Giant description. The Jersey Giant is a giant meat breed of chicken from the United States. Benefits of the Jersey Giant breed


Almost every owner of a private house or cottage keeps chickens in his farmstead, because these unpretentious birds allow you to get fresh high-quality eggs and meat all year round. Naturally, for this purpose it is necessary to choose the right breed with meat or egg productivity.

One of the youngest, but no less promising breeds is the Jersey giant. Representatives of the species have many advantages, but at the same time they also have some features that must be taken into account when keeping and breeding. In this article, we will consider not only the features of the appearance and character of the Jersey giants, but also pay attention to the main nuances of keeping and feeding these birds.

jersey giant

The Jersey Giant is considered one of the youngest breeds, because it was bred at the beginning of the 20th century. These chickens were bred in the USA, in the state of New Jersey, thanks to which they got their name.

A distinctive feature of the breed is that its adult representatives reach a fairly large weight, because initially the Jersey giants were bred specifically for meat. Hens are relatively small, as they weigh only 4 kg, while roosters can weigh up to 6-7 kg (Figure 1).

Figure 1. External features of the breed

Despite the large weight of the birds, they are not very often bred on an industrial scale. This is due to the peculiarities of keeping birds, although it is quite justified to grow Jersey giants at home.

Description of the breed of chickens Jersey giant

If you just look at the photo of the Jersey giants without reference to scale, it may seem that these are the most ordinary birds. But in fact, these chickens are really large (Figure 2).

Other exterior features include:

  1. External attractiveness: Jersey giants are very beautiful and stately birds. Males have a large head, which is crowned with a large erect red crest.
  2. The neck is thick, covered with a thick layer of plumage. The belly and chest are massive, so the center of gravity noticeably shifts in birds, which gives their posture a characteristic pride.
  3. The tail is very magnificent and beautiful, and this feature applies not only to roosters, but also to hens.

Figure 2. Exterior Features

An interesting feature of the breed is that such birds have short, but strong, wide-set legs. In addition, females are only slightly inferior to males in size, but look more squat.

Note: Except external features, which distinguishes the Jersey giants from ordinary laying hens, it is worth highlighting the extremely calm nature of these birds.

Despite the fact that a variety of breeds, including Indian fighting cocks, were crossed to breed the Jersey Giant, representatives of the species have a very mild docile character. And this is an obvious plus of the breed, because even a small but aggressive rooster can cause serious injuries to a person. If we imagine that large Jersey roosters had such aggression, the breed would hardly be bred in households.

Separately, we should dwell on the color of the Jersey giants. Initially, representatives of this species were completely black, but after the breed was brought to England, active breeding work began to obtain other colors. As a result, white jersey giants were bred in England, and blue framed ones in Germany. Despite the fact that the color of the breed can be the most diverse, according to generally accepted world standards, white, blue-edged and black with an emerald sheen are considered characteristic of the species. Any other shades of plumage are a reason for culling an individual.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The Jersey giant has a lot of advantages. Firstly, these birds are distinguished by their large weight, and they gain it quickly enough.

Note: Average weight an adult can reach 6 kg, although some roosters can weigh more than 7 kg.

At the same time, birds gain maximum weight within one year, so it does not make sense to keep birds for further slaughter for meat for longer than this period. Secondly, the birds are distinguished by a rather early start of oviposition, which is not typical for breeds of the meat direction of productivity. At the same time, the average weight of one egg is about 55 grams, and all of them are covered with a dense brown shell.

Among other advantages of the Jersey giant, one should highlight the softness and complaisance of character. Even the largest roosters are peaceful and calm, and rarely get into fights. Females have a well-developed maternal instinct, they hatch eggs well and take care of the young. In addition, birds are unpretentious to the conditions of keeping and feeding, but at the same time, both eggs and meat are distinguished by high palatability.

However, along with the advantages, the Jersey Giant chickens also have certain disadvantages:

  1. With improper feeding, birds can develop obesity, which negatively affects the health of the individual and its productivity.
  2. If the content of chickens lasts more than a year, the meat loses its nutritional and taste qualities. In combination with average egg production, this disadvantage indicates that it makes no sense to keep Jersey giants for more than a year.
  3. Since the birds are quite large in size, it is necessary to equip a spacious poultry house and paddock for their maintenance. With a lack of free space, birds gain weight much more slowly and often get sick.

It is the last point related to the conditions of detention that explains why the Jersey giants are rarely kept on an industrial scale. In fact, these birds are considered rare and are grown mainly in households where it is possible to build a large poultry house and spacious range for livestock.

Most often, chickens of this breed are not bred on their own, but chickens are bought, which are later grown. However, if the farm already has several representatives of this species, it is quite possible to bring out the young in an incubator. After the chicks have hatched, they need to be moved to a warm room (Figure 3).

Note: On average, for 20-30 chickens, a plot of 60 * 60 cm is required.

