Thinner for paints and varnishes 646. Applications and safety precautions


Today, a number of household and industrial solvents have been identified in the numerous range of petroleum products. Among them, universal solvent 646 is in high demand.

The production technology and composition of this compound were developed back in the twentieth century. Since then, its formulation and performance have been constantly improved. The chemical elements introduced into the structure of the composite determined its ability to dissolve most of the known substances.

Scope of solvent 646:

Multicomponent solvent is used in everyday life, construction, industry, car service. This active liquid is intended for diluting paint to a working viscosity, for degreasing surfaces and removing stains of an organic nature. It is widely used in car service, because it quickly dissolves car enamels and car paints.

Solvent 646 R is also used to wash painting tools, equipment, remove old paint layers and streaks of fresh paint. It is allowed to remove paint from the skin, after which you need to wash the skin with soap.

Advantages of solvent 646:

Versatility and extensive scope.
. Low cost. This is important for industrial purchases or frequent use.
. Availability.
. relative security. On brief contact harmful effects does not affect the skin.

However, when working, it must be taken into account that the material is toxic, explosive and combustible.

The difference between solvent 646 and other similar substances is that it gives additional gloss to the paintwork. Enamels and varnishes diluted by him dry quickly, the finished surface is smooth and glossy.

The use of the composition is designed for the following paints and varnishes:

Epoxy and glyptal primers.
. General purpose nitro fillers.
. Melamine amide and acrylic paints.
. Nitrocellulose group of building enamels, paints and varnishes.
. Urea-formaldehyde and organosilicon paints and varnishes.

For each type of varnishes and paints, the standard amount of solvent 646 is determined, which cannot be exceeded. An excessive amount of an aggressive composition will change the properties of the paint for the worse - it will lose its covering and protective qualities. Paints and varnishes are diluted to the desired condition by adding liquid in small portions with continuous stirring. Determining the maximum possible volume, they are guided by the instructions for the paint or varnish.

Solvent Specifications 646.

The material is produced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 18188-72 and is a transparent liquid. A yellowish tint is considered acceptable. The effectiveness of the substance is provided by a whole complex of volatile organic elements combined in optimal proportions:

  1. Toluene - 50%.
  2. Acetone - 7%.
  3. Butyl acetate - 10%.
  4. Butanol - 10%.
  5. Ethanol - 15%.
  6. Ethyl cellosolve - 8%.

Solvent 646 is homogeneous, it should not show suspended particles, cloudy sediment, signs of delamination.

Physical properties of the composite:

Self-ignition temperature + 400 degrees.
. Boiling temperature +60 degrees.
. Density - 0.87 g/cm2.
. Specific gravity- 680 g per 1 liter.
. Mass fraction of water in - 0,09%.
. At long storage does not change color, a smell and structure.
. Not subject to freezing.

Solvent 646 is produced completely ready for use. The specific smell disappears after the paint dries. On the surface of the coating, the appearance of matte areas is excluded.

Precautionary measures.

Solvent 646 has a third hazard class in terms of relative evaporation rate. This means that the substance is classified as flammable and requires special care. When interacting with him, the presence of sparks, open fire, smoking cigarettes is not allowed.

If work is carried out in an enclosed space, protective gloves and goggles should be worn, as well as a respirator. The room must have exhaust ventilation. If it is missing, you need to open windows and doors. Any liquid that comes into contact with the skin should be washed off with soap and cool water. Prolonged contact with unprotected skin may cause dermatitis. Do not allow the active liquid to enter the eyes, respiratory and digestive organs.

Storage and transportation.

Solvent 646 is poured into industrial containers - sealed 200-liter steel barrels. Direct exposure to moisture and sunlight on the packaging is excluded. The material goes on sale in metal and glass containers with a capacity of 1 to 10 liters. Do not pour eluent into glass containers for food liquids. Products are stored in dark ventilated rooms that meet strict fire safety requirements. Shelf life - 1 year. Transportation of products railway produced in tanks.

