Category. Scenario we meet the old new year of the rooster in the yacht club Game "Merry Alphabet"


A little more, and we will meet the new year. This is a wonderful event, this is a beautiful and long-awaited holiday, this is magic that happens once a year and everyone is waiting for it. School students are especially waiting to arrange a disco and a festive show. They want to celebrate the new year in a modern way, so that everyone will remember it. AND new script for the new year 2017, the year of the rooster for children grade 5-9 is just written in a modern style. New competitions that are understandable to young people, exciting games and much more. Such a scenario will be remembered forever and will be remembered by both students and teachers.

Hello dear guests!
Today we have gathered to say goodbye to 2016 and welcome the new year 2017. are you ready for the holiday? Do you know under whose sign the new year will pass? Yes, it will be the year of the rooster. Tell me, are there among you those who were born in the year of the rooster? I ask three people to come up to my stage.

Three people who were born in the year of the rooster come on stage.

Here they are - the heroes of today's evening! Tell me do you know famous people who were born the same way as you in the year of the rooster? Come on, name them.

Participants name names if they know.

Many famous people were born in the year of the rooster, but we are interested in three of them: firstly, this is Socrates, secondly, this is Elton John and also Alexander Suvorov. do you know these names? Great, so it will be easier for you to blend into their images.

The facilitator invites the participants to draw out cards with images of characters. Whoever pulled out, that one plays.

First, the participants should congratulate the guests on the upcoming new year. And make it so. How could Socrates, Elton John and Suvorov do it.
After that, they are invited to argue about what appeared first - an egg or a chicken. They will take turns arguing. Everyone says, for example, the first appeared (egg or chicken) and gives his arguments.
And finally, the third stage of the competition, where the heroes must show an impromptu dance of the rooster. Each participant has their own music.

Well done, let's applaud our heroes. And we continue our holiday.
And now for the next competition I need two teams of 9 people each.

Participants enter the stage and divide them into two teams of 9 people each. Give each team a sign with letters. If you correctly arrange the letters, you get the inscription - the year of the rooster. That is, each participant gets one plate with one letter. The teams are facing each other. The facilitator asks a question, and the teams must guess it and line up so that they get the answer. The first team to line up and give an answer gets a point in the piggy bank. The team that scores the most points wins.
Riddles for the competition:

Did you run? But they did a great job! Tell me, which one of you likes to take selfies? Yes, everyone loves selfies. But since there are many of you, I ask three people to come up to me who do not represent either morning or dinner. Not an evening without a selfie.

Three people take the stage. They are given such masks of chickens or roosters:

They put them on their faces and arm themselves with their selfie phones. At the command of the host, the participants run into the hall to the audience and they need to take 15 selfies with the guests. Who will be the first to take 15 selfies. He returns to the leader. He is awarded a prize. Then all the selfies taken are thrown onto a disk and shown on the screen. And the audience chooses the best picture and its author is also awarded with prizes.

Many of you have twitter. And of course everyone uses social networks. And if so, then you probably know what a hashtag is. Do you know? Then I ask the participants to come up to me for the game.

We need two or three teams of 4-6 people. Their task is to show the hashtag. That is, the host shows a sign on which the hashtag is written, and the teams think for 20-40 seconds and show it on stage.
Examples for New Year's hashtags:

These are the hashtags you need to show. You can come up with your own. To make it easier or vice versa harder and more fun.

New Year It's time for gifts. Have you already bought gifts for your friends and family? Let me guess - bought them on Ali Express in a Chinese online store? No need to hide, almost everyone does it. Tell me, do you manage to shop there? After all, there is an artificial translation, and in order to understand it, you need to learn it in English language, but ... in general, if someone does not know, then now he will understand everything.

The game is buying gifts in a Chinese online store.
Those who have bought at least once on Ali Express know that the main language on the site is English and Chinese. But the site itself translates into Russian and it turns out such nonsense that ... in general, let's figure out what gifts are and what they are called.
You show the guests on the screen or on the signs the inscriptions, and the guests guess what kind of purchase they are going to make.

For example:
- Head Wear Holiday Red New Year
This is Santa's hat.
- Plastic Gift Under the Christmas Tree Children Joy
This is how plastic Santa Claus is described on Ali Express.
- Beautiful New Year A new style Gzhel Eye Tail Two Wings Gift Children
Yes, this is the symbol of 2017 - the rooster!

You can come up with and see other gift options in the Chinese online store.

Well, we started playing, and some of them can't wait to dance. And very soon the disco will begin. In the meantime, we will hold a lottery draw and you will receive prizes.

Lottery for the new year.
To hold a lottery, you need to go through the hall and let the guests take out lottery tickets from the bag. Each ticket has its own number. Then on the stage you take out the kegs with numbers from the bag. And whoever has the same ticket number goes on stage and takes out a ticket with a prize. A verse is written on the ticket with a prize, and the presenter reads it out and presents the prize.

This cool, cheerful New Year's scenario for the meeting of the Old New Year of the Rooster in the company of yachtsmen, which was written by the modern author Galina Guseva, really liked the site. We hope you enjoy it too. Thanks to the author!

Scenario we meet the Old New Year of the Rooster in the yacht club

Presenter: Well, friends, we are together again,

The Old New Year brought us together.

And though again in a new place,

But still, the yacht club is holding a ball!

I, as always, fussed

Sending Moroz SMS,

Thursday itself, not too lazy,

She drove into the forest for the trees.

Well, it seems, everything was foreseen,

Time to start our evening.

I think now with a report

We need to call the monkey.

Detailed will let us report

At the junction with the year of the Rooster,

How did you spend the past year?

And let's get things done soon.

Under sad music, a monkey enters the hall and sings.

1. "Song of the monkey":

What grief for the monkey!

I couldn't keep track

Mouse scratches on my heart,

Report not done on time!

Ah, the report! What a pain!

Ah, the report! Damn things like that!

no science in mind

I sat down at the table in advance

And I prepared a notebook

Suddenly, in the left ear rang

And I began to sneeze with might and main!

Ah, the report! What a pain!

Ah, the report! Damn things like that!

no science in mind

I didn’t fit in a year, I didn’t enter!

I got the cold.

I've been chilled for a week

I haven't eaten for seven days

Ears and forehead burned with fire!

