What percentage of eggs do laying hens give. How many eggs per day does a chicken carry: how to increase egg production. Diseases that reduce egg production


The classification of chickens is done taking into account the direction of their main productivity: meat, meat and egg and egg laying. Hens of all directions lay eggs, but in different quantities. If for meat breeds the maximum annual number of eggs does not exceed 100 pieces, then egg-laying hybrid chickens can lay up to 350 eggs per year.

Interesting fact. In chickens, at the genetic level, there is an inverse relationship between egg production and body weight. And if we add to this the desire of breeders to increase egg production, it becomes clear why laying hen meat is not used for food in developed countries. In addition to the fact that such a carcass has more bones than meat, blue muscles, fatty tissues are almost completely absent, and it will take at least three hours to cook it. During this time, all the vitamins from the “eco-friendly homemade” chicken will disappear.

Before you know how many eggs a laying hen carries per month, you need to get acquainted with its distinctive characteristics.

  1. Rapid onset of puberty. The first eggs are laid at six months of age.
  2. Small body weight. The live weight of adult laying hens is approximately 1.5 kg, the weight of the gutted carcass is less than a kilogram.
  3. High physical activity. Features of laying eggs require not only special feed, but also constant movement. Chickens are on the move almost all day long.
  4. Increased need for calcium. It is difficult to find it in the right amount in a natural way, in most cases calcium should be added to the feed.
  5. Partial or complete loss of brooding instinct. If the instinct is preserved, then it manifests itself only for 2-3 years of life, and up to this age it is not advisable to keep laying hens from the point of view of the economy.

As seen from general characteristics, except for egg production, laying hens no longer have any advantages. Now you can find out how many eggs laying hens give per month.

Laying performance

No one can give an exact calculation, there is always the word “approximately”, indicators even for one breed can fluctuate over a very wide range. Too many unforeseen factors can affect egg production in chickens, some are human dependent and some are not. There are also those about whom modern science only suspects. Egg production is affected not only by the conditions of detention, diet or season, but also by a stressful situation, the presence of loud sounds, foreign animals, etc.

How many eggs does a laying hen lay in a month? The question is of interest only to beginner poultry farmers, experienced ones themselves know - from 0 to 29 pieces. Why such a spread and why is there a maximum? This is worth looking into in more detail.

Why can't a laying hen lay more than 29 eggs per month

This limitation is set by Mother Nature. An egg is essentially a large egg located in the protein and closed from damage by the shell. As soon as the yolk is ripe, it enters the oviduct, as it moves, it becomes overgrown with protein and becomes covered with a shell. Biologically, this process takes 25 hours, it is impossible to accelerate it. But various negative factors can significantly slow down or completely stop the laying process. What measures should be taken to increase egg production in laying hens?

The right choice of breed

The record is 371 eggs, but such figures can only be achieved on special research farms. None of the most experienced growers have exceeded 350 eggs, but most consider it a great success to reach 300 eggs.

Which chickens should be purchased by private traders?

Breed nameAnnual egg production, piecesChicken weight, kgEgg weight, g

200–240 Up to 3.355–60

200–240 Up to 2.055–65

180–240 Up to 3.060–70

315–320 Up to 2.063–64

180–200 Up to 2.258–60

160–180 Up to 2.055–60

340–350 Up to 1.760–65

280–300 Up to 2.070

280–300 Up to 1.863

These are the maximum physiological capabilities of each breed. But the specific values ​​depend on several factors that can be influenced.

How to increase egg production

It is desirable not only to increase the number of eggs, but also to achieve stability throughout the year. To do this, a set of special measures should be taken to ensure optimal conditions of detention and a balanced diet. In personal subsidiary farms in summer, egg production increases, in winter it decreases significantly due to temperature fluctuations in the room and unbalanced feed. At modern industrial poultry farms, such jumps are not observed. What do you need to pay attention to in order to achieve maximum stable performance?

  1. Diet. Underfeeding, like overfeeding, is equally harmful to laying hens. Eating should be extended over time, feed is always fresh and without mold. The composition of feed in terms of nutrients and microelements is very important. Currently, there are special sets of microadditives on sale, their use gives tangible positive results. The main condition is strict observance of the consumption norms recommended by the manufacturer.