In order for the young to develop normally, it should be provided with an unlimited amount of warm water, as well as lighting for the chicks for 14 hours a day. In the future, it is necessary to provide the birds with optimal living conditions, because they gain the bulk of the body precisely in the first year of life.

Figure 3. Content Features

First of all, you need to take care of arranging a quality poultry house:

  1. For the normal development and preservation of the productivity of one individual, about 0.5 square meters free space. Knowing the number of livestock, you can independently calculate the optimal area for keeping chickens.
  2. The chicken coop should have good lighting, which directly affects the productivity of individuals. In the summer, you can provide the birds with the necessary amount of light with the help of large windows, but in winter you will have to connect artificial lighting. On average, for normal chicken coop lighting, it will be enough to install one light bulb for every 10 square meters of area.
  3. Due to their heavy weight, Jersey giants not only do not fly, but rarely rise to a height of more than 50 cm. Based on this feature, perches and nests are installed half a meter from the floor.
  4. The litter should also be approached taking into account the dimensions of the breed. So that the birds do not accidentally get injured when falling from a perch or nest, it is necessary to lay a layer of bedding on the floor, at least 15 cm thick. In the future, you will need to constantly monitor its level.

A prerequisite for keeping the Jersey giants is a spacious paddock. Birds should be in the fresh air for a long time, and it is desirable that each individual had plenty of space for walking. In cramped conditions, chickens slowly gain weight and lose their productivity in general. But, since representatives of this species practically do not fly, walking can not be fenced off with a high fence (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Breeding

Separately, mention should be made of the arrangement of nests for laying hens. Since females are heavy, they often crush eggs in nests. To prevent this from happening, under each nest you need to equip a special slope and a container for collecting eggs.

Note: Jersey giants tolerate low temperatures well. The only vulnerable area of ​​​​their body is the scallop, which can freeze even at zero temperature. to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to maintain a positive temperature in the bird, and if this is not possible, lubricate the combs of the birds with oil.

No less attention should be paid to feeding birds depending on age:

  1. In the chicks, immediately after hatching, nutrients still remain in the crop, so they can not be given food on the first day. In the future, in the first three days of life, it will be enough to give the chickens chopped boiled eggs (1 piece for every 20 individuals). Gradually, the amount of food consumed increases, and the diet changes: bone and fish meal, whey and cottage cheese, boiled potatoes, fresh beets or carrots in chopped form are introduced into the menu. All new feeds are introduced gradually: on average, by the age of two months, the daily amount of feed consumed will already be 200 grams per individual.
  2. Young animals, starting from the age of three months, switch to an adult diet, and since it is during this period that they begin active growth, feeding should be enhanced. Since the Jersey giants quite successfully eat various insects and fresh greens in the summer, they do not lack nutrients. Accordingly, it is better to lay eggs in an incubator in such a way that the young hatch in the warm season. In the cold season, when the birds cannot eat pasture, food is given out two or three times a day, and the basis of the diet should be compound feed, on the basis of which wet mixers are made. The composition of such a mash must necessarily include steamed compound feed, cereals soaked in water, bread, fresh herbs and vegetables. At night, it is desirable to give compound feed mixed with coarse grain. Such food is digested for a long time, which means that the bird will gain weight better.
  3. Layers in the diet must include chalk, crushed shell or lime. These products are necessary for the formation of a strong eggshell.
  4. In the poultry house, a separate container with sand or crushed limestone must be installed. This is not only a source of valuable minerals, but also the product that prevents the formation of lumps in the digestive tract.

In winter, the diet of birds must be saturated with protein feed, but it is better to organize rearing in advance in such a way that by the onset of severe cold weather, the birds have gained maximum weight and are ready for slaughter.

What are the diseases of the Jersey Giant chickens?

Jersey Giants, like other chickens, are susceptible to certain diseases, although they are generally considered to be quite hardy and resilient.

Note: To prevent infections, immediately after hatching, the chickens are given a course of antibiotics, and then antihelminthic drugs are also added.

But most often the Jersey giants suffer from mycoplasmosis. To prevent infection with this disease, you need to protect the birds from wild relatives as much as possible and constantly maintain cleanliness in the chicken coop. It is advisable to cover the paddock with a roof so that feces or feathers of wild birds do not get inside.

Obesity is considered another common problem of Jersey giants, so the diet of birds must be balanced in terms of key nutrients. In females, prolapse of the oviduct is often observed, due to which the individual may die. As a preventive measure for this pathology, it is necessary to provide the birds with spacious rooms and walking areas for keeping.

You will find a detailed overview of this unusual breed in the video.

The desire of any farmer is that his farm should be profitable in the first place. In order to get a much higher yield of meat products, private farms are trying to start mainly meat varieties of chickens. When thinking about buying chickens, you should pay attention to the Jersey Giant: a breed of chickens, whose individuals are among the largest in the world.