Ah, the report! What a pain!

Ah, the report! Damn things like that!

no science in mind

I didn’t fit in a year, I didn’t enter!

Monkey: All week I lay in bed,

Influenza tortured me.

Don't believe me? I suffered so much!

I didn't eat, I didn't drink.

I've lost some weight in a week.

Look how haggard, trouble!

Sorry, I didn't write a report.

And it is unlikely that I will write it when.

Host: Okay. Let's do without a report.

But the Rooster will come to take over?

We should call him.

Monkey: Rooster? Of course you have to call!

chicken exit

2. "Song of the Hen":

Ko-ko-ko, I came to you,

New Year's Eve

Instead of Petit-Petushka,

Glad for this meeting.

Peter told me to say

All yachtsmen together

Happy New Year to everyone

Happiness on the perch!

Chicken: Petrusha himself could not come:

Can't sing, no strength.

Came out naked after a shower -

And he caught a cold.

I was sent to you, you see how,

To take things from you.

But it seems that the monkey

There is nothing to accept.

I, my friends, have no doubts

What is she going to tell you here.

After all, she jumped and grimaced,

Instead of business, a whole year!

Monkey: Oh, how are you? Well, fool!

I was sick, here are those cross!

I would go to the chicken coop to my chickens

Cackle out loud, perch!

Chicken: Am I stupid? Dudki!

I can, to the bird yard,

Only one, ask the duck

Have a small talk!

Monkey: You can't say two words,

Only heard: "where-where!"

If you express your thoughts -

I don't fucking understand!

Chicken: Yes, how can you understand

With your little mind?

Your destiny is to jump all your life,

After all, it’s not for nothing that you are a monkey!

Monkey: Yes, I have few brains:

Nature didn't have enough.

But it seems that when partitioning

Completely cheated on you!

Presenter: Enough, stop swearing!

After all, today is the New Year!

Someone is knocking on our door...

Who is coming here for us?

Aunt Cold enters the hall.

Cold: Hello! They didn't call me

But this is not a problem.

After all, I'm invited

I show up sometimes.

Usually visiting people

Cold is not called.

She herself comes.

Look, I'm already here!

3. "Aria of the cold"

Apchi! Apchi!

Apchi! Apchi! Apchi!

You won't get away from me, from the Cold!

You can't escape from me anywhere

You will immediately find a cough and a runny nose.

Barefoot if you walk through the puddles.

Let's have a little

Let's make a draft here

We will open the window

And let's do this:

Let's open our mouths wide

And take a deep breath

Then, surely,

We will all get sick!

Apchi! Apchi!

Apchi! Apchi! Apchi!

You listen to my wise advice:

Do not wear scarves for a walk,

If you don't have warm socks,

Get out and walk barefoot!

Let's have a little

Let's make a draft here

We will open the window

And let's do this:

Let's open our mouths wide

And take a deep breath

Then, surely,

We will all get sick!

Monkey: So that's who spoils the evening!

Who blew us all away!

Chicken: We have a meeting of yachtsmen.

Who let you in here?

Cold: Come on, calm down!

Not even the hour, neurosis

It will pass, and be afraid of it.

Santa Claus is coming to you.

He asked me to tell you

What a little late

I was instructed to entertain you.

When he comes, he doesn't know.

Presenter: Did Santa Claus himself ask you?

Well, so be it.

How will you entertain?

Cold: I want to ask

call assistant here

Hoarseness. Slightly cold.

Presenter: Okay, what a nonsense,

Of course, call.

Cold: Hey, Runny nose, come here!

Your name is, come in!

Runny nose appears, and sings a song, holding out his hands to the Cold.

4. "Song of the Common Cold":

My eyes are closed, I can't see anything.

From tears dizzy, it hurts and everything below.

My nose is stuffed up every day

I sneeze every hour

But still, from your love

I dream fondly.

Ah, the cold, my desire,

You are the whole world, my universe!

When a loved one walks, passes somewhere nearby,

I immediately recognize with my nose - the streams are pouring hail,

My eyes are immediately clouded, the roof slides down easily,

And I look again at point-blank range, and I see nothing!

Oh, cold, a pearl by the sea,

Ah, the cold, my desire,

Oh, cold, my dream and grief,

You are the whole world, my universe!

Chicken: Well, helper! Well, business!

He will infect us all!

Who did she bring us?

After all, it reeks of him!

Monkey: It strikes, strikes for three miles!

I smell alcohol!

Runny nose: Of course, but you know

How does it relieve pain!?

Presenter: Listen, I do not believe

What Santa Claus forgot

Cold, Runny nose for yourself

Invited to visit us!

I'll ask until things are cleared up

Leave you our room.

Cold: We do not need such a lot!

Runny nose: I saw you in the coffin! (shows muzzle)

Chicken: Oh my God! What a scandal!

Don't fight again!

Monkey: I think to help us

It's time to call Frost.

Presenter: But it looks like it's him,

On a sled, he hurries to us.

Chicken: I hear the bells ringing

Monkey: He flies on a troika!

5. Song "This is our Russian Winter!"

Fluffy snow falls from the sky,

Shines silvery hoarfrost,

Soft snow falls from under the horse's hooves,

The troika will run fast

Making the snow swirl

This is our Russian Winter!

hello gentle,

hello snowy,

Hello Zimushka-winter,

Hello, ugly

And frosty

Our Russian Winter!

Horses run, horses run

Eyes tearing in the wind

Bells are ringing,

Louder than jokes, louder than songs

We fly with you together

New Year's Eve begins!

hello gentle,

hello snowy,

Hello Zimushka-winter,

Hello, ugly

And frosty

Our Russian Winter!

With the end of the song “This is our Russian Winter”, the Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Congratulations to all friends!

I congratulate all yachtsmen, and, of course, their guests!

Presenter: Snow Maiden, did you come alone? And where is Santa Claus?

Snegurka: Friends, I didn’t find him, and that’s the whole point.

We have gathered for a banquet,

Champagne even stocked up

And he, think, impudent, yesterday he left, and disappeared,

They told me a secret: they saw him in the chicken coop

Host: It can't be!

Snow Maiden: Believe me, he is trampling chickens now!

Presenter: What an absurdity, what a scandal!

No one has seen this!

