Download the original script for the evening of the meeting of graduates. The evening of the meeting of graduates is a cool script. Musical scene with miniatures from former students




1. Leading out. Sounds like "Fanfare"


The river carries you!
It's not a secret for anyone here.
What's up with the last call
Many years have passed!


Now everyone has their own worries,
Your business, your life path.
Maybe you love your job.
And there is no time to rest...

It's a pity very rarely - throwing off the burden
Do you understand "It's time"
Come together, remember the time
With the name "School time!"

And remember how you were all friends
Falling in love, sometimes quarreling,
As we did not live a day without each other,
We stood up for our friends!

1 - Good evening!
2 - What does it mean?
1 So, the day was off to a good start.
2 “So it was a good day.
1 - He will multiply happy days.
2 He brought us happy news.
1 - Gave us smiles and songs.
2 - We meet friends today
1 - Evening meeting for you begin!

But before the holiday, friends, we will begin,
Now we will have a roll call here.
Be careful, shout loudly
Don't miss your release year!

(The presenters begin the roll call of graduates from the last year of graduation, while celebrating the anniversary years of graduates)


1985 –

1990 –

1995 –

2000 –

2005 –

Let's greet each other with applause

.first grader

What's going on in our school?!
I can't figure it out!
They say that today they are visiting
Uncles - aunts will come to us.
They call them so strange
However, sooner or later
I understand something too.
Here you are, uncle, tell me
And do not bend your soul.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?

Passes the microphone to the graduate in the hall. He answers.

first grader

Give the microphone to that aunt.
You are at school, not at work.
You are direct to my question
Give your answer simple.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?

Graduate response.

I liked the answers
Let me say hello now.
I will urgently grow
To school to come big.

Song "School album family album)

IN 2 . Who is a year, who is 2, who is 10 years ago,
Having passed his way, he left these walls.
And the bells are still ringing
Lessons are coming, changes are coming.

IN 1. And you came to meet with youth,
Where they remember, love and know you.
You have found good friends here,
And, leafing through thick textbooks,

IN 2. You learned the world, learned to live,
Work, relax and have fun:
And tried to keep in my heart
Kindness, warmth and tenderness particles.

The song "What is a school?" (to the music "what is autumn")

What is a school? This is childhood.
Pink childhood behind.
Do not forget us the time where we were always together
Close to home and teachers.


School, school

School bell

School, school

First lesson.

School how we love you

School is our family...

What is a school? This is youth.
First dreams, hopes, tears...
You stood proudly on the threshold of adulthood.
Thinking it's going to be serious.

What is a school? This is friendship.
Friendship that bound you forever.
Let you run away, but you remained friends -
Well, this is not enough in life ...


Day of meeting with youth and childhood.

What could be more touching?!

Let me come here, to this place,

Director now us invite.

Ved.2 The floor is given to the director of the school Antonova Svetlana Anatolyevna

Student playing the role of director: Wait a minute, Svetlana Anatolyevna, now I have been given the floor. I am glad to welcome all of you to this hall, a place where our finished products are being demonstrated. And our school produces quality products. Who is not here: there are no astronauts, and Nobel laureates no, and there are no ministers - in general, we have no sponsors.
But I have connections at the expense of my graduates: in the district school I have colleagues, my own head of the village administration, in the district hospital I have my own doctor, yes, in the district hospital, in the regional one, I even have my own prosecutor. Graduates always give up their seat on the bus... to seats for the disabled. I am glad for each of your finally gone issues, because with each of his departures I look younger by exactly one year. Today, my favorites seem to be gone.

Tanya: When it seems - you need to be baptized!

Alyona: No, I didn’t understand - is that a school?

Tanya: Which school? That one, like his - a branch, is called DK - Dmitry Krylov. Just kidding, just kidding - House of Culture. School under renovation. It was my grandson who told me that they all wanted to go to the dining room through the assembly hall through the assembly hall - that's the forgery and could not stand it.

Alyona: And what is a forgery? I don’t remember this… What subject did you teach?

Tanya: Oh, bad woman, then the floor is in Russian.

Alyona: What gender is male or female?

Tanya: And what kind of bed - this is it.

Alyona: What is already there? Is it time for dinner already?

Tanya: Here, I remember, you would bring a piece of bacon with you, cut it into 3 ... classes, sniff it and wrap it in a newspaper again, leave it for tomorrow.

Alyona: The school today is not what it used to be: computers, the Internet, CD-roms, pagers, computers in the 1st grade.

Tanya: And in our time there were not enough fingers and toes, they brought counting sticks with them to the lesson - that's all mathematics. What a thing they studied before! .. They managed to pass both physics and history on the same spur! ... From one leading question, such theories unfolded, such theorems were proved! a ... Pythagoras jumped out of his rectangular pants!

Alyona: And right now, what are they wearing? Is it skirts - one shame. It's embarrassing to walk up and down the stairs like that.

Tanya: And also geography, remember? It used to be that in geography you would point to a “boot” on a map ... It’s clear to you that this is a talovka: here is a sock - this is a cuba, a bootleg is a working street, and a holey heel is a school. What's incomprehensible here? And his teacher: Italy, they say, is.

Alyona: Yes, geography! You remember sleeping! Well, when did we sing under "plywood"? We live only. Yes, everyone wanted to solo. Where is Vitas noneshny before us! We were specially given lessons on the street so that the whitewash from the ceiling would not fall and the windows would not burst.

(director speaks)


The school years have passed

You haven't been a student for a long time,

But you will never forget school -

The memory of childhood is here for all years.


You left the walls of our school, but the teachers remember all of you. And now we would like to see how well you remember the school, the subjects that you studied here.


Now we will have a few lessons and test your knowledge in different subjects. It is allowed to shout answers from a place, but only by raising a hand:

"Geography lesson"

1) The mainland on which there are no rivers. (Antarctica)

2) Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)

3) Which month has 28 days? (In any)

4) I went to the North Pole ...
Kim Il Sung

"Music lesson"

1) With what notes do sailors measure distance? (Mi-la-mi)

2) Which great composer, being deaf, performed his works? (Beethoven)

3) What two notes grow in the garden? (Beans)

4) Which of the great composers at the age of a preschooler gave concerts? (Mozart)

"Biology Lesson"

1) What bird breeds chicks in severe frosts? (Crossbill)

2) Birds whose wings are covered with scales. (Penguins)

3) Vyut whether migratory birds nests in the south? (Not)

4) Where is it better for a hare to run - uphill or downhill? (Uphill)

5) What elephant does not have a trunk? (At the chess)

"Chemistry lesson"

1) Substances that consist of two elements, one of which is oxygen, this is -

2) My boots are missing ... (Н2О)

3) And the sun shines brighter

And a happier landscape

When splashing in the stomach ... (С2Н5ОН)

Ved.2 What good fellows our graduates, teachers worked not in vain. We give a small prize to the best "students". And for everyone else, accept the following musical number as a gift.

Song to the motive "Winged swing"

Today there are 2 graduate teachers working in our school.

We invite to the stage and welcome them,
forever young, forever young.
These are the ones who don't know
What is the last call
These are those for whom graduation
School years are not over
forever young
with us rush every day to the lesson
Those who finished school.
But school is not over for them.

Lead 2. The consolidated ensemble of teachers performs a tragic - lyrical song - confession “Am I to blame”. Performed for the first time

Am I to blame, am I to blame
Is it my fault that I love?
Is it my fault that my hand was trembling,
When did you give him a two?

Is it her fault that her hand was trembling,
When did you give him a two?

Bring it on, bring it on, bring it on, bring it on,
Never taught anything.
But I believed everything, took bail,
Because she loved him.

And you believed everything, took bail,
Because she loved him.

Oh, you are my director, oh, you are my director,
Let me go to rest.

With him, life is good, the soul cheers,
Even though there is not a shish in his notebooks.

Blame it all, blame it all around
You still want to justify yourself.
So why, why, "count" slapped him?

Oh, why, why, why, the stake slapped him?
And could put and "five".