Breed overview

A little-known, but beloved by breeders breed of giants successfully combines best qualities domestic chicken, being at the same time a strong and hardy bird. Having appeared relatively recently in Russia, the giants are of great interest to poultry farmers. Let's see what causes it and what is Jersey. Let's get acquainted with the appearance and features of the content of this breed.


1992 is considered the date of official registration of a new breed of chickens. It was first bred by American farmer Wuham Dexter in the summer of 1915. Exported to England in 1921, they underwent further selection in order to consolidate genetics. The distribution of the bird throughout Europe allowed experiments to be carried out in other countries. Therefore, if the first individuals of Jersey had only black color, then blue and white gradually began to appear.

However, there are some guesses that the selection of this bird was carried out a little earlier, by the brothers John and Thomas Blackie. After spending more than 20 years breeding and crossing large chickens, they got a giant with black plumage. Today, this chicken is a fairly rare bird and is very popular with poultry farmers.


As you can see in the photo, this super heavy chicken has a long and rather heavy body, with a deep, well-developed chest, as well as a horizontal back. The straight, vertically located crest of giant males is divided into six distinct teeth. Strong, but strongly curved beak is small. Jersey's earrings are bright red, devoid of the slightest wrinkles and folds. The large head rests on a rather powerful neck.

The main decoration of the giant is a magnificent fluffy tail, located at an acute angle in relation to the back. The bird has a smooth, but rather dense plumage. Medium-sized wings are tightly pressed to the body. Widely spaced paws of giants with well-developed muscles are covered with lush feathers, and thick, medium-length fingers are distinguished by a bright yellow color. As can be seen from the photo, the imposing hen has a description similar to that of a rooster, but due to its lower stature, it has a squat appearance.

Due to the different colors, three subspecies of Jersey are distinguished:

  1. Black - has the appropriate plumage with an amazing emerald sheen. The black beak has a slight yellowness at the end. The metatarsus is also endowed with a yellowish tan.
  2. The white giant has a corresponding color, giving off yellowness on the beak and metatarsus.
  3. The blue or bordered color is distinguished by magnificent tints of all shades of gray with glimpses of blue. It has a black beak with yellow at the end and almost black metatarsus, the lower part of which is cast yellow.


Given that the weight of such a chicken reaches six kilograms, Jersey fully justifies its name. These giants are excellent suppliers of excellent meat, because a one-year-old cockerel can reach a weight of five kilograms, and a productive laying hen - at least 3.5 kg. During the first five months of life, chickens experience an active weight gain, the rate of which decreases significantly in the subsequent period. This makes their further maintenance unprofitable, despite the fact that the chicken continues to grow little by little.

A characteristic feature of the Jersey Giants is a relatively early egg-laying, starting at the age of seven months. Throughout the entire period, the laying hen is able to produce about 180 pieces of eggs with a dense brown shell. The initial weight of the egg is on average 55 grams, later increasing to 62 grams. Comparing the description of giants with ordinary chicken, you can see that the latter is inferior in almost everything.

But there are also unacceptable disadvantages that reduce the value and lead to culling:

  • plumage with uncharacteristic colors;
  • discrepancy between the color of the metatarsus and eyes to the developed standard;
  • low live weight;
  • physique uncharacteristic for the breed.

Content Features

Based on the feedback from the owners of the farms, it can be confidently stated that the maintenance of Jersey does not present any particular difficulties. True, sometimes certain difficulties may arise due to the large dimensions of the bird. First of all, this is the need for a fairly spacious range, since a cramped way of keeping can seriously harm the health of giants, which, accordingly, will affect their performance. The photo shows that the giants will fit an ordinary rural yard with grass cover.

When creating Jersey conditions, you need to remember that the huge weight does not allow them to fly. So, you can perfectly do without a high hedge. Perches for giants should be located at a low height, as the bird is unable to jump high (which is noticeable in the video). In addition, the design should be supplemented with a convenient ramp. Giant laying hens need special attention, because due to their large weight they can easily crush the egg.

Chickens are raised not only at home, but also in farms. They are needed to obtain eggs and meat. That is why most poultry farmers prefer giant breeds. Quite famous is the Jersey Giant breed.

The Jersey Giant is one of the most large breeds chickens in the world. It's heavyweight meat breed. Chickens quickly build muscle mass and have a muscular physique.


The Jersey Giant is a relatively young breed. It was bred in 1915 in the United States of America. The breed was officially registered in 1922. There is another theory of the origin of birds, according to which it was bred in Burlington County. Breed creators John and Thomas Black have been working on crossbreeding for over 20 years. For this purpose, they used only dark breeds of giant chickens.

In the photo: Jersey giant chickens.


Roosters of the breed have a fairly wide and large head. The comb is quite large and consists of 6 sharp teeth.

One of the main characteristics of the Jersey Giant Cour breed is the presence of a large, well-curved and strong beak.

