Mother's Day holiday in the senior - preparatory group. Scenario for Mother's Day. Preparatory group Download script for mother's day preparatory group


Mother's Day holiday script in the preparatory group

Target: Formation of family values, love and respect for the mother.
- creating a friendly and cheerful holiday atmosphere;
- development of interpersonal communication skills;
- the formation of moral and aesthetic values, respect for the mother;
- Invite parents to participate in the life of the group;
- development of children's creative abilities.
Preliminary work:
- draw portraits of mothers,
- arrange an exhibition of portraits "My dear mother";
- make a congratulatory gift;
- presentation design with photos of children and mothers;
- learning poems, songs, dance with children;
- decoration of the hall, according to the theme of the holiday.

To the music, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle. They have handmade flowers in their hands. Tea and sweets are organized for mothers.

Presenter: Hello dear mothers, grandmothers and guests! We dedicate our holiday to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring and hardworking, and. of course, the most beautiful - YOU, dear mothers!
1. Mom, mommy ... This word murmurs merrily, like a spring stream,
2. gently warms like a warm sun,
3. fills the heart with joy, kindness and love.
4. Mom, mommy ... This is her gentle voice singing lullabies,
5. it is her gentle hands that smear children's bruises and bumps with green paint,
6. it is her kind heart that forgives children everything in the world.

Presenter: Who is dearer to all mothers? Of course they are children! Not always obedient, sometimes stubborn, but the most, most beloved! And for children, the most important word is mom. And there is no better word in the world!

Children read poetry
1. How beautiful mothers are
On this festive day!
Let them be proud of us:
Mom, here I am, your son!

2. Here, and I am your daughter,
Mommy, mommy, hello!
Smile, my dear
Wave back quickly!

Don't worry, don't rush
And wave everyone at once!
I congratulate you too
I wish you happiness and love!
Moms are smiling
The holiday begins!

3. Let's sing from the heart now
Song, moms, for you!
For beautiful, dear,
Dear, kind and dear.
Let the whole world know
There is nothing more precious than a mother!

Children sing the song "The kitten has a mother .."

1. Mom, dear, happy holiday to you!
Gently kiss, hug you.
I made you a bouquet myself -
Be always happy, my mommy!
We want to give you flowers.
Thank you sons and daughters!

Children give their mothers flowers made with their own hands. Moms put flowers in vases that are on the table. After that, the children sit down on their chairs.

There are many poems about this holiday,
But we won't get tired of congratulating him.
Let the voices of children, merging into a friendly choir,
Congratulations, our mothers!

Children go out (6 people)
1. We congratulate our mothers
Beautiful and beloved.
We always want to see you
Healthy and beautiful.

2. Mother's Day today!
And the children will say together:
Dear mothers,
You are the best in the world!

3. Let the wind carry with it,
What I will reveal to everyone
In the whole world, in the whole world
My mom is better!

4. I love you, mom, the warmth of your hands.
Because you are my most reliable friend.
I love you, mom, for what - I do not know.
Because you are the only one in the world!

5. Mommy, I want to wish this:
Smile more, relax more.
The most beautiful you in this world.
I was lucky with my mom - the best on the planet!

6. We dedicate a song to our beloved mother
I love you, my dear.
I wish you a long life - up to 100 years to live
To my grandchildren in Kindergarten drive!

Children sing the song "The holiday of our mothers is coming"
Words and music by Alexander Babin

There are many proverbs and sayings about the mother. Whether our mothers know them, we will now check. You need to complete the proverb:
* It's warm in the sun ... (when mother is good)
* Maternal care does not burn in fire ... (does not sink in water)
* The bird is glad of spring, (and the mother's baby)
* Maternal affection ... (does not know the end)
* For a mother, a child ... (child up to a hundred years old)
* There is no sweeter friend (than your own mother).

How clever are our mothers!
For everyone in the world, children are a joy, a happiness. Let's hear how your moms talk about it.

mothers read poetry
1st mom: What is happiness? Happiness is easy!
It starts with half a meter of growth.
These are undershirts, booties and a bib,
A brand new described mother's sarafan.
Torn tights, knocked knees,
These are the walls painted in the corridor.
2nd mother: Happiness is soft warm palms,
Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa.
It's a whole bunch of broken toys
It's a constant rattle of rattles.
Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor.
Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections.
Abrasions and wounds, bruises on the forehead,
It's a constant "What?" but why?"
3rd mom: Happiness is a sled, a snowman and a slide.
A small candle on a huge cake.
This endless "Read me a story"
These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka.
This is a warm nose from under the blanket,
Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas.
4th mother: Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor.
Puppet theater, matinee in the garden.
What is happiness?
Moms will answer you -
Happiness is a holiday
Under the name CHILDREN!!!

This is what happiness is.
And now - the game! I will ask everyone to stand together, we will play now.

Game with a tambourine "You roll a cheerful tambourine"
Adults and children become in a circle, and pass a tambourine to each other saying the words:
"You roll a cheerful tambourine,
Quick, quick hand.
Who has a tambourine left
He will now dance for us.

Everyone sits down

What good fellows our mothers! Now, say it straight:
Does your mom have a mom?
Does your dad also have a mom?
Who will cook compote for you,
Will you sew a dress for the holiday?
Bake pancakes?
Well, of course………… GRANDMA!
For you, dear grandmothers, only for you, a poem will sound:

About grandma. (read by one of the children):
Mom has a job, dad has a job -
They have Saturday left for me.
Grandma is always at home!
She never scolds me
Seated, feed:
"Don't rush,
Well, what happened to you there? -
I speak, but my grandmother does not interrupt,
Grains of buckwheat sits, sorting through ...
We're good like this together,
Without a grandmother, what a house!