Lacquers and enamels provide fast, cost-effective creation modern design apartment. Finishing and repairing housing will be done at the proper level if you buy a solvent - the necessary material for diluting and removing paint. Tool made according to state standards, will allow you to carry out finishing work quickly and safely.

Solvents are organic and inorganic volatile compounds that allow you to dissolve various substances. They are also used to obtain the necessary consistency and improve the characteristics of materials.

General characteristics of solvents

Solvents (thinners) can be created both on the basis of one component, and using several components. The composition can be solid, liquid and gaseous substances, but most often the solvents are in a liquid state.

Solvent compositions are mainly evaluated according to such characteristics as:

  • appearance;
  • percentage of water;
  • density;
  • volatility.

The quality of the compositions and the technology of their use is due to their some special characteristics, namely:

  • the content of chemical additives;
  • toxicity;
  • acidity;
  • flammability and other indicators.

Solvents are used in mechanical engineering and instrument making, in many branches of the chemical industry, in shoe and leather goods production, in the medical industry, laboratories, and so on.

Solvent types

For each type of work, a specific type of solvent composition is used:

  • for oil paints (gasoline, white spirit, turpentine);
  • for bituminous and glyptal paints and varnishes (solvent, xylene and turpentine);
  • for perchlorovinyl paints (acetone);
  • for adhesive and water-dispersion paints;
  • for household needs.

Solvent 646

In the last century, they began to produce and use solvents, which were mainly used to dilute various nitro-varnishes and nitro-enamels. Currently, thinning compounds are used not only for diluting paintwork materials, but also for removing stains, cleaning tools, various surfaces, and for other purposes. Solvent 646, which contains acetone, ethanol, toluene and other components, is used in almost all finishing works.

Solvent 646, which is designed for use with nitro-enamels and nitro-varnishes, epoxy and glyptal primers, after complete evaporation gives the paintwork an extra shine. This thinning composition is the most active among similar products, therefore, when using it, care must be taken not to accidentally damage the lower layer of the paintwork.

Benefits of Solvent 646

Before proceeding to the consideration of the composition itself, it is worth first dwelling on its main advantages:

  • availability and low cost. These compositions can now be purchased in almost any hardware store or the building materials market;
  • ease of use. Instructions for use are indicated on the package;
  • wide scope, as it can be used with almost any paint and varnish materials;
  • allows the paintwork to dry faster, while forming a shiny and smooth film on the surface.

Solvent 646, in accordance with GOST 18188-72, is a colorless or yellowish liquid with a specific odor. It is widely used in everyday life and industry for degreasing surfaces and diluting various types of paint. By means of this diluent, paintwork materials are given the required viscosity. In addition, with its help stains of organic origin are perfectly removed and various tools are cleaned.

In addition to the positive properties, the thinning composition has some disadvantages, namely:

  • easy ignition;
  • toxicity;
  • specific smell.

Solvent 646: properties and specifications

Solvent 646 is versatile and quite effective due to its chemical composition. The thinner consists of toluene (50%), ethanol (15%), butyl acetate (10%), butanol (10%), ethyl cellosolve (8%) and acetone (7%). Solvent 646 specifications in most cases depend on these proportions.

This mixture, representing a compound of volatile organic substances, has the following properties:

  • boiling point is +59˚C;
  • auto-ignition temperature +403˚C;
  • does not freeze and gain viscosity;
  • the density of solvent 646 is 0.87 g/cm³.

Among other things, it is worth looking at the 646 solvent passport, although many of the figures given for the average person are of no importance, however, the production technologist based on them will be able to recommend or prohibit the use of this composition. The passport also contains the following parameters:

  • acid number - 0.06 mg KOH/g;
  • coagulation number - 40 g/o;
  • mass fraction of water - 0.09%;
  • volatility - 12;
  • specific gravity - 0.68 kg / l.

Important ! When working with thinning compounds, whether at home or at work, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and take precautions!

