GOST 538 lock and hardware products






(EN 14351-1:2006, NEQ) (EN 1670:2007, NEQ) (EN ISO 9227:2012, NEQ)

Official edition

Stamdarti inform 2015


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-2009 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation "

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by a private institution - Center for Certification of Window and Door Equipment (CS ODT) with the participation of Abloy LLC

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes of September 30, 2014 Np 70-P)

KpatKoe country name according to MK (ISO 3166)004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standards body

Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan







4 This standard complies with the following European regional standards: EN 14351-1:2006 Windows and doors - Product standard, performance characteristics - Part 1: Windows and external pedestrian doorsets without resistance to fire and/or smoke leakage characteristics products, specifications. Part 1: Windows and exterior ground doors without fire resistance and/or smoke transmission characteristics). EN 1670:2007 Products of building hardware. resistance to corrosion. Requirements and test methods (Building hardware. Corrosion resistance. Requirements and test methods). EN ISO 9227:2012 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres. Salt spray tests (Corrosion resistance tests under artificial atmosphere conditions. Salt spray tests) in terms of technical requirements and test methods

Translation from in English(ep).

Degree of conformity - non-equivalent (NEQ)

5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 18, 2014 N19 1646-st, the interstate standard GOST 538-2014 was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from July 1, 2015

6 INSTEAD OF GOST 538-2001, GOST 27346-87

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards". and the text of changes and amendments is in the monthly information index to National Standards and. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index to National Standards. Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in information system general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standardinform. 2015

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology


LOCK AND HARDWARE General specifications

Locks ar>d butting hardware. General specifications

Introduction date - 2015-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to locks and hardware (hereinafter referred to as products) intended for locking, closing and ensuring the functioning of window and door blocks, gates, shutters, blinds, gratings used in the construction of buildings and structures for various purposes.

This standard does not apply to special-purpose products in terms of additional requirements for fire safety, burglary protection, etc.

The requirements of this standard should be taken into account when developing regulatory and technical documents for products of specific types and designs.

This International Standard can be used to certify products.

8 of this standard, normative references to the following interstate standards are used:

GOST 2.601-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Operational documents GOST 9.014-78 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging, temporary anti-corrosion protection of products. General requirements

GOST 9.032-74 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. groups, technical requirements and designations

GOST 9.301-86 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General requirements

GOST 9.302-88 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Control methods

GOST 9.303-84 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General selection requirements

GOST 9.308-85 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Accelerated Corrosion Test Methods

GOST 9.401-91 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. General requirements and accelerated test methods for resistance to climatic factors

GOST 9.402-2004 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. Preparation of metal surfaces for painting

GOST 2140-81 Visible defects of wood. Classification, terms and definitions, methods of measurement

GOST 2789-73 Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics of GOST 2991-85 Non-separable wooden boxes for loads weighing 500 kg. General specifications

GOST 5087-80 Handles for windows and doors. Types and main dimensions GOST 5088-2005 Hinges for window and door blocks. Specifications GOST 5089-2011 Locks, latches, cylinder mechanisms. Specifications GOST 5090-86 Locking hardware for windows and doors. Types and main dimensions GOST 5091-78 Auxiliary hardware products for wooden windows and doors. Types GOST 5959-80 Non-separable boxes made of sheet wood materials for loads weighing up to 200 kg. General specifications

Official edition

GOST 7016-2013 Products made of wood and wood materials. Surface Roughness Options

GOST 9142-90 Corrugated cardboard boxes General specifications GOST 9378-93 (ISO 2632-1-85. ISO 2632-2-85) Surface roughness samples (comparisons). General specifications

GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Specifications

GOST 12301-2006 Boxes made of cardboard, paper and combined materials. General specifications

GOST 12303-80 Packs of cardboard, paper and combined materials. General specifications

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods

GOST 15140-78 Paintwork materials. Methods for determining adhesion GOST 15150-69 Machinery, instruments and others technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, operating conditions, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of climatic factors external environment

GOST 16588-91 (ISO 4470-81) Sawn products and wooden parts. Methods for determining moisture

GOST 18242-72 Statistical acceptance control by alternative attribute. Control Plans

GOST 18321-73 Statistical control quality. Methods for random selection of samples of piece products

GOST 18477-79 Universal containers. Types, main parameters and dimensions GOST 19300-86 Means for measuring surface roughness by the profile method. Profilers"Contact profilers. Types and main parameters

GOST 20259-80 Universal containers. General specifications GOST 22225-76 Universal containers with a gross weight of 0.625 and 1.25 tons. Specifications GOST 24643-81 Basic standards of interchangeability. Tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces. Numeric values

GOST 25347-82 Basic norms of interchangeability. Unified system of tolerances and landings. Tolerance fields and recommended landings

GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Specifications GOST 30777-2012 Rotary, tilt, tilt-and-turn, sliding devices for window and balcony door units. Specifications

GOST 31471-2011 Emergency door opening devices for evacuation and emergency exits. Specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards according to the index "(National standards", compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using This standard should be guided by the superseding (modified) standard If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent not affecting this link / wy.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with the corresponding definitions:

3.1 lock product: A product with security properties and designed to lock window and door blocks, gates and other building structures with opening elements.

3.2 hardware: A product used to close, hang, fix or ensure the functioning of opening elements of building structures.

3.3 lock (hardware) attachment: A product, the body of which is installed on the surface of a window or door block.

3.4 lock (hardware) mortise product: A product that is completely embedded in a window or door unit.

3.5 lock hinged product: A product that is hung on a window or door block with the help of additional fasteners (for example, lugs).

3.6 lock (hardware) product left: Product used for the left window or door unit.

GOST R ISO 2859-1-2007 applies to the territory of the Russian Federation.

3.7 lock (hardware) product right: Product used for the right window or door block.

3.8 universal lock (hardware) product: A product installed both on the left and on the left window and door blocks (including adjustable leers).

3.9 front surface of the product: The surface of the product, visible during its operation.

3.10 non-obverse surface of the product: The surface of the product, invisible when it is


4 Nomenclature, main parameters and dimensions

4.1 The product range is given in Appendix A.

4.2 The main parameters and dimensions of products are set in the regulatory documents (ND) for products of specific types. The main parameters and dimensions of the products must comply with the requirements of the ND and correlate with the parameters and dimensions of the products on which they are to be installed.

4.3 Symbols of products are established in the ND for products of specific types. It is recommended to include alphabetic and numeric designations in product designations that reflect the type and type of product, its main parameters and classification features (for example, corrosion resistance class, security properties class, etc.) In the designation of products intended for installation on right-hand or left window and door blocks, additionally indicate the letter P or L, respectively.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 General provisions

Products shall comply with the requirements of this standard. ND for products of specific types, a standard sample approved by the head of the enterprise.

Products must be manufactured in accordance with the design and technological documentation.

5.2 Characteristics

Characteristics of products are established in the ND for products of specific types.

Characteristics must include the following requirements:

To the design (including limiting deviations from dimensions, shape tolerances, etc.);


Reliability (including reliability and maintainability indicators):

Operating characteristics:

Appearance and color:

The quality of protective and decorative (protective) coatings (including requirements for corrosion resistance):

Materials and accessories.

5.3 Design requirements

5.3.1 The design of products must ensure that the requirements for operation, maintainability and installation are met.

5.3.2 The design of detachable connections of products should exclude the possibility of their spontaneous separation after installation on window and door blocks.

5.3.3 Movable parts of products, depending on the purpose, must be fixed in the extreme and. if necessary, in intermediate positions.

5.3.4 The design of the products should provide the possibility of dismantling, adjustment, etc. if necessary, lubrication of parts during operation. At the same time, products intended for closing and locking window and door blocks should exclude the possibility of their dismantling from the outside.

5.3.5 The design of products must ensure their reliable fastening throughout the entire service life of the product. The design of fasteners should provide for the possibility of their installation using a mechanized tool.

5.3.6 Limit deviations of the dimensions of product parts must comply with GOST 25347:

For mating sizes - up to qualification 12 inclusive;

For incompatible sizes and parts to be assembled into permanent joints - up to grade 14 inclusive.

5.3.7 Limit deviations of mismatched dimensions of overhead parts of products that do not affect installation on window and door blocks, as well as mismatched dimensions of protrusions, depressions, stiffeners, ornaments and other decorative, structural and technological elements must comply with grade up to 16 inclusive in accordance with GOST 25347 .

5.3.8 Limit deviations of mating and non-matching dimensions of locks, closers and tilt-and-turn devices are specified in the RD for these products.

5.3.9 The maximum deviations of the dimensions of the sections of parts of products made from unprocessed rolled products of all types should not exceed the deviations of the sections of rolled products.

5.3.10 Tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces up to an accuracy degree of 15 inclusive are taken in accordance with GOST 24643.

The length of the thread in the holes of stamped parts must be at least 0.5 of the thread diameter, in other cases - not less than the thread diameter.

The dimensions of the supporting surfaces for screws and countersunk screws must ensure their installation flush with the surface of the part or with a recess (protrusion) of no more than 0.5 mm.

Structural, technological and fasteners should not protrude above the surface of the embedded parts of the products by more than 1.0 mm.

5.3.11 Locks, door closers, emergency door openers automatic door opening devices and other products may have electrical components in their design that provide automatic opening (closing) of window and door units.

5.4 Reliability and strength requirements

5.4.1 The requirements for reliability and strength are established in the ND for products of specific types, based on their scope, operating conditions, the requirements of standards for window and door blocks, building codes and regulations.

5.4.2 The reliability of products is confirmed by indicators:

Reliability (for products subjected to cyclic and mechanical loads during operation);

Maintainability (for products whose design provides for the possibility of repair during the service life).

5.4.3 Strength indicators are set in order to confirm the ability of the product design to withstand specified loads, including to establish the class of products. The strength of products is characterized by indicators of resistance (resistance) to the effects of static, dynamic and shock loads.

5.5 Performance requirements

5.5.1 The values ​​of operational characteristics are set in the RD for products of specific types, taking into account the efforts made by a person for the functioning of the products, and also depending on the purpose and scope of the products as an integral part of a specific building structure.

Note - The performance characteristics are set taking into account the physical capabilities of a person. If necessary, the specifics of the physical capabilities of certain groups of people (disabled people, young children, etc.) should be taken into account.

5.5.2 Moving parts (mechanisms) of products must move without jamming. If necessary, they should be lubricated.

5.6 Appearance and color requirements

5.6.1 When establishing requirements for the appearance of a product, the requirements for its front and non-front surfaces should be separated.

The front surfaces of the products must have a protective and decorative, non-facial - a protective coating.

Requirements for the appearance of products are established in the ND for products of specific types, in design and technical documentation. To evaluate the appearance, the manufacturer must have reference samples.

5.6.2 The color of the coating of the heads of the fasteners of the products must be the same as the color of the coating of the product having a metallic or non-metallic inorganic coating.

5.6.3 Screws and screws installed on the front surface of products coated with copper or copper alloys must have the same or oxide coating, depending on the color of the product coating.

Screws intended for fixing products on structures made of aluminum and PVC profiles can be zinc-coated.

Screws and screws installed on the front surface of parts with paint-and-lacquer or polymer coatings of products can be zinc-coated or zinc-coated with brightening additives.

5.6.4 The front surfaces of the metal parts of the products should not have cracks, burrs, mechanical damage. Requirements for front surfaces are established taking into account GOST 9.301 and GOST 9.032.

The front surfaces of wood parts in accordance with GOST 2140 should not have processing defects and wood defects.

The surfaces of parts made of plastic, glass and ceramics should not have cracks, scratches, chips, swellings and other defects established in the RD for products of specific types.

Non-facial surfaces of products may have depressions, risks, waviness and other surface defects that do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products.

5.7 Requirements for the quality of protective and decorative (protective) coating

5.7.1 Requirements for product surface preparation Metal surfaces of product parts before applying a metallic or non-metallic inorganic protective or protective and decorative coating must comply with GOST 9.301.

