Test in the discipline "Information technology" for students of NGOs in the profession "Computer operator. Tests for the profession "operator of electronic computers and computers" Screening tests for a PC operator


information note

1. Name of methodological material: Tests by profession operator of electronic computers and computers to assess the quality of training, students studying for credit at the Tula College of Social Technologies

3. Position: Master industrial training

4 . Annotation: 6 variants of the final tests are presented, according to the assessment of the quality of training, students of the technical school. Each option contains 15 questions, with the help of which the teacher and the master of industrial training can check the quality of assimilation of the material. The form of test tasks is closed (with the choice of one correct answer)

For each question, 4 to 5 possible answers are offered, from which you must choose the correct one. The questions are selected in such a way that it is possible to determine the quality of training of students on all topics of the 1st year of the profession of an operator of electronic computers and computers, included in the mandatory minimum content of education. Each version of the final test fully covers all the theoretical and practical course material included in the mandatory minimum.

Test run time: 35 minutes.


1. In what year did the mass production of personal computers begin?

1) in the 70s 3) in the 80s

2) in the 60s 4) in the 50s

2. What is the smallest unit of information?

3. How is the decimal number 5 written in binary? 4. What determines the performance of a computer (speed of operations)?

1) screen resolution
2) processor frequencies
3) electricity voltage
4) speed, keystrokes

5. Which device can have harmful effects on human health?

3) columns

4) scanner

6. File is...

1) unit of information
2) process in RAM
3) scanned document
4) program or data on disk

7. What is an algorithm?

1) a sequence of commands that an executor can execute
2) system code
3) mathematical and applied model
4) mathematical matrix

8. Algorithmic structure, what type is shown in the block diagram?

) loop
2) branching
3) subroutine
4) linear

9. The minimum object used in a text editor is...

1) word
2) screen point (pixel)
3) paragraph
4) symbol (familiarity)

10. The tools in the graphics editor are...

1) line, circle, rectangle

3) pencil, brush, eraser
4) sets of colors (palette)

11. A multimedia computer must include ...

1) multimedia projector

2) CD-ROM drive and sound card
3) laminator
4) plotter

12. In spreadsheets a group of cells A1:B3 is selected. How many cells are in this group?

13. What line will the record Bulgaria occupy after sorting in ascending order in the Area, thousand km field 2 ? Square,

thousand km 2


thousand people









2) 4

4) 2

14. Which of the methods of connecting to the Internet provides the greatest opportunities for accessing information resources ...

1) dial-up remote access
2) permanent connection via fiber optic channel
3) permanent connection via a dedicated telephone channel
4) terminal connection via dial-up telephone channel

15. What is hypertext?

1) huge text
2) structured text, in which transitions can be made on selected labels
3) text printed on a printer
4) text in large type


1. What is 1 byte?

2. How is the decimal number 6 written in binary? 3. When you turn off the computer, all information is erased ...

1) on a floppy disk
2) on CD-ROM
3) hard drive
4) in RAM

4. In what direction from the monitor is the harmful radiation maximum?

1) from the screen to the person
2) from the screen back
3) from the screen to the left and right
4) from the screen up and down

5. The file system is usually depicted as a tree, where "branches" are directories (folders), and "leaves" are files (documents). What is located in the root directory, i.e. on the "trunk" of a tree?

1) directories and files
2) directories only
3) only files
4) nothing

6. Which of the documents is an algorithm?

1) rules of conduct in the classroom

2) instructions for receiving money from an ATM
3) call schedule
4) cool magazine

7 . The block diagram shows an algorithmic structure, indicate what type it is.

1) loop

2) branching

3) subroutine

4) linear

8. When editing text changes...

1) font color

2) paragraph options

3) a sequence of characters, words, paragraphs

4) headers and footers.

9. The palettes in the graphics editor are...

1) line, circle, rectangle
2) highlight, copy, paste
3) pencil, brush, eraser
4) color sets

10. A sound card with 16-bit binary encoding capability allows you to play sound with...

1) 8 intensity levels
2) 16 intensity levels
3) 256 intensity levels
4) 65,536 intensity levels

11. A group of cells A1:C2 is selected in spreadsheets. How many cells are in this group?

12. The database is presented in tabular form. The record creates... 13. What records will be found after the search in the field Area, thousand km 2 with the condition >100 ? Square,

thousand km 2


thousand people









2) 2, 4

4) 1, 4

14. What is transmitted by e-mail (e-mail)?

1) messages only
2) only files
3) messages and attachments
4) video image

15. What such HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)?

1) Internet server
2) a tool for creating web pages


1. In what year were the first computers created?

2. What is 1 KB equal to? 3. How much information does one bit of a hexadecimal number contain? 4. Which device has the highest information exchange rate?

1) CD-ROM drive
2) hard drive
3) floppy disk drive
4) RAM chips

5. In order to preserve information, floppy disks must be protected from ...

1) overheating
2) chemical pollution
3) magnetic fields

6. Specify the information model of the organization educational process at school.

1) norms of behavior for students
2) cool magazine
3) lesson schedule
4) list of textbooks

7. The processor executes the instructions written:

1) in algorithmic language
2) in machine language (in binary code)
3) to hard drive
4) as a block diagram


alg choice (thing A, B, X)

arg A, B

cut X


if A>B

then X:=A

otherwise X:=B


. What type of algorithm is written in an algorithmic language?

