Quail stopped laying eggs what to do. What to do if quails do not rush. Age and stress


The benefits of quail eggs for humans are undeniable - they do not contain cholesterol, eggs are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. However, this product has a rather high cost. Therefore, many modern poultry farmers are switching to quail breeding, wanting to make a big profit compared to selling chicken eggs. But there are cases when the egg production of a bird decreases, and sometimes quails stop laying eggs altogether. Nobody wants to suffer losses. What are the main reasons for this trouble? Why don't quails lay? Let's figure it out.

There are quite a few reasons why quail breeders may be left without the expected eggs. Basically, they relate to the conditions of poultry keeping. In fact, even a slight change in diet can lead to a decrease in performance. Before starting quails, be sure to study the requirements for caring for them, create suitable conditions, and then you definitely won’t be left without eggs.

Incorrect selection of lighting intensity

Quails should be in daylight eighteen hours a day. In addition, the intensity of lighting should not be too strong. Otherwise, the bird will not be able to sleep normally, will lose energy and strength, and may become aggressive. In summer, daylight hours in the poultry house are regulated mainly in a natural way, and in winter it is necessary to turn on artificial lighting, moreover, strictly by the clock.

Reduced house temperature

To get more eggs, it is extremely important to observe a certain temperature regime. A comfortable temperature for living quails should not fall below twenty degrees. When it fluctuates within three degrees, quails can stop laying for a period of two weeks, and when it drops to + 10 ° C, they will completely lose their ability to lay eggs. In addition, do not forget to pay attention to the fact that the house is dry and there are no drafts.

Inharmonious diet

Although quails are not the most whimsical birds, they still need a certain diet. For them, special mixed feeds are produced containing more than 150 components. The bird is fed no more than four times a day. In the mornings and evenings, it is recommended to give quails grain feed, while at lunchtime it is preferable to feed the bird with a wet mixture consisting of herbs and healthy supplements.

With an improperly selected diet, quails stop producing eggs on the second or third day, but restoring this indicator will take a long time. The quality of the food directly affects the size of the eggs. For example, if there is not enough protein in the diet, then the birds will produce small eggs.

Water scarcity

A very important factor that affects the number of eggs is the presence of sufficient water. An egg is known to contain 75% of this liquid. Accordingly, there will be no water, there will be no eggs. The ratio between the amount of water and food consumed is 2:1 for females and 1.5:1 for males. Ensure an uninterrupted supply of water for your quails with a nipple drinker system, either microcup or tray. The first of these is the most preferred in terms of hygiene, ease of use and ease of cleaning.

Poor conditions of detention

A comfortable cage is one of the important factors that affect the number of eggs laid. It is recommended to make the back and side walls closed. So the bird will be less prone to stress and will feel calmer.

Important point! Don't overpopulate the cage! A dense planting of quails will certainly reduce egg production, and, coupled with bright lighting, will also lead to cannibalism. The optimal number of heads in one cell with an area of ​​0.5 sq.m. - 30-35 pieces, depending on the breed.

Adaptation period

Adaptation to a new place of residence or when changing males can affect the number of eggs. At the time of buying new bird one must be prepared for the fact that for some time the quail will not rush. She needs to get used to her new surroundings. Give her a couple of weeks to get used to it. The same is true when changing the male inseminator. In this case, the adaptation period is six days.


Quails don't lay eggs when they have there is a shift feathers. This is an absolutely normal process, so the poultry farmer should not focus on this reason. There are special methods for restoring egg production in short time, but they are usually used on large quail farms.

With a population of 1000 to 4000 individuals, the use of these methods is not advisable. It is much easier to ensure a timely annual change in the number of birds.


The main reason for egg production decline is stress. It can be caused by several reasons - whether it is overpopulation of the cage or long-term transportation of the bird, a decrease in the number of eggs is guaranteed. If there are too many birds in a cage, there is simply not enough space for each bird. Quails become irritable and restless.

In addition, the number of eggs laid may decrease even if the quail is moved to another cage. The conclusion suggests itself - move your birds less, do not disturb them once again, then there will be enough eggs!


If the bird does not lay eggs for a long time for no apparent reason, you need to contact veterinarian. She probably just got sick. Pay attention to symptoms such as lethargy, lack of appetite, and loose stools. A sick bird will not only not lay eggs, but can also infect healthy fellow tribesmen. Therefore, regularly inspect your livestock to avoid mass pestilence.

bird age

Young quails begin to lay eggs only when they reach two months of age. Up to twelve months, the birds actively rush, after which the number of eggs decreases. It is economically advantageous to keep a bird up to a year old, after which the number of eggs decreases by about half. At the age of three, quails generally cease to rush. These birds have early maturity and at three years of age their reproductive age ends. Therefore, you should take care of the timely change of livestock in advance.