  2. Temperature regime. Chickens, like all birds, react sharply to temperature deviations from favorable values. Too high and too low indicators significantly reduce egg production. In summer, the chicken coop needs to be ventilated, and in winter, measures should be taken to raise the temperature. You should be aware that with a decrease in the oxygen content by only a few percent, mass pestilence can begin in birds. The air quality in the poultry house must always comply with existing regulations.

  3. Illumination. Everyone knows the concept of "night blindness". As soon as the light decreases slightly, the chickens get ready for bed. They move less, eat less and, as a result, egg production decreases. Daylight hours should be at least 12 and not more than 14 hours. This needs to be watched closely. As lighting lamps, it is better to use modern economical ones, the total loss in electricity can significantly increase the cost of eggs.

  4. Air humidity. Optimum values ​​of relative humidity are 60–70%, otherwise the comfort of staying in the chicken coop decreases, laying hens reduce productivity.
  5. The number of layers per unit area. Recommended for square meter free space to have no more than four layers. You need to carefully approach the manufacture of cages, places for perch, etc. It is categorically not recommended to use metal elements during the manufacture of places for night rest, metal conducts heat well, and this can cause hypothermia of the legs.

  6. Winter exercise. At the first opportunity, it is recommended to release chickens for a short walk in winter. This is not only good for their health, but also serves as a natural incentive to increase egg production.

And the last. Every year of life, the egg production of chickens decreases by approximately 20%, regardless of the conditions of keeping and feeding.

Folk methods for determining good laying hens

What did our grandmothers pay attention to before deciding what to do with the chicken: leave it alive for eggs or cook it to be sent to the pan. First of all, in appearance. The hen should have bright, shiny plumage, a red comb, and a clean bottom. This is direct evidence of her health, a sure sign that good egg production can be expected from her.

This was followed by more complex manipulations - grandmothers determined the physiological characteristics of the development of the skeleton - the distance between the posterior end of the sternum and the beginning of the pubic bones. The chicken was clamped between the knees, the legs were held with the left hand, and the distance in the “fingers” was measured with the right hand. If two or one finger was placed, then the laying hen was culled, there would be no current from it. Four fingers came in - great, if three, then you can still doubt what to do with the chicken.

Good laying hens should have thin and straight pubic bones, be free of fat. A large, bulging and hard belly testified that the laying hen swam with fat, you should not expect many eggs from her. Productive laying hens should have a soft belly. A small belly is the worst diagnosis, it makes no sense to keep such a laying hen. Only feed is wasted, and the meat ages and becomes tougher.

How to increase egg production with a chicken coop

The floors in the room should only be wooden, in no case concrete. Do not make high ceilings, in low rooms it is easier to keep the optimum temperature in the winter. Natural ventilation is mandatory, but it should be done in such a way as to avoid drafts in the place where the chickens spend the night. The window area is at least 10% of the floor area, thus it will be possible to maintain favorable illumination indicators for a long time. Before wintering, it is imperative to disinfect the chicken coop from ticks and other pests.

Perches should only be wooden, the diameter of the poles should not exceed 5 cm, for each chicken at least 20 cm of poles, but it is better to have a supply. Firstly, you can easily increase the number of birds if necessary. Secondly, the chickens will go to bed faster, they will not interfere with each other with every movement. For 5-6 layers you need to put one nest. At first, it is recommended to make a larger number and arrange in different places. As soon as the chickens choose for themselves the most appropriate place locations, then the nests are moved there. The hay in the nest must be periodically replaced with new one. After each change, an egg is laid on the hay to attract hens, as soon as they begin to lay, the bait egg is removed.

Video - Beautiful quality chicken coop

Answers to frequently asked questions from newbies

For villagers, most questions will cause a condescending smile, but urban residents are very interested in these topics.

Video - Bird vaccination

Video - About egg laying chickens

Chickens are unpretentious and widespread in the personal compound. They are kept mainly for the sake of eggs. Waiting impatiently until the first egg appears in the nest, you involuntarily think about pressing issues. For example, at what age do pullets begin to lay, how to increase and stabilize their productivity, how many eggs a hen lays per day, how long a laying hen will delight with oviposition.