All of you graduated from school in different years, but once you were friendly classes, let's remember this time.

On this day, the words of the poet come to mind:

In anxious days, in deaf days
We all "feel the cruelest
Not for the past nostalgia -
Nostalgia for real...

Lead 2. Real love...

Lead 1. True friendship...

Lead 2. True loyalty...

Lead 1. Real kindness...

Lead 2. For many of us, it's all about school.

Lead 1. Indeed, in the life of every person there was always a lesson in which the teacher managed to ignite in his soul a small spark of love, kindness, hope...

Lead 2. School! School! And what is a school!”? How does it start and where does it end?

(Elementary, middle and high school students leave)

1. Clear day. September. Daisies.
Bow. Pigtails. First graders.
Two by two. Primer. Five.
The first cleaning in the classroom.

2. Pharaohs. The globe. Map.
A painted party.
Alkali. Pythagoras. Acids.
Lev Tolstoy. Straits. Notes.
Friend, for test preparation
And in the gym - training.

3. Dancing. The festival. Guitar.
Kiss. For a quarter of a pair.
And the exam, and the Farewell Ball.
Joy mixed with sadness.
Certificate. Flowers in the window.
Why am I so sad.

Lead 1. The school in our memory is bright classes,
Lead 2. School is a chalkboard
Lead 1. strict teachers,
Lead 2. Diary lost somewhere
Lead 1. parent notations,
Lead 2. First love...
Lead 1. And how cool the school bell rang from the last lesson! Hooray! Books flew in or out of the briefcase like birds!

Lead 2. No wonder they say that you really appreciate something only when you lose it. And now we will give the floor to the graduates of the school. You probably also want to say something to teachers and future graduates.

Ved.2 We invite representatives of the very first and latest school editions of 5 people to the stage to hold music competition


You will have to sing a song about the school to us in 3 minutes. Let's see which of the classes has not forgotten how to carry out tasks together and cohesively. (Give the lyrics to the teams).


In the meantime, our teams are preparing for the competition, we offer you a little distraction. Preparing for a meeting with you, we opened the archive and found interesting excerpts from essays and answers on various subjects written by graduates of different years. We will now quote some of them:

Birds must be protected - they are our four-legged friends.

· Taras Bulba was a free Cossack, because he did not work anywhere.

· His shoes were up to their ears in mud.

· A sandwich and other school supplies were visible from Vova's briefcase.

· Having fallen asleep sitting on a horse, Sergey cheerfully sang a song.

· His brother worked as a nurse.


So our teams are ready. And now we will evaluate which of the issues is better prepared for this competition.

(teams sing songs, both teams are evaluated, souvenirs are given)

The first team sings a song (Gurchenko "Smile"):

"Good Mood Song"
If you frown and leave the house,
If you are not happy with the day ahead,
Better forget all your troubles
And smile wider to everyone, to everyone - who is not lazy.

You cast aside all doubts
Smile to everyone around you.
And good mood
He will come to you as a best friend.

If you meet on the threshold of the school
Gloomy director, head teacher, teacher,
Share your smile with them
Do not go to the same gloomy teachers in the lesson

And smile no doubt
Suddenly touches kind eyes
And good mood
Won't leave you anymore

The second team sings (Pugacheva "Whether it will be")

They loaded us, so they came:
Sees bad left eye, heads were spinning,
After all, I have not been anywhere, I did not breathe ozone,
But we got acquainted with the synchrophasotron.

Oh how hard it was

Oh how hard it was

Oh how hard it was

Oh oh oh…

They taught us to write, great essays,
We even overtook Tolstoy, Leo and Lenin.
They went to bed only in the morning,
We had nightmares, I thought that I would die in a dream,
Here's how we learned...

Oh how hard it was

Oh how hard it was

Oh how hard it was

Oh oh oh…

Vedas. 2:
Well done! It is evident that you have developed creative abilities and know how to work in a team.

Vedas 1:
For the next competition, we ask four representatives of the anniversary edition of the year to come up to the stage. Let's conduct a small blitz survey on a school theme:

1. A place they don't like to go to. (board)
2. Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button)
Z. Flat globe. (Map)
4. The main exercise in mathematics. (Task)
5. Dating club for parents and teachers. (Meeting)
b. Album for autographs of parents. (diary)
7. From two to five. (Estimates)
8. Table with two options. (Desk)
9. Signal to the beginning and end of torment. (call)
10. School-wide president. (director)


Let's applaud the graduates of the year! They coped with the task, which means they have not forgotten their school years

Vedas. 1: Anniversary issue of the year! We ask a few representatives of your edition to come up to the stage.

Ved.2 - Many adults believe that children have non-standard thinking. Of course, you are not children. Now we will hold a competition for erudition. Guess what famous fairy tales we are talking about:

1. Tale of farming for growing vegetables (Turnip)
2. About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (Three Little Pigs)
3. On the overpopulation of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Teremok)
4. About the hard way bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)
5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)
6. About the first victim of an unsuccessful investment of money (Pinocchio)
7. About how love turns a beast into a man (Scarlet Flower)
8. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then
still found her prince (Thumbelina)

7 people : turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse - distribute words to the heroes

Grandfather planted a turnip,
Poured fertilizers,
The sun began to bake
Turnip began to grow up.

So she grew up;
And she said: "Both - on!"
Grandfather bit the bit
And I thought: “Wow!”

Grandpa called Grandma here,
Grandmother shouted: “Impudent!”
Turnip again: "Both - on!"
Grandfather replied: “Wow!”,

He tightly grabbed the turnip,
He pulled with all his might.

But without a grandmother, he blundered.
She replied: “Impudent!”

Pulled, couldn't
Then she called her granddaughter.
She is smart not but for years:
"I didn't hire you!"
The turnip is shocked: “Both are on!”,
Grandfather too: “Wow!”,
Everyone slept with the fuse from the grandmother,
Barely said: “Impudent!”
Granddaughter does not care about drama:
"I didn't hire you!"
Pull - Turnips can not be seen -
You need to call the Bug to them.
The bug is happy to help them -
Answers: "I do not mind."
But again it didn't work.
This is where the cat comes in handy.
"No problem" she said
And at the end of the chain has become.
No results to be seen
You need to call the mouse.
Mice had a simple answer:
“Dudes, there is no market!”
The turnip groans: "Both - on!"
Grandfather in ecstasy: “In, business!”,
Almost hit Grandma in the eye
That, of course: “Impudent!”
Super - replica for ladies:
"I didn't hire you!"
The poor bug can't stand it,
But through gritted teeth: "I'm not averse."
The cat pulls: "No problem"
Doesn't risk anything.
The mouse moved a little
And, satisfied, she said:
“Dudes, there is no market!” -
Here is Repka for lunch!

Vedas. one

Applause for the release of the year!


Dear graduates, now we invite you all to play the game together.

We will ask you questions, and those who believe that this phrase applies to them should shout loudly: “ It's me, it's me, GREAT TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!

1. Who does not change the roots
glorifies the native village,
Praise, honor and honor to you
Who settled here?

2.Welcome bye,
those who are here from afar,
Who are our birds
From near, far abroad?

3. (To teachers) Well, who is sitting now
And admires us:
For their graduates
keeping a good eye on?

4. Who built himself a house,
hosted a housewarming party
and now he lives in it,
survive this fun?

5. There is no more beautiful in this world
live in your own apartment
Who is the owner of that?
Who is the lucky one? Who is the hero?

6. You are parents with experience,
Someone with a big one, shall we say?
Who mom and dad became a little light,
Whose children are more than 5 years old?

7. We continue about children,
heroic families
Who, mind you,
The large family?

8. Who is single so far,
Who holds his tail with a pipe?
who wish happiness
To create a family faster?

9. Live and learn
who has such a life?
Are there students among you?
Who is this, stand up now?

10. Who is on the site, on the famous
Lovely classmates
Everyone is trying to find?
Hangs who in a network?

11. Who, despite the burden of life,
I found an opportunity, means, time,
And today I'm very happy
Many years back?

Ved.1 Let's conduct a small survey among the guests.