Our dear mothers, but our children have already grown up and are starting to help you, and we will now find out how they do it:

Dance - song cook
To the music, one child in a chef's hat brings in a tank or a large pot with a ladle and puts it in the middle after, the children scatter around the hall.

1. We got up early today (stretch)
And while mommy is sleeping (fold their hands and show that they are sleeping)
They decided to cook porridge for her, (spread their arms to the sides)
Something to surprise.
While we were looking for cereals, (the hand is at the forehead and they are looking for)
Milk ran away (shrugs)
How it happened, we do not know, (scratching the back of the head)
Apparently it's slick

Boil, cook porridge (make circular movements in front of you, as if stirring porridge, the child in the middle stirs with a ladle in a saucepan)
Cook and have fun
Today we will please all our friends
Boil, cook porridge
Cook don't be lazy
The plates and spoons are already waiting for you. (clap their hands)

2. Together we decided
Outsmart milk (threaten with a finger)
And this time a bucket
To be sure, pour
To make porridge delicious
They added what they could (spread their arms to the sides)
Sausage, sweets, bun
Salted from the heart. (rub hand in hand)

(Between verses, hands wave left and right)

3. What did you children cook here
Where was this recipe found? (saying these words, a mother girl runs out to the middle and grabs her head)
Mom was still surprised.
We are such mo-lo-dtsy! (raise arms to the side)

Of course, we still have to study and study to cook porridge, but our guys will be able to feed their mother with a sandwich.

Game "We cook pizza"
Children are divided into two teams. Members of each team must prepare a slice of pizza. Each child takes turns placing one ingredient on the slice. (all ingredients can be made from felt and other materials). At the end of the game, we check the correctness of the pizza preparation in each team and determine the winners.

Dear mothers and grandmothers! Accept another gift performed by a young gymnast. (if you have talented children in the group who are engaged in some type of activity, then they can be included in the script as a separate number).
The moderator thanks you for your presentation.

And now game: "Guess the child by the voice"
(The voices of the children are recorded in advance of the holiday, the children begin with the words: “My mother ... and then each child tells what kind of mother he has: kind, gentle, etc. At the holiday, mothers guess the child by voice).

Now, on the contrary, let's play game "The most attentive"
(Before the festive event, we ask mothers for any thing: a watch, a bracelet, lipstick, a mirror, etc. At the holiday, children must guess their mother’s thing)
Dear mothers! You have such wonderful children!
Take care of your children.
Our holiday is already over, what else can we say?
Let me wish you goodbye.
Don't get old, don't get sick, never be sad!
So stay young forever!

Goodbye! See you soon!

Scenario of the holiday "Mother's Day" for children preparatory group together with mothers

Scenario of a holiday in kindergarten dedicated to mother's day. Joint activities of parents with children of the preparatory group.
1) Develop children's interest in traditions, promote the creation of warm
family relationships.
2) Cultivate a respectful attitude towards mothers.
Preliminary work: a conversation about mothers, an exhibition of drawings: "My beloved mother."
Moms sit in the visual rows. To the music, children enter the hall and line up in a semicircle, opposite their mothers.
Music sounds. The text is read against the background of the music.
My light, mirror, tell me!
Yes, tell the whole truth:
Who is the wisest in the world.
All beloved and kinder?
And a mirror in response to her:

All are beautiful, no doubt!
There is a word in the world
What is more expensive!

In this word, the first cry,
The joy of a sunny smile
In this word - a moment of happiness
Dear and very close.

Leading: This word -

Children: mother!-

Mother's Day is not an easy holiday,
For all children, the most favorite.
May mom be forever young
And the most tender, sweet and beautiful.

Children in chorus:
- Mom, my dear!
I congratulate you!

The word mother is precious.
Mom is to be cherished.
With her kindness and care
It's easier for us to live in the world.

Our mothers are no better
There is no kinder and gentler
We will always be obedient
And let's congratulate them!

We wish them only happiness
To have peace of mind
To leave the soul of bad weather,
Peace, harmony in the family.

There will be a lot of things and roads in life ...
Let us ask ourselves: “Well, where do they start?”
Here it is, the answer to us is the most correct,
Everything we live starts with mom!

Children sing: "A song for mom."

1. How great it is when around, when friends are around,
But the best friend in the world is my mommy.
I rush to her in winter and summer with any secret.
She will always help me with her advice.

My kindest mother.

2. I look at my mother and smile at her.
And I give this song to my mom.
The best reward is that mom is happy about the song,
That my mother is very happy when I sing to her.

Dear, beloved, most beautiful,
My kindest mother.

Today we invite the children to take places near their mothers.

Dear mothers, we offer you a competition where you can
show all your talents and capabilities, and it is called "Fanta".

Rules of the game: you take a note, read it and complete the task.

1. competition(mother reads). Now I will tell everyone a poem without hesitation! (mother recites any poem)

Leading: Your children also prepared poems.
1. The sun will only wake up in the morning -
Mom is busy at the stove.
Cooked breakfast for everyone
So that both I and you grow!
The family only ate
Mom takes the vacuum cleaner.
Won't even sit in a chair
Until everything is taken away.

2. Here the apartment sparkled,
Lunch is coming.
Mom sighed heavily.
Rest - no minutes.
Fed, watered,
Everyone from the kitchen dispersed,
Lying on the sofa
And they left the house.

3. Mom washes - I dance,
Mom cooks - I sing
I'm in household chores for mom -
I will help you a lot.
So that mom does not get bored,
From household worries -
I'll show you a fun concert
Let me just call.

All: Let's say "thank you" to moms
For such hard work
But they simply won't find children like we are funny.

Dance: "Far from Mom."

