What does it mean to find yourself in life reasoning. “What does it mean to find yourself” essay. What stops you from starting a new life?


Essay "Find yourself ..."

What does each person put into these two words?

Until you find yourself in life, until you realize what it means for you, you will not be truly happy.

Finding yourself in life is one of the most important tasks of every person.

For some, the result of the search is to find happiness with a loved one, someone associates it with the search for God, someone thinks that finding oneself is simply to achieve a high spiritual development. And for someone, the very happiness is to find oneself in the profession, even if not immediately, but after going through a certain life path ...

One day of my life.

Morning. Early morning. I go to work, and in my head thought after thought: “Will they understand, will they understand, will they be able to find the right words, how to help out, what to do ...”

I go to my favorite Kindergarten, there is the same smell from my childhood, the smell of delicious porridge, the smell of warmth, comfort and cleanliness. Well, isn't it home? Not one came to the group, the cheerful eyes of our new resident, Kuzi, look at me from the bag (“Kuzya” turned out to be a simple pumpkin from my dacha).

My sleepy babies started coming.Everyone's faces are different - funny, sad, interested and not very much. Everyone needs to find an approach.

So guys, tell us what you did on the weekend?! All! My kids have cheered up, vying to talk about their successes, secrets, emotions, in general, about what is called CHILDREN'S HAPPINESS.

And it began ... finger gymnastics, breathing exercises, gestures, facial expressions, emotions.

After breakfast, my Timothy, with a feeling of complete satisfaction, goes with an empty plate to our new tenant.

Look, Kuzya, I ate everything, is it time for me to go to school?

And Kuzya, silently, listens to all the thoughts of my kids, their problems and experiences. He sees from the outside how quarrels and truces happen, how the global task “Who will get that “only” toy that everyone needs” is solved?

And here comes the X-hour. It's time to learn something new. Again, the same thoughts on how to make it interesting and comfortable for everyone. And most importantly: "Will they understand, will they be able to ...". I ask a question. Silence. I'm starting to get worried, but I'm not giving up. I look at the problem through the eyes of my children. I try in a different way: more gestures, expressive facial expressions, change the form of presenting information ... And here it is: the eyes shine with genuine interest, and we againwe all move forward together, continuing to overcome difficult and important distances with small steps. And the soul becomes joyful and warm, because this is a small victory for a big cause.

Fees for a walk - a special story. I like to watch how cheeks puff, how still quite inept hands try. I love it when, when tying a hat, children's eyes look at you, full of trust and love.

Before dinner comes our favorite time - time free games. Here all my hidden talents of a storyteller, a singer for variousvoices, a clown, in general, improvisation splashes over the edge. I look at my theatergoers, and there is a full house. And only the phrase of our beloved nanny: "Everything for lunch" makes us stop.

The toys took their places, the group was clean and tidy. Classical music sounds, and my tired snub noses sniff sweetly ...

And always by my sidepositive, wisdom, sparkling eyes, the one with which nothing is scary, the one that will listen and understand. This is my good colleague. And again we decide, invent, fantasize, write in order to continue to surprise our kids.

I go home tired, a refreshing breeze blows in my face. And in the soul there is joy and thoughts: “We succeeded, it turned out, well done ...”

At home I am met by those for whom I live, create, study, my FAMILY.


Time has led me to understand that children need to be taught to think.Every child is unique and unrepeatable,to accept the child as he is, not to compare him with the surrounding peers, but to rejoice at each new achievement made by IM himself.

They say that the work of a teacher is a heavy burden. But, as folk wisdom says: "Your burden does not pull." The question is how much this burden will become his own ...