When the chickens start laying

There are three main areas in the poultry industry. Breeds or crosses belonging to one of them have a strictly defined ripening period. Minor deviations are possible, but not significant.

Born laying hens mature early. They begin to rush from 4.5–5.5 months. This applies to both pure breed chickens and egg hybrids (crosses), although the latter may well please with a testicle as early as 4 months

Chickens of the meat and egg direction ripen longer. Universal pullets gradually begin to rush at 5.5–6.5 months.

Meat chickens will stably rush the latest - from 7-8 months. Heavyweights first increase the mass and only then take care of the offspring.

Oddly enough, where you get your hens has a huge impact on how long you have to lay your first egg. After all, in a breeding farm or at a poultry farm, they will tell you exactly which breed or cross will soon settle in the farmstead, which, and most importantly, when to expect from them.

In the market, when buying from hand or with a generous gift in the form of a dozen chickens from a neighbor, there are no guarantees. The chickens will most likely be crossbreeds, which means that they will not comply with the deadlines, well, if they start laying at all.

How many eggs can a hen lay

With the existence of completely different directions in growing poultry it becomes completely logical that the indicator characterizing how many eggs a chicken lays per year depends on which of them it belongs to.

Egg hens are champions in egg production. Small and very mobile, they are selfless workers. Their productivity is in the range of 200 - 240 eggs. Egg hybrids are higher: 280–320 pcs. In summer, such hens rush often, almost daily. In winter - less often. On average, it turns out from one egg a day to one in two days, depending on the season. At the same time, from 17 to 26 eggs can be obtained from egg hens per month, 4–6 eggs per week.

Meat and egg chickens lay less than 160-180 days a year. Stable - once every two days. Per month versatile chicken rushes quite well: 13-15 pieces, and per week - 3-4 pieces.

Meat ones are the worst, but when they were bred, there were other priorities. The productivity of one such hen is in the range of 120-160 per year. Heavyweight eggs are larger than those carried by laying hens. On average, it turns out that 1 egg appears every three days. You can expect 10-13 pieces per month, 2-3 pieces per week.

Keep in mind that chickens have periods of molting when they take a break from laying eggs. The same happens when the instinct of incubation is manifested. In laying hens, it is lost, especially in crosses, and meat and meat and egg periodically try to breed.

How to increase egg production

The productivity of chickens is influenced by many factors, not only the origin.

First of all - a balanced diet with enough nutrients, minerals, vitamins and amino acids. The presence of a source of animal proteins in the feed has a huge impact. A good, varied, complete diet is the key to high immunity of the laying hen, and hence the guarantee of a large number of eggs.

It is important to observe the measure. More food doesn't mean better. With its excess, chickens prefer to "fatten", they are no longer up to eggs.

To stimulate an increase in the number of eggs, hens must be supported with special additives for laying hens - premixes, or fed with high-quality industrial compound feed. In addition to food, you need to take care of lighting, temperature and conditions of detention.

With cellular placement, the control of the microclimate in the chicken coop comes to the fore: they are kept in the same conditions all year round, which exclude stress from fluctuations and regime changes.

For outdoor maintenance, it is necessary to provide a dry and clean bedding. In unsanitary conditions and with high humidity, there is a high risk of chickens being affected by various diseases and weakening the immune system.

There are chickens that continue to rush in winter even in an unheated chicken coop, but a drop in temperature below zero is fraught with the cessation of egg laying. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the room warm.

The level of lighting also affects the number of eggs. Daylight hours for laying hens should be about 12-14 hours. In winter, when the natural duration is reduced, be sure to turn on an additional light source in the chicken coop.

How many years do chickens lay

The productivity of chickens, which depends on the breed and conditions of detention, unfortunately, has a time limit.

The peak in intensity and number of eggs occurs at 1–2 years of age. Then the chickens rush worse and worse, annually reducing their performance by 10-20%.

Crosses of egg hens at poultry farms are rejected after a year of merciless exploitation. At home, laying hens are treated more humanely. Often here they live up to 3 years. There is no point in holding on any longer. Feed costs will remain the same, and the meat will become unusable (become rubber).

