Job description for the head of college practice. Eksd - head (manager) of educational (educational-industrial, industrial) practice. Head of training and production practice


If your company does not practice regular performance reviews, then you will do a good job if you introduce them into your practice. This should not be turned into a mere formality, as a rule, the less formal such conversations are, the more effective they are. Just get into the habit of discussing with your subordinates the results of their work, regardless of whether this work is excellent, satisfactory or bad. Sometimes it's necessary. simply to convince each of them that you know and appreciate their efforts, or to remind them of the absence of such.

Head of practice (industrial, educational)

Here it should be noted as a common shortcoming in the work of all organizations working on the Saratov system, the inability to calculate the economic effect of improving the quality, reliability and durability of products. It is not easy to assess the quality of the work of research and design work, but in the practice of the work of the design bureaus of the region, very interesting and original calculations were born that determine or, more precisely, try to determine the level of quality of the work of designers. In these bureaus, for each designer, special journals (or cards) for recording work have been opened, in which designers note the time they spent on performing various types of work.

For more than 2,000 years, the government's prerogative, or the exclusive right to provide society with money, meant in practice only a monopoly on the minting of coins - gold, silver or copper. It was during this period that such a prerogative began to be accepted unconditionally, as an essential attribute of sovereignty, shrouded in a veil of secrecy, with which the sacred power of rulers was usually associated. Perhaps this idea arose even before the sixth century BC, when the Lydian king Croesus minted the first coins - back in those days when it was customary to put stamps simply on metal ingots to certify the quality of the metal.

The completed report is submitted to the manager for review. The report accepted by the head is subject to protection before the commission appointed by the head of the department, which is carried out with a differentiated assessment on a 5-point scale, taking into account the correctness of the answers to the questions, the quality of the data presented in the report and the depth of the analysis, the student's compliance with labor discipline during the internship. A student who has not completed the internship program, received a negative review of the work and an unsatisfactory grade when defending the report, or who has not defended the report within the prescribed period, is not allowed to complete the graduation project.

The cargo is delivered to the warehouse, where it is checked in accordance with the invoice and the accompanying document in terms of quantity, assortment, quality. The warehouse manager or storekeeper accepts the values, and if a shortage is detected, a representative of an uninterested organization is involved. An acceptance certificate is drawn up for the revealed discrepancy between the quantity and quality of the cargo delivered to the warehouse, where the size of the shortage is fixed and the amount to be recovered from the supplier is established. The acceptance act serves as the basis for filing a claim against the supplier. It is drawn up in the form No. M-7 in two copies by members of the acceptance committee with the obligatory participation of a financially responsible person and a representative of a disinterested organization. The act is approved by the head of the organization or other authorized person. One copy of the act with the attached primary documents is transferred to the accounting department to account for the movement of material assets, the other to the supply service (supplier). In practice, various situations of shortage or damage to cargo may arise both along the route and in a specific situation. The necessary additional data that is not highlighted in the form of an act in special lines is recorded in the Other data section.

The proposed textbook written by the Deputy Head of the Department of Legal Support of the Market Economy of the Russian Academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation, is devoted to the issues of legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity. In organic unity, it examines the system of existing legal acts and the practice of their application. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between economics and law, the role of state bodies and local governments in the formation, functioning and development of entrepreneurship, their interaction with business entities.

This category of sellers provides sales support in the retail and wholesale industry. Ordering may take place nationwide at company headquarters, but sales to individual retailers are directly supported by merchandisers who provide advice during sample demonstrations, implement sales promotions, monitor inventory levels, and liaise with warehouse managers .

As a specialist of modern domestic libraries, first of all, directors / heads and heads of structural divisions - library managers, it is advisable to know theoretically and put into practice the basic provisions of marketing as a market concept for managing a library and information institution. The importance of library managerial staff mastering marketing tools is due to the objective need for each Russian library to develop its own strategic line of activity for the future, as well as to determine adaptably flexible tactics for daily work.

