Profitable trade. What kind of business is profitable in a crisis: what to trade and what services to provide? Sale of household goods



Question asked by Oleg Nikitin:

I welcome everyone! Please tell me what is profitable to trade in the market or in the shops of your city in our time? What can be sold to make it profitable? I've already broken my head.

Hello Oleg!

You are not the only one puzzled by this question. Now it's really hard to find a product to sell because it seems like there's already so much of everything. It is so! But you can try to organize the sales process a little differently or expand the range of some products and you will significantly differ from your competitors. The main thing is to understand.

If you return to the question of what to trade, then no one will give you a definite answer. You need to look at the demand specifically in your city and in general.

There are products that will always be in demand:

  • Food;
  • Clothes, shoes, accessories;
  • Medicines;
  • auto parts;
  • Hygiene products, household chemicals;
  • Etc.

Articles on this topic may help you:

There are also other products that also always sell well:

  • Alcohol and tobacco products;
  • Construction Materials;
  • plumbing;
  • Household appliances and electronics (oversaturated market in general);
  • Pet food;
  • Cosmetics and perfumery;
  • Stationery;
  • Equipment (industrial and commercial);
  • Furniture;
  • Toys;
  • Etc.

Of all the above, you can sell not only someone else's production, but also start producing something yourself. For example furniture, food, etc. Now small-scale production is again held in high esteem.

The most important thing is not only to find a product for sale, but also to think about how to sell it. You need to be different from your competitors at least in some way, otherwise it will be hard to compete.

Also be sure to read articles on this topic:

The state decided to help the unemployed registered at the Labor Exchange. Gives them free of charge 58,800 rubles, or even more, " initial capital", if they provide some formal business plan for the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btheir business.

Most often, the thought comes to the mind of such novice businessmen: I will start trading in the market (in the sense, in the bazaar). Of course, before that, a person dealt with the markets only as a buyer. A novice entrepreneur walks around the markets, looks closely, asks traders, negotiates with the administration about renting a place. The idea to trade in the market is increasingly fixed in my head and, finally, is embodied.

At the same time, most newcomers to the marketplace make 10 typical “strategic” mistakes and go bankrupt. Most, but not all. Approximately 1-2 out of ten successfully trade. Too bad, everyone could.

First mistake: you look at what the traders already working there are trading on the market, how they are trading, what is being sold more successfully and you want to be equal to them, trade the same and the same.

From an increase in the number of merchants, for example, sausage, the number of buyers of sausage and money in their pockets will not increase. You have a balance between the number of outlets for specific products and the buyer flow of the market. You will just sit on the same customer stream, "biting off" a share of the proceeds of the old merchants.

You will not receive your share, because you have not yet “overgrown” enough regular customers. As a result, you will not even have enough from the proceeds to pay for the rent of a trading place. Moreover, the old merchants will play dirty tricks.

It is necessary: ​​to trade not in what is already being traded, but in what is missing in this market for buyers who regularly come here. To do this, ask buyers, observe and think, think.

Three attractive stereotypes in relation to retail markets (bazaars):

  • you can find everything here
  • here you can safely bargain (discount immediately)
  • here for each product there is a "own" seller who can be trusted

And in this “find all” there may be voids. Look for them. But remember: if something is not on the market, this does not mean that it should be traded immediately. Perhaps the old sellers tried it - it didn’t work. Feeling a promising void in the assortment, carefully find out if they have already tried to trade this here?

And one more thing: do you want to be “like everyone else”, becoming part of the “common pattern”, or stand out, be different from everyone? Guess from 2 times: who will pay more attention to buyers?

Second mistake: you want to trade in what you yourself like: “I want to trade in elite teas, sweets, cookies - it's so beautiful! My layout (range) will be better than those of these merchants.

Trading what you personally like is like death. It is necessary to trade in what the market visitors like. In this case, see the "First mistake".

Third Mistake: You want to trade something that you think is not on the market, or very little represented.

The decision should be based on the opinion of the buyers, not yours. To do this, you need to study the buyer, learn, observe him (see "The first mistake"). The desires of buyers may not be to your liking. What do you want: income or satisfaction of your opinion?