Even valuable chickens left to breed rarely live longer than five years. By this time, the number of eggs becomes minimal, and in terms of quality they are no longer suitable for incubation.

Therefore, it is believed that the optimal lifespan of a chicken, when it justifies the feed with eggs and can still please with a rich broth, is no more than 3 years.

How many years your chickens will live is up to you. But there are precedents when honored workers are not written off, but are given the opportunity to end their earthly journey in a natural way. Thanks for the tasty and healthy eggs. Domestic chickens for many become almost family members.

How many eggs does a hen lay a day?

Answering the question of how many eggs a chicken brings in a day is both simple and difficult at the same time. You can call the average number for all breeds. But there are many factors that affect the performance of a laying hen. Among them are the feeding regimen, diet, season, conditions of detention, health status, etc. Changing any of them will increase or decrease egg laying.

Features of the process of laying hens

Breed is a key factor for egg production in chickens. She lays down the minimum and maximum for the bird. By arranging a warm chicken coop, a balanced diet, and additional lighting, the breeder can increase productivity only within the interval laid down by nature.

The ideal for the farmer is 1 egg per day. In fact, it turns out less: about 1 piece in two days.

Attention! In winter, most hens significantly reduce the intensity of oviposition. Natural biorhythms are to blame: in cold weather, birds do not feel the need to procreate.

Annual productivity for chickens of different directions:

  • egg breeds - 200-240 pcs. (about 4 pieces per week);
  • egg hybrids - up to 320 pcs. (6-7 eggs per week);
  • meat and egg breeds - 160-180 pcs. (3.5 pieces per week);
  • meat - 120-160 pcs. (2-3 eggs per week).

Chickens reduce egg laying in such cases:

  1. During the molting period, once a year at the end of autumn.
  2. During the activation of the maternal instinct. Chickens of meat or meat and egg breeds sometimes sit in a nest with a goal. Breeding processes have minimized the influence of instinct in pure egg varieties.

Egg control

The breeder needs to work on obtaining high egg performance from the moment the chickens are purchased. Natural egg breeds are distinguished by an early start of laying: from about 4.5-5.5 months. against 7 months in purely meat varieties. Only a thoroughbred bird can withstand the deadlines. Crossbred chickens may not start laying at all.

Advice. Purchase young animals from certified breeding farms, poultry farms or private breeders with a proven track record.

As the chickens mature, experienced farmers create optimal living conditions for them and get the maximum possible number of eggs:

And what in your opinion can cause a decrease in the productivity of chickens?

How many chickens lay: video

Raising poultry for the purpose of obtaining eggs is one of the most common activities in the agricultural sector. Eggs are present in our diet daily in the form of scrambled eggs, omelettes, bakery products etc. For those who raise chickens of egg breeds, it is important to know not only what time the birds begin to lay, but also about the factors that affect egg production and the features of the process.

When the chickens start laying

Oviposition is a physiological process that indicates the maturity of a chicken. Wild chickens lay from 6 months of age. The development of egg breeds has led to the appearance of laying hens, which begin to rush from 4-5 months:

  • Leghorn - 4.5;
  • Loman Brown - 5.5;
  • Dominant - 4;
  • Tetra - 4;
  • Minorca - 5.
For a year, hens of egg breeds will lay from 200 to 300 eggs.

Meat and egg breeds are carried from 5-6 months. These birds are not egg-laying champions, but they are raised for balanced meat and egg performance.
During the year, meat and egg chickens carry about 170-200 testicles. Laying hens of meat breeds begin to lay from 7-8 months, so it is not profitable to keep them for the sake of getting eggs. The annual number of eggs from meat chickens is no more than 120. While the young are growing, their combs are small, pale pink in color. When the hen is ready to lay eggs, the color of the comb turns red and it increases in size.

Did you know? Representatives of the Minorca breed begin to lay the earlier, the purer the breed line. Breeders drew attention to this feature.

What affects egg production

The characteristics of the breed affect the beginning of oviposition, as well as:

All of these factors can delay the start of laying. Stress factors for birds are the proximity of a predator, road noise, and a cold chicken coop. Oviposition uses about 40% of the energy that is converted in the body from food.