What is the difference between solvent 646 and 647

When choosing a solvent composition, it is sometimes difficult to determine a specific type, since there are currently numerous varieties of diluent on the market - 646, 647, 648 and so on. In order to choose the right type of composition, you should know its characteristics and the effect on a particular material. The most common are the compositions of two brands - 646 and 647, and in order to understand their differences, it is necessary to understand their main characteristics. Since we have already familiarized ourselves with solvent 646, we will consider brand 647.

Solvent brand 647 can be purchased at any building materials store or on the market in any quantity. This thinner is purchased not only by specialized enterprises, but also by ordinary consumers for domestic needs. The mixture is packaged both in 0.5 liter bottles and in large containers for production needs.

The main difference between the solvent brand 646 and 647 is the chemical composition. If brand 646 contains ethanol, butanol, toluene, acetone and ethyl cellosolve, then 647 contains butyl acetate, toluene, ethyl acetate and butanol. Despite the similarity of compositions, solvent 647 does not contain acetone in its composition, which makes it less aggressive towards delicate surfaces. At the same time, when working with solvent 646, you need to be extremely careful and attentive so as not to damage the paint layer. This is due to the fact that this composition is classified as highly active solutions.

Grade 647 is used to dilute nitrocellulose and paints and varnishes, giving them the necessary viscosity. With the help of solvent 647, various strokes can be quite qualitatively removed from the surface.

Solvent grade P4

Quite often, for painting work, a P4 brand solvent is used, which contains acetone, toluene and butyl acetate. As a rule, this brand is used for diluting varnishes and paints, dissolving synthetic and natural film-forming compounds, for bringing materials and other compounds to the required density, and less often for cleaning utensils, tools and hands.

Technical characteristics of the P4 grade solvent

R4 grade solvent is defined by GOST as a mixture of acetone (26%), butyl acetate (12%) and toluene (26%). The thinning composition can be used with most enamels and varnishes, including those based on chloride resins. The presence of butyl acetate in the thinner prevents fading of the paintwork and improves its gloss.

Like all solvents, the P4 grade is explosive and highly flammable. Since the vapors of butyl acetate, toluene and acetone are heavier than air, they tend to accumulate at the bottom of the room, and their high concentration is rather explosive. Therefore, when using such mixtures, fire safety is required for work with flammable and explosive substances. To extinguish thinning compositions, it is recommended to use fire extinguishers with chemical and air-mechanical foam, finely dispersed water.

Solvent Safety Precautions

Intending to purchase a solvent and use it in work, it is necessary to take into account the current sanitary standards. All components of the solvent irritate the mucous organs of vision and respiratory tract.

Working in unventilated and enclosed spaces filled with solvent vapors may cause coughing, confusion, dizziness, confusion and headache, the state of the narcotic state, as well as severe swelling, food poisoning and damage to the central nervous system. Therefore, in order to avoid these unpleasant moments, work with such mixtures should be carried out using measures to protect the organs of vision and respiratory tract, using forced ventilation and exhaust ventilation, as well as wearing mittens or gloves.

Since almost all thinners are flammable substances, they must be handled very carefully. It is necessary to exclude any possibility of sparks, open flames and smoking in the immediate vicinity of the solvent.

Thinner 646 is a very effective universal thinner designed for use with a variety of paints and varnishes. Thanks to him, the coatings after drying acquire an additional shine. From this article you will learn:

What is solvent 646;


GOST, the requirements of which it complies with.

General characteristics of the solvent

Solvent brand 646 is a clear, colorless liquid (in some cases it may have a yellowish tint), characterized by a specific odor. The density of the solvent is 0.87 grams per cubic meter. see, it does not freeze and does not gain viscosity. It ignites spontaneously at a temperature of 403 degrees, boils at 59 degrees.

Manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 18188-172. The solvent must have a homogeneous composition. It should not show turbidity and delamination. Also, the presence of suspended particles in the liquid is not allowed.

