Quail meat breeds and their characteristics. What breed of quail is better to breed: advice to a novice farmer. What meat breeds of quail are bred in Russia


Kira Stoletova

Quail breeds have been bred over the past 100 years. The common wild quail was tamed first. Then people began to improve the qualities they needed. The result is productive poultry from which you can get meat and eggs. A decorative direction developed separately, because quails are not only useful, but also beautiful birds. In some countries they are also bred as fighting and songbirds.

Breed classification

  • quail egg breeds;
  • meat and egg varieties;
  • meat breeds quails;
  • decorative types.

Not all breeds fit neatly into this classification. For example, you can get enough eggs and meat from both egg-laying and meat-egging ones. On average, a quail lays 250 to 350 small eggs per year. Meat breeds are distinguished by large weight. If the mass of an ordinary quail is 120-160 g, then a meat quail can weigh 250 or even 300 g. Females are usually 15% heavier than males.

Decorative breeds are distinguished by beautiful original plumage. They are bred as decoration for the poultry yard. Often such quails can be seen in zoos or in public gardens. There are fighting quails that participate in competitions. But they are now a rarity, since in most countries animal fights are prohibited. Males of this species during the mating season make deep guttural sounds that many people like. Below are the most popular quail breeds, their photos and descriptions. Which breed is the best, everyone can decide for himself.

English quail

English quail has 2 shades: white and black. These varieties differ not only in plumage, but also in some product characteristics. The following describes what English quail breeds look like and their product characteristics.

English white quail

The English White Quail was created from the Japanese breed. As the name implies, the plumage of the bird is white. The difference between males and females is almost imperceptible. They are separated by the shade of the cloaca (the female is bluish, the male is pink) and the specific yellow secret that stands out in males. Gender can be determined no earlier than one month.

Quails of this variety are considered meat. They have tasty meat, and light-skinned carcasses have a good presentation. The product features are as follows:

  • weight of females - 160-180 g;
  • male weight - 140-160 g;
  • the number of testicles - 250-300 pieces throughout the year;
  • egg weight - 10-11 g.

English black quail

English black quail is also bred on the basis of Japanese. Its breeding is not as popular as the cultivation of white. The fact is that the carcass of this bird is dark, and not everyone likes this color. The plumage of this species of quail is from dark brown to black. The product characteristic is somewhat superior to that of white quails:

  • maximum weight of females - 200 g, males - 170 g;
  • the annual number of eggs meat breeds of quail - 280 pieces;
  • egg weight - 10-11 g.

There are broiler egg breeds of quail and varieties of black quail. They weigh 200-210 g, but the egg production is lower, approximately 160-180 pieces per year. This type of quail is bred more often for amateur purposes and for home consumption.

Virginian variety of quail

Virginia quails are beautiful birds that are bred for decoration. They used to be hunted like game. In recent years, it has been practiced cellular content breeds for tasty meat. This is what beautiful quails from Virginia look like:

  • the size of the body is average, approximately 22 cm in length;
  • the head is small;
  • the beak is short, laterally compressed, the upper part is bent down, the beak is serrated from below;
  • from the forehead to the neck there is a white stripe, in the center of the head - a black cap;
  • feathers on the back of the head are red with brown;
  • on the neck - a ring of black feathers;
  • at the base of the back, the plumage is gray with white tips;
  • on top the body is brown with a reddish tint;
  • the bottom of the body is brown, light wide stripes go along the general background;
  • feathers on the breast have a black edging.

The egg production of Virginian quails is low, in wild nature they lay 8-14 testicles, at home they carry 60-80 pcs. per year. Males sing beautifully during the mating season, they climb the hill and give out the sounds of “bob white”. The content of the birds is not difficult. Quails live both in pens and in cages.

Quail breeds. And which one is better?

Beginner quail breeder - Breeds of quails, types of quails


California quail

The California crested quail is also a decorative bird. There are three varieties in nature. In America, birds have been bred for a long time, in Europe they began to appear only in recent years. Here is a description of the appearance of the bird:

  • the head is small, with a black tuft of 4-7 feathers, bent forward;
  • the beak is short, strong, slightly curved;
  • the body is stocky, compressed on the sides;
  • legs are medium in length;
  • the wings are short and rounded at the tips, the fourth and fifth flight feathers are elongated;
  • the tail is shortened, with slightly pronounced steps;
  • the forehead is white with yellow, on top there is a narrow white stripe that goes to the back of the head;
  • crown with a black stripe that comes from the tuft;
  • from the cheeks down the neck and chin there is a white stripe in the shape of an inverted moon;
  • the nape and neck are bluish-gray on top, each feather has a black stem, a light stripe and a speck at the tip;
  • back olive brown;
  • goiter and breast from above are gray-blue;
  • on the tummy, a pattern of brown feathers with a black border, resembling fish scales;
  • legs are gray, their height is 23-25 ​​cm;
  • the color of the females is less bright, brown-gray tones predominate, there are no black and white stripes on the head

California quails lay 9-15 eggs. Even at home, they live in pairs, not in groups. For each such pair, a separate cell should be built. Like other domesticated quails, California quails have lost the instinct to incubate, so the chicks must be raised in an incubator.

Chinese painted quail

Chinese painted quail is also bred for beauty. Its habitat is China, South and East Asia, Australia. Now decorative birds are brought to many other countries. In size, they are the smallest of all quail breeds. Their coloring is very interesting, a wild pheasant has a similar one. Here's what these beauties look like:

  • the beak is black, the legs are orange with yellow;
  • cheeks, forehead, goiter and sides of a gray with a blue tint;
  • the neck and the area under the beak are black with a white stripe in the shape of a crescent;
  • 2 more white stripes go from the beak to the cheeks;
  • back brown with dark spots;
  • brick-colored tummy;
  • in the female, the body is dark brown above, and light brown below, the pattern on the head and neck is the same as in males.

It is necessary to keep Chinese painted quails in groups where there is 1 male and 2-4 females. Males are very attentive to their ladies, they will never eat until they are full. If the quails live in an aviary, they can sit their eggs on their own. Chicks grow up in a short time and already at 3 weeks they look like adults. In winter, quails need a heated house.

Manchurian golden quail

The Manchurian golden quail, or Phoenix, is a meat breed. However, it produces very large testicles, albeit in small numbers. Another feature of the Manchurian quail is its magnificent golden plumage, due to which it is partially classified as decorative. It is somewhat reminiscent of the plumage of chickens la Flèche, as can be seen from the photo. Product characteristics of this variety are as follows:

  • weight of females - 250-300 g;
  • weight of males - 200-220 g;
  • carcasses of a beautiful light shade;
  • the number of eggs - 220 pieces per year;
  • the weight of one egg is 16 g;
  • the beginning of laying - 6-7 weeks.

The Manchurian golden quail was derived from the Japanese. The breed has significantly surpassed its parent in terms of weight, but is inferior in terms of egg production. Nevertheless, quails are also kept for the sake of eggs, because their mass is very large: 16 g versus 10-11 g for other quail breeds. To teach food eggs, males must be separated from females. It is easy to distinguish them: in males, a mask is clearly distinguished on the face of a rusty, dark brown or light ocher hue.


Quail Pharaohs are representatives of broiler breeds that were bred in the USA. There are two varieties: regular and Texas. It is believed that Pharaohs are the most highly productive meat breeds of domesticated quails.

Regular Pharaoh

The color of the feathers is the same as that of wild quail or Japanese quail. Carcasses due to this color of feathers are not very beautiful appearance and sell worse. The body size is large, the body is compact, muscular. Product characteristics:

  • quail weight - up to 300 g, quail - up to 270 g;
  • the number of eggs - 200-220 pcs. per year;
  • the weight of one egg is 12-18 g;
  • laying age for laying hens is 6-7 weeks.

It is important to note that when buying hatching eggs or chicks, there is a big risk of getting a livestock that does not have the product characteristics that are declared. We do not have enough good breeding quails of the Pharaohs, because they are often crossed with other breeds. Distinguishing a cross without much experience, especially at an early age, is almost impossible.

Texas Pharaoh

The Texas white quail Pharaoh is one of the largest breeds. The weight of the carcass reaches 250 g, and the live bird - 440-450 g. Description of the appearance of the Texas Pharaoh:

  • the body is plump;
  • the back is extended;
  • the breast is convex;
  • the neck is shortened;
  • short legs and tail;
  • the head is average;
  • flesh-colored beak, black at the tip;
  • eyes large, dark;
  • the color is white, on the back of the head there is a black “island” of 3-4 spots;
  • plumage lush, fluffy.

Like the English black and white species, the Texas Pharaoh has a subtle difference between males and females. Males and females are distinguished by the shade of the cloaca and the presence of yellow discharge. The young are growing and recovering rapidly, but the egg production, hatchability and survival rates of the chicks are low. Texas Pharaohs eat no more food than ordinary quails, because the cost of their meat is reduced, given the large mass. The light appearance of the carcasses allows them to raise their price, as they are in good demand.

Estonian quail

The progenitors of Estonian quails were English white, Pharaoh and Japanese quail. They belong to the egg breeds of quails with average productivity and rather large body weight. The Estonian has ocher-colored feathers with a brown tint; in males, 3 yellowish-brown stripes on the head are clearly visible. In females, the goiter and the area under the beak are light gray, and dark dots are visible on the brown breast.

The product characteristics of the Estonian quail are as follows:

  • live weight of mature birds - 170-190 g;
  • the number of eggs - 275-285 pieces;
  • females begin to rush at the age of 37-40 days;
  • testicular fertilization - 92-93%;
  • hatchability of young animals - 81-82%;
  • the survival rate of chicks is 98%.

The Estonian quail breed is quite popular, so choosing and buying it is not a problem. It is universal, from birds you can get a large number of eggs and tasty good quality meat. In addition, the quail is unpretentious, it does not require special care, it is ideal for growing in any conditions.

japanese quail

The Japanese quail is one of the most famous egg breeds, although in recent times broiler meat production is also being developed.

The Japanese is quite large (body length - 16-17 cm), has a standard brown-gray color. Lives well in a confined space. Quails of the Japanese egg breed have the following product characteristics:

  • weight of broiler quails - 200-250 g, egg - 150-180 g;
  • annual number of eggs - 300 pcs. and more;
  • egg weight - 10-12 g;
  • the age of onset of egg production in laying hens is 45-50 days.

Based on the Japanese representative, the English white quail and the English black quail breed were bred. Also, the Japanese became the ancestor of the French breed Turedo and golden Muharion. It is better to keep colored birds at home in pairs, and wild-colored birds in families with one male and 3-4 females.

marble quail

The Marbled Quail is a mutational species of the Japanese. It was received by the Moscow laboratory of the All-Russian Institute of Poultry. The breed is bred for the sake of getting testicles. The name is associated with a unique color: the feathers of the birds are white with a beautiful marble pattern. Thanks to the light feather, the carcasses have a high commercial quality. In terms of its performance, marble rock is not much different from Japanese:

  • females weigh 180-200 g, males - 150-170 g;
  • body length - 13-18 cm;
  • the number of eggs - 300-320 pieces;
  • feed consumption per 1 individual - 5-6 kg;
  • the beginning of egg production - 55-60 days.

Due to their beautiful plumage, the marble breed is often grown as ornamental birds. They have a pleasant voice, friendly character, quails quickly get used to a person. You can verify this by looking at numerous videos and photos. In addition, Marble rock is quite profitable in terms of food. Crossing Marble and English quails made it possible to breed the Moscow white breed with high meat productivity. If we compare it with the white Pharaoh, then the Moscow quail wins, especially in terms of weight.

tuxedo quail

One day English black and white quail mixed up. This crossbreeding resulted in the beautiful breed of Tuxedo Quail. From above, the body of these birds is dark, and the tummy is white. Both colors come in different shades. On a dark background, you can see a golden or bluish tint, on a light one - gray or silver. There are also individuals of fawn coloring.

The productivity of this breed of quail is average. Here is a table of key indicators:

  • quails weigh approximately 150-160 g;
  • annual number of eggs - 260-280 pieces;
  • weight of one egg - 10-11 g;
  • the beginning of laying - 6-7 weeks.

Tuxedo quails are suitable for growing in small private farms. For industrial breeding, they have too low productivity. Keeping birds is not a problem, it is an excellent choice for beginner farmers.

Thus, there is no correct decision regarding the best breed of quail for breeding. It all depends on the goals of the farmer, what exactly he needs: meat, eggs or a winged friend, pleasing to the eye.

There are 130 different types of quail in the world, but only a few breeds can be grown at home. These breeds have one thing in common - they prefer to nest on the ground. Quails are raised for both eggs and meat, and have short term life, 2 to 4 years. What breeds of quail photos and descriptions exist can be found further.

There are several breeds that have become the most popular due to high production rates: the common quail and the Virginia quail. These two breeds are the best options- mature faster than others, produce eggs at a rate that exceeds labor costs.

Common quail - reaches maturity in 6-8 weeks. Produces eggs from spring to autumn and one female lays about 200 eggs in the first season. Birds are sent for meat between 9 and 11 weeks of age. The sooner they are slaughtered, the more tender the meat will be. The Virginia quail matures more slowly, at about 16 weeks, producing about 100 eggs per season. They are more active than the common breed and are best grown outdoors, in places where they can hide and roam freely.

"Attention!" There are decorative quail breeds. These birds are very beautiful, but not suitable for life in captivity. More temperamental, can get sick. They have poor productivity, so it does not make financial sense to start them.

California quail

An ornamental species common in the United States, also called the California partridge. Distinguished by its appearance: body size 25 cm, with a small tail, short beak, crest on the head. The color is multi-colored: brown, green, blue, gray, with a characteristic pattern.

These shy birds crowd in groups, making peculiar calls. The diet of this species should mainly consist of plants: seeds, flowers, leaves and bird food. Birds also eat ticks, beetles and caterpillars. This species, in an arid environment, can saturate with enough moisture from insects and succulent plants. Not suitable for meat production, bred only for decorative purposes.

The main breeds of quails that can be found in our countries:

  • Texas;
  • English white;
  • Japanese;
  • Estonian;
  • Pharaoh;
  • tuxedo;
  • Californian;
  • Tibetan.

Broiler quail breeds

Pharaoh, Texas, golden phoenix - the largest breeds, contain the largest amount of meat.

Meat birds, have a large size, brown color with black, white speckles, a lighter belly. Males reach 200-270 g, meat is 70%. At the age of 1.5 months, they begin to mate and lay eggs. They produce 200 eggs per year.

"Know!" To determine the purity of a bird, you need to look at its color. A real pharaoh, on the back of his head, does not have any other colors of points, except for black.

Texas quail

A large bird, obtained after crossing the Pharaohs. It has a white color, lush plumage with black spots on the head. Is the most large breed- the average weight is 400 g, some individuals reach a weight of 600 g. They have a calm character, like typical broilers.

It is recommended to keep in high cages, in small quantities. The tall, white species of this breed, when kept in normal cages, may not be able to fertilize females. Under the right conditions, egg fertilization is 60%, with females producing up to 280 eggs per year.

Phoenix golden

Almost in everything it looks like the Manchurian golden bird - a light, yellow color. However, it has more weight (females - 400 g, males - 300 g), fleshy breast, large paws. They give eggs weighing 15 g, they are up to 23 g, but this is bad for the health of females, respectively, breeding birds.

"Know!" Phoenixes do not require special care, they hatch eggs even in the worst conditions.

Quail Little Red Riding Hood

The species originated from the similar German name of the breed, from where it was brought. A selection species created by many countries over the years. The main characteristics of the bird came from the Manchurian golden quail. The body weight of females is up to 450 g, the carcass has a good appearance, egg production is sufficient high level. Outwardly, the bird is similar to the Manchurian quail, but has a red plumage on its head. She has a calm disposition, outwardly very neat.

There are also meat egg species, which are universal. They produce eggs (up to 280/year), have a good meat weight (up to 210 g). These birds include the following breeds:

  • Estonian;
  • tuxedos;
  • Manchu;
  • phoenixes.

Characteristics of domestic and egg-laying birds

Egg quails: Japanese, cataverse, black and white English, Manchurian gold. Japanese quails are leading in the production of eggs - 300 pcs. in year. Kitaverse gives 290 pcs. in year.

English (white, black) birds

They differ only in color, but have almost the same characteristics. They produce 280 eggs/year, weighing 9-11 g. Start laying at 6 weeks. The body weight of the female is 200 g, the male is 170. The breed does not require special conditions of detention - they are hardy, they survive well. The white species is difficult to distinguish from the Texas one, only when the birds grow up, it becomes clear in size.

"Know!" Also egg-bearing and domestic species include tuxedos, Australian yellow-brown species and their hybrids.

Manchurian birds

Popular with breeders. Birds are less productive - 220 eggs / year, but large eggs - 16 g. They have a strong body, short neck, plumage is light, brown (golden). This productive breed reaches adult size in 6-8 weeks, laying eggs from 6-7 weeks. The eggs are of high quality and are in high demand.

marble quails

They are the result of a selection of several birds, based on the Japanese breed. It got its name from the characteristic light, gray color, similar to marble. They carry eggs, just like the Japanese breed, other characteristics are also similar. It differs only in a more attractive look. By crossing such a bird with an English black, a new species was obtained, with a large weight.

Estonian quail

Birds, not particularly beautiful in appearance, but still popular with breeders. Occurred as a result of mixing English, Japanese breed and pharaoh. Females begin to lay on the 40th day of life, produce up to 270 eggs / year. They rush for a long time, they are also large in body, resistant to diseases, and live long. The meat has an excellent taste, better than other types, the carcass itself looks quite appetizing.

Hungarian quail

Breeding of the species began in Hungary, birds reach 350 g in weight. They have white plumage, rush well - up to 300 eggs / year.

"Attention!" Hungarian females and males can be distinguished only when the females begin to rush.

japanese quail

Often found in East Asia, it is considered a delicacy in many restaurants. The species prefers pastures, but also adapts well to enclosures filled with sand and branches. Adult females are usually larger than males, weighing from 120 to 160 grams. The male is slightly smaller, weighing about 100-140 grams. Males have an orange breast and throat, while females have a whitish, speckled breast. The average life expectancy is 2-5 years, depending on their health and conditions of detention.

Quail meat breeds do not have a wide variety. Therefore, it will not be difficult to determine the type you need. The main representatives are the Pharaoh and Texas White quails.

Meat breeds are often used to produce broiler hybrids. Although, in general, birds do not differ in large sizes, meat quails have the largest weight and parameters among other species. The average weight of one individual is about 400 g, but half-kilogram representatives can be found. When breeding birds for the sake of obtaining meat products, the main point is a special diet for fattening.

Quail meat belongs to the category of dietary products. It is low in calories and extremely low in cholesterol, and also helps to strengthen the immune system.

Nutrition Features

What is important to consider when fattening

Feed input table for quails depending on their age

Starting to fatten meat quail for slaughter, the following conditions must be considered:

  1. For fattening, males and culled females are used when they reach the age of one month. You can also take adults after 8 months with a decrease in egg production.
  2. After reaching the age of one month, females and males are kept separately.
  3. Birds need a special lighting regime. The first 2.5-3 weeks the birds live with a lack of light (a darkened cage), then an alternating regime of light and darkness is organized (an hour of light - an hour of darkness). Lighting should not be direct, it should be diffused.
  4. The fattening period lasts approximately 21-28 days. At this time, the birds must be allowed to move freely at least 3 times a day.

Wyandotte will tell about the characteristics of the breed of chickens.


When breeding quails for the purpose of obtaining meat products, the Pharaoh or Texas white breed is usually used. Representatives of these species have a good predisposition to weight gain, which allows you to get enough meat after slaughter. Quail meat is valued for its excellent taste, dietary properties and softness. It is believed that meat broth based on it contributes to recovery after long and serious illnesses. Due to its hypoallergenicity, it is often used in the children's menu or for the nutrition of people with allergies, as the meat contains a special substance that can suppress allergens. In addition, quail meat is famous for its low calorie content and nutritional properties.


Females require more food, as nutrients are also used to form eggs.

At what age to score

The main criterion for meat breeds is slaughter yield. Its value depends on the age, sex and weight of the bird. The highest yield can be obtained by slaughtering quails at the age of 35-42 days.
With an average female weight of 280-300 g, the slaughter yield is 72.8%. With an average male weight of 180 - 200 g, the slaughter yield will be 72.4%. By the seventh week of life, this percentage begins to decline. You can start slaughtering quails upon reaching one and a half months of age, starting with large individuals, and after 2 months - all the rest. Further breeding does not make sense, as the birds have reached their maximum weight.

The dark color of the feathers can reduce the presentation of the carcass.


Texas quail is distinguished by high meat productivity

This breed got its name from the place where it was bred. Representatives of the species received the white color of the plumage from the English white breed . are giants among quails, since the weight of males can reach 360 g, and that of females - 470 g. Birds are quite unpretentious and calm. However, this can be a disadvantage as the males become lazy. When breeding this feature should be taken into account and start one male for 1-2 females. Egg production, like that of quails, begins at the age of 2 months, but the fertility of eggs is low. For a year, a female can bring up to 220 eggs weighing 12-18 g.

Young animals of this breed have low endurance, therefore, require special attention.

Weight gain rate

For rapid growth, development and gaining the required weight, birds should be fed with a balanced, complete feed. The diet should be rich in protein and all the necessary nutrients. At first, chicks require more food of animal origin than vegetable. Since the breed is distinguished by calmness and love of food, all the energy received goes to increase body weight. Around the age of 1.5-2 birds reach their maximum weight. The jump in weight gain occurs between the 20th and 40th day of life. The maximum growth for this breed can be achieved with the right approach to the quail diet. At the same time, you can get birds weighing up to 500 g. Quail can be kept even in an apartment, which he will tell about.

At what age to score

The palatability of broiler meat is formed by 7-8 weeks of age. The live weight of a female Texas broiler is 420-450 g. Experienced breeders can achieve a weight of more than 500 g. At the same time, the slaughter yield is 50%. At standard sizes the bird carcass will weigh within 250 g. When fattening in order to obtain quail meat, it is advisable to slaughter at 4-5 months of age. By this time, broilers will acquire the necessary weight and tender meat. Thanks to the light plumage, the carcass will have a good presentation.


In the video, we will learn tips on choosing a quail meat breed for home breeding.


  1. Many can be bred not only for eggs, but also for meat products.
  2. Quail meat is characterized by low calorie content, dietary and medicinal properties, and hypoallergenicity. Thanks to these characteristics, such meat can be given to children and people with allergies.
  3. Despite the meat orientation, birds are able to bring more than 200 large eggs per year.
  4. When fattening, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of nutrition and conditions. Only under these conditions can the maximum weight of the carcass be obtained.
  5. There are few quail breeds of meat orientation, so choosing the right bird is not difficult.

Breeding and keeping quails at home is carried out for three purposes: for obtaining eggs, for obtaining meat and for decorative purposes. Depending on these needs, about 40 different types of domestic quail were bred. Therefore, before you get these birds at home, you need to decide which breed is suitable for your goals. In this material, we offer an overview of the best quail breeds, their advantages and disadvantages.

Common quail (wild)

Common quail in the wild is found in South and North Africa, Eurasia, inhabits the islands of the Mediterranean Sea, Madagascar, Comoros, Canaries, British, etc. Winters in India and Africa. It lives in open spaces, on plains and mountains, in uncultivated or arable fields. In the international classification, it is recorded under the name Coturnix coturnix.

Did you know? In the old days, common quail in different countries was used by man as hunting game. It was loved to be eaten as a delicacy. In pre-revolutionary Russia, quails were kept in captivity as songbirds. In Turkestan, they were exhibited in bird fights.

Quail belongs to the pheasant family. It is a valuable hunting bird. According to morphological features, this is a small feathered bird with a body length of 16-18 cm and a weight of 110-140 g. The wingspan is 32-35 cm.
It has a protective coloration - the top of the body is brown, with black and whitish patches, the abdomen is light yellow, the chin and throat are black, the beak is dark gray. The female is similar in appearance to the male, but has a lighter belly and throat.

Nests on the ground. It feeds on plant foods, rarely insects. Females lay a clutch of 8-13 eggs. The duration of incubation is 17-20 days.

The common quail has eight subspecies, which differ in color and distribution.

The quail population in nature has been steadily declining over the past decades. This is due to several reasons: climate change; the use of pesticides in fields where birds feed; active hunting for these birds; problems that arise during wintering in Africa.

English white quail belongs to meat and egg breeds. It has white plumage, sometimes with separate dark feathers, and dark eyes. Females reach a mass of 140-180 g, males - up to 160 g. The annual egg production of quails is 280 pieces, each egg has a mass of up to 15 g.

The advantages of this breed of quails include high productivity and viability, good survival of offspring (85-90%), unpretentiousness, attractive carcass and eggs.
The disadvantages include the fact that females and males do not have external differences before reaching 7-8 weeks of age, and it is almost impossible to determine their sex. This can be done only after reaching puberty in the cloaca. Also, rather large doses of consumed feed (40-43 g / day) can be attributed to the minuses of the breed,

Did you know? Quail meat is dietary - it is low in calories and low in cholesterol. It is believed that its regular use leads to a general strengthening of the human body.

As a result of a mutation from a Japanese breed in England, a black quail was obtained. It is inferior to its progenitor in annual oviposition (for English quails it is 280 eggs), but it is superior in mass. The weight of the female English black quail is 180-200 g, the male - 160-170 g.
As the name implies, these birds wear dark brown, turning into black plumage. Their eyes are light brown. Advantages of English black quails: high egg production and low feed intake (30-35 g). Disadvantages: birds of this breed are characterized by a rather low hatchability of chicks (75-85%).

Important! If suddenly the quails stopped rushing, there may be several reasons for this: poor lighting, violation temperature regime, change of food, stress after transportation from one place to another or transplantation from one cage to another.

