What is the name of the breed of the largest rabbits. Breeds of rabbits with photos and names. Giant rabbits. Meat breeds of rabbits. The largest breeds


The largest breed of rabbit in the world is called the Flander, or Belgian giant. But it is a mistake to believe that she is the only one. The Guinness Book of Records has records of giant record holders, striking in their size, weight and unique skins. There are about ten varieties of "eared" giants, but we will consider the most popular of them.

The largest breeds

The Flander or, as they are also called, the Belgian Giant is not only the most popular large breed, it is also the oldest. Animals come from Belgium, it was there, in the second half of the sixteenth century, that the Flanders were born. Large animals are calm and unpretentious. With good care and feeding, the females are fertile, they give from six to twelve cubs in lambing. Males are used for crossing with representatives of smaller breeds.

The name of the breed was not chosen by chance. The length of the body of such a rabbit is 65 cm - 75 cm, and sometimes a meter, the length of the ears is 18 centimeters. Most often, their weight reaches seven to eight kilograms, but it can be more. The skins are so beautiful that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish them from the skins of a beaver, seal or kangaroo.

Despite the fact that rabbits are fat, long and heavy, they can rightfully be called pets. Animals are not conflict, they are smart and obedient, children love to play with them. The main thing is to surround the "eared" family member with attention and care and not save on his personal space. Animals have their own whims - they are freedom-loving, so those who want to grow them will have to walk with them every day.

Pictured is a Flander rabbit.

The domestic breed gray giant was very popular in the Soviet Union in the middle of the last century. Rabbits bred on the basis of flanders are large, calm and prolific, but their wool is inferior to that of the Belgian giants in quality, which means it is priced cheaper. Animals have good immunity, hardy, undemanding to care and feed.

One of these domestic breeds can be called the Soviet chinchilla. Its representatives are large, almost twice as large as their ordinary relatives (photo 1), weigh about five kilograms. They are named so because their white fur with a blue tint resembles chinchilla fur in appearance, it is highly valued as it is of high quality. This breed is loved by rabbit breeders, as it is undemanding to care and maintenance, cost-effective and adapts well to any conditions. They quickly gain weight, are prolific, and the meat has excellent taste and nutritional characteristics.

Keeping such large animals as pets is difficult, as they need a lot of space.

The best representatives of large breeds

For a long time, the palm belonged to a rabbit named Darius (photo 2), in 2010 his name became known to the whole world. Annette Edwards, that was the name of his mistress - an experienced, competent rabbit breeder, in addition to Darius, she managed to raise Alice, Emmy and Robert, whose weight was ten kilograms.

The weight of the record holder was just over nineteen kilograms, the body length was one meter and twenty centimeters, while the animal then continued to grow and gain weight. Darius is a mobile rabbit, so obesity does not threaten him. He is active and cheerful. He acquired his impressive size thanks to the excellent appetite, caring care of Annette, her love and attention to the animal, that's the whole secret of the giant "eared".

Rabbit named Ralph is only four years old, but he is known all over the world. Heavy and fat, Ralph comes from Britain and was raised by Paulina Grant. Only in 2010, he had to give way to the place of honor of the world leader to the rabbit Darius, who occupied him for only a year. Gaining more than eighteen kilograms in a year, Ralph again became the largest in the world. Perhaps this is no coincidence, because his parents are also honorary champions, whose names are inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records.

"Ushastik" is healthy and active, thanks to the care and attention of Paulina, who created the most comfortable living conditions for the animal. But she admits that the rabbit sometimes gives her a lot of trouble. We are talking about the molting season, when the wool spills out in bunches that have to be collected.

Representatives of large breeds need a large space, they will not be comfortable in cramped quarters, so it is not recommended to keep such animals in an apartment. It is also undesirable to leave them alone with small children, despite their calm disposition, they can be unpredictable. Before. How to get a “eared” pet, think about the purpose for which you will grow it, and whether you have enough space, time and energy for this.

Today, there are more than 90 breeds of rabbits - from very small, dwarf, bred to the delight of pet lovers, to large ones, weighing up to 8 kilograms or more. Despite this diversity, no more than 15 breeds are suitable for breeding for economic purposes, especially given the harsh climatic conditions in our country.

Breeders are tirelessly working to improve the productivity of breeds, endurance and fertility, because rabbit meat is a wonderful dietary product, fur, although it does not differ in high wear, is inexpensive and has a variety of colors. And rabbit down is in many ways superior to the wool varieties of angora goats and merino sheep.

