Compound feed for laying hens PC 1. Compound feed for laying hens - choose the right composition. The best feed for laying hens


Recipe identification Assignment of compound feed by species of animals and birds
Complete compound feed for poultry:
PC 1 - industrial and breeding laying hens
PC 1-1 - laying hens up to 45 weeks
PC 1-2 - laying hens 45 weeks and older
PC 2 - chickens from 1 to 7 weeks
PC 3 - young chickens 8 -14 weeks and from 15 weeks to 2% egg production
PC 4 - young chickens from 14 to 17 weeks
PC 5 - broilers from 1 to 3 weeks
PC 6 - broilers from 4-5 weeks and older
PC 7 - roosters of egg crosses
PC 8 - roosters of meat crosses
PC 10 - adult laying turkeys (medium type)
PC 11 - young turkeys from 1 to 8 weeks (average type)
PC 12 - young turkeys from 9 to 17 weeks (average type)
PC 13 - rearing young turkeys from 18 to 30 weeks (average type)
PC 10-1 - adult laying turkeys (heavy type)
PC 11-1 - young turkeys from 1 to 4 weeks (heavy type)
PC 11-2 - young turkeys from 5 to 13 weeks (heavy type)
PC 12-1 - young turkeys from 14 to 17 weeks (heavy type)
PC 13-1 - young turkeys from 18 to 30 weeks (heavy type)
PC 14 - breeding turkeys
PC 20 - adult laying ducks
PC 21 - young ducks from 1 to 3 weeks
PC 22 - young ducks from 4 to 8 weeks
PC 23 - replacement ducks from 9 to 26 weeks
PC 20-1 - adult laying ducks of meat crosses
PC 21-1 - young ducks of meat crosses from 1 to 3 weeks
PC 22-1 - young ducks of meat crosses from 4 to 7 weeks
PC 23-1 - young ducks of meat crosses from 8 to 26 weeks
PC 24 - ducklings for meat from 1 to 2 weeks
PC 24-1 - ducklings for meat from 3 weeks and older
PC 30 - adult geese
PC 31 - young geese from 1 to 3 weeks
PC 32 - young geese from 4 to 8 weeks
PC 33 - young geese from 9 to 26 weeks
PC 34 - goslings for meat from 1 to 4 weeks
PC 34-1 - goslings for meat from 5 weeks and older
PC 40 - adult guinea fowl
PC 41 - young guinea fowls from 1 to 4 weeks
PC 42 - young guinea fowls from 5 to 10 weeks and from 11 to 15 weeks
PC 43 - young guinea fowls from 16 to 28 weeks
Compound feed for game:
DK 50 - pheasants, quails from 1 to 4 weeks
DK 51 - pheasants, quails from 5 to 6 weeks
DK 52 - quail from 7 weeks and older
DK 53 - quail for meat from 1 to 4 weeks
DK 53-1 - quail for meat from 5 to 6 weeks
DK 51 - adult pheasants (productive period)
DR 51-1 - adult pheasants (unproductive period)
DK 52 - young pheasants from 1 to 3 weeks
DK 53 - young pheasants from 4 to 13 weeks
DK 54 - young pheasants from 14 to 36 weeks
DK55-1 - pheasants for meat from 1 to 3 weeks
DK 55-2 - pheasants for meat from 4 to 13 weeks
DK 60 - ostriches from 1 to 4 weeks
DK 61 - ostriches from 5 to 36 weeks
DK 62 - ostriches from 37 to 63 weeks
DK 63 - ostriches, parent stock
Complete feed for pigs of all ages and purposes:
SPK 1 - single and pregnant sows
SPK 2 - suckling sows and boars-producers
SPK 3 - piglets from 10 to 42 days
SPK 4 - piglets from 43 to 60 days
SPK 5 - piglets from 61 to 120 days
SPK 6 - replacement young pigs from 4 to 8 months
SPK 7 - fattening, 1st period (average daily gain 550-600 g)
SPK 8 - fattening, 2nd period (average daily gain 550-600 g)
SPK 9 - fattening, 1st period (average daily gain 650-700 g)
SPK 10 - fattening, 2nd period (average daily gain 650-700 g)
SPK 11 - fattening, 1st period (average daily gain 800-850 g)
SPK 12 - fattening, 2nd period (average daily gain 800-850 g)
SPK 13 - fattening to fatty conditions
Feed concentrates for pigs:
SKK 50 - suckling piglets up to 2 months
SKK 51 - weaned piglets from 2 to 4 months
SKK 52 - replacement young stock from 4 to 8 months
SKK 53 - the uterus is single and the first 2/3 of pregnancy
SKK 54 - uterus of the last 1/3 of gestation and suckling
SKK 55 - meat fattening of pigs
SKK 56 - bacon fattening pigs
SKK 57 - boars-producers
SKK 58 - fattening pigs to fat conditions
Compound feed - concentrates for large cattle:
KK 60 - dairy cows and heifers (stable period)
KK 60-1 - dairy cows and heifers (pasture period)
KK 61 - highly productive cows (stall period)
KK 61-1 - highly productive cows (pasture period)
KK 62 - calves up to 4 months
KK 63 - young cattle from 4 to 12 months (stable period)
KK 63-1 - young cattle from 4 to 12 months (pasture period)
KK 64 - young cattle from 12 to 18 months (stable period)
KK 64-1 - young cattle from 12 to 18 months (pasture period)
KK 65 - fattening of cattle (stall period)
KK 65-1 - fattening of cattle (pasture period)
KK 66 - sires (stable period)
KK 66-1 - sires (pasture period)
Compound feed concentrates for horses:
LK 70 - working horses
LK 71 - trained and sport horses
LK 72 - fattening and feeding of young beef horses
LK 73 - stallions and breeding mares
LK 74 - dairy mares
LK 75 - fattened horses
Compound feed concentrates for sheep:
OK 80 - pregnant and suckling uterus
OK 81-1 - lambs up to 4 months
OK 81-2 - young animals older than 4 months
OK 82 - breeding rams in the breeding season
OK 82-1 - rams-producers outside the breeding period
Compound feed for rabbits, nutria and fur-bearing animals:
PZK 90 - young rabbits
PZK 91 - adult rabbits
PZK 92 - rabbits 28 days and older
PZK 93 - nutria
PZK 94 - furry animals
Compound feed for fish:
KRK 110 - fingerlings, breeding young, spawners (pond carp)
KRK 110-1 - commodity fish (pond carp)
KRK 111 - underyearlings, juveniles, spawners (carp grown in warm-water farms)
KRK 111-1 - marketable fish (carp grown in warm water farms)
KRO 112 - underyearlings, juveniles, producers of valuable fish species (sturgeon, salmon)
KRC 112-1 - commercial fish of valuable species (sturgeon, salmon)