Fourth mistake: you do not adequately evaluate the features of the location of the trading place that you were offered for rent in the market.

There are places "through": usually closer to the entrances, on the central aisles; and "impassable": in the side aisles, along the periphery of the market, in dead-end aisles. Places can also be impassable along the central aisles, but at the end of the trading row. Buyers are no longer available. Passing places are always busy. You, a beginner, will be offered only impassable ones.

Everyday goods (gastronomy, bread, cigarettes, for example) or “impulse demand” (household items, stationery, etc.) cannot be traded in impassable places. But it is possible to trade, and successfully, goods of "special" demand and a narrow assortment. For example, “only hunting knives”, or “everything for dog breeders”, etc.

But remember that in order to form the primary flow of "specialized" customers to your "specialized" place, you will need additional advertising already on the streams: a wall poster, a "cot", etc., but it's better not to be lazy and distribute simple leaflets at the entrances with advertising for a week your product and location. There is a plus: impassable places have low rents.

Fifth Mistake: You start trading without doing deep and detailed calculations of fixed costs.

Fixed costs are not just rent for a trading space. There is a lot more: a fee for various market services - the use of a cart, or permission to enter your car for unloading; payment to the veterinary laboratory, for the rental of commercial equipment.

Do not forget about the imputed tax once a quarter. So a decent amount is collected on trifles. Plus fines if payment is late for something.

Fixed costs do not depend on the level of your revenue. Even if you didn't sell it, pay it. Will your first month's income be enough?

Sixth mistake: you are guided by optimistic (and even rosy) forecasts for revenue and turnover.

Having polled, or somehow found out the level of revenue and turnover of traders already working on the market, you plan for yourself the same or even higher. Because you think you will be a better trader (see "Mistake Two").

Always consider "pessimistic" projections when planning any business when calculating revenue, turnover, and fixed cost levels. In most cases, in the first three months (place promotion, acclimatization) the net profit is zero. You have to pay fixed costs.

Have a reserve of primary capital in this case. Persistent traders sometimes take other jobs (in the evenings, weekends) to pay fixed costs from their salary while the place in the market is unwinding. And they do it right.

Seventh mistake: you do not adequately assess the cyclical nature of trading to start your business.

For any product during the year there is a cyclicity in trade turnover (by demand). In some months, very high revenues, in others, on the contrary, even a loss. It is necessary to focus not on income per month, but on the basis of the year. For some types of trade, 2-3 months "feed the whole year."

For example, fresh flowers. Experienced traders set aside a portion of the earnings of the "good months" to pay for fixed costs during the "bad months". As you plan your trading, carefully learn about the cyclicality of this commodity.

As a rule, opening trade at the end of spring at the beginning of summer is not profitable. But at this time it is easier to get a good (passing) place in the market and endure it with low trading until the revival in autumn. To give up in the hope of getting a “good” place in the fall is useless for a beginner.

Eighth mistake: you are a beginner, for the first time you open your trading place on the market, but you do not trade yourself, but hire a seller.

It is also like death. First, you will never learn to understand the intricacies of bazaar trading. Secondly, a hired seller is poorly motivated to "catch buyers" when promoting a new place, and generally keep a smile on his face.

The percentage that you promised him does not mean anything if the seller simply does not have the ability to promote the trading place. And sellers with abilities have long been attached. Thirdly, there is a whole business: to be hired by such newcomers in order to decently plunder and disappear.

The ninth mistake: you do not calculate the amount of working capital required, taking into account the "Parete's law".

Do you know such a law? Paret's law says: of all your products, only 20% of the assortment will bring the main (80%) revenue. The remaining 80% of the assortment provide only 20% of the revenue and can be sold for a very long time. But there is a paradox: without this allegedly unnecessary "ballast" in the form of 80% of the assortment, profitable 20% of the assortment will not be sold. abstruse?