Snow Maiden: Oh, you don't believe me? Well then,

Rather take a look here...

Cock music sounds, the Rooster appears.

Rooster: Ko-ko-ko-ko, ku-ka-re-ku, quickly pour the Rooster!

Trouble in the chicken coop! Guys, I'm a little deaf!

They kicked me out of the chicken coop

I am very glad, I am in your hall!

I was running so fast, I was in such a hurry

Got gifts for you!

Here are those wonderful testicles

Demolished my cutie birds!

Presenter: Yes, surprisingly good!

Rooster: They have holiday greetings!

After distributing the balls, he throws Father Frost's robe over the village

Host: What is this?

Rooster: Well, I’m from the cold,

The costume was taken from Santa Claus.

Happy New Year everyone,

I wish you smiles, joy

Glasses higher and fuller

Let the holiday be more fun

After the next toast, the contest "The best congratulations in verse on behalf of Santa Claus, in the guise of his regalia."

See more original New Year's scripts for adults:

In order for everything to work out, it is important not only to learn the role, but also to take care of the scenery, as a small performance is being prepared. Also, do not forget about the costumes and the flow of the text.

Snow Maiden ;
Santa Claus ;
Year of the Monkey;
Year of the Rooster.

In the hall, everyone takes their seats. The light goes out. The voice of a reader sounds.

No one has ever thought about how the New Year comes. And now we will tell you. So, let's begin. In one beautiful country, where the sun hides behind the icy mountains, where the north winds blow, all past years lived in a huge castle, and the coming years were preparing to take on their duties and deeds. This is how the New Year 2017 started.

(The curtain rises. The Year of the Rooster sits on the stage and reads something thoughtfully)

Year of the Rooster:
- So, you need to master one more charter. So little time left. That's bad luck, I'd rather play football, run, jump. But I need to read and learn. And then take the exam, eh.

(A thump is heard. The Year of the Monkey enters the stage)

Year of the Monkey:
Why are you sitting so sad?

Year of the Rooster:
- Why should I rejoice? Wow, how much more to learn! And there, on the street, there is a game, fun, and I'm sitting here, punished!

Year of the Monkey:
- Yes, you can’t even imagine how great it is to be the New Year! This is pure joy and happiness. I'm so satisfied! Everyone respects you, they buy posters with your image, toys, figurines, you feel like a star!

Year of the Rooster:
- What about responsibility? And justification of hopes and plans?

Year of the Monkey:
- But everything is simple here! Wanted, helped, did not want, did not help! You are the master of the year, what you want is what you do!

Year of the Rooster:
Why am I learning everything then? I have Santa Claus to take the exam!

Year of the Monkey:
- It's just a formality. Learn and forget. Get the main clearance. Otherwise, they can appoint your brother again, and he’s out there, how shabby!

Year of the Rooster:
- Will I be the same? No, I'm totally against it! I'm so handsome! I just sewed my new, red-flame suit, by the way, by an exclusive order!

Year of the Monkey:
- And that's all, because your brother followed the rules, so he was shabby. I'm out, I lived for my own pleasure, and look what a fashionista!

Year of the Rooster:
- Yes, I do not want to be the New Year! I want to sleep until noon, fight in the snow, try on new outfits!

Year of the Monkey:
- My friend, that's what I'll say,
Happy New Year
Sleep as much as you want
And you get attention!

They feed you like a king
People in the world are happy for you
It's time for you to grow up
Get your rewards!

Year of the Rooster:
- Maybe you're right, but still, somehow scary!

Year of the Monkey:
- So, come with me, I will show you my corner of fame, and you will understand that the New Year is not scary, but profitable!

(They leave. The curtain falls)

Meanwhile, in his chambers, Santa Claus was talking to the Snow Maiden.

(The curtain rises. On the stage, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden)

Santa Claus :
- It's time to get ready for the road granddaughter, people are waiting for the New Year.

Snow Maiden :
- Then, take an exam today with Petushka, and we'll pack our bags.

Santa Claus :
- I still need to learn new congratulations, do you know how much I still have to do? Maybe this year without an exam?

Snow Maiden :
- No, I'm afraid I can't. He is too young, windy.

Santa Claus :
- I can not disagree with you. Listen, can you take the exam? How about I get ready?

Snow Maiden :
- I? I have never done this, all previous years you have been examining!

Santa Claus :
- There is nothing difficult, and help me!

Snow Maiden :
- All right, let's go and try. And you add up the lists of gifts for now, otherwise it will be like last year, when you left them on the fireplace!

Santa Claus :
- I'll take it, I'll take it. You seem to remember everything.

Snow Maiden :
- Then I'll call Cockerel, and you start learning congratulations!

(Calls. The Year of the Rooster and the Monkey appears on the stage)

Snow Maiden :
- Well, are you ready to take office?

Year of the Rooster:
- Ready, already made a schedule! Here look!

Snow Maiden :
- What's the schedule? What is it you came up with? 14 working days, rest of the weekend?

Year of the Rooster:
- Well, yes! Are we only open on New Year's Eve? We give joy to people, magic and all that?

Snow Maiden :
- Oh you! You have to work all year, keep order in the world, periodically fulfill your dreams, bring happiness to your home. He made it! What a shame! Your whole family proudly carried this honorable time, did not mess around. And you, I don't even want to take your exam. You won't give it up.

Year of the Rooster:
- How so? After all, I taught
I know the whole statute by memory,
Come on ask me
I promise to surprise you!

Snow Maiden :
- To pass this exam,
Little, study well
You need to be an adult
You must not be lazy!

There's a game in your head
You only know to laugh
You sleep late in the morning
You don't have to try!

I'd rather ask my brother
He was an exemplary year,
Never took a day off
He gave joy to all people!

Well, you, the shame of the family,
Give him a day off
And a lot of gifts
Serve everything on a platter!

Year of the Rooster:
- I understood, was not serious! I'll fix it! Give it a chance!

(The Snow Maiden turns to the Monkey)

Snow Maiden :
- Are you guilty? You should have taught him!

Year of the Monkey:
- So I taught, I'm not to blame that he thought of something there for himself!

Snow Maiden :
- And how, tell me, to work with you? The New Year is on the nose, and we have neither the year ready, nor the gifts are folded.

Year of the Monkey:
- I can help with gifts, but for now you hand over the theory!