9. In a text editor, when setting page parameters, ...

2) indent, spacing
3) fields, orientation
4) style, pattern

1) font size 3) paragraph options

2) file type 4) page dimensions

11. What are called primitives in a graphics editor?

1) line, circle, rectangle
2) pencil, brush, eraser

4) sets of colors (palette)

12. The field type (numeric, text, etc.) in the database is determined by...

1) field name
2) field width
3) number of lines
4) data type

13. What line will the record Hungary occupy after sorting in descending order in the Population, thousand people field?

1) 4 Area,

thousand km 2


thousand people









2) 2

4) 3

Jack [email protected] What is the name of the owner of this email address?

15. What are Browsers (eg Microsoft Internet Explorer)?

1) Internet server
2) antivirus programs
3) programming language translator
4) web browser


1. In what years did the development of global computer networks begin?

1) in the 50s3) in the 80s

2) in the 60s 4) in the 2000s

2. What is 1 MB equal to?

1) 1,000,000 bits 3) 1024 KB

2) 1,000,000 bytes 4) 1024 bytes

3. What is used to write and read information in floppy disk drives?

4. The full path to the file is set C:\DOC\ WORD .TXT . What is the full name of the file?


2) WORD . TXT 4) TXT

5. Which of the objects can be the executor of algorithms?

1) propaganda poster

3) printer

2) map

4) knife

6. In a text editor, performing an operation copyingbecomes possible after:

1) setting the cursor to a certain place on the working field
2) save the file
3) scan file
4) selection of a fragment of text

7. What operations are possible in the graphics editor?

1) line, circle, rectangle
2) pencil, brush, eraser
3) highlight, copy, paste
4) sets of colors (palette)

8. The minimum object used in a vector graphics editor is...

1) screen point (pixel)

3) color palette
4) familiarity (symbol)

9. What should be protected from the CD-ROM?

1) temperature differences
2) pollution
3) magnetic fields
4) atmospheric pressure drops

10. The main element of spreadsheets is ...

1. How many records are there in the presented database?
1) 5

3) 3

2) 2

4) 1

5) 4

12. What records will be found after searching in the text field Countrywith the condition contains Russia? 1) 1


) 4

2) 2 ,4

4) 2, 3

5) 1,5

13. What maximum speed transmission of information in a computer local area network?

14. An e-mail address on the Internet is set: Jack [email protected] What is the name of the computer where mail is stored? 15. Where should the hyperlinks go on the web page?

1) to any web page of any Internet server
2) to any web page within the given domain
3) to any web page of this server
4) within this web page


1. What is 1 KB equal to...

2. How is the decimal number 3 written in binary? 3. Which device has the lowest information exchange rate? 4. Infection with computer viruses can occur in the process ... 5. The full path to the file is set E :\ excel \Sheet.xls . What is the name of the directory where the file is located Sheet.xls? excel

3) E :\ excel \Sheet.xls

2) Sheet.xls

4) xls

6. The family tree of the family is...

1) tabular information model

2) hierarchical information model

3) text information model

4) mathematical-information model

7. In a text editor, the main parameters when setting paragraph parameters are:

1) typeface, font size, columns
2) indent, spacing
3) margins, font size
4) style, pattern

8. What is the most common extension in text files?

9. The minimum object in a raster graphics editor is...

1) screen point (pixel)
2) object (rectangle, circle, etc.)
3) color palette
4) familiarity (symbol)

10. The largest information volume will have a file containing ...

1) 10 pages of text
2) black and white drawing 100x100
3) an audio clip lasting 1 min.
4) video clip lasting 1 min.

11. In spreadsheets, a formula cannot include...

12. C Population,

thousand people


















how many entries in the presented database? 1) 4

3) 2

2) 3

4) 1

13. What row will the record Greece occupy after sorting in ascending order in the field Population, thousand people?

1) 4



thousand people


















) 2

2) 3

4) 1

14. Internet servers containing file archives allow ...

1) download the necessary files
2) receive email
3) communicate in in social networks
4) call "

15. What must a computer connected to the Internet have?

1) IP address
2) Wi- firouter
3) home web page
4) domain name


1. Who was the founder of domestic computer technology?

1) Sergey Alekseevich Lebedev,

2) Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky,

3) Alexander Stepanovich Popov,

4) Alexander Fedorovich Popov.

2. What is 1 GB...

3. The processor processes information ... 4. Infection with computer viruses may be subject to ... 5. The full path to the file is set D :\PPT\PowerPoint.PPT . What is the file extension that determines its appearance?

1)D:\PPT\PowerPoint.ppt 3) PowerPoint.PPT

2) ppt \ PowerPoint . ppt 4).ppt


. What type of algorithm is shown in the flowchart?