- your passport age
- according to my own feelings
- according to others
- for health
- marital status
- Do you have your own car, cottage, a devoted friend - a dog, a Japanese player, false eyelashes, a wig, false teeth?
“Is there still gunpowder in the flasks?”
Where are you planning to spend it?
- Do you have bad habits of smoking, exercising, arguing with your superiors, coming to school on time, taking exams right away and without tails?
Do you greet your classmates?
Have you lost your sense of humor?
- Achievements that your graduation could boast of?
What is your most vivid memory from school life?
Have your youthful dreams come true?

Vedas 1:

How many interesting things we learned about our graduates.

Vedas. 1: Today we all together remembered the games of our childhood and tried to return a little to this golden time of life. Our program is coming to an end, but it will be incomplete if we do not remember one more game called "Peepers - Talkers".


Have you ever heard of such a game? Its conditions are very simple: you can look at your classmates and talk to your teachers to your heart's content.

Vedas 1: The evening of the meeting does not end there.
He is in your former classes continues!
Vedas 2: Good teachers are waiting for you there
And old school friends.

Leading together: And we say goodbye to all of you:
"See you again, friends,
And goodbye!"

The school doesn't say goodbye to you.

Is it possible to forget all this?

Chorus: Through the years, through the distance
On any road, on any side
You won't say goodbye to school
The school doesn't say goodbye to you.

Song to the motive "the song does not say goodbye to you"

Again, again, we all came to our school,
Here again we have gathered.
On this winter and very cheerful evening
We came to meet with friends.

Chorus: Through the years, through the distance
On any road, on any side
You won't say goodbye to school
The school doesn't say goodbye to you.

How many different adventures there were at school,
How much they managed to survive in it ...
This is remembered by all people without exception,
Is it possible to forget all this?

Chorus: Through the years, through the distance
On any road, on any side
You won't say goodbye to school
The school doesn't say goodbye to you.

In what year was the new school building built?
How many classrooms are there in our school?
- What is school happiness? (For example, when you lost a portfolio with a diary, where there are a lot of twos; other original answers are allowed.);
- Which of the actors was the first to play the role of the auditor in Nikolai Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector"? (There is no such role.);
What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons.);
- In what popular work was the hero assassinated three times, and only on the fourth he died? (Kolobok.)

Memory Test Contest

Which song or poem begins with the following question words (options are possible)?
- Where? ("... childhood is leaving")
- Who? ("... invented you")
- Where? ("... firewood")
- Where? ("…It was")
- When? ("...let's leave the schoolyard")
- What? ("... you look greedily at the road")

Competition "Integrated lesson of literature and foreign language"

The host reads the Russian translation of foreign proverbs, and the participants must name a Russian proverb that is similar in meaning.

Vietnamese: "A leisurely elephant reaches its goal faster than a frisky stallion." ("The quieter you go, the further you'll get".)
Finnish: "He who asks will not get lost." (“Language will bring you to Kyiv.”)
Indonesian: "The squirrel jumps very briskly, and sometimes it breaks." ("A horse with four legs, and he stumbles.")
English: "A lady leaving a car increases its speed." (“A woman with a cart is easier for a mare.”)

1. Contests for meeting classmates "Remember mathematics."

Collective portrait of a classmate.

According to our statistical office for the graduation ball:

The total mass of cosmetics applied to the faces of our girls amounted to .... (kg.).

The volume of cologne poured on oneself (and sometimes drunk) in boys ... (liters).

The weight of a school bag for girls was ... (kg.), While for boys ... (grams).

The speed of movement of thought along the convolutions of the brain was approaching the record allowable ... (mm / h)

The height of the hand raised to the question of the teacher in girls ... (see), in boys (mm.).

But the speed of movement to the school canteen for boys was ... (km / sec), and for girls ... (m / min).

The total number of hours spent together ......

The number of warm words that I want to say ... ..

The friction force of the palms during handshakes and applause in honor of the meeting reaches ... (newton).

Digital Poems.

Host: " As they say, "Pushkin, this is our everything", and now, when all the achievements of culture, one way or another, are being digitized. We will also try to translate his brilliant lines to the music of numbers.

Game conditions: divide classmates into teams and for each expressively read the digital version of Pushkin's lines (one example from the lyrics and one from the fairy tales). They have to guess which lines they are talking about.

(I remember a wonderful moment

You appeared before me

Like a fleeting vision

Like a genius of pure beauty)

1, 16, 7, 3 ,2..

(The storm covers the sky with mist,
Whirlwinds of snow twisting;
Like a beast, she will howl
It will cry like a child,

(Three maidens by the window
Were spinning late in the evening.
"If I were a queen, -
One girl says

(An old man lived with his old woman

By the very blue sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years).

1. We dreamed about this for many years,
And, for so many years, this has been represented,
Our big event:
Gathered friendly and beloved CLASS.

2. And two decades is a lot,
And we often missed each other.
And now the hearts beat in unison,
And here we are together, as if it were a DREAM.

3. And remember how good it was
But time flew by quickly, everything passed,
We were together, we were together.
They ran to the cinema to the Kolos cinema.

4. Lessons, theorems, Komsomol,
Shooting range, skiing, physical education, basketball.
And 45 minutes to sit - melancholy.
And an unwashed one is waiting for you ... BOARD

5. And the first love cannot be forgotten,
At times, I even wanted to howl.
And nothing came to mind:
Sitting, dreaming, sad, looking out the WINDOW

6. Let it not be then what is now,
And we didn't know what a crack was.
Let us not eat Snickers, Mars and Twix,
But they tried to find X in the equations.

7. And now everyone has their own life
Work, home and new friends.
But the start was a common, collective takeoff.
And everyone whispered a CODE out of luck.

8. And we all had to solve it,
Let there be no losses, no problems.
Let someone with money, who is rich in soul,
But each found a priceless treasure.
9. And looking at each other, we are glad,
Not everyone is here today, alas,
But we are participants in a grandiose meeting.
Hooray, everyone! Dear classmates!

3. Music entertainment"Remember Music"

Guess and sing. Take couplets of your favorite songs of those years, print them in large letters, cut the text into words. Give each member of the team (half of the table) a word, they must guess what the song is, putting their words into lines, and sing it.

"Magic Bell" The game follows the rules of a musical hat known to many, but if you add a nostalgic note to it and pick up funny cuts from songs, and even distribute it in advance to whom exactly what to include, so that it is more accurate and funnier, you will get very funny entertainment.

Props: a bell and cuts from different songs, a computer or a music center

The lead line for the host is something like this: “Dear classmates, we haven’t seen each other for many years, and although now many of us behave like in previous years, in fact, we have changed a lot. I suggest you check it out! Now, with the help of this “school bell”, which we know is completely objective and impartial, we will find out how each of us will behave ... for example, after 15 drinks. (Approaches a man, rings a "magic" bell over him, and a DJ or one of his classmates turns on a cut from a song, for example, "I'm dancing drunk on the table ..." or for a woman - "I'll build a harem from ...").

(Ready-made version of the musical design of this game can be downloaded for free from this link http://dfiles. ru/files/gzre212x7 ).

Characters: Grandfather, Baba, Horse, Bull, Goat


“Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba. They had no children, but they had a household: a frisky Horse, a mighty Bull, and a playful Goat. Every morning, Grandfather and Grandmother went out into the open field, to catch their favorite cattle, and stretch their old bones. Grandfather and Grandmother did exercises, And the Horse, Bull and Goat ran nearby, nibbling grass, and playing with each other. One day, Grandfather leaned over, and his back was seized - he could not straighten up. Grandmother came up, gently massaged him, and then her knee rested on Grandfather's back, and he straightened up. To celebrate, Grandfather hugged Grandmother and began to scratch behind the ear of his pets Horse and Bull. From pleasure the Horse began to neigh loudly and beat with a hoof, and the Bull to spin and moo invitingly. From these sounds, the Grandmother began to hiccup, and the Goat winked hysterically at everyone, and the Horse and Bull strove to butt playfully. Grandmother, looking at her playful Goat, also decided to remember her youth and gently pushed Grandfather. So they frolicked, and then decided that it was time to finish the fairy tale and leave: Grandmother took up Grandfather, Horse for Baba, Goat for Horse, and Bull for Goat and, dancing merrily, they went to invite everyone to dance.