1. There are wonderful places in the world,
Both adults and children are looking for them,
We fly away from home
To cities strange and unfamiliar,
Above the ground, like butterflies, we flutter,
And we know almost everything about everything, about everything,
And for mom's birthday
We write text messages, telegrams,
But still -


And the biggest elephants
And the smallest gnomes -
We miss when we

2. Who will put on us loving panama,
Who will love you like a mother,
We ourselves are almost with a mustache
And we tie our own shoelaces
But still -

And the biggest elephants
And the smallest gnomes -
We miss when we
We're too far away from mom.

3. Run to your mother soon,
That's what fast legs are for
And you, citizen, do not clap your ears -
Children do not roll on the road!
Listen, this also applies to you -
Moms do not roll on the road!

And the biggest elephants
And the smallest gnomes -
We miss when we
We're too far away from mom.
The biggest elephants
And the smallest gnomes -
We miss when we
We're too far away from mom.

2. competition(mom reads) Depict 3 emotions on lyceums:
-Do you like our holiday?
-If your child is sick.
- The child came from a walk covered in mud.

Leading: Yes, our children do not need rain,
They love to walk in the rain!

Song: "Rain"
1. Cap-cap, tuk-tuk-tuk
There was a knock on the glass.
It's rain in the morning
Woke up all the kids.

2. Drip-drip, don-don-don
The drops began to ring.
If you go out for a walk
Don't forget to take an umbrella.

3. Drip-drip, drip-drip-drip
The rain has a cheerful disposition.
Tomorrow morning we will again
Let's go for a walk in the rain.

- I'm for my mom
I'll take it and dance
We all will have more fun
Both for mothers and for children.

Dance: with leaves (Song: "Beautiful Autumn."
1. The sun is shining gently, smiling gently.
It was autumn that came to visit us - the beauty.
Bright, green, yellow and red
But always cheerful, and always beautiful,
Driven by the wind, rustling leaves,
We love autumn very much, and we sing with happiness.

2. I painted everything around with beautiful colors.
Flocks of cranes gather to the south.
So they are supposed to and fate ordered.
Come to us in the spring, with the very first greenery!
Let autumn wave to you - a beauty,
We will be glad to meet again in the spring!

3. Never be discouraged, do not look sad.
Look around, come on, enjoy the picture.
Bright, green, yellow and red,
But always cheerful and always beautiful.
What a beautiful autumn!
We are happy and sing with happiness!

3.competition(mother reads). Hooray! I have a surprise! I won a prize! Mom pretends to be happy. (prize - flower)

Children.(boy and girl)
We are simple girls
We are simple boys
We declare to the whole world
What's more precious than mom
There is no man in the world!

Song: Dear Mom.

1. Zorenki are more beautiful and the sun is mile
The one who is called my mother.
Mommy, my dear, my mother,

2. The wind will howl, a thunderstorm outside the window,
Mommy in the house - no fear.
Mommy, my dear, my mother,
It's good that I have you!

3. Business is arguing, fun is a mountain -
Mommy is right next to me.
I love you, mommy,
I will give you this song.

4. competition(mother reads).
Now it's my turn to play
I will keep the speech:
Praise my neighbor
And yet very accurate.

5.competition(mother reads).
Closer...closer the music attracts...
Minutes pass in the dance of past days ...
Let's hold hands friends
Let all troubles and ailments go away!

Dance: "Washing"

6.competition(mother is reading)
Guess the riddle:
Waving a thin wand -
And the orchestra will start playing.
Not a magician, not a juggler.
Who is this? (conductor)

Leading: We congratulate you, from now on you are the conductor of the mothers' orchestra. We invite you to organize a joint performance of a song on children's musical instruments, while conducting yourself. And the cartoon will help you.

Orchestra: "Autumn Letter"

Leading: Well done! Your mothers are simply born artists. But the kids also learned a lot.
Summer passed, ran, rushed away,
The sky is darkening and the rain is pouring down.
There are few warm days left.
Maybe nature is sad about this?

Orchestra of children: "Droplets".

7.competition(mother reads).
Look at the screen!
Tell the story to the children!
(Pictures from fairy tales appear on the screen, mom must come up with her own fairy tale based on them).

Leading: 8 contest: (reads).
"Family Vernissage"

Children, each of you has a mother, but your mother also has
own mom. Your mothers were also once small, they walked like
you are in kindergarten and also love their mothers. What do you call your mother
mom? (grandmother)

It's time to check how young mothers with children can
draw a grandmother's portrait as a gift for Mother's Day.
Mom and child are painting a grandmother.

1 leader: Unfortunately, our holiday is coming to an end. And we want to end it with a poem “What is happiness? » (Presentation).

What is happiness?
Such a simple question
Perhaps more than one philosopher asked.
In fact, happiness is simple.
It starts with half a meter of growth.

2 host:
These are undershirts, booties and a bib,
A brand new described mother's sarafan.

1 leader:
Torn tights, knocked knees,
These are the walls painted in the corridor.

2 host:
Happiness is soft, warm palms.
Behind the sofa, a candy wrapper, crumbs on the sofa.
It's a whole bunch of broken toys.

1 leader:
Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor.
Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections.
Abrasions and wounds, bruises on the forehead.
This is a constant - what, yes why?

2 host:
Happiness is a sled, a snowman and a slide.
A small candle on a huge cake.

1 leader:
It's endless: "Read me a story"
These are daily, Khryusha with Stepashka.

2 host:
This is a warm nose from under the blanket.
Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas.

1 leader:
Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor.

2 host:
Puppet show. Morning in the garden.

1 leader:
What is happiness? There is simply no answer.
Everyone has it -

Both leaders:- These are your children!

Song: "Daughters and Sons"

1. If in the morning the sun came to visit us
Or the sky gloomily looks out the window to us,
Let's smile at mom to all the winds for evil,
From our smiles everything is light.