1) Cyclic
2) Branching
3) Auxiliary
4) Linear

7. The value of a boolean variable can be…

8. In a text editor, the main parameters when setting a font are:

1) typeface, size, style
2) indent, spacing
3) margins, font size
4) style, pattern

9. What will change in the text formatting process?

10. What is a raster graphics editor for?

1) create drawings
2) plotting
3) charting
4) create and edit drawings

11. What is the information capacity of standard CD-ROMs?

1) 650 MB 3) 1 GB
2) 1 KB 4) 650 bytes



thousand people


















2. How many text columns are there in the presented table? 1) 1

3) 3

2) 2

4) 4

13. What is a modem?

1) mail program
2) network protocol
3) Internet server
4) technical device

14. An e-mail address on the Internet is set: Jack [email protected] What is the top level domain name?

15. What extension (format) do Web pages have?

1) .PPT 3) .DOC
2) .HTM 4) . XLS

Qualifying Exam Tickets

by profession: operator of electronic computers and computing machines

Ticket number 1

1. Information. Information processes in nature, society, technology. Information system. Closed and open Information Systems. Appointment of feedback.

2. Text editor: purpose and main functions. Basic concepts (character, paragraph, etc.) Working in the Word text editor: window elements, creating, saving and opening a file, setting up a text editor, formatting characters and paragraphs, designing lists, inserting tables, preparing a document for printing, inserting objects .

3. Development of an algorithm (program) containing a cycle command (operator).

4. Search for information on the Internet according to a given condition.

Ticket number 2

1. Forms of presentation of information. The amount of information as a measure of uncertainty reduction. Units for measuring the amount of information. Information encoding.

2. Spreadsheets: purpose and main functions. Cell: relative and absolute addressing. Data formats. Entering and editing data. Entering formulas. Perform calculations using formulas. Standard functions, their use in data processing. Construction of charts and graphs.

4. Create a mailbox and send an email to a given address.

Ticket number 3

1. The device and purpose of the main blocks of the PC. (functional diagram of a computer). Characteristics of modern PCs.

2. Software for working on the Internet. Browsers and mail clients. Rules for searching for information on the Internet. Search engines, subject directories, obtaining information from FTP-servers. Mail client setup. Basic concepts and purpose of the mail client. Sending and receiving mail. Create a contact.

3. Development of an algorithm (program) for processing a one-dimensional array.

4. Creation of a text document according to the model (formatting of paragraphs and characters).

Ticket number 4

1. Computer memory devices. Storage media (floppy disks, hard disks, CD-ROM/R/RW, DVD, etc.).

2. Multimedia technologies. Basic requirements for computer hardware. Classification of electronic presentations. Technology for creating multimedia products power point: creating a presentation, inserting a new slide, choosing a presentation design, setting up animation, changing slides, inserting hyperlinks and control buttons, setting the presentation time.

3. Working with folders and files (renaming, copying, deleting, searching) in MS-DOS or using a shell (for example, NC).

4. Create charts in spreadsheets.

Ticket number 5

1. Classification and characteristics of monitors. Brief recommendations for choosing a monitor and caring for it.

2. Algorithmic structure "branching". Branch command. Examples of complete and incomplete branching.

3. The task of calculating in spreadsheets using built-in functions (SUM, MIN, MAX, etc.).

4. Working with the archiver.

Ticket number 6

1. Information input devices:

    Keyboard: purpose, device, keyboard layout, recommendations for choosing and caring for a keyboard.

    Mouse: purpose, principles of operation and device, mouse control techniques, recommendations for choosing and caring for a mouse.

    scanners (basic concepts and classification), digitization of images, hardware and software interfaces of scanners, order of recognition of text documents.

2. Linear algorithmic construction. assignment command. Examples.

3. Create a database. Determining the structure of the database: the number and types of fields, filling in tables (or using ready-made ones). Organization of information search in databases. Create simple queries.

4. Working with files and folders in Windows OS.

Ticket number 7

1. Standard utility applications: Disk Cleanup, Disk Check, Disk Defragmenter, Disk Maintenance Wizard.

2. Algorithmic structure "cycle". Loops with a counter and loops by condition. Examples.

3. Creating an archive of files and opening the archive using an archiver program.

4. Creation of a text document according to the model (inserting a table into a text document).

Ticket number 8

1. Computer networks: basic concepts, types of computer networks. Hardware and software for organizing local computer networks, LAN topologies.

2. Technology for solving problems using a computer (modeling, formalization, algorithmization, programming). Show on an example of a problem (mathematical, physical or other).

3. Working with a diskette (formatting, creating a system diskette).

4. Working with a ready-made database: searching for information on a given condition, sorting, creating a report.

Ticket number 9

1. Global information network Internet: history of origin, access protocols, methods of connecting to the Internet, information services, development prospects.

2. The concept of programming languages. translators and compilers. Turbo Pascal programming environment. Program launch. Viewing the results of program execution.

3. Working with files and folders in MS-DOS.

4. Creation of a text document containing information of various types (figures, formulas).

Ticket number 10

1. The concept of software. Unity of software and hardware. Types of software.

2. Alphabet and some basic operators of the Pascal language.

The structure of the program in Pascal. Pascal data types. Data input-output. Expressions, operations, operands. Operations priority. Operators.

3. Development of a multimedia presentation on a given topic.

4. Installing the program from a storage medium (floppy disks, CD-ROM disks).

Ticket number 11

1. Operating system. Appointment, structure and loading of OS. OS types. Functions and purpose of the basic input-output system.