The metal surfaces of parts before applying paint and varnish and polymer coatings must comply with GOST 9.402. The roughness of the front surfaces of wood parts ft m should not be more than 60 microns in accordance with GOST 7016. The moisture content of the wood should be in the range from 8% to 12%.

5.7.2 Protective-decorative and protective coatings are selected depending on the operating conditions 1-3 in accordance with GOST 9.303, taking into account their scope, climatic modifications U. UHL. TV. TS. TM and placement categories 2-4 according to GOST 15150.

12 µm - for operating conditions 1:

18 microns - for operating conditions 2 and 3.

it is recommended to use as protective and decorative coatings: Cu-Ni-Cr; Ni-Ni-Cr, Ni-Cu-Ni-Cr. Ni-Ni. Ni-Cr, etc.

The thickness of protective and protective-decorative coatings may be reduced provided that the requirements for corrosion resistance are met.

Note - When using frozen and hardware products in rooms with a large crowd of people, as well as in preschool, school educational institutions, hospitals are advised to apply ABLOY ACTIVE antimicrobial coating on the handles of these products, based on a silver-containing component that can eliminate the spread of germs.

The thickness of metal coatings of fasteners is not less than 6 microns.

5.7.4 Requirements for paint coatings are accepted in accordance with GOST 9.401, the class of coatings is not lower than IV in accordance with GOST 9.032, the designation of coatings is in accordance with GOST 9.032.

5.7.5 To improve the anti-corrosion protection of surfaces after electroplating, it is recommended to apply transparent varnishes with a thickness of no more than 1 µm.

The application of a varnish coating should not lead to gluing of parts (especially small ones) and to a deterioration in the appearance, functional and assembly properties of products.

5.7.6 Electroplated coatings should not be toxic and should not be harmful to human health. In order to ensure this requirement, the use of galvanized coatings containing Gr is not recommended.

5.7.7 The roughness of the front surfaces ft, parts made of brass, aluminum, zinc alloys or rolled aluminum alloys, intended for use without coating, should not exceed 0.63 microns in accordance with GOST 2789.

5.7.8 Requirements for adhesion of coatings are established in accordance with GOST 15140 and in the ND for products of specific types.

5.7.9 Coatings of products must be corrosion-resistant and subdivided into classes. Coating classes for corrosion resistance are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Classification of coatings by corrosion resistance


Climatic performance



Test duration, h, not less



Products intended for operation inside heated buildings and premises, including entrance doors to apartments*




Aluminium, zinc and their alloys


Copper, brass and their alloys


I must. designed for use on the doors of sanitary cabins and other interior spaces with elevated temperature and humidity



Aluminium, zinc and their alloys


Local white spots are allowed on an area of ​​not more than 30% of the product area.

Copper, brass and their alloys


Local green spots are allowed on the area of ​​not more than 30% of the area of ​​the product

Products intended for operation on window and door balcony blocks




Aluminium, zinc and their alloys


White spots are allowed on the area of ​​not more than 40% of the area of ​​the product

Copper, brass and their alloys


Green spots are allowed on an area of ​​​​not more than 40% of the product area.

Products intended for operation on the entrance doors to buildings and premises, as well as for operation in the open air



Not allowed

Aluminium, zinc and their alloys


White spots are allowed on the area of ​​not more than 50% of the area of ​​the product

Copper, brass and their alloys


Green spots are allowed on an area of ​​​​not more than 50% of the product area

End of table 1


Climatic performance



Test duration. hours, not less



Products designed for use on windows. door, balcony blocks, doors, gates to buildings, premises. located in special areas of operation



Aluminium, zinc and their alloys


White spots are allowed on the area of ​​not more than 60% of the area of ​​the product

Copper, brass and their alloys


Green spots are allowed on an area of ​​not more than 60% of the product area.

* When using products inside and outside buildings, as well as in other climatic zones, the coating class for corrosion resistance is set to the highest class corresponding to the application.

Note - The visible (front) surface of the products is subject to corrosion resistance assessment. The places of cutting, riveting, welding are not subject to assessment of corrosion resistance.

57.10 When testing for corrosion resistance of products with paintwork, swelling and peeling of coatings are not allowed.

5.7.11 Corrosion resistance tests should be carried out on assembled products and on its individual parts.

5.7.12 Complete locks after corrosion resistance tests must remain operational.

5.17.3 Products must have temporary anti-corrosion protection in accordance with GOST 9.014. Protection period - in agreement with the consumer, but not less than one year.

5.8 Requirements for materials and accessories

5.8.1 For the manufacture of products, the following materials must be used: steel, cast iron, aluminum and its alloys, zinc alloys, copper-based alloys, hard metal-ceramic alloys, ceramics, plastic, glass, hardwood according to ND. approved in the prescribed manner.

5.9 Completeness

5.9.1 Each product must be supplied to the consumer in a complete set in accordance with the requirements of the ND for products of specific types, design documentation and agreements (supply contracts). Separate delivery of parts and assemblies of products is allowed as agreed with the customer.

5.9.2 Included in the scope of supply are locks, mortise latches with additional locking, and door closers. fanlight devices, rotary, tilt-and-turn devices should include an instruction manual for operation and installation (installation), a passport in accordance with GOST 2.601. Other products must be labeled in accordance with GOST 2.601. The passport and accompanying documentation must be in the language of the consumer's country.

When delivering products to manufacturers of building structures, a copy of the operation and installation (installation) instructions, passports or labels must be attached to each batch of products.

5.10 Marking

5.10.1 Each product must bear the trademark of the manufacturer and the designation of the design option (letters P or L for a product of right or left execution). On universal products, the designations P and L are not applied.

Accessories supplied as separate products must have

manufacturer's trademark marking. The place of marking is indicated in the working drawings. It is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer (customer), to indicate the marking on the package or label.

5.10.2 Consumer packaging (box, package, crate) must indicate:

Name, address, trademark (trademark) of the manufacturer;

Name and symbol products:

Number of products in a container:

Stamp of the technical control service:

Packer number;

Packing date (month, year):

Information about certification;

Product class:

Coating class for corrosion resistance.

By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer (customer), it is allowed to include additional information in the marking. All information must be in the language of the consumer's country.

5.10.3 Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.

5.11 Packaging

5.11.1 Products (parts of products) must be stored and transported in packaged form.

5.11.2 Products of the same type must be packed in consumer and then in shipping containers in accordance with the requirements of this standard and additional requirements of ND for products of specific types. Returnable packaging is allowed.

The method of packing products should exclude the possibility of their arbitrary movement and ensure the safety of products with their components and fasteners.

Right hand and left hand products must be packed separately.

5.11.4 It is allowed to use paper as a consumer container for handles, hinges, wraps, latches, mortise bolts, door and window stops, screeds, squares (packaging agent UM-1 according to GOST 9.014).

Fasteners must be wrapped and bundled together with the products.

5.11.6 A packing list is included in each consumer container, which must indicate:

Name and symbol of the product:

Number of products:

Packer number;

Packing date (month, year):

Stamp of the technical control service (on acceptance of goods);

Number of items.

It is allowed to include additional information not specified in this list.

It is allowed to put a label containing the information given above into individual packaging.

5.11.7 Upon agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to use other types of packaging and packaging materials, as well as send products without the use of shipping containers on box pallets.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Products (parts of products) must be accepted by the technical control service of the manufacturer for compliance with the requirements of this standard. ND for products of specific types, as well as the requirements specified in the contract for the supply of products.

Products (parts of products) are accepted in batches. A lot is the number of products manufactured within one shift or one order, issued with one quality document.

6.2 Quality requirements finished products, established in this standard and / or ND for products of specific types, confirm:

Incoming control of materials and components;

Production operational control:

Acceptance control of finished products;

Acceptance tests of a batch of products conducted by the quality service of the manufacturer;

The results of qualification, periodic and certification tests.

6.3 The procedure for incoming inspection of materials and components is established in the manufacturing documentation of the manufacturer, taking into account the requirements of RD for these materials and components.

6.4 The quality of manufacturing parts of products in the production process is confirmed by conducting production operational control at all stages of the technological cycle.

The procedure for conducting production operational control is established in the technological documentation of the manufacturer.

Note - To resolve issues related to the procedure for conducting incoming, production, acceptance control, it is recommended to use an integrated Quality Management System built on the basis of the SAP modular system - Systems Applications and Products (System Software and Products). An example of a modular system for conducting input control is given in Appendix B.

6.5 Acceptance quality control of finished products with a batch size of 90 pcs. inclusive, they are carried out piece by piece by the method of continuous control. With a batch size of 91 pcs. and more, acceptance control should be carried out in accordance with GOST 18242: control level II. acceptance level of defectiveness: significant defects no more than 2.5%. minor defects no more than 6.5%. The product acceptance control plan is shown in Table 2.

table 2

The volume of the batch of products, pcs.

Significant Defects

minor defects


Rejection numbers



91 to 150

Note - Significant defects include: defects leading to loss of operational characteristics, which cannot be eliminated without replacing part of the product, a critical excess of the maximum deviations of dimensions from those established in the ND. dismantled products, etc. Minor defects include the following removable defects: minor surface damage, defects that must be eliminated by adjustment, a slight excess of limit deviations in dimensions, etc.

Significant and minor defects are established in the ND for products of specific types._

Products from the batch are selected by the method of greatest objectivity in accordance with GOST 18321.

6.5.1 A batch of products is accepted if the number of defective products in the first sample is less than or equal to the acceptance number and rejected without assigning a second sample if the number of defective products is greater than or exceeds the rejection number. If the number of defective products in the first sample is greater than the acceptance number, but less than the rejection number, they proceed to the second stage of control and select the second sample.

A batch of products is accepted if the number of defective products in the second sample is less than or equal to the acceptance number and rejected if the number of products with significant and minor defects in the second sample is greater than or equal to the rejection number.

6.5.2 The user has the right to carry out a control check of products using the above sampling procedure and the control methods established by this standard. Acceptance of products by the consumer does not release the manufacturer from liability in case of detection of hidden defects that led to a violation of the performance characteristics of products during the warranty period.

6.5.3 A rejected lot may be re-submitted for acceptance after the identified defects have been eliminated and complete control has been carried out.

6.6 Acceptance tests are carried out by the quality control service of the enterprise* of the manufacturer every shift. The procedure for conducting acceptance tests is established in the ID for products of specific types and in the quality control systems of the manufacturer.

6.7 Periodic tests

6.7.1 Periodic testing of locks, cylinder mechanisms, latches, hinges, wraps, closers, fanlight devices, devices for manual and automatic opening of doors, turn, tilt and turn-tilt devices should be carried out at least once every three years. Periodic tests may be carried out additionally at the request of the consumer or regulatory authorities.

During periodic tests, products are checked in the scope of acceptance control and for compliance with the requirements of 5.4. 5.5 and 5.7 of this standard and the requirements of ND for products of specific types.

6.7.2 At least three products are selected for periodic testing. If at least one product fails the test, double the number of products should be tested. If the results of repeated tests are unsatisfactory, the products are considered not to have passed the periodic tests. A batch of products is rejected.

6.6 Qualification testing of products is carried out according to all the requirements of this standard and ND for products of specific types.

6.9 Certification tests of products are carried out in the scope of periodic tests. The results of certification tests apply to periodic tests during the period established in the RD for products of specific types.

6.10 Type tests of products are carried out after making changes to the design, materials or manufacturing technology to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of making changes.

The scope of type tests is determined by the nature of the changes made. Type tests are carried out on products that have passed acceptance control.

6.11 After the end of the warranty period of storage of products, check the packaging, labeling, completeness, appearance. absence or presence of corrosion, performance.

7 Test methods

7.1 Test methods for products during acceptance control and acceptance tests of a batch of products conducted by the quality control service of the manufacturer are established in the RD for products of specific types.

7.2 Dimensions are checked with universal measuring instruments or special devices.

7.3 Appearance and the color of products is checked visually by comparison with a standard sample.

7.4 Checking the operation of the moving parts of the products is carried out manually, performing at least five cycles of the product.

7.5 Tests of products in terms of strength, reliability (including reliability, maintainability) performance requirements are carried out according to the RD establishing test methods.

