The best among hybrids is cucumber Druzhnaya Semya from SeDek


A cucumber with a cheerful name Friendly family F1 has recently appeared on garden plots, but has already earned positive reviews. You can form your own opinion about it by reading the description and studying the characteristics of this wonderful variety.

Description of cucumber varieties Friendly family F1

The Friendly Family F1 hybrid was bred by breeders for mass cultivation by farmers in farms and for cultivation by amateurs in small household plots.

This variety, which has shown itself well both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions, has the following characteristics:

  1. Medium early maturation.
  2. The variety is parthenocarpic - pollination is not required for the formation of the ovary.
  3. The ovaries are arranged in bundles at the nodes - they are usually 2-4 on the main stem, 6-8 on the lateral branches.
  4. Indeterminate - its main stem is capable of constantly growing.
  5. The yield is high - 10 kg / m², bears fruit for a long time, until frost.
  6. Not demanding to care.
  7. Resistant to most known diseases that affect cucumbers.

The fruits of the cucumber Family F1 are cylindrical in shape and small, only 10-15 cm long, at maturity. Green skin with short, not too obvious white stripes, covered with medium-sized tubercles and spines. Cucumber pulp is dense, tasty, without bitterness.

Advice. Cucumbers can be removed at the stage of pickles, when they reach 3-5 cm. They have an excellent fresh taste, but go more in pickles and marinades.

How to grow a friendly family in a seed bed

When the soil finally warms up to + 15 ... + 18 ° С, seeds can be sown in the ground. Wells should be prepared in advance, which need to be dug in 50-60 cm in one or two rows. With the trellis method of growing, the holes are thicker - after 20 cm. In each of them, 4-5 seeds are sown 2 cm deep and covered with a film. Water moderately, every 5 days with warm water. Further care is no different from the rules for caring for other varieties of cucumbers.

Seeds of Druzhnaya Semeyka variety

Methods for growing a friendly family in the open field

In the garden, you can grow cucumbers in several ways, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Cultivation raised. With this method, cucumber lashes, evenly distributed on the ground, absorb the maximum amount of solar energy. However, this method also has many disadvantages - cucumbers located directly on the soil are always dirty, especially after rain, they are inconvenient to collect. If during the care of the plant the position of the lashes and leaf blades changes, fruiting worsens.
  • Growing a friendly family on a trellis. First, stakes are driven into the place of the beds, to which a rail is attached from above. Tapestries can be low (0.5 m) and high (1 m and above). When using the first option, the cucumber stalks are not fixed, but simply thrown over the rail. In the second case, the lashes of cucumbers are tied with twine. With the trellis method of growing, it is convenient to take care of the plants, they are well lit and ventilated, which ensures long-term fruiting.

Advice. It is most convenient to grow cucumbers on a trellis. Harvesting is very easy, cucumbers are always clean and in plain sight.

  • Growing in barrels. This is a non-standard, but very convenient method. The barrel is filled with rotted manure and grass. Top with a layer of earth and water well. 5-6 dry seeds are sown on one barrel in a circle and covered with a film. The growing lashes will simply hang down. With this method of growing, plants are well lit, require minimal care, and it is convenient to harvest. The main advantage of this method is the early ripening of cucumbers.

Judging by the reviews of gardeners who have already tried to grow the Friendly Family F1 hybrid, we can conclude that it is absolutely undemanding. With minimal care and any planting method, this variety is able to provide fresh cucumbers from early summer until autumn frosts.

Varieties of cucumbers: video

Variety Friendly family F1: photo

Description of the variety Cucumber Cheerful family F1 (A)

Early maturing self-pollinating hybrid for closed ground. Bundle formation of ovaries. Zelentsy are slightly tuberculate, white-thorned, 7-9 cm long, crispy, fragrant, without bitterness, in pickling they remain dense and crispy. Ideal for fresh consumption, pickling and canning.

Agricultural technology
Cucumbers are grown by sowing seeds in the ground or through seedlings. To obtain seedlings, seeds are sown in late March - early April, to a depth of 1-2 cm, at a temperature of 25 degrees. Seedlings are planted in the ground when the threat of frost has passed. Cucumber seeds are sown in soil warmed up to 14-15 degrees, at the end of May. The depth of embedding is 1-1.5 cm. The crops are covered with a film. Planting pattern 60x15 cm. For excellent yields, it is necessary to water with warm water, top dressing every 2 weeks, weeding, loosening. Irregular harvesting of fruits reduces the yield.