Product coding at Provimi factories

An example of a compound feed code for feeding chickens at the age of 0-3 weeks is 2411403151.

Sometimes at the beginning of the code there may be a combination of characters "F71". It means that it is a finished product.

Plant Product type Granule size Tara Packing bag code of product
1 - Azov premixes 2 - Azov 3 - Volosovo 4 - Hercules 5 - Samara 6 - Celtic 1 - Premix 2 - Base mix 3 - Concentrate 4 - Start. feed 5 - Compound feed 6 - Special. products 7 – Min. Block 8 - Miscellaneous/Mixes 0 - Loose 1 - Grits 2 - Granule 2 mm 3 - Granule 3.2 mm 4 - Granule 3.5 mm 5 - Granule > 4 mm 6 - Expand. granule 3.2 mm 0 - Bulk 1 - Bag 2 - Big bag 3 - Bucket 4 - Pallet 00 - Bulk 05 - 0.5 t 10 - 10 kg or 1 t 16 - 16 kg 20 - 2 t 25 - 25 kg or 2.5 t 40 - 40 kg 50 - 50 kg Numbers: The first and second - the type of animals and the feeding phase. Third and fourth - product line Animal species - feeding phase: 1 – Pigs 0 - Prestarter 1 - Starter 2 - Grower 3 - Finisher 4 - Lakt. sv-ki / boars 5 - Pregnant. Saints 9 - Rem. pigs 2 - Egg bird 3 - Poultry meat 0 - Prestarter 1 - Starter 2 - Grower 3 - Finisher 9 - Developer 4 - Layer 5 - Peak Egg 6 - Phase 1 4 - Turkeys, quails, ostriches, geese, ducks 0 - Prestarter 1 - Starter 2 - Grower 9 - Developer 4 - Layer 5 - Peak Egg 6 - Phase 1 7 - Phase 2 8 - Phase 3 9 - Beasts (rabbits) 0 - Prestarter 1 - Starter 2 - Grower 3 - Finisher 4 - Lakt. females / males 5 - We take. females


Colored bags 25 or 40 kg branded Purina®

feed structure

As a rule, feeds are produced in the form of granules or grains. Standards for dust content in bags end user are: for granules - 8% (GOST R 51899-2002), for grains - 21% (GOST 54379-2011).




The composition of feed

Complete feed consists of wheat, corn, grain products, soybean meal, sunflower meal, ingredients of animal origin, sunflower oil, yeast, a mixture of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, phosphates, limestone, enzymes, antioxidant. Do not contain hormones and growth stimulants.

Nutritional values ​​may vary by manufacturer.

Permissible deviations of the content of vitamins from those provided for in the recipe should be no more than 15%, microelements - no more than 10%.

Possible additives in the compound feed:

Probiotics are healthy bacteria.

Prebiotics - food components that stimulate the growth and vital activity of the microflora of the large intestine.

Mixed feed color

Both granule and semolina: from light yellow to light brown.

Feed storage

Store in a dark, dry, well-ventilated place at temperatures from -25°C to +25°C. Avoid placement in the feed store close to a wall or on a concrete floor without a pallet.

Compound feed is a completely balanced feed that meets the needs of animals and poultry for energy, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements. It is a mixture of components crushed and mixed to a homogeneous mass (grain, cake, meal, feed of animal origin, vitamin and mineral premix). Compound feed is produced in the form of granules or crumbs.

Our compound feed is ready to be fed without any further processing. The use of any top dressing is not required. Compound feed does not need to be mixed with anything: neither with grain, nor with bran.

Animals should always have access to fresh and clean water (+15⁰С - +25⁰С).

Compound feed is fed ad libitum in dry form.

Compound feed should not be steamed (poured with boiling water or boiled)! This is undesirable for several reasons:

1. Left uneaten in the feeder, wet feed turns sour, which can cause diarrhea, and in some cases poisoning and death of animals and birds.