Different breeds of rabbits in one place - this happens often in an ordinary household

There is a conditional economic classification of rabbit breeds - fur and downy. Experienced rabbit breeders know that there is a special downfall index that indicates the productivity of a rabbit, by calculating which you can easily find out what type an individual belongs to. It is not difficult to calculate it, for this you need to measure the chest girth behind the shoulder blades for the rabbit, divide by the length of the body and multiply by one hundred. For meat and downy breeds, the ideal result is 64 or more. From 60 to 64 - for meat - skin breeds. That is why in the descriptions of breeds there are chest sizes and body lengths. Another important quality for breeding is the fertility and growth rate of rabbits.

The price for different breeds of rabbits can fluctuate depending on the productivity of the breed, as well as on the exterior of each individual.

Here are the most popular breeds of rabbits with photos.

Fur breeds of rabbits

Fur breeds are divided into skin, meat - skin and meat breeds, depending on the products obtained. Also, fur rabbits are classified into normal-haired and short-haired. Most meat-skin breeds are normal-haired.

The largest breeds of rabbits

When breeding large breeds, breeders face difficult tasks. After all, it is necessary not only to grow a rabbit of gigantic size, to make it unpretentious and prolific, but most importantly, to preserve the taste and tenderness of gourmet meat, as well as the quality of the skin and fur. It should be noted that spacious cages are required for keeping all large breeds.

Belgian Flanders

The undoubted superiority in size is occupied by the Belgian giant (Flandre). Bred over 400 years ago in the Belgian province of Flanders. This breed, of course, became the progenitor of all large meat breeds. Massive and clumsy, with large ears - burdocks, these rabbits resemble real bumpkins. Large sizes - chest girth behind the shoulder blades up to 35 - 42 cm, body length 70 - 75 cm, body weight 7 - 9 kilograms, can reach 10 kg. The head is large, the length of the ears is 13 - 20 cm, the constitution of the breed is strong, the body is powerful and muscular. Rabbits are highly milky and bring a litter of 7 to 9 rabbits on average, however, their number can reach 16! The tender, soft and juicy meat of rabbits of this breed has made it popular all over the world, even despite the high requirements for keeping conditions. Dense thick fur of various colors, from hare (agouti), yellow-gray to dark gray, allows the use of skins to imitate the fur of a beaver, kangaroo and other fur-bearing animals. Often these rabbits are kept as pets, calm and balanced, they are excellent companions. In addition, the Belgian flandres are undoubted favorites in breeding. Their blood is in most of the now popular breeds.

Video with a Flanders or Belgian Giant rabbit:

Gray giant

Another leader in this category is the gray giant. In 1927, rabbits of the Belgian Flandre breed were brought to our country, they were large in size, but could not adapt to harsh climatic conditions and grew poorly. Then it was decided to cross Flanders and ordinary outbred rabbits. As a result, the first gray giants appeared. The breed is highly resistant to various diseases. This breed has a strong constitution, well-developed bones. The back is long, wide and straight, the paws are thick and large. The head is large, the ears are thick, set in the form of a Roman numeral five. Chest girth behind the shoulder blades -37 - 39 cm, body length 60 - 75 cm. Weight of adult rabbits 4.5 - 7 kg. Females of this breed are distinguished by high fertility, milk production and excellent maternal qualities. Okrol reaches 7-8 rabbits, which grow intensively and weigh up to 2 kg by the age of 3 months. The breed is not distinguished by high quality meat and is mainly bred for the purpose of teaching skins. The color is mainly gray - hare, the so-called agouti, although there are individuals of dark - gray, glandular - gray, white and black.

Video with a Gray Giant rabbit:

white giant

Today's large snow-white beauties are another achievement of domestic breeders. The breed was originally bred in Germany and Belgium at the beginning of the 20th century by crossing and selecting Belgian Flemish albinos. However, due to effeminacy and low adaptability, most of the rabbits brought to our country simply died. The quality indicators of this breed were improved by crossing with gray giants, chinchillas and flanders. As a result, now this breed is used to improve other breeds. This meat is a skin breed, with a tender and strong constitution. The length of the body reaches 60 - 65 cm, the girth of the chest behind the shoulder blades is 37 - 39 cm. Their back is narrow, straight and elongated. The head is light, with long straight ears. Rabbits have good fertility and high milk production. Okrol reaches 8 - 10 pieces. Rabbits are born large, up to 90 grams, grow rapidly, by 3 months their weight reaches 2 kg. The meat of white giants is famous for its juiciness and good taste. Since rabbits are typical albinos, the color of the fur is exclusively white, without any inclusions. Excellent fur, thick and shiny, widely used in the fur industry.