7.6 Control of metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings is carried out according to GOST 9.301. GOST 9.302. paint coating control - according to GOST 9.401. The adhesion of paint coatings is determined by the method of lattice cuts according to GOST 15140.

7.7 Corrosion resistance of coatings is checked in special chambers in a neutral solution of 5% NaCl in accordance with GOST 9.308 and working methods of testing laboratories.

Evaluation of test results for corrosion resistance is carried out visually, without the use of optical instruments.

Tests of locks for the preservation of operability after tests for corrosion resistance are carried out on the locks in assembled form, with the keys inserted into the security mechanism. Efficiency is evaluated at the end of the test by five times opening-closing. As a result of the tests, they indicate the preservation (non-preservation) of working capacity.

7.8 The thickness of the coating layer is checked by electronic measuring instruments - thickness gauges.

7 9 The electrical components of the products must be safe in operation and comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations "On the safety of low-voltage equipment."

7.10 Surface roughness is checked using measuring equipment according to GOST 19300 or by comparison with roughness samples according to GOST 9378.

7.11 Wood moisture content is checked according to GOST 16588 or using a moisture meter.

7.12 Completeness and packaging are checked visually for compliance with the requirements of the design documentation.

8 Transport and storage

8.1 Products can be transported by all means of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules and conditions for loading and securing cargoes in force on the transport of the corresponding type.

8.2 Products are transported to universal containers in accordance with GOST 18477. GOST 20259. GOST 22225. as well as in specialized containers, boxes, packages specified in the contract for the manufacture (supply) of products.

8.3 Storage conditions of products - according to group 2. conditions of transportation - according to group 5 GOST 15150.

9 Manufacturer's warranties

9.1 The manufacturer must guarantee the compliance of products with the requirements of this standard and ND for products of specific types, subject to the conditions of transportation, storage and operation, and also subject to the presence of a single marking of the manufacturer's trademark on the main parts of products supplied to the market as a whole product or as a set of separate parts.

9.2 Guarantee period- at least 24 months from the date of commissioning or from the date of sale through the distribution network.

9.3 Warranty period of storage - one year from the date of manufacture. 6 in the case of delivery of products after the expiration of the warranty period of storage, the products must be checked by the manufacturer (supplier) or consumer in accordance with 6.11.

Nomenclature of locks and hardware

Table A.1

product name

Designation ND

Locks and hardware

This standard

Locks, cylinder mechanisms

GOST 5089. RD for products

Mortise locks

GOST 5089, ND for products

Rim locks

GOST 5089. RD for products


garage locks

Mortise Latches

GOST 5089. RD for products


GOST 5089. RD for products

Handles for windows and doors

GOST 5087. RD for products

Hinges for windows and doors

GOST 5088. RD for products

Locking products for windows and doors

GOST 5090. RD for products

Swivel, tilt, turn* tilt, sliding devices for window and balcony door units

GOST 30777. RD for products

Hardware accessories for windows and doors

GOST 5091. RD for products

Devices for manual and automatic door opening

RD for products

Other products for windows, doors and gates

RD for products

Other window products

RD for products

Ventilation devices installed in window blocks

RD for products

Blinds for windows

RD for products

Shutters, roller shutters

ND for products "

Products for doors and gates

RD for products

Appliances for tempered glass swing doors and wood-aluminum block doors.

RD for products

Fittings for tempered glass swing doors

RD for products

Fittings for windows and doors made of wood* aluminum blocks

RD for products

Spare parts, accessories and components for locks and hardware

RD for products

Devices for emergency opening of doors of evacuation and emergency exits "Antipamika"

Digital code of the All-Russian classifier products operating on the territory of the Russian Federation.

° On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 52502-2005 is valid * Metal blinds. Specifications".

The form of the label to the standard sample


(According to the procedure set by the manufacturer)

(product name)

(name of manufacturer)

Reference sample. made by_

(ND designation, drawing code, basic materials, coating)

Head of the quality service of the manufacturer

Personal signature

Note - Label size 120x180 mm

Scheme of input control based on the modular system "SAP"

Figure B.1

* Quality control system.

UDC 683.11:006.354 MKS 91.190 NEQ

Keywords: locks and hardware, windows, doors, technical requirements, acceptance rules, test methods, transportation, storage

Signed for publication on 02.02.2015. Format 60x84 7 in.

Uel. oven l. 2.33. Circulation 32 eq. Behind*. 419.

Prepared on the basis of the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard






General specifications

(EN 14351-1:2006, NEQ) (EN 1670:2007, NEQ) (EN ISO 9227:2012, NEQ)

Official edition



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-2009 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation "

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by a private institution - Center for Certification of Window and Door Equipment (CS ODT) with the participation of Abloy LLC

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes of September 30, 2014 Np 70-P)

4 This standard complies with the following European regional standards: EN 14351-1:2006 Windows and doors - Product standard, performance characteristics - Part 1: Windows and external pedestrian doorsets without resistance to fire and/or smoke leakage characteristics EN 1670:2007 Products of building hardware. resistance to corrosion. Requirements and test methods (Building hardware - Corrosion resistance - Requirements and test methods), EN ISO 9227:2012 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres. Salt spray tests (Corrosion resistance tests under artificial atmosphere conditions. Salt spray tests) in terms of technical requirements and test methods

Translation from English (en).

Degree of conformity - non-equivalent (NEQ)

5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 18, 2014 No. 1646-st, the interstate standard GOST 538-2014 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2015.

manufacturer's trademark marking. The place of marking is indicated in the working drawings. It is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer (customer), to indicate the marking on the package or label.

5.10.2 Consumer packaging (box, package, crate) must indicate:

Name, address, trademark (trademark) of the manufacturer;

The number of products in a container;

Stamp of the technical control service:

Packer number;

Packing date (month, year);

Information about certification;

Product class;

Coating class for corrosion resistance.

By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer (customer), it is allowed to include additional information in the marking. All information must be in the language of the consumer's country.

5.10.3 Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.

5.11 Packaging

5.11.1 Products (parts of products) must be stored and transported in packaged form.

5.11.2 Products of the same type must be packed in consumer and then in shipping containers in accordance with the requirements of this standard and additional requirements of ND for products of specific types. Returnable packaging is allowed.

The method of packing products should exclude the possibility of their arbitrary movement and ensure the safety of products with their components and fasteners.

Right hand and left hand products must be packed separately.

5.11.3 It is recommended to use boxes according to GOST 12301 as consumer packaging. packs in accordance with GOST 12303, containers (packing) made of polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 10354 or polyethylene shrink film in accordance with GOST 25951.

5.11.4 It is allowed to use paper as consumer packaging for handles, staples, loops, wraps, latches, mortise bolts, door and window stops, screeds, squares (packaging agent UM-1 according to GOST 9.014).

Fasteners must be wrapped and bundled together with the products.

5.11.5 It is recommended to use plank boxes according to GOST 2991 as shipping containers. fibreboard boxes type VI according to GOST 5959 or corrugated cardboard boxes according to GOST 9142, or containers according to ND.

5.11.6 A packing list is included in each consumer container, which must indicate:

Name and symbol of the product;

Number of products;

Packer Number:

Packing date (month, year);

Stamp of the technical control service (on acceptance of goods);

Number of items.

It is allowed to include additional information not specified in this list.

It is allowed to put a label containing the information given above into individual packaging.

5.11.7 Upon agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to use other types of packaging and packaging materials, as well as send products without the use of shipping containers on box pallets.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Products (parts of products) must be accepted by the technical control service of the manufacturer for compliance with the requirements of this standard. ND for products of specific types, as well as the requirements specified in the contract for the supply of products.

Products (parts of products) are accepted in batches. A lot is the number of products manufactured within one shift or one order, issued with one quality document.

GOST 538-2014

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standardinform. 2015

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology



LOCK AND HARDWARE General specifications

Locks and budding hardware. General specifications

Introduction date - 2015-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to locks and hardware (hereinafter referred to as products) intended for locking, closing and ensuring the functioning of window and door blocks, gates, shutters, blinds, gratings used in the construction of buildings and structures for various purposes.

This standard does not apply to special-purpose products in terms of additional requirements for fire safety, burglary protection, etc.

The requirements of this standard should be taken into account when developing regulatory and technical documents for products of specific types and designs.

This International Standard can be used to certify products.

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.601-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Operating documents GOST 9.014-78 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Temporary anticorrosive protection of products. General requirements

GOST 9.032-74 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations

GOST 9.301-86 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General requirements

GOST 9.302-88 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Control methods

GOST 9.303-84 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General selection requirements

GOST 9.308-85 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Accelerated Corrosion Test Methods

GOST 9.401-91 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. General requirements and accelerated test methods for resistance to climatic factors

GOST 9.402-2004 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. Preparation of metal surfaces for painting

GOST 2140-81 Visible defects of wood. Classification, terms and definitions, methods of measurement

GOST 2789-73 Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics

GOST 2991-85 Non-separable plank boxes for loads weighing 500 kg. General specifications

GOST 5087-80 Handles for windows and doors. Types and main dimensions GOST 5088-2005 Hinges for window and door blocks. Specifications GOST 5089-2011 Locks, latches, cylinder mechanisms. Specifications GOST 5090-86 Locking hardware for windows and doors. Types and main dimensions GOST 5091-78 Auxiliary hardware products for wooden windows and doors. Types GOST 5959-80 Non-separable boxes made of sheet wood materials for loads weighing up to 200 kg. General specifications

Official edition

GOST 7016-2013 Products made of wood and wood materials. Surface Roughness Options

GOST 9142-90 Corrugated cardboard boxes General specifications GOST 9378-93 (ISO 2632-1-85, ISO 2632-2-85) Surface roughness samples (comparisons). General specifications

GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Specifications

GOST 12301-2006 Boxes made of cardboard, paper and combined materials. General specifications

GOST 12303-80 Packs of cardboard, paper and combined materials. General specifications

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods

GOST 15140-78 Paintwork materials. Methods for determining adhesion GOST 15150-69 Machines, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of environmental climatic factors

GOST 16588-91 (ISO 4470-81) Sawn products and wooden parts. Methods for determining moisture

GOST 18242-72 Statistical acceptance control by alternative attribute. Control Plans

GOST 18321-73 Statistical quality control. Methods for random selection of samples of piece products

GOST 18477-79 Universal containers. Types, main parameters and dimensions GOST 19300-86 Means for measuring surface roughness by the profile method. Contact profilographs. Types and basic parameters

GOST 20259-80 Universal containers. General specifications GOST 22225-76 Universal containers with a gross weight of 0.625 and 1.25 tons. Specifications GOST 24643-81 Basic standards of interchangeability. Tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces. Numeric values

GOST 25347-82 Basic norms of interchangeability. Unified system of tolerances and landings. Tolerance fields and recommended landings

GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Specifications GOST 30777-2012 Rotary, tilt, tilt-and-turn, sliding devices for window and balcony door units. Specifications

GOST 31471-2011 Emergency door opening devices for evacuation and emergency exits. Specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards according to the "National Standards" index, compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1 lock product: A product with security properties and designed to lock window and door blocks, gates and other building structures with opening elements.

3.2 hardware: A product used to close, hang, fix or ensure the functioning of opening elements of building structures.

3.3 lock (hardware) attachment: A product, the body of which is installed on the surface of a window or door block.

3.4 lock (hardware) mortise product: A product that is completely embedded in a window or door unit.

3.5 lock hinged product: A product that is hung on a window or door block with the help of additional fasteners (for example, lugs).

3.6 lock (hardware) product left: Product used for the left window or door unit.

"On the territory of the Russian Federation operates GOST R ISO 2859-1-2007.

GOST 538-2014

3.7 lock (hardware) product right: Product used for the right window or door block.

3.8 universal lock (hardware) product: A product installed on both right and left window and door blocks (including reconfigurable ones).

3.9 front surface of the product: The surface of the product, visible during its operation.