The delegation of PM responsibilities is constantly changing. In most organizations, personnel management activities are carried out by two groups of specialists (PM-specialists) and practitioner managers (P-managers). P-managers (heads, heads of departments, vice presidents) are included in this activity insofar as they are responsible for the efficient use of all resources at their disposal. Human resources are a very specific type

In 1944, new model states of city, district and children's libraries appeared, which existed until 1973, with a fund of up to 60 thousand volumes. Headcount librarians was established depending on the size of the fund and the volume of work for each employee, including the head, there should have been at least 1 thousand readers and 20 thousand book loans. In 1950, the Department of Architecture of the State Library of the USSR. IN AND. Lenin developed a calculation table to help design mass libraries. For the first time, recommendations appeared on the optimal size of the premises for library institutions, depending on the size of their funds, which was indirectly linked to the possible number of potential readers. In the early 50s. On the initiative of the Committee for Cultural and Educational Work of the RSFSR, to which state public libraries were subordinate, it began to practice drawing up five-year plans for the development of librarianship in rural areas, where the shortcomings in such services to the population were felt most acutely.

Performance by an employee, in addition to the main job, of other paid work without employment position in the same enterprise, institution and organization is not a part-time job (fulfillment by teachers of general education schools and teachers of secondary specialized educational institutions of the duties of managing classrooms and laboratories, teaching work of directors, deputy directors, heads of educational departments of educational institutions, management of subject and cycle commissions, work of engineering -technical workers for the management of industrial training and practice of students, duty medical workers in excess of the monthly norm of working hours, etc.).

Make up a specific, most effective, in your opinion, system of practical recommendations on the technique of self-management (for a specific head of the department), What is the relevance and effectiveness of the methodology you proposed? Try to use it in practice.

The leadership of the university practices various forms of operational, informational and instructive production meetings, in which Deans and heads of departments take part.

Handbook for bosses. What is included in the director's or department head's handbook depends on a number of factors, including the size and nature of the company's activities, the persons who receive these directories (only chiefs or managers of various ranks). Included guidelines expand or limit the provisions of company policy and practice contained in handbooks for all employees of the company.

Allowances are established for a certain period, but not more than one year, by order of the establishment in agreement with the elected trade union body on the basis of the presentation of the staff of the structural unit. Bonuses are canceled in case of deterioration in performance or completion of particularly important or urgent work. For heads of healthcare institutions (chief physicians, directors, heads, chiefs), allowances are established by a decision of a higher healthcare management body for work aimed at developing the institution, applying advanced methods of diagnosing and treating patients, new medicines and medical equipment in the practice of the institution.

Directors, their deputies for scientific and educational work, scientific secretaries, heads of departments and specialties, heads of educational units, heads of research departments, heads of postgraduate studies (sectors), heads of those who do not perform teaching work in the same educational institution, methodologists, senior scientific employees, researchers, masters and instructors of industrial training and laboratory assistants - 24 working days.

Persons of the administrative and educational personnel of the educational institutions listed in paragraph 4 of this order to the directors, their deputies for scientific and educational work, heads of departments and specialties, heads of educational units, heads of postgraduate studies, heads of internships for students, academic secretaries, simultaneously performing the same educational institution pedagogical work. in the amount of not less than 1/3 of the corresponding annual norm - vacations of 48 working days are granted.

It is better to double-check the weight of the purchased goods on the same scales that the seller used when the goods were released, but previously subjected to a separate independent check for serviceability (accuracy) and adjusted. In practice, there are and sometimes there are certain technical tricks for underestimating the weight (volume, measure), which the inspectors should also be familiar with. Rechecking and adjustment can be entrusted to the seller himself, the head of the section or the store, however, in this case, the current control of the inspectors over the implementation of these procedures is also necessary.

The practice of annual inventories is not unusual for Western enterprises either. But here the warehouse manager is not responsible for the deviation of the value of real stocks from their book value, these losses are borne by the company.

Fatkhutdinov Rais Akhmetovich - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Quality Problems. Born in 1938 in the city of Zlatoust. He studied at a mining college, served in the army. In 1966 he graduated from the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute. He worked as a mining foreman, designer, economist at enterprises in Donetsk, Ufa and Krasnodar, head of a research institute department, head of the economics and management department of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering. In practice, he studied the features of technology, economics, management of engineering enterprises, oil, defense industry and other sectors of the national economy. In 1989 he defended his doctoral dissertation on machine efficiency planning at the Leningrad Institute of Engineering and Economics.