The breed has dark brown, round, bulging eyes. Jersey giant chickens have powerful rounded earrings and lobes that do not have the wrinkles and folds characteristic of birds.

Chickens have a deep and well developed chest. The back of the bird is vertical. Giants have large and bushy tails. The wings are of medium size and are pressed tightly against the body. Chickens have powerful legs of medium length. And also one of the key characteristics of the Kurdish Giant breed is that their fingers are characterized by a bright yellow color. Feathers can be blue, black and white.

In addition to the description, it is worth watching a video about the wonderful Jersey giant chickens:


Despite their large chicken size, she has a calm personality. Roosters are caring fathers. They worry about their offspring and protect chickens from enemies.

According to the description of many poultry breeders, the Jersey Giant breed is very peaceful and calm.

In the photo: hens and a rooster of the Jersey giant breed.


The Jersey Giant belongs to the category of meat breeds. The mass of an adult rooster reaches 5.9 kilograms, and chickens - 5 kilograms. In the first 5 months of life, an active weight gain is observed in young animals. After this time, a decrease in growth rates is observed. It will take 1.5 years to gain maximum weight.

As for the egg production of the Jersey giant, chickens begin to lay eggs from the age of 7 months. One hen lays up to 180 eggs annually. They are characterized by a dense shell that is brown in color. The weight of one egg of the Jersey giant is from 55 to 62 grams. depending on the age of the chicken.

Video: description and characteristics of the Jersey giant chicken breed.

Features of caring for adult chickens and chickens, their breeding

Caring for chickens of this breed is quite simple, which is within the power of any person who wishes. They are unpretentious in care, but it is still recommended for the poultry farmer to adhere to certain rules during their cultivation.

Conditions of detention

Chickens are quite heavy. That is why they often throw eggs out of the nest or crush them. A person must monitor the oviposition. It is best to place the nests low from the floor. This will limit the possibility of damage to the egg even after it has been shed.

Despite the fact that the breed of chickens is resistant to low temperatures, their scallop is a vulnerable point. That is why it is necessary to keep birds at a temperature that is not lower than 0 degrees. To protect the scallop from negative temperatures, it must be lubricated with oil. Under the perch in the chicken coop, you need to make a thick litter. This will limit the possibility of injury to birds after a fall.

Chickens need to arrange a spacious range. If they live in cramped conditions, this will negatively affect their health and productivity. Due to their large weight, birds cannot fly. That is why they do not need to equip high perches. Nests and perches are equipped as low as possible from the floor. You can also equip ramps. These are inclined boards on which birds will enter the nests.


The breed of chickens, the Jersey Giant, eats a traditional feed mixture. They need to be given corn and wheat in a ratio of 2/5. And also 1/5 parts of fortified additives, cake or meal, shell rock, chalk are added to the mixture.

If the birds are kept in a closed pen, then this requires the equipment of special feeders. Sand or crushed limestone is poured into them. These foods are sources of calcium. Small stones have a positive effect on the performance of the digestive system. They must be used without fail if the bird is given a whole unsteamed grain. An additional component of the diet of chickens is chalk. It must be given along with shell rock. Otherwise, the chalk will stick together, resulting in clumps that cause the bird to fall to its feet.

It is necessary to give the bird food 2 to 3 times a day. Once they give a mash, which includes steamed compound feed. It is also recommended to give fodder and grain. With the help of derti, a high-quality cleaning of the esophagus is carried out, which is positively reflected in the well-being of the bird. This food is recommended to be given in the evening. The bird should eat plenty, which will contribute to an increase in its body weight. Such nutrition will have a positive effect on the egg production and weight of the Jersey Giant chickens. .

How to breed

The Jersey Giant can hatch eggs on its own. But, the bird has a fairly large weight, which is why the eggs are often crushed. That is why the breeding of the breed is most often carried out in incubator conditions.

On the first day after the birth of chickens, it is not recommended to feed them. This will enable the qualitative dissolution of the egg yolk in the esophagus, and also exclude the possibility of developing a variety of diseases. Feeding chickens in the first day of life is prerequisite. In this case, it is necessary to use water, the temperature of which is 50 degrees. In order to support the body, glucose and vitamin C are added to it. When using cold water, chicks may die. To avoid this, chickens need to provide the optimal amount of:

  • Sveta;
  • heat;
  • clean water;
  • vitamin;
  • antibiotics;
  • special feed.

If the poultry farmer strictly adheres to all of the above rules, then he will be able to raise healthy chickens and eliminate the possibility of mortality.

Diseases and prevention

With improper care of birds, the appearance of fleas is often observed. To avoid this, the bedding must be changed regularly. It is also recommended to put a wide container with ashes in the barn. Every year you need to whitewash the chicken coop using lime mortar.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Jersey giant breed is characterized by a number of advantages:

  • One of them is the high level of meat productivity.
  • Chickens of this breed grow quite quickly, provided that proper care is provided.
  • The meat and eggs of the breed are characterized by high palatability.
  • Chickens adapt very well to a variety of conditions.
  • The breed is characterized by a balanced and complaisant character.
  • Chickens have a well developed brooding instinct.