Read thoughtfully several times. Experienced merchants explain this simply: in order to successfully trade, for example, only potatoes, you also need to put a wide range of all sorts of other things on the counter, up to nuts and bottled juice. But only one potato is not traded.

So, enough working capital is needed to buy both the main product and “for the assortment”.

Tenth mistake: you start trading business by oneself.

Without the support and participation of your entire family, or at least one person who loves you, you will not be able to cope. This is the main reason successful work in the markets of merchants of "other nationalities" - in the participation of the whole family, from small children to distant relatives.

This is the real business plan.

If you find solutions to avoid making the listed mistakes in your specific case, then these solutions will be a true business plan for you. It would be nice to write down these decisions (how not to make mistakes) and constantly look into the records, correct, supplement. And then you will succeed.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering what to trade in a small store. In fact, the question is much deeper than it seems - after all, in a store with an area of ​​\u200b\u200ba couple of dozen square meters not any product can be sold profitably, especially if the outlet is located in a residential area, that is, within walking distance. In this article, we will look at best options for the organization of trade in a small area.

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to organizing a business related to trade is the discovery grocery store. And it's really a good option. An area of ​​20-30 square meters will be more than enough. The initial investment in the purchase of goods and commercial equipment will not exceed seven to eight thousand euros. If you buy used equipment, you can save about a thousand euros. Net profit can reach 1.5-2.5 thousand euros per month, depending on the location of the object.

Children's products

You can also make a lot of money selling baby products. The investment will be more than when opening a grocery store, but the profit can be much higher. So, in addition to 9-10 thousand dollars of initial investment in goods and trade software you will need to invest another 200-300 dollars in the arrangement of the ramp - many parents will come with strollers. The yield of such an object is on average about 2.2-2.7 thousand dollars and more.

Goods for pets

Every second city dweller keeps pets, so the pet store is very profitable business which does not require significant investment. The initial investment will not exceed six to seven thousand euros if you buy feed in the middle and lower price segments.

However, keep in mind that many pet owners want their pets to receive the highest quality product. And in order to earn on this, investments will have to be increased: about one and a half thousand euros will have to be invested in expanding the range of high-quality feeds. The profit will be from 1.2 to 2.3 thousand euros. If you establish contact with local manufacturers of furniture for animals, you can earn 200-500 euros per month additionally.

draft beer

The shops draft beer bring a stable, albeit small income and require minimal investment. In a room of 30 square meters, you can open outlet for about 16 taps, that is, you can offer your customers 16 types of beer. Preference should be given to domestic varieties, as they are much cheaper and allow for a large margin (up to 100 percent), providing higher profits.

The total investment in the opening of such an institution will be about four to five thousand dollars. Earnings in this business entirely depend on the season - if in winter the profit will be 1-1.5 thousand dollars per month, then in the summer the income will be better - up to 2-4 thousand dollars per month. It is especially profitable to open such stores in regions with a warm climate.


Opening a pharmacy on its own will cost 14-16 thousand dollars, under a franchise - 20-25 thousand. However, the second option is preferable: a pharmacy that has a familiar, well-publicized sign is more credible, and, accordingly, will attract more customers and bring in more profits. In addition, the franchise provides a lot of other benefits such as staff training, marketing support, and so on. The average monthly income of a convenience store is $3,000-4,000.


If, thinking about what you can trade in a small shop, you opt for flowers, you will never regret it. Investments in opening a flower shop will be only 3-4 thousand dollars, and the average monthly profit will be from one and a half thousand euros. The only serious drawback of such a business is the short shelf life of flowers, and it is possible to understand how much goods should be available only through trial and error.


Investments in opening a confectionery store will amount to approximately 4-5.5 thousand dollars, taking into account the purchase of equipment and the first batch of goods. If there are large franchises in this area in your city, it makes sense to take a closer look at them - as in the case of pharmacies, the investment when buying a franchise will be greater, but the profitability will also be higher. Profit from the sale of confectionery products will be from 800 to one and a half thousand dollars a month. You can increase your income by selling tea and coffee.