Low or high humidity in the house

If the humidity in the room where the bird is kept becomes less than 30%, the quail will begin to consume more liquid. There are, on the contrary, will be in smaller quantities. As a result, egg production will decrease - the smaller the amount of feed eaten, the fewer eggs. With a long period of low humidity will suffer and appearance birds - the plumage will become brittle, and the quail will lose its feather. To maintain optimal humidity in the room, containers with water are placed, sometimes the floor is moistened. Humidity above 80% is also undesirable.

How to restore egg production?

The reasons that the quail began to rush worse, described above, also suggest a solution to the problems. For example, if a bird stops producing eggs after a long journey to a new place of residence, it will take several weeks to get used to the new conditions and neighbors.

First of all, review your birds' diet to make sure they are getting the right nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Fill the feeders with as much food as the bird can eat at one time.

In order for the egg production to be consistently high, feed the birds four times a day at exactly the same time. Compliance with the regimen will normalize the work of the intestines of the bird. Half an hour is enough for quails to eat, after which be sure to remove the feeders with food so that the birds do not have the opportunity to snack between meals.

How to make a bird feeder

In order to make a simple but convenient quail feeder, you will need:

  • knife for cutting plastic;
  • screwdriver;
  • marker;
  • ordinary plastic water pipe of the desired diameter;
  • two plugs for her;
  • wire or ties for fastening.

Table 1. Making a feeder

Step one: draw markings for future holes with a marker.
Step two: drill a hole in the corner of each hole with a screwdriver to make it easier to cut later.
Step 3: Use a knife to cut holes of the desired size.
Step four: close the sides of the pipe with plugs and hang the feeder in the cage, pulling it with wire or ties.

Keep the cages clean, pay attention to whether the air in the house is fresh. Provide regular water changes and containers of sand and gravel to clean out the bird's esophagus.

It is also worth noting that birds of different ages and birds of different breeds carry an unequal number of eggs. Often, breeders plant quails of different ages in one cage, and then wonder why half of them reduce their productivity.

It is recommended to seat birds in cages according to age and breed. Then it will be possible to keep an age record and roughly imagine when the birds will start laying eggs, and when their reproductive age will come to an end. Renew your laying stock annually. The best indicators for the number of quail eggs laid are shown precisely in the first year of life.

Which quail breeds lay the most eggs?

If you plan to have quails solely to get a large number of eggs, you should carefully consider the choice of bird breed. After all, some of them are capable of carrying three hundred eggs a year, while others are valued because of the quality of their meat and the larger size of the carcass. The table below will tell you about the most egg-laying quail subspecies.

Table 2. Quail egg-laying breeds

Breed nameNumber of eggs per yearDescription

Up to 300 eggsThey begin to lay eggs at the age of one and a half months.

Up to 280 eggsNot the highest in egg production. However, females are excellent mother hens.

Up to 290 eggsThe breed is demanding in maintenance and care. Females live separately from males, they are planted only for a while.

Other quail breeds carry significantly fewer eggs. Therefore, in order to obtain a sufficient number of them, it is worth choosing breeds with high egg production rates and be sure to provide the birds with appropriate conditions. Otherwise, you will not have to wait for high performance.

Learn all about how to start a quail farming business. Writing a correct business plan, commercial prospects of the enterprise, income and expenses. In a separate article, you will learn how to choose a breed, what to look for when buying, what conditions quails need and how to feed them.

You decided to breed quails in the country or at home, but unfortunately it happened that you bought a quail, but it does not rush.

Do not despair and blame the sellers, in this article we will tell you what to do.

There can be several reasons for the lack of oviposition. It is important to understand what is wrong, and only then try to help the bird fulfill its natural function, and you get spotted testicles.