3.10 non-obverse surface of the product: The surface of the product, invisible when it is


4 Nomenclature, main parameters and dimensions

4.1 The product range is given in Appendix A.

4.2 The main parameters and dimensions of products are set in the regulatory documents (ND) for products of specific types. The main parameters and dimensions of the products must comply with the requirements of the ND and correlate with the parameters and dimensions of the products on which they are to be installed.

4.3 Symbols of products are established in the ND for products of specific types. It is recommended to include alphabetic and numeric designations in product designations that reflect the type and type of product, its main parameters and classification features (for example, corrosion resistance class, security properties class, etc.) In the designation of products intended for installation on right-hand or left window and door blocks, additionally indicate the letter P or L, respectively.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 General

Products shall comply with the requirements of this standard. ND for products of specific types, a standard sample approved by the head of the enterprise.

Products must be manufactured in accordance with the design and technological documentation.

5.2 Characteristics

Characteristics of products are established in the ND for products of specific types.

Characteristics must include the following requirements:

To the design (including limiting deviations from dimensions, shape tolerances, etc.);


Reliability (including reliability and maintainability indicators);

performance characteristics;

Appearance and color;

The quality of protective and decorative (protective) coatings (including requirements for corrosion resistance);

Materials and accessories.

5.3 Design requirements

5.3.1 The design of products must ensure that the requirements for operation, maintainability and installation are met.

5.3.2 The design of detachable connections of products should exclude the possibility of their spontaneous separation after installation on window and door blocks.

5.3.3 Movable parts of products, depending on the purpose, must be fixed in the extreme and. if necessary, in intermediate positions.

5.3.4 The design of the products should provide the possibility of dismantling, adjustment, etc. if necessary, lubrication of parts during operation. At the same time, products intended for closing and locking window and door blocks should exclude the possibility of their dismantling from the outside.

5.3.5 The design of products must ensure their reliable fastening throughout the entire service life of the product. The design of fasteners should provide for the possibility of their installation using a mechanized tool.

5.3.6 Limit deviations of the dimensions of product parts must comply with GOST 25347:

For mating sizes - up to quality 12 inclusive;

For incompatible sizes and parts to be assembled into permanent joints - up to grade 14 inclusive.

5.3.7 Limit deviations of mismatched dimensions of overhead parts of products that do not affect installation on window and door blocks, as well as mismatched dimensions of protrusions, depressions, stiffeners, ornaments and other decorative, structural and technological elements must correspond to a qualification of up to 16 inclusive in accordance with GOST 25347 .

5.3.8 Limit deviations of mating and non-matching dimensions of locks, closers and tilt-and-turn devices are specified in the RD for these products.

5.3.9 The maximum deviations of the dimensions of the sections of parts of products made from unprocessed rolled products of all types should not exceed the deviations of the sections of rolled products.

5.3.10 Tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces up to an accuracy degree of 15 inclusive are taken in accordance with GOST 24643.

The length of the thread in the holes of stamped parts must be at least 0.5 of the thread diameter, in other cases - not less than the thread diameter.

The dimensions of the supporting surfaces for screws and countersunk screws must ensure their installation flush with the surface of the part or with a recess (protrusion) of no more than 0.5 mm.

Structural, technological and fasteners should not protrude above the surface of the embedded parts of the products by more than 1.0 mm.

5.3.11 Locks, door closers, anti-panic emergency door openers, automatic door openers and other products may have electrical components in their design that provide automatic opening (closing) of window and door units.

5.4 Reliability and strength requirements

5.4.1 The requirements for reliability and strength are established in the ND for products of specific types, based on their scope, operating conditions, the requirements of standards for window and door blocks, building codes and regulations.

5.4.2 The reliability of products is confirmed by indicators:

Reliability (for products subjected to cyclic and mechanical loads during operation);

Maintainability (for products whose design provides for the possibility of repair during the service life).

5.4.3 Strength indicators are set in order to confirm the ability of the product design to withstand specified loads, including to establish the class of products. The strength of products is characterized by indicators of resistance (resistance) to the effects of static, dynamic and shock loads.

5.5 Performance requirements

5.5.1 The values ​​of operational characteristics are set in the RD for products of specific types, taking into account the efforts made by a person for the functioning of the products, and also depending on the purpose and scope of the products as an integral part of a specific building structure.

NOTE - Performance characteristics are set taking into account the physical capabilities of a person. If necessary, the specifics of the physical capabilities of certain groups of people (disabled people, young children, etc.) should be taken into account.

5.5.2 Moving parts (mechanisms) of products must move without jamming. If necessary, they should be lubricated.

5.6 Appearance and color requirements

5.6.1 When establishing requirements for the appearance of a product, the requirements for its front and non-front surfaces should be separated.

The front surfaces of the products must have a protective and decorative, non-facial - a protective coating.

Requirements for the appearance of products are established in the ND for products of specific types, in design and technical documentation. To evaluate the appearance, the manufacturer must have reference samples.

5.6.2 The color of the coating of the heads of the fasteners of the products must be the same as the color of the coating of the product having a metallic or non-metallic inorganic coating.

5.6.3 Screws and screws installed on the front surface of products coated with copper or copper alloys must have the same or oxide coating, depending on the color of the product coating.

Screws intended for fixing products on structures made of aluminum and PVC profiles can be zinc-coated.

Screws and screws installed on the front surface of parts with paintwork or

GOST 538-2014

polymer coated products, may have a zinc coating or a zinc coating with brightening additives.

5.6.4 The front surfaces of the metal parts of the products should not have cracks, burrs, mechanical damage. Requirements for front surfaces are established taking into account GOST 9.301 and GOST 9.032.

The front surfaces of wood parts in accordance with GOST 2140 should not have processing defects and wood defects.

The surfaces of parts made of plastic, glass and ceramics should not have cracks, scratches, chips, swellings and other defects established in the RD for products of specific types.

Non-facial surfaces of products may have depressions, risks, waviness and other surface defects that do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products.

5.7 Requirements for the quality of protective and decorative (protective) coating

5.7.1 Requirements for product surface preparation Metal surfaces of product parts before applying a metallic or non-metallic inorganic protective or protective and decorative coating must comply with GOST 9.301.

Metal surfaces of parts before applying paint and varnish and polymer coatings must comply with GOST 9.402. The roughness of the front surfaces of wood parts ft, should not be more than 60 microns in accordance with GOST 7016. wood moisture should be between 8% and 12%.

5.7.2 Protective-decorative and protective coatings are selected depending on the operating conditions 1-3 in accordance with GOST 9.303, taking into account their scope, climatic modifications U, UHL. TV. TS. TM and placement categories 2-4 according to GOST 15150.

12 microns - for operating conditions 1;

18 microns - for operating conditions 2 and 3.

It is recommended to use as protective and decorative coatings: Cu-Ni-Cr; Ni-Ni-Cr. Ni-Cu-Ni-Cr, Ni-Ni, Ni-Cr, etc.

The thickness of protective and protective-decorative coatings may be reduced provided that the requirements for corrosion resistance are met.

Note - When using locks and hardware products in crowded rooms, as well as in preschool, school educational institutions, hospitals, it is recommended to use ABLOY ACTIVE antimicrobial coating on the handles of these products based on a silver-containing component that can eliminate the spread of microbes.

The thickness of metal coatings of fasteners is not less than 6 microns.

5.7.4 Requirements for paint coatings are accepted in accordance with GOST 9.401, coating class is not lower than IV in accordance with GOST 9.032. designation of coatings - according to GOST 9.032.

5.7.5 To improve the anti-corrosion protection of surfaces after electroplating, it is recommended to apply transparent varnishes with a thickness of no more than 1 µm.

The application of a varnish coating should not lead to gluing of parts (especially small ones) and to a deterioration in the appearance, functional and assembly properties of products.

5.7.6 Electroplated coatings should not be toxic and should not be harmful to human health. In order to ensure this requirement, the use of galvanized coatings containing Gr 6 * is not recommended.

5.7.7 The roughness of the front surfaces ft of parts made of brass, aluminum, zinc alloys or rolled aluminum alloys intended for use without coating should not exceed 0.63 microns in accordance with GOST 2789.

5.7.8 Requirements for adhesion of coatings are established in accordance with GOST 15140 and in the ND for products of specific types.

5.7.9 Coatings of products must be corrosion-resistant and subdivided into classes. Coating classes for corrosion resistance are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Classification of coatings by corrosion resistance


Climatic performance



Test duration, h, not less



Products intended for operation inside heated buildings and premises, including entrance doors to apartments*




Aluminium, zinc and their alloys


Copper, brass and their alloys


Products intended for use on the doors of sanitary cabins and other indoor areas with high temperature and humidity



Aluminium, zinc and their alloys


Local white spots are allowed on an area of ​​not more than 30% of the product area.

Copper, brass and their alloys


Local green spots are allowed on the area of ​​not more than 30% of the area of ​​the product

Products intended for operation on window and door balcony blocks




Aluminium, zinc and their alloys


White spots are allowed on the area of ​​not more than 40% of the area of ​​the product

Copper, brass and their alloys


Green spots are allowed on an area of ​​​​not more than 40% of the product area.

Products intended for operation on the entrance doors to buildings and premises, as well as for operation in the open air



Not allowed

Aluminium, zinc and their alloys


White spots are allowed on the area of ​​not more than 50% of the area of ​​the product

Copper, brass and their alloys


Green spots are allowed on an area of ​​​​not more than 50% of the product area.

GOST 538-2014

End of table 1


Climatic performance



Test duration. h, not less



Products designed for use on windows. door, balcony blocks, doors, gates to buildings, premises. located in special areas of operation



Aluminium, zinc and their alloys


White spots are allowed on the area of ​​not more than 60% of the area of ​​the product

Copper, brass and their alloys


Green spots are allowed on an area of ​​not more than 60% of the product area.

* When using products inside and outside buildings, as well as in other climatic zones, the coating class for corrosion resistance is set to the highest class corresponding to the application.

Note - The visible (front) surface of the products is subject to corrosion resistance assessment. The places of cutting, riveting, welding are not subject to assessment of corrosion resistance.

5.7.10 When testing for corrosion resistance of products with a paint coating, swelling and peeling of coatings are not allowed.

5.7.11 Corrosion resistance tests should be carried out on assembled products and on its individual parts.

5.7.12 Complete locks after corrosion resistance tests must remain operational.

5.17.3 Products must have temporary anti-corrosion protection in accordance with GOST 9.014. Protection period - in agreement with the consumer, but not less than one year.

5.8 Requirements for materials and accessories

5.8.1 For the manufacture of products, the following materials must be used: steel, cast iron, aluminum and its alloys, zinc alloys, copper-based alloys, hard metal-ceramic alloys, ceramics, plastic, glass, hardwood according to ND. approved in the prescribed manner.

5.9 Completeness

5.9.1 Each product must be supplied to the consumer in a complete set in accordance with the requirements of the ND for products of specific types, design documentation and agreements (supply contracts). Separate delivery of parts and assemblies of products is allowed as agreed with the customer.

5.9.2 Included in the scope of supply are locks, mortise latches with additional locking, and door closers. fanlight devices, rotary, tilt-and-turn devices should include an instruction manual for operation and installation (installation), a passport in accordance with GOST 2.601. Other products must be labeled in accordance with GOST 2.601. The passport and accompanying documentation must be in the language of the consumer's country.

When delivering products to manufacturers of building structures, a copy of the operation and installation (installation) instructions, passports or labels must be attached to each batch of products.

5.10 Marking

5.10.1 Each product must bear the trademark of the manufacturer and the designation of the design option (letters P or L for a product of right or left execution). On universal products, the designations P and L are not applied.

Accessories supplied as separate products must have


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It applies to locks and hardware designed for locking, closing and ensuring the functioning of window and door blocks, gates, shutters, gratings used in the construction of buildings and structures for various purposes. The standard does not apply to special-purpose products in terms of additional requirements for fire safety, burglary protection, etc.