The disadvantages of raising chickens include the need to provide a wide range. Quite often, chickens are obese. If chickens grow for more than a year, then there is a loss of taste value of meat products.

But nevertheless, according to the reviews and descriptions of the breeders, it can be said that the Jersey Giant breed has many advantages, and despite the shortcomings, it can be grown without problems.

They can be grown not only in farms, but also at home. In this case, chickens need to create optimal conditions for keeping, which will be beneficial to their health. Breeding of chickens can be carried out in a natural way or in incubatory conditions, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable option for the poultry breeder.

The Jersey giant chicken breed is universal breed birds, which has many laudatory reviews.

In contact with

This breed meat and egg direction created quite recently: in the 1920s. 20th century. American farmers bred it by crossing Brama, Langshan and Orlington. The appearance of the Jersey giant in central Russia made a splash among breeders. Still: laying hens reach an average of 4 kg, and roosters pull live weight up to 6-7 kilos!

Distinctive features of the Jersey giant include their power, large size, graceful posture, high legs, elongated metatarsus.

Three main colors of this breed are described: snow-white, blue-black and ash-blue bordered. Moreover, black is traditional, while blue appeared thanks to German breeders.

In the photo - a classic representative of the breed: black Jersey giant

The legs of chickens of this breed are interesting. Set wide apart, firm, muscular, superbly developed, they are distinguished by large thighs and lower legs. Chickens of this breed are four-fingered.

The color of the legs and metatarsus varies from gray to completely black. Moreover, their color, like the color of the beak, depends on the main color of the bird: in black individuals, these parts are absolutely black, while in white ones they are yellow with dark streaks. The blue bordered ones have a black beak with a slight yellowness at the tip and the same paws. You should know that the lower surface of the legs and the tips of the fingers should be somewhat lighter.

Roosters have a large wide head. The scallop in individuals of this breed has a leaf-shaped shape, located vertically. It is divided into six sharp teeth. Smoothly rounded medium-sized earlobes do not have the wrinkles characteristic of most chickens, they are bright scarlet in color, like the comb.

The curved strong beak is not particularly long. Dark brown, almost black eyes of the bird are round, bulging, rather large.

The body is long, horizontal, slightly reminiscent of the landing of broilers. The enthusiastic eyes of true connoisseurs of the bird are attracted by their broad backs, muscular shoulders, well-developed abdomen, deep full chest.

The tail is quite thick, large, formed from sickle-shaped feathers. Positioned at a 45° angle to the back, it is a magnificent piece of jewelry.

The tail serves as a real decoration for the cockerel.

The tail feathers of the wings are wide and long, tightly adjacent to the sides. On top of them are braids that cover them. The main plumage is smooth and dense. The skin of the Jersey under the plumage is usually yellow.

Chickens differ little from roosters in external signs, if you do not take into account gender differences. Slightly more squat, a little shorter, these beauties have a luxurious tail, unlike chickens of other breeds. But they have it somewhat more magnificent than that of roosters, and is located lower.

Subtleties of content Giants

What distinguishes this breed of chickens is that most of the body weight is gained by the bird in the first year of life, especially actively up to the age of five months. However, the growth of individuals continues up to one and a half years, although its rate is reduced. That is why it is not economically viable to keep poultry intended for slaughter for more than 5 months.

According to poultry farmers, at the very beginning of life, it is difficult for Jerseys to distinguish chickens from the total mass in terms of weight parameters. Their main vitality goes to the formation of the skeleton. It is noted that individuals of this breed are distinguished by a powerful skeleton. Therefore, it is important to maintain a high calcium content in the diet of poultry.

It helps to maintain the necessary balance by installing feeders with sand or crushed limestone in pens and on walks. Small pebbles are a necessary supplement for digestion, especially if the bird is fed whole grains that have not been parboiled.

Chalk can be used as a supplier of calcium. But it is impossible to completely replace the shell rock with them. Chalk tends to stick together in the digestive system, which leads to the formation of lumps, clogging of the intestines. This can in some cases lead to the death of chickens.

Walking Requirements

It is best to organize the maintenance of the herd of this breed in such a way that in the warm season they have the opportunity to freely roam the pasture, choosing worms from the ground, catching insects, pecking at fresh grass, collecting small pebbles. Moreover, this is easy to do, since giants do not like to fly because of their large weight, so they do not need a high fence.

The best option is when the bird is given the opportunity to walk around a large large area.

But if a poultry farmer needs to keep a bird in an aviary, then this, with proper nutrition, will not harm her much. Peace-loving and calm giants feel great in a closed space. You should only adhere to the landing rules at the rate of 1-2 individuals per square meter.