I will give an example from my practice. It's not about a business, it's about public institution- about the outpatient department of a psychiatric hospital (for adults), which, among other things, is engaged in the methodological support of the psychotherapeutic service of the city. I am the manager. I have bets. I need employees. A psychologist comes in for an interview. Let's start a conversation...

If you look closely at the practice of project management in some organizations, you can find a lot of oddities in it. In this regard, the analogy with a hospital is appropriate, in which surgeons plan operations without thinking about whether the operating room will be free at the time they need. Imagine a situation where, one fine morning, 10 surgeons with patients prepared for surgery simultaneously appear in the operating room, but none of them is familiar with the work schedule of the operating unit, whose staff is subordinate to their own leader. Let us also assume that the head of the operating room himself is not going to operate on that day and orders his subordinates to help other surgeons. At the same time, each surgeon has access to the limited resources of the operating room, where there is only one operating table, one anesthesiologist and one surgical nurse but only for 15 minutes. In this case, the first surgeon can begin to operate, but after fifteen minutes he is obliged to free the table for the second surgeon, who, in turn,

Chief Consultant on Psychology and Management Kudashev Azat Rishatovich - Professor, Head of the Department of Management BAGSU, Doctor of Psychology. Degree consultants, leading consultant psychologists in NLP, training, and practice.

In some firms, at this stage, "management by the method of exclusion" is practiced, i.e. a minimum level is defined at each performance level, and if the results exceed it, then no corrective action is taken. Maximum levels are often set as well, because results above them indicate either an exceptional salesperson effort, for which he deserves a reward, or a change in some key metrics in determining performance levels. For example, excessive high level sales revenue may result from the arrival of a major new customer in a given sales region, thereby greatly increasing the potential sales opportunities in that region. "Exceptional management" is the most economical in terms of saving the sales manager's time, as it allows him to focus on "exceptional" situations.

Pedagogical work S. I. Volfkovich began in 1921, first as an assistant, then as an associate professor and professor, head of the Department of Technology of Mineral Substances at the Technological Faculty of the Institute of National Economy. G. V. Plekhanov. In 1929, he was elected a professor at the Moscow Higher Technical School, and in 1932 he was appointed head of the Department of General Chemical Technology of the Military Academy. K. E. Voroshilova. where he also taught special courses. In addition to the General Chemical Technology and special courses in the technology of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium salts and fertilizers, S. I. taught courses on the Physical and Chemical Fundamentals of Chemical Technology and the Fundamentals of Design and Calculation of Chemical

Responsibilities of the practice leader in preparing for the practice:

1. receipt from the head. Department of instructions for conducting practice, educational, methodological and accompanying documentation.

2. Familiarization with the regulations on the industrial practice of students, with the content and features of the contract concluded with the enterprise for the practice.

3. study of the program and educational and methodological documentation for the practice.

4. development of a working curriculum, a calendar thematic plan, a calendar schedule for internships.

Responsibilities of the head of practice in the initial period of practice:

1. together with the personnel department and head. department to prepare an order "on sending college students to work practice."

2. holding an organizational meeting with trainees, at which they inform about the terms of practice, familiarize them with the program of practice, the features of the practice at different enterprises.

3. get acquainted with the head of practice from the enterprise, familiarize him with the requirements for keeping a diary and compiling a report, agree on individual tasks.

4. together with the head of the enterprise, distribute students by workplace, paying attention to the correspondence of the workplace to the specialty being studied.

5. take part in the safety briefing of students and control their passing the test.

6. to organize time records of attendance by students of practice.

7. Ensure the timely arrival of students for practice.

Responsibilities of the practice leader during the practice:

1. monitor the implementation of the schedule and advise students on the implementation of the practice program.

2. at each visit to the practice base, check the keeping of diaries, the fulfillment of individual tasks.

3. supervise the training of students in safety regulations, providing special. clothing, personal protective equipment.

4. control over compliance with the rules of internal and labor regulations during the internship.

5. providing systematic methodological assistance to students in the implementation of the practice program, the selection of materials for course and diploma design, the implementation of individual tasks.

6. systematically inform the college management about the progress of the internship.

7. participation in the work of the commission for the acceptance of tests on safety engineering, in conducting exams for the assignment of working qualifications.

