List of literature on valuation activity. List of used literature Required literature for the evaluator


Economics of Intellectual Property. Here is the first Russian textbook on the economics of intellectual property. The textbook discusses the economic nature of intellectual property objects, concepts, criteria and indicators of the economics of intellectual property, the relationship and mutual influence in the conditions of market relations of scientific and technological progress and the economics of intellectual property, features and methods for assessing the socio-economic efficiency of the creation and use of intellectual property, including including military, special and dual-use, prices for products that use intellectual property; damages and losses from illegal use of intellectual property; approaches to estimating the value of patent and copyright objects. The methodological foundations for identifying and predicting the use of highly efficient intellectual property objects are given, the economic issues of contracts for international engineering when using intellectual property are presented in detail. The state economic and material incentives for the creators of intellectual property objects are considered. For students of higher educational institutions students in economic specialties, bachelors, masters, postgraduates, doctoral students, teachers of higher educational institutions and specialists employed in the field of economics and intellectual property management, investment and innovation management, financial economics. >>>>>>>

Yu. P. Konov, L. P. Goncharenko. . Here is the first Russian textbook on the intellectual property market. Considered: the economic nature of the intellectual property market; concepts, criteria and indicators of intellectual property markets, forms of technological exchange; state, stages of development, dynamics, prospects for the development of the Russian intellectual property market, segmentation of the Russian and international intellectual property markets. The basics of methodological support are given marketing research intellectual property, patent policy and patent-licensing strategies. The world and Russian markets for counterfeit products are considered: scale, structure, geography, segmentation features. It is intended for university students studying in economic specialties undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students, teachers of higher educational institutions, specialists in the field of patent-licensing strategies and management, innovation and investment markets. >>>>>>>

V. E. Katsman, I. V. Kosorukova, A. Yu. Rodin. . Tutorial " Appraisal activity"accumulates for the first time in three books as general issues, and the methodology for estimating the value of various objects: real estate, machinery and equipment, intellectual property, securities, business. Questions in the first book legal regulation appraisal activity, theoretical basis and mathematical evaluation methods.

]→→[Literature on the basics of valuation]


    Katsman V.E., Kosorukova I.V., Rodin A.Yu. "Evaluation activity: legal, theoretical and mathematical foundations", Book 1, Study Guide, Publishing House of Market DC Corporation LLC, M. - 2008.

    Methodology of appraisal activity: current state and development prospects in Russian Federation. Fund "Bureau of Economic Analysis", M., 2000, 81 p.

    Solovyov M.M. "Evaluation activity (estimation of real estate)", 2nd edition, Higher School of Economics, Moscow - 2003.

    Ripol-Zaragosi F. B. Fundamentals of appraisal activity: Textbook. - M: "PRIOR Publishing House", 2001. - 240 p.

    Allaverdyan V. Peculiarities of national appraisal activities // Accounting and banks. 2014. N 5. S. 16 - 19.

    Berezin D.A. Implementation of appraisal activities in civil proceedings // Legal world. 2014. N 4. S. 36 - 39.

    Zimina A.S., Tolstykh Yu.O. Opportunities for the development of valuation activities in the Russian Federation through the introduction of RICS standards into Russian valuation practice // Modern problems of science and education. 2014. No. 1. P. 271.

    Antill N. Company valuation: analysis and forecasting using IFRS reporting. Per. from English. - M.: 2007. - 440 p.

    Valdaytsev S.V. Business valuation. Textbook, 3rd edition, Publishers: TK Velby, Prospekt, 2008, 576 pages.

    Volkova A.Yu. Problems of business valuation of medium-sized companies // Journal "Company Management", 2007.

    Gryaznova A.G., Fedotova M.A. Business Valuation Tutorial. Ed. A.G. Gryaznova, M.A. Fedotova. 2nd edition, revised. and additional M. 2008. 736 p.

    Gulkin P. G., Terebynkina T. A. Valuation and pricing in venture investment and when entering the IPO market. - St. Petersburg: Analytical Center "Alpari SPb", 2002.

    Damodaran Aswat Investment appraisal. Tools and Techniques for Valuing Any Assets. 5th edition. Per from English. M. 2008. 1340s.

    James R. Hitchner. Three approaches to business valuation. - Publisher: Maroseyka, 2008, 304 pages.

    Esipov V.E., Makhovikova G.A., Terekhova V.V. Business valuation. 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: 2007. - 464 p.