2. Auxiliary algorithm. Procedures and functions in the Pascal language.

3. Solution of the simplest optimization problem in spreadsheets.

4. Working with the MS-DOS operating system (internal and external commands).

Ticket number 12

1. The concept of a file. Operations on files. File characteristics: full name, volume, creation date, creation time. Special file attributes. Ways to access a file. Working with a group of files. Organization of access to a file. Path and invitation. The role of FAT is the file allocation table.

2. Structured data types. Strings. Arrays. Operations on array elements. Sorting.

3. Creation of a text document according to the model.

4. Working with standard functions in spreadsheets, building a function graph.

Ticket number 13

1. OS interface MS-DOS. General information about commands. Command classification. Basic commands for working with directories. Basic commands for working with files. Basic commands for working with disks.

2. Structured data types. Sets and records. Files.

3. Creating, converting, saving, printing a picture in a raster graphics editor.

4. Working with an anti-virus program (checking the disk for viruses).

Ticket number 14

1. The concept of a shell program. Wrapper functions. Interface, terminology of shell programs. Assignment of function keys. Working with shell programs (Norton Commander, Windows Commander, etc.)

2. Algorithm. Properties of algorithms. Algorithm executor. Methods for describing algorithms. Algorithm executors (purpose, environment, operating mode, command system). Computer as a formal executor of algorithms (programs).

3. Preparing a document for printing.

4. The task of counting the amount of information.

Ticket number 15

1. Windows OS interface. Windows objects. Actions with files and folders. application and document. Windows graphical user interface. Explorer program. standard application programs.

2. The concept of object-oriented programming. Basic concepts: objects, classes of objects, operations and methods. The concept of event-driven programming.

3. Creating a drawing in a vector editor.

4. Determining the result of the algorithm execution according to its block diagram.

Ticket number 16

1. Theoretical basis presentation of graphic information in the PC memory. Pixel. Graphic primitives. Ways of storing graphic information and formats of graphic files. Models of color formation and color rendering. Types of computer graphics and main characteristics.

2. Ethical and legal aspects information activities. Legal protection of programs and data.

3. Development of an algorithm (program) containing a branch command (operator).

4. Using absolute and relative links in spreadsheets.

Ticket number 17

1. Graphic editor: purpose, user interface and main functions.

2. Programs for PC testing. Functionality check. Typical malfunctions. Check disks for errors. Disk fragmentation. Using Disk Defragmenter. Disk cleanup. PC performance monitoring.

3. Work with folders and files (rename, copy, delete, search) using the file manager

4. Development of an algorithm (program) for searching for an array element by a given condition.

Ticket number 18

1. Computer viruses, their origin and distribution. Types of computer viruses. Updating anti-virus databases.

2. Safety rules for handling electrical equipment and electrified tools. Defence from harmful effects computer on the state of the human psyche and his physical condition, preventive measures.

3. Development of an algorithm (program) for processing data of a string type.

4. Creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing a text document in a text editor.

Want to improve your computer skills?

Excel document is a workbook that consists of three sheets by default. Each sheet is an independent table on which all Excel functions are available. To work, sometimes you need only one sheet or, conversely, a large number of sheets. It is also convenient to duplicate an existing sheet with all the data on it, instead of creating a new one and copying information from another sheet into it. How to do it in Excel?

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The visibility of the material motivates children elementary school to the solution of the educational problem and maintains interest in the subject. Therefore, one of the most effective methods learning is the use of flashcards. Cards can be used in teaching any subject, including in circle activities, and in extracurricular activities. For example, the same cards with vegetables and fruits are suitable for teaching counting in mathematics lessons, and for studying the topic of wild and garden plants in the lessons of the world around.





College Principal

Glick E.L.

« » 2012


final state certification


group O-301

by profession 230110 "Computer operator"



2. DATES 3



4.1 Passing the final exam in the discipline "PC Software" 4

4.2Performance of graduation practical qualifying work 4

4.3 Defense of the written final examination work 4


5.1Final exam in the discipline "PC software" 6

5.2Practical qualification work 6

5.3 Defense of the written final examination work 6

Annex 1 8


The purpose of the final state certification is to establish the level of training of a graduate of the Sakhalin state university» Sakhalin College of Business and Informatics (hereinafter referred to as the College) to the fulfillment of professional tasks and compliance of its preparation with the requirements of the state educational standard for elementary vocational education by profession 230110 "Computer operator".

State (final) certification of college graduates by profession 230110 "Computer operator", consists of several certification tests of the following types:

  • passing the final exam in the discipline "PC Software";

  • performance of final practical qualifying work in accordance with the program of industrial training;

  • defense of a written examination paper completed by a graduate on a topic determined by teachers of special disciplines and masters of industrial training in agreement with the head of practice at the enterprise, considered at a meeting of the subject-cycle commission and approved by the director of the college.
  1. DATES

The final state certification of students in the profession 230110 "Computer operator" is carried out with 06/22/2012 to 06/28/2012.