It is produced in industrial containers, in plastic and glass containers (bottles) of various sizes.

Solvent 646: specifications, composition

Is a volatile compound In solvent 646, specifications which correspond to GOST 18188-72, includes the following substances:

  • toluene - 50%;
  • butanol - 15%;
  • butyl acetate - 10%;
  • acetone - 7%;
  • ethyl cellosolve - 8%.

Due to its composition, it is considered the most active solvent material.

Solvent 646 has the following:

  • ethyl ester volatility values ​​range from 8 to 15;
  • the coagulation number is at least 35%;
  • acid number does not exceed 0.06 mg KOH/g;
  • the proportion of water (according to Fisher) is no more than 2%;
  • diluting effect - after drying, no whitening and film are observed, nitro enamel is characterized by a smooth surface without stains.

Where is it applied?

Solvent 646 specifications allow it to be used for working with various paints and varnishes, including nitrocellulose, melaninamide, glyptal, acrylic, epoxy. It is used either as an additive in the production of these materials, or to dilute them to the desired consistency before use. Also, this reagent is added to putties and primers to create an optimal working consistency that allows you to perfectly level surfaces.

In some cases, the R-646 solvent, the technical characteristics of which correspond to GOST, is used as a material for degreasing various surfaces or for washing equipment (in order to optimize a certain technological process).

What are the advantages of solvent 646?

Among the main advantages of the solvent brand 646 are the following:

  • characterized by versatility of application;
  • very high dissolving power;
  • gives coatings extra shine;
  • easy to use;
  • does not lead to burns in case of contact with the surface of the skin;
  • does not form greasy spots on the treated surfaces;
  • evaporates without leaving a smell.

Mode of application

The solvent is added to the paint or varnish in small parts to the required density and viscosity. The diluted mixture must be constantly stirred. Since the solvent is highly active, special care should be taken when working with it so as not to spoil the underlying layer of the coating.

Solvent Handling Precautions

Work must be carried out in rooms equipped with good ventilation, since the substance is toxic (classified to the third In addition, when working with 646 grade solvent, such products should be used personal protection like a respirator and gloves. The use of protective goggles is also recommended.

If the reagent gets on the skin, it must be treated with water (warm) using soap. In case of contact with the mucous membrane of the eye after washing, you should consult a doctor.

Given that this solvent is a flammable material, it must be handled with care and in no case should open flames, sparks, or smoking be allowed near reagent containers.

How to store?

The solvent is stored in a tightly closed container. In addition, the container with the reagent must be protected from moisture, direct sunlight, and heat. Do not leave any heating devices in the immediate vicinity of the solvent containers.

The warranty period of storage (according to information from manufacturers) from the date of manufacture is 12 months, which enables enterprises to purchase these products in large quantities.

The temperature values ​​at which the solvent is stored are in the range from minus 40 to plus 40 degrees.

In everyday life, we often ask for help to solve various problems. No successful manager can do without an assistant, who is his right hand. In resolving legal issues, we resort to the help of a competent lawyer. The chef is unlikely to feed all the guests of the restaurant alone, and the minibus driver will be able to calmly concentrate on driving if the conductor accepts money from passengers.

The same is true with paints and varnishes. There are paints, enamels, putties, primers, varnishes, drying oils and so on. But in order to use them as efficiently as possible, you cannot do without the help of a solvent. By efficiency, we primarily mean bringing paints and varnishes to a state of working viscosity, which will make painting not only easy and pleasant, but also economical. The price of the solvent is low, and the benefits from it are many (what - read on).

Among the solvents that are used to dilute various paints and varnishes, there are both specialized and universal formulations. The former are suitable for certain paintwork materials, the latter can be used for everyone.

One of these universals is solvent 646. This solvent is a mixture of several: butyl acetate, ethyl cellulose, acetone, toluene with butyl and ethyl alcohol. Such a "star" composition of the components plays the role of a universal thinner for paints and varnishes. Outwardly unremarkable (transparent or slightly yellowish liquid without foreign impurities), Thinner 646 is an indispensable assistant when it comes to bringing the paint material to the desired consistency.