    Esipov V.E., Makhovikova G.A., Mirzazhanov S.K. Business valuation. Complete practical guide. Series: Professional edition for business, Publisher: Eksmo, 2008, 352 pages.

    Ivanov I.V., Baranov V.V. Business Valuation: Methods and Models for Estimating the Cost of Enterprises in Traditional and Science-Intensive Industries: Textbook. - M., 2007. - 168 p.

    Kazakova N.A. Economic analysis in business valuation. Publishing house "Delo i Service", 2011. - 288 p.

    Kosorukova I.V., Sekachev S.A., Shuklina M.A. Valuation of securities and business. Publishing house "Moscow Financial and Industrial Academy", 2011. - 672 p.

    Copeland T., Kohler T., Murin J. The value of companies: assessment and management: Per. from English - 3rd ed. M.: Olimp-Business, 2008. - 576 p. ill.

    Krivorotov V.V., Mezentseva O.V. Cost Management: Estimated Technologies in Enterprise Management: Study Guide. - M., 2005. - 111 p.

    Lopatnikov L.I., Rutgaiser V.M. Business valuation. Dictionary reference. Publishing house "Maroseyka", 2009. - 306 p.

    Maslenkova O.F. Enterprise (business) valuation. Publishing house "KnoRus", 2011. - 288 p.

    Natenberg Sh. Options: Volatility and valuation. Strategies and methods of option trading. Per. from English. - M.: 2007. - 544 p.

    Popkov V.P., Evstafieva E.V. Business valuation. Schemes and tables: Textbook. SPb., 2007. - 240 p.

    Prosvetov G.I. Business valuation. Tasks and solutions. Teaching aid. 3rd ed., add. - M.: 2008.-238 p.

    Prusakova M.Yu. Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise: methods and techniques. M., 2008. - 80 p.

    Robert F. Reilly, Robert P. Schweiss. Business valuation - the experience of professionals. Publishing house "Kvinto-Consulting", 2010. - 408 p.

    RonovaG. N., Korolev P. Yu., Osorgina A. N., KhadzhievM. R., TishinD. I. Estimation of the value of enterprises: Educational and methodological complex. - M.: Izd.tsentr EAOI, 2008. - 157p.

    Rutgaizer V.M. Business valuation. - 2nd edition, Publisher: Maroseyka, 2008, 432 pages.

    Simionova N.E. Property valuation methods. Business, real estate, land, machinery, equipment and vehicles. Publishing house "Phoenix", 2010. - 368 p.

    Sinyavsky N.G. "Business valuation: hypotheses, tools, practical solutions in various fields of activity", Publishing House "Finance and Statistics", M. - 2004

    Filippov L.A. Business Valuation: Textbook. - M., 2009. - 720 p.

    Hubbard Douglas. How to measure anything. Estimating the value of intangibles in business. Publishing house "Olimp-Business", 2009. - 298 p.

    Hitchner D. New spheres of using business value assessment methods / ed. Rutgaiser V.M. Publishing house "Maroseyka", 2009. - 352 p.

    Tsarev V.V., Kantarovich A.A., Chernysh V.V. Assessment of the competitiveness of enterprises (organizations). Theory and Methodology: Textbook. M. 2008. 799 p.

    Chirkova E.V. How to evaluate a business by analogy: Methodological guide to the use of comparative market coefficients in the valuation of business and securities - M., 2005. - 190 p.

    Shatrakov A.Yu., Komkov N.I., Mersiyanov A.A., Shamin M.A. "The cost of enterprises in the integration process", Publishing House of CJSC "Economics", M. - 2008.

    Shpilevskaya E.V., Medvedeva O.V. Enterprise (business) valuation. Publishing house "Phoenix", 2010. - 352 p.

    Shchepotiev A.V. Methodology for the identification and evaluation of "hidden" and "imaginary" assets and liabilities. Used to evaluate market value organization (business). Publishing house "Yusticinform", 2009. - 144 p.

    Shcherbakov V.A., Shcherbakova N.A. Enterprise (business) valuation. 3rd ed. - M.: 2008. -288 p.