Video with white giant rabbits:

Meat breeds of rabbits

In general, the differences between meat and meat-skin breeds can be called very conditional. When breeding, breeders, among other factors, attach great importance to the preservation and improvement of the quality of fur, since this is an important direction in rabbit breeding. For the convenience of classifications, breeds that are distinguished by the so-called precocity, that is, a very high rate of growth of rabbits, are classified as meat breeds.


This breed is considered a typical representative of the meat direction, although it has thick, high-quality fur and original coloration. Bred in the USA, using the blood flow of breeds such as Chinchilla, Russian Ermine and New Zealand White. They came to our country in the 70s of the 20th century and perfectly acclimatized. The color is white, with dark brown markings on the ears, paws, nose, tail and dewlap. The constitution is delicate, but strong and durable. Broad chest, tight, short back. The weight of rabbits is 4.5 kg. Rabbits are fertile, litter 8 - 10 rabbits, which have a very intensive growth rate. By the age of three months, their weight is 3 kg. Actually, on farms they are grown up to 60 - 75 days of age to obtain broiler carcasses. In addition, rabbits of this breed are not as shy as their relatives, have a calm disposition, and thick hair on the soles of their paws allows them to adapt perfectly to the mesh floors of the cage.

Video about a rabbit farm with Californians in Ukraine:

This large meat is a skin breed, originally bred in the early 20th century. It got its name due to the similarity of color with chinchilla fur. Initially, the breed did not differ in large sizes, but in the process of crossing with a white giant, the live weight of rabbits increased significantly, while maintaining its best qualities. Live weight rabbits 5 kg, some individuals can reach 7 kg of weight. They have a strong constitution, chest girth behind the shoulder blades 36 - 39 cm, back length 55 - 65 cm. Well-developed bones, high fertility. Okrol can reach 8-10 rabbits. The rabbits of this breed are wonderful mothers, with high milk production and excellent maternal qualities. Due to the high quality of the meat and the delicate silver-blue color of the fur, the breed is very popular with rabbit breeders.

Black - brown

A couple of black and brown rabbits

A large breed of meat - skin direction. This breed is an important achievement of domestic breeders. Through long experiments and complex crosses of breeds, the white giant, flanders and Viennese blue one of the most hardy and unpretentious breeds was bred. In addition to the wonderful taste of meat, the rabbits of this breed have an original color, similar to black and brown foxes, and the fur is one of the first places in terms of density and wear. Average weight- 5 - 7 kg, strong constitution, large head, wide ears up to 18 cm long. Chest girth behind the shoulder blades 37 cm, body length 61 cm. Legs are straight, long and thick. Females are fertile, milky, litter 8-9 rabbits. The average weight of rabbits at birth is 80 grams. Rabbits grow quite quickly, especially at the age of 4-5 months. Skins are a valuable material used in the fur industry in its natural form, often to imitate the fur of a black and brown fox.


A large breed of meat - skin direction. Bred in 1927 - 1952, on the basis of Champagne rabbits imported from Germany. In terms of live weight, they may well compete with the white giants. Average weight 5-6 kg. The quality of the meat is in no way inferior to the Flandre or white giant breeds, it is juicy, with good taste. The length of the body is 57 cm, the girth of the chest behind the shoulder blades is 36 cm. This breed is distinguished by a wide rectangular body. Strong constitution, dense, knocked down body. The head is of medium size, the ears are short and straight. Rabbits bring offspring of 8-9 rabbits. Rabbits grow quickly, in 4 months their weight can reach 4 kg. The skins are well pubescent, the fur is thick and shiny. The color is silvery-blue, smoky, reminiscent of the color of old silver, uniform throughout the body. Only the tip of the muzzle, ears and tail are slightly darker. Rabbits are born black and acquire a silver color only as they grow, by the age of four months.

Domestic breeds of rabbits

There is no special classification of domestic breeds. But still, for breeding at home, for example, in household plots or in the territories of private houses, experts recommend opting for medium-sized breeds of meat - skin direction, since spacious rooms are needed to keep large breeds. The range of meat or meat-and-skin breeds is very large. Nevertheless, there are breeds that are distinguished by unpretentiousness, high quality meat, surprisingly beautiful colors of skins, velvety and thick fur.


The famous breed of meat - skin direction. The breed was first bred in England in 1887. Rabbits got their name from the spots on their noses, which are shaped like butterfly wings. Due to the unusual color of the skin, it immediately became popular with manufacturers of fur products. Indeed, things made from the fur of these rabbits look very beautiful and original. The main color of the skin is white, against which there are clearly defined spots of different sizes. Depending on the color of the spots, butterflies are distinguished into black, blue, yellow and gray. Thanks to the contrast, the most elegant ones are black and blue. Domestic breeders successfully adapted the breed to climate conditions, improved quality and weight. The butterfly crossed with white giant, chinchilla, Viennese blue and flanders breeds. The meat of the breed has excellent taste. Strong constitution, powerful dense torso, average weight 4 - 5 kg. The chest is wide and knocked down, the length of the body is 54 - 56 cm. The head is medium, the ears are straight 13 - 15 cm.

Viennese blue

Soft and fluffy, the animals of this breed are very popular among rabbit breeders. In addition, these rabbits are hardy, perfectly adapt to harsh climatic conditions. Breed meat - skin direction. Bred in Austria by crossing local breeds with the famous Belgian Flanders, thanks to which it has meat of excellent taste. The live weight of adults is 4.5 - 5 kg, sometimes reaching 7 kg. The constitution is strong, the chest girth behind the shoulder blades is 37 cm, the body length is 57 cm. The general constitution is proportional, the head is light, straight ears are 13–16 cm long. The fur of the Viennese blue gray is bluish in color, thick, shiny and soft. These rabbits have wonderful skins that can be used to imitate the fur of valuable fur breeds.

rabbit ram

The main difference of this breed is the long hanging ears and the shape of the head similar to that of a lamb. There are several varieties of this breed, the progenitor of which is considered to be the English ram. In the process of crossing with the Flanders breed, the French and German rams appeared. In addition to the touching appearance, the breed has excellent meat qualities. Known for her unpretentiousness. The weight of such rabbits can reach 6 kg or more. The constitution is strong, the body is knocked down, the head is massive, broad-browed. Wide sternum, body length - 60 - 70 cm. High fecundity of rabbits is characteristic, okrol averages 8 - 9 rabbits, which have intensive growth rates. A variety of colors of color - white, red, gray, motley with a different pattern, and the skin of rabbits is soft and velvety. Known for her calm and docile disposition. There is an opinion that this is due to the lop-earedness, because of which they do not hear well.

Video with the participation of a rabbit breed Baran:

Russian ermine

This breed belongs to the skin direction, however, their meat is also of high quality. It got its name due to the similarity of color with the fur of a valuable fur-bearing animal ermine. The color of the breed is white, only the ears, the tip of the nose, tail and paws have a dark brown or black color. The coat is shiny, silky, thick. The average weight of individuals is 4 kg. A strong constitution, a small head with erect ears, a dense body, up to 51 cm long. Rabbits are prolific, they are highly milky. Rabbits of this breed are hardy, unpretentious, adapt well to climatic conditions.

The breed is of medium size for the skin direction, although the quality indicators of the meat are quite high. Another striking example of the achievements of domestic selection. Rabbits of the breeds Soviet chinchilla, Russian ermine and simply outbred individuals of blue color participated in the creation of the breed. The average weight of rabbits is 3.8 kg, but can reach a weight of 6 kg. They are distinguished by a strong constitution, a harmonious physique. Rounded small head, ears low and straight. The length of the body is up to 50 cm, the chest is wide, the legs are strong and muscular. Rabbits are prolific, the average litter is 8 - 9 rabbits, sometimes reaching 10 - 12 pieces. The color of the fur is from light to dark brown, reminiscent of the color of the marten, which is why the breed got its name (marder - marten). The fur is elastic, resilient, very thick. Skins are widely used in the leather and fur industry.