  1. State standard by profession;

  2. Regulations on the final certification of graduates of the "Sakhalin College of Business and Informatics of SakhGU";

  3. IGA program;

  4. Order on the admission of students to the IGA;

  5. Summary sheet of student progress;

  6. Diaries and progress reports industrial practice;

  7. Order on fixing the topics of written final examination papers assigned to the students of the group;

  8. Tickets for graduation practical qualifying works;

  9. Written final examination papers admitted for defense.

During the IGA study group is divided into two subgroups and takes exams in 2 days:

The first day: passing the final exam in the discipline "PC Software" and completing the final practical qualification work

Second day: defense of written final examination work;

    1. Passing the final exam in the discipline "PC Software"

The final exam should determine the level of assimilation by the graduate of the theoretical material provided for by the curriculum and discipline plan within the framework of the main educational program in the specialty. The final exam is conducted in the form of testing using the VTS software.

The graduate is invited to answer 40 questions on the main didactic units of the discipline. Each student has 45 minutes to complete the test.

    1. Implementation of graduation practical qualification work

The implementation of final practical qualifying work is carried out in college in two stages.

At the first stage the typing speed is checked with a blind ten-finger method for 10 minutes.

At the second stage a practical task is performed in accordance with the ticket chosen by the student. Tickets contain practical tasks corresponding to the standard of primary vocational education in the profession 230110 "Computer Operator".

Practice tickets cannot be reused in the same subgroup. The student performs final practical qualifying work in accordance with the ticket he has chosen, he is given 35 minutes to solve the problem.

After completing the final practical qualifying work, all students are given final grades, which are recorded in the protocol and the summary sheet of student progress. The protocol is signed by the chairman and members of the examination committee.

The final grade for the completion of final practical qualifying work is set at a closed meeting of the State Attestation Commission by a majority vote of the members of the Attestation Commission participating in the meeting.

The subject of written examination papers is approved no earlier than half a year before the start of the final certification. Written examination work must correspond to the content of work practice in the profession, as well as the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities provided for state standard primary vocational education by profession 230110 "Computer operator". The topics of written final qualification works are compiled by teachers of professional disciplines:

Production automation;

Data processing on a computer;

Computer hardware;

The written examination final work is carried out by the student independently during the period of industrial practice under the guidance of the head of practice from the enterprise and the head of the written examination work in accordance with the order on fixing those PES, which is communicated to students no later than 6 months before the IGA.

Written final examination work is submitted in the form of a printed work with a volume of 7-10 pages of A4 format, with one or more files on a CD containing practical examples from the tasks obtained during the internship at the enterprise, multimedia presentations describing information technologies in accordance with the topic of PVER .

The form of defense of the written final examination work is oral, with the involvement of presentation graphics. 7-10 minutes are provided to prepare the student for the defense.

Members of the attestation commission hear students' speeches on the topic of written final examination work, look through the applications provided by the student in accordance with the topic of the PVER. During the defense, the examiner may be asked additional questions within his topic, if necessary to clarify the student's knowledge on the topic chosen by him.

The final assessment for the protection of PVER is set at a closed meeting of the State Attestation Commission by a majority vote of the members of the Attestation Commission participating in the meeting.

The grades obtained for completing the final exam, passing the practical qualifying work and defending the written final examination work must be announced to students after the completion of each IGA exam by students of this subgroup.


    1. Final exam in the discipline "PC Software"

The grade based on the results of passing the final exam is set at a closed meeting of the State Attestation Commission according to the criteria for assessing the final test. Evaluation criteria is determined by the percentage:

  • with correct answers over 70%, the mark "excellent" is given;

  • over 60% - "good" grade is set;

  • over 50% is rated "satisfactory";

  • - less than 50% is rated "unsatisfactory".
    1. Practical qualifying work

  • Grade " Great» is set if the practical task is completed in full and issued in accordance with the requirements of the ticket. 1-2 minor flaws are allowed, typing speed is 160-180 characters per minute;

  • Grade " Good» is set if the practical task is completed in full and is issued in accordance with the requirements of the ticket, but no more than two errors and four shortcomings in the design are made, the typing speed is 140-160 characters per minute;

  • Grade " satisfactorily» it is set if the practical task is completed in the amount of more than 50 percent, no more than two errors and four shortcomings in the design are allowed, the speed of typing is 120-140 characters per minute;

  • Grade " unsatisfactory» is set if the practical task is completed in the amount of less than 50 percent and there are errors in the design or more than two errors and four shortcomings were made, the typing speed is less than 120 characters per minute;
The assessment for the implementation of practical qualifying work is set taking into account the assessment for typing and the assessment received for the implementation of the practical task.

Note: In the event of a disputed assessment for the performance of practical qualifying work, the prevailing assessment is the result of completing the practical task in accordance with the ticket.

    1. Defense of the written final examination work

  • Grade " Great » is set for a deep and complete mastery of the content of the topic of writing graduation work, fluency in the conceptual apparatus, the ability to connect theory with practice, the ability to competently and logically state and justify one's judgments. Demonstration of confident and precise mastery of the technology for performing the task in PEVR. The work is written competently, framed in accordance with the requirements for written graduation work (Appendix 2).

  • Grade " Good ” is set if the student has fully mastered the educational material, owns the conceptual apparatus, orients himself in the studied material, consciously applies knowledge to solve practical problems, competently, logically sets out and justifies his judgments. Confidently owns the technology of performing the assigned task in the PVER (some minor errors are possible, corrected by the students themselves); The work is written correctly, framed in accordance with the requirements for a written final work, however, the student made some shortcomings (spelling, style, references, citations).