5. Dance competitions "Let's remember physical-ru and rhythm."

Relay 1 September. If there is a desire to arrange a truly outdoor game, then the most the best option there will be any relay race, for greater interest it is better to give it a "school flavor"

Props: 2 satchels or 2 briefcases, 2 bows on the rim, school supplies (all in duplicate): pencils, pens, notebooks, textbooks, any stationery.

Game conditions: Divide everyone into two teams (get up like a train), put two tables or chairs at some distance, on which to place all this school paraphernalia for each team. On command, the first team members (no matter M. or F.) put on a bow, take a briefcase and quickly run to a chair, run up, take one of the items, put it in a briefcase and run back. They pass the bow and the briefcase to the next one, they themselves stand at the end of the "engine". The second one does the same, and so, which team finishes faster - all participants must run once (the number, of course, is the same)

Dance entertainment. Good music and incendiary dances always decorate any party. To meet classmates, it is worth preparing your favorite songs of school youth, as well as arranging modern dance entertainment, for example, an animation (you can choose on YouTube) or a dance.

Best suited for such a holiday - "dance show» between the male and female half of the guests. The essence of the competition is simple: the teams (male and female) stand opposite each other, the first cut from the song for girls sounds, they dance beautifully in front of their classmates, moving in their direction, then turn and, also dancing beautifully, return to their place. After that, a fragment of a dance melody sounds for the male half of the guests, the men show their "defile". Who's better?!.


You need to choose two or three graduates (men) from the hall, take them to another room and tell them that now the audience will ask them questions regarding their hobbies, so let them think over and agree on who and what hobby they will have in mind. But the main condition of the game is not to “declassify” your hobby. So it is impossible to give direct and monosyllabic answers to all the questions asked by young people.

At this time, the host’s assistant “processes” the audience: he tells the guests that the main hobby of the guys is kissing, the guests are given pre-prepared questions, “sharpened” precisely for this most enjoyable activity.

Questions should be something like this:

Who can you call your teacher in this matter?

Does it take up a lot of your time?

Do you do this often enough?

Do you need special conditions for this?

Do you make any sounds while doing this?

Do I need special training for this?

How old were you when you tried it for the first time?

Do I need special training for this?

What is the best time of day to do this?

What clothes would you recommend for practicing your hobby?

Hence the comic effect, because the players in all seriousness will begin to give answers about their specific hobbies, and everyone else will know that they are being asked not about anything, but about “kissing”. Therefore, it doesn't matter if the audience guesses what the players really mean, it's just entertainment.


1 VED: To our comrades and friends:

2 VED: To our teachers and students:

1 VED: For yesterday's, today's and future graduates:

2 VED: To everyone who shares with us the cares, anxieties and joys of school life:

1 VED: Dedicated to our festive evening, the evening of the meeting of graduates!

2 VED: Hello dear friends!

1 VED: Thank you for not forgetting your school and coming to us to meet friends and teachers.

2 VED: The school in your memory is bright classrooms,

1 VED: School is a chalkboard

2 VED: strict teachers,

1 VED: Diary lost somewhere

2 VED: parent notations,

1 VED: And first love...

2 VED: How long have you been playing hopscotch, girls?
Did the boys play their football?
Classmates scattered around the world
And the train of childhood left forever.
1 VED: Children's fun is forgotten forever,
But how do you want to fool around sometimes!
Celebrate noisy Soviet holidays,
And talk heart to heart with a friend ...
2 VED: What is it about, because we are all adults,
What holidays? - Family, work, home...
Only at night, on a virtual island,
Odnoklassniki and I are back in the world again!

1 VED: But let's not talk about sad things, and now we will all play a game of greeting together, we will ask you questions, and those to whom they relate should answer in unison: It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends!

2 VED: Remember? Let's repeat it all together: (slowly) It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends!

1 VED: So let's get started!

GAME "It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends!"

(questions are asked in turn)
1. Who does not change the roots,

native village glorifies,
Praise, honor and honor to you,

who settled here?
2. Say hello bye
those who are here from afar,
Who are our birds
From near, far abroad?
3. Who built himself a house,
hosted a housewarming party
and now he lives in it,
survive this fun?
4. There is no more beautiful in this world -
live in your own apartment!
Who is the owner of that?
Who is the lucky one? Who is the hero?
5. We are experienced parents,
Someone with a big one, shall we say?
Who mom and dad became a little light,
Whose children are over 15 years old?
6. We continue about children
heroic families -
Who, chur, not melting,
The large family?
7. Who is single so far,
Who holds his tail with a pipe?
who wish happiness
To create a family faster?
8. Live and learn
who has such a life?
Are there students among you?
Who is this now?
9. Who is on the site, on the famous,
lovely classmates,
Everyone is trying to find?
Hangs who in a network?
10. Who, despite the burden of life,
I found an opportunity, means, time,
And today I'm very happy
Many years back?

1 VED:Dear graduates, now we invite you to go back in time and remember your school life. We ask you to answer our questions:

  1. A place that students don't like to go to. (Board).
  2. Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button).
  3. Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parent meeting).
  4. Flat globe. (Map).
  5. Album for autographs of parents. (Diary)
  6. From 2 to 5. (Grade).
  7. A place where children serve 11 years. (School).
  8. A signal for the beginning and end of torment. (call)
  9. President across the school. (Director).
  10. It is in every class. (Board).
  11. All teachers look forward to this. (Vacation).
  12. You can't live on this in school. (The salary).

2 VED: You know, friends, we still have problems that we still cannot solve.

1 VED: What problems are you talking about?

2 VED: - Well, firstly, a universal way of cheating from under the nose of a teacher has not yet been invented.

Secondly, why, when Socrates said in the 5th century BC: "I know that I know nothing", he was called a genius of philosophy, and when we say this phrase to the teacher, he thinks quite the opposite?

And why there are only 24 hours in a day, you only have time to go to extra classes, hang out with friends, and there are always not enough hours for lessons. It is unfair, it would be necessary to round this figure up to 30.

And also this eternal problem of "fathers and sons". Constantly someone does not understand someone: either we are adults, or they are us ...

1 VED:On the other hand, there is good news, which cannot be ignored today: quite recently, on November 25, 2015, our Pervomaiskaya School No. 1 celebrated its 85th anniversary, and now we are pleased to give the floor to our director, Tatyana Ilyinichna Baranova!


FILM ABOUT THE SCHOOL (filmed by 9th grade students)

2 VED:The pride of our school house is the graduates. They are all different, but there is a place for all of them in the huge heart of our house. Graduates always come back here, because it was at school that they left a piece of their heart, said goodbye to a bright and carefree childhood.

1 VED:And we are glad that many of them have found their way in life and continue to develop and improve themselves, their soul, their talent. We are always pleased to see you, dear graduates, in your own school.

2 VED:We are glad that graduates of different years came to us today. For us, you are all equally precious. But there are those among you who have this anniversary year!
1 VED: Honored guests today are graduates who graduated from school 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years ago!

2 VED:But first, we want to invite the youngest graduates of the school to the stage - the graduate of 2015, let them tell us whether their dreams of enrolling in studies have come true, and, of course, whether they miss their native school!

1 VED:We invite you to the stage Graduation of 2015, class. hand-whether - Piskun Natalya Ivanovna and Kasha Stepanida Vasilievna!

2 VED:The first teacher - Zinaida Ivanovna Yesir!

EXIT to the stage of the 2015 edition.

2 VED:Graduates - 2015, you have the floor!

Questions for the 2015 release (if they get lost):

- Do you miss school?