What to give up

It is impossible not to mention also the options from which, for one reason or another, should be abandoned:

  • textile products;
  • souvenirs;
  • books, stationery and computers;
  • cosmetics and perfumery;
  • men's clothing and footwear;
  • jewelry.

Now, knowing what to sell in a small store, and what is better to refuse, you can choose the option that you like and can afford. And even if something doesn't work the first time, don't give up. Remember, success comes to the stubborn.

With the advent of huge self-service supermarkets, even in the most run-down towns and villages, trading in the market has ceased to bring a good income, but for a certain category of goods, buyers go only there. As practice shows, some goods here can be purchased at a much lower price and, moreover, of high quality. How to trade on the market is profitable - in this article.

Which product is profitable to trade in the market?

  1. Meat, fat, offal. Residents of villages and villages come to the market with such goods to trade, who grow pork and beef themselves, so its quality remains at its best, which cannot be said about meat, which is presented on supermarket shelves. In addition, it is mandatory checked by regulatory authorities, so do not be afraid to get poisoned.
  2. Those who are interested in what products are profitable to trade on a spontaneous market can be answered that seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries. Of course, the temptation to buy a peach in the supermarket in winter is great, but it must be remembered that the various chemicals and pesticides that process them are responsible for its preservation. Seasonal, grown in the beds of local residents, are devoid of these shortcomings, and the price for them, as a rule, does not “bite”, because the owners do not need to spend money on transportation.
  3. Household chemicals, all kinds of fertilizers, insecticides, paint and varnish products, etc. They are always in good demand, and the weather does not affect their safety in any way, so this is a great option for those who are thinking about what is profitable to trade in the market in winter.
  4. Various hosiery, underwear, knitwear. The cost of such goods, as a rule, is low, so it is unprofitable to sell them in covered pavilions, where rent will “eat up” all profits. In addition, women most often go to boutiques for expensive underwear, but they buy inexpensive ones in spontaneous markets.
  5. Those who are interested in whether it is profitable to trade in clothes on the market should answer that this is not the best option for. First of all, there is nowhere to try on clothes, as a result of which the seller loses half of his potential clients. Here it is very important to study the demand, understand what kind of clothing people need and present them in this particular market.
  6. Household goods such as window thermometers, extension cords, flashlights, etc. They are always in price and there is always a demand for them.

Business in small towns has some distinctive features. They must be taken into account in order to ensure the stability and profitability of an enterprise in any field of activity.

Analysis of the market of a specific area

In order not to lose the invested funds and make a profit, opening your own business must begin with its planning. At this stage, you should carefully assess the situation in the local market and select the most promising niche.

The following factors require a competent assessment:

  • Population size, its structure;
  • Economic opportunities, solvency of residents;
  • The ratio of supply and demand, the presence of unmet needs of the population;
  • Opportunities for competition.

Having studied the data on the number of inhabitants, their age composition, it is easy to determine the most numerous category of the population and its needs. For example, if there are a lot of young people in the city, it would be advisable to consider the idea of ​​​​opening a sports or gym, a sporting goods and nutrition store, a children's clothing or toy store.

When starting your own business, it is important not to overestimate the financial capabilities of potential consumers. In low-income cities, businesses such as an expensive spa, a high-end branded clothing store, or pet grooming will not be popular with residents.

Having an idea of ​​the number and structure of the population, its ability to pay, it is not difficult to analyze the level of its needs and the degree of their satisfaction. Perhaps the city does not have enough round-the-clock pharmacies, a store for car enthusiasts, or young people have nowhere to spend their free time.

It is advantageous to start activities in those areas where competition is minimal or non-existent. The most promising will new idea useful to residents, but not yet implemented. For example, private Kindergarten, pet supplies store, large format printing services.

Business in a small town - pros and cons

Starting a business in small town, it is important to evaluate all its pros and cons, which will significantly affect the effectiveness of the activity.

Obvious disadvantages hindering the development of business in small towns:

  • A small number of potential customers;
  • Low income level of the population;
  • Limited demand.

A small number of inhabitants in small towns and their low level of income to a large extent limit the choice of the field of activity. In small settlements, trade in narrow special-purpose goods such as art supplies or musical instruments will not bring profit.