2. Steaming with hot water (above 50-55⁰С) and boiling in compound feed destroys part of the biologically active substances necessary for the normal growth, development and life of animals and birds.

3. In addition, feeding with wet compound feed leads to the fact that the remains of compound feed shaken off the bird's beak or scattered by the animal form dirt in the cage / room.

There were no side effects and complications when feeding mixed fodders. Compatible with all drugs and other supplements.

The proposed feed lines do not allow changing the sequence of their application: prestarter (optional), starter, grower, finisher.

Feeding turkeys

Feed benefits:

High safety and good health of turkey poults

Commodity appearance

Industrial growth rates of turkeys

Low cost of meat and marketable turkeys

Name, code Turkey starter Turkey starter 4161
purpose Compound feed for turkeys aged 0-3 weeks Compound feed for 4-8 week old turkeys
Main idea Guaranteed rise of turkeys!
Unique Features - Probiotic for good health - Coccidiostatic Avatec for the prevention of coccidiosis - Feed. antibiotic to prevent infections - Probiotic for good health
Feed consumption 1 kg/head per period 2-3.5 kg/head per period
Shelf life 3 months 3 months
feed structure Krupka Krupka
Packing, plant Yellow or colored two-layer polypropylene bags 40 kg, Samara Suitable for young quails Yellow or colored double-layer polypropylene bags 40 kg, Klin, Azov, Samara Suitable for young quails
Compatibility 4101, 4161 4101, 4102
Russian classification PC 11 PC 11
Compound Wheat, corn, soybean meal, sunflower meal, fish meal, vegetable oil, limestone meal, antioxidant, probiotic, feed antibiotic, Avatek coccidiostatic, phosphates, vitamin and mineral premix Wheat, soybean meal, cereals, corn, sunflower meal, raw materials of animal origin, vegetable oil, limestone flour, antioxidant, phosphates, vitamin and mineral premix
Crude protein 28,00 24,00
crude fat 3,6 3,00
Crude fiber max. 4,5 5,50
Exchange energy, kcal 2 850 2 800
Lysine 1,80 1,60
Methionine + cystine 1,15 0,97
Calcium 1,40 1,50
Phosphorus 0,75 0,65
Vitamin A 15 000 15 000
Vitamin D 3 5 000 4 000
Vitamin E

The total amino acid content is indicated.


1. Provimax is a feed additive for laying hens. It is a balanced mixture of salts of organic acids. Increases egg production and shell quality in older birds (over 60 weeks old).

2. Providet - detoxifying feed additive. It consists of an organic adsorbent, natural antioxidants and biologically active substances. Neutralizes the action of mycotoxins.

3. Metronidazole is an antimicrobial drug. Helps the body fight infections.

Our compound feeds fully provide the birds with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and also contain a probiotic, which fully meets the needs of the birds for excellent growth and good productivity in the future, therefore we strongly do not recommend "finishing" the compound feed purchased from us at home.

Poultry products after the use of compound feed can be used for food purposes without restrictions.

Compound feed for quails

The main difference of compound feed for quails is the increased content of crude protein in it. The compound feed for quails contains 21-23% of crude protein.

Feeding birds with compound feed is the most economical. For normal life and egg production, quail requires 25-27 g / day. Accordingly, 800 g / month and 9 kg / year. In 10 productive months, she will lay an average of 250 eggs. To obtain 1 kg of egg mass, 5-7 kg of feed is required.

Feed consumption increases with an increase in the length of daylight hours, a decrease in the temperature in the room, an incorrectly formulated diet, and for some other reasons.

It is undesirable to overfeed quails; for better egg production, birds should experience slight hunger and peck food with appetite.

Compound feed for laying hens

Compound feed for laying hens 2676 and 2651 in dry form is poured into the feeder - 180 grams per bird (at the same time, there should always be food in the feeder), a drinking bowl with water is placed next to it (the need for water is determined from this calculation - for 1 gram of feed, the bird needs 2 g of water).

It is also undesirable to overfeed laying hens; for better egg production, birds should experience slight hunger and peck food with appetite.

After the appearance of the first eggs, feed completely with compound feed 2676 or 2651 "For laying hens" and give plenty of shell meal from separate feeders.

Compound feed for turkeys

Estimated need for adult turkeys in feed 4101, 4102 and 4161 - 300 gr. per head per day.

Compared to other bird species, the turkey has a higher requirement for complete protein, amino acids and vitamins, which is associated with more intensive growth. In addition, a feature of feeding is the fact that the need for metabolic energy increases phase by phase, and crude protein decreases. Much attention is also paid to the mineral nutrition of the turkey, since high speed growth under the condition of unbalanced feeding can negatively affect the skeleton of the bird.