Did you know? Birds do not rush in the dark. Some breeds do not lay well in cold microclimates and require warm chicken coop. Even a fully formed egg in the oviduct, the chicken will not lay down if it considers the conditions unsuitable.

How many days a year do chickens lay

Egg-laying hens can lay up to 300 eggs per year, and therefore, they lay almost daily. Representatives of meat and egg breeds rush every other day, and meat breeds - once every 2-3 days. In conditions of factory keeping, egg production is higher, since the conditions affecting productivity are more carefully observed.

A hen of any breed is born with a large supply of eggs, which allows her to lay throughout her life. The eggs of a bird are small, it takes about 1-2 days for the full development of one egg, depending on the breed.

How many years does a chicken lay

In the body of a laying hen, there are about 4 thousand eggs, which will last her for 11 years. But in fact, chickens live from 2 to 5 years. This is due to the fact that the egg production of most breeds decreases with age, and the meat becomes more rigid. Therefore, farmers plan to replace a productive herd no later than in 3-4 years.

Features of individual breeds:

  1. The maximum egg production of chickens of egg breeds is in the first year of life. In the second year, productivity decreases by 15% and continues to fall in subsequent years.
  2. Chickens of the meat and egg type - become as productive as possible in the second year and retain the same productivity until the age of three or four. At the same time, adults carry testicles larger than the young.

Important! At least once a week, laying hens need a whey mash, since the bird's body is not able to synthesize the amino acids found in eggs. Protein for their synthesis comes with whey.

Hen culling

Most often, culling is a problem for beginner poultry farmers without experience. In this case, you need to watch the birds. A good laying hen can be seen in the nest almost daily and at about the same time of day. The rest of the time, the bird is actively looking for food. You can mark such chickens with a tin ring worn on a paw. In an actively rushing bird, the comb and earrings are bright, full. If the birds do not shed, then the feather should be clean, and the laying hen itself should not be too fat, since being overweight makes it difficult to lay eggs.
Poultry farmers with experience identify the following important signs of a good laying hen:

  • appearance;
  • complexion.

Any deviation in appearance laying hens are a sign of a problem:

On the head of a good laying hen there is a bright crest of the correct form, warm to the touch. The belly of the bird is elastic, soft. The back should be straight, legs straight.

The bird should not be too thin or excessively fat. The distance between the pubic bones should be equal to 4 fingers. good laying hen active and cheerful.

Important! According to a study by Smith, Wilson and Brown (1954), an increase in air temperature in a hen house is above +26°C reduces egg production. Limited access to water will also reduce productivity by almost 50% (Quisenbury studies, 1915).

How to increase egg production

AT natural conditions chickens rush only in the warm season, with an abundance of greenery and a varied diet. Therefore, some factors allow to increase egg production:

  • increasing daylight hours in winter with the help of additional chicken coop lighting - this factor affects representatives of any breed;
  • Most breeds need an insulated coop without drafts, and laying hens from countries with a warm climate require a heated coop for stable egg laying;
  • adding yeast to the mash in winter will increase the energy value of the feed.

Proteins, mineral salts and vitamins in the diet have a significant impact on egg laying. In addition, during the period of intensive egg laying, the laying hen needs 2 times more nutrients.

Good and stable egg production of chickens is an aspect that is influenced by many household factors - nutrition, living conditions, stress. By changing them for the better, you can achieve maximum productivity.

On the continuous benefits of chicken, people paid attention many thousands of years ago. The test of the meat of this type of bird went quite optimistically. The man fell in love with the taste of meat and chicken eggs. At present, it is not expensive, useful and common product that is found in almost every home. Many farmers consider raising chickens not only as a business, but also as a stable supply of delicious dietary meat and eggs.

The calculation, first of all, and before you start your own small business, you need to understand how many eggs a laying hen carries per day. Unfortunately, it is difficult to give a 100% calculation. The product and number of eggs directly depends on many factors. These are living conditions for chickens, season, food and climate.

That is why there is no consensus on the question of how many eggs a laying hen carries per day. Some say that the bird lays one egg every day, others say that the "ripple" can give one egg every other day. Either way, these are averages.

Those for whom the question of how many eggs a laying hen carries per day is fundamental should know that the amount of the product also depends on the breed of bird.