A person usually tries to be original. He tries to live in such a way that both work gives him pleasure, and leisure is meaningful, and admiration is interesting. Not always and not everyone, of course, succeeds. They often say that: he “found himself in science”, she - in sports. But I don't want to talk about that at all. Is it necessary to imitate other people in life? With bad examples, everything is clear. Although, probably, it is “very right” at least once in your life, without thinking, to do something bad “for the company”, so that he is “like everyone else”. For example, the whole class decided

run away from control work. You understand that this is pointless: the control will be transferred in the same way, and the parents will be called to school. In short, there will be a scandal and not enough lectures. But you do like everyone else. Lacking the courage to be yourself

Many tend to adhere to fashion, clothing style, certain hobbies. There is nothing wrong with that. But this is the case if this style suits the person. And then what happens? Everyone wants to be fashionable, but together it turns out that everyone is dressed the same, everyone has the same hairstyles - like from an incubator. Everyone is in a hurry to the disco, but you don’t have a heart for this music, you want to read something

However, you go along with everyone, so that later they do not whisper, giggle, looking askance at you. Although why lose yourself” and be afraid to express your own opinion?

Good examples are more difficult. To be honest, fair, indifferent, erudite - who does not want this? But with the choice of profession. Suppose parents are good doctors. And his son is being prepared for this profession since childhood. To imitate a parent's example is, of course, a noble cause. But does she like a person? Or will he become a really good doctor? In my opinion, inheriting even the best examples, you must go your own way, do what you like. Live in such a way that your mind and heart are in harmony.

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What does it mean to "find yourself"? (Composition-reasoning)

A person usually tries to be original. She tries to live in such a way that her work gives her pleasure, and her leisure is meaningful, and her hobby is interesting. Not always and not everyone, of course, succeeds.
They often say this: he “found himself in science”, she - in sports, etc. But I don't want to talk about that at all. Is it necessary to imitate other people in life?
With bad examples, everything is clear. Although, perhaps, the “correct” ones at least once in their lives, without thinking, did that bad “for the company” in order to be “like everyone else”. For example, the whole class decided to run away from the test. You understand that this is pointless: the control will be transferred, and the parents will be called to school. In short, there will be a scandal and not enough lectures. But you do like everyone else. Lack of courage to be yourself.
Many tend to adhere to fashion, clothing style, certain hobbies. There is nothing wrong. But this is the case if this style suits the person. And then what happens? Everyone wants to be fashionable, but together it turns out that everyone is dressed the same, everyone has the same hairstyles - like from an incubator. Everyone is in a hurry to the disco, but your heart does not lie with this music, you want to read something. However, you go along with everyone, so that later they do not whisper, do not giggle, looking askance at you. Although why “lose yourself” and be afraid to express your own opinion?
Good examples are more difficult. To be honest, fair, indifferent, erudite - who does not want this? But with the choice of profession ... Let's say that parents are good doctors. And his son is being prepared for this profession since childhood. To imitate a parent's example is, of course, a noble thing. But in the soul of a man? Will she become a really good doctor? As for me, following even the best examples, you have to go your own way, do what you like. Live in such a way that your mind and heart are in harmony.

As a child, I wanted to become an adult as soon as possible. And I became an adult and I don’t know why I grew up and studied, what to do now, what to do, what to strive for, how to find myself in life. Can anyone help me figure out my desires? Help me understand myself?

System-vector psychology will help answer all these questions.

What does it mean to find yourself in life

Lucky people who understand what they want in life. Who still at school know what to do and what profession to go to study further. They do not choose a profession “for the company” with friends or at the behest of their parents, then to drop out of school or do an unloved thing all their lives.

Of great importance in everyone's life is the ability to feel, understand their true desires. For many, “to be or not to be” in this life depends on this, and for some even “to live or not to live” - depending on the properties of the psyche of a particular person.

We are all born with an already defined set of desires, a set of innate properties of the psyche, which are called vectors in system-vector psychology. All innate properties of the psyche are correlated with the properties of the body. This means that we are naturally capable of making all desires come true.

We can realize our own and only our desires. The possibilities of our body correspond to the fulfillment of the desires of our psyche, and not mother's or father's, friend or girlfriend.

This set of properties and desires cannot be changed during life. You can only develop innate abilities or not develop. Implement or not implement. Find what you want to do, or not find.