Solvent Features 646

Solvent 646 is mainly used for paints and varnishes based on nitrocellulose, as well as auto enamels ML and KO. It is perfectly diluted with NC, EP, MCH, MS primers, NC and EP putties. Another purpose of this solvent is to degrease the metal surface before painting. Well, one more property of solvent 646 is the possibility of processing tools after staining. It's all about the benefit

In order to use thinner 646 for painting work, you do not need to have any special knowledge. But this is exactly the case when there is no need to complicate anything. You have two ways:

  • dilute the material to a state in which it is convenient to apply it to the surface, determining the consistency yourself;
  • read the instructions for the paintwork material that you are going to use. Usually it indicates the amount of solvent needed for dilution.

The solvent is packaged in bottles, canisters and barrels - there are plenty to choose from!

Also be aware that working with solvent can be unsafe and precautions are absolutely essential. Do not work near sources of fire, provide air flow if painting takes place indoors. Hand and respiratory protection will help to avoid adverse health effects.

The shelf life of solvent 646 is 1 year, both at positive and at negative temperature values. Store the solvent, as usual, in a dark, cool place, away from electrical appliances and sunlight.

Solvent composition 646

  • ethanol (15%)
  • toluene (50%)
  • butyl acetate (10%)
  • ethyl cellosolve (8%)
  • butanol (10%)
  • acetone (7%).


  • you can buy at an affordable price. The substance can be purchased at specialized stores selling building materials
  • gives surfaces a glossy finish
  • versatility of use. The solvent can be used together with any varnishes and enamels, it is used with a primer and putty. Experts isolate the substance as an ideal solvent for the implementation of internal repair work. Today, no work with walls and ceilings is complete without solvent 646
  • high dissolving power
  • ease of use. Thanks to carefully selected proportions of the composition, the substance does not leave chemical burns.

Solvent Specifications 646

R-646 has the following technical characteristics:

  • volatility parameter ethyl alcohol ranges from 8 to 15
  • coagulation number not less than 35%
  • acid number not more than 0.06 mg KOH
  • the proportion of water according to Fischer is not more than two percent
  • flash point - 7 degrees Celsius
  • hazard class 3

Solvent characteristics 646:

You can buy solvent 646 at a bargain price at the All Paints company.

The most widely used solvent today, although it is not always used correctly, and it is not always fully compatible with the applied paint and varnish material. Solvent 646 is intended for dilution of the following film formers: cellulose nitrate, glyptal, epoxy, urea-formaldehyde, organosilicon. Solvent 646 is a mixture of butyl acetate (10%), ethyl cellosolve (8%), acetone (7%), butyl alcohol (15%), ethyl alcohol (10%) and toluene (50%) Guarantee period storage solvent 646 12 months from the date of manufacture.

The main brands of paints and varnishes used with solvent 646::

Danger to humans:

When using a solvent, always remember a simple truth: useful chemistry is extremely rare. No safety measures when working with a solvent will not be superfluous !!!

Hazard from single exposure to high concentrations:

The vapor irritates the eyes and respiratory tract. The substance may have effects on the central nervous system, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation and through the skin.

Danger from long-term contact:

Prolonged skin contact may cause dermatitis. The substance may have effects on the blood and bone marrow.

Fire hazard:

Highly flammable. They belong to class 3.1 Flammable liquids with a flash point of less than +23 ° C. Avoid open flames, sparks and smoking. Vapor-air mixtures are explosive. Hazardous air pollution will be reached quite quickly when this substance evaporates at 20°C, and even faster when sprayed. The vapor is heavier than air and can travel along the ground; possible ignition at a distance. The substance may form explosive peroxides on contact with strong oxidants such as acetic acid, nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide. Reacts with chloroform and bromoform under normal conditions causing fire and explosion hazard. Aggressive to some types of plastic.

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