8. assist the leaders of practice from production in organizing and conducting lectures, excursions and other events.

Responsibilities of the internship leader after the end of the internship:

1. Drawing up conclusions about the quality of the internship by each student.

2. Submit to the head of the department a written report on the practice. The following questions should be reflected in the report of the teacher: the enterprises in which the practice took place, the names of the students in practice, the date and number of the order for the admission of students in practice, the name and position of the leaders of the practice from production, the actual time spent by students in practice, the implementation of the program and schedule of internships, conversations, lectures, excursions with students, the state of discipline, a brief description of bases of practice.

3. Submit to the head of the department a test sheet with grades for industrial practice, production characteristics and certificates of qualification for each student.

4. Submit reports and diaries to the head of the department.

5. Hold a student conference on the outcome industrial practice.

Leadership is an essential component of the organization's activities in achieving the goal. The main task of the leader is to organize the work of subordinates according to their qualifications, abilities, inclinations; build, based on this, models of organizational relations; monitor efficient performance. Such a multifaceted work of the manager requires him to perform various, but complementary functions: administrator, organizer, specialist.

In the role of an administrator, the head performs his powers to ensure the development of the organization in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, develops and implements a personnel policy.

Performing the functions of an organizer, the leader creates the conditions necessary for the fruitful activity of the team in achieving common goals; coordinates the actions of subordinates involved in the processes of management and production.

As a specialist, that is, a professionally well-trained person who has knowledge and experience in a particular area, the manager is called upon to correctly set tasks, competently analyze and effectively control the progress of their implementation.

In connection with the formation of new socio-economic tasks of enterprises modern leaders must possess the qualities of managers. At the same time, the main requirements include: the availability of a wide range of special knowledge in the field of market research, marketing planning, pricing, organization of distribution channels, accounting, foreign trade, labor legislation, etc.; entrepreneurial spirit, that is, the ability to achieve specific economic and social goals by choosing original, non-standard solutions associated with economic risk; perseverance, purposefulness, striving for the obligatory achievement of the set goals.

As a manager, a manager must:

organize and plan the production and sale of products;

make the right managerial decisions;

· conduct business meeting;

select and train employees;

· Leading a team modern requirements;

encourage employees to creative activity, rationalization, invention, to celebrate and evaluate each achievement of a subordinate;

Be extremely objective, regardless of your tastes;

find a way out of conflict situations, etc.

There is a fairly extensive list of characteristics that contribute to effective leadership. Such personal qualities usually include the mind, the level of intelligence, self-confidence, purposefulness, energy, initiative, strictness and exactingness, politeness, friendly attitude towards subordinates, etc.

The head or director of a pharmacy, as a manager, organizes work on drug supply for the population and medical institutions, manages the trade, financial, administrative and economic activities of the pharmacy. Accordingly, its functions include:

Licensing of pharmacy activities and control over compliance with license conditions;

business contacts with government and regulatory authorities;

Ensuring the proper organization of all trade, production and business operations in the pharmacy;

control over the availability of a range of medicines, compliance with the rules for their release;

organization of supply of medicines and medical devices (MD);

organization of drug quality control;

control over compliance with the rules for dispensing medicines;

control over compliance with the sanitary regime, the rules for storing medicines in pharmacies and medical institutions;

hiring and dismissal of employees, conclusion of contracts for liability, approval of work schedules;

selection, placement, education and professional development of personnel;

introduction of progressive forms of work;

organization of information work;

organization of sanitary and educational work among the population;

Ensuring the implementation of all economic and financial transactions;

organization of proper accounting and reporting, planning of pharmacy activities;

making managerial decisions on organizational and production issues, monitoring their implementation, etc.

The functions of the deputy head of the pharmacy include: receiving goods from suppliers; operational communication with suppliers, control and analytical laboratory; preparation of applications-orders for medicines and medical devices; release of goods to medical institutions and structural divisions of the pharmacy; control over compliance with the pharmaceutical order; drawing up a schedule for going to work and others determined by the functional and job description.

The quality of management activities has a direct impact on the work of each employee and the success of the organization as a whole. One of the main directions of increasing the efficiency of management activity is its division and cooperation. They are carried out according to three criteria: technological, functional and vocational qualification.

According to the technological characteristics of labor personnel, management is distributed by type of work according to the specialization of workers.