  • Replaces GOST 538-88 “Lock and hardware products. General specifications "IUS 6-2003
  • Replaced by GOST 538-2014 “Lock and hardware products. General specifications "IUS 8-2015

1 area of ​​use

3 Terms and definitions

4 Nomenclature, main parameters and dimensions

5 Technical requirements

5.1 General

5.2 Characteristics

5.3 Design requirements

5.7 Requirements for the quality of protective and decorative (protective) coating (including requirements for corrosion resistance)

5.8 Requirements for materials and accessories

5.9 Completeness

5.10 Marking

5.11 Packaging

6 Acceptance rules

7 Control methods

9 Manufacturer's warranties

Annex A List normative documents, references to which are used in this standard

Appendix B Nomenclature of groups of locks and hardware

Annex B Form of the label to the reference sample

This GOST is in:


07.05.2002 ApprovedGosstroy of Russia20
PublishedSUE TsPP2003
DesignedFederal State Unitary Enterprise Central Design and Technology Bureau

Locks and building hardware. General specification

  • GOST 5087-80Handles for windows and doors. Types and basic dimensions. Replaced by GOST 5090-2016.
  • GOST 5088-94Steel hinges for wooden windows and doors. Specifications. Replaced by GOST 5088-2005.
  • GOST 5090-86hardware products locking for wooden windows and doors. Types and basic dimensions. Replaced by GOST 5090-2016.
  • GOST 5091-78hardware products auxiliary for wooden windows and doors. Types . Replaced by GOST 5090-2016.
  • GOST 15150-69Machines, devices and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of environmental climatic factors
  • GOST 2140-81Visible defects in wood. Classification, terms and definitions, methods of measurement
  • GOST 7016-82Products from wood and wood materials. Surface roughness parameters. Replaced by GOST 7016-2013.
  • GOST 16588-91Lumber and wooden parts. Methods for determining moisture
  • GOST 2.601-95one system design documentation. operational documents. Replaced by GOST 2.601-2006.
  • GOST 9.401-91one system protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. General requirements and methods for accelerated testing for resistance to climatic factors. Replaced by GOST 9.401-2018.
  • GOST 16504-81The system of state testing of products. Testing and quality control of products. Basic terms and definitions
  • GOST 15140-78Paintwork materials. Methods for determining adhesion
  • GOST 9.032-74Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Coatings paintwork. Groups, technical requirements and designations
  • GOST 9.301-86General requirements
  • GOST 9.302-88Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Control methods
  • GOST 9.303-84Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General selection requirements
  • GOST 9.308-85Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Accelerated Corrosion Test Methods
  • GOST 14192-96Cargo marking
  • GOST 10354-82Film polyethylene. Specifications
  • GOST 25951-83Film polyethylene heat shrink. Specifications
  • GOST 9.014-78Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Temporary anticorrosive protection of products. General requirements
  • GOST 25347-82Basic norms of interchangeability. Unified system of tolerances and landings. Tolerance fields and recommended landings. Replaced by GOST 25347-2013.
  • GOST 18242-72Statistical acceptance control on an alternative basis. Control Plans
  • GOST 18321-73Statistical quality control. Methods for random selection of samples of piece products
  • GOST 2789-73Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics
  • GOST 9.402-80Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. Preparation of metal surfaces before painting. Replaced by GOST 9.402-2004.
  • GOST 9378-93Surface roughness samples (comparison). General specifications
  • GOST 30777-2001Turning, tilting and tilt-and-turn devices for window and balcony door blocks. Specifications. Replaced by GOST 30777-2012.
  • GOST 19300-86Instruments for measuring surface roughness by the profile method. Contact profilographs. Types and basic parameters
  • GOST 22225-76Containers universal with a gross weight of 0.625 and 1.25 tons. Specifications
  • GOST 18477-79Containers universal. Types, basic parameters and dimensions
  • GOST 5089-2003 . Replaced by GOST 5089-2011.
  • GOST 12303-80Packs of cardboard, paper and combined materials. General specifications . Replaced by GOST 33781-2016.
  • GOST 20259-80Containers are universal. General specifications
  • GOST 24643-81Basic norms of interchangeability. Tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces. Numeric values
  • GOST 2991-85boxes plank non-separable for loads weighing up to 500 kg. General specifications
  • GOST 5959-80boxes from sheet wood materials, non-separable for loads weighing up to 200 kg. General specifications
  • GOST 9.407-84Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. Appearance evaluation method
  • GOST 9142-90Corrugated cardboard boxes. General specifications . Replaced by GOST 9142-2014.
  • GOST 9.402-2004Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. Preparation of metal surfaces for painting
  • GOST 5088-2005Hinges for windows and doors. Specifications
  • GOST 2.601-2006Unified system of design documentation. operational documents. Replaced by GOST 2.601-2013.
  • GOST R ISO 2859-1-2007Statistical methods. Procedures for selective control on an alternative basis. Part 1: Sampling plans for successive lots based on acceptable quality levels
  • GOST 12301-2006Boxes made of cardboard, paper and combined materials. General specifications . Replaced by GOST 33781-2016.
  • GOST 538-88Lock and hardware products. General specifications . Replaced by GOST 538-2001.
  • GOST 5089-97Locks and latches for doors. Specifications. Replaced by GOST 5089-2003.

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General specifications




1 DEVELOPED BY FSUE Central Design and Technology Bureau (FSUE TsPKTB) of Gosstroy of Russia with the participation of the Center for Certification of Window and Door Equipment

INTRODUCED by Gosstroy of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (ISTCS) on December 5, 2001

State name

Name of the public administration body for construction

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Gosstroy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazstroykomitet of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

State Commission for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Ecology, Construction and Territorial Development of the Republic of Moldova

the Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Komarchstroy of the Republic of Tajikistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan

Goskomarchitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

4 ENTERED INTO FORCE on January 1, 2003 as state standard of the Russian Federation by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated May 7, 2002 No. 20

1 area of ​​use

3 Terms and definitions

4 Nomenclature, main parameters and dimensions

5 Technical requirements

5.1 General

5.2 Characteristics

5.3 Design requirements

5.4 Reliability and strength requirements

5.5 Operating force requirements

5.6 Appearance and color requirements

5.7 Requirements for the quality of protective and decorative (protective) coating (including requirements for corrosion resistance)

5.8 Requirements for materials and accessories

5.9 Completeness

5.10 Marking

5.11 Packaging

6 Acceptance rules

7 Control methods

8 Transport and storage

9 Manufacturer's warranties


General specifications

General specifications

Introduction date 2003-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to locks and hardware (hereinafter referred to as products) intended for locking, closing and ensuring the functioning of window and door blocks, gates, shutters, gratings used in the construction of buildings and structures for various purposes.

The standard does not apply to special-purpose products in terms of additional requirements for fire safety, burglary protection, etc.

The standard is fundamental for a set of standards for specific types and designs of locks and hardware.

The standard can be applied to certify products.

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

The terms and definitions used in this standard are given in Table 1.

Table 1



lock product

A product with security properties and designed to lock window and door blocks, gates and other building structures with opening elements *


A product used to close, hang, fix or ensure the functioning of opening elements of building structures

Lock (hardware) patch

A product whose body is installed on the surface of a window or door unit

Lock (hardware) mortise product

Product completely embedded in a window or door unit

Lock hinged product

A product installed on a window or door block using additional fasteners (for example, lugs)

Lock (hardware) left

Product applied to the left window or door unit

Lock (hardware) right

Product applied to right window or door unit

Lock (hardware) universal product

Product installed on both right and left window and door units (including reconfigurable)

Front surface of the product

The surface of the product visible during its operation

Non-front surface of the product

The surface of the product, invisible during its operation

4 Nomenclature, main parameters and dimensions

4.1 The nomenclature of product groups is given in Appendix B.

4.2 The main parameters and dimensions of products are set in the regulatory documentation (hereinafter - ND) for products of specific types. The main parameters and dimensions of products must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation for window and door blocks.

4.3 Symbols of products are established in the ND for products of specific types. It is recommended to include alphabetic and numeric designations in the symbols, reflecting the type, type of product and its main parameters and classification features (for example, corrosion resistance class, protective properties class, etc.). In the conditional designation of products intended for installation on right or left window and door blocks, the letter P or L is additionally indicated, respectively.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 General

Products must comply with the requirements of this standard, RD for specific types of products and be manufactured according to design documentation and a standard sample approved in the prescribed manner.

Design documentation and samples-standards of products must be agreed with the organization appointed by the state construction management body.

Note- In the Russian Federation - FSUE Central Design and Technological Bureau of the Gosstroy of Russia (FSUE TsPKTB of the Gosstroy of Russia).

The form of the label to the sample-standard of the product is given in Appendix B.

5.2 Characteristics

5.2.1 The characteristics of products are established in the RD for specific types of products. Characteristics in general should include:

design requirements (including limiting deviations from dimensions, shape tolerances, etc.);

strength requirements;

reliability requirements (including reliability, maintainability indicators);

operational effort requirements;

requirements for appearance and color;

quality requirements for protective and decorative (protective) coatings (including requirements for corrosion resistance);

requirements for materials and components.

5.3 Design requirements

5.3.1 The design of products must ensure that the requirements for operation, maintainability and installation are met.

5.3.2 The design of detachable connections of products should exclude the possibility of their spontaneous separation after installation on the wrong window blocks.

5.3.3 Movable parts of products, depending on the purpose, must be fixed in extreme and, if necessary, in intermediate positions.

5.3.4 The design of products should provide the possibility of dismantling, adjusting and, if necessary, lubricating parts during operation, while products designed for closing and locking window and door blocks should exclude the possibility of their dismantling from the outside.

5.3.5 The design of the products must ensure their reliable fastening during the service life of the products.

The design of fasteners should provide for the possibility of their installation using a mechanized tool.

5.3.6 Limit deviations of the dimensions of product parts must comply with GOST 25347:

for mating sizes - up to the 12th grade inclusive;

for incompatible sizes and parts to be assembled into permanent joints - up to and including the 14th grade.

Limit deviations of incompatible dimensions of overhead parts of products that do not affect installation on windows and doors, as well as incompatible sizes of protrusions, depressions, stiffeners, ornaments and other decorative, structural and technological elements - up to the 16th grade inclusive.

Limit deviations for mating and non-matching sizes of locks, locks and tilt-and-turn devices are specified in the ND for these products.

The maximum deviations of the dimensions of the sections of parts of products made from unprocessed rolled products of all types should not exceed the deviations of the sections of rolled products.

5.3.7 Tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces - up to the 15th degree of accuracy inclusive in accordance with GOST 24643.

5.3.8 The thread length in the holes of stamped parts must be at least 0.5 of the thread diameter, in other cases - not less than the thread diameter.

5.3.9 The dimensions of the supporting surfaces for screws and countersunk screws must ensure their installation flush with the surface of the part or with a recess (protrusion) up to 0.5 mm.

5.3.10 Structural, technological and fasteners should not protrude above the surface of the embedded parts of the products by more than 1.0 mm.

5.4 Reliability and strength requirements

5.4.1 The requirements for reliability and strength are established in the RD for specific types of products based on their scope, operating conditions, requirements of standards for window and door blocks, building codes and regulations.

5.4.2 The reliability of products is confirmed by indicators:

Reliability (for products subjected to cyclic mechanical loads during operation);

Maintainability (for products whose design provides for the possibility of repair during the service life).

5.4.3 Strength indicators are set to confirm the ability of the product design to withstand specified loads, including to establish the class of products. The strength of products is characterized by indicators of resistance (resistance) to the effects of static, dynamic and shock loads.

5.5 Operating force requirements

5.5.1 The values ​​of operational efforts are established based on the efforts applied by a person for the functioning of products, in RD for specific types of products, depending on the purpose and scope of products as an integral part of a specific building structure.

Note- Operational efforts in the General case are set based on the physical capabilities of a person. If necessary, the specifics of the physical capabilities of certain groups of people (disabled people, young children, etc.) should be taken into account.

5.5.2 Moving parts (mechanisms) of products must move without jamming. If necessary, lubrication of products should be provided.

5.6 Appearance and color requirements

5.6.1 When establishing requirements for the appearance of a product, the requirements for its front and non-front surfaces should be separated.