  • Grade " satisfactorily ” is set if the student has shown knowledge and understanding of the main theoretical provisions of the educational material, but does not present it fully, inconsistently, allows inaccuracies in the definition of concepts, does not know how to substantiate his judgments. However, he can demonstrate practical applications that confirm his skills and abilities in accordance with the topic of PWER. The work is framed poorly, in a number of parameters does not meet the requirements for written graduation work. The list of used literature is not complete enough.

  • Grade " unsatisfactory » is set if the student has disparate, unsystematic knowledge, does not know how to distinguish between the main and the secondary, makes mistakes in the definition of concepts that distort their meaning, randomly and uncertainly presents educational material, cannot apply knowledge to solve practical problems; the design of the work does not fully comply with the requirements for a written final work; there are no applications confirming knowledge of information technology in accordance with the topic of the PVER or in the presence of technological errors and the lack of skills in working with the software product with which the application to the PVER was made.
Students who have received an “unsatisfactory” mark for completing the IGA written examination final work or for performing practical qualifying work have the right to re-attestation, but not earlier than after 6 months. During this period, the student must work in the profession.

Prepared by department


________________ / Panfilova T.B.

Attachment 1





Computer hardware (heads: Chizhikov P.V., Samokhina E.Yu.).

Computer tuning and optimization

Creation of a multimedia product "Setting up and optimizing the operation of a computer"


equipment at the workplace of the computer operator

Creating a multimedia product "PC Maintenance"

Choice personal computer to organize the workplace of the computer operator

Creation of a multimedia product "PC Specifications"

The choice of peripheral devices for the organization of the workplace of the computer operator

Creation of a multimedia product "characteristics of PC peripherals"

Physical and logical hard disk partitioning, hard disk formatting.

Creation of a multimedia product "The concept of the physical and logical breakdown of a hard disk"

Technology of working with PC peripheral devices at the workplace of a computer operator

Creating a multimedia product "PC Peripherals"

Remote data transmission, data protection during the work of the computer operator

Creation of a multimedia product "Data protection in computers"

Choosing a printer, scanner, monitor to organize the workplace of a specialist (secretary, manager, designer)

Creation of a multimedia product "input-output devices"

Principles of organizing a local network in an organization

Creation of a multimedia product “Basic types of local networks. The concept of server and workstation»

Technology of using the search and information system of the Internet

Creation of a multimedia product "Technology of information search on the Internet"

Data processing on a computer (supervisors: Savenkova O.B., Tyan V.G.).

Spreadsheet technology in Microsoft Word

Creation of a multimedia product

Option number 1

1. Create a document using the software package "MSoffice».

Using a word processorMSWord, create a diagram according to the sample.


1. Read the assignment carefully.

2. Determine the tools you need to build the circuit.

3. Group Schematic Objects

4. Complete the task in the presence of the members of the examination committee.

5. Maximum task execution time -15 minutes .

Option number 2


1. For the entire text (which we will type in tasks #1-#11), set the left indentation to 0 cm, the right one to 15.5 cm, Times New Roman font, character size 12 pt, justified alignment.
2. The left indent for the line with the character set "G96" is 1 cm.

3. Before the paragraph containing the words "Domoryad Alexander Petrovich", set the indent to 140 pt. For this and the five paragraphs that follow, the left indent is 5 cm. For three paragraphs, the sparsity is set to 2 pt. spacing between characters. Note that combinations
"Mathematical games and entertainment" and "Favorites" highlighted in bold.
4. The formatting settings for a paragraph beginning with the words "Submitted to the set" are as follows: indent before the paragraph 50 pt, left indent 0 cm, font size 10 pt (all other settings are the same as for the entire text). Note that the "¼" symbol can be found among the elements of the "Courier New" font, while the "´" symbol is found in the "Symbol" font.

5. Before the next paragraph, indent 200 pt. In the future, the font size is 12 pt.

6. Before the paragraph "The book presents ..." indent 24 pt.

7. The paragraph “ISBN 5-09-001292-X…” is indented 24 pt, all characters in it are in bold. Please note that the character set "BBK 22.1ya2ya72" is moved to the right edge, which is done
without using tabs or lots of spaces .

Option number 3


All text is in Times New Roman; the size of the main text is 12 pt, choose the size and style of the headings yourself so that you get a text similar to this one.
2) The title “Quads” is a WordArt object.

3) Near the heading “Parallelogram”, put a regular footnote on the text: “Gusev V.A., Mordkovich A.G. Mathematics: Ref. materials. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988. - p. 399".

Option number 4


2. Note that the text often uses symbols
a, bandg, which are located among the symbols of the "Symbol" font. Of course, you can always use the insert symbol or copy the symbol to the right place, but it is better to assign "hot keys" to frequently used symbols. Assign to symbolakey (Ctrl+a), characterb- key (Ctrl+b), symbolgkey (Ctrl+g).
To assign a key (Ctrl+a) to a character
aperform the following procedure: select the menu item "Insert > Symbol"; set the font "Symbol"; tick symbolain the table; press the "Key" button; in the "New keyboard shortcut" field, press (Ctrl + a) and confirm the choice with the enter key; close the dialog boxes.
Now when you press the key (Ctrl + a), a character will be inserted into the text
Note that the symbol
dis used only twice in the text, so it does not have to be associated with a "hot key".
3. Symbol "
º ” is located among the symbols of the “Symbol” font.