Name, code Prestarter for piglets BVMD universal
purpose Compound feed for piglets aged 10 to 42 days Universal concentrate for piglets and pigs
Main idea Great start to further growth!
Unique Features - Probiotic - Enzymes - Feed antibiotic
Feed consumption 6-7 kg/head per period To achieve a weight of 110 kg, you need only 322 kg / head for the period of finished feed, incl. BVMD 41.5 kg/bird
Shelf life
Packing Colored two-layer polypropylene bags Purina® 25 or 40 kg, Samara Samara, Azov
Compatibility -
Russian classification SPK-3 -
Compound Cereals, dairy products, soy products, fish meal, vegetable oil, limestone meal, phosphates, probiotic, acidifier, enzymes, amino acids, sweetener, antioxidant, vitamin and mineral premix fishmeal, vegetable oil, meat and bone meal, soybean meal, sunflower meal, amino acids, limestone flour, vitamin and mineral premix, antioxidant, zinc bacitracin.
Crude protein 17,0 43,0
crude fat 3,0 5,0
Crude fiber max. 4,0 6,0
Exchange energy, kcal 3 340 2 700
Lysine 1,24 3,5
Methionine + cystine 0,72 1,4
Calcium 0,6 4,5
Phosphorus 0,4 1,1
Vitamin A 12 500 50 000
Vitamin D 3 2 000 10 000
Vitamin E

lactating sows

Approximate norms for feeding rabbits with complete granular compound feed

Age and physiological state of rabbits Per head per day (grams)
The female in the period of the first pregnancy
Female in the second period of pregnancy (last 10 days)
Female during lactation:
First week
Second week
Third week
Fourth week
Fifth week
sixth week
seventh week
Eighth week
Young growth after jigging at the age (days):
60 - 70
71 - 80
81 - 90
91 - 100
101 - 110
111 - 120
121 - 130

compound feed 9304 for young rabbits it is used both for feeding young rabbits and for adult livestock before slaughter and is given to fattening rabbits ad libitum in any season.

Food is given to feeders in cages with lactating females and young. As the rabbits grow, they are first interested in, and then gradually begin to consume this food. By the time of weaning (45 - 50 days), one rabbit eats up to 90 gr. feed per day and weighs 1.5 - 1.6 kg. After weaning, the rabbits continue to be given the same product until slaughter. The average feed intake per day for the period of weaning - slaughter is 145 - 160 grams. Slaughter is carried out with a live weight of 3.3 - 3.5 kg. Adult rabbits and young animals older than 3 months can be fed two to three times a day. Compound feed is also recommended to be fed to queens and replacement young animals.

Giving hay to fattening rabbits is not required. It is undesirable to feed breeding rabbits only with granulated feed, because. they begin to get fat, and their reproductive abilities decrease.

After slaughter, the weight of the carcass, depending on the breed, is 1.9-2.0 kg, the yield is from 52 to 60%. Average term fattening - 55 days, i.e. weaning is done in 45 days from suction, and up to 100 days the rabbit is fattening. The average daily gain in this case is 50-55 gr.

Products from rabbits after the application of compound feed 9304 can be used for food purposes without restrictions, provided that the feed is excluded two weeks before slaughter, because it is this period that is necessary for the removal of coccidiostatics from the body of a rabbit. Instead, you can feed granulated feed for fattening pigs.

calf fattening program

Benefits of the program:

Easy way to use

Reduction of the milk period

Early scar development

Improving health during the fattening period

Reduced milk supply for calves

High growth rates and low feed consumption

Name, code Calf starter 7109 BVMD Starter for calves up to 150 kg 7129 BVMD for fattening calves over 150 kg
purpose Compound feed for calves under 6 months of age PVMD 25% for young animals aged 2 to 6 months BVMD 7% for bulls over 150 kg
Main idea Reduced watering and strong calves! Rapid growth on your grain! Fast growth and healthy limbs!
Unique Features - Prevents diarrhea with probiotics - Feed antibiotic - Coccidiostatic
Feed consumption 2-2.5 kg/head/day Ready compound feed 350 kg per period, incl. BVMD 90 kg/head per period Ready compound feed 960 kg per period, incl. BVMD 67 kg / head for the period. Consumption depends on the amount of feed fed. As top dressing: 200 g/head/day per 100 kg of live weight
Shelf life 6 months 12 months
feed structure Granule 3.2 mm Placer
Packing, plant Blue two-layer polypropylene bags 40 kg Klin, Azov Red two-layer polypropylene bags 25 kg Wedge, Volosovo, Azov, Samara Red two-layer polypropylene bags 25 kg Azov
Compatibility - - -
Russian classification KK 62 - -
Compound Cereals, soybean meal, rapeseed cake, molasses, sunflower meal, limestone, phosphates, premix, probiotic, antioxidant Soybean meal, sunflower meal, limestone, phosphates, premix, amino acids, flavophospholipol Soybean meal, sunflower meal, urea, limestone, phosphates, salt, premix, sodium monensin
Crude protein 18,0 36,0 49,0
crude fat 4,4 1,8 1,5
Crude fiber max. 3,4 6,8 -
Exchange energy, kcal 2 818 2 365 1 385
Lysine - - -
Methionine + cystine - - -
Calcium 0,9 3,8 9,0
Phosphorus 0,4 0,6 1,0
Vitamin A, IU 30 000 100 000 54 000
Vitamin D 3, IU 2 000 20 000 7 200
Vitamin E
Monensin Sodium Flavophospholipol - -
- -

· live weight– ~ 200 kg

height at the withers - ~ 110 cm

average daily gain - ~ 830 g

Removal from watering is carried out at a consumption of 1 kg/head/day.

Mixing scheme BVMD 7129

Mixing scheme BVMD 7329

It is used for fattening calves over 150 kg of live weight. Feed input depends on the amount of feed fed per head. It can be used as a top dressing: per 100 kg of live weight - ~ 200 g/bird/day BVMD.

Do not use on other animal species.