We are noisy but cool
We are daughters and sons
We are cats, we are bunnies
We are mother's flowers.
We are your happiness, the main thing
We are daughters and sons
beloved, desired,
We are daughters and sons.

2. And in the heat, and even in the winter snowfall
Stars in the palms of mothers fly to everyone.
Daughters and sons stars in their hands,
It's a miracle that they grow up before our eyes.

We are noisy but cool
We are daughters and sons
We are cats, we are bunnies
We are mother's flowers
We are your happiness, the main thing
We are daughters and sons
beloved, desired,
We are daughters and sons.
We are your happiness, the main thing
We are daughters and sons
beloved, desired,
We are daughters and sons.

Leading: We thank all the participants of the competition for the pleasure and festive mood. Thank you for your kind heart, for the desire to be close to the children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers, the happy eyes of children. For your participation in our holiday, for the fact that you are always with us and for the fact that you are the very best.
Your children have prepared small souvenirs for you.

Children to the song: "Mom is an expensive word" Hand out handmade souvenirs. They go out with their mothers to the center of the hall.

May adversity and sorrow
Will bypass you
So that every day of the week
It was like a day off for you.

We want for no reason
They would give you flowers.
All the men smiled
From your wonderful beauty.

1 Lead:
Dear kids,
Girls and boys!
You take care of your mothers
And always appreciate your mothers!

2 Lead:
And you love your mom
And for everything-everything-everything THANK YOU tell her!

Together: THANKS MOM! (Hug their mothers)

Olesya Sredina

Children enter the hall and become a semicircle

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly marked in centuries:

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a baby in her arms!

Kind day, Dear guests! I am glad to welcome you in our warm, cozy hall. Today we have gathered with you to participate in the celebration dedicated to the Day mothers. This is a holiday of great love and tenderness. With a word "mother" we connect the beginning of life, the confident present and hope for the future. maternal love makes us stronger, helps us overcome difficulties and makes us believe in success. First of all, with all my heart, I would like to congratulate all mothers and wish them health and happiness, peace and prosperity!

Children read poetry:

1. We are gathered here today,

To congratulate our mothers.

Great happiness and health,

We sincerely wish you!

2. Let this wonderful day, snowy,

Will be remembered as the most gentle.

How joyful and sweet!

Cheerful, kind and beautiful!

3. Mom is heaven!

Mom is the light!

Mom is a blessing!

There is no better mom!

4. Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is a joke!

Mom is a treat!

Mom is the best!

5. Mom will smile!

Mom will be sad!

Mom will be sorry!

Mom forgive me!

6. Mom - you are not dearer,

Mom can do everything!

Congratulations mom today

We wish moms happiness!

Together: Mom, I love you, I give you a song!


Leading: All women love flowers. And what a pleasure to receive them. This mommy surprise is for you!



Gave me paint

Beautiful and bright.

I am of course very happy

This gift.

But what paint should I

Choose for painting,

To give for the holiday

Beloved mommy?


The yellow sun shines in the sky

And the yellow dandelion laughs

The yellow chick dropped its shells

Mother's yellow skirt.


The blue sea plays with waves

Blue skies right above us

Blue shadows lay on the sand.

And the blue-blue cornflower bloomed!


Red poppies grow in the meadow

Red berries in a coniferous forest

Our guys have red cheeks,

Red balloons fly into the sky.


White snow on the fields

White lilacs on the bushes,

White teeth in my mouth

A white coat for any doctor.


A pink flower grows in the garden

Pink radish is beneficial

My mother's pink handkerchief

Pink paint is the prettiest of all.


Green grass - spring carpet,

Green leaves - trees decoration.

The green grasshopper sings a song

Green cucumber grows in the garden. (Each child has a circle of a certain color in his hands - paint. From these circles, children lay out a flower on the floor).

fun, fun

Music plays.

All girls and boys

Invites to dance.


Leading: And now, guys, let's play with our mothers.

A GAME "MOM'S ASSISTANTS" (hang handkerchiefs on a rope and secure with a clothespin) .

A GAME "SWADDING THE BABY" (to swaddle the doll) .

Vedas: They came to our hall "girlfriends"

They want us to sing ditties.

(4 boys in headscarves, aprons and handkerchiefs in their hands)

We are funny friends

We dance and sing

And now we'll tell you

How we live with mothers. (All)

Galya washed the floors,

Katya helped.

It's just a pity, mom again

Washed everything.

Sooty saucepan

Lena cleaned with sand,

Two hours in Lena's trough

My grandmother washed it afterwards.

We put on sandals

On high heels,

Waddling along the path-

Ski poles in hand.

We walk, and below us

The street is rocking

How does mom walk straight

And doesn't stumble?

We sang to you as best we could

We are only children.

We know for sure, our mothers -

The best in the world! (All)

Vedas: Thanks to our artists! But that is not all. Our mothers are so tired that in the morning they do not have the strength to get ready for work. And they should look good, because they are the most beautiful with us. Guys, help them dress up so that they are the best.

A GAME "HELP MOM GET READY FOR WORK"(there are a lot of different things on the tables that you can put on. Moms should sit quietly, they are still sleeping, and the children dress them. At the end, mom looks in the mirror and He speaks: "I am the most beautiful!").

A GAME "PORTRAIT FROM LIFE" (the child is sitting on a chair, mom is drawing on balloon his portrait) .

Vedas: Our dear mothers, and now we invite you to watch a short story called



On the bench, near the house,

Tom sighs heavily.

Toys are on the side

Her friends are indifferent.

Neighbor Layla came up:


“What are you sitting, not tired?

Let's play catch up

In the classics, or skipping ropes "


"Not", - girlfriend replies,

Sadly shakes his head

"I have great grief,

I'm in a quarrel with my mom"


Layla spoke anxiously:

“Is it possible to argue with your mother?”


