with those people who set themselves the goal of constantly improving themselves and making their lives and the lives of others better.

Write down your thoughts. Moreover, keep a journal in which you can express your thoughts on the path of self-improvement. Come back to these notes later and see how you have progressed.

Ask yourself: "Why not?" instead of "Why?"

Continue to develop yourself and help other people develop. If you need something, give it yourself. If you need understanding, give understanding. Love and you will be loved. This creed makes much more sense than it might seem at first glance.

If you have a problem, ask for advice from those people who solved it successfully. Follow their example.

If you have created a properly working system, try to apply it in other areas of your life, adapting it somewhere, standardizing it somewhere.

If you pay attention to improving your organizational skills every day, the results will not be long in coming. You will feel confident and self-sufficient, and everything will be subject to you.

Lists, charts and folders. Make Lists

1. Lists are your friends. Your Master List is your ultimate secret weapon. It lets you remember what needs to be done and constantly reminds you of your real goals. Lists give you a certain responsibility: they give you the opportunity to check what you have already implemented from the planned. Of course, you will start to perform some actions automatically, and you will not need another reminder (for example, a list regarding daily cleaning). Nevertheless, in any case, keep it ready in the organizer to periodically check yourself: are you skimping on your duties? If so, the memo will hold you accountable.

2. Charts, charts, charts! Set a specific time to complete certain tasks. Arrange meetings and joint events with people who are important to you. Finally, negotiate with yourself. Just planning something is not enough, you need to set clear deadlines for the implementation of what was planned.

3. Create folders and update information regularly. A good paper grading system is designed to ensure "the circulation of paper in the house." Putting the document in a folder, you know that you will not lose it, and you can refer to it at any time. By periodically updating the contents of the files, you ensure that the information stored in them is always fresh and up-to-date.

Your first duty is to organize a good filing system, and if you haven't already done so, do it immediately. You will have more free space, and you will become the king of your paper mountain.


If you've implemented most of the ideas in this book, all you have to do now is keep the "system" going and enjoy your newfound free time. The secret is very simple - do a little, but every day.

Required minimum
Are you trying to do everything at once? If so, then stop! Take a breather! There is a simple solution - prioritize. Focus your efforts on those areas that are the main cause of your anxiety and confusion, costing you time, money and nerves. Do you urgently need to sort out your financial situation - or is collapse inevitable? Then deal with this issue first. Is your disorganization and carelessness the cause of friction between you and your life partner? Your household and employees? Then the first thing you need to pay attention to this problem.

Understand what is the axis around which life revolves for you and put everything else aside. For most people, these “axes” are:

Timely payment of bills and payment of debts.
Daily dishwashing.
Weekly purchase of hygiene products.
Necessary rest, nutrition and exercise.
Relative cleanliness in the house, so that you yourself would be pleased to enter it.
Weekly laundry.
Arrive to work on time and complete assignments.
Don't forget agreements.
Car repair (if this is your main means of transportation).

Always remember the minimum level of order below which you simply cannot go. Of course, it’s not forbidden to exceed the bar, but by trying to stick to this bar, you will create a base from which you will build on in the future. car wash

Regular inspection

"Fixing" your "organizational system" is akin to fixing a car: you need to carry out regular inspections and periodically replace parts. Here are a few tricks to help you stay on course:

Write down on the Master List all the projects that you bypassed while working with this book. You have focused on the tasks of paramount importance, and at the same time, you probably did not touch on some projects that, nevertheless, someday will need to be implemented. Have them in front of your eyes so that when you have the opportunity, add them to your schedule.

Schedule "check days" for yourself: Clean Cupboard Day, Organize Files Day, Wash and Clean Car Day, Clean Kitchen Day, and Count Money Day. If half a day is enough for you, you can devote the remaining time to yourself.

Make up reminders for various events and make copies, such as a list of groceries and kitchen supplies, or a list of things to do to clean up the garden after a long winter. Why reinvent the wheel every time when you can save time and effort for other things?

So, you have created your own organizational system (as we will call it). Once you figure out how to keep it alive, take a closer look at it and ask yourself the following questions:

How does my system work?
If it does not work well, where and what is the problem?
If it works well enough, can I improve it further?
Have I learned new methods, techniques, and interesting ideas to try out? Did you find new solutions to the storage problem that are more efficient?
Are there ways to simplify this system, make it more efficient and cost effective?
Can I take care of aesthetics? Use pleasant and durable things, improve the appearance of what surrounds you.

It is very important to negotiate with yourself about how, when and where you will do your assessment and planning. By setting a specific time and sticking to it, you will develop a good habit. Find a convenient time for yourself and enjoy the process.

Always reward yourself for your successes, praise yourself, and soon you will discover that the changes you have achieved are already a reward in itself. Cooking in a clean kitchen where everything has its place is such a pleasure! Wouldn't it be nice to open the garage door and see perfectly working things lying in their places?
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