Happy to be or not to be

It is important for a person to feel in life the state that he does not live in vain - to feel the joy that gives him the opportunity to perceive the very moment of living life. A person should feel a sense of joy in life - when he is in a state of joy, he does not have a question how to find himself in life and what to do. Anyone who has ever experienced such a state will not be able to deny it.

Finding yourself in life is finding what brings you joy. Not outward fun. No. This is different - an inner deep state of fullness of oneself with a jubilant feeling of joy, and life with meaning. And a person experiences this greatest joy in life only when he realizes his innate talents, his innate properties of the psyche, his desires. Realizes what he really wants to do, and is not guided by test results or recommendations from books.

Finding yourself in life means understanding your innate properties of the psyche, your innate desires and realizing them in life, making your dreams come true.

How to understand yourself

The process of knowing one's innate properties and desires is twofold - conscious and sensual. This is a very important point. Finding yourself in life and understanding what is worth doing is not just defining the vectors of your mental, but realizing them. This is a deeper process. It is necessary to feel and realize what there is an irresistible attraction to, what you want to do.

An important point in this process is to eliminate the influence of false attitudes and values ​​as much as possible. Then it will not be just words, not the common expression “find yourself in life”, but a really important stage. And it can happen in the life of any person who is in search of understanding the true self, understanding what can bring joy and happiness. Find your calling. Regardless of age.

How does “I dream of becoming in life ...” begin?

All our dreams come from childhood. It is in childhood that the way a person develops his life is laid. Therefore, a great responsibility lies with parents and people who, by the nature of their activities, are associated with the upbringing of children.

The most accurate way to determine the innate abilities of a child is at the age of six years - when he still shows exactly his desires and aspirations. The child during this period develops the psyche and consciousness, so he is sensitive to "his own". Later, he picks up other people's installations and no longer knows what he himself wants to do. It is more difficult for him to find "his own", to find himself.

During this period, understanding the psyche of a particular child, observing what he is more interested in, you can direct his development in the right direction. In accordance with his innate talents and his manifest attraction. Applying the methods of involvement and coercion in the process of education, make him fall in love with what he is striving for, what he does with the most inspiration. Then he will achieve a lot in this direction in life, find and realize himself.

Such a person will no longer say: "I can't find myself in life". He will not have questions about how to find himself, what to do, what profession is most suitable.

Being in the right place is also a skill

Of course, it is possible to understand and guide the child so that he can realize what he wants to do even at an older age - up to 16 years. But the effectiveness of the development of innate properties will be less than at an earlier age.

In addition to developing innate abilities, a child needs to instill certain skills that will help him build friendly relations among other people and more fully realize himself in society. The most important are:

- the ability to share food;

- the development of imagination: joyful imagination, imagination in love, not in fears - instilling in him a love for drunken reading of classical literature;

- overcoming natural laziness: children should know that their efforts will be rewarded, then the skill will develop to enjoy the work done, and not from inaction.

What profession suits me - what to do

It is possible, even as an adult, to learn to understand yourself and be able to understand what it is worth doing in life. In this case, to the above listed important components of the process of knowing oneself:

- determination of their innate properties;

- awareness of what there is an attraction to, what brings joy;

- awareness of false values ​​and goals,

add one more:

- system-vector psychoanalysis, which is necessary to identify and eliminate the causes of what can become an obstacle in the implementation of innate properties on the way to a new life. On the way to finding yourself, to realize what you want to do.

What stops you from starting a new life?

Sometimes life situations develop in such a way that in childhood and throughout life there are certain delays in psychoemotional development, psychotrauma and other adverse moments. They manifest themselves in different ways and to varying degrees - depending on the set of vectors. They do not allow to fully reveal all the possibilities of the natural psyche, they prevent you from feeling what it really attracts. This is a certain obstacle in determining more precisely what you really want to do, in finding your favorite thing.
At present, it has become possible, despite adverse life situations, to solve all psychological problems using the knowledge and methods of system-vector psychology.