“No, I didn’t be rude to my mother,

Mom fell out of love with me

All attention bro

Fruits, diapers, panties,

I asked for a new doll

My mom didn't buy me

Looked and said

To play with the old ones.

Andryushka buys everything,

But he doesn't notice me"


Layla Tomu got it

And called my sisters

She has six of them

And there is also a brother.


"Look at us, friend,

It's good for us to live with each other,

And we have enough toys

And no one bothers us

We are a wall for each other

How bad it is to be alone!

We are sitting at the table together,

Mom knows what we need

We help her in everything.

We don't hate mommy

After all, we have one

Behind she gets tired during the day.

Do you help your mom?

Do you play with your brother?


Tom was very embarrassed.

She is of no use in the house

Walks, whimpers whole day,

She is too lazy to clean up after herself.


"I'm going home now

And I'll put things in order

I will wash dresses for dolls

And I'll play with Andryushka.


"Well done, I got it" -


Layla hugged Tom


"Mother's heart is

Very good, great

How much love, warmth,

And it does not hold evil.


Toma said goodbye to Leila,

And quickly rushed home ...

I took a broom and a dustpan

Swept in the corridor

And then toys, books -

Gave everything to my brother

Quietly rocking the stroller

I told my brother a story

I put sliders in a pile,

Surprised my mother:


"What happened? Here's the thing

Our daughter has grown up! -


Mom kindly said

And got a box:


"Here, daughter, get it,

Play with the new doll."


Tom kissed his mother

And whispered in her ear:


"I will not be capricious,

Want? I'll wash the dishes

I go shopping

I'll sit at home with my brother ... "


"Daughter, what's wrong with you?"


“There are only two of us with my brother,

You talk to dad

And give me a little sister."


Tom, I'm surprised

Did you want to be alone?"


"No, mommy, dear,

We need a big family

Here we have Andryusha,

And you need six sisters,

Like Leila, a neighbor,

Dashi, Sasha, Ksyushka, Svetka…

Tom and Mom:

The world will become brighter, kinder,

Let the laughter of children ring in it!”


Let the music flow

And mom's heart warms

We'll sing a song for mommy

Tender than which does not exist.



We will not buy a gift for mom -

Let's cook it ourselves, with our own hands.

You can embroider a scarf for her, you can grow a flower.

You can draw a house, a blue river.

And also kiss MOM DEAR!

(children give gifts to mothers)

Dear women, the smile on your faces brought a lot of warmth and light to the atmosphere of our holiday. We want you to smile like this always, and not just on holidays. And now, at the end of our holiday, I again give the words to the children.

Children go out in a semicircle taking musical instruments.

1. We are finishing our holiday, we wish dear mothers,

So that mothers do not grow old, younger, prettier.

2. We wish our mothers never to lose heart,

Every year to be more beautiful and scold us less.

3. Let hardships and sorrows bypass you,

So that everyone day The week was like a day off for you.

4. We are finishing our holiday,

We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!


The script for the concert in kindergarten "My mommy is the best!" for Mother's Day

Preliminary work:
Conversation with children about the history of the origin of the holiday.
Selection of literary material.
Learning poems, making gifts for mothers.
Meeting with parents for the purpose of cooperation on entertainment.

Holiday progress:

The hall is decorated in accordance with the theme of the matinee.
Beautiful music sounds, the children enter the hall. They make a circle of honor and stand in a semicircle.
Close your eyes and listen. And you will hear your mother's voice.
He lives in you, so familiar, dear.
You can't confuse it with any other.
Even when you grow up, you will always remember your mother's voice, mother's eyes, mother's hands ......
Good afternoon dear friends! Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate our wonderful mothers and grandmothers. We are glad that quite recently, at the end of autumn, a wonderful day appeared on the calendar - Mother's Day. The most beautiful, affectionate, kind and beloved mothers and grandmothers came to visit us today. And we have another reason to say sincere and warm words to our mothers and grandmothers.
This is the most tender and most touching holiday for everyone!
Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,
This is the kindest holiday
Comes to us in autumn.
It's a holiday of obedience
congratulations and flowers,
Diligence, adoration -
Holiday of the best words!
May your endless worries, patience, love and devotion resonate with light and kindness in the souls of children.
And now the children will give you a piece of their warmth. Listen to their song...
The song "Golden Mother" is performed
With all their hearts, the guys give you poems and congratulations!
mother's day across the country
Today they celebrate
One thing in the world is clear to me -
I love mom!
She is my favorite
There is nothing stronger in the world!
She has comfort, she has family,
I love her for it!
Go around the world around
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.
You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.
One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mom!
Mommy, honey,
Gentle, glorious,
Kind, smart
And radiant!
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness!
"Thanks for all
I'm telling you!
My mother is dear,
Don't count your years.
I have you young
And always beautiful!
Stay like this
You for many years
Be you a shining star
And never go out!
How many stars are in the sky
Do not count everything!
These stars to mom
I will give again.
And one morning
Looking at me
Mom will smile
"My little star!"
All children in chorus:
MOTHER! - There is light in this word!
MOTHER! - There is no better word!
Children with stars in their hands come out onto the carpet.
Dance "Ai will be cool"
These stars were lit in the sky by the love of your children. The children named the stars after your names, so they will never go out, just as a mother's love for children does not go out.
(Children give mothers made stars in advance.)
All women are excellent housewives, they spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And our mothers are the best housewives in the world. In our next contest, we'll see if all the kids help their moms cook. Do our guys know what products are needed to cook porridge (answers are “yes” or “no”), and mothers will help them cope with a difficult task.
Game with all "Porridge".