Small incomes of the population determine the demand mainly only for goods of daily use. The lower the income, the less the buyer is willing to spend on non-essential items.

Business in small towns has its advantages:

  • Low initial capital investment and current costs;
  • A small number of competitors or even their absence;
  • Picky clients;
  • State support for regional small businesses.

An important advantage of small towns is that you can start your own business and run it at a much lower cost than in a large metropolis. Renting a room will cost several times cheaper, staff salaries are also low.

In small towns large companies with which it is difficult to compete do not work. And there are few local competitors, so it will not be difficult to thoroughly study the advantages and disadvantages of each of them and find the freest niche.

Unlike the population In large cities, residents of the regions are less demanding on the product, they prefer high-quality domestic products, rather than expensive delicacies. Not so fanatically follow fashion trends.

A stock store that sells quality clothes from outdated collections can become very popular with local residents. Good suppliers will provide the store with excellent goods at low prices.

Thanks to state programs for the development of small businesses in the regions, you can get certain benefits and subsidies.

Business in a small town - where to start

After evaluating the situation in the local market, having studied potential customers, you can choose a suitable niche in demand that will bring profit.

There are several ways to start your own business:

  • Offer a sought-after product, the demand for which is not fully satisfied;
  • Bring to market new product, an idea that had not been in the city before;
  • To organize a business in the area where there is experience, qualifications, special education.

If the business opens in a niche where there is already competition, it is necessary to provide benefits that attract customers. In small towns, it is important to focus on the quality of service.

individual approach, Additional services included in the price, various promotions and discounts will increase the number of sales.

Reputation in a small town, where many are familiar, is of great importance. Customers who are satisfied with the quality of goods and service will become regular visitors.

Many business ideas that work in megacities have not yet been implemented in small towns. It is necessary to realize a successful idea that will be in demand among local residents. For example, the first fast food in the city.

Lack of competitors- an important advantage of promoting new products, which will ensure a quick return on business.

An indisputable advantage over competitors is the personal experience and special knowledge of the owner in the area where he opens a business. Getting to know all the intricacies of your business will help attract and retain customers.

The location of the business is also important. It should be relevant to the target population. Institutions Catering it is more efficient to locate closer to the city center, and the grocery store will be delighted by the inhabitants of the outskirts, who have to go far for groceries.

Having defined the field of activity, it is necessary develop a detailed business plan, calculate the required amount start-up capital, efficiency and payback of the enterprise. Having an economic justification for your project and its profitability, you can contact the bank and get a loan.

qualified legal consultation help you make competent use of state program small business support. Within the framework of the program, you can take advantage of benefits when obtaining a loan, subsidies and tax incentives.


The franchise business involves opening a business under the brand name of a well-known brand and work to his standards. The advantage of this approach is that the company is already promoted and popular, it inspires the confidence of potential customers and ensures stable sales.

franchise agreement offer various companies working with products, clothing, footwear, furniture, household appliances, as well as cafes and restaurants, delivery services, entertainment complexes. Important to do right choice, determine what will be most in demand in the city.

You need to pay attention to terms of cooperation, reliability of the partner, the availability and amount of payments under the franchise. At the beginning of the activity, the conditions for the delivery of goods, mutual settlements, advertising campaign. Lots of informal useful information can be learned from other network members.

Working in partnership requires the fulfillment of certain conditions. Carefully study the terms of the contract. In some cases, failure to fulfill the sales plan leads to the termination of cooperation. Information about all such points must be collected before signing the contract.

At first franchisor provides financial support, but you can't do without your own investments. Companies do not bear the cost of renting premises, remuneration of staff, tax and other obligations.

Consultations of the company's specialists will help novice entrepreneurs to understand all the intricacies of doing business.


In small towns, real income comes from business in the field of trade. The most profitable place to sell everyday goods.

Shop products

Opening a grocery store
- this is the most a win-win in any locality.

There is always a demand for products, regardless of the economic situation. It is important to choose the right location, and the store will be profitable.