Option number 5


1. The text heading is a level 1 heading, with the following formatting settings: "Times New Roman" font; character size 14 pt; bold; center alignment.
2. In the process of work, we will need the buttons "Super Index", "Subscript" and "Formula Editor", which may not be on your toolbar. To place the necessary buttons on the panel, use the menu item "View> Toolbars> Customize ...", tab "Commands". You will find the first two buttons in the "Format" category, the last one in the "Insert" category. Drag the desired buttons to the toolbar area.

3. Notice that in the table, some cells are merged (two groups of cells with the contents "Ones" and "Tens"), and some cells do not have borders. Merge cells after selecting them using the menu items "Table> Merge Cells".

4. Some words of the text and tables have a different style than others (italic or bold).

Option number 6


1. The text heading is a level 1 heading, with the following formatting settings: "Times New Roman" font; character size 14 pt; bold; center alignment.
2. When drawing, make sure that the sizes of the figures match.
3. Don't forget to group the graphic objects (combine the figure captions with the corresponding figures).
4. Use the desired text wrapping of graphic objects.
5. To put a footnote, use the menu item "Insert > Footnote ...".

Option number 7

Calculation of hours of the Department of Informatics

Semester I

Name of the discipline









Programming languages


Optimization methods

Workshop on a computer




    Make a table like the following:

    To cellF 6 enter the formula for calculating the total number of hours in Computer Science (= D 6+ E 6 ), then copy the cell formulacF 7 onF 11 .

    To cellC12 enter the formula to calculate the total number of students, use the buttonAutoSum(Select cells starting withC 6 onC 12 ).

    To cellD 12 andE 12 enter formulas for calculating the total number of lectures, laboratory work.

    To cellF 12 enterformula for calculating the total number of hours.

Option number 8

Calculate, using ET, will 130 tenge be enough for you to buy all the products that your mother ordered for you, and will it be enough to buy chips for 25 tenge?

Exercise technology:
o In cell A1, enter “No.”
o In cells A2, A3, enter “1”, “2”, select cells A2, A3, point to the lower right corner (a black cross should appear), stretch to cell A6
o In cell B1, enter “Name”
o In cell C1 enter “Price in tenge”
o In cell D1 enter “Quantity”
o In cell E1, enter “Cost”, etc.
o In the “Cost” column, all formulas are written in English language!
o In formulas, instead of variables, cell names are written.
o After pressing Enter instead of the formula, a number immediately appears - the result of the calculation

Option number 9

    Select a given column or range of cellsH2:H6 ;


Show hidden column:

    Select adjacent columns or adjacent cells;


    Add headers and footers (in the top place the last name and first name, in the bottom - the current date and time). Look at the result.

    Build a pie chart showing the share of each item of income at the endIhalf a year. Place the chart on an appropriate sheet.

    Save the result with a namescore. xls .

Option number 10


In paragraphs 11-13, copy the obtained sorting results to a sheetSorting . Leave 2 lines between tables.

    Sort table data by two keys: Department (Ascending),Full name (Ascending).

    Sort the data by two keys:Department, Accrued (desc)

    Sort the data by three keys:

    1. Department, Position, full name;

      Department, Position, Tab.number .

    Hide the contents of the columns on the Salary sheetC , D , E , F , G .

    Save the document as calculationsalaries. Xls.

Option number 11

    Build a pie chart and a bar chart for your expense table using the Chart Wizard.

2. To select two non-adjacent ranges of cells, hold down the key< ctrl >.

3. Format charts in your own way, using different fill colors, borders, font sizes.

Option number 12

    Enter into the table the values ​​of the function arguments at a given interval.

2. Enter a formula in the first cell of the column for the corresponding function values.

3. Copy this formula to the rest of the cells in this column.

4. Having selected in the table the range of cells necessary for construction, use the Chart Wizard to construct a function graph similar to the one shown in the figure.

5. Format the chart area as you wish, using different fill colors, borders, font sizes.

6. Create tables and plot graphs for five different functions.

Option number 13

1. Open a word processorWord.

2. Type text:

The greatest depth of Lake Baikal is 1620 m, Lake Onega is 127 m, Lake Issyk-Kul is 668 m, Lake Ladoga is 225 m.


. Select the table and click the buttonAdd chart . A bar chart will appear showing the depth of the listed lakes, as well as another table with the original data.

5. Execute the commandChart options… by right-clicking on the chart area. In the dialog box that opens, select the tabTitles , in the corresponding input field enter the name of the diagram "Depth of lakes"; tabLegend check the boxAdd legend and activate at your discretion one of the switches that sets its location. Click the buttonOK .

6. Position the mouse pointer outside the new objects area and click the left mouse button.

7. Depth and close the program.

Task 14.


The area of ​​Russia is 17.1 million km 2 , the area of ​​China is 9.6 million km 2 , the area of ​​India is 3.3 million km 2 and the area of ​​the USA - 9.4 million km 2 .

2. Based on this information, create and complete the following table:

3. Build a bar chart based on the table

4. Save the file in its own folder under the nameSquare and close the program.

Task 15.

1. Type the following text:

Of the 27 students in the class test 9 people received a rating of "5", 15 - "4" and 3 - "3".