The functional division and cooperation of labor are based on specialization in the performance of various management functions.

According to professional qualifications, duties are distributed and responsibilities are delimited between employees, taking into account the position held, necessary for this qualification.

The distribution and cooperation of management activities in a pharmaceutical organization are fixed in job descriptions that determine the organizational and legal status of a manager at any level of management. The instruction is developed on the basis of the Regulations on a certain position regarding a specific employee, taking into account his knowledge, experience, personal and business qualities, the specifics of the work of the pharmacy.

in the management system, the main carrier of information is a document that constitutes a specific subject and result of management activity. According to the results of some studies, a manager spends from 30 to 80% of his working time working with documents. So, the organization of workflow directly affects the efficiency of the leader.

Among the factors that affect the effectiveness of the work of the head, an important place belongs to planning and improving the efficiency of working time, as well as the psychological aspects of managerial activity.

The effectiveness of a manager's work largely depends on the organization of his personal work. Organizing others, the leader, first of all, must be organized himself. This work of his is called self-management, those. self-organization, self-management. Self-management helps to improve management efficiency and improve the performance of the entire team of the enterprise.

The main goal of organizing the personal work of a manager is to save his working time and maximize the use of his own capabilities. Each manager establishes the system of organizing personal labor independently, based on specific conditions, the field of activity, the nature of the work performed, the number of subordinate employees, etc.

The main components of self-management are:

organization of the workplace of the manager;

optimization production environment at work;

analysis of the cost of working time;

planning by the manager of his work;

· holding business meetings and meetings and participation in them;

organization of public performances;

Reception of visitors and holding business conversations(technique of business contacts);

organization of information service of the manager's work, improvement of his qualifications.

Proper organization and rational equipment of the manager's workplace make it possible to perform their functions rationally and with the least labor costs, communicate fruitfully with visitors, employees and subordinates, receive visitors, maintain high efficiency and working mood.

Working time planning involves a number of interrelated stages: time tracking, cost analysis, working day planning.

The methods of recording working time include: photography, self-photography, timing, instant observation, the choice of which depends on the goals.

The analysis of working time costs is aimed at finding out: a) does the work performed correspond to the position, qualifications, b) do the time spent on the performance of work exceed rational norms? According to many studies, managerial employees with higher education spend 30-70% of their working time on functions that do not provide for higher, and sometimes secondary specialized education.

All this indicates the need to plan the manager's working time, which is based on the development of a certain regime, relevant regulations, robot schedules. Planning should be carried out both for the long term and for a shorter period - a week, a day.

EKSD 2018. Edition dated April 9, 2018
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use reference book of professional standards

Head (head) of educational (educational-industrial, industrial) practice

Job responsibilities. Organizes training and ensures the conduct of educational (educational-industrial, industrial) practice (hereinafter referred to as practice) in accordance with the charter educational institution and practice regulations. Carries out general management of all types and areas of practice in the areas (specialties) of training an educational institution (structural unit, faculty (institute), branch). Defines the strategy, goals and objectives of the practice. Carries out the development and submission for approval of educational and methodological documents on the conduct of all types of practice. Conducts work to ensure the conduct of practice in the areas (specialties) of training of an educational institution together with representatives (heads) of organizations corresponding to the profile training of students. Together with heads of educational institutions ( structural divisions) solves educational, methodological, administrative, financial, economic and other issues that arise in the process of work to ensure the conduct and conduct of practice.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation on issues of higher professional education, priority areas for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation, basic information about the development of education in foreign countries, theory and methods of managing educational systems, local regulations of an educational institution, the procedure for compiling curricula, rules for maintaining documentation on educational work, modern forms and methods of training and education, fundamentals of pedagogy, psychology, ecology, economics, law, sociology, financial and economic activities of an educational institution, basics of administrative, labor and economic legislation, personnel management, labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education and work experience in teaching positions or leadership positions in organizations in the direction professional activity corresponding to the activities of an educational institution (structural unit), at least 3 years.

Name of organization APPROVED OFFICIAL Position name INSTRUCTIONS of the head of the organization _________ N ___________ Signature Explanation of the signature Place of compilation Date TO THE HEAD OF PRACTICE


1. The head of the practice belongs to the category of specialists, is hired and dismissed from work by order of ____________________________________________________________.