"Magpie - white-sided" decided to cook porridge to feed the children.
I went to the market and this is what I got:
Fresh milk - yes!
Egg- No!
Semolina - yes!
Head of cabbage - no!
Pickled cucumber - no!
Meat jelly - no!
Sugar and salt - yes!
White beans - no!
Melted butter - yes!
Salted fish - no!
Bay leaf - no!
Chinese rice - yes!
Prunes and raisins - yes!
Chocolate delight - no!
Bulgarian pepper - no!
Tatar sauce - no!
Strawberry jam - yes!
Biscuits - no!
Good porridge - navarista .... And what’s not in it (name incorrectly named products, only an ax is not enough, if all products are named correctly, praise the children for their efforts and helping their mothers).
You guys and I saw how wonderful, beautiful, young and talented your mothers are. And how much you love them.
They say the angels are gone
And they no longer live in the world,
And they just lost their wings
And now they are called mothers!
Mom is a word in all languages ​​of the world pronounced affectionately and gently. Throughout life, mother's love warms us. And how important is the word MOM for your children.
Who came to you in the morning? (Children in chorus) Mommy!
Who said: "It's time to get up"? (Children in chorus) Mommy!
Who managed to cook the porridge? (Children in chorus) Mommy!
Pour tea into cups for everyone? (Children in chorus) Mommy!
Who braided your hair? (Children in chorus) Mommy!
Whole house swept one? (Children in chorus) Mommy!
Who picked flowers in the garden? (Children in chorus) Mommy!
Who kissed you? (Children in chorus) Mommy!
Who childish loves laughter? (Children in chorus) Mommy!
Who is the best in the world? (Children in chorus) Mommy!
And now let's see the scene prepared by the guys
Maybe one of them recognizes himself?,
The scene “Mom comes home from work ... ..” (Two children participate in the scene in the role of mother and son (daughter).)
Mom comes home from work
Mom takes off her boots
Mom goes into the house.
Mom looks around
-Was there a raid on the apartment?
-A hippopotamus comes to us?
-Maybe the house is not ours?
- Maybe the floor is not ours?
Seryozhka just came,
We played a little.
- So this is not a collapse?
-So the elephant didn't dance?
-I am very happy.
It turned out. I needlessly worried.
Well guys? Who recognizes themselves in this scene?
I want to believe that you help keep your mothers in order at home.
And we will sing a song about this and show how we help our mothers
Song "Washing"
And now the competition for our guys. It's called "Mom's Thing". I will show the thing that each mother gave us, and the guys must find out whose mother this thing is.
Well done, you did your job. Everyone knows the things of their mothers very well.
And now I will ask you to give answers to riddles about objects that can be called mother's helpers.
Riddles competition.
1. These are balls on a thread
Don't you want to try on?
For all your tastes
In my mother's box ... (Beads)

2. In my mother's ears sparkle,
Playing with the colors of the rainbow
Silver drops crumbs
Jewelry - ... (Earrings)

3. Its edge is called fields,
It is all decorated with flowers.
Headwear is a mystery
After all, our mother has ... (Hat)

4. Name the dishes,
The handle stuck to the circle
Damn bake her - nonsense.
This is ... (frying pan)

5. He has water in his belly.
She churned with warmth.
Like an angry boss
Boils quickly ... (kettle)

6. Dust will find and swallow it in an instant,
Cleans up for you.
Long hose, like a trunk-nose,
The carpet is cleaning ... (vacuum cleaner)
Well done boys!
On this festive day, we could not ignore our dear grandmothers! After all, they are mothers too. They continue to give their love and affection to their children and to you - grandchildren! Warm words are addressed to you today, our dear grandmothers!
Very grandmother.
I love my mother's mother.
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead a gray strand.
So I want to touch
And then kiss.
Grandma is like the sun
Everyone will be warm with a look.
How well the grandchildren
Next to grandma!
Sing a song to grandma
Delicate, beautiful.
Happy Holidays
Beloved grandmother!
Song "Dear Grandmother" Children become a semicircle in their hands made hearts and sing a song. (After the song they give their grandmothers made hearts).
Your children love you very much, our dear grandmothers and mothers!
This bright holiday creates real miracles with our children! They become so attentive, caring, like the hero of this comic scene.
The scene “This is what an assistant” (Two children participate in the role of a boy and a girl).
Why didn't you go out into the yard, Vanya?
I helped my grandmother, put things in order.
Tell me more about how you helped her?
He ate a big pie to the last crumb.
I found a vacuum cleaner, screwed the pipe myself,
And I launched a dust storm into the house -
The pipe was on the wrong side.
So tell me what else did you do?
I washed felt boots in the machine with powder.
They do not fit anyone, they have become very small.
I gave a bright candy wrapper.
And I also drew theater tickets.
And what did grandma say?
What I did a lot.
The grandmother smiled and kissed:
“I didn’t even dream of such a gift”
These are the grandmother's helpers we grow!
The next competition involves a team of grandmothers and a team of children.
The competition is called "Grandmother's Helpers". The team that gets the most balls into their hoop wins. Each participant of the competition sweeps one ball and passes the whisk to another member of the team.
Well done, the guys know how to sweep no worse than our grandmothers. Whatever you say, real helpers are growing.
Being in kindergarten, your kids remember you and patiently wait for you in the evening, they try very hard, prepare for the holidays and get very upset when you do not come. Thank you for being with us today, for the meeting, for the desire to be close to the children. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers and our wonderful grandmothers, and most importantly, the happy eyes of children! After all, they are our most precious treasure in the world!
Once again we congratulate all lovely mothers and grandmothers on this wonderful holiday!
The competition is over
The meeting ended
The hour of parting has come.
We're all a little tired
But we were warmed
Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.
We are always glad to see you!
The children go to the group.