Chicken breeds

Breeds of chickens Experts in the field of chicken breeding have developed a classification according to which all "ripples" are divided into three breeds: meat, egg and universal (combining the qualities of the first two). Features of egg breeds Considering the question of how many eggs a laying hen carries per day, it would be wrong to hide the fact that all breeds have egg production to one degree or another. For example, meat "clumps" in 12 months bring about 100-150 eggs, while egg individuals for the same period of time - from 200 to 230 eggs.

What distinguishes egg breed from others? Firstly, its representatives grow small in size, they form sexually early and quickly become adults. So, what breeds of chickens, laying eggs in the maximum number, exist? These include chickens such as Andalusian, Leghorn, Spanish, Hamburg, Minorca and others. Currently, many homeowners, taking advantage of the achievements of breeders, prefer to use hybrid variations of laying hens. Why?

This is due to the fact that such chickens cost almost the same as purebred ones, but at the same time they are more adapted to adverse conditions. Moreover, in terms of egg production, hybrid individuals are 10% ahead of purebred ones. However, it should be noted that in the offspring of crossed chickens, the above indicator will decrease.

When is the best time for a chicken to lay eggs?

Many people know the fact that the most favorable time for laying eggs is the spring period, when more or less warm weather sets in. Of course, beginner poultry farmers are interested in the question of how many years chickens have been laying eggs. It should be emphasized that the largest number of eggs, as a rule, "ripple" takes down in the first year, after which the egg production decreases.

That is why, under conditions of industrial production, chickens are kept for no more than one year, then they are replaced by young ones.

When should you not get married? 15 Cats That Look Like Popular Characters 8 Things That Can Make You Unhappy three years. Of course, a novice poultry farmer may ask: “I only have laying hens on my farm. How many eggs do such individuals lay? The answer to it, again, depends on the degree of care for the bird and the conditions in which it is kept. As already emphasized, the average is 200 eggs per year. How to increase egg production

Also, many farmers are interested in how to increase egg production. Of course, almost everyone uses the same technique. Which? Everything is very simple. It is necessary to increase the light day of the chicken with the help of lighting devices. Let her think that there are 28 hours in a day. However, this is not the only condition for good egg production.

For laying hens, fresh air, warmth, and a balanced diet with vitamins are important. If you see that your hens have a warm comb, lobes and earrings during the laying period, then you are properly keeping poultry. Remember that it is in these organs that the pigment is produced, which is responsible for the formation of the eggshell.

When do laying hens begin to lay eggs?

And, of course, the fundamental question is when the chickens begin to lay eggs. It all depends on the breed of bird. If we talk about egg "ripples", then they begin to give eggs by 5 months. As for hybrid individuals, they bear the first egg 1.5–2 months later. At this time, the length of daylight hours for chickens is usually 12 hours. Over time, they begin to gradually increase it, and by 9 months the duration of daylight hours should be approximately equal to 17 hours.

Often situations arise when chickens, being in a warm and cozy room, rush anywhere, as if deliberately ignoring the nests. To remedy the situation, try placing objects that imitate an egg in the "maternity wards". They can be made from chalk, wood, plaster. However, there is a better option. Take egg, make a small hole in it and remove the contents from it, and then fill it with a solution of the same gypsum or alabaster. All you have to do is place a homemade "liner" in the chicken nest.

Features of feeding

In order for the hens to lay well, their diet must be plentiful and balanced. It is especially necessary to observe this rule during the winter period of the year. Part of the grain feed should be pre-sprouted. The recipe is quite simple. Corn or barley is soaked in slightly warm water. In this form, the food is scattered in a small layer in a separate room, while the optimum temperature in it should be +25 degrees Celsius. Keep grain moist at all times. After a few days, the first sprouts will appear, after which the feed can be given to the hens. Some add yeast to the feed to increase the egg production of the poultry in question. The recipe is also easy. They take 30 grams of fresh yeast, dilute them in 1.5 liters of water, and then add them to 1 kilogram of crushed grain. The mixture is well mixed and left for 8-9 hours in a warm room. After that, the composition becomes ready for use, and it can be added to the mash (special feed mixture).
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