5.6.2 The front surfaces of the products must have a protective and decorative, non-facial - protective coating.

5.6.3 Requirements for the appearance of products are established in the RD for specific types of products, design and technological documentation. The manufacturer must have sample samples of coatings.

The color of the coating of the heads of the fasteners of the products must be the same as the color of the coating of the product having a metallic or non-metallic inorganic coating.

Screws and screws installed on the front surface of products with a copper coating or copper alloy coating must have the same or oxide coating, depending on the color of the product coating.

Screws intended for fixing products on structures made of aluminum and PVC profiles can be zinc-coated.

Screws and screws installed on the front surface of parts with paint and varnish or polymer coatings of products can be zinc coated or zinc coated with bright additives.

5.6.4 The front surfaces of the metal parts of the products should not have cracks, burrs, mechanical damage. Requirements for front surfaces are established taking into account GOST 9.301 and GOST 9.032.

The front surfaces of parts made of wood should not have processing defects and wood defects, with the exception of curls, curl, roll, eyes, fiber inclination up to 5% according to GOST 2140.

The surfaces of parts made of plastic, glass and ceramics should not have cracks, scratches, chips, swellings and other defects established in the RD for specific types of products.

5.6.5 Non-facial surfaces of products may have depressions, risks, waviness and other surface defects that do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products.

5.7 Requirements for the quality of protective and decorative (protective) coating (including requirements for corrosion resistance)

5.7.1 Requirements for product surface preparation

The metal surfaces of product parts before applying a metallic or non-metallic inorganic protective or protective and decorative coating must comply with GOST 9.301.

The metal surfaces of the parts before applying the paint and varnish and polymer coating must comply with GOST 9.402.

Roughness Rm front surfaces of wood parts should not be more than 60 microns in accordance with GOST 7016, the moisture content of wood should be in the range from 8 to 12%.

5.7.2 The choice of protective, decorative and protective coatings is carried out depending on the group of operating conditions 1-3 in accordance with GOST 9.303, taking into account their scope (categories of placement 2-4) and climatic versions U, UHL, TS, TV in accordance with GOST 15150.

5.7.3 The thickness of the protective metal coatings shall not be less than:

6 microns - for the 1st group of operating conditions;

12 microns - for the 2nd and 3rd groups of operating conditions.

The thickness of multilayer protective and decorative metal coatings must be at least:

12 microns - for the 1st group of operating conditions;

18 microns - for the 2nd and 3rd groups of operating conditions.

The thickness of the protective and decorative coatings of products made of aluminum cast alloys must be at least 12 microns, regardless of the group of operating conditions. The thickness of metal coatings of fasteners must be at least 6 microns.

5.7.4 Requirements for paint coatings - in accordance with GOST 9.401, designation of coatings - in accordance with GOST 9.032, coating class not lower than IV.

5.7.5 Roughness Ra front surfaces of parts made of brass, aluminum, zinc alloys or rolled aluminum alloys used without coatings should not exceed 0.63 microns in accordance with GOST 2789.

5.7.6 Requirements for adhesion of coatings are established in the ND for types of products.

5.7.7 Coatings of products must be corrosion-resistant.

Coatings of products according to corrosion resistance are divided into classes. Coating classes for corrosion resistance are shown in Table 2.

table 2

Coating class

Distribution area

Test time, h, and permissible percentage of coating damage, %


White spots

red rust

Products intended for operation inside heated buildings and premises

Not tested

Products intended for use on the doors of sanitary cabins

Local manifestations of rust are allowed with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bnot more than 8 mm 2, with a concentration of not more than 10 pieces. by 20 cm 2

White spots after 240 hours do not limit

Products intended for installation on window and balcony door blocks, as well as on entrance doors to apartments

Not allowed

Not allowed

The area of ​​white spots after 240 hours should not exceed 50% of the product area.

Products installed on the entrance doors to buildings and premises, as well as intended for outdoor use (in garages, gates, etc.)

Not allowed

Not allowed

Local manifestations of white spots with an area of ​​​​not more than 1 cm 2 are allowed, with a concentration of not more than 10 pcs. by 30 cm 2

Note- Products after testing must remain operational

5.8 Requirements for materials and accessories

For the manufacture of products, materials should be used: steel, cast iron, zinc alloys, aluminum and its alloys, copper-based alloys, hard metal-ceramic alloys, ceramics, plastic, glass, hardwood according to ND, approved in the prescribed manner.

5.9 Completeness

5.9.1 Each product must be supplied to the consumer in a complete set in accordance with the requirements of the RD for products of specific types, design documentation and agreements (contracts). Separate delivery of parts and assemblies of products is allowed as agreed with the customer.

5.9.2 The scope of delivery of locks, mortise latches with additional locking, door closers, fanlight devices, rotary, tilt-and-turn devices must include instructions for operation and installation (installation), a passport in accordance with GOST 2.601. Other products must be labeled in accordance with GOST 2.601.

When delivering products to construction organizations and manufacturers of building structures, one copy of the operation and assembly (installation) instructions, passports or labels must be enclosed in each box with products.

5.10 Marking

5.10.1 Each product must bear the trademark of the manufacturer and the designation of the design option (letters P or L for a product of right or left execution). On universal products, the designation P or L is not applied.

Components supplied as independent products must be marked with the manufacturer's trademark. The place of marking is indicated in the working drawings. It is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer (customer), to indicate the marking on the package or label.

5.10.2 On consumer, group packaging (box, package, box) must be indicated:

name of the manufacturer, his address;

trademark of the manufacturer;

number of products (for group packaging);

technical control stamp;

packer number;

packing date (month, year);

certification information;

product class (class of locks according to GOST 5089, class of coatings for corrosion resistance).

By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer (customer), it is allowed to include additional information.

5.10.3 Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.

The marking must be applied to a paper, cardboard, plywood or metal label or to one of the side walls of the box (container). Additionally, the label or box (container) must indicate:

name and symbol of the product;

number of products;

packing date (month, year);

class of coatings for corrosion resistance.

By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer (customer), it is allowed to include additional information.

5.11 Packaging

5.11.1 Products (parts of products) must be stored and transported in packaged form.

5.11.2 Products of the same type must be packed in a consumer or group, and then in a shipping container in accordance with the requirements of this standard and additional requirements of ND for products of specific types.

Returnable packaging is allowed.

The method of packing products should exclude the possibility of their arbitrary movement and ensure the safety of products with their components and fasteners.

Right hand and left hand products must be packed separately.

5.11.3 For consumer and group containers, boxes according to GOST 12301, packs according to GOST 12303, containers (packaging) made of polyethylene film according to GOST 10354 or polyethylene shrink film according to GOST 25951 should be used.

5.11.4 It is allowed to use paper (packaging agent UM-1 in accordance with GOST 9.014) as a group container for handles, staples, loops, wraps, latches, mortise bolts, door and window stops, screeds, squares.

When supplying these products to construction organizations, it is allowed to stack them in a shipping container in layers, shifting each layer with paper (packing agent UM-1 according to GOST 9.014).

Fasteners must be wrapped and bundled together with the products.

5.11.5 Plank crates in accordance with GOST 2991, fibreboard boxes of type VI in accordance with GOST 5959 or corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 9142 or containers in accordance with ND shall be used as shipping containers.

5.11.6 A packing list is included in each box, which should indicate:

name and symbol of the product;

number of products;

packer number; packing date (month, year); technical control stamp.

It is allowed to include information not specified in this list. It is allowed to put a label in the box. In this case, the number of products must be indicated on the label.

5.11.7 Upon agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to use other types of packaging and packaging materials, as well as to send products without the use of shipping containers in box pallets.

5.11.8 Products must have temporary anti-corrosion protection in accordance with GOST 9.014. Protection period - in agreement with the consumer, but not less than one year.

6 Acceptance rules.

6.1 Products (parts of products) must be accepted technical control manufacturer for compliance with the requirements of ND for specific types of products, as well as the requirements specified in the contract for the supply of products.

Products (parts of products) are accepted in batches. A lot is the number of products manufactured within one shift or one order, issued with one quality document.

6.2 The requirements for the quality of finished products, established in this standard and / or RD for specific types of products, confirm:

input control of materials and components;

operational production control;

acceptance control of finished products;

acceptance tests of a batch of products carried out by the quality service of the manufacturer;

results of qualification, certification and periodic tests.

Definitions of tests and types of control - according to GOST 16504.

6.3 The procedure for incoming inspection of materials and components is established in the manufacturing documentation of the manufacturer, taking into account the requirements of RD for these materials and components.

6.4 The quality of manufacturing parts of products in the production process is confirmed by conducting production operational control at all technological operations.

The procedure for conducting operational control is established in the technological documentation of the manufacturer.

6.5 Acceptance quality control of finished products with a batch size of 90 pcs. inclusive is carried out piece by piece by the method of continuous control; with a batch size of more than 90 pcs. acceptance control should be carried out in accordance with GOST 18242. Inspection level II, acceptance level of defectiveness:

significant defects - no more than 2.5%;

minor defects - no more than 6.5%.

The product control plan is shown in Table 3.

Table 3

The volume of the batch of products, pcs.


Sample size, pcs.

Significant Defects

minor defects

Acceptance numbers

Rejection numbers

Acceptance numbers

Rejection numbers

91 to 150

Note- In general, significant defects include: defects leading to loss of performance, unrecoverable without replacing part of the product, critical excess of the maximum deviations of dimensions from those established in the RD, disassembly of products, etc. Minor defects include removable defects: minor surface damage, defects , to be eliminated by adjustment, a slight excess of the maximum deviations of dimensions, etc. The separation of defects into significant and insignificant is established in the standards for specific types of products

Products from the batch are selected by the method of greatest objectivity in accordance with GOST 18321.

6.5.1 A batch of products is accepted if the number of defective products in the first sample is less than or equal to the acceptance number, and rejected without assigning a second sample if the number of defective products is greater than or exceeds the rejection number. If the number of defective products in the first sample is greater than the acceptance number, but less than the rejection number, they proceed to the second stage of control and make a second sample.

A batch of products is accepted if the number of defective products in the second sample is less than or equal to the acceptance number, and rejected if the number of products in the second sample is greater than or equal to the rejection number when controlling both significant and minor defects.

6.5.2 The consumer has the right to conduct a control check of products, while applying the above sampling procedure and the control method established by this standard.

Acceptance of products by the consumer does not release the manufacturer from liability in case of detection of hidden defects that led to a violation of the performance characteristics of products during the warranty period.

6.5.3 A rejected lot may be re-submitted for acceptance after the identified defects have been eliminated and complete control has been carried out.

6.6 Acceptance tests are carried out by the quality service of the manufacturer on a shift basis. The procedure for conducting this type of test is established in the ND for specific types of products.

6.7 Periodic testing.

6.7.1 Periodic testing of locks, cylinder mechanisms, latches, hinges, wraps, shutters, fanlight devices, devices for manual and automatic opening of doors, devices for turning, tilting and tilt-and-turn should be carried out at least once every two years.

Periodic tests may be carried out at the request of the consumer or regulatory authorities.

During periodic tests, products are checked in the scope of acceptance control and for compliance with the requirements of 5.4, 5.5 and 5.7 of this standard and the requirements of ND for products of specific types.

6.7.2 At least three products are selected for periodic testing.

If at least one product fails the test, double the number of products should be tested. If the results of repeated tests are unsatisfactory, it is considered that the products did not pass the periodic tests.

6.8 Qualification testing of products is carried out according to all the requirements of this standard and ND for specific types of products.

6.9 Certification tests of products are carried out in the scope of periodic tests. The results of certification tests are extended to periodic ones during the period established by this standard.

6.10 Type tests of products are carried out after making changes to the design, materials or manufacturing technology to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of making changes.

The scope of type tests is determined by the nature of the changes made. Type tests are carried out on products that have passed acceptance control.

7 Control methods

7.1 Methods for quality control of products during acceptance control and control acceptance tests of a batch of products conducted by the quality service of the manufacturer are established in the ND for specific types of products.