Dairy herd feeding

Feed benefits:

Calculation of rations for the feed base

Increase in milk yield by 2.5-4 liters per day

Maintaining the health of fresh cows

Preservation of body condition of freshly calved cows

Name, code PMMD for lactating cows Mineral block 1A
purpose PVMD 20% for lactating cows Mineral block for cows and heifers
Main idea More milk on low-quality roughage! Let's fill the deficiency of vitamins and minerals!
Feed consumption During the period of milking / recession: compound feed 350/200 g / l of milk, incl. BVMD 70/40 g/l of milk. 150 g/bird/day
Shelf life 12 months 18 months
feed structure Placer block licker
Packing, plant Blue double-layer polypropylene bags 40 kg, Volosovo Plastic bucket 16 kg Azov
Compatibility - -
Russian classification - -
Compound Sunflower meal, cereal products, limestone flour, premix Vitamins, trace elements, antioxidant, filler
Crude protein 30,6 4,5
crude fat 1,8 -
Exchange energy, kcal 1 959
Calcium 2,9 6,4
Phosphorus 1,0 2,4
Vitamin A, IU 27 000 250 000
Vitamin D 3, IU 2 749 50 000
Vitamin E

BVMD 7489 fed during the period of milking / recession: compound feed 350/200 g / l of milk, incl. BVMD 70/40 g/l of milk. In this case, BVMD must be mixed with grain in a ratio of 1:5. Mineral blocks 1A can be used with any content technology. One block is placed on two heads. It is necessary to provide round-the-clock free access.

Classical classification of animal feed

Various types of compound feed are effective stimulants for the development and growth of pets. They allow you to significantly increase production and, at the same time, improve the health of animals.

Especially important this moment during the development of young animals, which need to receive a full range of nutrients at an early age.

1 Composition and features of compound feed PC

PK compound feed is a special mixture of various animal feeds. Various types of feed substances are purified and processed, and then combined according to precise recipes, allowing you to save the maximum amount of vitamins and substances necessary for growth.

The main advantages of such feeds are:

  • economical consumption of feed. In order to provide the daily intake of vitamins to poultry, feed is needed much less than grain or waste;
  • the ability to use various wastes from other areas of agriculture as components;
  • convenient structure and form, which is easily digested by animals;
  • a large amount of nutrients;
  • the possibility of processing already partially spoiled feed raw materials for feed. Such food is made on special ones, which pre-treat the components with high temperatures. This allows you to remove all the negative aspects of spoiled raw materials.

In the course of research conducted in the agricultural sector, it was found that egg production and the rate of development poultry when fed with compound feed, it increases by 12-15%. If types of feed with a high content of trace elements and vitamins are used, this figure can be increased to 27-29%.

Cereals are used as the basis for any type of compound feed. They make up 60-65% of the total composition. The most commonly used wheat, barley, corn and oats. Their value lies in the high content of carbohydrates (about 70%).

The second component is legumes. Soybeans, peas, less often lupins are used. Their task is to nourish the feed with protein, which in these plants is from 25 to 45%. Useful substances in large quantities give oilseed plants. These include rapeseed, sunflower, colza. In most formulations, only cake or plant meal is used. The rest of the recipe is made up of roughage and food waste.

The process of preparing compound feed PC includes the following steps:

Compound feed is a complete complex of necessary substances for the growth and development of animals. Therefore, it is sprinkled on animals undiluted with other feeds. It is used for poultry, horses. For all other animals, it is used only in the initial stages of development.

2 Types of compound feed PC

Different types of compound feed differ mainly in their composition, but certain types, having 1 composition, differ in the form of supply. Such compound feeds are most often designed for different periods of animal development. For simplicity, all types of compound feed are denoted by two letters and a number through a hyphen. For example, PC-two (2) means complete feed for young chickens.

2.1 Compound feed for poultry

There are the following types of compound feed for poultry:

  • DK-52. Compound feed is sold in the form of small grains. It is intended for ages 7 weeks and up. It has a high content of calcium in the composition. DK-52 is designed for the initial period of egg production of a bird. Allows you to significantly increase the productivity of this process;
  • PC-1. There are two types of PC 1 feed. The first is PC-1-1, which is intended for chickens aged 20 to 43 weeks. Delivered in the form of cereals slightly larger than DK-52. Also contains high level calcium and rich in vitamins. Stimulates egg production, making eggs stronger. The second type PC-1-3 has a balanced composition without exceeding the level of individual components. This feed is designed for chickens aged 45 weeks and older. For better digestibility, the birds are supplied with feed in the form of small granules;
  • PC-2. The PK-2 feed contains easily digestible elements. It is designed for young hens up to 7 weeks old. For this purpose, PC-2 is produced in the form of small cereals;
  • PC-3. The main task of this feed is to promote the correct reproduction of young hens. Suitable for birds from 8 weeks to the 20th inclusive. It has a well-balanced composition without prevailing components. Comes in the form of medium grits;
  • PC-4. used this species for hens aged 5 to 17 weeks. It is used mainly a couple of weeks before the start of active carrying. The composition of feed PK-4 includes: 58% wheat, 17% sunflower cake, 10% fishmeal, the rest is various waste and enzymes;
  • PC-5. Compound feed PC 5 is fed mainly. It is designed for birds up to 4 weeks. Consists of easily digestible elements that contribute to rapid weight gain. Supplied in the form of small cereals;
  • PC-6. The use of PC 6 compound feed is also suitable for, but already from four weeks of age. Consists of larger grains. Even more stimulates the growth of the muscle mass of chickens, taking into account the age-related needs of the body;
  • PC-12. This type of feed is designed for domestic turkeys. It is advisable to feed the birds with it from 9 to 17 weeks. It is during this period that the body of the turkey especially needs a large amount of protein and fat, which the feed contains. It promotes muscle mass gain. ;
  • DK-62. The feed is used for young ostriches. Supplied in the form of granules. Such food is characterized by an increased level of trace elements and vitamins. When developing it, the features of the development of this bird are taken into account;
  • DK-63. Designed for older ostriches. It contains more uniform proportions of nutrients. Significantly increases egg production. It is also used in the form of large granules.