Quails stopped laying - we are looking for the root of the problem

Among the most common reasons why quails do not rush well, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Incorrect lighting in the poultry house. For quails, daylight hours of 18 hours are extremely important, while the lighting should not be too bright, otherwise the birds will be irritated, which will directly affect their behavior, health and egg production.
  2. Drafts into the room lead to the loss of feathers, a decrease in egg production.
  3. Low temperatures in the poultry house. Optimal temperature regime- about 20C. In a more "cool" environment, you should not expect eggs from females.
  4. Stress. For example, during moving, transportation. For quails, this is a big test and it will take them about three weeks to adapt to a new place.
  5. Male change. When replacing a quail in a herd, you should be prepared for a break - the females will “live through” such a change for about six days.
  6. Relocation of young animals to adults. Moving can affect egg production.
  7. Molt. During the molting period, females do not lay eggs.
  8. Diseases. If the bird does not rush for a long time, pay attention to its health. Perhaps she was injured or suffering from a particular ailment.
  9. Aging. Already from the 10th month, the natural aging of the quail can become the reason for the decrease in egg production, even though eggs can be expected from them during the first three years.
  10. Feed change. If you have changed the diet of quails, the new food may not be suitable for them. Wait about two weeks for the quails to get used to the diet, or replace the new food with another one.

If you managed to understand what is the reason for the decline in egg production, then you can begin to eliminate it.

How to solve the problem of low egg production in quails

In order for females to lay eggs continuously, it is important to strictly follow the rules of keeping, to avoid sudden changes, since birds are very sensitive to any changes.

As simple ways to increase egg production, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • It is important to take care of sufficient space in the house. Yes, for one square meter there should be no more than fifty quails. And even better, when laying hens live in a separate cage from males, or with one boy. The absence of aggression from other relatives will increase productivity.
  • To illuminate the poultry house, farmers recommend using electric lamps with soft light. At the same time, the humidity in the room should be about 70%, and the temperature should be 20-22C.
  • The owner should clean the cages regularly.
  • Feed must be enriched with mineral supplements and vitamins.
  • To exclude the possibility of diseases, do not forget about regular inspections of quails on your own or by calling a veterinarian.


If you are breeding quails for the first time, check out other articles on our website, consult with other farmers to create favorable conditions for the bird in advance and ensure comfort for laying eggs and gaining weight.

The quail is a small variegated bird that has become popular due to its use in agriculture. The most valuable are quail eggs, which have an unusual taste and useful properties. But sometimes the quails stop laying. Such a change can alert even experienced poultry farmers and raise a lot of questions. Why don't quails lay eggs?

Reasons why quails stopped laying

For a quail, like for any other poultry need proper care. Not observing the norms for their content leads to problems with egg production or health in general. If the quail stopped rushing, the reason may be as follows:

  • Daylight disruption. In order for quails to lay eggs properly, it is necessary to observe the light regime: the day for birds should last about 18 hours. The light in the room should be on from 6.00 to 24.00. You also need to turn on the lights once at night from 2:00 to 4:00. This is due to the fact that birds left without light for more than 4 hours begin to starve, which affects egg production. But in no case can you light the house around the clock.

Important! To ensure an accurate light regime, it is recommended to buy special lamps with a timer for the house. They can be programmed for time and light intensity, then the quails will have a strict regimen.

  • Too bright or too dim lighting. The intensity of lighting also affects the egg production of quails. Due to too bright light, birds can become aggressive and nervous, because of too dim light, they can become sleepy and lethargic. The approximate power of the lamps should be 4 W per 1 sq. m.
  • Low temperature in the house. The ideal temperature for quails to feel comfortable and lay eggs regularly is 20-22°C. It is possible to deviate from this norm - from 18 ° C to 25 ° C, but not desirable. Lowering the temperature to 17°C and below will stress the birds.
  • Low humidity indoors with birds. Too dry air can affect the well-being of laying hens. Therefore, in the poultry house, you need to establish a comfortable humidity level of 35% or more. To increase this indicator, small jars of water are installed in a room with birds or wet cleaning is carried out 3 times a day.
  • Violation of the norms of feeding. This aspect is the most common reason for the cessation of egg production. Quail should be fed 3 times a day. Most of the bird's diet should be combined feed containing a sufficient amount of protein.
  • Bird age. Only young birds intensively lay eggs (birds from 4 months to 3 years). Further, the number of eggs decreases.
  • Stress and external stimuli. The first time after replanting a bird in a new cage, she experiences stress. This is normal, and after 1-2 weeks the quail will start laying eggs again. To help you quickly adapt to new conditions, you need to go into the house less often and approach the animals.
  • Feather change. During this period, the birds completely stop rushing. Shedding occurs in summer and usually lasts one week.
  • Male change. Quails are sensitive to the partner, and therefore the new inseminator initially causes them stress and distrust. After adaptation, the birds rush as usual.
  • Disease. Any violations of the health of a bird affect its egg production, therefore, it is necessary to look for the reasons that the quail does not rush well in their body. It is better not to self-medicate, but immediately contact a veterinarian.
  • Tight cells. Every bird needs freedom and comfort, so a small space can lead to stress for quails.