Mothers Day


Who is dearer to all mothers?

1 child: How beautiful mothers are

On this festive day!

Let them be proud of us:

Mom, here I am, your son!

2 child: Here I am your daughter

Mommy, mommy, hello!

Smile, my dear

Wave back quickly!

3 child: I'm here too, look!

Dressed up in a bow tie!

I congratulate you

Dear mommy!

presenter: Don't worry, don't rush

And wave everyone at once!

I congratulate you too

I wish you happiness and love!

Moms are smiling

The holiday begins!

4 child: Let's sing from the heart now

Song, moms, for you!

For beautiful, dear,

Dear, kind and dear.

Let the whole world know

There is nothing more precious than a mother!

5 child:

Gently kiss, hug you.

I made you a bouquet myself -

6 child:

All children:

(Children sit down)



About this holiday there are many poems,

1 child: We congratulate our mothers

Beautiful and beloved.

We always want to see you

Healthy and beautiful.

2 child: Day mother today!

And the children will say together:

Dear mothers,

You are the best in the world!

3 child: Let the wind carry with it

What I will reveal to everyone

In the whole world, in the whole world

My mom is better!

4 child:

5 child:

6 child:

(Everyone sits down, except for Galya)

Presenter: So, we're starting...

Presenter: How clever are our mothers!



mothers read poetry

1st mom

2nd mother:

3rd mom:

4th mom:
What is happiness?
Moms will answer you -
Happiness is a holiday
Under the name CHILDREN!!!


- Daughter and mother - girlfriends, secrets, outfits, cosmetics.

Mom reads a poem.

And they will older - all kinds of their tires.

How it works starter, cardan and jack.


Does your mom have a mom?

Does your dad also have a mom?

Who will cook compote for you,

Will you sew a dress for the holiday?

Bake pancakes?

Well, of course………… GRANDMA!


About grandma.

Grandma is always at home!

She never scolds me

Seated, feed:

"Don't rush,


We're good like this together,

Without a grandmother, what a house!



Dance "Sponges with a bow"


(Quiz for moms)


School cafeteria chef


The Scarlet Flower






Grandfather Stepan

Brother Ivanushka

Uncle Fedor






"You roll a cheerful tambourine,

Quick, quick hand.

Who has a tambourine left

He will now dance for us. Everyone sit down






Children join at the end

Mothers Day

Holiday script for children of the preparatory group.

In compiling the script, materials from personal experience and free-to-access materials from the Internet space were used.

To the music, children enter the hall and stand in two lines opposite each other. They have handmade flowers in their hands. After that, the mothers come in, the mothers pass and sit on the seats prepared in advance.

Presenter: Hello dear guests! We welcome everyone who came to our holiday. We dedicate it to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring and hardworking, and. of course, the most beautiful - YOU, dear mothers!

Mom, mommy ... This word murmurs merrily, like a spring stream, gently warms like a warm sun, fills the heart with joy, kindness and love. Mom, mommy ... It is her gentle voice that sings lullabies, it is her gentle hands that smear children's bruises and bumps with green, it is her kind heart that forgives children everything in the world.

Who is dearer to all mothers? Of course they are children! Not always obedient, sometimes stubborn, but the most, most beloved! And for children, the most important word is mom. And there is no better word in the world!

On this beautiful autumn day, children give you poems and congratulations!

1 child: How beautiful mothers are

On this festive day!

Let them be proud of us:

Mom, here I am, your son!

2 child: Here I am your daughter

Mommy, mommy, hello!

Smile, my dear

Wave back quickly!

3 child: I'm here too, look!

Dressed up in a bow tie!

I congratulate you

Dear mommy!

presenter: Don't worry, don't rush

And wave everyone at once!

I congratulate you too

I wish you happiness and love!

Moms are smiling

The holiday begins!

4 child: Let's sing from the heart now

Song, moms, for you!

For beautiful, dear,

Dear, kind and dear.

Let the whole world know

There is nothing more precious than a mother!

SONG: "The best", music by S. Ivannikov

5 child: Mommy, dear, happy holiday to you!

Gently kiss, hug you.

I made you a bouquet myself -

Be always happy, my mommy!

6 child: We want to give you, dear, flowers.

All children: Thank you sons and daughters!

Children give their mothers flowers made with their own hands. Moms put flowers in vases that are on the table. After that, the children sit down in their places. (Children sit down)

Presenter: And now I invite everyone to pay attention to the screen. This clip is dedicated to you, our dear mothers.

The video clip "Mom" is shown on the screen

Presenter: Our dear mothers! Tonight is not quite normal for us. We want to bring you the joy of playing together and spending time with your children. Unexpected tasks await you and your children during the holiday. In the meantime, congratulations to your children.

About this holiday there are many poems,

But we won't get tired of congratulating him.

Congratulations, our mothers!

Children (6 people) go to the central wall

1 child: We congratulate our mothers

Beautiful and beloved.

We always want to see you

Healthy and beautiful.

2 child: Day mother today!

And the children will say together:

Dear mothers,

You are the best in the world!

3 child: Let the wind carry with it

What I will reveal to everyone

In the whole world, in the whole world

My mom is better!

4 child: I love you, mom, the warmth of your hands.

Because you are my most reliable friend.

I love you, mom, for what - I do not know.

Because you are the only one in the world!

5 child: Mommy, I want to wish this:

Smile more, relax more.

The most beautiful you in this world.

I was lucky with my mom - the best on the planet!

6 child: I dedicate a song to my beloved mother

I love you, my dear.

I wish you a long life - up to 100 years to live

To take my grandchildren to kindergarten! (Everyone sits down, except for Galya)

Song "Mom's smile" (Galya Khodyreva)

Presenter: So, we're starting...