- Do you miss your home?

- Did you manage to go where you dreamed of?

1 VED:Thank you, please take your seats in the hall!

2 VED:And now - the most exciting moment, because we want to welcome the oldest graduates-anniversaries of tonight - this is the Class of 1976! This year is exactly 40 years since they graduated from our school! (If this issue is not available, the next one is invited immediately).

1 VED: We invite you to the stage of the jubilee issue of 1976, a cool hand-l - Garkavenko Pavel Ivanovich!

2 VED:

EXIT to the stage Release - 1976.

2 VED:Dear anniversaries, you have the floor!

Alumni speech 1976.

1 VED:Thank you, dear anniversaries, we ask you to take your seats in the hall.

1 VED:A student of the 5th "B" class Ekaterina Vasilchuk sings for you!


2 VED:And now we offer you a small contest called "Memory Test"!

COMPETITION "Memory Test":

1 VED:Which song or poem begins with the following question words? (options are possible)

- Where? ("... childhood is leaving")

- Who? ("... invented you")

- Where? ("... firewood")

- Where? ("…It was")

- When? ("...let's leave the schoolyard")

- What? ("... you look greedily at the road")

2 VED:We invite you to the stage of the anniversary issue of 1981! Today is 35 years since they graduated from high school!

1 VED:Class teachers - Timchuk Lyudmila Filippovna and Ponomar Anna Leontievna!

2 VED:The first teachers - Evdokia Afanasievna Shevchuk,

EXIT to the stage Release - 1981.

2 VED:Dear anniversaries, you have the floor!

Alumni presentation in 1981.

1 VED:

2 VED:For all of you, the school ensemble of the Cossack song performs, the participants of which took 1st place in the regional festival of Cossack culture!


1 VED:Attention, and now - a competition for erudition!


Guess what famous fairy tales we are talking about:

1. Tale of a vegetable farm (Turnip)

2. About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (Three Little Pigs)

3. On the overpopulation of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Teremok)

4. About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)

5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)

6. About the first victim of an unsuccessful investment of money (Pinocchio)

7. About how love turns a beast into a man (Scarlet Flower)

8. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then

still found her prince (Thumbelina)

2 VED:We invite you to the stage of the anniversary issue of 1986! Today is 30 years since they graduated from high school!

1 VED: Class teachers - Garkavenko Pavel Ivanovich and Lyubov Vladimirovna Gritskova!

2 VED:The first teacher - Putilova Alexandra Pavlovna!

EXIT to the Stage Release - 1986.

2 VED:Dear anniversaries, you have the floor!

Alumni presentation in 1986.

1 VED:Thank you, dear graduates, please take your seats in the hall.

2 VED:Daniil Botez, a student of the 8th “A” class, is speaking for all of you!


2 VED:And for the next challenge, we ask 2 representatives from each anniversary edition to come up on stage!

1 VED:Dear graduates, thank you for your courage! We will conduct a blitz survey for frankness with you!

2 VED:But so that you do not have to think too long, we have already prepared the answers in advance - you only need to take 2 answers at random for everyone!

BLITZ - SURVEY for frankness:

QUESTIONS:(leaders in turn)

1 Have you ever had to hide with a cigarette around the corner of the school?

2 Have you ever played gambling in class?

3 Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?

4 How often did you run away from lessons?

5 Have you copied your homework?

6 Have you put buttons on teachers' chairs?

7 How often do you fall in love?

8 Did you sleep in class?

9 Did you pull the girls' pigtails?

10 Were your parents often called to school?

11 Have you used cheat sheets?

12 Have you corrected the deuces in your diary?

13 Have you copied tests from a neighbor in your desk?

14 Did you hide your diary from your parents?

15 Did you break windows at school?

16 Are you often late for work or school?

17 Are you capable of a noble deed?

18 Do you believe in love at first sight?

19 Do you often promise more than you can deliver?

20 Are you dangerous in anger?

21 Are you lucky?

22 Do you approve healthy lifestyle life?

23 Do you get scared?

24 Do you remember your friends' birthdays?

25 Do you like getting up early in the morning?

26 Do you like to take risks?

27 Could you accomplish a feat for the sake of love?

28 Have you ever interrupted classes?

29 A slob and a loser - is this about you?

30 Have you torn out pages with bad grades from your diary?

31 Did you like performing on the school stage?

32 Were you an example for your classmates?

1 VED:Silver anniversary - 25 years from the date of graduation is celebrated today Graduation of 1991! We invite you to take the stage!

2 VED: Cool hands - Shvets Vera Grigorievna, Timchuk Lyudmila Filippovna and

Korney Lidia Semyonovna!

2 VED: The first teachers - Zakharova Natalya Borisovna, Gorobets Tamara Petrovna, Shatova Galina Ivanovna!

EXIT to the stage Release - 1991.

1 VED:Dear anniversaries, you have the floor!

Alumni presentation in 1991.

2 VED:Thank you, please take your seats in the hall.

1 VED:


2 VED:Dear graduates! Many years have passed since your proms, and we just got our hands on statistics from them and more! And now we will announce them. And so, according to the statistics office of graduation balls, at each of your graduations was: (in order)

At least 5 kg of cosmetics. And all these kilograms fit on the faces of your beautiful classmates!

At least 10 liters of perfume. That's how much the boys poured perfume on themselves to please the girls.

Each girl came to the prom with her handbag. And the total weight of all handbags was 100 kg. Whereas our girls went to school for lessons with bags, each of which weighed only half a kilo!

1000 millimeters per hour! It was this speed of thinking that the boys had when they were told that there would be no lesson and you have free time!

When the teacher asked who wants to go to the blackboard, the average height of the raised arm for girls was 30 cm, while for boys it barely reached 30 mm.

60 km per hour! It was with such speed that our boys ran to the dining room!

10 steps per hour - and this is the speed of walking for a lesson!

100 - that's how many smiles you gave each other every lesson!

1 VED:Here are the statistics we were given!

2 VED:And we invite you to the stage of the anniversary issue of 1996! Today is 20 years since they graduated from high school!

1 VED:Class teachers - Goyan Zoya Leonidovna and Vasyutinskaya Olga Filippovna!

2 VED:The first teachers - Gorobets Tamara Petrovna, Kiseleva Evdokia Yakovlevna!

EXIT to the stage Release - 1996.

2 VED:Dear anniversaries, you have the floor!

Alumni presentation in 1996.

1 VED:Thank you, please take your seats in the hall.

1 VED:Tell me, dear graduates, do you like fairy tales?

2 VED:We did not doubt your answer, then now we are right here on this stage, we will play a fairy tale based on the well-known Russian folk thriller "Turnip"!

1 VED:For this we need 6 participants! Who is the bravest? Get on stage!

2 VED:The characters in our story are: (1VED distributes words to the participants)

Graduate, L en - m a tushka, Principal of the school b, Mamanya, Papanya and Odnoklassniki, which all graduates will play. Actors at the mention of their role utter the phrase: Graduate - “What about me? I’m nothing ...”, Mother Sloth - “Ba-a-ldezh!”, School principal - “What's going on here?”, Class teacher - “They are good for me ...”, Mamanya - “Wherever the school looks ?!", Dad - "Get a belt!", Classmates - "It's good to play the fool!"

1 VED:So the fairy tale begins!

2 VED:Once upon a time there was a Graduate... And he would have lived peacefully for himself, but seized the Graduate... Laziness-mother... The Principal of the school was the first to worry... And the Graduate to him... All because Laziness-mother was whispering in his ear... The principal of the school... called the Class teacher... The class teacher ... went to the Graduate ... Yes, only Mother Sloth is still whispering to him ... Only the Class Teacher ... called Mom ... Send Mom ... and the Class Teacher ... to the Director ... And the Director said ... And the Class Teacher ... And Mom ... And the Graduate answered this ... Because Mother Laziness was whispering in his ear ... Mamanya went ... for Papanya ... Papanya came ..., Mamanya ..., the Class teacher ... and the Director ... to the Graduate ... And the Graduate to them ... And Mother Sloth to him ... And Papanya pulled ... for Classmates ..., because any business in the team is better solved. Odnoklassniki came running ... And I would like to tell them Mother Laziness ... but only the Director first said ... Then the Class Teacher added ... Mom spoke ... Papanya shouted loudly .... After that, Odnoklassniki entered into a dispute ... To which the Graduate replied ...