What to do to find yourself

Understanding the constituent moments of the process of knowing yourself, you can also answer the questions of what to do in order to know yourself, find your calling, find what you will really do with joy. System-vector psychology is the key to revealing all four components of the cognition process:

1. In system-vector psychology there is a whole the necessary information to determine innate properties. Already at Yuri Burlan's free online training, you will get the first skill of understanding your own psyche and the psyche of other people.

2. The realization of what one is attracted to and what brings a feeling of joy comes at the trainings of Yuri Burlan, the talent and desire to do exactly THIS are aroused, and abilities are revealed.

3. Awareness of false values ​​and goals occurs in the process of disclosure, knowledge and awareness of one's psyche - there is an understanding of what is "mine" and what is not.

4. System-vector psychoanalysis is an understanding and awareness of oneself. Most of the psychological problems are eliminated for all participants in the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

“... there was a strong breakdown, and I was covered with depression. There was only one desire - to wrap myself in a blanket, like in a cocoon, and hide from the whole world. But work, baby, business. Thank God, somehow she pulled herself together. Then there was the deepest realization that my life was worth nothing. Through tears, the thought that the child needs me, because without me he will not survive, and parents, so that they have someone to love. Such a kind of vessel for bestowal. And this is my main function. Mom needs someone to give love and care, that's what I was born for. There was a complete devaluation of his own life. And through those thoughts, something clicked in my head. And I could no longer justify my actions with my heart. I realized that in any life situation I could act differently, but I was looking for excuses for myself.

I realized that no one is responsible for my life, except for myself, and if I do not change it, I will never be able to get off the ground. I can't even describe this state. One thought from inside broke through the concrete armor of depression and finally reached my consciousness. And you won't believe it! I look at the world as if I just saw the light. I see the whole "mess" of my life, all the unfinished business, financial problems, all the problems. Where does the strength come from to clear these rubble?!”
Olga M., Hannover

“… Sound classes have added understanding of what is happening with my daughter. How is it possible to cope with the situation, find a way out. If earlier she didn’t even want to go outside, now she herself asks and waits for walks. She enjoys and sews a lot. Without a reminder, he washes the dishes and cleans up the kitchen (for the first time in so many years!). For about three months she has not taken any pills, and she does not have any mood swings, as she used to be ... "
Svetlana A., customs broker, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

An important result is the realization that only the person himself is the creator of his own destiny. You can get knowledge on how to learn how to manage your life most effectively, how to find yourself, find what to do in life, at the free online training "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan. Register via the link.

The article was written using the materials of Yuri Burlan's online training "System-Vector Psychology"

Existential questions are those that take a long time to answer. Often, many people cannot find answers to questions about the meaning of life. Our short article, the materials of which will be presented below, will try to talk about what it means to find yourself. In short, we will offer you our vision of this problem. So:

What is the search for yourself?

Finding yourself in this world can be quite difficult. It is very difficult to immediately determine what the person who asks such a question to himself or anyone else means. Often, we hear in our address: "You're lost! Find yourself! You need to find yourself!". But what do they mean? Profession? Hobbies? Find yourself in another person? Answer questions about what we do not understand? Or maybe all this together? As you can see, dear reader, we are faced with many questions without clear and simple answers.

Finding yourself in a profession or career means working for the good of the cause in which you believe. At the moment, the variety of professions is amazing, so only those who truly dream of finding a job to their liking will be able to find it. Unfortunately, a huge number of obstacles arise in the way of people who strive for a better life. But the more attractive and the result of these searches!

What would an essay look like: what does it mean to find yourself? It is unlikely that an ordinary student could reflect this problem somehow. And here's how we see it. Finding yourself in life means finding inner peace and confidence in your thoughts, actions and motivations. This sphere of any personality is defining its life. Without possessing an accurate image of himself in this world, a person will be lost in any case. How to come to harmony? How do you end up finding yourself? The answer to this question lies deep in your mind. Do you appreciate what you are doing? Do you like the place where you live? How often do you think about who is not next to you? By answering at least these three questions, you will come closer to understanding the correctness of your choice in life. You will understand in which direction you need to move in order to find yourself.

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