(Runs away)

Snow Maiden :
- Okay, get ready, I'm going to get tickets!

(The curtain falls)

It became ashamed of the Cockerel for his behavior. After all, he is not from a simple family, but from a very influential, famous one. All his relatives were symbols of this or that year, and he may not continue the tradition, but he was prepared for 12 whole years. He firmly decided that he would fix everything and still get the position.

(The curtain rises. There is a table on the stage on which tickets and a chair are laid out. The Snow Maiden appears)

Snow Maiden :
- Well, are you ready?
- Year of the Rooster:
- Ready!

Snow Maiden :
- Pull the ticket!

(pulls ticket)

Year of the Rooster:
- Ticket number 20. In what color should you celebrate the New Year 2017.

Snow Maiden :
- Time to prepare?

Year of the Rooster:
- No need, so I will answer.

Snow Maiden :
- Start.

Year of the Rooster:
- I'll tell you friends
I love red very much
It has movement and life
I wear it with pleasure!

And I also like blue
Even pale blue
And also golden
Well, so shiny!

So feel free to wear
These are all colors,
And feel free to meet me
You will be happy then!

Snow Maiden :
- Okay. Credited. Pull next.

Year of the Rooster:
- Ticket number 1. What does the Rooster carry with him?

Snow Maiden :
- Ready?

Year of the Rooster:
I will bring you friends
Joy and fun
And I will protect from evil
I'll lift everyone's spirits!

I will drive away darkness and troubles,
I will bring prosperity to everyone
I will fulfill all my dreams,
I will help everyone!

New things and happiness
Everything will come with me, friends,
There will be brightness and wealth,
I promise it!

Snow Maiden :
- Credited. Pull the last one.

Year of the Rooster:
- Ticket number 7. What should be on the festive table. What to feed a rooster?

Snow Maiden :
- Do you need preparation?

Year of the Rooster:
- Very simple, I love
Also, wheat
Put the bowl on the table
It is important not to be lazy!

Greens, vegetables and fruits,
Various salads,
Let the tablecloth be bright
Well, the table is rich!

Snow Maiden :
- Scored! Last question. Do you remember your duties?

Year of the Rooster:
- I haven't finished reading a bit, but before I take office, I promise I'll learn it!

Snow Maiden :
- Good. But, let's call the Year of the Monkey to remind. She learned everything, observed everything, very exemplary.

Year of the Rooster:
- How did you keep it? I thought she didn't learn anything and broke everything!

Snow Maiden :
- Yes, who would take her like that?

(The Year of the Monkey enters the scene)

Year of the Monkey:
- I packed the gifts, did everything, I can give up the place!

Snow Maiden :
- Remind the next year of your duties, but for now I will hurry Grandfather (leaves).

Year of the Monkey:
- Listen, remember everything,
I won't repeat
Bring joy to people
They don't need to be sad!

To those who ask - give love,
Who needs - wealth,
Who is sick - help
Say goodbye to sickness!

And look, make sure that everything
Always in the mood
So that everyone is always friends,
Let go of all the bad!

Year of the Rooster:
- That's a liar! I almost lost my job because of you!

Year of the Monkey:
- How would you like it? I'm a monkey, you can't trust me.

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear on the stage)

Santa Claus :
- We need to get on the road,
And meet the kids
A holiday awaits us, New Year,
He will bring joy to the house!

And also miracles
And goodness is still in full,
And fulfill all dreams
Children, learn poetry!

Snow Maiden :
Soon we will come to you
And we'll bring gifts
Let's sing and dance
And hand out candy!

Santa Claus :
- New Year, are you ready? Passed the exam?

Year of the Rooster:
- Passed.

Santa Claus :
- Did you pack your suitcase?

Year of the Rooster:
- Collected.

Santa Claus :
- Then on the road?

Year of the Rooster:

(All together sing the song of the Disco Accident “The New Year is rushing towards us.” Then they bow and the curtain falls)

There was a long way to go, but magic must live and miracles must happen. The New Year is already on its way, which means that soon all wishes will come true, the bad will be forgotten and gifts will be given.

(Beat all the roles and do not forget about the musical accompaniment. The scene can be shown before New Year's dances or a matinee that will be held by the kids)


Open wide the doors!

Come in quickly!

We invite everyone to our holiday,

Adults, small children!

To make it more interesting

Let's have fun together!

Let's sing, play, dance,

Happy New Year's Eve!

Hello, New Year's holiday, shine of lights,
hello tree, welcome guest, friend of children.
All in brand new toys, in lights,
All in silver crackers and flags.
A very important guest arrived at our New Year's holiday
He has a bright blush, a beard like white fur,
He prepared interesting gifts for everyone.
Happy New Year will congratulate you, dance with you and sing
Who is our guest, guys, this is ...

Baba Yaga comes out, Kikimora, Goblin, Likho

Baba Yaga . ... This is Grandma Yaga. And I will dance and sing and give gifts. And then every year Santa Claus, yes Santa Claus.

kikimora . Why is our Baba Yaga worse?

Leading. Yes, the guys and I somehow did not expect this. Where is Santa Claus anyway?

Goblin . Where where. Resting. That's where.

Baba Yaga. (evil spirits) I lost my grandfather, dear, you will have a grandfather. Follow me! (runs away)

Goblin (leading)
And you shut up, otherwise I’ll take you to a dense forest, cook and eat!

Famously. (Children)
And you, too, shut up, but not that ...

They run away. The Snow Maiden runs.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, wow!

Baba Yaga enters, disguised as Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, where are you behind. I'm looking for you everywhere.

Baba Yaga. Why look for me. I'm here. As agreed, so it came.

Snow Maiden . And where did you leave the faithful snowflakes?

Baba Yaga. Whom? Ah, snowflakes! Yes, here they are, our snowflakes. You just need to beckon them and they will fly. (calling snowflakes) Come to me!

Evil spirits run out, disguised as snowflakes.

Snow Maiden. Weird snowflakes.

Baba Yaga. Yes? And I didn't notice. (looks at them) snowflakes are like snowflakes. sing along!

Evil spirits. We are funny snowflakes. We are smart fluffs.

Baba Yaga. At ease. One, two.

Snow Maiden . Well, come on, grandfather congratulate the guys.