How to determine why quails are not rushing?

Based on the above reasons, we can conclude that quails are unpretentious birds. All they need for egg production is comfort and maintenance standards. But, if a young animal, being in a spacious cage with a familiar male and with all the amenities, still does not rush, then the matter is in health.

What to do if the quails do not rush

Having studied the reasons for the lack of egg production and determined why the quail does not lay eggs, you must immediately begin to restore the normal state. First you need to check the poultry house: are the standards of maintenance observed there, is the cage spacious for the quails and is the lighting not too bright.

If they live in comfort, then the reason should be looked for in nutrition. It may be that there is not enough protein, vitamins and minerals in the feed. This shortage is especially felt in winter. If the reason is the poor quality of the food, it must be replaced. If it is not possible to purchase other food, then you can cook it yourself.

Quail food

Feed for young birds:

  1. You need to take 1 kg of wheat, 0.5 kg of dry corn kernels and 100 g of barley.
  2. Chop and mix all ingredients together.
  3. Add to them 1/2 teaspoon of salt and sunflower oil.
  4. Mix.
  5. Can be served to birds.

Food recipe for adult females:

  1. Prepare 600 g of dry corn kernels, 0.5 kg of wheat and 100 g of dried peas.
  2. Grind all ingredients.
  3. Add to the mixture 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil.
  4. Mix.
  5. Give to quails.

Important! If the change in food also does not bring results, you need to contact your veterinarian. The sooner you seek qualified help, the more likely it is to quickly resume egg production and not cause significant harm to the health of the quail.

Do quails need a male for eggs and how to choose one

Male and female quail

For quails to rush, they need a male. Most often, it is not selected separately for each female, but immediately for the entire tribe. This step eliminates the possibility of a fight between males. But there are certain criteria according to which quail can be rejected or, conversely, introduced into the flock:

  • he should not have crooked paws, bad claws, eyes and small testicles;
  • the weight of the male should exceed the weight of the females by at least 15-20%;
  • quail, preferably, should have a large tail.

If the male fits all these criteria, then he will become good option for the fertilization of quails. Otherwise, quail can be sent for meat.

English white quail

In addition to physical form, a suitable male can be selected based on his breed. There are special types of quail intended for fertilization of females:

  • Japanese is distinguished by high fecundity - about 300 eggs per year from one female;
  • English white in addition to good fertility (250-280 eggs per year) has a lot of weight. Therefore, if the male is not suitable for a laying hen, he can always be sent for slaughter.

How to prevent the absence of egg production in the future

To ensure stable egg production, you need to start taking care of the birds when they are still quails. There is nothing complicated in this - it is enough to keep animals in clean cages, feed them with healthy and saturated food, regularly carry out medical examinations and pay more attention to them.

If the poultry farmer complies with all these requirements and approaches his pets with responsibility, then he will never have a question about why quails do not rush. After all, all these birds need is care. And then they will reward the owners with tasty and healthy eggs.

Sometimes poultry farmers are perplexed why quails do not rush. Even if the birds were laying well and steadily, at some point they may stop producing eggs. First of all, in such a situation, it is necessary to determine the cause. From today's article, you will learn why quails stop laying and how to restore egg production.

To maintain high egg production, it is necessary to adhere to a certain light regime. Light day for such birds should last from 18 to 20 hours. The light must be on from 6 am to midnight.

Why don't quails lay under the right lighting? Perhaps the reason is that you do not take breaks. From midnight to two o'clock it is necessary to turn off the light, and at two o'clock turn it on again until four. From four o'clock turn off until six. Otherwise, if you do not take breaks, the quails will starve at night.

If the bird is left without light for 4 hours at night, this will negatively affect egg production. Quails that are bred at home have a fairly fast metabolism. At night, when the light is turned on, females have the opportunity to have a bite to eat. Then they again need to be given a couple of hours of rest.

Most often, the reason why quails stopped laying is round-the-clock lighting. Under no circumstances should this be done! Turn on and off the light strictly according to the above schedule. Excessively bright lighting also negatively affects egg production. Based on the calculation of 4 watts per square meter of area.