Conditions for winter

Easily "Jerseys" endure Russian winters. Cooling down to -5 degrees does not reduce egg production. True, in the room where the bird spends the night, the temperature should not be allowed to be below +5. +10 - +12 degrees are considered optimal.

The chicken coop must have a bedding of straw, sawdust or sunflower husks. However, the room where the chickens spend most of their time needs to be ventilated to provide the bird with clean air.

Jersey giants endure Russian winters well, and even at -5 C, egg production remains at the proper level. Sawdust, straw or sunflower husks can be used as bedding, but ventilation must also be remembered.

To ensure the outflow of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other harmful gases that bird droppings and litter decay products emit in large quantities, many poultry farmers advise installing a 2-3 meter long gas outlet pipe with a lower insert at the bottom of the wall, near the floor.

In order to avoid drafts, the supply air must meet a barrier before it enters the room. Therefore, it is worth arranging an air pocket in the middle of the duct.

In this photo - carcasses of giants (8 months old) for sale from the USA. (increased by click)


Jersey Giants need to be fed 2-3 times a day. It is preferable to give them a wet mash of compound feed. The best for them is the one that consists of coarse grains with fodder. It is especially useful to offer such a mash to chickens at night, allowing them to eat plenty in order to go to bed with filled goiters. In addition to the fact that such a feeding regimen will increase egg production, give an increase in body weight, the shit contained in compound feeds helps to cleanse the esophagus.

  • corn - 40%;
  • wheat - 40%;
  • cake/meal, shell rock, fortified supplements - 10%.

All chicken breeders who were lucky enough to drive the Jersey Giant note that an adult bird is an excellent forager. Having released it to pasture during the spring-summer season, you don’t have to worry about feeding it: ants, worms, caterpillars, grass seeds, pebbles - everything is eaten with pleasure by the Jerseys. At the same time, the consumption of additional feed is reduced by almost 70%. Also, "on free bread" the bird does not need to offer vitamin supplements produced artificially, which allows chicken breeders to save significantly.

In the photo - the carcass of a white Jersey giant at the age of 5 months. Its presentation is traditionally better than that of the dark ones due to the absence of dark stumps from the feather. The average weight after gutting is up to 3 kg.

But the nutrition of young animals should be taken seriously and treated very carefully. Below this will be discussed in detail, and clear recommendations will be given in this regard.

This bird belongs to the meat and egg. Despite their large size, according to the reviews of the Jersey giants, they are distinguished by high egg production. The eggshell is strong and brown. A laying hen can lay her first egg as early as five months of age, although this is the exception rather than the rule. They begin to rush from 6-7 months, for meat chickens (they are of a later development) this is an excellent indicator.

The first eggs of Jersey pullets are usually quite small, 55 to 56 grams. Further, their size and weight increases, reaching in some cases an average of 68 grams. But, despite such a promising breed name, it makes no sense to expect "giant" eggs from laying hens.

Here you can evaluate the eggs: fairly even, regular shape, medium size.

Usually from one laying hen you can get up to 180 eggs per year. That is, each hen rushes once every couple of days. An interesting fact is that this process does not stop with the advent of winter. Moreover, poultry farmers note that even in the "bad" months for egg production, that is, December and January, the fertility of eggs was quite high level – 82%.

Of course, in order for chickens to regularly delight their owners with fresh eggs, they need warmth, light and a balanced diet. When feeding laying hens, special attention should be paid to the presence of calcium in the diet. Therefore, shell rock, sand, crushed limestone must be in a separate feeder.

The calmness and poise of this breed distinguishes it from all known ones. This fact also has a positive effect on egg production: no stress - there is uniformity and stability in laying eggs.

However, it should be understood that due to the large weight of the laying hens, eggs that have already been laid in the nest by other hens are sometimes crushed, and they can even be thrown away. Therefore, the poultry farmer should do everything possible to prevent losses.

Breeding as a business

For Russia, the breed is quite rare, however, it is in constant demand, due to this, the hatching egg is not cheap. It is known that the price of one egg reaches 300 rubles, excluding delivery. So the chicken breeder, who has a “Jersey” layer in his compound, will think hard before making an omelette from such an egg ...

A month after the start of the first laying, the egg can be considered incubation. To ensure one hundred percent fertility of eggs, it is not at all worth increasing the number of roosters in the herd. On the contrary, an excessive number of them can be harmful. Roosters can knock down rivals, trying to take their place, interfere with each other.

Also, too frequent covering of chickens gives them physical trouble. In particular, heavy roosters pluck feathers from the backs of weaker hens. Therefore, the chicken breeder must be attentive to such a manifestation of the activity of the pack leaders. If wounds and "bald patches" are found in the plumage of chickens in the back area, it is recommended to put on them special blankets that can protect them during "love games".