There are many proverbs and sayings about the mother. Whether our mothers know them, we will now check. You need to complete the proverb:

* It's warm in the sun ... (when mother is good)

* Maternal care does not burn in fire ... (does not sink in water)

* The bird is glad of spring, (and the mother's baby)

* Maternal affection ... (does not know the end)

* For a mother, a child ... (child up to a hundred years old)

* There is no sweeter friend (than your own mother).

Presenter: How clever are our mothers!

Most recently, we celebrated the Autumn Festival, and it was held in the form of the Kuban fair. Some of the performances were very popular with the children. One of the numbers of this holiday is the song “Autumn Has Knocked” and now they will sing it with pleasure.

Children go out and become scattered.

“Autumn has knocked”, music by M. Eremeeva.

Presenter: Favorite performances from the holiday continue. And now for you the Kuban dance!

The Kuban dance is being performed.

Presenter: For everyone in the world, children are a joy, a happiness. Let's hear how your moms talk about it.

mothers read poetry

1st mom: What is happiness? Happiness is easy!
It starts with half a meter of growth.
These are undershirts, booties and a bib,
A brand new described mother's sarafan.
Torn tights, knocked knees,
These are the walls painted in the corridor.
2nd mother: Happiness is soft warm palms,
Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa.
It's a whole bunch of broken toys
It's a constant rattle of rattles.
Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor.
Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections.
Abrasions and wounds, bruises on the forehead,
It's a constant "What?" but why?"
3rd mom: Happiness is a sled, a snowman and a slide.
A small candle on a huge cake.
This endless "Read me a story"
These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka.
This is a warm nose from under the blanket,
Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas.
4th mom: Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor.
Puppet theater, matinee in the garden.
What is happiness?
Moms will answer you -
Happiness is a holiday
Under the name CHILDREN!!!

Presenter: This is what happiness is.

- Daughter and mother - girlfriends, secrets, outfits, cosmetics.

But what about mothers of two sons?

Mom reads a poem.

It's great to be a mother of two boys.

And this is clear to anyone without words.

Of course, being a mother of girls is not the same.

There are dolls, a hospital, dishes, lotto ...

There puffy skirts and braids to toe.

Well God gave me two boys.

I will learn with them all the brands of cars,

And they will older - all kinds of their tires.

How it works starter, cardan and jack.

Without them, I might not know anything!

So many things that could pass by.

But here it is happiness - two guys! Two sons!

Presenter: What good fellows our mothers! Now, say it straight:

Does your mom have a mom?

Does your dad also have a mom?

Who will cook compote for you,

Will you sew a dress for the holiday?

Bake pancakes?

Well, of course………… GRANDMA!

Presenter: For you, dear grandmothers, only for you, a poem will sound that will tell ______________________________________

About grandma.

Mom has a job, dad has a job -

They have Saturday left for me.

Grandma is always at home!

She never scolds me

Seated, feed:

"Don't rush,

Well, what happened to you there? -


I speak, but my grandmother does not interrupt,

Grains of buckwheat sits, sorting through ...

We're good like this together,

Without a grandmother, what a house!

Presenter: For you, our dear grandmothers, ditties are performed by children from the vocal and choir studio.

Performed "Chatushki for Grandma"

Presenter: When we asked children what your mothers like to do most of all, many children answered - “Give us gifts!” But your kids also love to give gifts. Accept the dance "Sponges with a bow" as a gift! Meet our children!

Dance "Sponges with a bow"

Presenter: And the next task for moms. Probably, there are no mothers who would not read fairy tales to their children. Children, do your mothers often read fairy tales to you?

We will now check what fairy tales your mothers know.

(Quiz for moms)

Presenter: Dear mothers, who ate the kolobok?

School cafeteria chef

Presenter: Dear mothers. what did the merchant bring to his youngest daughter Alyonushka?

The Scarlet Flower

Presenter: Dear mothers, what was the cat wearing?


Presenter: Moms, what did Baba Yaga fly on?


Presenter: Dear mothers, what was the name of the boy from Prostokvashino?

Grandfather Stepan

Brother Ivanushka

Uncle Fedor

Presenter: Moms, what did the bear carry Masha in?


Presenter: What did Emelya use as a vehicle?


Leading: Our moms did a great job.

And now - the game! I will ask everyone to stand together, we will play now.

Game with a tambourine "You roll a cheerful tambourine"

Adults and children become in a circle, and pass a tambourine to each other saying the words:

"You roll a cheerful tambourine,

Quick, quick hand.

Who has a tambourine left

He will now dance for us. Everyone sit down

Presenter: Oh, how I want to return to the serenity of childhood days

And trustingly snuggle up to my kind mother.

Tell your worries, I know: my mother will understand everything.

It's comforting to hear: "Don't worry, everything will pass!"

Guys, your mothers were also once children.

And now we propose to guess the photo riddles that we have prepared for today.

Presentation: "Our mothers were once children too."

Presenter: Dear mothers! Accept another gift from your children. They perform a song about mother.

"Song about mother" music by A. Filippenko (in all directions)

Presenter: Dear mothers! You have such wonderful children!

Take care of your children, and do not scold them for pranks.

Never take the evil of your failed days on them.

Do not be seriously angry with them, even if they are guilty,

Nothing is more precious than the tears that rolled down from the eyelashes of relatives.

If fatigue knocks down, there is no urine to cope with it.

Well, your son will come up to you or stretch out his hands daughter.

Hug them tighter, cherish the caress of a child.

This happiness is a short moment - hurry up to be happy!

Kids, invite your moms to the final dance.

Presenter: And now we invite all mothers to our cheerful disco.

(different melodies sound, mothers dance Russian dances, modern-5 styles)

Children join at the end

-Goodbye! See you soon!

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