Temperature changes

Quails do not rush if the temperature in the house is incorrectly set. The optimum temperature for such birds is +20…+22 °C. Fluctuations of +18…+25 °C are possible. But even such differences are undesirable. If the temperature is lowered to +17 ° C, females will rush badly, since such conditions are unfavorable for birds.

If you keep these individuals in mesh cages, maintain the temperature throughout the room. In summer, provide good ventilation, otherwise egg production will stop.

Humidity level

It is recommended to maintain a relative humidity level of 30% or more. Often the answer to the question "Why don't quails lay eggs?" due to this reason - low humidity in the room. Humidity in closed cages must be maintained naturally. To increase this indicator, regularly wipe the floor with a cloth dampened with water. At the same time, do not allow the humidity level to rise above 80%.


Often the reason why quails stopped rushing is an incorrectly composed diet. If you give unbalanced feed to such birds, they may stop laying eggs altogether. If this is a problem, it is likely that there is not enough protein in the feed.

It is best to use dry mixed food. It is also important not to overfeed the hens. With a balanced diet of dry food containing all the necessary nutrients, the question "Why don't quails rush at home?" will disappear.

Planting Density

It's another one important factor for good egg production. Overcrowding and bright lights can provoke cannibalism. Therefore, do not keep too many quails in one cage. Up to 35 individuals can be placed per square meter. There should be 1 male for every 5 females.

Age and stress

Stable egg production in such birds is observed for 1-2 years. After a year of age, the bird rushes not so intensively. Therefore, annually it is required to update the livestock.

As for stress, this is also one of the reasons why quails do not lay. Birds are under stress from transportation. Quails love a moderate quiet and calm life. Otherwise, the life cycle is broken. After transportation, the first time, females may rush badly due to nervous strain. Cell movement also negatively affects egg production. The adaptation period lasts approximately two weeks. To prevent this problem, try to disturb and move layers as little as possible and as little as possible.

Moulting period

When the productive age is over, such birds stop laying, they begin to molt. There are various methods that allow you to restore egg production, but they are applicable to large farms. If you have a private household, it is easier to update the flock.

  • Wrong lighting mode. In order for the birds to rush well, they need good and long-term lighting. Light day for them should be about 18 hours. In this case, you need to ensure that the cages with the bird are not illuminated with too bright light. Bright light makes the bird irritable and negatively affects not only egg production, but also the health of the quails themselves.
  • Low temperature content. The optimum temperature for keeping poultry is about + 20 degrees Celsius. At lower temperatures, it is quite difficult to wait for quail eggs.
  • Poor diet. It is worth remembering that birds also do not rush with the wrong diet. Egg production also stops when switching from one feed to another. Also, the reason for the lack of eggs may be poor-quality feed, so it is advised to buy it only from trusted sellers.
  • Cell overcrowding. When the cages are overflowing, due to the lack of free space, the bird becomes irritable and, accordingly, stops rushing.
  • Getting stressed while transporting. After the purchase, the owners transport the quails to their new place of residence. Such transportation is stressful enough to cause the bird not to lay. Usually egg production resumes when they get used to the new place of residence. This takes approximately 2-3 weeks.
  • Replacing a male in a herd. If you decide to change the male in the herd, then it is worth considering the fact that the females will temporarily stop laying. Usually the break lasts about 6 days.
  • Transfer of young animals to cages for adult birds. If you have separate cages for rearing young animals and then moving young animals also delays egg laying.
  • Molt. Like other domestic birds, during their molt, they stop rushing.
  • Diseases. To become the reason that for quite a long period you have not observed a single egg from your quails, various illnesses or injuries can. If in doubt, it is best to consult a veterinarian for advice.

  • Aging of females. Aging of females under proper conditions of detention begins at the age of 10 to 30 months. It is worth remembering that birds are considered optimally productive during the first three years of life. At the same time, she must take a break in oviposition for the winter.

How to resume laying?

As you can see, a common reason that quails do not rush is improper maintenance and the wrong diet. To avoid this, before starting breeding, it is better to consult with experienced poultry farmers, who have more than one hundred, or even a thousand, of this bird. It will also be useful to read various literature on breeding birds of this species.

If everything was in order with egg production, and then it suddenly stopped, then there may be several reasons for this. This is a change in food, relocation of birds to another cage, or the appearance of some kind of annoying quail factor in the house, illness, etc. With such an abundance, it is difficult to immediately determine the problem, and until it is determined, then it will not be possible to solve it. Therefore, only you yourself can guess what the problem is, and only then solve it.

Video "All about quails"

Find out where these wonderful birds came from, what they look like and how they are cared for.

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