2.2 Compiling a diet for adult chickens (video)

2.3 Compound feed for animals

These compound feeds are the main ones in breeding birds. Other types of food are used for the proper development of other animals. Here are some of them:

Owners of any breeds of farm birds use compound feed to raise livestock. Someone uses purchased feed, others make it on their own. Both cases have their pros and cons, but the advantage of industrial feed is their balance. The standard composition of compound feed for laying hens contains everything necessary for rapid growth, strengthening immunity and increasing egg production. Manufacturers guarantee the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. The peculiarity of such feeds is the high content of calcium, which is so necessary for laying hens.

Compound feed PK-0 (up to 7 days)

Newly hatched chicks need nutrients that will strengthen their weak immune system.

The food is good because all grains and protein ingredients are well crushed. Also, feed for chickens contains a special enzyme that improves digestion and promotes the active absorption of vitamins and minerals.

The power supply includes the following components:

Compound feed PK-2 (1-7 weeks)

Until the age of seven weeks, the bird needs to actively develop and receive all the necessary components that are contained in the PK-2 feed. With good nutrition, digestion and growth of young animals are noticeably improved after a while. On the farm, PC-2 is often referred to as "zero" compound feed. With the growth of chickens, compound feeds of adult chickens are gradually introduced into top dressing. It is recommended to add various greens to the feed for laying hens, such as onion feathers and dandelion leaves: they have an excellent effect on digestion and kill pathogens.

The composition of PC-2 is as follows:

Compound feed PK 1-18 (4-8 weeks)

PC 1-18 is a complete meal for laying hens in the form of grains, recommended for hens aged 1 to 2 months. But how much compound feed does a laying hen eat per day? To obtain good nutrition, 30-50 g of feed is needed per head. On average, during the fattening period, one laying hen eats up to 1.3 kg of grits. High-quality compound feed contains all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals, which significantly increase the egg production and growth of chickens.

The standard composition of compound feed for laying hens according to GOST includes the following ingredients:

Compound feed PK-3 (8-20 weeks)

PK-3 - compound feed for laying hens, sold in the form of grits for the age range from 2 to 5 months. It is given to young animals to help in the formation of the reproductive system. Laying hens using PC-3 show the best results in the laying period.

The composition of the feed is as follows:

Compound feed PK-1-1 (21-47 weeks)

PC-1-1 is very good in that it significantly increases the number and quality of eggs during the laying period. Compound feed PK-1-2, which is given to birds after 48 weeks, has similar properties. Poultry farmers note an improvement in the taste of eggs, the yolk becomes more saturated in color. Eggshell becomes much stronger, and the plumage of the bird is of better quality than usual.

The standard composition of compound feed for chickens is as follows:

Compound feed PK-1-2 (from 48 weeks)

This type of feeding is used for birds that have reached the age of one year. In its composition, feed for laying hens PK 1-2 contains all the necessary amino acids, vitamins, as well as minerals with an emphasis on calcium, which is necessary for all agricultural breeds of birds. Also, manufacturers have included special enzymes in it, which have an excellent effect on the absorption of nutrients, and special inactivators serve as a good prevention of various mycotoxicoses.

PC-1 is designed to improve the egg production of laying hens. To calculate its amount, you need to know how much compound feed a laying hen eats per day: about 120 g of feed per head per day.

It consists of:

Preparation of compound feed at home

If for some reason the purchase of industrial compound feed is not a priority, it can always be replaced with homemade.

The reason for refusal may be the unsatisfactory cost of compound feed for chickens, especially if all the ingredients for its preparation are already available on the farm. It should also be remembered that the food for adults and for chickens is slightly different. All important features of the process are discussed below.

Homemade feed for chickens

There is nothing difficult in preparing chicken feed. Below is an example of a prescription issued from one week to two months of age. The ingredients are indicated as a percentage of the total mass of the future mixture:

After reaching the 2-month period, it is recommended to change the composition of feed for chickens a little:

Homemade feed for adult layers

How to prepare compound feed for adult layers is described below. The composition of a complete bird food is as follows:

Cooking principle

The indisputable advantage of self-prepared top dressing over industrial is the quality of the products used. True, you have to sweat a little: taking and stirring all the ingredients is not enough. Cake, barley and wheat grains must be crushed, but not to the state of flour. Particles in size should be 2-3 mm, a size of 5 mm is allowed. Only then can you start mixing products.