  • 1. Civil Code Russian Federation.
  • 2. Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1996 No. 11 “On approval of the Qualification characteristics for the position of “Appraiser (property valuation expert)”.
  • 3. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 1998 No. 52 “On approval qualification characteristic position "Intellectual Property Appraiser".
  • 4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.07.2001 No. 519 “On Approval of Valuation Standards”.
  • 5. Order of the main department of construction of the Tyumen region dated December 12, 2013 No. 1216-od “On approval of the average market value of one square meter housing in the Tyumen region for 2014”.
  • 6. Order of the RF Ministry of Finance No. 10n, RF FCSM No. 03-6/pz dated January 29, 2003 “On Approval of the Procedure for Estimating the Net Assets of Joint Stock Companies”.
  • 7. "Valuation Standards Mandatory for Application by Subjects of Appraisal Activity", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 6, 2001 No. 519 (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2006 No. 767).
  • 8. Federal Law No. 127-FZ of October 26, 2002 (as amended on December 27, 2009) “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”.
  • 9. Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ “On Appraisal Activities in the Russian Federation”.
  • 10. Federal Law of December 28, 1995 No. 208 “On Joint Stock Companies”.
  • 11. Federal Standards estimates: FSO-1, FSO-2, FSO-3, introduced by orders of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 254-257 dated July 20, 2007
  • 12. Andreeva N.V., Demshin V.V. Business valuation: is the beta coefficient so good for calculating the discount rate // Valuation issues. - 2001. - No. 3.
  • 13. Buzyrev V.V., Vasiliev V.D., Zubarev A.A. Choice investment decisions and projects: an optimization approach. - St. Petersburg: SPbGUEF Publishing House, 2001. - 286 p.
  • 14. Garanikova, L.F. Enterprise valuation [Text]: tutorial/ L.F. Garanikova. Ed. 1st. Tver: TSTU, 2007. 140 p.
  • 15. Granuratov V.M. Economic risk: essence, measurement methods, ways to reduce: Textbook. - M.: Publishing house "Delo i Service", 2002. - 160 p.
  • 16. Corporate Governance Department of the Ministry economic development RF
  • 17. Zenkina M.V., Skvortsova N.K., Sbitnev A.E., Zubareva K.A. Determination of the effectiveness of investment projects in construction, taking into account the regional conditions for their implementation: monograph. - Tyumen: RIO TyumGASU, 2011. - 85 p.
  • 18. Investment company "KITFinance"
  • 19. Investment and financial company "Universitet"
  • 20. Kozyr Yu.V. Development of a methodology for assessing the value of businesses and companies. - M.: Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011. - 370 p.
  • 21. Koltynyuk B.A. Enterprise (business) valuation: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: SPbGUT im. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich, 2012 - 59 p.
  • 22. Consulting company AK&M
  • 23. Official portal of state authorities of the Tyumen region
  • 24. Business valuation / ed. A.G. Gryaznova, M.A. Fedotova. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2009. - 736 p.
  • 25. Valuation of the enterprise (business) / V.A. Shcherbakov, N.A. Shcherbakov. - M.: Omega-L, 2006. - 288 p.
  • 26. Valuation of the enterprise (business) / Textbook, N.F. Chebotarev. - 2nd ed. - M.: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K", 2012. - 256 p.
  • 27. Valuation of an enterprise (business): textbook for bachelors / V.I. Busov, O.A. Zemlyansky, A.P. Polyakov; under total ed. IN AND. Busova. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2012. - 430 p.
  • 28. Valuation of the enterprise (business) / A.G. Gryaznova, M.A. Fedotova, M.A. Eskindarov, T.V. Tazihina, E.N. Ivanova, O.N. Shcherbakov. - M.: INTERREKLAMA, 2003. - 544 p.
  • 29. Estimated activity in the economy / ed. Dzhukha V.M., Kireev V.D. - M., R-naD, ICC "Mart", 2008 - 301 s
  • 30. Rating agency "RIA Rating"
  • 31. Rating agency "Expert RA". URL:
  • 32. Guidelines for assessing the value of an enterprise (business): per. from English. / D. Fishman, S. Pratt, K. Wilson. - M.: Kvinto - Consulting, 2000
  • 33. Sbitnev A.E. Assessment and risk analysis of investment projects. Tutorial. - Tyumen: RIO TyumGASU, 2011. - 58 p.
  • 34. Teplova T.V. Testing the practice of constructing a predictive beta coefficient in the CAPM design, taking into account the low liquidity of securities on Russian market// Audit and the financial analysis. - 2010. - №4.
  • 35. Tolstykh T.N. Analysis of the investment climate in the region and some criteria for its assessment (on the example of the Tambov region) / T.N. Tolstykh, E.M. Ulanova // Risk management. - 2011. - No. 3.
  • 36. Tolstykh T.N., Ulanova E.M. Assessment of investment risk taking into account the specifics of the enterprise and regional characteristics. // Finance. - 2001. - No. 10.
  • 37. federal Service state statistics
  • 38. Center for Research and Analytics of the Bulletin of Real Estate group of companies
  • 39. Economy. Finance. Management (questions of theory, methodology, practice) / S.I. Altukhov, G.K. Jurabaeva, M.V. Kostin, V.A. Shcherbakov, N.A. Shcherbakov and others; resp. ed. K.T Dzhurabaev. Monograph. Novosibirsk: Publishing House of NSTU, 2004. - 285 p.
  • 40. Expert-analytical and information-rating company "UNIPRAVEX"
  • 41. Blume M.E. Betas and Their Regression Tendencies //Journal of Finance. - 1975. - v. thirty
  • 42. Hamada R.S. portfolio analysis. Market Equilibrium and Corporation Finance // The Journal of Finance. - 1969. - v. 24
  • 43. Jensen N.E. An introduction to Bernoullian utility theory. Utility functions // Swedish Journal Econ. - 1967. - v. 69