1 VED:And now we will see graduates who graduated from our school already in the 21st century - this is the Graduation of 2001!

2 VED:They are celebrating 15 years of graduation today! We invite you to the stage!

1 VED:Cool hand-l - Prikhodko Zinaida Leontievna!

2 VED:The first teacher - Zakharova Natalya Borisovna!

EXIT to the stage Release - 2001.

2 VED:Dear anniversaries, you have the floor!

Presentation by the 2001 graduates.

1 VED:Thank you, please take your seats in the hall.

2 VED:Each of you will forever remember your school years and the one and only graduation party ...

1 VED:To remember how it was, a 10th grade student Daria Galupa offers you her song “In the old class”!


2 VED:And now we are inviting the 2006 Anniversary Edition to the stage! Today is 10 years since they graduated from high school!

1 VED:Class. hand-l - Shvets Vera Grigorievna!

2 VED:The first teachers are Tamara Petrovna Gorobets and Alla Ivanovna Belaya!

EXIT to the stage Release - 2006.

2 VED:Dear anniversaries, you have the floor!

Presentation by the 2006 graduates.

1 VED:Thank you, please take your seats in the hall.

2 VED:Our modern generation can no longer imagine itself without a computer ...

1 VED:(with a sigh) And our parents don't always understand that...


1 VED:And now we are inviting the youngest anniversary graduation to the stage - these are the graduates of our school in 2011! Today is 5 years since they graduated from high school!

2 VED:Cl. hand-l - Anna Nikolaevna Gaidarzhi!

2 VED:The first teachers were Evdokia Afanasyevna Shevchuk, Alla Ivanovna Belaya, Irina Ivanovna Murga and Nadezhda Nikolaevna Demina!

EXIT to the Stage Release - 2011.

1 VED:Dear anniversaries, you have the floor!

Presentation by the 2011 graduates.

1 VED:Thank you, please take your seats in the hall.

2 VED:How wonderful it is when we say good, kind words to each other! ..

1 VED:After all, this improves the mood not only of those to whom they are addressed, but of ourselves!

2 VED:This is what our future graduates, students of grade 11, want to sing to you now!


1 VED:Warmer to a person on difficult roads,

In a harsh land from

That somewhere in the world there is a sweet school,

There is a good school for him.

2 VED:And wherever you are, whatever you do

The school remains your home.

School is the youth of hope

The school is a big friendly house!

1 VED:Thank you all again

You came to the meeting

The warmth of your hearts

They brought it with them!

2 VED:This evening of the meeting does not end,

It continues in your former classes!

TOGETHER:See you soon!

The graduates have bows tied: A-class - green, B-class - red.

It seems that just recently the last bell rang at our school, and your class scattered through life in different directions. It's only been 10 years since you all gathered at this table to see each other and remember those unforgettable moments of school life.
Opening toast:

You haven't seen each other for many years, friends,
Everyone has their own destiny:
Work, hobbies, family
There are many worries in life!

But despite this, together you
And the evening of the meeting again unites you,
And your eyes are full of joy
And the road to the past has opened again!

Let's remember the school years
And let's have a great evening
But for starters, I, like a toastmaster,
I propose a toast to you!

In order for our glasses to be in order tonight, let's appoint a "duty officer". We will determine it according to the results of the competition. Let's remember each teacher of our school - we call the name and patronymic, and the subject. Who will be the last, he won this competition.

Who is the last - that Duty.

You are lucky, you are "On duty"! Get the props (whistles) for today's feast, your task is to keep order and whistle before each toast, calling everyone to silence and order, and also if I suddenly talk and your throat is dry - you can whistle !!! I ask questions. Competition "I came because .."

It would be time to see each other more often -
there would be occasions to drink a hundred times.
No time! For real friends
There is only one way out - to catch up now.
Glasses - higher! Closer appetizers!
Let's drink to your best deeds.
And we wish habitually, in Russian,
so that your life is carefree. For you! Whistle!

Well, as folk wisdom says between the first and second (let them say options) ... pour, otherwise I'll leave!
So the second toast arrived, I propose to pronounce it all together.
You just have to repeat the words: the left side is “You need to drink for this”, the right side is “And we don’t mind”
Today classmates
We gladly welcome
For this you have to drink!
And we don't mind!
The years go by fast
But we don't count them.
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!
We didn't see each other for a long time
But we all remember, we know
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!
Many heights have been reached
But don't forget the class.
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!
For our strong friendship
Let's pour!
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!

I want to note that the attention of the guests may be somewhat scattered, so we will help each other so that not a single toast goes unnoticed. As soon as you need to drain your glasses, I will certainly say: “You need to drink for this!”
You unanimously answer me: “But we don’t mind!”
And on my command "let's go" you can safely drink your drinks.

And now I ask you to play along a little more with me. Let's raise both hands up ... and behind me together, loudly, in chorus, repeat: "Goodbye" -guests, respectively: "Goodbye!" …… “More”……”Sober”….. “You won’t see me!” For this you have to drink!

color competition
Of course, you all came here today to see each other, remember your school years, and have a good rest. But deep down in everyone's heart is hidden the real intention with which you came here. So, guys, I put colored candy wrappers under your plates in advance.
Raise your hands, please, those of the guys who have a blue candy wrapper - these gentlemen will eat and drink the most today. Applause for their healthy appetite.
Now raise your hands, who has a green wrapper. Look at them carefully. These comrades will shout “Hurrah, we met!” for the whole evening.
Raise your hands, who has a yellow wrapper. These comrades will stay at dawn to clean the dishes. Applaud them!
So, who has a white wrapper? These gentlemen will take everyone home after the end of the evening!
And finally, please raise your hand, those who have a red wrapper. These guests came here to come off in full! They applauded each other!
Tovarischi! For this you have to drink!

Presentation of teachers.
I go up to a couple of _________, I ask my wife:
Are you the spouse of ________? Introduce youreself! How many years of marriage? Are you happy with your choice? Is Dima well-mannered and attentive? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."
I go up to a couple of _________, I ask my husband:
- You are the spouse of _____! What is your name? ___ - good wife? Is she economic, kind to children, affectionate to you? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."

Friends, I am sure everyone in this hall can be proud of their soul mate, brought up within the walls of our school. And who is to blame for all this? Of course, teachers! And the dearest of them are present at our party tonight. I think they should be introduced for those who are not yet familiar with them.
How inexorable time is fleeting
Suddenly they realized when they came to the evening of the meeting.
Teachers, once, in your childhood, young,
We met you again at the entrance, but already gray-haired.
All the same sparkle in the eyes, all the same tone, -
It's like you're back in class, gaining knowledge.
Teachers! From all students bow to the ground!
Let belatedly, we express our recognition to you!
For this you have to drink! Go! Toast to teachers
The school bell sounds!
Oh, what does that mean? Call to class! Are you bored?

Asking teachers:
Can you tell me, please, where does each lesson begin? (from roll call)
Tell me, were there any record holders in this class for the number of n-ok in the class magazine?
Who was first on the list? Who is the last? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."

Let's not change the traditions today and will carry out a roll call of those who are present at the holiday today.


Now those who recognize themselves raise their hands together and shout "It's me, it's me, it's my whole family!"

I start the roll call
And I firmly assure you:
I'll try to name everyone
Let me start...

Who does not change the roots,
native village glorifies,
Praise, honor and honor to you
Who settled here? (This is me, this is me, this is my whole family!)

Hello for now
those who are here from afar,
Who are our birds
From near, far abroad?

Who built himself a house
hosted a housewarming party
and now he lives in it,
survive this fun?