First of all, grains (barley, wheat, bran) are combined, then cake is added and everything is thoroughly mixed. The following ingredients (shell, salt, flour, premix) are the vitamin and mineral component of the feed. They are mixed in a separate container and only then are added to the mixed grain. The final stage in the preparation of homemade feed is the addition of sunflower oil. The mixture is well kneaded until it turns into a uniform substance without clots.

For owners of small livestock, finding deep dishes is not difficult. But with an increase in the number of individuals, the task becomes more complicated, a mixer is required. Some craftsmen have adapted to such conditions without buying a special mixer - there are enough examples on the Internet how to make a device yourself. In this case, the price of home-made feed for chickens will be cheaper than purchased.

Additional feeding

Compound feeds are quite rich in various nutrients, but the diet of laying hens should not be limited to industrial nutrition alone. Before giving compound feed to laying hens, it is strongly recommended to dilute the diet with additional feeding - fermented milk products and herbs. Grass, various vegetables and fruits improve the digestive system, immunity and have a positive effect on the quality of eggs. By the way, experienced poultry farmers know a great way to check the quality of food. If laying eggs have a pale yolk, then the food contains a meager amount of greens. The owners should provide the chickens with a walking area: so they themselves can eat grass, beetles and worms (sources of additional protein).

Owners of small household plots that cannot allocate a territory for walking birds need to give them greens on their own. It can be grass from lawns or lawns, garden weeds, green manure, vegetable and fruit peelings, etc. If there are problems with the extraction of grass, it can be obtained in vegetable shops: spoiled greens are unsuitable for sale, but just right for poultry. Such top dressing will cost literally for a nominal fee, and maybe even for free.

In addition to grass, chickens are very fond of cabbage leaves, lettuce, spinach, grated or finely chopped pumpkin, zucchini, apples, etc. No less useful is a mash for chickens, whose composition is quite universal (depending on the availability of certain products in the household). Plant food does not have to be mixed with compound feed: poultry farmers often hang green "brooms" a little higher than the level of chicken heads. Laying hens begin to bounce, taking out plants. Such manipulations are necessary in cases where chickens do not have the opportunity to walk around the yard. Physical activity is replaced by jumping - they have a good effect on their well-being.

Where to buy compound feed?

Buying factory food is quite simple - it is plentiful in bird markets and agricultural stores. The buyer has plenty to choose from: a wide range of industrial feeds differ not only in composition, but also in the final form - crushed, granulated or expanded. You can buy compound feed for laying hens with prescription, it is also recommended to look on the Internet and find out the prices. Before buying, the date of its manufacture, the expiration date and the manufacturer must be checked.

It is important not to make a mistake with the labeling of the concentrate: manufacturers make different feeds for young and adult chickens. This is due to the fact that for each age there is an optimal intake of nutrients. Chicken feed differs from adult in fine grinding and easy digestibility. It is impossible to say exactly how much compound feed for laying hens costs, the price is formed on the basis of its quantity, type, manufacturing company, etc. Check out the article:

Solves several questions at once. It provides chickens with health, increases egg production, and reduces mortality. How to feed laying hens to avoid problems?

Properly selected feed contains all the necessary trace elements and nutrients. It is balanced in terms of the amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates, therefore it allows you to meet the needs of all the needs of laying hens.

The composition of compound feed intended for feeding laying hens is completely balanced.

Great importance is also paid to the mineral composition of feed. Laying hens need an increased amount of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. With a deficiency of any of the feed components, the bird's health begins to suffer. With a pronounced lack of elements, it can develop, and susceptibility to infections increases.

The main components of any compound feed are:

  • corn;
  • wheat;
  • barley;
  • meal;
  • mineral supplements;
  • vegetables.

Norms of consumption of compound feed for laying hens

Many farmers give grain mixture and wet food (), focusing not on specific standards, but only on their experience. It is believed that if food is eaten faster than 20 minutes, it is not enough. On the other hand, the grain remaining after 40 minutes in the feeder indicates a too large portion.

Such a test of satiety of birds is very relative. It is difficult to check and make sure that all the hens have enough minerals and nutritional components of the feed. Often, chickens do not receive certain vitamins for many months, which ultimately leads to the appearance of symptoms of beriberi.

Ready mixed feeds for laying hens are balanced according to GOST.

If industrial compound feed is used for feeding, then it is easier to dose it. As a rule, it comes with a feeding table depending on the needs of the bird. The composition of such compound feed is balanced according to GOST in accordance with the need for chickens: pullet, laying hen or broiler.

Important! When buying ready-made compound feed, choose the one on the pack of which GOST is indicated. This speaks of the best quality.

How to feed laying hens

Not all industrial feeds are the same.

In addition to the composition, they also differ in the form of release:

  • granular feed;
  • crumbly.

The younger the bird, the smaller the size of the pellets it is offered. Chicks should be fed with a very fine fraction. Pullets and older chicks can eat larger pellets.

If laying hens receive only dry feed, without the addition of wet mash and vegetables, then it is important to provide the hens with plenty of clean water. Digestion of grain granular mixtures is impossible without drinking plenty of water.

How much feed does a laying hen need per day

It is quite difficult to control the amount of feed eaten in laying hens on the run. More lively birds can push pullets away from the feeder. This will lead to overeating and obesity in some birds and emaciation in others.

An adult laying hen needs about 130 grams of feed per day.

The nutrient and mineral requirements of birds increase as they grow. chickens egg breeds(, etc.) need much less calcium and magnesium than layers that have already reached puberty.