1. Federal Law No. 135-FZ of July 29, 1998 “On Appraisal Activities in the Russian Federation”.

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 6, 2001 No. 519 “On Approval of Appraisal Standards Mandatory for Application by Subjects of Appraisal Activity”.

3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 6, 2000 No. 369-p “On the Concept for the Development of Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation”.

4. Law of the city of Moscow dated 11.02.98. No. 3 “On appraisal activities in the city of Moscow”.

5. Decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated July 12, 1999 N 723-PM “On the development of a system for regulating valuation activities in Moscow”.

6. Aleshin A. Know your worth. “Knowledge is power”, №3, 2011

7. Ardzinov V., Aleksandrov V., Pricing in construction and real estate valuation, St. Petersburg, 2013, 384 pages.

8. Alexandrov V.T., Assessment of obsolescence and the most efficient use of real estate, StroyIzdat SZ, 2010, 330 pages.

9. Bukharin N.A., Ozerov E.S. Evaluation and cost management of business. Tutorial. - St. Petersburg, EM - NiT, 2011. 238 p.

10. Varlamov A.A., Komarov S.I., Valuation of real estate objects Forum 2010, 289 pages.

11. Verkhozina A.V., Fedotova V.A. Comparative analysis international and Russian legislation in the field of valuation, Moscow Interreklama 2013.

12. Danilenko D. “From the history of appraisal activity”. Magazine “Apartment, cottage, office”, No. 219, 11/25/13.

13. Esipov V. E., Makhovikova G. A., Mirzazhanov S. K., Kasyanenko T. G. Commercial appraisal of investments. Textbook, 2012.

14. Kobeleva, S. A. Issues of assessing the value of real estate objects. - 2010.

15. Maksimov S.N. Economics of real estate, textbook, Moscow, publishing center "Academy", 2010.

16. Murzin A.D. Real estate. Economics, evaluation and development. Tutorial, 2013.

17. Popova L.V., Maslova I.A., Maslov B.G., Malkina E.L. 2011.

18. Mathematical methods for assessing the value of property. Authors: S.V. Gribovsky, S.A. Sivets, I.A. Levykina, 2014.

19. Fundamentals of appraisal activities, V.E. Katsman, I.V. Kosorukova, A.Yu. Rodin, MFPA academic guide 2012.

20. Valuation of real estate. Textbook, Ivanova I.N. 2010.

21. Evaluation activity, university series edited by I.V. Kosorukova, textbook MFPA 2009.

22. Valuation of property, university series, edited by I.V. Kosorukova, MFPA 2012 study guide.

23. Handbook of a real estate appraiser, edited by Lev Abramovich Leifer, 2014.

24. Handbook of calculated data for valuation and consulting (SDS No. 12, 2013) / ed. Ph.D. Yaskevich E.E. - M., 2013, - 50 p.

25. Revutsky L.D. Government Approach to Solving Assessment Problems fair value enterprises. - Voronezh: // Electronic scientific and practical journal "Prospects of Science and Education", No. 6, 2013. P. 220 - 228.

26. Rumyantseva E.E. New economic encyclopedia, 4th edition, Moscow Infra-M, 2012.

27. Tarasevich E. Taxation and valuation of real estate in Russia. Brief historical outline. Virtual Club of Appraisers APPRISER.RU Internet address:

28. Yatsenko A. Real estate valuation: cost approach. Economist magazine, May-June 2011.

29. Yatsenko A., Lukashik P. Real estate appraisal: income approach. Financial Newspaper No. 14, 2011.

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