An abundance of delicious gherkins.
Tolerates sudden changes in temperature. Parthenocarpic hybrid for protected and open ground. From germination to fruiting 38-42 days. More than 5 ovaries in a knot. The fruits are cylindrical in shape, without bitterness, 10-12 cm long, dark green in color with short stripes, large-tuberous, white-thorned. Weight 90-120 g. Resistant to cladosporiosis, powdery mildew, root rot, cucumber mosaic virus. Recommended for pickling.

Kira Stoletova

Cucumbers are one of the most common vegetable crops. To get an early harvest, gardeners equip greenhouses, for which the most suitable option is parthenocarpic hybrids (which do not require pollination). One of the modern popular varieties is cucumbers Friendly family.

The variety was included in the State Register in 2003 Russian Federation, Recommended for cultivation in different climatic zones. It has become widespread in farms and garden plots.

Variety characteristics

Cucumber Friendly family F1 has a medium early ripening period, begins to bear fruit on the 43-45th day after the shoots appear. The bush of the plant is medium tall, with medium weaving. Indeterminate - unlimited growth, due to which it can bear fruit for a long time. Belongs to the type of beam. This means that several ovaries are formed at once in the axil of the leaf: on the main stem - 2-4, on the lateral ones - 6-8.

Zelenets has a size of 10-12 cm, but it can be collected at the stage of pickles - 4-5 cm. The bright green fruit has a cylindrical shape, a diameter of up to 3 cm. The surface is medium-tuberous, with white spines. The pulp is dense, without bitterness.

The variety is intended for cultivation in closed ground, where there is a problem with the pollination of flowers. For parthenocarpics, bees are not needed. Although gardeners have experience in growing these cucumbers in the open field.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cucumber seeds Friendly family F1 are quite expensive, as they are obtained as a result of selection work. It will not work to collect your own seed, because. parthenocarpics do not form seeds, the fertilization process does not occur. Even if some female flowers can be pollinated by bees, the seeds will not produce offspring with varietal properties, like all hybrids. This is one of the few disadvantages of the variety for the consumer.

Advantages of the cucumber variety Friendly family:

  • high yield - 10 kg per sq.m (according to some reports, it can reach 17-20 kg);
  • good and excellent taste;
  • versatility in use: suitable for fresh consumption, as well as for pickles and pickling;
  • resistance to many diseases of the gourd family.

It must be remembered that during pollination of parthenocarpics, if seeds are formed, greens can be deformed, bitterness may appear.

Growing features


This hybrid has no special requirements for agricultural technology. General requirements for landing:

  • loose, well-manured soil;
  • recommended predecessors - tomatoes, cabbage;
  • temperature not lower than 15°C.

In the greenhouse, cucumbers are usually planted in seedlings. The landing time depends on the type of greenhouse, the conditions created in it. In a heated one, you can start growing as early as February, with solar heating - in April - early May (depending on temperature). Young plants should have 4-5 true leaves.

Scheme of planting cucumber seedlings: the distance between the holes in a row is 30-50 cm (depending on the characteristics of the plant), between the rows is 120 cm. The depth of seeding is 2 cm. Before planting, moisturizing watering is carried out, soil aeration is provided.

Excellent results were obtained by gardeners who grew cucumbers in greenhouses on warm beds.


Water the cucumbers with warm water (25 ° C) under the root 2-3 times a week (an excellent option is drip irrigation). Do not allow the soil to dry out and water to stagnate. After watering, loosening is carried out, weeds are destroyed. It is combined with top dressing with organic and inorganic fertilizers.

To obtain high yields, tying and pinching is carried out in a timely manner. The wire for tying the bushes is pulled at a height of 1.8-2 m. Twine is tied to it, the plants are fixed with a free loop under 2-3 leaves, preventing them from being crushed.



Early maturing self-pollinating hybrid for closed ground. Bundle formation of ovaries. Zelentsy are slightly tuberculate, white-thorned, 7-9 cm long, crispy, fragrant, without bitterness, in pickling they remain dense and crispy. Ideal for fresh consumption, pickling and canning.

Agricultural technology
Cucumbers are grown by sowing seeds in the ground or through seedlings. To obtain seedlings, seeds are sown in late March - early April, to a depth of 1-2 cm, at a temperature of 25 degrees. Seedlings are planted in the ground when the threat of frost has passed. Cucumber seeds are sown in soil warmed up to 14-15 degrees, at the end of May. The depth of embedding is 1-1.5 cm. The crops are covered with a film. Planting pattern 60x15 cm. For excellent yields, it is necessary to water with warm water, top dressing every 2 weeks, weeding, loosening. Irregular harvesting of fruits reduces the yield.

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