Baba Yaga. I? But as?

Snow Maiden. What are you, grandfather, you need to lead round dances, light the Christmas tree, give gifts to the kids.

Baba Yaga. It's all me?

Snow Maiden. Certainly. You are Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga. Wow, what a troublesome position and this at my age! Well, let's sing songs about the Christmas tree, dance round dances. Snowflakes, sing!

Evil spirits. There was a tree in the forest, there was only one needle on it!

Snow Maiden. Wait, wait, that's the wrong song! Now the guys will show you how to do it right.

Round dance.

Baba Yaga. Round dances led, let's here kerosene with matches.

Snow Maiden. What for?

Baba Yaga. What do you mean why? I will light the tree.

Snow Maiden. You are not ordinary today, grandfather, they light the Christmas tree with the help of magic words and your magic staff. And by the way, where are you so late?

Baba Yaga. Yes, I'm watching football. I like how they skate there ...

Snow Maiden. What are you, grandpa, skating is hockey.

Baba Yaga . What's the difference. What do we have next on the plan?

Snow Maiden. Have a New Year's game with the guys.

Baba Yaga. Game you say? What are we to play? And let's hide and seek! Climb, Snow Maiden, into that bag, and we will look for you.

Snow Maiden. No need, grandfather, we always played trickle!

Baba Yaga . And now let's hide and seek.
(The evil spirits pushes the Snow Maiden into a bag).
Hooray! Ours took!

Leading. Well, what have you done! The guys have neither Santa Claus nor the Snow Maiden left!

Baba Yaga. And what am I! Now we will play with the guys.

Game "Brownie"

Baba Yaga. Okay. I met a real brownie right away. And what do we have next?

Leading. It's time to light the Christmas tree, only the forest dwellers always helped Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga. This is a goblin with Kikimora - then?

Goblin and Kikimora. We are here.

Kikimora. What to set on fire?

Goblin. Whom to scare?

Leading . Well no. Bunnies, squirrels, foxes.

Baba Yaga . Where can I get them? And why are these sitting, let them help.

Game "Depict an animal"

Baba Yaga. Okay, it's time to say the magic words. Hey, Christmas tree, burn!.. Burn, burn brightly, so that it does not go out!.. Everything is not right.

Leading. You need to wave a magic staff, and we will say: "One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!"

Baba Yaga. Let's! (waves staff).

Famously. Let's set it on fire, what are you doing?

Kikimora. It will be beautiful!

The voice of Santa Claus is heard. Santa Claus enters.

Santa Claus.
Santa Claus I'm real, from a deaf, dense thicket,
Where spruces stand in snowdrifts, where snowstorms and snowstorms,
Where dense forests and loose snow.
Hello kids, girls and boys!
How beautiful and elegant you all are!
Something is quiet with you. You don't sing songs, you don't dance dances?
The evil spirits are slowly running away, Baba Yaga is sneaking towards the exit.

Santa Claus. And where is my Snow Maiden? (sees Baba Yaga) And who else is this?

Baba Yaga. I'm Santa Claus!

Santa Claus . And then who am I?

Baba Yaga . How much do I know? Maybe Koschey the Deathless!

Santa Claus . Ah, that's it! (waves hands)
Blizzards break out, bend below the pine, spruce,
Everything that is in this forest, I will fill it up, I will bring it in!

Baba Yaga. Calmly, without nerves, please, with my hands and I know how to wave.

Leading. Wait, now the guys will judge us. Whoever guesses the riddles is Santa Claus.

Santa Claus . Guess, I love riddles.

We both rolled a com.
He has an old hat on.
Nose attached,
and suddenly it turned out...

Baba Yaga. Water. He always wears an old hat.

I can't feel my legs for joy,
I'm flying down the snowy hill.
The sport became dearer and closer to me.
Who helped me with this?

Baba Yaga . Koschei the Deathless. He loves sports very much, especially fights with Ivan Tsarevichs.

Leading. Again wrong.

Santa Claus . Who are you?

Baba Yaga. (Points to the side) Look who's there?

While everyone is watching, she runs away.

Santa Claus . Where did he go? Where is my granddaughter? You can't do without professionals. Eniki, beniks, forest animals appear before me!

Hares enter.

1 hare. (into the radio) Oblique one on the line. Reception.

2 hare. (into the radio) We went to the object, over!

Santa Claus . Bunnies, is that you?

1 hare . The special forces detachment arrived at the appointed place.

2 hare. Tired of us being afraid of everything, we decided to train!

1 hare . I'm not afraid of wolves or foxes in my native forest!

Famously (from around the corner) Wow!

1 hare faints, 2 hare gives him first aid.

Santa Claus. I have trouble, hares, the Snow Maiden has disappeared.

1 hare . Special signs (writes down)

Santa Claus . My granddaughter, snowy.

Leading . She was stolen by an evil spirit led by Baba Yaga.

2 hare . Special signs of the leader.

Leading. What are her signs. Old, evil, harmful.

Baba Yaga ( around the corner) And not old at all, but aged.

1 hare . The task is clear. We get into position.

2 hare . We begin interviewing witnesses.

1 hare. Let's make a sketch of the kidnapper.


Santa Claus . According to such signs, you will immediately find her, and I’ll go ice cream in the refrigerator to refresh myself, otherwise it’s hot here with you (leaves).

2 hare . (into the radio) Oblique 1 Oblique 2. The object in the right sector was not detected. Reception.

1 hare . (into the radio) The perimeter is clear. I go to the collection point. Reception.

2 hare . (into the radio) I'm waiting on the spot. End of connection.

Hares meet in the middle of the stage.

1 hare. Message from East Sector: Object spotted in computer lab. Break into the Internet.

2 hare. We will take.

1 hare. Forward! For grandfather!

The rabbits run away. Evil enters.

kikimora (carries a carrot huge size) Look, eared trackers, what they wanted. Right now, we'll give you some carrots.

Goblin . And neither your grandfather nor your grandmother.

Famously . Glue - didn't you forget?

kikimora . Goblin, do you carry glue?

Goblin. So Likho must bear.

Famously. You said you'd take it yourself!

Goblin. Who said! I said? And what did you say!

Famously. To whom did he say?

kikimora . Okay, I took it. I wanted to check you. Nothing can be ordered!