7.2 Dimensions are checked with universal tools or special devices.

7.3 The appearance and color of products are checked visually by comparison with a standard sample.

7.4 Checking the operation of the moving parts of the products is carried out manually, performing at least five cycles of the product.

7.5 Tests of products in terms of strength, reliability (including indicators of reliability, maintainability), requirements for operational forces are carried out according to the RD, which establishes methods for testing products.

7.6 Control of metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings - according to GOST 9.301,

7.10 Completeness and packaging are checked visually for compliance with the requirements of design documentation.

8 Transport and storage

8.1 Products can be transported by all means of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules and conditions for loading and securing cargoes in force on the transport of the corresponding type.

8.2 Transportation of products is carried out in universal containers in accordance with GOST 18477, GOST 20259, GOST 22225, as well as in specialized containers, boxes or other containers specified in the contract for the manufacture (supply) of products.

8.3 Storage conditions of products - according to group 2, transportation conditions - according to group 5 GOST 15150.

9 Manufacturer's warranties

9.1 The manufacturer must guarantee the compliance of products with the requirements of this standard and RD for products of specific types, subject to the conditions of transportation, storage and operation.

9.2 Warranty period - at least 24 months from the date of commissioning or from the date of sale through the distribution network.



GOST 2.601-95 ESKD. Operating documents

GOST 9.014-78 ESZKS. Temporary anticorrosive protection of products. General requirements

GOST 9.032-74 ESZKS. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations

GOST 9.301-86 ESZKS. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General requirements

GOST 9.302-88 ESZKS. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Control methods

Paintwork materials. Methods for determining adhesion Universal containers. Types, basic parameters and dimensions Rotary, tilt and turn-and-tilt devices for window and balcony door blocks. Specifications

Auxiliary hardware products for windows and doors

GOST 5091, RD for products

Devices for manual and automatic door opening

RD for products

Other products for windows, doors and gates

Other products for windows

Ventilation devices installed in window blocks

Blinds for windows

Shutters, roller shutters

Other products for doors and gates

Appliances for tempered glass swing doors and wood-aluminum block doors.

Tempered Glass Swing Door Fixtures

RD for products

Fittings for windows and doors made of wood-aluminum blocks

Spare parts, accessories and components for locks and hardware

* Digital code of the All-Russian classifier of products, valid on the territory of the Russian Federation



The form of the label to the standard sample


Head of FSUE "TsPKTB"
Gosstroy of Russia


(in accordance with the order
set by the manufacturer)

Standard sample ______________________________________________________________

(product name)

Manufactured by ____________________________________________________________

(name of manufacturer)

By ___________________________________________________________________

(designation of NTD, drawing code, basic materials, coating)


Head of the manufacturer



«» _________________ 200

Note- Label size 120×180 mm.



Information about the developers of the standard

This standard has been prepared by a working group of performers consisting of:

Vlasova T.V., OS OTD (head);

Shvedov N.V., Gosstroy of Russia;

Shishkin N.K., Federal State Unitary Enterprise TsPKTB Gosstroy of Russia;

Voronkova L.V., OS OTD;

Makarova V.F., OS OTD;

Shvedov D.N., OS OTD;

Lobanov V.A., NIISF RAASN;

Savich B.C., Federal State Unitary Enterprise CNS

Keywords: locks and hardware, windows, doors, technical requirements, acceptance rules, test methods, transportation, storage

I like





Locks and building hardware General specifications

GOST 538-2001

Zh34 OKS 91.190; OKP 48 800


1. Developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Design and Technology Bureau (FSUE "TsPKTB") of the State Construction Committee of Russia with the participation of the Center for Certification of Window and Door Equipment. Introduced by Gosstroy of Russia.

2. Adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) on December 5, 2001

3. Instead of GOST 538-88.

4. It was put into effect on January 1, 2003 as the state standard of the Russian Federation by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated May 7, 2002 N 20.

Application area

This standard applies to locks and hardware (hereinafter referred to as products) intended for locking, closing and ensuring the functioning of window and door blocks, gates, shutters, gratings used in the construction of buildings and structures for various purposes.

The standard does not apply to special-purpose products in terms of additional requirements for fire safety, burglary protection, etc.

The standard is fundamental for a set of standards for specific types and designs of locks and hardware.

The standard can be applied to certify products.

Normative references

Terms and Definitions

The terms and definitions used in this standard are given in Table 1.

Table 1

Nomenclature, main parameters and dimensions

4.1. The nomenclature of product groups is given in Appendix B.

4.2. The main parameters and dimensions of products are set in the regulatory documentation (hereinafter - ND) for products of specific types. The main parameters and dimensions of products must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation for window and door blocks.

4.3. Symbols for products are established in the ND for products of specific types. It is recommended to include alphabetic and numeric designations in the symbols, reflecting the type, type of product and its main parameters and classification features (for example, corrosion resistance class, protective properties class, etc.). In the conditional designation of products intended for installation on right or left window and door blocks, the letter P or L is additionally indicated, respectively.

Technical requirements

General provisions

Products must comply with the requirements of this standard, RD for specific types of products and be manufactured according to design documentation and a standard sample approved in the prescribed manner.

Design documentation and samples-standards of products must be agreed with the organization appointed by the state construction management body.
Note. In the Russian Federation - the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Design and Technological Bureau of the Gosstroy of Russia (FSUE "TsPKTB" of the Gosstroy of Russia).

The form of the label for the product reference sample is given in Appendix B.


5.2.1. Characteristics of products are established in the ND for specific types of products. Characteristics in general should include:
design requirements (including limiting deviations from dimensions, shape tolerances, etc.);
strength requirements;
reliability requirements (including reliability, maintainability indicators);
operational effort requirements;
requirements for appearance and color;
quality requirements for protective and decorative (protective) coatings (including requirements for corrosion resistance);
requirements for materials and components.

Design requirements

5.3.1. The design of products must ensure that the requirements for operation, maintainability and installation are met.
5.3.2. The design of detachable connections of products should exclude the possibility of their spontaneous separation after installation on window and door blocks.
5.3.3. Movable parts of products, depending on the purpose, must be fixed in extreme and, if necessary, in intermediate positions.
5.3.4. The design of the products should provide the possibility of dismantling, adjusting and, if necessary, lubricating parts during operation, while products intended for closing and locking window and door blocks should exclude the possibility of dismantling them from the outside.
5.3.5. The design of the products must ensure their reliable fastening during the service life of the products.
The design of fasteners should provide for the possibility of their installation using a mechanized tool.
5.3.6. Limit deviations of the dimensions of product parts must comply with GOST 25347:
for mating sizes - up to the 12th grade inclusive;
for incompatible sizes and parts to be assembled into permanent joints - up to and including the 14th grade.
Limit deviations of incompatible dimensions of overhead parts of products that do not affect installation on windows and doors, as well as incompatible sizes of protrusions, depressions, stiffeners, ornaments and other decorative, structural and technological elements - up to the 16th grade inclusive.
Limit deviations for mating and non-matching sizes of locks, locks and tilt-and-turn devices are specified in the ND for these products.
The maximum deviations of the dimensions of the sections of parts of products made from unprocessed rolled products of all types should not exceed the deviations of the sections of rolled products.
5.3.7. Tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces - up to the 15th degree of accuracy, inclusive, in accordance with GOST 24643.
5.3.8. The thread length in the holes of stamped parts must be at least 0.5 thread diameter, in other cases - not less than the thread diameter.
5.3.9. The dimensions of the supporting surfaces for screws and countersunk screws must ensure their installation flush with the surface of the part or with a recess (protrusion) up to 0.5 mm.
5.3.10. Structural, technological and fasteners should not protrude above the surface of the embedded parts of the products by more than 1.0 mm.

Requirements for reliability and strength

5.4.1. The requirements for reliability and strength are established in the ND for specific types of products based on their scope, operating conditions, the requirements of standards for window and door blocks, building codes and regulations.
5.4.2. The reliability of products is confirmed by indicators:
- non-failure operation (for products subjected to cyclic mechanical loads during operation);
- maintainability (for products, the design of which provides for the possibility of repair during the service life).
5.4.3. Strength indicators are established in order to confirm the ability of the product design to withstand specified loads, including to establish the class of products. The strength of products is characterized by indicators of resistance (resistance) to the effects of static, dynamic and shock loads.

Operating force requirements

5.5.1. The values ​​of operational efforts are established based on the efforts applied by a person for the functioning of products, in RD for specific types of products, depending on the purpose and scope of products as an integral part of a specific building structure.
Note. Operational efforts are generally set based on the physical capabilities of a person. If necessary, the specifics of the physical capabilities of certain groups of people (disabled people, young children, etc.) should be taken into account.

5.5.2. Moving parts (mechanisms) of products must move without jamming. If necessary, lubrication of products should be provided.

Appearance and color requirements

5.6.1. When establishing requirements for the appearance of a product, it is necessary to separate the requirements for its front and non-front surfaces.

5.6.2. The front surfaces of the products must have a protective and decorative, non-facial - a protective coating.

5.6.3. Requirements for the appearance of products are established in the ND for specific types of products, design and technological documentation. The manufacturer must have sample samples of coatings.
The color of the coating of the heads of the fasteners of the products must be the same as the color of the coating of the product having a metallic or non-metallic inorganic coating.
Screws and screws installed on the front surface of products with a copper coating or copper alloy coating must have the same or oxide coating, depending on the color of the product coating.
Screws intended for fixing products on structures made of aluminum and PVC profiles can be zinc-coated.
Screws and screws installed on the front surface of parts with paint and varnish or polymer coatings of products can be zinc coated or zinc coated with bright additives.

5.6.4. The front surfaces of the metal parts of the products should not have cracks, burrs, mechanical damage. Requirements for front surfaces are established taking into account GOST 9.301 and GOST 9.032.
The front surfaces of wood parts should not have processing defects and wood defects, with the exception of curls, curl, roll, eyes, fiber inclination up to 5% according to GOST 2140.
The surfaces of parts made of plastic, glass and ceramics should not have cracks, scratches, chips, swellings and other defects established in the RD for specific types of products.

5.6.5. Non-facial surfaces of products may have depressions, risks, waviness and other surface defects that do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products.

Requirements for the quality of protective and decorative (protective) coating (including requirements for corrosion resistance)

5.7.1. Requirements for surface preparation of products
The metal surfaces of product parts before applying a metallic or non-metallic inorganic protective or protective and decorative coating must comply with GOST 9.301.

The metal surfaces of the parts before applying the paint and varnish and polymer coating must comply with GOST 9.402.
The roughness of the front surfaces of wood parts should not be more than 60 microns according to GOST 7016, the moisture content of the wood should be in the range from 8 to 12%.

5.7.2. The choice of protective, decorative and protective coatings is carried out depending on the group of operating conditions 1 - 3 according to GOST 9.303, taking into account their scope (location categories 2 - 4) and climatic modifications U, UHL, TS, TV according to GOST 15150.

5.7.3. The thickness of protective metal coatings must be at least:
6 microns - for the 1st group of operating conditions;
12 microns - for the 2nd and 3rd groups of operating conditions.
The thickness of multilayer protective and decorative metal coatings must be at least:
12 microns - for the 1st group of operating conditions;
18 microns - for the 2nd and 3rd groups of operating conditions.
The thickness of the protective and decorative coatings of products made of aluminum cast alloys must be at least 12 microns, regardless of the group of operating conditions. The thickness of metal coatings of fasteners must be at least 6 microns.
5.7.4. Requirements for paint coatings - in accordance with GOST 9.401, designation of coatings - in accordance with GOST 9.032, coating class is not lower than IV.
5.7.5. The roughness of the front surfaces of parts made of brass, aluminum, zinc alloys or rolled aluminum alloys used without coatings should not exceed 0.63 microns in accordance with GOST 2789.
5.7.6. Requirements for adhesion of coatings are established in the ND for types of products.
5.7.7. Coatings of products must be corrosion-resistant.
Coatings of products according to corrosion resistance are divided into classes. Coating classes for corrosion resistance are shown in Table 2.

table 2

Requirements for materials and components

For the manufacture of products, materials should be used: steel, cast iron, aluminum and its alloys, zinc alloys, copper-based alloys, hard metal-ceramic alloys, ceramics, plastic, glass, hardwood according to ND, approved in the prescribed manner.