The ratio of 1:10 is considered optimal, where the first digit indicates the number of males, and the second - the number of females.

If you need to get a high-quality hatching egg, then he should pay special attention to the weight of the representatives of the parent stock. Overfed and obese individuals - not the best way to fulfill this honorable mission. It becomes more difficult for overweight hens and roosters to mate, which can cause low egg fertility. Therefore, a couple of months before the start of the collection of hatching eggs, it is necessary to limit the feed intake of the bird in order to bring its weight back to normal.

In addition, the parent flock must be separated from members of the other breed. Otherwise, there is a high probability of obtaining non-purebred offspring.

The incubation instinct in the Jersey Giant chickens is weakly expressed, as in other meat breeds. But even if the mother hen has started to work, there is a possibility that, due to her weight, she will crush some of the eggs. In this regard, it is advisable to use only an incubator.

Young Animal Care

Insufficient amount of protein and calcium in the diet slows down the growth of chickens, leads to illness or death. Young growth, which did not receive vitamins A, D, E at the time of active growth, “sits on its paws”. It is quite difficult to get him out of this state. It's a shame that a ill chicken will be able to become a breeding bird in the future.

A good option is also to place day old chicks on large chips, as in our photo.

Instead of bedding, you can use dry compound feed or wheat bran. The chicken is still very weak, he will prefer not to run or stand on his legs, but to sit - a soft bedding will be just right for him. And if he suddenly decides to refuel, he can peck at a few grains of feed without even getting up.


But it often happens that all the first day the chickens refuse to eat. Don't worry about this. It only means that the chick has enough fetal yolk. On the first day of life, it should dissolve in the esophagus and be completely absorbed by the body, strengthening its immune system. Additional feeding on the first day of chickens is not worth it.

But be sure to drink! Moreover, the water in the drinker should be quite warm, almost +50 degrees. It is also recommended to add vitamin C and glucose to it. It must be remembered that cold water at the very beginning of life can be fatal to chickens. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the cleanliness of drinking. Dropping in it will cause poisoning.

Experienced chicken breeders do not advise placing the brood in a closed box for the whole day. The amount of light and oxygen should be sufficient even in the first days after birth.

It is recommended to feed chickens often, up to 6 times a day. The first 1-2 days you need to give them hard boiled and finely chopped chicken yolk at the rate of 1:20. Then you should switch to a feed mixture specialized for chickens.

Eggs should not be given after babies are three days old. It is very useful to feed chickens with boiled millet, crushed wheat and corn, fresh non-acidic natural cottage cheese. The porridge must be strained through cheesecloth, the groats should be crumbly and without liquid residues, not stick together. Otherwise, the nostrils of the babies will become clogged, and they may suffocate.

Juveniles at first need to be kept separately in proportionate corrals-cages.

On the third day, natural vitamin supplements in the form of nettle, clover, alfalfa should be included in the diet of chickens. You can mix chopped greens with a grain or feed mixer. After the birds get used to it, bunches of grass are hung along the walls at the level of the chicks' eyes.

Gradually, somewhere around a week old, chickens should begin to receive boiled carrots, potatoes. Root crops should also be added to the mixers. As a strengthening of immunity, fish oil is dripped into the morning food.

At the age of 2.5-3 months, the young growth of the Jersey giant begins to "accelerate" growth. At this time, you should pay special attention to the amount of protein in their diet. Adding boiled fish and meat, legumes, barley, dairy products, and, if possible, bread (fresh or soaked) to the mash will help the bird gain the necessary weight. The amount of vitamin supplements - shredded vegetables, herbs - during this period is given in unlimited quantities.


Like other breeds of chickens, Jersey Giants suffer from mycoplasmosis. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the bird for the first 2 months, especially in cases where it is purchased from dubious sellers. Recently acquired individuals are recommended to be kept isolated from the general herd at first.

Good afternoon, hardworking poultry farmers and guests! The animal world is replete with diversity, it surprises the imagination. The Jersey giant chicken breed is a miracle of nature bred by breeders.

The parameters of the giant bird are majestic. Let's take a closer look at the features of this breed. Let's start!

How the Jersey Giant chickens appeared

The described chicken was named on behalf of the homeland - New Jersey (USA). There, in 1992. the giant was officially registered, although the variety existed for a long time.

The jerseys were bred by the Black brothers, who crossed Brahma, Langshan and Java to get a huge chicken.

1921 - "American" goes to England, where she makes poultry farmers fall in love with herself, then spreads around the world.

"Big" is considered, although egg indicators are not worse, which is not the reason for widespread distribution.

What do Jersey Giant chickens look like?

From the name it is clear that the “highlight” of the breed is its size, the volume of body weight. Cockerels gain 6.0 kg and more, hens - 4.5 - 5.0 kg.

Exhibition individuals reach 7.5 - 10.0 kg. From childhood, “elephants” quickly get fat, by five months they are ready to go to the soup. Few people manage to live up to a year or two.