Most likely, there is already a large shopping center in the city center. It makes no sense to compete with him in prices or assortment.

It is more profitable to sell products in the immediate vicinity of residential buildings, for example, to open a store on the first floor of a high-rise building.

According to marketers, in hypermarkets, buyers prefer to shop once a week, buying goods for future use, because prices are lower there. Food that you need to buy daily is more convenient to buy close to home. These products - bread and pastries, milk, tea and sweets for tea, fruits - form the basis of the assortment of convenience stores.

To attract and retain customers, the store must have advantages over competitors, have its own "zest". Such an advantageous difference can be daily fresh pastries. If you install an oven in a store or open a mini-bakery next to it, the appetizing smell of fresh bread will provide regular customers.

Goods for children

Trade in goods for children– a stable business, regardless of the season or the size of the settlement. The fact that parents usually do not save on purchases for children causes more high markups on baby products. This provides good business profitability and makes it possible to pursue a more flexible pricing policy, creating an advantage over competitors.

The directions of trade are quite diverse: children's clothing and footwear, toys, baby food, cribs, strollers and other similar goods.

Marketing research will help to determine the direction for the store.

After analyzing the assortment and prices of competitors, talking with the population, we can conclude what children's goods are needed in the city.

Highest attendance observed in stores located near children's institutions(gardens, schools, clinics), in malls or large shopping centers. The store can be highly specialized, such as a children's sportswear store, or a general store.

Shop for children should attract with original thematic design. Competitive advantages help to ensure a constant flow of customers. These can be lower prices, exclusive assortment, holiday promotions, discounts, discount cards.

Buyers will also like additional amenities: a room where you can feed a baby or spacious fitting rooms that can accommodate both a child and a parent, a children's corner and a TV with cartoons.

The staff is also important. Friendly sales assistants should be able to patiently communicate with children.

Goods for pets

Products for animals are in demand among all segments of the population, from schoolchildren to pensioners. Greatest Demand have goods for cats and dogs; Aquariums are now available not only in houses and apartments, but also in supermarkets and official institutions.

A small simple shop can sell the most hot commodity everyday needs, mainly products for cats and dogs: food, fillers, combs, shampoos, leashes, muzzles, collars. You can attract customers with a catalog of goods brought to order.

Such a shop should be located in a passing place: on a busy street, near a bus stop, next to other shops.

Car accessories

In our time when almost every family has a car, business in this area is very relevant. Trade in auto accessories in our country is only gaining momentum.

Now there is a good opportunity to become the first owner of a car accessories store in your city.

These accessories are additional devices and tools to improve the performance of mechanisms and appearance car, increasing the convenience in its use.

These products include windshield wipers, deflectors, foot mats, as well as various equipment: GPS navigators, radar detectors, video recorders and much more.

A good option might be suitable franchise. The partner company will ensure regular deliveries of certified goods at competitive prices. The store will feature the latest in automotive accessories.

Trade in quality goods from official representatives and distributors will provide an undeniable competitive advantage.

Household goods

The range of household goods is very wide. There is an opportunity to find your niche in this area, a category of goods for which demand exceeds supply. The main groups of household goods: goods for the home, goods for the garden and garden, household chemicals. Concrete Choice will determine the current situation in the market.

The profitability of trade in household goods ensures a large turnover. Optimal assortment small shop should be a large number of items of inexpensive goods for everyday use. Accordingly, the hardware store needs a large retail space.

A densely populated residential area, where there are no competitors nearby, will be a good place for the location of the store. It is not advisable to locate a store nearby shopping centers and chain stores.


In any business, it is important not to stop there.

And in accordance with this, it is necessary to introduce new methods of work into the business in a timely manner, constantly update and expand the list of goods. Sometimes it's more profitable to completely change the assortment than to sit and wait for customers.

Stanislav Matveev

Author of the bestseller "Phenomenal Memory". Record holder of the Book of Records of Russia. Creator of the training center "Remember Everything". The owner of Internet portals in legal, business and fishing topics. Former franchise owner and online store owner.

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