How to determine the age of a rabbit Poltava silver. Silver rabbit: description of the breed, reviews, care. How to make a cage: step by step instructions


C o m e t a l c

Rabbits Poltava silver or Silver rabbits.

Today I propose to continue the conversation about local or, more precisely, local rabbits. I believe that our domestic breeds have undeservedly gone into the shadows and are increasingly being replaced by Western counterparts. I will not write much about the reasons for this. This is of little practical importance. Yes, they are obvious - this is the failure of rabbit breeding as an industry as a result of the global events of the beginning of the century. However, in individual farms, in spite of everything, domestic breeds have been preserved and this is direct evidence of their competitiveness. And in terms of survival, unpretentiousness and compliance with climatic conditions, they have no equal. That is, some lags in terms of conditions from top brands, if there is (which is not obvious), are more than offset by a decrease in natural losses in the management of the economy. This is especially true for small farms. In addition, such breeds will be much cheaper for a novice rabbit breeder, and some inevitable mistakes will not affect the business so much. Our rabbits have a greater margin of safety.

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Who are you, fluffy silver?

One of the best domestic breeds is the Silver Rabbit. To continue further conversation, I propose to define the terminology. From conversations with colleagues, I realized that there is a lot of confusion. As soon as gray rabbits with a silver tint are not called? This is Silver, and just Silver and Poltava Silver and Soviet Silver. So, this is the same breed of rabbits, bred back in the Soviet Union (1952) in one of the fur farms in the Poltava region. Therefore, in Ukraine they call him Poltava silver. In Russia, the old official name of the breed is more common - Soviet Silver Rabbit. It was bred on the basis of the Champagne French Silver Rabbit ( Champagne Silber - Champagne Silver), whose ancestors long ago, in turn, were imported from India. By the way, you can find it here, called European silver or just Silver.

Domestic scientists were tasked with providing large farms with rabbits that would be frost-resistant, prolific and at the same time unpretentious in food and in other respects. And this was done in particular with the help of the Soviet Silvers. After the official registration of the Poltava, the breeders announced that the new breed, compared to the original material (Silver), has some undeniable advantages. For example, they are more adapted to the local climate, the fertility and milk production of females is increased, the amount of meat at the exit has also increased, and, importantly, its taste characteristics have been improved. In addition, rabbits are very unpretentious in terms of feed, they eat almost any vegetation, even garden tops. It is now very often special compound feeds. Then such chic could not be afforded. I think that even now many, even novice rabbit breeders, this advantage will give additional trump cards. As for the weight of adult animals, it is quite decent 5.5 - 6.5 kg. And if these are not giant rabbits, then very strong middle peasants according to the generally accepted classification.

Peculiarities of skins.

Well, how not to talk about the skins. To say that the breed belongs to the meat-skin breed means to say nothing. Rabbit fur began to look more attractive, and products more elegant, as the color became noticeably darker and richer. This happened because when creating the breed, black local rabbits were used and the percentage of black hairs became larger.

Silver fur product

The prospects for skinners have become wider, as it has become possible to maneuver in terms of selecting shades of silver. This, in turn, allows you to create models of clothes of a very wide range. For example, in an article on the use of skins, you can see how Irina Tylik regulates this parameter by crossing Poltava Silver with European Silver.

On the left is a cross between European and Poltava silver, on the right is a purebred Poltava

A mixture of European and Poltava silver

On the market of raw materials, the skins of Silver are valued more than the skins of many other breeds. In addition to a pleasant color, wool has excellent indicators in terms of density. In this, perhaps, only the Soviet Chinchilla will yield. It is important to add that the size of the raw material is of great importance, because the breed is quite large.

Silver skin sizes

Perhaps you will be interested, where does the similarity of the color of the skin with the color of the silverfish come from? It's pretty simple. The combination of three different colors in which the wool hairs are dyed perfectly reproduces the color of the semi-precious metal. Namely black, white guard hair (awn) and blue undercoat.

Various shades of metallic skins

It should be noted that there is no strictly pronounced uniformity of color in the breed. In the same family, animals can differ in the degree of lightness: from very dark to very light. Therefore, experienced rabbit breeders in pairs, when crossing, select individuals with different characteristics. Never mate two super-dark or two very light future parents. If you decide to get high-quality skins, seat the males on time. The fact is that in places where wool breaks out in shreds, predominantly white hairs grow.

How not to confuse the breed of a silver rabbit?

Let's take a closer look at the color of the skins. It turns out that its homogeneity is not observed over the entire surface of the body. Approximately the same as in the Californian, some darker areas stand out. This is the tip of the nose, the tip of the tail, the bottom of the paws and on the ears. True, the first one has a white background, and the silver one, respectively, has a gray one.

Silver rabbit light color

In addition to this similarity, there is another commonality. The finally formed color can be observed only in grown-up rabbits who have reached 2-3 months. Before that, they are just grey. The silver tide does not appear immediately. As a rule, at first it can be seen only on the belly, tail and near the nose. It is important to check the color of the claws when buying. They must all be dark. The absence of pigmentation indicates the possibility of the birth of white rabbits from this individual.

PLEASE DO NOT CONFUSE Poltava Silver rabbit with other breeds, also bred on the basis of Silver. For example, with the BSSK breed (Large Light Silver Rabbit), whose skins are noticeably lighter. Separate black hairs are clearly visible only if you blow on them or run your palm against the wool. There is, and vice versa, dwarf silver. In almost all European countries where there is a developed infrastructure for rabbit breeding, their silver rabbits have been bred, but they are only indirectly related to the Poltava residents.

Left Poltava rabbit. Right BSSK.

The body shape of a rabbit conforms to generally accepted standards of proportion. Although the concept is rather vague. For example, in Western Europe, a small round head is considered the norm (such breeds have an increased risk of malocclusion). Ours is slightly longer. The ears are small and erect. At the same time, the knockdown index is good, reaching up to 60% or more. This indicator is achieved primarily due to the muscularity of the back, a wide back without protruding bones (roundness). The paws are strong, wide, well set, well furred, so they are not at risk of corns, even with a lot of weight gained. In general, the presentation, taking into account the metallic color, is simply wonderful.

Growth dynamics.

I built the growth graph on the statistics of one of the most famous farms of the late Soviet period (ECAC farms), but in personal farms, with an individual approach, rabbit breeders achieved even more amazing results, even surpassing the growth graph of Californians. If you approach even more strictly, then all the lines should not come out of the zero point, since the newly appeared rabbits already have a weight of about 75 grams. As for the return to feed (a very important parameter), for this breed it is 2.5 - 3.5 feed units The feed unit serves to compare the nutritional value of different feeds. Since the times of the USSR, the norms have been preserved that a feed unit is a constant value equal to 1 kg of medium quality oats, which corresponds to 1414 kcal of clean energy. per 1 kg of live weight gain. This value is not constant, as you can see from the graph, and corresponds to the first 4 months of fattening. Another important indicator is the slaughter yield, that is, the ratio of live weight to carcass weight. Here, too, everything is very good, around 60%.

Our reliable statistics.

And in conclusion, I want to provide you with statistical data, once again confirming the relative popularity of Poltava Silver rabbits. The information we collected from 2012 to 2017 is archived at Almost 20 thousand rabbit breeders from all regions of the former union participated in the survey. If you wish, you can participate in the creation of a database of new, more complete statistics. Specify the breed of rabbits you breed. To do this, check the appropriate box and click on the "Submit" button. If you breed not one, but several breeds, left-click on several squares in front of them.

I hope you have a certain understanding of the Silver Rabbits, which will allow you to make the necessary choice. Moreover, as far as I know, it is not difficult to acquire this breed, and not only in the Poltava region. I express my gratitude to Irina Tylik for her help in writing this article and sent photos.

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Rabbits of this subspecies have a characteristic fur color. They are very affectionate in nature. They quickly get used to the person. May be kept in any environment. They are unpretentious and have no flaws.

Silver is a domestic subspecies of animals. It was bred in the USSR in the early 50s. Whatever the name of these wonderful animals, they are all one species. Animals with a silver tint have several names: Soviet, Poltava and ordinary Silver. The subspecies was bred at the state farm of the Poltava region. Because of this, animals have such an original name, popular in Ukraine. In the Russian Federation, individuals are usually called Soviet. The breed was bred thanks to the Champagne French rabbits. Ancestors were brought from India. These animals are now known as Big Light or European Silver.

Breed features

Appearance description

Large Poltava Light Silver has many different shades of fur. The main difference is the characteristic silver color. Smoky light animals have a non-uniform shade. On the tips of the ears, tail, paws, the color is the darkest. The guide hairline is dark in color, at the base - the lightest. The outer hairline has a snow-white tint. Downy fibers - a characteristic blue-blue color.

Body structure description:

  • An adult livestock can weigh 4.5-5.0 kg. Some individuals can be even larger and reach a body weight of more than 6.6 kg.
  • The proportions of the body of animals are harmonious.
  • The body is elongated, reaching 54-58 cm.
  • Individuals have a wide chest. The girth of the chest is 35-36 cm.
  • Big Poltava Silver has a medium-sized head.
  • The ears of animals are vertical, reaching a length of 9-13 cm.
  • The eyes are light brown.
  • Paws are powerful, even.
  • The back is straight.
  • The muscles are remarkably well developed.
  • The sacral part is large.
  • The downfall index is 57-66%.

Peculiarities of skins

The fur of individuals turns out to be large. It has a characteristic "silver" tint. It is used for the manufacture of fur products. Not subject to coloring. Items are sold with a natural shade. Currently, animal skins are saturated with a darker color. This is due to the characteristics of the admixture of other subspecies. Now there are different silver shades. Therefore, there is a wide range of choices. In the market, such fur is valued very expensively. It has become more widespread than other breeds. The hairline is very soft and thick.

To obtain high-quality skins, experienced breeders do not recommend crossing two light or two dark individuals.

productive characteristic

The consumption of feed units per 1 kg of body weight gain is 2.5-3.5. At the age of 90-120 days, the young animals show excellent indicators of slaughter yield. The productivity of such individuals is 57-60%. Dietary meat of this subspecies can be fried, boiled, steamed. It has a great juicy taste. Recommended for baby food. Slaughter carcasses have a wonderful presentation. The carcasses are muscular with a wide fat layer.

Experienced livestock breeders recommend keeping this subspecies in a shed system. The fact is that rabbits prefer freedom and are perfectly kept in conditions close to natural. In enclosed spaces, individuals have a sharp decrease in productivity.

Content principles

Through selection experiments, individuals are perfectly adapted to any climate. They prefer average temperatures of 17-23°C. They tolerate heat, but do not like it. In hot weather, they prefer to be in the shade or in their houses. Therefore, at temperatures above 25 ° C, awnings are installed in the enclosures. Rabbits of this breed are perfectly kept in the middle zone of the country. But it has become widespread throughout the Russian Federation.

They have a calm disposition, friendly character. They are active, curious and playful. Easily adapt to new living conditions. Adhere to a certain daily routine. They quickly get used to the farm staff.

Feeding rabbits

Animals are very unpretentious. They can eat any food. In winter time at good feeding can show excellent reproductive qualities and viability. Such animals need all kinds of feed. In the summer, the body needs fresh green grass. It is strictly forbidden to collect green fodder near roadsides. In winter, animals eat dry and green hay. Light Silver loves branch food. You can give conifers and deciduous species. Also in the diet may be branches of fruit trees. From succulent feed animals prefer fresh potatoes, carrots, legumes. The type of food should include bran, silage, food vitamin supplements, granulated feed.

It is necessary that in the rabbit drinkers there is always fresh water. drinking water. With a lack of fresh water, animals can begin to behave aggressively. With constant thirst, the females eat their newborn cubs after birth.


Rabbits of this subspecies are highly prolific. They have a high milk yield. They can independently feed all the offspring. For one, the female bears 8-9 babies. The weight of one cub is 75 gr. From foreign animals and humans, rabbits can aggressively protect their offspring. Willingly accept other people's rabbits.

Experienced livestock breeders do not recommend crossing two light silver individuals. Their offspring will be very light and over time may lose the characteristic shade of old silver.

Babies quickly gain weight and develop. A distinctive feature of this breed is meat precocity. Development intensity:

Breeding as a pet

Poltava rabbits can be kept as industrial or pets. They belong to the meat-skin subspecies, have large dimensions. Very loved by livestock breeders for their kind and affectionate character. They have a playful temperament. Very curious and active. They have absolutely no aggression. Animals quickly get used to humans. They choose one owner. This subspecies is great for keeping as a pet.

Such individuals are not recommended to buy for children. Due to their large size, animals can inadvertently injure babies.

Before buying an animal, you need to prepare a lot of space. It is important that the room is spacious, bright, without any drafts and gusts of wind. Because of their curious activity, animals can move around a lot. Therefore, it is necessary to remove all piercing and sharp objects, wiring. In care unpretentious. No special maintenance effort is required.

Representatives of the silver breed are distinguished by their special affectionate nature and their intelligence. They become attached to a person no less than dogs, which is why today they often start as pets. In industrial breeding, the value of this breed of rabbits is their fur of an unusual silver color, which gave the name to the breed. Farmers are also attracted by the fact that the animals are distinguished by a very rapid weight gain, which greatly increases the profitability of their cultivation.

According to the direction, rabbits are classified as meat and skin rabbits. If properly maintained, they will be an excellent source of additional or main income, depending on the size. farming. If the animal is brought in as a family favorite, then the benefit of its presence in the house will be its endless love for the owner, which will give a lot of positive emotions.

Unusual appearance rabbits is associated with the color of their coat. Their down is blue, and the outer hairs are black with a white base. Because of such a fur coat, a silver rabbit is very valuable.

The breed was bred in the USSR in the 50s of the 20th century. The breeders of the Poltava fur farm, located on the territory of Ukraine, worked on it. Rabbits of the Poltava silver breed are valued for their fur no less than chinchillas. To breed the breed, French silver rabbits were used, which were crossed with meat breeds suitable color. The appearance of the breed is often called a response to the work of French rabbit breeders, who at that time bred animals with valuable fur, which was especially attractive. As a breed, the animals were registered in 1953. Unlike the European line of the silver breed, the Soviet one has a special strength of immunity and high fertility, which can significantly increase the profitability of its content.

Breed Soviet silver

Today, the breed as a commercial one has significantly lost its popularity, since in large fur farms and on large farms, especially early maturing rabbits, crosses, which are hybrids, began to breed for meat. The breed is often grown for fur european silver, which quickly gains a presentation. On personal backyards, the species has somewhat decreased due to the difficulty of purchasing high-quality parent stock. However, amateurs are doing their best to revive the popularity of the silver breed, which is rightfully called one of the most beautiful and versatile.


The appearance of animals is quite spectacular, and they are always noticeable at exhibitions among other breeds. The body length of the animal is up to 60 cm, more often about 57 cm. The constitution is powerful, muscular. The addition is proportional. The weight of adult rabbits is from 5 to 6 kg, and some especially large individuals grow up to 7 kg. The back is straight and fairly wide. The chest has a significant width, has a circumference of 36 cm. Paws with strong well-developed muscles of medium length. The head size is medium, it is somewhat elongated with a neat sloping forehead. The ears are compact, erect, up to 13 cm long. The color of the ears, paws and tail is darker. Around the eyes, the coat is also darker due to the absence of the white base of the hairs. The index of their downfall ranges from 57 to 66%.

Appearance of eared silver

In rabbits, the silver color feature is not visible. It manifests itself as they grow up and is clearly visible as early as 3 months. The thicker the coat, the more pronounced the silver shade will be.

Animal skins are different large area, which is additionally valued in fur production. This fur is not subject to coloring and is used in its natural form. Products for which the skins from silver rabbits went are distinguished by their special sophistication. Due to the fact that other types of rabbits are often mixed with the breed today, their skins have become darker, but have not lost their silvery properties, so things from them have a richer shade. Due to the small industrial breeding, the fur of this breed is especially highly valued.


The nature of the Poltava silver rabbits turned them from farm animals into decorative ones. They are one of the most affectionate rabbits among all breeds, and are also distinguished by high intelligence and the complete absence of manifestations of aggression towards the owner. However, these pets, if necessary, will always stand up for themselves, which is why it is not recommended to touch them to strangers.

Silver rabbits are good-natured and gentle

Animals willingly take part in children's amusements because of their high mobility, especially at a young age. Along with this, silver rabbits will be very willing to lie on their knees for hours, enjoying the fact that the owner scratches their muzzle, especially around the neck and between the eyes.

Breeders were able to create a breed that adapts perfectly to various living conditions. The optimum temperature for rabbits is from +17 to +23 degrees. The silver rabbit tolerates heat, but they do not like it, which is why in the summer on hot days it seeks to hide in the shade. This behavior is already observed at +25 degrees. In summer, it is best to keep them in portable cages without a bottom, which have awnings to create shade and houses for animals to rest.

Rabbits can live on a mesh or slatted floor with quality straw bedding, making it much easier to care for them. As with other breeds, drafts are fatal for them. In winter, animals do not need to move to a heated room, as they are covered with thick, especially warm wool, which reliably protects them from the cold. For the winter period, Soviet silver cages with rabbits are optimally moved to a glass or polycarbonate greenhouse, where there are vents for daily ventilation. Additional heating is necessary only in case of especially severe frost, which is noted in Siberia. In the Middle lane and in the South, silver rabbits winter without heating without any harm to health. When growing animals for skins, this only increases their commodity value.

Pet care consists of regular cleaning of cages, combing animals during the molting period and routine vaccination. With a mass content, preventive veterinary examinations are required so as not to miss the first signs of disease.

Feeding rules

When breeding a breed, one of the tasks of breeders was to obtain unpretentious individuals who can not only easily adapt to various climatic conditions, but also be undemanding to feed. This has been successful. You can feed silver pets with everything available in this moment feed. They willingly eat hay and fresh grass, vegetables and fruits. In large farms, in winter, animals are also given silage, which fully replaces other types of feed, as it is rich in vitamins and is perfectly absorbed by the body.

Silver lovers of vegetables and fruits

The teeth of rabbits grow quite quickly, and for their grinding it is necessary to regularly give them branches cut from fruit trees. Animals like to spend time chewing on branches, and they can be distracted by this activity for a long time.

It is useful to give them sprouted grains, as well as mixed feed mash, which allows you to provide the body with a large amount of minerals and vitamins.

Water in drinking bowls is always needed clean, and it is changed 1-2 times a day. Boiled water should not be used for animals, but it is best to pour settled tap water.

Animals should have constant access to food and water. A pet can eat up to 80 times a day in small portions. The omnivorousness of animals simplifies their maintenance.

Purchase Features

It is possible to find high-quality purebred silver rabbits today, but it will take a lot of time. It is almost impossible to acquire high-quality breeding animals from the hands. You need to buy rabbits on a farm or a large nursery, which has all the documentation confirming the purity of the line.

It is necessary to purchase Silver rabbits from experienced breeders
  • Bald spots and bald patches on the skin;
  • Black color of claws;
  • Brown shade of fur;
  • The presence of injuries and wounds;
  • Discharge from the nose, eyes and ears;
  • Rashes on the genitals;
  • Increased aggressiveness;
  • Lethargy.

If a pet is bought to be kept in an apartment as a four-legged member of the family, then first of all you need to pay attention to its character, as well as health. Exterior flaws in such a situation are not a decisive fact in the purchase.

Video: silver rabbit - Poltava silver

Silver rabbits are a unique combination of pleasant nature and high productivity, from which they can be turned on both for commercial purposes and as pets of the whole family.

Due to the valuable, lush and thick fur, rabbits of the Silver breed can be attributed to both the fur and meat production lines due to their high productivity, early maturity and meat yield.

History of the breed

Silver rabbits

The progenitors of the breed of silver rabbits are considered to be individuals from the French province of Champagne. Although there is information about the mention of rabbits of this breed in the middle of the last century, in Portugal and England. Nevertheless, France is still considered the official homeland of Champagne rabbits.

To the countries of the former Soviet Union rabbits were brought in 1927-1928 from Germany. At that time, the French breed rabbits were not too large, the color of the coat was only slightly silvered.

From this period, large-scale selection of this breed began. Breeding specialists worked on increasing precocity and fertility, increasing body weight and the quality of the hairline. The result of breeding was a new breed called the Silver Rabbit, bred by A. I. Kaplevsky and I. I. Kaplevsky at the Petrovsky fur farm in the Poltava region and Tula in the Tula region in 1946-1952.

Some old sources of information claim that a local black-colored rabbit and an imported Champagne breed were used for crossing. While modern information tells that the breed appeared by selecting individuals within the breed.

Appearance and description of the breed

The main distinguishing feature of animals is the silver-smoky color of the skin. The coloring of the coat is uniform throughout the body. On the nose, around the eyes, ears, and also partially on the legs and tail, the coat is darker in color. Silvery gloss gives a special tinting of the hair: the guide hairs are light at the base, and dark in the rest; guard hairs partly white; down hair smoky blue, lighter at the base. This combination of black and blond hair eventually led to the formation of a chic old silver color.

Skins are also valued, including for the density and silkiness of the hairline. Sometimes the fur of this breed is compared with the fur of the Siberian squirrel. The hairline in density is second only to the breeds and.

Rabbits of this species are born black or gray, by the first month of life silver appears on the nose, stomach and tail. Over time, the head, ears, chest and back change color. Only by 3-4 months in the process of molting, the color completely changes to silver. It should be noted that such a gradual change in color is a sign of a pure breed.

Adult individuals of this breed weigh about 4.5-5 kg., Some specimens reach 5.8-6.6 kg., The body constitution is harmonious, tightly knit. The length of the body is about 55-57 cm, the chest is wide and deep, the girth of the chest behind the shoulder blades reaches 36 cm. The head is medium, narrowed towards the nose, the ears are upright in length up to 10-12 cm, the eyes are brown. The paws are strong and well set, the back is straight and even with well-developed muscles. The sacral part is wide, has the correct shape. The downfall index is 56-65%.

Thanks to selection, rabbits are perfectly adapted to Russian weather conditions and feed. They do not like hot weather, they are more suitable for the average air temperature.

Animals are unpretentious to feed, with sufficient feeding in winter they show good survivability.

Rabbits of the silver breed are active, quickly adapting to the attendants and the daily routine.

The breed is most widespread in the central and western regions of the country, although it can be perfectly bred in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Profitability of breeding rabbits of the breed

Female rabbits of the Silver breed are very prolific and have a high milk yield. In one litter, on average, up to 8-9 rabbits are born. The weight of newborn animals is approximately 75 gr. Females of this breed aggressively protect their cubs, although they perfectly accept strangers.

When crossing, it is not advisable to take two equally light silver parents, as the offspring brighten and lose their exclusive old silver color.

Rabbits are growing rapidly, their distinguishing feature is excellent meat precocity. Growth intensity: 1 month - 1 kg., 2 months - 2 kg., 4 months - 4 kg. The consumption per kilogram of live weight gain is 2.5-3.6 feed units. The rate of weight gain is equivalent to the Soviet Chinchilla and Gray Giant breeds.

By the age of 3, 4 months, the animals have excellent slaughter yield, productivity is about 57-60%. The meat of this breed is very tasty and juicy, has a good presentation. The carcass is well muscled, the intermuscular fat layer is distributed evenly throughout the body.

Skins from rabbits are wide with an original variety of toning. Very often, silver rabbit skins are used in light industry without dyeing, preferring a natural look.

Although the silver rabbit belongs to the commercial meat and skin breeds, it is still not very common in our region. As a rule, he prefers more meaty "" and "", as well as breeds with lighter, more versatile fur.

The largest populations of the breed are concentrated in the fur farms of the Tatar Republic and the Tula region.

home content

Despite the fact that Silver rabbits are considered an industrial meat and skin breed and are quite large in size, they are great for. Due to their soft and docile nature, active and playful temperament, almost complete absence of aggression and quick adaptability to human presence, animals of this breed are actively gaining a reputation as a pet for home keeping.

You should also know that these rabbits move a lot due to their active temperament, so a lot of space should be prepared for them. Care does not require any additional effort.

Further selection of the breed can be aimed at increasing the viability of rabbits and increasing the strength of the body constitution.

Watch a video about this breed

Origin rabbits breed Poltava silver quite curious. Its roots are located at a depth of several centuries in India. It was then and it was from there that rabbits were brought straight to Spain, the wool of which was with a sheen of silver, thanks to which they quickly became popular throughout Europe.

But with the wild popularity among European rabbit breeders, for some reason this breed was entrenched in France (in the province of Champagne). all varieties of rabbits with a silvery shade of wool. In the USSR, rabbits of the Poltava silver breed appeared in 1952, as evidenced by a record in the history of animal husbandry. Champagne rabbits were taken as the basis, but some additional improvements were made: weight and milk qualities were improved, and good results have also been obtained in increasing the fertility of animals. But this is only a small part of all those adjustments to improve the breed, the purpose of which was to increase the productivity of factory rearing of such rabbits.

True, at the present time, the Poltava silver rabbit breed has lost its popularity. And today, only a few breeders can boast of having rabbits of this breed in their farm. But, there is a tendency to return to the Champagne breed.

They were bred specifically for factory breeding. And it turned out with success. The animals turned out to be hardy to the cold and not picky about food. All these facts allow them to be grown even by people who have never had anything to do with rabbits before. The external data of rabbits of the Poltava silver breed are slightly different from their European counterparts: the body and head are more oblong in shape, the ears are slightly longer than the ears of rabbits of European breeds. The color is less silver than that of champagne rabbits. Young rabbits generally lack the distinctive features of the breed, but this phenomenon is temporary and disappears upon reaching a certain age. The average slaughter weight of rabbits is in the range of 5.5-6.5 kg. The silver color is obtained due to the presence of two colors - black and white. They mix with each other and the result is such an unusual color. In different breeds, the manifestation of shades of silver is different. It all depends on how much the number of black hairs prevails over white. If the amount of white hair prevails, then the color turns out to be a more pronounced silver color. Otherwise, the color will be a little darker. Poltava silver has a slightly darkened color. But with any shade of rabbit fur, the following features remain unchanged: the tips of the ears, the tip of the tail and the tip of the muzzle have a darker shade than the rest of the coat.

When selecting rabbits of the Poltava silver breed for breeding, a female and a male with the color of the same shade should not be mated: both are very dark or both are very light. Then their offspring will have a stronger bias towards the shade that the parents have.

It should be noted that the undercoat, which has a bluish tint, also takes part in the manifestation of the silver color, which, together with the black and white hair of the wool, produces a beautiful silver color. And with regard to the structural features of the Poltava silver rabbits, we can say that they have a strong and proportional body , the chest is wide with a dewlap, the paws are short. All this characterizes them as hardy animals and suggests that they are able to endure almost any living conditions.

To determine the purity of the breed, it is enough to simply observe how the color of young individuals changes with age. If a gradual silvering occurs (the shade first appears on the stomach, then on the nose and tail, and only then on the rest of the body), then we can safely say about the purity of the breed.

And in conclusion, it must also be said that newborn rabbits weigh no more than 75 grams, and the weight of adults can reach 6.5 kg, it is not difficult to guess that they grow very quickly.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that rabbits breed Poltava silver have many advantages, and as for the disadvantages, they simply do not exist.

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