2. Based on this information, create and complete the following table:

3. Build a bar chart based on the table:

4. Select the table again, click the buttonAdd chart and in the chart menu (right click) execute the command[Chart type - Pie]. 5. From the chart menu (right-click), select the commandChart options . In the window that opens, select the tabData Signatures and activate the switchShares . Do not forget to enter the name of the diagram in the same window.

6. Save the file in its own folder under the nameRatings and close the program.

Option number 16

    Create table "Teachers ': Use Table Wizard .

    Select a sample to create a table"Employees » and select the following from the proposed list of fields:


    middle name

    Job title

    Department name (rename as “department”)

    Name the created table“Teachers ” Connections not define , i.e. click the Next button.

    Select mode “Direct data entry into a table

    In design view, define the data type for each field

Define field properties on a tab"General" in design mode in the following way: Name



middle name

middle name



Job title

Job title







    For field "department » change the control like this:

    Open a tab"Substitution" and set the following properties for the "department" field

Option 17

Exercise 1

    Create a table "offset » in table design mode with parameters

    Define field properties on tab “General " in the following way: Result

    Not really



    Yes (matches allowed)

    Since you already have a table in the database withlist of groups , table with list of disciplines , as well as the tableQuestionnaire » with a list of students this should be used to automatically fill in the fields "Group », « discipline" and " Student » in the table you create «offset »

    This can be done withfield control

    1. For the field " Group » change control:

      Open a tab"Substitution" and set the following properties for the "group" field

    Click the mouse

    Click the button ..

    In the Query Builder window that appears:

    • add a "Groups" table,

      close the "add table" window

      drag with the mouse the “Group” field to “field ” request form

      in field " output on display ” must be checked

    Limit to list


      Similarly change the control for fields"discipline" and "student", using as rows respectively tables"discipline" and "questionnaire".

Option 18

1. Start Microsoft Access 2007.

2. Press the button.

    Name the new database "School"

    From the menu bar, select the tabCreate/Table.

    Click on the buttonView and chooseConstructor.

    Save the spreadsheet as "Teachers"

    Enter the field names and specify the data types and sizes they apply to

    Switch to table view to do this select the tabMode / Table mode.
  1. Fill in the table with 10 rows.

    Option 19

    1. Start Microsoft Access 2007.

      Create a new database "Employees", for this

      Create a table based on the template "Contacts", for this

    On the tabCreation Table templates Contacts

      Fill in the table according to the sample.

      Save the table.

    Option 20

    Create a table inMicrosoft office Access 2007 using the table builder. (In the same database "Base of workers » create table #4 named «Students and assignments »).

    Fill inField name the following data (column headers):

    CodeStudent, Surname, Description of the task, Start date, End date, Comments.

    And correspondinglyData type :

    CodeStudent - COUNTER,

    Surname, Description of the task, Remarks – TEXT,

    Start date, End date - DATE TIME.

    And fill this table with the following data (see table)



    Task description

    Start date

    Final date



















    Internet search engines




    Internet 2








    Internet connection



    Save the entered data and when the system automatically prompts you to create a key field, click the YES button.

    Option 21

      Start the Microsoft Access DBMS program. To do this, run:Start - All Programs - Microsoft Office - Microsoft Office Access 201).

      The following window will open in front of you(Picture 1) :

      Choose a teamNew database . Then typefile name –Base workers and press the buttonCreate . The following window will open in front of you(Picture 2) .

      Choose a teamCreation Application parts. Templates - Contacts (Figure 3).

      A table appears in the left paneContacts. Double click on the table name. The whole table will open in front of you.Contacts with headers(Figure 3) .

      Rename fieldsID, State, Territory, Country or Region to the following new field names respectively:Code, Republic, Country.

      All fields after the fieldCountry delete using the context menu by running the commandCreation - Table Designer .

      Table 2.

      Option 23

      1. Create a DocumentMicrosoftWord. Create a table - your schedule for the week - according to the proposed model. Title: Task number 4. Schedule.



        red week

        blue week






        Yep, Monday

        Hard day!

        8 30 - 9 50



        There is also some kind of couple here, for sure there is, I remember.

        10 00 - 11 20



        To study

        To study

        11 50 - 13 10


        And learn again!

        11 50 - 13 10



        Well, I don’t go to this couple, it’s hard to wake up ...

        8 30 - 9 50


        I always try not to be late… Never succeeded

        10 00 - 11 20


        Hmm, sometimes I can still do something...

        11 50 - 13 10


        Ooooh, this is unbearable, 4 couples a day! I want to go home!

        13 20 - 14 40



        Everyone, I'm starting new life, will be studying…

        8 30 - 9 50


        Anyway, I'm going to the next pair. Promise!

        10 00 - 11 20





        11 50 – 13 10



        Use modern inf. and communication technologies

        13 20 – 14 40





        14 50 - 16 10

        Comment: make a table for all school days of the week. Fill the table.

        Record the time in the table using superscripts (Select minutes  Format  font  superscript). Use the shading of table cells (Select the desired cell  Format  Borders and Shading  Fill tab).

        Record your full name, current date and time in the header (View  Header and Footer).

        Save the file to your desktop. File name - "Task No. 4».

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