The plumage of a bird of this breed is colored brown, the middle is lighter - the color of wheat, in the sun it gives the individual a golden hue. Quails reach a mass of 140-160 g, quails - 160-180 g. Quail egg-laying is small - approximately 220 pieces per year (with good care, 260 can be achieved). The hatchability of chicks is low - 75-85%.
The advantages of this breed:

  • you can determine the sex of the chicks at an early age;
  • one individual consumes quite a bit of food - 30 g;
  • large egg weight - 16 g;
  • attractive appearance of both live birds and carcasses;
  • disease resistance.

Marble quail is obtained as a result of a mutation of the Japanese breed. Recognizable by the monochromatic gray plumage with a marble pattern on the feathers. This quail belongs to the egg breed. In terms of mass and number of eggs brought per year, it does not differ significantly from the progenitor breed. The live weight of the female pulls 145 g, the male - 120 g. The annual egg production is 260-300 pieces. The weight of one egg is 10-11 g.
The advantages of marbled quail include a good presentation of carcasses and low feed consumption (30 g).

The result of crossing white and black quails was the breeding of a tuxedo breed - birds with a dark back and white chest. Adult tuxedo quails reach a mass of 140-160 g, quails - 160-180. Females lay an average of 280 eggs per year. The weight of each is 10-11 g.

Pharaoh is the most popular meat breed among breeders, primarily because of its mass - it is impressive for them: laying hens - 310 g, males - 265 g. The breed was bred by the Americans.

The advantages, in addition to weight, include the possibility of early determination of the sex of the chicks, the high hatchability of the chicks (80-90%) and the fertility of the eggs (75-85%).
Along with excellent weight indicators, pharaohs are somewhat inferior to other breeds in egg production - 200-220 pieces, the weight of one egg is 12-16 g.

Among the shortcomings, one can also mention the nondescript color of the plumage (the pharaohs are similar to wild relatives) and, as a result, the loss of the presentation of live birds. Also, these quails require special maintenance activities.

Important! Meat breeds need a special diet. In order for them to gain weight better, it is recommended to add vitamins, herbs and mineral supplements to the feed.

Another meaty breed of quail with impressive bird sizes is the Texas White Pharaoh. These completely white individuals have a live weight of 400-480 g in females and 300-450 in males. Among the advantages of the breed, one can also note the rapid growth of birds.
To negative sides Texas pharaohs include low egg production(200-220 eggs/year) and the same hatchability of chicks (60%). The weight of one egg ranges from 12 to 16 g. The disadvantages of the breed also include high feed intake (40-43 g / day) and the inability to determine sex before laying eggs.

The best quails belonging to the meat and egg breed can be called birds belonging to the Estonian breed. They are characterized by both excellent egg production - 300-320 eggs per year, and a decent weight of females - 200 g and males - 170 g. They are also distinguished by high hatchability of offspring (82-90%) and egg fertility (90%). The norm of food consumption by one individual is 35 g per day, which is a lot compared to other relatives. However, this disadvantage is completely covered by the main advantages of the breed: unpretentious care, high survival rate and excellent productivity.

At home, a wide variety of types of quails are grown. In the CIS countries and Russia, they prefer to breed the Japanese breed, although other species are also found in some farms. Since the middle of the last century, specialized farms have been created for this purpose, which are highly profitable. . Nowadays, in the CIS countries, quail breeding is not yet very common, and poultry farmers are breeding those breeds that are on sale.

Only professional quail breeders prefer to grow one particular species and do not allow it to cross with others. If you are also planning to start breeding these birds, we recommend that you read the material in this article. In it you will find helpful tips and practical advice selection of suitable individuals.

The best quail breeds for beginners

The Japanese type is considered one of the best, as it has a high egg production even during molting. Birds of the pharaoh species, although they have a high body weight, are not very suitable for beginners, since they require regular updating of the herd, are demanding in feeding and maintenance, and do not differ in high egg production.

Figure 1. The most common types: 1 - Japanese, 2 - pharaoh, 3 - kiteverse

A good choice would be the Estonian kitaverse breed, which appeared thanks to the work of Estonian breeders who crossed the pharaoh and the Japanese quail. A distinctive feature is the weight increased by one and a half times (in comparison with the Japanese one). Figure 1 shows representatives of the most common species.

When choosing, you need to take into account the goals of the poultry farmer, as well as his financial capabilities and the direction of productivity.