2. A person with a higher (specialized secondary) education, at least 2 years of experience in the positions of teachers, positions of managers or specialists, whose work corresponds to the direction of activity in an educational institution, is appointed to the position of head of practice.

In an institution of higher education - higher education, work experience in positions of pedagogical, scientific workers, positions of managers or specialists whose work corresponds to the direction of activity in an educational institution, at least 3 years.

3. In his activities, the head of practice is guided by:

Legislative and normative documents governing relevant issues;

methodological materials relating to the issues of its activities;

the charter of the institution;

Orders of the head of the institution (immediate supervisor);

Rules and norms of occupational health, labor regulations;

This job description.

4. The practice leader must know:

The Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education, other regulatory legal acts, other guiding and methodological documents and materials on education, organizations industrial training, practices, rights of the child;

Program and methodological documentation on industrial training, practice;

Fundamentals of pedagogy, psychology, physiology;

Modern production technologies, equipment used in industrial training and practical training, rules for its operation;

Requirements for the quality of products;

Fundamentals of management, economics, labor organization;

Basics of labor legislation;

Rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety.

5. During the absence of the head of practice, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by the appointed deputy, who is fully responsible for their proper performance.


6. To perform the functions assigned to him, the head of practice is obliged:

6.1. Supervise the organization of the conduct and technical support of the practice of students in the development of educational programs.

6.2. Participate in the organization of work on equipping laboratories, workshops, on the basis of which practice is carried out, with modern equipment, and other teaching aids.

6.3. Coordinate the work of industrial training masters, analyze their plans, and help ensure that students master industrial training programs.

6.4. Manage the development of work schedules for workshops and laboratories.

6.5. Organize the standardization of work on the passage of practice, the preparation of drawings, instructional and technological maps, product samples for carrying out practical work in industrial training.

6.6. Participate in the work on the conclusion of agreements on the organization of the practice of students, on the creation of the necessary conditions for students to undergo internship and implement its program.

6.7. Supervise the preparation of jobs.

6.8. Organize the involvement of students in the work provided for by the internship program, instructing students on labor protection.

6.9. Provide direct supervisors of practices, masters of industrial training of the educational institution with methods, programs, instructional requirements, teach the maintenance of accounting and reporting documentation.

6.10. Organize classes to study new technologies, the experience of advanced industry workers.

6.11. To promote the development of technical creativity, rationalization and invention in the educational institution.

6.12. Prepare draft orders general issues organization and conduct of practice.

6.13. Together with departments, departments, faculties, constantly work to improve the process of conducting practice.

6.14. Monitor the progress of the practice, as well as analyze and summarize its results.

6.15. News organizational work to ensure settlements with direct supervisors of practice from organizations and with other employees of organizations for lectures, consultations, seminars and excursions provided for by the program of practice.

6.16. Ensure timely preparation of reports on the results of the implementation of practice programs, analyze them and, on the basis of these reports, draw up a certificate of the quality of the practice at the end of the academic year.

6.17. Ensure compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.


7. The head of the practice has the right:

7.1. Make suggestions for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.

7.2. Get acquainted with the relevant documents and information necessary for the quality performance of their duties.

7.3. Improve your qualifications in the prescribed manner.

7.4. Require management to assist in the performance of their duties.

7.5. Take part in the discussion of labor protection issues submitted for consideration by meetings (conferences) of the labor collective (trade union organization).

8. The head of the practice reports to ________________________________. 9. The head of the practice interacts on issues within his competence with the employees of the following structural units of the educational institution: - from _________________________________________________________________: receives: ________________________________________________________________________________; is: __________________________________________________________________________; - from _________________________________________________________________: receives: __________________________________________________________________; is: __________________________________________________________________________.

10. The work of the head of practice is evaluated by the immediate supervisor (another official).

11. The head of the practice is responsible for:

11.1. For non-performance (improper performance) of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor law The Republic of Belarus.

11.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.4. For non-compliance with the rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection - in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and local acts in _____________________.

Name of the position of the head of the structural unit _________ _______________________ Signature Full name of the signature of the Visa I am familiar with the instruction _________ _______________________ Signature Full name of the signature _______________________ Date

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation