Auto chemical goods market: brands are constantly changing. Russian market of auto chemical goods


This Chelyabinsk company has made a great contribution to increasing the fame and status of the Chelyabinsk region throughout the country. Now it is ready to compete not only in Russia, but also on the international market with such venerable brands as Wynn`s and Hi-Gear. We are talking about the development of the auto chemical goods market and the prospects of our Chelyabinsk manufacturers with Elena Varlamova, director of NPO Polikom.

It would be wrong to lie and say that we have no competitors. If we take the decoking group - “Decoking of the LAVR ML202 engine”, then it is partly competed by such a domestic manufacturer as Fenom - this is the development of the Moscow laboratory of tribotechnology that is friendly to us. "Flushing injection systems LAVR ML101" successfully competes with the Belgian Wynn`s. In the main cosmetic line, the alternative to LAVR is the American Hi-Gear and the domestic 3ton.

True, "competitiveness" is a somewhat different definition when comparing imported auto chemical goods and domestic ones. Western drugs are developed for "their" conditions, taking into account "their" fuel properties with its strict technical and environmental standards. For Russian conditions, this is not always the best option. Therefore, domestic chemists have to carefully think over the compositions and technologies that are able to work no less efficiently in our conditions, clean heavy pollution and be absolutely safe at the same time.

LAVR next products are known far beyond the Chelyabinsk region and even the Ural region. Tell us what kind of products these are and what is the geography of their deliveries today?

LAVR next products are distributed throughout Russia. Last year, in 2005, we entered the markets of the northern part of the country - this was one of the most significant victories for LAVR next, since the north is famous for its own production. In addition, LAVR next is supplied to Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine. Active negotiations are currently underway with Mongolia, Yugoslavia, Israel and Moldova.

As for products, today our range includes more than 130 items, which are divided into three main categories. Professional auto chemicals for services and workshops, special offers for car wash complexes and retail products for car owners - fuel additives, lubricants, cleaners and polishes, and so on.

I think you will agree that in order to enter new, foreign markets, it is important to have not only your own original developments, but it is also highly desirable to produce products that have no analogues. Do you plan to create such drugs?

And we already have them. For example, liquid for decoking the ML202 engine, flushing the injection systems ML101 and ML102. The LAVR next Arsenal also has patents for a method for cleaning the oil system and for a new class of directional fuel additives. The uniqueness of such additives lies in the fact that they begin to work only at high temperatures in the engine and directly clean the problematic parts, and, being in tanks and pipelines, they seem to “sleep”, without spending their energy on cleaning the contaminants in the tanks and , eliminating the possibility of clogging nozzles and filters.

Initially, our activities were guided by our own development and production of non-standard products that are in demand on the market, rather than copying existing imported ones. A special pride of our latest developments is the world's first two-component cooling system cleaner. First, it includes a system cleaner designed to remove limescale. The second component is a special rinse aid neutralizer, which is an alkaline medium that neutralizes residual acidity and maximally removes various contaminants when the composition is drained. This composition is in demand both in Russia and abroad, since it is absolutely safe for radiators of all types, including those with small diameter tubes.

Surely, you know that in the near future a new auto-chemical production of the young company Legion, which sets itself very ambitious goals, will be launched in Chelyabinsk in the near future. How do you assess the chances of success for such young producers?

Of course we are aware. The guys are quite competently preparing to enter the market and, for sure, there will be competition. But I will not evaluate whether they or someone else has a chance or not. I can only say that we are always glad to compete. It motivates us to some extent. We know perfectly well what the launch of production is, how difficult it is, and what difficulties one has to face. But since people have decided, then this is only a plus for them. We can only wish you success.

That is, the market is able to accept new players?

The change of brands in the auto chemical goods market is constantly going on. Everything will depend on the product itself, its range and sales concept.

I heard that your products are named after the professor whose developments formed the basis for their production. Is it true? And who is the author of Lavr Next technologies today?

Yes this is true. At the head of the development of autochemistry LAVR in the early nineties was a doctor technical sciences, Professor of the Department of ICE of SUSU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Transport Alexander Nikolaevich Lavrik. Under his leadership, all tests and the launch of industrial production of the first Russian family brand of auto chemical goods LAVR were carried out. The belonging of a person's name to any product was, first of all, a guarantee of high quality, but at the same time a huge burden of responsibility for the manufacturer. The professor's son, Candidate of Sciences, Aleksey Aleksandrovich Lavrik, from the very beginning supervised the project directly at the enterprise. Today he is abroad, where he is negotiating the prospects for joint production with imports.

It is known that LAVR is supplied to the technical service of the presidential administration. Tell me how did it happen?

At the Moscow exhibition in 2004, the head of the technical service of the Presidential Administration approached the director of our Moscow representative office "LAVR 21st Century" and said that they had heard about our products and would like to use them. Then the contract was signed.

You participated in the last Moscow exhibition "Moscow International Automobile Salon". What are the impressions?

An exhibition is one of the most costly and time-consuming marketing events. But it allows us to objectively assess our current position in the market and attract the maximum number of new customers. The slogan of the entire exhibition campaign was: "Autochemistry is not in a bottle... but in action" - we took the liberty of showing drugs in action, right on the stand, and in comparison with other drugs. No manufacturer has yet dared to do this. We signed several contracts during the exhibition itself, gained a lot of fans and adherents of the brand and in this moment“we collect the post-show harvest”.

Tell us a little about the history of your company, what are your strategic development plans?

We have been operating on the market for eight years. Commercial production in 1998 began with professional cleaning of fuel injection systems for gasoline and diesel engines, liquids for decoking and flushing of the oil system. It was with these four products that the development of the range began. The first batches were small, Alexey Lavrik himself, together with service specialists, tested and tested drugs on live cars. Then the rumor spread about the properties of LAVR preparations. In 2005, having realized that LAVR was ready to enter international markets, the products were rebranded into LAVR next. Not only the logo has changed, but also the bottle, label, style and in many cases the content of the product. As for plans for the future, in 2007 we plan to strengthen our positions in the Russian market and the markets of the near abroad, as well as enter the international level.

AT recent times the government is tightening measures against industries that use alcohol. This directly applies to autochemistry. Methyl alcohol is prohibited due to its harmfulness, the right to use ethyl alcohol tightened, isopropyl is still allowed. How do you think this affects the industry?

Negative. Russian legislation once again laughed at us, but what to do, we have to work in these conditions. Of course, manufacturers have to respond quickly to this. Today, our antifreeze frankly smells of isopropyl. There were thoughts to abandon the production of such a product, since not everyone likes such a smell and can negatively affect the general attitude towards the brand. But the market behaved in such a way that the product is in demand - the demand for it exceeds the supply. Therefore, the production of the product has not been discontinued and we have tried to eliminate the smell problem as much as possible. To date, there are a number of developments - these are imported fragrances that perfectly interrupt the spirit of alcohol, but they are quite expensive. We are looking for alternatives. But in any case, the problem will be solved.

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1. Statemarketautochemistry

Currently, in the domestic market there is a great variety of all kinds of chemistry for cars. Let's take a closer look at each of its types.

1.1 Engine oils

A special group of auto chemicals includes motor oils, which in turn are divided into three types: mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic. Engine oils are based on base oils and additives that improve its performance. As a result of chemical synthesis, synthetic motor oils are formed. They have a high uniformity of composition and maximum chemical and thermal stability of properties.

Despite the fact that the price of synthetic oils is several times higher than mineral oils, they have many advantages: low volatility at high temperatures, lower waste consumption, high resistance to oxidation, optimal viscosity over a wide temperature range, less tendency to form deposits, reliable lubrication at high loads and temperatures, long service life, low friction losses. Semi-synthetic motor oils are intermediate between mineral and synthetic oils. They are based on a mixture of synthetic and high quality mineral base oils. Semi-synthetic oils are cheaper than mineral and synthetic oils and provide engine oil with high performance properties. In the engine, engine oil serves to reduce wear and friction between engine parts, protects them from corrosion, washes, retains products of incomplete combustion of fuel, and seals the gap between the piston, its rings and cylinder. Foreign manufacturers of motor oils and engine builders use the same standards adopted in the classifications to designate the characteristics of oils and their areas of application:

SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers;

API - American Petroleum Institute;

ACEA - Association of European Automobile Manufacturers;

ILSAC - International Committee for Standardization and Approval of Lubricants.

Domestic manufacturers use GOST 17.479.1-85.

1.2 Additives

Additive - a drug that is added to fuels, lubricants and other substances in small quantities to improve their performance properties. Increasing environmental requirements for automotive engine emissions and the tougher operating conditions of modern internal combustion engines require the use of a variety of motor fuel additives on an increasingly large scale. In recent years, a huge range of anti-knock, cetane-boosting, anti-wear, detergent, anti-carbon additives, as well as depressants and dispersants, has been released to the market abroad. It is known that Russia is significantly behind the world level in the development of modern fuel additives, although the situation is not the same for individual groups of additives. There are many types of additives. Among them are viscous, detergent additives, antioxidant additives, anti-corrosion additives, antifreeze additives, extreme pressure additives, anti-wear additives, dispersed additives. Additives are used in two main cases:

In the manufacture of fuels - to obtain a product that meets the requirements of standards;

When using standard fuels - to improve their performance, environmental and ergonomic characteristics.

1.3 brake fluids

The purpose of brake fluids is to transmit force from the master brake cylinder to the wheel cylinders. The quality of brake fluids are high technical requirements. Currently, there are various types of imported brake fluids on the market. But it can only be used in foreign cars and in domestic cars only the liquid recommended by the manufacturer for any car and labeled DOT-3 or DOT-4. The composition of brake fluids includes various esters, low molecular weight polymers and targeted additives. As for performance (including temperature properties), when comparing the performance of DOT-3 or DOT-4, they are approximately identical to the domestic Tomy or Rose fluid and do not have any special differences.

Antifreeze is a general name for liquids that do not freeze at low temperatures. They are used in installations operating at low temperatures for cooling internal combustion engines. Mixtures of ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, glycerin, alcohols and other substances with water are used as antifreeze base fluids.

Abroad, the term antifreeze was used to refer to a concentrate that was added to water in the cooling system of an internal combustion engine. However, this term took into account only the frost protection role of this product, assuming that its use is a seasonal requirement and does not reflect its function as a heat exchange medium designed to protect the engine cooling system from corrosion and damage under all operating conditions.

1.4 Gear oils

Transmission oils are used in mechanical gearboxes and drive axles. They can create a strong lubricating film that can withstand heavy loads in contact parts. But transmission fluids are not used in all cars, for example, in front-wheel drive vehicles, manufacturers prescribe to fill in engine oil in a gearbox combined with the main gear.

Neither transmission nor engine oil is suitable for automatic transmissions. They require a low-viscosity fluid called ATF to operate. In cars and trucks with a classic layout, as well as in all-wheel drive and some front-wheel drive vehicles, only gear oils are used. Previously, in our country, the parameters and labeling of lubricants were set in accordance with GOST. At present, the international classification has become predominant.

1.5 Anti-corrosion agents

It should be noted anti-corrosion agents for body treatment. There are six types of them for various purposes and applications. They are also available in various packaging from aerosol cans, convenient for ordinary consumers, to professional bottles and barrels with a volume of 205 liters. For example, anti-gravity, anticorrosive agents, both on a bitumen basis and on the basis of wax and resin, which are designed to treat various body surfaces - the bottom, wheel arches, where products are needed that are highly resistant to mechanical wear, including hidden, hard-to-reach cavities . There is, for example, anti-gravel, which can be applied to plastic parts and then painted with paint. All of them will significantly extend the life of your car body. Liqui Moly supplies equipment for applying anticorrosive agents - these are various pneumatic guns that allow you to spray products in the most inaccessible places.

1.5 Autocosmetics

Autocosmetics is a necessary and very useful thing when caring for a car. It protects metal and paint from corrosion and harmful influences, and helps to keep the car in excellent condition. With car cosmetics, you can wash, polish the car body, clean its internal parts.

Car shampoos reliably protect car paintwork from rain, salt, tar, tar, poplar buds, traces of birds and insects. With their help, you can make your car shine with brilliance. Among the manufacturers of car shampoos, the United Kingdom and the United States of America stand out.

The polish helps simultaneously with polishing to remove a layer of oxides, traces of kidneys, insects, oil films from the surface. After using the polish, a powerful protective layer remains on the body, giving the surface a radiant sheen. Today this position of autochemistry is developed especially diversified.

There is a wide variety of polishes:

Polish together with paint restorer: in such preparations the properties of paint restorer and polish are combined. The polish protects against harmful effects ultraviolet radiation;

Protective polishes include Teflon, urethane and other synthetic additives in their composition. When processing a surface with a top layer of paintwork, a polymerization reaction occurs. The result is a protective coating that is resistant to environmental influences, reduces pollution and facilitates washing the machine;

Polishing pastes are polishes with a thick consistency that allow you to apply a thicker layer. This type polishes are ideal for treating old surfaces. Several types of pastes are offered: color-enriched, protective, wax.

Engine cleaners are divided into foam, which are subject to subsequent treatment with water, and sprays for cleaning engine compartment elements. They are good at dissolving stubborn dirt deposits.

Cleaners are divided into: surface cleaners from insects and resins; glass cleaners; wheel cleaners; anti-rain; cleaners and polishes for black plastic and vinyl; chrome cleaners and polishes.

One of the most significant components of the autocosmetics market is occupied by paints and varnishes. Automotive paints are class paintwork materials designed to protect the car from damaging environmental factors, repair. The composition of automotive paints is quite complex, but there are only three main components: a pigment, a binder polymer, and a solvent.

As the name implies, a pigment is a component whose main function is to form a certain color of the painted surface. At the same time, in modern car paints, the pigment necessarily performs one or more secondary functions - protection of metal and plastics from corrosion and mechanical damage, formation of the required surface adhesion, surface tension and viscosity of the paint formulation itself, influence on the roughness factor. A two-component paint protection system removes dirt from paint microcracks and forms an activated chemical layer on it. When re-applied to the surface, it flows into the pores and microcracks of the paintwork and forms a protective film. Rust converters are designed to remove rust stains and prepare the treated surface for touch-up.

For cosmetic repair of scratches and small chips, repair pencils are used. To improve the quality, it is desirable to apply protective polishing over the applied pencil. After a certain time, the places treated with a wax pencil need to be updated. For touching up chips, repair bottles with acrylic paint or air dry varnish. With the help of a small brush inserted into the lid of the bottle, it is convenient to handle small chips and scratches. Before applying paint or varnish, the surface is washed, if necessary, traces of corrosion are removed from it, and degreasing is carried out. Paint is selected by number, which must match the standard numbering of colors.

2. Manufacturersautochemistry

2.1 Manufacturersmotoroils

The largest volume of motor oil production is concentrated in the Volga Federal District. Almost 40% of the entire Russian output of this type of product is concentrated there. The share of the Siberian Federal District is 22%, and the Central - 18% of the total output of motor oils in Russia.

The largest volume of motor oils is provided by the Perm region. (OOO "LUKoil-Permnefteorgsintez"), producing 30% of the Russian volume.

According to various estimates, there are from 70 to 500 oil brands in Russia. Almost anyone can buy base oil on the market and add additives to it.

However, the bulk of the market is held by large vertically integrated oil companies- Lukoil and TNK-BP. In the near future, the updated brands of Rosneft and Gazprom Neft will appear. About 13% of the automotive oil market is held by ExxonMobil, 5% by Castrol and Shell. Luxoil accounts for 8% of the output of automotive oils. In terms of sales of packaged oils, this company is second only to LUKoil with a 16% share.

2 .2 ManufacturersPrisadaboutto

At present, additives are an indispensable element of a high technical culture in the production and use of fuels. Their worldwide assortment includes more than 40 types, differing in purpose, and tens of thousands of trademarks.

Due to the lack of domestic developments of antiwear additives, Russian plants producing diesel fuels for export are forced to use imported additives from BASF, Clariant, Infineum, and Castrol.

The domestic assortment is still represented by additives "Automag", Neolin-1 Rosneft. (Open Joint-Stock Company Novokuibyshevsky Plant of Oils and Additives). In terms of efficiency, they are at the level of the corresponding foreign samples.

2 .3 ManufacturerstormoseXliquidher

One of the traditional manufacturers of brake fluids, represented under the brands Luxoil DOT-3, Luxoil DOT-4, Luxoil DOT-4 Extra, and now Green Line Luxoil, is an enterprise of the American-Russian company Delfin Industry, which has become an outpost of the international association Delfin GROUP in Russia. Innovative technologies management of production and product development allowed domestic representatives of the Delfin group to make significant progress in the production of brake fluids, having perfected their formulation and technological process down to the smallest detail.

The group of companies "KHIMAVTO" today is a dynamically developing holding of enterprises for the production of coolants (antifreeze, antifreeze) for vehicles, heat carriers for domestic and industrial purposes, polymer containers and plastic products.

Antifreeze "SEVER", antifreeze "NORD", coolant "TEPLY DOM" are popular trademarks of the company, which are in consistently high demand among consumers. From the moment the production was founded to the present day, the entire range of products produced meets modern quality standards and compares favorably with a memorable and ergonomic design.

Tough competition in the market of goods and services has a beneficial effect on the dynamics of the development of campaigns that pay special attention to maintaining the quality of products, which is KHIMAVTO. Compliance with technological standards, improvement of existing and creation of new products, personnel training, commissioning of modern equipment allows the company's products (antifreeze, antifreeze, coolant and polymer packaging) to occupy up to 70% of the market, which is undoubtedly a significant indicator and a guarantor of an unsurpassed quality.

2 .4 Manufacturerstransmissionoils

The plant for the production of transmission oils LLC "Lakiris" produces oils intended for use in domestic and foreign cars. The product range covers both modern and 10-year-old vehicles. Specifications and the production base of the company allow the production of mineral, semi-synthetic and synthetic motor and transmission oils with various performance properties.

Base oils and additives of foreign and domestic manufacturers are used for production. The entire production process is controlled in the company's laboratory.

Let out production is certificated and has passports of quality. Oils are poured into plastic canisters own production.Joint Russian-American Joint-stock company Pushkinsky Zavod is the owner of the well-known Russian trade mark Luxoil. The company, having modern technology production, started production and packaging of its own technical oils and special liquids using original containers of our own production.

Gear oils are represented by the brands SHELL, MOBIL, CASTROL, ESSO, ELF, BP, Lukoil, Luxe.

2 .5 ManufacturersautocosmeticsinRussia

Domestic autocosmetics under the KERRY brand are produced by the Moscow company CJSC Elf Filling. The products of this company are superior in quality to the corresponding imported counterparts.

The St. Petersburg enterprise SITRA-T LLC has been operating on the domestic market since 1997. It offers a wide range of car shampoos, polishes, among which Typhoon active foam stands out, which does an excellent job with bituminous stains, traces of kidneys and insects and other contaminants.

The Rubicon company from St. Petersburg produces a wide range of automotive cosmetics. Rubicon car shampoo has a high level of concentration and foaming. It is the most economical of domestic shampoos.

The Moscow enterprise LLC "Lavr XXI century" offers a series of autocosmetics. Car shampoo Lavr is designed for manual and automatic washing. The agent leaves a dielectric film on the surface, which prevents corrosion of contacts in electrical wiring connectors. An important role in the production of car cosmetics is played by Rosneftekhim JSC, the AGA company (its assortment includes more than 35,000 items), the Pingo-Erzeignisse company, which produces high-quality car care products, and the GRASS company.

Today, GRASS products are presented for a wide range of applications and include: shampoos for contactless and manual washing, engine compartment and engine cleaners, plastic polishes, interior cleaners, rubber blackeners, insect removers, glass cleaners.

3. Statedemandandsuggestionson thedomesticmarket

Do not forget that the number of cars is growing rapidly, and, consequently, there is a growing need for good professional auto chemical products that work effectively: service, repair and care.

Today, the auto chemical goods market has a large number of oils that have the latest approvals from car manufacturers and international specifications, additives, paints and varnishes, brake fluids and car cosmetics. They are produced in various packaging, of any kind, are present in any price range, in general, the choice is very wide for both the average buyer and a large service.

So, for example, today the Russian market of additives is developing extremely rapidly. Two years ago, only 4-5 manufacturing companies were present in this area, today there are more than ten of them. The ever-increasing demand for these products in Russia has not yet reached its peak.

If the stable economic situation in the country continues, the demand for auto chemical goods will continue to grow. High level demand allows firms selling auto chemical goods to increasingly actively include new products in the range offered.

4. RangeimplementedgoodsinKurskon theexampleshop"Lada"IPZyuzko

All lubricants, auto chemicals, antifreezes sold in the store in question have European-style quality certificates and a high reputation among consumers.

In order to meet the existing demand as much as possible, the range of motor oils and auto chemical goods is constantly expanding.

In the store you can buy the following types products:

Synthetic, semi-synthetic, mineral motor and transmission oils with high technical specifications, in packaging from 1 liter to a barrel of such manufacturers as: Mobil, Castrol, Shell, BP, Chevron, ZIC, Eneos, Lukoil, TNK, Rosneft;

Coolants - antifreezes TNK, NORD, ALASKA, LUKOIL;

Brake fluids from companies such as Luxoil and TNK;

Lubricants Shell, Chevron, Sibi Motor;

New generation car cosmetics: Rubicon, AGA, GRASS

All goods are sold in various containers for wholesale and retail and fully comply with the technical parameters stated in the documentation.

The store sets new standards by offering its customers not only a first-class product at a great price, but also marketing activities aimed at increasing sales. The trade line is constantly updated with new items, which allows us to maintain customer demand at a high level.

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head of sales department
Promtech LLC,
deputy CEO
CJSC "Polycomplast-Service"

“At the moment, the market is changing towards import substitution”

Every year the number of cars increases, therefore, the need for good professional auto chemical products increases, which increase the service life, allow you to reliably protect the paintwork, carefully care for the body and interior. At the moment, the market is changing towards import substitution.
CJSC "Polycomplast-Service" - a domestic manufacturer of auto chemicals, auto cosmetics and paint and varnish products, every year expands its line, taking into account the ever-growing demand.
The production has its own scientific laboratory. Specialists are constantly working on the development and improvement of quality. In 2013, the plant was certified for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO 2001–2011.
The key to the high quality of manufactured products is the equipment of the enterprise with high-tech equipment. The activity of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of a license for the operation of chemically hazardous production facilities ЕХ-01-007265, issued on March 26, 2013.
Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision. In our line there is a large number of anti-corrosion agents for body treatment, hidden cavities, car cosmetics and paints and varnishes. Production is carried out in various packaging, for any price range.
The Polycomplast-Service plant has been on the market for 25 years, our products are widely known, the competitive price is lower than European analogues, the quality, confirmed by service station specialists, will compete with the most famous European brands.

Ruslan Diomidov
deputy commercial
director of GC "Primula"

"Auto drugs capable of restoring paintwork are probably one of our steps in the near future"

Almost all automakers continue to lose volumes, and the numbers of such drops are mostly double-digit. Therefore, in order not to fall along with the new car market, our company is actively fighting to increase its share in the automotive chemicals market. We are expanding our partner network and are enthusiastically approaching cooperation not only with large automotive holdings, but also with small dealerships. At the same time, we, as manufacturers of auto chemical goods and auto cosmetics, have come to understand the need to expand the range and include luxury products in it, aimed at owners of executive cars, the sales of which, as well as the financial capabilities of the owners themselves, remain at a more stable level than the average. price segment.
Also, the ever-increasing role of used car sales cannot be ignored. Auto drugs capable of restoring paintwork are probably one of our steps in the near future.
In our common corporate opinion, the main anti-crisis philosophy is the denial of the current crisis. Let me explain: we urge our colleagues “not to live in the past”, but to adapt to the present. As part of this adaptation, we have already revised the practice of conducting business processes in the company and introduced a modern CRM system, began to pay maximum attention to training and motivating our own staff, as well as employees of partner auto centers, and continue to develop new product niches.

Oleg Ragimov
Commercial Director
LLC "Everest Group",
Arexons distributor
in Russia

“Domestic manufacturers have occupied the cheap segment of the market, thereby attracting more and more buyers”

Recently, we have seen a decline in the auto chemical goods and auto cosmetics market in Russia as a whole. Most of our partners - auto parts stores - say that people have become more economical, selective in their purchases. They are willing to pay only for essential goods, such as consumables (motor oil, filters, etc.), without which car maintenance is impossible.
We can say that the market for cleaning products is divided by domestic and foreign companies. If in the 2000s the market for auto cosmetics and auto chemicals could be called 70-80% imported, then recent studies show that a large share of the market goes to domestic manufacturers.
Domestic manufacturers have occupied the cheap segment of the market, thereby attracting more and more buyers. In the current crisis situation in our country, as well as the high exchange rate of the euro, it is becoming more and more difficult for foreign manufacturers to maintain their positions in the market.
We hope for a stable economic situation in Russia, which will enable companies not only to maintain their positions in the market, but also allow them to grow up, increasing their volumes.

Julia Novotorova
department head
LLC PKF "Niagara"

“The situation gives a unique chance to a domestic manufacturer of quality products”

We see the Russian market as segmented and highly competitive, and due to changes in the consumption structure, it has been drifting towards professional products for several years now. The “private label” direction of retailers and filling station chains of all scales is also actively developing and already occupies a significant market share: from local to global. We believe that the budget and premium segments will grow at the expense of the middle segment, while maintaining the overall capacity.
In any crisis, it is necessary to adapt product, marketing and pricing policies to the realities of the market, establish direct communications with the consumer - give him an “understandable” product at an adequate price, work more actively with “networks”.
This situation gives a unique chance to a domestic manufacturer of quality products. It is necessary to reduce the cost, and, as a result, the price of products by increasing the efficiency of each operation and replacing imported components with high-quality Russian ones.

leading marketer of the company "Tosol-

“Consumers who used to choose imported auto cosmetics now prefer Russian brands”

Today, the autocosmetics market, like the entire autochemistry market, is in stagnation. Buyers are moving from the premium price segment to the mid-price or budget segment.
Consumers who used to choose imported auto cosmetics now prefer Russian brands. The current situation allows the company "Tosol-Sintez" to actively develop the range, release new items in demand. In 2016, the range was expanded with new sealants, adhesives, and a summer series of car cosmetics. When developing new products, we first of all take into account how the product will meet the expectations of consumers in terms of quality and price.
New distribution channels, distribution growth in outlets and the expansion of the assortment in the aggregate allows the company "Tosol-Sintez" to increase its share in the market of autocosmetics in a difficult economic situation.

Andrey Usachev
Aifom company

“This year the trend for cheap goods will continue, and next year the demand for quality goods will increase.products"

The market froze in anticipation of economic recovery, competition is intensifying. We expect an increase in demand from April 2017, due to an increase in car sales and the beginning of an increase in household incomes. This year the trend for cheap goods will continue, and next year the demand for quality products will increase.
Today, more than ever, cost reduction, perfect quality and new products, and a willingness to build long-term relationships with partners are needed. We are increasing our presence now, I think the chances will increase by the middle of next year

Currently, in the domestic market there is a great variety of all kinds of chemistry for cars. Let's take a closer look at each of its types.

1.1 Engine oils

A special group of auto chemicals includes motor oils, which in turn are divided into three types: mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic. Engine oils are based on base oils and additives that improve its performance. As a result of chemical synthesis, synthetic motor oils are formed. They have a high uniformity of composition and maximum chemical and thermal stability of properties.

Despite the fact that the price of synthetic oils is several times higher than mineral oils, they have many advantages: low volatility at high temperatures, lower waste consumption, high resistance to oxidation, optimal viscosity over a wide temperature range, less tendency to form deposits, reliable lubrication at high loads and temperatures, long service life, low friction losses. Semi-synthetic motor oils are intermediate between mineral and synthetic oils. They are based on a mixture of synthetic and high quality mineral base oils. Semi-synthetic oils are cheaper than mineral and synthetic oils and provide engine oil with high performance properties. In the engine, engine oil serves to reduce wear and friction between engine parts, protects them from corrosion, washes, retains products of incomplete combustion of fuel, and seals the gap between the piston, its rings and cylinder. Foreign manufacturers of motor oils and engine builders use the same standards adopted in the classifications to designate the characteristics of oils and their areas of application:

SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers;

API - American Petroleum Institute;

ACEA - Association of European Automobile Manufacturers;

ILSAC - International Committee for Standardization and Approval of Lubricants.

Domestic manufacturers use GOST 17.479.1-85.

1.2 Additives

Additive - a drug that is added to fuel, lubricants and other substances in small quantities to improve their performance properties. Increasing environmental requirements for automotive engine emissions and the tougher operating conditions of modern internal combustion engines require the use of a variety of motor fuel additives on an increasingly large scale. In recent years, a huge range of anti-knock, cetane-boosting, anti-wear, detergent, anti-carbon additives, as well as depressants and dispersants, has been released to the market abroad. It is known that Russia is significantly behind the world level in the development of modern fuel additives, although the situation is not the same for individual groups of additives. There are many types of additives. Among them are viscous, detergent additives, antioxidant additives, anti-corrosion additives, antifreeze additives, extreme pressure additives, anti-wear additives, dispersed additives. Additives are used in two main cases:

In the manufacture of fuels - to obtain a product that meets the requirements of standards;

When using standard fuels - to improve their performance, environmental and ergonomic characteristics.

1.3 Brake fluids

The purpose of brake fluids is to transmit force from the master brake cylinder to the wheel cylinders. High technical requirements are imposed on the quality of brake fluids. Currently, there are various types of imported brake fluids on the market. But it can only be used in foreign cars and in domestic cars only the liquid recommended by the manufacturer for any car and labeled DOT-3 or DOT-4. The composition of brake fluids includes various esters, low molecular weight polymers and targeted additives. As for performance (including temperature properties), when comparing the performance of DOT-3 or DOT-4, they are approximately identical to the domestic Tomy or Rose fluid and do not have any special differences.

Antifreeze is the general name for liquids that do not freeze at low temperatures. They are used in installations operating at low temperatures for cooling internal combustion engines. Mixtures of ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, glycerin, alcohols and other substances with water are used as antifreeze base fluids.

Abroad, the term antifreeze was used to refer to a concentrate that was added to water in the cooling system of an internal combustion engine. However, this term took into account only the frost protection role of this product, assuming that its use is a seasonal requirement and does not reflect its function as a heat exchange medium designed to protect the engine cooling system from corrosion and damage under all operating conditions.

1.4 Gear oils

Transmission oils are used in mechanical gearboxes and drive axles. They can create a strong lubricating film that can withstand heavy loads in contact parts. But transmission fluids are not used in all cars, for example, in front-wheel drive vehicles, manufacturers prescribe to fill in engine oil in a gearbox combined with the main gear.

Neither transmission nor engine oil is suitable for automatic transmissions. They require a low-viscosity fluid called ATF to operate. In cars and trucks with a classic layout, as well as in all-wheel drive and some front-wheel drive vehicles, only gear oils are used. Previously, in our country, the parameters and labeling of lubricants were set in accordance with GOST. At present, the international classification has become predominant.

1.5 Anti-corrosion agents

It should be noted anti-corrosion agents for body treatment. There are six types of them for various purposes and applications. They are also available in various packaging from aerosol cans, convenient for ordinary consumers, to professional bottles and barrels with a volume of 205 liters. For example, anti-gravity, anticorrosive agents, both on a bitumen basis and on the basis of wax and resin, which are designed to treat various body surfaces - the bottom, wheel arches, where products are needed that are highly resistant to mechanical wear, including hidden, hard-to-reach cavities . There is, for example, anti-gravel, which can be applied to plastic parts and then painted with paint. All of them will significantly extend the life of your car body. Liqui Moly supplies equipment for applying anticorrosive agents - these are various pneumatic guns that allow you to spray products in the most inaccessible places.

1.6 Autocosmetics

Autocosmetics is a necessary and very useful thing when caring for a car. It protects metal and paint from corrosion and harmful influences, and helps to keep the car in excellent condition. With car cosmetics, you can wash, polish the car body, clean its internal parts.

Car shampoos reliably protect car paintwork from rain, salt, tar, tar, poplar buds, traces of birds and insects. With their help, you can make your car shine with brilliance. Among the manufacturers of car shampoos, the United Kingdom and the United States of America stand out.

The polish helps simultaneously with polishing to remove a layer of oxides, traces of kidneys, insects, oil films from the surface. After using the polish, a powerful protective layer remains on the body, giving the surface a radiant sheen. Today this position of autochemistry is developed especially diversified.

There is a wide variety of polishes:

Polish together with paint restorer: in such preparations the properties of paint restorer and polish are combined. The polish protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;

Protective polishes include Teflon, urethane and other synthetic additives in their composition. When processing a surface with a top layer of paintwork, a polymerization reaction occurs. The result is a protective coating that is resistant to environmental influences, reduces pollution and facilitates washing the machine;

Polishing pastes are polishes with a thick consistency that allow you to apply a thicker layer. This type of polish is ideal for treating old surfaces. Several types of pastes are offered: color-enriched, protective, wax.

Engine cleaners are divided into foam, which are subject to subsequent treatment with water, and sprays for cleaning engine compartment elements. They are good at dissolving stubborn dirt deposits.

Cleaners are divided into: surface cleaners from insects and resins; glass cleaners; wheel cleaners; anti-rain; cleaners and polishes for black plastic and vinyl; chrome cleaners and polishes.

One of the most significant components of the autocosmetics market is occupied by paints and varnishes. Automotive paints are a class of paints and varnishes designed to protect a car from damaging environmental factors, to carry out repairs. The composition of automotive paints is quite complex, but there are only three main components: a pigment, a binder polymer, and a solvent.

As the name implies, a pigment is a component whose main function is to form a certain color of a painted surface. At the same time, in modern car paints, the pigment necessarily performs one or more secondary functions - protection of metal and plastics from corrosion and mechanical damage, formation of the required surface adhesion, surface tension and viscosity of the paint formulation itself, influence on the roughness factor. A two-component paint protection system removes dirt from paint microcracks and forms an activated chemical layer on it. When re-applied to the surface, it flows into the pores and microcracks of the paintwork and forms a protective film. Rust converters are designed to remove rust stains and prepare the treated surface for touch-up.

For cosmetic repair of scratches and small chips, repair pencils are used. To improve the quality, it is desirable to apply protective polishing over the applied pencil. After a certain time, the places treated with a wax pencil need to be updated. For touching up chips, repair bottles with acrylic paint or instant air-drying varnish are well suited. With the help of a small brush inserted into the lid of the bottle, it is convenient to handle small chips and scratches. Before applying paint or varnish, the surface is washed, if necessary, traces of corrosion are removed from it, and degreasing is carried out. Paint is selected by number, which must match the standard numbering of colors.

2. Manufacturers of auto chemical goods

2.1 Motor oil manufacturers

The largest volume of motor oil production is concentrated in the Volga Federal District. Almost 40% of the entire Russian output of this type of product is concentrated there. The share of the Siberian Federal District is 22%, and the Central - 18% of the total output of motor oils in Russia.

The largest volume of motor oils is provided by the Perm region. (OOO "LUKoil-Permnefteorgsintez"), producing 30% of the Russian volume.

According to various estimates, there are from 70 to 500 oil brands in Russia. Almost anyone can buy base oil on the market and add additives to it.

However, the bulk of the market is held by large vertically integrated oil companies - Lukoil and TNK-BP. In the near future, the updated brands of Rosneft and Gazprom Neft will appear. About 13% of the automotive oil market is held by ExxonMobil, 5% by Castrol and Shell. Luxoil accounts for 8% of the output of automotive oils. In terms of sales of packaged oils, this company is second only to LUKoil with a 16% share.

2.2 Additive manufacturers

At present, additives are an indispensable element of a high technical culture in the production and use of fuels. Their worldwide assortment includes more than 40 types, differing in purpose, and tens of thousands of trademarks.

Due to the lack of domestic developments of antiwear additives, Russian plants producing diesel fuels for export are forced to use imported additives from BASF, Clariant, Infineum, and Castrol.

The domestic assortment is still represented by additives "Automag", Neolin-1 Rosneft. (Open Joint-Stock Company Novokuibyshevsky Plant of Oils and Additives). In terms of efficiency, they are at the level of the corresponding foreign samples.

2.3 Manufacturers of brake fluids

One of the traditional manufacturers of brake fluids, represented under the brands Luxoil DOT-3, Luxoil DOT-4, Luxoil DOT-4 Extra, and now Green Line Luxoil, is an enterprise of the American-Russian company Delfin Industry, which has become an outpost of the international association Delfin GROUP in Russia. Innovative production management and product development technologies have allowed the domestic representatives of the Delfin group to make significant progress in the production of brake fluids, having perfected their formulation and technological process to the smallest detail.

The group of companies "KHIMAVTO" today is a dynamically developing holding of enterprises for the production of coolants (antifreeze, antifreeze) for vehicles, heat carriers for domestic and industrial purposes, polymer containers and plastic products.

Antifreeze "SEVER", antifreeze "NORD", coolant "TEPLY DOM" are popular trademarks of the company, which are in consistently high demand among consumers. From the moment the production was founded to the present day, the entire range of products produced meets modern quality standards and compares favorably with a memorable and ergonomic design.

Tough competition in the market of goods and services has a beneficial effect on the dynamics of the development of campaigns that pay special attention to maintaining the quality of products, which is KHIMAVTO. Compliance with technological standards, improvement of existing and creation of new products, personnel training, commissioning of modern equipment allows the company's products (antifreeze, antifreeze, coolant and polymer packaging) to occupy up to 70% of the market, which is undoubtedly a significant indicator and a guarantor of an unsurpassed quality.