All meat types of quail are hybrid, and were bred by breeders to get more meat. Despite the fact that these species appeared relatively recently, they are very popular (Figure 2).

The main meat breeds of quails are:

  1. pharaohs differ not only in a high slaughter yield of meat (the weight of a male reaches 260 grams, and females - 920 grams), but also a relatively high egg production. In addition, representatives of this species are characterized by rapid growth, and a month after hatching they reach a weight of 150 grams. However, it is quite difficult to grow Pharaohs, as they are very demanding on the conditions of detention, and dark plumage can ruin the presentation of the carcass.
  2. Texas whites quail appeared relatively recently, but have already won the hearts of many poultry farmers. This is due to many reasons. Firstly, birds reach a fairly large weight (360 grams in males and 450-500 grams in females). The birds have a calm nature and they are not as demanding on the content as the Pharaohs.

Figure 2. Meat types (from left to right): Pharaoh and white Texas

When planning to breed quails, the purpose of growing should be considered. If you want to get high-quality carcasses, Texas white should be preferred. Its white plumage, good presentation of carcasses and high slaughter yield will make breeding profitable. However, if the main goal is to obtain eggs, the advantage should be given to other species.

Quail eggs are small, but they are much healthier than chicken eggs. They do not cause allergies and are recommended for baby food. In addition, the high content of vitamins and nutrients in eggs will also be beneficial for adults (Figure 3).

Note: Breeding egg quails is beneficial because these birds are characterized by high egg production (one female can bring about 250 eggs per year). At the same time, they consume little feed, and birds can be kept in cages.

There are several breeds that are grown specifically for eggs:

  1. Japanese quails are small, but they are distinguished by high egg productivity and early maturity. Females begin to rush already at the age of one and a half months, and more than 300 eggs can be obtained from one individual in a year. It is noteworthy that it is recommended to keep females for no more than a year, since in the second year of life their egg production is halved.
  2. English whites are considered promising not only because of the high egg production, but also because of the white plumage, which does not spoil the presentation of the carcass. It is noteworthy that with a sufficiently high egg production (about 280 eggs per year), English quails are distinguished by a rather large weight. Therefore, after a year, when the egg production of females decreases, they can be sent for slaughter.

Figure 3. Popular egg types: Japanese and English whites

A distinctive feature of egg quails is their unpretentiousness to the conditions of keeping and feeding. Thanks to this, it is possible to grow such birds not only in the summer cottage, but also on the balcony of a city apartment.

Meat and egg

Despite the fact that the meat and egg direction of productivity is isolated separately, it is rather arbitrary. Majority modern species quails are distinguished by high egg production and sufficient weight for sale.

However, it is worth dwelling in more detail on certain breeds that belong specifically to meat and egg direction. First of all, it includes Manchurian golden quails, which have an unusual color. It is this breed that is recommended for beginners, since the birds are quite large (about 200 grams), bring a lot of eggs, are unpretentious in content and consume little feed.

Another universal meat and egg breed is Estonian. Birds are distinguished by good health, unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention and high survival rate of young animals. At the same time, birds quickly gain weight with a low feed intake, and the egg-laying period in females lasts much longer than in representatives of other species.

How to choose a quail

The beginning poultry farmer first of all needs to learn to distinguish the sex of the bird. Males have a larger beak and differ from females in plumage (the breast of females is light gray with black spots).

It is easy to distinguish by color and gray Japanese quail:

  • The head and throat of males are rusty brown, while the breast is light brown;
  • The plumage on the chest of females is covered with black dots, and the front part of the body is covered with lighter feathers;
  • White English females are completely covered in white plumage;
  • The male has several black dots on its head;
  • English Black and Tuxedo Quails can be distinguished by the color of the skin around the cloaca. In males, it is pink and one can easily distinguish a thickened gland (by clicking on it, a white liquid begins to stand out);
  • The females have no gland, and the skin is blue-gray.

Figure 4. Sex determination: 1 - by the plumage of the Japanese species, 2 - female white English quail (completely white), 3 - male white English quail (with black dots on the head), 4a - appearance of the male cloaca, 4b - external type of female cloaca

Figure 4 shows the distinguishing features of the sexes of quails of various breeds.

Males not intended for breeding are fattened for meat, females are intended for egg-laying for a year, after which they are also fattened for slaughter.

Note: It is possible to engage in sex determination already from the age of thirty days of the bird and, accordingly, divide the young.

The video below shows how to correctly determine the sex of quails by the cloaca.

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