Each farmer has his own guidelines for determining how much feed chickens need. An adult laying hen from 6 months and older eats about 110-130 grams of feed per day. This amount will provide the bird with the necessary substances and avoid overfeeding.

The best feed for laying hens

It is impossible to unequivocally answer which is the best feed for laying hens you can choose. Farmers are guided by the cost of feed, its availability and convenience of packaging. As a rule, the preferences of hens play a small role in the choice of feed, since laying hens are not very whimsical in food.

One of the most popular is PK-1 food. There are two varieties of it - PC 1-1 and PC 1-2, depending on the age of the chickens. The composition of the feed meets the needs of hens of egg breeds, allows you to achieve good egg production and high quality eggs.

PC-1 is the most popular compound feed for laying hens.

The basis of PK compound feed is wheat or corn. It depends on the manufacturer. Both grain products in sufficient quantities provide the needs of poultry in vegetable protein.

How to make feed for laying hens with your own hands

When preparing feed great attention paid attention to the quality of its components. To do this, the products must be properly prepared. Hay for grass meal is made from clover, alfalfa or nettle. Best of all, herbs collected before flowering - they retain the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins.

Starting from November, spruce and pine needles can be harvested, especially in areas that are not rich in meadow grasses. There is a lot of resin in the spring needles, which makes it unsuitable for food. The needles are dried, crushed and added together as part of the mash. But you can hang it in bunches in the house.

The basis of any compound feed is grain:

  • wheat;
  • barley;
  • corn;
  • oats.

In winter, when the amount of vitamins in the feed is reduced, the grain is given sprouted. To do this, it is filled with water and left for 24-48 hours. Such seedlings are rich in vitamins, easily digested by chickens.

Many farmers make their own feed for laying hens.

Additionally, wet food is treated with yeast. Adding yeast to grain carbohydrate feeds enriches them with B vitamins and prebiotics. Chickens, which receive part of the yeasted feed in the cold season, are distinguished by good egg production.

Feed recipe for laying hens

The diet of laying hens necessarily includes carbohydrate, protein and fat components. The carbohydrate component is the grain, it provides the birds with energy. Protein products - legumes, cakes - serve to grow and maintain the health of chickens. Be sure to add the mineral component for the proper development of the shell.

An approximate diet for a laying hen over 20 weeks of age can be represented as follows:

Laying hens are fed two to three times a day. Morning feeding is as early as possible, around 5-6 in the morning. A wet mash with flour and cake is offered. Lunch feeding is made up of juicy vegetable feed. You can add vegetables to your morning meal.

Evening feeding is a grain mixture. In winter, mash is limited, diluted with warm water and only with a heated chicken coop. The remains of wet food are taken after an hour, as they quickly deteriorate.

The grain that is given in the evening feeding is undesirable to leave all night. It can attract rodents, especially if the chicken coop is not well protected from pests. If possible, all foods should be eaten by birds within 30 minutes.

Important! When adding grain to the feed, attention is paid to its quality: grain infected with mold is dangerous for mycotoxicoses.

Alexey Evgenievich writes:

compound feed- a complex homogeneous mixture of various feed products, selected taking into account scientifically based standards of animal needs for nutrients, minerals and biologically active substances, which have undergone preliminary preparation (husking, grinding, etc.) and special processing in order to increase the nutritional value of the final product .

* Loose compound feed
* Expanded feed
* Expanded-granulated compound feed (granule diameter 2; 3; 4.2; 6 mm)
* Expanded-granulated semolina

Expanded feed is a product obtained as a result of short-term heat treatment under high pressure. Expanding provides the following advantages: the introduction of a large number of liquid components, such as oil; neutralization of negative properties of compound feed components harmful to nutrition; improving the quality and digestibility of feed; the best quality of granules; the use of cheaper and more difficult raw materials for granulation.
Processing in the expander reduces the overall contamination of the raw material. Coliform bacteria, E. coli, mold fungi and salmonella are completely destroyed.
In addition, the use of expanded compound feed will allow:

* shorten the fattening period
* reduce the mortality of agricultural animals and poultry
* increase productivity
* reduce feed consumption per unit of production
* reduce mechanical losses during transportation and distribution

Complete compound feeds are made according to recipes approved in the prescribed manner, calculated using regulatory documents.
Compound feed is sold in polypropylene bags or in bulk.

For agricultural poultry

Chicks 1-4 days

Laying hens breeding (egg breeds)

Laying hens up to 45 weeks

Laying hens over 45 weeks old

Laying hens over 45 weeks old

Chicks 1-7 weeks

Young chickens 8-14 weeks

Young chickens 14-17 weeks

Broilers 1-4 weeks

Broilers over 4 weeks old

For pigs

Piglets up to 2 months

Weaned piglets 2-4 months

Replacement young growth 4-8 months

The uterus is single and the first 2/3 of pregnancy

Uterus of the last 1/3 gestation and suckling

Meat fattening of pigs

Bacon fattening pigs

Breeding boars

Fattening pigs to fat conditions

For cattle

KK 60-1
Dairy cows and heifers (pasture period)

Highly productive cows (pasture period)

Calves up to 6 months

Young cattle 6-12 months (pasture period)

Young cattle 12-18 months (pasture period)

Fattening cattle (pasture period)

Stud bulls (pasture period)

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