Goblin. What?!

Famously. Rock on, friend!

kikimora . Calm down, calm down. I was joking. Let's rub the carrots.

Famously. Grease thicker so that they stick well.

Goblin. Don't stick yourself.

Famously . Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

kikimora . Boys, I'm stuck...

A song is heard from afar hares : "Our service is both dangerous and difficult ...".

Kikimora. Unstick me! The rabbits are coming!

Goblin. Sit, don't move, we'll try to tear it off.

Famously . It's just an axe.

Kikimora. I myself!

The song of the hares is coming. Kikimora is trying to break away. Finally she succeeds. The evil is running away. Hares enter.

1 hare . (into the radio) Attention, the object of the carrot is directly ahead.

2 hare . (into the radio) I see the object. I start capturing (grabs a carrot, sticks it).

1 hare. What do you have there (glued)?

The evil spirits run in, with joyful cries they grab the hares and take them away.

Baba Yaga enters, leading the Snow Maiden with a bag over her head.

Baba Yaga. Where do you fit? Get in this corner.

Santa Claus enters.

Santa Claus . (sees Baba Yaga) There you are, Baba Yaga! Give me back my Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga. I took her to the dense forest. The goblin knocks her out of the way there, she will never come out to you!

Leading. They, grandfather, stole the hares too.

Santa Claus. Oh, you scoundrels, give away both the Snow Maiden and the hares, or I’ll freeze them!

Baba Yaga. We'll give it back, we'll give it back, but do the guys need them? Okay, just complete my three tasks.

Leading . Set your assignments.

Santa Claus . The guys and I will make them quickly!

Baba Yaga. Who will wind up the magic ball faster.

A game.

Baba Yaga. Well, you have completed the first task. And now let's check which of you is the most attentive.

A game

Baba Yaga. And the last task: who will dance my evil spirit!

Dance competition.

Santa Claus. We have completed all your assignments. Give us the Snow Maiden and the bunnies.

Baba Yaga. Take it if you can get it out of the dense forest.

Santa Claus . Well guys, can we help? Let's save our friends. So that they can find their way to this hall, we will now divide into two teams: crows and sparrows. At my command, each of you begins to scream with the voice of your bird. Started!

A game.

Baba Yaga brings out the Leshy in the costume of the Snow Maiden. Leshy is exposed. A noise is heard, evil spirits run out shouting: "Help!"

kikimora Protect us, grandma!

Famously - I don't want to die!

The Forest Fairy enters.

Santa Claus - Hello, niece, what made you leave your possessions?

Fairy - In my forest possessions, evil spirits started up. Noise, dirty tricks, all the little animals of the forest were scared away. I already endured, endured, and when Baba Yaga began to offend my bunnies, and put your Snow Maiden in a bag, then I could not stand it! Even though I am a Forest Fairy, I will cast a spell for real.

Baba Yaga - Have mercy! Don't bewitch us!

Goblin - I have stood in the deaf more often for a thousand years in the form of a stump!

Fairy “Then swear that you will never harm anyone again.” kind people

Evil - We swear!

Fairy - (takes out the hares and the Snow Maiden) Here is the Snow Maiden and the bunnies. And I watch the evil spirits!

Snow Maiden:
I'm happy, that's it
It just blossomed
And with me to you on a holiday
I brought a rooster!
Where are you, Petya? Respond!
Appear in front of the tree!

A child dressed as a Cockerel appears from behind the Christmas tree, marching in place.

Aty-baty, aty-baty,
I'm walking towards you guys
Boldly I go forward
To rule the world for a year!
I'm always looking for victories
"Symbol of the year" I'm called!

Hello, Petya-Petushok!
Bright red comb!

Hello everyone, friends!
I came to you with Goodness!
Santa Claus :
Let's celebrate the new year together
The old one will be gone soon.

Snow Maiden The monkey wondered
Everyone was a little teased.


It was sometimes not sweet for everyone,
But everything, in general, is in order. Baba Yaga It was a merry, kind year,
He brought happiness to people.
The year of the rooster is coming. What awaits us in the new year
He knows and he will tell us.
I am very glad to see you all!
We have this schedule:
You don't expect fairy tales
And do not smear with black paint
What you have now.
All fate is in your hands.
Enjoy life, create
Say compliments
And do not regret smiles
Warm the kindness of the soul.
Rejoice in any miracle
I will help you.
You know my temper, right:
I am loyal to friends and cause,
And I love order.
So dear friends
If you value work,
If you bring goodness to the world,
Then with me you are on the way,
Let's get stronger and grow!

Snow Maiden :

Goodbye! Do not be ill!

Have fun, laugh more

Be full of joy.

And healthy and strong!

Santa Claus :

The past year leaves the planet

He is in a hurry to replace the New Year.

Grandpa wants you to study well!

And have fun in the Year of the Rooster!

I want to spend any holiday fun and sincerely, but especially New Year's! The very name and essence of this holiday contains novelty, therefore, from the entertainment program that is organized on its occasion, guests are waiting for something new, original and unusual. At adult parties, guests are waiting not so much for the arrival of Santa Claus with gifts, but for bright colors, impressions, music and fun. To help the organizers, we offer one of the options - C Scenario of the New Year's corporate party-2017 "Roasted Rooster for Special Purpose", where the symbol of the coming year is simply a connecting storyline, and the main focus is on new music, dance and table entertainment for guests. suitable for a company of any composition: colleagues, friends, relatives or guests gathered for an evening of relaxation in a cafe or restaurant. The necessary musical arrangement is attached.

Scenario New Year's corporate party - 2017

While the guests are seated - sounds 0. Cool instrumental

Leading out - Sounds 1. Fanfare

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests! How nice to see you, so beautiful and festive, ready to have fun and be surprised, relax and have fun! Yes, even those gathered on such a wonderful occasion: the meeting of the beloved New Year holiday, from which we all expect so much! Someone meets him with the mood: “Oh, New Year, get rid of the accumulated worries!” Someone with hope: “Ah, New Year, let a miracle come into my life!”. And someone, like you and me, is in a hurry to fill the glasses, because they came to this holiday with the mood: “Wow, New Year, have fun, people!”

First toast(pronounced as guests fill their glasses)

Everyone, everyone who today gathered a cozy hall,

Fill up your glass of champagne!