Growth slows down by 6 months and keeping Jersey chicken is no longer economically viable.

The body is large, horizontally oriented, resembling a broiler. Strong legs, oblong metatarsus, powerful thighs.

The color of the metatarsus is black or gray, depending on the feather clothing.

A large head on a muscular neck is crowned with a bright scarlet six-toothed crest, complemented by developed earrings of the same color. The beak is medium, bent down.

What are the colors of the Jersey Giant?

Three subspecies are distinguished according to the color characteristic of these “elephants” and according to the color of the paws and noses:

Black: in addition to feathers, they have black metatarsus and a beak with yellow at the tip.

White: metatarsus, gray with a touch of yellowness, yellow beak with black patches.

Blue: blackish metatarsals below diluted with a light shade, dark beak with a light tip.

What is the character of the Jersey Giant chickens

New Jersey hens have a calm disposition. Not shy, easily endure stressful situations. Changing the usual rhythm of life does not affect egg production.

Mobility, love for walks is inherent in this breed, despite the size. High fences are useless - the weight will not allow the chickens to fly beyond the perimeter of the enclosure.

Such sluggishness affects the production of eggs. Jersey hens often step on laid eggs. You have to be on guard so as not to be left without testicles.

When the Jersey Giants Ride

Puberty occurs by 7 months, which is much faster than in a family of a similar species. At this time, klusha brings the first egg. Final maturity, stunting by 1.5 years.

Two - three months, the size of the eggs is small, later their weight is 58.0 - 65.0 grams, which is far from record figures with a laying weight of 3.5 kg. The shell is brown, not very fragile. For the year equals 175 - 180 pieces.

What hens from the Jersey giants

The Jersey Giant breed of chickens has kept the maternal instinct at a high level. Takes care of offspring with hunting.

Unfortunately, a hen should not be trusted to hatch chicks, which is rare.

Clumsy American women crush incubation material faster than life is born in it. Therefore, you will have to breed thoroughbred chicks with the help of an incubator.

How to care for Jersey chickens

The young flock is demanding on the diet, since the survival and productivity of the chicks depend on its quality. Crumbs are born no larger than any other species.

Attention! Do not replace the glucose solution with homemade sugar syrup - this will kill your offspring.

The color of the gun depends on the subspecies (black, gray, white). By the end of the first month, they “swing out” up to one kilogram.

How to feed Jersey chickens

  • Drink glucose solution (purchased at a pharmacy) from the first day, adding vitamin "C".
  • Feed your chicks every 2 hours as Jerseys grow fast and require a lot of energy. A long break, lack of food lead to the development of diseases.
  • Nutrition must be calculated correctly, overeating, starvation are unacceptable and lead to the development of pathologies.
  • Wet mixers based on greens, eggs, cereals are relevant only 7 days old. Then transfer the family to a high-calorie diet.
  • To get protein for gaining muscle mass, to strengthen the bones will help cottage cheese, introduced into the menu from the 3rd day once a day.
  • Grain cereals, vitamin supplements, mash start giving from the 10th day.
  • The use of fish oil will form the immunity of chickens.

Important: Jersey Giant chickens are special. For them, it is recommended to use industrial feeds with a high protein content, corresponding to the age of the birds.

What to feed the Jersey giants. The diet of adult chickens

Adult chickens have three meals a day. Favorite treat - wet mash, this time is expensive, so you can replace one or two feedings with dry food.

The priority component of the mash is mixed feed with coarse fodder with a high proportion of protein. Plus corn, wheat in a ratio of 50/50, minerals, vitamins no more than 10%.

It is permissible to exclude lunch, replacing walking. Klushi will be supported by worms, herbs. Get nutrients that are not in cooked meals.

Large chickens tolerate frosty winters well, without stopping egg-laying, without getting sick. Nuance - does not exclude walking, but give it up in severe frosts, at temperatures below -5 C, otherwise the cloves will freeze the earrings and scallop.

The temperature in the poultry house is maintained at +10 - +12 C, definitely not less than +5C.

Provide dry flooring, a place to sleep, remembering - giants do not fly, nests of suitable dimensions.

"kitchen", according to the number of heads.

We consider the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling: 2 hens per 1 sq. m.

Reproduction is accompanied by injuries of feathered beauties. Solution: ten ladies per male. Protective outfits that reduce injury-prone games.

How is the molting of the Jersey giants

Shedding in chickens is an annual ritual that occurs in autumn and winter. It takes these giants (healthy) 2 months to "change clothes.

The period of reduced immunity, oviposition requires increased attention and consumption of vitamins.

Having fledged, the kvochka continues to rush, despite the winter.

What are the diseases of Jersey chickens?

The Jersey Giant chicken breed is the largest in the world. Share information with friends, subscribe to updates. There are many interesting things ahead.

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