There is nothing more beautiful in this world
live in your own apartment
Who is the owner of that?
Who is the lucky one? Who is the hero?

Are you an experienced parent?
Someone with a big one, shall we say?
Who mom and dad became a little light,
Whose children are older, 7 years old?

We will continue about children
heroic families
Who, mind you,
The large family? (who has 3 or more)

Who is still single
Who holds his tail with a pipe?
who wish happiness
To create a family quickly.

Live and learn
who has such a life?
Are there students among you?
Who is this, stand up now?

Who's on the site, on the famous
Lovely classmates
Everyone is trying to find?
Hangs who in a network?

Who, despite the burden of life,
Found an opportunity, means, time
And today I'm very happy
10 years back?

And let's not forget about those who are absent today - for them a penalty in the magazine, and for you - an occasion to drink! A toast to you, to your desire and opportunity to be here! For this you have to drink!

The school bell sounds!

And the first lesson today is Russian. We will write an essay. Let's remember once again the school days and look at them with humor. Which of you wrote compositions best of all? ... .. (invite) I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."

The Russian language has not yet been forgotten, what is an adjective remember? Name adjectives and funnier, and you write it down and in 5 minutes we will have an essay “we are graduates!”
When September 1 came 21 years ago, it was the most……………………………. day in our life.
We put on …………………….. a uniform, ……………………………… satchels and with……………………….. a bouquet of flowers went to the first class for the first time. Hello ……………………………… school!
What are the ………………………… classes, …………………………… desks and ………………………………. teachers with ………………………smiles! We enjoyed learning the basics of science and dreamed of becoming………………………….and…………………………………….
Time flew by imperceptibly. We got a lot of ……………………………friends and …………………………… school subjects. Every day we happily hurried to school. And then came…………………………………. the day of graduation. Everyone’s faces would be………………….., and the gait………………………………. But when we picked up this …………………… document, we immediately became…………………………..!
And now, 10 years later, we are sitting at………………… a table, with……………………… snacks and ………………………… drinks and celebrating our………………… …… meeting! Let's raise our glasses and drink for us, such………………………. AND…………………………….! Long live we, the most………………………..graduates of 2003!!

For this you have to drink!
We drink to the compositions of each of you - let them end with a happy ending in many, many years!!!

In the elementary grades, you had just mastered the basics of writing, but even then, notes of a love nature were flying around the class with might and main, with tips on the control, etc. Guess who wrote? I ask questions. Competition "I came because ..."
Or maybe someone was in love with someone? Today I think this can be recognized.
It was not in vain that I remembered the notes, so a small parcel came to me, let's find out to whom it is intended:

Competition-game "Parcel"

A parcel came from the messenger
Only without a signature, that's how insulting,
She must go around the hall in a circle,
To find owners for yourself!
What is in this parcel?
Beauty dear, let her look, that
What sits closest to the leader of all! (I pass the parcel)

You can hold the parcel
But then you have to give it away
Not sisters, not brothers,
And the girl in the most elegant dress! (We transmit)

Bridget Bordeaux would weep with envy,
How would I see your outfit
But waiting for another parcel
The man with the biggest baldness. (transfer)

Your bald head is a sign of a great mind,
But again the parcel came to the wrong place,
You will receive your prize later!
Give the parcel to a man with a big belly,

This is a tummy, this is a miracle!
It will fit a keg of beer,
But the prize is not for you, run down the road
To the girl who has the longest legs! (We transmit)

The legs are beautiful, what can I say,
And you will have to give the parcel,
That in it do not suffer the question,
And give it to the man with the Greek nose!

Your nose is not so big, and in general,
You are a great man
Turn the parcel in your hands a little,
And find a woman with magnificent breasts. (We transmit)

Yes, it's nature
But you will flirt with her later, my friend!
It's a pity, but you will also have to give the parcel,
You have to run to the tallest guy! (We transmit)

Growth though you are great
But strength is not in height, really, man!
You better look around
And give the parcel to the best dancer

Yes, this beauty is amazing!
And she dances beautifully.
You hold the bag in your hands
And find a guy with big ears.

Your ears - wow!
And again, the bag fell into the wrong place.
There is a surprise in the parcel, it's all clear.
Give it to the lady with the most beautiful hairdo. (We transmit)

This is art, indeed beauty,
But again the recipient is not the same
It's far from over
The strongest fighter will receive the parcel! (We transmit)

And the truth is an athlete, strength, mind, beauty,
Only the gift is not there again.
Although the hearts of the girls you terribly torment,
But you still won't get a gift.

For a long time the parcel walked around the hall,
Just couldn't find the owner.
Since the owner is not alone.
I'll see for myself what's inside.
Inside is a mind reading hat.
Wow hat!!! Yes, not simple, but magical!
mind reading
1. For example, I would like to start with _________. I am very interested in the question - why is he still not married? And he has a good girlfriend, and they have been dating for a long time! Here is a hat that will reveal all the cards to us!
1. How good it is that there is no wife
2. What does ________ think about this?
2. And I won’t get married at all!
- Ahhh, well, it's mutual for you !!! ______, don't forbid ________ to eat candy anymore!
3. And you, young man, why are you smiling? Probably remembered something very cheerful, pleasant? Sit all evening so satisfied! Share!
3. Erotic evening
4. Your neighbor is clearly not happy with this idea!
4. Well, the men went, Lord
5. You weren't watching this girl by any chance? Now we find out what she did yesterday?
5. I got up on the wrong foot yesterday
6. But ¬¬¬ __________ (married) is sitting angry, did he also get up on the wrong foot today?
6. I'm hungry
- Well, actually, before leaving for a party, all decent people have dinner at home.
7. Darling (to his wife), what did you feed your betrothed today?
7. I-I-I-cooked eggs
- You're lucky, you got off with only eggs. I wonder if your husband always falls asleep full? (to husband again)
8. I noticed at night I was going to the refrigerator
Well, someone likes to eat well, someone likes to drink .... Here you _______ I see you decide today to come off to the fullest, and tomorrow morning look at yourself in the mirror and think ...
9. What a disgusting face
We have at the holiday and those who are planning to pick up someone today. Here sits ___________ and thinks:
10. Sexy
And in front of him, all such a beautiful _________________, shoots with her eyes, but thinks to herself ....
11. I'm so beautiful
And so ____________ decides to seduce her, his eyes are fixed on a charming lady. Do not be shy! Tell her what you want to say...
12. Let's go there-court
____________ quickly raises her eyes, heard the tempting offer of the gentleman and said ...
13. What are you stroking me
You know, __________ with such an approach, few will bite! Here is ______________ master of love affairs, he will tell you how to take care of a lady ...
14. Leave me old woman, I'm sad
And what are you, on such a beautiful evening, sad. Problems at work?
15. I live only on a salary
Well, I found the problem! And who in this hall does not live on one salary ??? Or maybe someone else has other sources of income? Let's find out from ___________
16. Where is the toilet
Oh, got out! That's right! And who will admit to you how much he actually earns. Toilet, outside, behind the gym.
Here come the men today! They just think how good it would be to eat and drink well, and then go out and smoke! Not like girls - their heads are always filled with the same thoughts ...
17. Oh my God what a man
It is clear that this lady wants both a son and a daughter, but this married couple? Whom does he want? (to the lady)
18. I want 5 children from you
Nothing so condition! I wonder what your husband thinks about this?
14. Can't you see we're eating
Well then, at least say a toast! (to him)
15. Toast without wine
- Wow, how witty! Pour wine for this comrade, please! Toast from you!!!
16. Zhirinovsky - for the men
Did you like the toast?
17. Well, the men went, Lord

Slide show!
Today the occasion is just class!
You have a good meeting.
10 years have gone by
How did you leave school?
Divorced you all roads:
Some are seamstresses, some are teachers.
Someone in business
Who where!
Well, let's go, gentlemen!
For this warm evening
For this wonderful meeting!
I guess you need a drink
for all for you: for your friendly class!
For this you have to drink! Go!