And the first toast for the meeting! For the drive! For the positive!

Behind friendly company! For the best team! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Sounds 3. Excerpt. Serduchka. Christmas trees

(short banquet break)

Presenter: Yes, the New Year in our country is loved not only for a great weekend and gifts, but, above all, for vivid impressions. And our interest in Eastern symbols: horoscopes, symbols of the year, and so on - only added color to an already beautiful holiday. Agree, most of us do not delve into philosophical and scientific research on this subject, but we are happy to perceive costume and musical forecasts and entertainment associated with the signs of the zodiac and animals, personifying the symbol of the outgoing and coming year. Our program “Roasted Rooster of Special Purpose” is no exception, in which it is the musical astrological forecast for 2017 help us get to know each other! (or greet each other once again - if the company is well acquainted with each other)

Musical introduction of guests "Comic astrological forecast"

(The hosts can use this game moment for a real acquaintance, for this, after each greeting, you can approach the representatives of each sign and get to know each other. But if there are a lot of guests, then either this should be done selectively or excluded so as not to delay the game and not bring down program dynamics.

Presenter: Dear guests, now your attention will be offered an astrological forecast for 2017, the symbol of which according to the eastern calendar will be the Fire Rooster. For each sign, this proud handsome man found a kind word, but in order for his positive predictions to come true, you and I, when listening, need to charge them with our energy, making appropriate internal and external messages. So, for whom the forecast sounds, we get up, listen and make “magic” movements after me to the music.

And I would like to see everyone first, who was born in the year of the rooster, are there such in the hall? Rise up, let everyone admire and remember you, because today you are the lucky ones and the guests, for sure, will want to touch you today as often as possible. And this prediction is for you. (or the last phrase may sound like this: "Greetings to the minions of fate of the coming year!")

Raise your wings, you are our happy ones,

Under the victory cry: "Ha-ha!" Let's dance and flap our wings together!

Sounds 4. excerpt from Pugachev. Arlekino.

(The presenter shows the movement: waving her hands to the beat of the music and shouting: ha ha, all guests born in the year of the Rooster do it with her)

Now don't be humble, get up from your seat Aries! (rising)

Aries is waiting for success in love,

If right now they have enough air kisses for everyone!

Sounds 5. Excerpt Tarkan

(The presenter sends air kisses to the hall, making welcome movements to the beat of the music, all guests born under the sign of Aries do it with her)

And where are our beauties and well done, born under the sign Taurus?! (rising)

And Taurus is waiting for a good year,

Future success in business and career - clap your hands!

Sounds 6. Clap clap

(The presenter claps to the beat of the music, then at the left shoulder, then at the right, then over her head, all guests born under the sign of Taurus do it with her)

Next forecast for Gemini...........................................................................................................................


(musical and dance forecast for all signs of the zodiac is carried out)

Presenter: After such a playful acquaintance and several toasts, the atmosphere in the hall became somehow more sincere, and you also became closer and more understandable to each other, do you agree? Yes, it’s such a holiday, a crafty magician, from whom we all expect miracles, but for now we wait, without noticing it ourselves, we create them slowly ourselves: we decorate the house and the Christmas tree, prepare a festive table, buy gifts for relatives and prepare surprises for friends. And the last hours before the onset of the New Year in a family or company, as a rule, pass in pleasant, but rather ordinary, chores: food is purchased, salads are cut, a festive dress is ironed, etc. But, for sure, there are those who rush to the bathhouse, sit in front of the TV or ride down the hill, are there any in the hall? (guests answer) And, let's, now with the help of imagine how the day and evening of December 31 goes in an average Russian family. After all, for us, the New Year is, first of all, a family holiday, so we will imagine that we are a big friendly family. And every time you hear the word in the text of a fairy tale "Family"- quickly hug the nearest neighbors and shout: "Happy together!". Understandably? Let's try! "Family!" - guests hug and shout. Great, now just select the main characters and start.

- (referring to one of the guests - a man). Here you are, man, what is your name? (answers). Do you have a family? ……................................

- Table role-playing tale "Happy Together"

Actors and lines:

Christmas tree: "I'm on fire!"

Fridge: "Sho, again!"

Dad: "I'm only 5 drops!"

Mother: "Begins!"

Youngest daughter: "I love the New Year!"

Elder brother (son): "I'll quit on FIG!"

Family (all guests): "Happy together!" (hugs)

presenter - reads text


...... And at this time Dad... rushed to Refrigerator... quickly grabbed vodka and snacks. Mother...., noticing this, she also rushed to Refrigerator..., in a hurry almost dropped Christmas tree... and not knocked down youngest daughter…But Dad... has already firmly mastered his prey ..............................


Presenter: And, really, it's time to drink for the love and family well-being of each of us!

Sounds like 19. Serduchka. New Year's

- Dance competition "New Year's melodramas"

Presenter: Tell me, did anyone notice that in our history one very important character of a family holiday was missing, without which, even in our technological age, not a single December 31st can do in any family? What's this? (guests answer, someone will definitely call the TV). Of course, this is a TV, it is on it, while preparing for the new year, we watch our favorite cartoons and melodramas, and under it, with the chimes and the president's speech, we meet his offensive. So, do you mind if we give him a well-deserved place in our program? I ask those who wish to find or keep love in the coming 2017 to come to me.

(Participants leave, the host invites everyone to bring a partner of the opposite sex from the hall, ready-made musical accompaniment is offered for eight couples, but the organizers, depending on the available props: hats, shawls, etc. elements of national clothing or the number of guests, can add or choose only a few of them.After the pairs are formed, each of them is given the appropriate props, as representatives of one of the countries or nationalities: Americans, Africans, Egyptians, Spaniards, Gypsies, Indians, Turks and Russians. The host explains the essence of the competition)


Music tracks for each couple - folder NEW YEAR MELODRAMA

(Couples take turns dancing to their music tracks, then the audience can determine the best couple or everyone gets small prizes)

Presenter: Thanks to the participants! Talented, funny, sincere! And now we are also talentedly forming a dance engine and going to the hall, joining all the guests! Everybody is dancing!