5.9. Completeness

5.9.1. Each product must be supplied to the consumer in a complete set in accordance with the requirements of ND for products of specific types, design documentation and agreements (contracts). Separate delivery of parts and assemblies of products is allowed as agreed with the customer.

5.9.2. The scope of delivery of locks, mortise latches with additional locking, door closers, fanlight devices, rotary, tilt-and-turn devices should include an instruction manual for operation and installation (installation), a passport in accordance with GOST 2.601. Other products must be labeled in accordance with GOST 2.601.

When delivering products to construction organizations and manufacturers of building structures, one copy of the operation and assembly (installation) instructions, passports or labels must be enclosed in each box with products.


5.10.1. Each product must bear the trademark of the manufacturer and the designation of the design option (letters P or L for a product of right or left execution). On universal products, the designation P or L is not applied.

Components supplied as independent products must be marked with the manufacturer's trademark. The place of marking is indicated in the working drawings. It is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer (customer), to indicate the marking on the package or label.

5.10.2. On consumer, group packaging (box, packaging, box) must be indicated:
name of the manufacturer, his address;
trademark of the manufacturer;

number of products (for group packaging);
technical control stamp;
packer number;
packing date (month, year);
certification information;
product class (class of locks according to GOST 5089, class of coatings for corrosion resistance).

5.10.3. Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.
The marking must be applied to a paper, cardboard, plywood or metal label or to one of the side walls of the box (container). Additionally, the label or box (container) must indicate:
name and symbol of the product;
number of products;
packing date (month, year);
class of coatings for corrosion resistance.
By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer (customer), it is allowed to include additional information.


5.11.1. Products (parts of products) must be stored and transported in packaged form.
5.11.2. Products of the same type must be packed in a consumer or group, and then in a shipping container in accordance with the requirements of this standard and additional requirements of ND for products of specific types.
Returnable packaging is allowed.
The method of packing products should exclude the possibility of their arbitrary movement and ensure the safety of products with their components and fasteners.
Right hand and left hand products must be packed separately.

5.11.3. For consumer and group containers, boxes should be used in accordance with GOST 12301, packs in accordance with GOST 12303, containers (packing) made of polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 10354 or polyethylene shrink film in accordance with GOST 25951.

5.11.4. As a group container for handles, staples, loops, wraps, latches, mortise bolts, door and window stops, screeds, squares, it is allowed to use paper (packaging agent UM-1 according to GOST 9.014).
When supplying these products to construction organizations, it is allowed to stack them in a shipping container in layers, shifting each layer with paper (packing agent UM-1 according to GOST 9.014).
Fasteners must be wrapped and bundled together with the products.

5.11.5. Plank crates in accordance with GOST 2991, fibreboard boxes of type VI in accordance with GOST 5959 or corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 9142 or containers in accordance with ND should be used as shipping containers.

5.11.6. Each box contains a packing list, which should indicate:
name and symbol of the product;
number of products;
packer number;
packing date (month, year);
technical control stamp.
It is allowed to include information not specified in this list.
It is allowed to put a label in the box. In this case, the number of products must be indicated on the label.

5.11.7. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to use other types of packaging and packaging materials, as well as send products without the use of transport containers in box pallets.

5.11.8. Products must have temporary anti-corrosion protection in accordance with GOST 9.014. Protection period - in agreement with the consumer, but not less than one year.

Acceptance rules

6.1. Products (parts of products) must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer for compliance with the requirements of normative documents for specific types of products, as well as the requirements specified in the contract for the supply of products.
Products (parts of products) are accepted in batches. A lot is the number of products manufactured within one shift or one order, issued with one quality document.

6.2. The requirements for the quality of finished products, established in this standard and / or ND for specific types of products, confirm:
input control of materials and components;
operational production control;
acceptance control of finished products;
acceptance tests of a batch of products carried out by the quality service of the manufacturer;
results of qualification, certification and periodic tests.
Definitions of tests and types of control - according to GOST 16504.

6.3. The procedure for incoming inspection of materials and components is established in the manufacturing documentation of the manufacturer, taking into account the requirements of RD for these materials and components.

6.4. The quality of manufacturing parts of products in the production process is confirmed by conducting production operational control at all technological operations.
The procedure for conducting operational control is established in the technological documentation of the manufacturer.

6.5. Acceptance quality control of finished products with a batch size of 90 pcs. inclusive is carried out piece by piece by the method of continuous control; with a batch size of more than 90 pcs. acceptance control should be carried out in accordance with GOST 18242. Inspection level II, acceptance level of defectiveness:
significant defects - no more than 2.5%;
minor defects - no more than 6.5%.
The product control plan is shown in Table 3.

Table 3

Products from the batch are selected by the method of the greatest objectivity in accordance with GOST 18321.

6.5.1. A batch of products is accepted if the number of defective products in the first sample is less than or equal to the acceptance number, and rejected without assigning a second sample if the number of defective products is greater than or exceeds the rejection number. If the number of defective products in the first sample is greater than the acceptance number, but less than the rejection number, they proceed to the second stage of control and make a second sample.

A batch of products is accepted if the number of defective products in the second sample is less than or equal to the acceptance number, and rejected if the number of products in the second sample is greater than or equal to the rejection number when controlling both significant and minor defects.

6.5.2. The consumer has the right to conduct a control check of products, while applying the above sampling procedure and the control method established by this standard.

Acceptance of products by the consumer does not release the manufacturer from liability in case of detection of hidden defects that led to a violation of the performance characteristics of products during the warranty period.

6.5.3. A rejected batch can be re-submitted for acceptance after the identified defects have been eliminated and complete control has been carried out.

6.6. Acceptance tests are carried out by the quality service of the manufacturer on a shift basis. The procedure for conducting this type of test is established in the ND for specific types of products.

6.7. Periodic testing

6.7.1. Periodic tests of locks, cylinder mechanisms, latches, hinges, wraps, closers, fanlight devices, devices for manual and automatic opening of doors, devices for turning, tilting and tilt-and-turn should be carried out at least once every two years.

Periodic tests may be carried out at the request of the consumer or regulatory authorities.

During periodic tests, products are checked in the scope of acceptance control and for compliance with the requirements of 5.4, 5.5 and 5.7 of this standard and the requirements of ND for products of specific types.

6.7.2. At least three products are selected for periodic testing.
If at least one product fails the test, double the number of products should be tested. If the results of repeated tests are unsatisfactory, it is considered that the products did not pass the periodic tests.

6.8. Qualification tests of products are carried out according to all the requirements of this standard and RD for specific types of products.

6.9. Certification tests of products are carried out in the scope of periodic tests. The results of certification tests are extended to periodic ones during the period established by this standard.

6.10. Type testing of products is carried out after changes are made to the design, materials or manufacturing technology to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of making changes.

The scope of type tests is determined by the nature of the changes made. Type tests are carried out on products that have passed acceptance control.

Control methods

7.1. Methods for quality control of products during acceptance control and control acceptance tests of a batch of products conducted by the quality service of the manufacturer are established in the ND for specific types of products.

7.2. Dimensions are checked with universal tools or special devices.

7.3. The appearance and color of products are checked visually by comparison with a standard sample.

7.4. The operation of the moving parts of the products is checked manually, performing cycles of the product at least five times.

7.5. Tests of products in terms of strength, reliability (including indicators of reliability, maintainability), requirements for operational forces are carried out according to the RD, which establishes test methods for products.

7.6. Control of metal and non-metal inorganic coatings - according to GOST 9.301, GOST 9.302.
Paint coating control - according to GOST 9.407, adhesion of paint coatings is checked according to GOST 15140.

7.7. Corrosion resistance of coatings is checked in climatic chambers in accordance with the requirements of Table 2 of this standard, according to GOST 9.308 and methods agreed upon in the prescribed manner.

The nature of corrosion lesions is established visually, the area of ​​the lesion is determined using a millimeter grid.

7.8. Surface roughness is checked using measuring equipment according to GOST 19300 or by comparison with roughness samples according to GOST 9378.

7.9. The moisture content of wood is checked according to GOST 16588 or using a moisture meter.

7.10. Completeness and packaging are checked visually for compliance with the requirements of design documentation.

Transportation and storage

8.1. Products can be transported by all means of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules and conditions for loading and securing cargoes in force on the transport of the corresponding type.

8.2. Transportation of products is carried out in universal containers in accordance with GOST 18477, GOST 20259, GOST 22225, as well as in specialized containers, boxes or other containers specified in the contract for the manufacture (supply) of products.

8.3. Storage conditions for products - according to group 2, transportation conditions - according to group 5 GOST 15150.

manufacturer's warranty

9.1. The manufacturer must guarantee the compliance of products with the requirements of this standard and RD for products of specific types, subject to the conditions of transportation, storage and operation.

9.2. Warranty period - at least 24 months from the date of commissioning or from the date of sale through the distribution network.

Annex A (informative)

GOST 2.601-95. ESKD. Operating documents
GOST 9.014-78. ESZKS. Temporary anticorrosive protection of products. General requirements
GOST 9.032-74. ESZKS. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations
GOST 9.301-86. ESZKS. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General requirements
GOST 9.302-88. ESZKS. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Control methods
GOST 9.303-84. ESZKS. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General selection requirements
GOST 9.308-85. ESZKS. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Accelerated Corrosion Test Methods
GOST 9.401-91. ESZKS. Paint coatings. General requirements and accelerated test methods for resistance to climatic factors
GOST 9.402-80. ESZKS. Paint coatings. Preparation of metal surfaces before painting
GOST 9.407-84. ESZKS. Paint coatings. Appearance evaluation method
GOST 2140-81. Visible defects in wood. Classification, terms and definitions, methods of measurement
GOST 2789-73. Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics
GOST 2991-85. Wooden non-separable boxes for loads weighing up to 500 kg. General specifications
GOST 5087-80. Handles for windows and doors. Types and basic dimensions
GOST 5088-94. Steel hinges for wooden windows and doors. Specifications
GOST 5089-97. Locks and latches for doors. Specifications
GOST 5090-86. Hardware locking products for wooden windows and doors. Types and basic dimensions
GOST 5091-78. Auxiliary hardware products for wooden windows and doors. Types
GOST 5959-80. Non-separable boxes made of sheet wood materials for loads weighing up to 200 kg. General specifications
GOST 7016-82. Products from wood and wood materials. Surface Roughness Options
GOST 9142-90. Corrugated cardboard boxes. General specifications
GOST 9378-93. Surface roughness samples (comparison). General specifications
GOST 10354-82. The film is polyethylene. Specifications
GOST 12301-81. Boxes made of cardboard, paper and combined materials. General specifications
GOST 12303-80. Packs of cardboard, paper and combined materials. General specifications
GOST 14192-96. Cargo marking
GOST 15140-78. Paintwork materials. Methods for determining adhesion
GOST 15150-69. Machines, devices and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of environmental climatic factors
GOST 16504-81. The system of state testing of products. Testing and quality control of products. Basic terms and definitions
GOST 16588-91. Lumber and wooden parts. Methods for determining moisture
GOST 18242-72. Statistical acceptance control by alternative feature. Control Plans
GOST 18321-73. Statistical quality control. Methods for random selection of samples of piece products
GOST 18477-79. Containers are universal. Types, basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 19300-86. Means for measuring surface roughness by the profile method. Contact profilographs. Types and basic dimensions
GOST 20259-80. Containers are universal. General specifications
GOST 22225-76. Universal containers with a gross weight of 0.625 and 1.25 tons. Specifications
GOST 24643-81. Basic norms of interchangeability. Tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces. Numeric values
GOST 25347-82. Basic norms of interchangeability. ESDP. Tolerance fields and recommended landings
GOST 25951-83. The film is polyethylene thermoshrinkable. Specifications
GOST 30777-2001 Turning, tilting and tilt-and-turn devices for window and balcony door blocks. Specifications.

Annex B (informative)

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