2.4 Manufacturers of gear oils

The plant for the production of transmission oils LLC "Lakiris" produces oils intended for use in domestic and foreign cars. The product range covers both modern and 10-year-old vehicles. The technical conditions and production base of the company allow the production of mineral, semi-synthetic and synthetic motor and transmission oils with various performance properties.

Base oils and additives of foreign and domestic manufacturers are used for production. The entire production process is controlled in the company's laboratory.

Let out production is certificated and has passports of quality. Oils are poured into plastic canisters of our own production. The Joint Russian-American Joint Stock Company "Pushkinsky Zavod" is the owner of the well-known Russian trade mark Luxoil. The company, possessing modern production technology, has begun to produce and package its own technical oils and special liquids using original containers of its own manufacture.

Gear oils are represented by the brands SHELL, MOBIL, CASTROL, ESSO, ELF, BP, Lukoil, Luxe.

2.5 Manufacturers of car cosmetics in Russia

Domestic autocosmetics under the KERRY brand are produced by the Moscow company CJSC Elf Filling. The products of this company are superior in quality to the corresponding imported counterparts.

The St. Petersburg enterprise SITRA-T LLC has been operating on the domestic market since 1997. It offers a wide range of car shampoos, polishes, among which Typhoon active foam stands out, which does an excellent job with bituminous stains, traces of kidneys and insects and other contaminants.

The Rubicon company from St. Petersburg produces a wide range of automotive cosmetics. Rubicon car shampoo has a high level of concentration and foaming. It is the most economical of domestic shampoos.

The Moscow enterprise LLC "Lavr XXI century" offers a series of autocosmetics. Car shampoo Lavr is designed for manual and automatic washing. The agent leaves a dielectric film on the surface, which prevents corrosion of contacts in electrical wiring connectors. An important role in the production of car cosmetics is played by Rosneftekhim OJSC, the AGA company (its assortment includes more than 35,000 items), the Pingo-Erzeignisse company, which produces high-quality car care products, and the GRASS company.

Today, GRASS products are presented for a wide range of applications and include: shampoos for contactless and manual washing, engine compartment and engine cleaners, plastic polishes, interior cleaners, rubber blackeners, insect removers, glass cleaners.

Today, another new company CJSC "CHEMGROUP CENTER" entered the market, which began to produce chemicals in the city of Tula, which in itself is not surprising, given that there are cities in the region where there is a great potential for chemists, such as Novomoskovsk and Shchekino.

3. The state of supply and demand in the domestic market

Do not forget that the number of cars is growing rapidly, and, consequently, there is a growing need for good professional auto chemical products that work effectively: service, repair and care.

Today, the auto chemical goods market has a large number of oils that have the latest approvals from car manufacturers and international specifications, additives, paints and varnishes, brake fluids and car cosmetics. They are produced in various packaging, of any kind, are present in any price range, in general, the choice is very wide for both the average buyer and a large service.

So, for example, today the Russian market of additives is developing extremely rapidly. Two years ago, only 4-5 manufacturing companies were present in this area, today there are more than ten of them. The ever-increasing demand for these products in Russia has not yet reached its peak.

If the stable economic situation in the country continues, the demand for auto chemical goods will continue to grow. A high level of demand allows companies selling auto chemical goods to increasingly actively include new products in the range offered.

However, today the state of the economy in the country is "somewhat" uncertain and it is not entirely clear how it will affect this market; most likely, preference will be given to a lower price for products.

We will see and analyze this situation in the following news.

Since the beginning of the year, Russians have spent 25% less on buying new cars than in the same period last year. But people began to allocate more funds for the care of their car. Auto chemical goods market players expect sales to increase by 15-20% in the second half of 2015. Kastalsky Anton Vladimirovich, the founder of HimRussia, spoke about the current situation on the market, what is in demand and what are the prospects for the development of this segment.

The market for vehicle cleaning products can be called “young”. If earlier it was filled with foreign auto chemical products, now you can see domestic brands. The majority of our partners – networks of car washes and car dealerships – are sure that Russian car chemicals are no worse than imported ones in terms of quality. If in the 2000s the market can be called imported by about 87-90%, then recent studies show that the auto chemical goods market is characterized by a transition to domestic products. Western products are developed for "their" conditions. For our motorists, this is not always the best option.

Therefore, chemists have to carefully think over compositions and technologies that are able to work no less efficiently in our conditions, clean heavy pollution and be absolutely safe at the same time. Despite the fact that the word "crisis" is in the air, since the end of 2014 - the beginning of 2015, domestic companies began to show themselves more actively. A significant budget is allocated for marketing, cooperation with scientific laboratories. Companies are trying to reduce logistics costs. The most nimble move to franchising. For example, the HimRussia company began selling franchises from the beginning of the year. This helped us to significantly reduce transportation costs and ensure a competitive cost of products in the regions of the Russian Federation. According to the latest data, in the first four months of 2015, Russians spent 25% less on buying new cars than in the same period last year. However, people began to allocate more funds for the care of their car. According to research, most car owners' purchases include polishes (28%), sealers (24%) and cleaners (21%). I note that the demand for auto chemicals is closely related to the seasonality factor.

For example, in the summer there is a slight decline in consumption. But since September of this year, we expect an increase in sales by about 15-20%. The auto chemical goods market has great growth prospects. Now its total volume can be estimated at 2.7 billion rubles a year. Trying to surprise customers, manufacturers bring new products to the market. So, for example, nano-car cosmetics have recently appeared, which help to keep the car in its original form longer. The main areas of work in the field of auto cleaning remain improving efficiency, quality and environmental friendliness, but at the same time, maintaining “average” prices.

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