Sounds like 20. Tishman. Drunk happy - all guests go to the dance floor

- Dance animation for the year of the Rooster "Raised their tails"

(when all the guests went to the dance floor, the host can organize a general dance - an animation, the movements are clear from the text of the song: hips, eyes, hands)

Sounds 21. Animashka

dance break


Sound 1. Fanfare

Presenter: Dear guests, we will definitely return to dancing, and now I ask you to return to your tables!

While the guests are seated - sounds 21. New Year's screensaver(quiet at the end)

presenter(begins to speak without waiting for the track to end, on the final sounds of the intro): Our program continues! And we all continue to believe that we have not gathered in vain, and we are not having fun at all in vain, and that the New Year will definitely be happy!!! And to make it so, let's fill our glasses and drink to the bottom for our hopes!

Sounds 22. Toast of happiness

Sounds 23. Fairy tale. This New Year is coming

(short banquet break)

- Board game "Roast Rooster Mission"

(The game can be played in different ways. The first option is suitable for a small company - everyone takes turns saying the first thing that comes to mind in rhyme. The second option - the guests write options to themselves in advance, then all the notes are mixed up and thrown into a hat, which is passed from hand to hand, the presenter periodically says: “stop”, whoever has a hat at that moment - randomly takes out a note and reads it. The third one is given below)

Option 3. The rules of the game are similar to those in option No. 2, a hat with notes is also transmitted, but here, for the dynamics of the action, the notes are invented and printed out in advance, and to enhance the humorous moment, a music track is also recorded in advance, which is constantly interrupted by the cries of a rooster. On whom, when handing over the hat, the rooster “screams”, he takes out a note and reads it. More than 20 ready-made answers are attached, you can add something of your own to the list or, vice versa, shorten it by selecting only the ones you like the most.


1 . When it bites, I promise ...

- "Kama Sutra" read!


8 . When it bites, I promise ...

- I'm scuba diving!


Sounds 25. Village of fools + rooster cries

- Team musical game "And finally I will sing"

Presenter: This, of course, is a joke, and yet, I sincerely wish that the Rooster pecked us all today, but gently and lovingly, just to remind you that the new year is a wonderful occasion to change your life for the better! But, before this happens, you need to say goodbye to the symbol of the outgoing year, the Monkey, she herself offers to do it mysteriously and fun, with the help of a musical game with her participation “And finally I will say”


(fun, colorful and musical entertainment for guests, dedicated to the symbol of the outgoing year - the Monkey

(Pictures and music tracks are attached - MONKEY folder)


- Table comic-romantic interactive "Seeing off the old year"

Presenter: Yes, in what, in what, but you can’t refuse the humor of the current mistress of the year. I propose to fill the glasses and just so kindly and cheerfully symbolically say goodbye to her. At the same time, remember all the good things that each of you or your loved ones had this year and thank the oriental beauty for this and the year that goes with her! Are there people in the hall who can say publicly about the pleasant events of 2016? Maybe someone got a promotion? Or an addition to the family? (passes around guests who are talking about their achievements into the microphone). Well, great, we remember and clink glasses for the outgoing one, and for now we will sum up the results of the music competition.

Sounds 26. Dance of memories

Sounds 27. Sax - stop by situation Sounds like 28. Leps. New Year dance break


Callsigns sound again to continue the program, the presenter goes to the center

Sound 1. Fanfare

Presenter: Dear guests, time at our party is running fast! It seems that some magician specially accelerated its course ... But who could it be? Certainly someone who benefits from it. And this is only beneficial ... right, the symbol of the coming year is the Fiery or, as we jokingly called it, the Roasted Rooster! He is in a hurry, and we do not mind, especially since we have already mentally said goodbye to the Monkey, which means we are striving and tuned in to the future, new and happy! Are there those in the hall who also want to be especially noted this year? I invite five to participate in our traditional fun undertaking.

(participants come out, draw out one of the pre-prepared cards with the words and the name of their character)

- New Year's Impromptu with chairs "Rooster, we are here!"

The essence of entertainment: there are six chairs on the “stage”, on which the participants sit in random order. The facilitator reads the text, every time one of the participants hears a mention of his character (in any case and number), he jumps up and, shouting his line loudly, runs around the chairs, then sits down on his chair again until he again hears about to your character. When the participants hear the word “Guests”, they jump up and run all together, shouting together the word “Pour!”. If during the game, someone makes a mistake, they don’t delete him and the game doesn’t stop - there are no losers in this venture, it is conceived simply for the entertainment of guests and participants (although encouraging participants with small prizes will not hurt)

Actors and lines:

Monkey: "And who is without a flaw ?!"

New Year: "Rooster, we are here!"

Holiday: "I'm such a prankster!"

Gifts: "Come on!"

Santa Claus: "Brought gifts"

Guests: "Pour it up!" (for all participants)

Impromptu text

How much our people love HOLIDAYS, so that GUESTS come, bring GIFTS, congratulate them on their birthday or Happy NEW YEAR!.................


- Table chant "Rooster of special purpose"

Presenter: I'm sure that the symbol of 2017 definitely noticed those who participated in this fun runner, it's good, only ... "only this is not enough"! We need him to remember, and then not deprive of his grace, all those present in this hall, right!? This was his "special purpose" specifically for us. And therefore loudly, amicably and resolutely shout to him about it, right? So, I read the first four lines, and you all together shout the phrase: special purpose ”after the word Rooster, in each quatrain, of course. Then let's go!


....... Presenter: And let your fire shine a little on us,

So that love reigns and children laugh,

Changes in finances and career were for the better,

You can do anything, Rooster ...

All guests (in chorus):…special purpose!......

- Video clip "New Year's anthem"

(guests sing against the background of the karaoke video clip the reworked comic text of the anthem, make wishes under the chimes and clink glasses cheerfully with each other)


- General dance entertainment "Snow-Fire Dances"

Lead to dance fun:

Presenter: Dear, most wonderful guests in the world, this is how our program imperceptibly approached the finale and, in order to put in it not just a beautiful point, but an exclamation mark, I ask you together, otherwise it cannot be, after everything that happened between us , go to the dance. a field where we will arrange our already traditional dance battle, this time it will be dedicated to the future kingdom of the Fire Rooster in our snowy and harsh country. So wall to wall! Our "Snow-fire dances" begin!

While they are coming out - sounds O. Wall to wall from the folder SHAPING


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