“Soft” Rex rabbit

All Rex rabbits are typical representatives of the short-haired direction. Their fur is soft, like plush, very pleasant to the touch. Initially, the breed was bred at the beginning of the 20th century in France. Rabbits of this breed have a delicate constitution, light and thin bones. The live weight of individuals is 3 - 4.5 kg, body length is 40 - 54 cm. The head is small, slightly elongated, the back is long, sometimes a little humpbacked. Rabbits have low fertility, the growth rate of rabbits is average. But these shortcomings are fully compensated by high-quality tender meat, as well as unusual skins that look like trimmed. A wide range of fur colors - black, white, blue, brown and other shades allows the use of skins in their natural form.

Downy breeds of rabbits

Rabbit down is an excellent raw material for light industry. It is not inferior in thickness to goat and sheep, has greater heat resistance, and is also very durable. It is believed that rabbit down has healing properties, with radiculitis and neuralgia. Along with the growing popularity, the interest in breeding downy breeds of rabbits is also growing. Turkey is considered the birthplace of downy rabbits, from where they came to Europe at the beginning of the 17th century. The productivity of downy breed rabbits depends on many factors - nutrition, keeping conditions, down collection technique, age of the rabbit and season.

angora down rabbit

The rabbits got their name for the similarity of fluff with the wool of the angora goat. It is believed that these rabbits came to Europe from Turkey and immediately became fashionable pets of the wealthy nobility. These cute playful creatures, similar to a fluffy ball, are now popular not as pets. The live weight of these rabbits is 3 kg, body length, chest girth behind the shoulder blades. The fertility of females is low - 6 - 8 rabbits, which do not differ in high growth rates. They reach a two-kilogram weight only by 6 months. Demanding in conditions of detention - spacious cages are required, warm and dry, and regular haircuts are also necessary.

White downy rabbit

A breed of downy rabbits obtained by domestic breeders by crossing Angora rabbits with local low-yielding downy rabbits. The average weight of this breed is 4 kg, body length is 54 cm. Strong constitution, strong bones. A distinctive feature is the absence of tassels on the ears. Okrol on average 7 rabbits. The breed has a high productivity index - for a year 300 - 750 grams of fluff are obtained from one rabbit, and from rabbits up to 1 kg. Delicate fluff of this breed is characterized by elasticity, lightness and strength. In addition, rabbits are hardy and acclimatize well.

Here, in general, are all the main breeds of rabbits. There are also decorative rocks rabbits, but they are mostly kept simply as pets, and not as industrial animals for meat, fluff or skins. For breeding rabbits at home, I advise you to choose rabbit breeds that are unpretentious in maintenance, and then your farm, your rabbit farm will be profitable, if not in monetary terms, but you will take yours from them. It is worth saying that there is little that can be more important than the choice of breed. In addition, this article showed you the breeds of rabbits with photographs and you could see them clearly.

There are many various breeds rabbits, but besides them, new ones constantly appear, thanks to crossing breeds and experiments.

There are also rare meat breeds of rabbits, and downy ones, which not all rabbit breeders know about. Each of them has its own characteristics, characteristics and values.

Rabbits of meat breeds are bred specifically for the sake of obtaining high-quality dietary meat. To date, rabbit breeders have more than 200 different breeds. The most common are chinchilla, ram, rex, gray giant and many others. But at the same time, there are rare breeds of rabbits, some of which even experienced rabbit breeders have not heard of.

Rabbits are bred not only for meat, but also for high-quality fur and down.

Different breeds have different characteristics.

Meat rabbits are characterized by rapid development and growth, high fertility and tasty meat, which is considered dietary.

It is rich in many trace elements and vitamins. Rabbit can be eaten with any diet, and it is also an ideal meat to start feeding babies.

Pediatricians say that from 5-6 months it is already possible to introduce this meat into the diet, since it fully contains all the elements necessary for the body.

Depending on the characteristics of the breed, the meat is of different colors, different fat content and has a different taste.

Given all the benefits of rabbits, their breeding can be turned into a profitable profitable business that brings income, natural meat, fur and immense pleasure.


Squirrel is a breed of rabbits that were bred at the beginning of the last century in Germany, crossing Havana and Vienna:

  • This breed is considered medium in size and adults reach 4-5 kilograms. Their body is quite dense and fat.
  • Females cannot boast of high fecundity. At one time, no more than 6 rabbits are born to them. This factor is decisive when breeding this breed. Not everyone wants to mess with protein because of low productivity.
  • Rabbits of the squirrel breed are bred for meat and skins. Their fur is smooth, soft, with a beautiful sheen. A characteristic feature of the color is a light or white belly. The fur from these rabbits is usually not dyed, but used in its natural form.
  • As for the meat, it is very tender, not greasy. The bones are not large and not rough. Many hobbyists keep squirrels as decorative animals, not using them for meat or fur purposes.