Massage at the table
Here we have been sitting for more than an hour, we are all eating and sitting, eating and sitting! And at school, they would have had a warm-up long ago. Who remembers the easiest warm-up?

We wrote, we wrote
Our fingers are tired
And now we'll rest
And let's start writing again.
We read, we read
Our eyes are tired.
And now we'll rest
And let's start reading again.
We drew today
Our fingers are tired.
Shake our fingers
Let's start drawing again. etc.

The dance break is approaching, so first we need to thoroughly warm up and prepare, and for this, take napkins in your hands, dry your hands and put the napkins on the table (all this must be pronounced with a mysterious intonation, the guests are perplexed why all this). And now turn around half a turn to the right and put these very clean hands on the shoulders of your neighbor (that is, the whole feast turns in one direction) and we begin to give the neighbor a relaxing massage ... to peppy music ...
And then we turn to the left side and win back on our neighbor))))))

Competition "He + She"
Select pairs for the competition through a quiz.
1. Tale of a vegetable farm (Turnip)
2. About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (Three Little Pigs)
3. About the overpopulation of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Tere-mok)
4. About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)
5. About the first victim of an unsuccessful investment of money (Pinocchio)
6. About how love turns a beast into a man (Scarlet Flower)
7. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then still found her prince (Thumbelina)
8. Kikimora under a watermelon. (Princess on the Pea)
9. Dog in mittens. (Puss in Boots)
10. Dressed beggar. (Naked king)
11. Rubik's Cube. (Kolobok)
12. Peasant monkey. (Princess Frog)
13. Vasily Stupid. (Vasilisa the Wise)
14. Green boot. (Red Riding Hood)
15. Rusty padlock. (Golden Key)
16. Gray shrub. (The Scarlet Flower)
17. Beautiful drake. (Ugly duck)

Who guesses, chooses a couple and goes to the center of the hall

Words for Women

1. I, Malvina, have blue hair.
And with almost model legs.
Pinocchio is my heart friend,
Took away my sleep, took my peace.

2. And I'm Cinderella with a crystal slipper,
Do you happen to know my prince?
He promised to marry me soon
Good people, find the prince!

3. I, Thumbelina, daughter of summer.
I expect sweet greetings from the Elf.
My winged friend, fly in
Take your girl!

4. I am secretly in love with Owl,
I give the teddy bear the words:
Winnie the Pooh, I'm looking forward to seeing you again
And I'm ready for anything with you!

5. I am Panther Bagheera.
My soul is torn to Mowgli.
His eyes are always on fire
He is a real male

6. Let Baba - Yaga be called!
I'm not ashamed of the name.
I love the kitty.
I'm dry and just skinny.

7. They gave me a red hat,
They gave me a strange name.
Wolf, my friend in a fairy tale,
Makes me predatory eyes.

8. Good to see you. I am Cheburashka.
With big ears muzzle.
Gene, where are you?
Show up here with an accordion.

Words for Men

You are my sweet doll!
Nice blue dress!
Hug Pinocchio faster.
There is no point in living without you, Malvina!
Pinocchio - a couple hug in 5 different ways

Cinderella! My love is big!
For me, you are a dear girl!
Hooked on love
Let me try on a shoe for you
Prince - put on your ladies shoes and walk around
Elf fast-winged is heading towards you.
To a little baby, to a super beauty.
Thumbelina, sit on my knee.
I will sing a lullaby

Elf - sing a lullaby with a lady on her lap

I don't call myself Winnie the Pooh for nothing,
I meet Owl like a spy.
I'll write her a letter carefully.
It will be pleasant for both of us
Winnie the Pooh - tell a funny story in class, the lady writes down
Yagulka, babistaya berry.
Let it be impure, but it is eloquent.
I'll tell you a poem by Pushkin
After all, I am Koschey, the immortal grandfather.
Koschei - to tell the verse "At the seaside there is an oak ..." as a toothless grandfather

I am shaggy, tongued,
The wolf is a little shaggy.
Give Little Red Riding Hood a comb,
Let her do my hair!
Wolf - comb a man, tie a lot of ponytails

"Let run clumsily
Pedestrians in the puddles, -
I lose my peace from the song,
Cheburashka, come sing with me!
Crocodile Gena - couples sing a verse of the song

In a pack of wolves was not in vain.
My soul has become attached to Bagheera, my friends.
Mowgli dreams with this cat
Play a fun song on the harmonica
Mowgli - play something fun on the button accordion

At the end, everyone is spinning in general well and the musical break begins !!!

2 table
A toast to women
Who got married when
Fairy tale "Turnip"
Turnip - "Both-on!"
Dedka - “I would have killed!”
Grandma - "Who's here?"
Granddaughter - "But I'm not ready yet!"
Bug - "Fuck you!"
Cat - "Pour it up!"
Mouse - "Well, finally!"
Another person from the audience at the words “pull-pull” says a drawn-out “Ah-ah!”
Believe me, explosions of laughter are guaranteed.

Beauty contest!!!
4 men, they are given lipstick, they turn away and have to make up their lips, put handkerchiefs on their heads. They turn to the audience, they are given a mirror and looking into it, they must say 5 times without laughing:
Whoever doesn't laugh wins.

Contest "Poured, drank, ate"

Competition "In my pants"
The next lesson is physical education. Why is everyone out of shape? So you will now explain why you didn’t bring such (I show pants, there are notes in them) sports pants. And you will begin with the words: “In my pants ...”
(game in progress)

Competition "Where have you been?"
The host stands behind one of the guests, in his hands is a sheet of paper with the name of a particular institution: “Maternity hospital”, “Tavern”, “Sobering-up station” and so on. It is important that the guest does not know what is written there.
Imagine yourself in your favorite place. Where you feel good and can relax and just answer my questions.
(put the chairs with their backs to the audience. I glue the signs on them with adhesive tape, seat the players so that they do not see what is written there and ask them questions)

Do you like this place?
Do you visit there often?
How much time do you spend there?
Should everyone have a place like this?
Have you brought your soulmate there?
Do you prefer it alone or with friends?
Do you remember this place when you haven't been there for a long time?
Do you agree that the time spent there is the best thing in your life?

Now see for yourself where this wonderful place is located.

- I, perhaps, will finish my program in my own words:
Time, unfortunately, is fleeting.
And year after year many years have flown by.
You can't get school back, of course,
But a good memory remains.
See you again for sure!
Meet the sunrise every time!
Meet - it's so priceless!
Meet every 5 years!!!

Competition "Cribs".
This game requires two or more players. They are offered a nostalgic activity - to hide the "cribs" in their clothes. As cheat sheets, each is given a roll of toilet paper. The task of the participants is to hide the roll as quickly as possible, tearing it into small pieces, into pockets, by the collar, etc. The winner is the one who hid the paper most quickly and reliably.

Fir-trees - thick forest sticks! Get fined for downtime!
You quite rightly guessed that now the toast will sound again! For this reason, I suggest that everyone pour into their drinking containers the drink that you are going to consume during the evening.

Raise your hand who would like to have a lot of money (guests raise their hands).
Now raise your hands those who would like to have more money than your boss.
Now raise your hands, those who would like to have as much money as the president.
And now I will tell you the magic recipe. Rub your palms to make them hot. Ruined? And now rub your chest with these hot palms... (pause)... You feel... how the toad lets go!!! And now let's drink to everyone having as much money as they want!!! For this you have to drink!

The happiest time
The children rejoiced
How much laughter
Fun for friends.
I suggest you remember the funniest incident from school life.

Each of us already has a life,
Paths diverged around the world - paths,
And it's great that we're here today
To return to youth at least a little.

Let's not say solemn speeches,
May it be a good and sincere evening,
In the circle of familiar faces, teachers, friends,
I want to raise a glass - FOR YOUR MEETING!

There is a popular sign: If you don’t remember anything in the morning, and your wife doesn’t talk to you, then the evening was a success. So let's drink to the fact that the main thing is a party, and in the morning we'll figure it out.

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