In food, squirrels are not whimsical. All succulent feeds, grains, beans, silage, hay or compound feed are excellent eaters.

The main thing is that there is always a drink in the cage. If you need to leave for a few days - there is no problem. It is enough to put hay and feed in the cage for several days and you don’t have to worry about the animal.

The nature of the representatives of this breed is very soft and flexible. They are not infrequently kept as a pet for children, because he is affectionate, like a kitten. This is perhaps the only breed that simultaneously belongs to decorative and meat-skinning.


Alaska dilutes the list of rare meat breeds, and is considered one of the most popular breeds in the world.

Alaskans are the result of a cross between the Havana, Dutch, Silver and German rabbits. For the first time this breed was bred by French scientists in the 19th century:

  • The Alaska breed is considered meat, but high-quality fur is also obtained from it. The size of an adult is considered average and ranges from 4 to 5 kilograms.
  • In appearance, the animal is quite full, even a little roundish on short legs. The ears are not very long, not droopy. The eyes of these ears are usually dark brown or hazel.
  • The color scheme of the fur ranges from black to silver-gray, with an incredible gloss and sheen. The chest and belly are predominantly black in color without shine. This range gives the fur a special zest and makes it popular and in demand on the market.
  • Before breeding Alaska rabbits, it is necessary to study all the subtleties of caring for them. The difficulty lies in the fact that the wool must be regularly combed and cleaned. During the molting period, representatives of this category change from a silver-blue color to a more red, with a touch of rust.
  • As for fertility, females bring 6-7 babies at a time. An excellent feature is that they are distinguished by high survival due to their unpretentiousness in food and temperature changes.
  • The main thing is to avoid drafts so that the animals do not catch a cold. They can be kept outdoors all year round as they are resistant to frost.

On the territory of Russia, Alaska is not yet popular. She is a rare breed. To find one to buy, you need to contact the message boards, or the rabbit breeder forums.

big ram

The ram is one of the most common and sought after breeds of rabbits. But there are many varieties of this breed:

  • French
  • English ram
  • plush ram
  • pygmy ram
  • Dutch etc

All of them differ in color, taste of meat, productivity, fertility. But all sheep are united by a soft and docile character, friendliness to people, children and other animals.

The big ram is considered one of the rarest meat breeds of rabbits in Russia. Although our country has a favorable climate for them. Sheep are not picky and capricious. Such animals adapt to any temperature regime and eat all kinds of food, both juicy and dry:

  • The representative of this category belongs to meat-skin animals. Adults are quite large - 5-6 kilograms. The fur is thick, shiny, of different colors - black, white, red, golden.
  • The figure of a large ram is dense, knocked down. Body length in adult males reaches 60-70 centimeters. A special feature of the breed is intensive growth and maturity. Females, like representatives of other meat breeds, cannot boast high level fertility - 5-6 rabbits per litter.
  • In order to get high-quality fur and tasty meat from a ram, you must follow the rules of care. Cells should be spacious and individual. Only young individuals can be kept together.
  • Animals can be slaughtered as early as 3-4 months of age if they are intended for meat.

The big ram is very susceptible to many infections and diseases, so it is important to vaccinate in a timely manner to minimize the risk of infection.


Meat breed silver has a characteristic feature - a silver color of various shades. On the legs, ears and tail, the color is usually darker, on the breast and back it is lighter. But there are exceptions when animals are of a uniform and uniform color throughout the body:

  • From a silver rabbit, in addition to tasty tender dietary meat, luxurious soft fur is obtained.
  • Adults weigh 4-5 kilograms, in some cases males reach 6-7 kilograms of weight. The body of silver "eared ears" is proportional, oblong, up to half a meter in length.
  • Meat can be used for frying, boiling, stewing. It is recommended to use as baby food.
  • The breed is characterized by rapid growth and development in three to four months, individuals can already be slaughtered for meat.

New Zealand red

The New Zealand Red Rabbit is a medium-sized meat breed with luxurious soft fur. An adult individual weighs no more than 4-5 kilograms. It is not for nothing that the breed is called “red”, all thanks to the color of the fur with a shade from brown to golden. In bright light, the fur shimmers in the truest sense of the owl in red.

This breed is considered multifunctional. As a specialist, it is interesting not only for obtaining fur and meat, but also for breeding new breeds by crossing a red rabbit with other representatives.

There are many breeds of rabbits, among which there are both miniature decorative and real giants that reach a weight of 25 kg. Large rabbits are quite common among common breeds. Most of them are crosses, that is, hybrids of several species.

Flanders or the Belgian giant is perhaps the most famous breed of large rabbits. The first mention of these giants appeared 500 years ago. They began their history in Belgium in the province of Flanders, hence the two names - the Belgian giant and Flanders. These rabbits are classified as meat and wool.

The maximum weight of this breed is reached by 1 year and is 8-10 kg. The body length of giants reaches 90 cm. If the rabbit is less than 70 cm, then this is considered a breed defect. Its front legs are short, and its hind legs are quite long and large. They have a heavy and large head with long ears, the length of which reaches 19 cm. The Flanders have a strong skeleton, a straight and wide spine. The tail is long, stiff and slightly raised.

The fur of the breed is quite thick and silky. The length of the hair reaches 3-4 cm. The coat can have the following color:

  • taupe;
  • blue;
  • white;
  • coffee;
  • grey;
  • white;
  • kangaroo;
  • black.

By temperament, Flanders is calm. It will not jump and run like small breeds. He prefers to lie quietly and watch. Flandre is quite friendly and calm, he treats people well. Easy to pet and play with. This breed is a good alternative to affectionate dogs such as Labrador Retrievers. These are really gentle giants that get along well with both people and animals.

Continental Giant - Champion Breed

The Continental Giant or Conti rabbits are known for their champion inclinations. The two largest rabbits registered in the Guinness Book of Records belong to this breed. This is one of the oldest breeds, which is still popular today.

The average weight of these giants at their peak is 16 kg, but with proper care they can weigh more than 20 kg. The body length is at least 65 cm. This breed has large ears, the length of which can reach 20 cm. The rodent has a rather dense and powerful skeleton. The fur of Conti is a dense thick rollback, it is silky to the touch. The villi reach a length of 4 cm. There are 7 fur colors:

  • black - plain black fur, the eyes of the rabbit are black or light brown;
  • light steel - gray hairs above, sandy in the middle, gray-blue closer to the body;
  • dark steel - dark gray color, brightens closer to the skin, brown eyes;
  • agouti is the most common color of this breed. The fur is chestnut, orange in the middle, and the undercoat is dark gray. On the ears and underside of the tail there is a black edging, a white belly;
  • red agouti - chestnut-red coat, black ticking, dirty blue undercoat. The tail and belly of a cream-colored rabbit;
  • opal - the top coat is pale blue, in the middle it is cream, the undercoat is dark. The ears have dark blue trim. The eyes, tail and belly are light beige;
  • fawn is a color with shades of red, the belly is white or beige, and the undercoat is light.

These rabbits live up to nine years. Average life expectancy is 4-5 years. The character of these giants is excellent, they are quite affectionate and friendly. In addition, they are quite smart and calm. You can easily play with them, “squeeze” or iron them. Often these rabbits are kept as a pet. They can be easily taught the simplest commands. But like all rabbits, they are quite shy, so don't stress Conti.

Rabbits are very smart and sociable, so they can be trained quite easily. If you want to have a good relationship with your rabbit and train him properly, then you should immediately familiarize yourself with this and start training.

German Riesen is the work of breeders from Germany. The breed was bred on the basis of the Belgian giant in 1937. In German, "Riesen" means giant. This breed belongs to the meat-wool direction, like most other giant rabbits.

Meat have Rizenov very juicy. It is considered one of the most delicious among giant rabbits.

The weight of an adult Risen is 6-10 kg. However, some rabbits reached a weight of 14 kg. Rabbits have well-developed muscles, a massive physique. They have fairly large fleshy ears, located on a wide head, the length of the ears reaches 20 cm. The legs are massive and strong. The fur is thick and dense. The length of the pile reaches 4 cm. There are various colors: sandy, blue, black, dark gray and others.

Rizenov's character is excellent. They are good-natured and not shy. They can also be kept as pets. Particularly popular in farming these rabbits do not use. They grow rather slowly and require a lot of space to keep.

Breed Gray giant was bred in Ukraine in the Poltava region. Breeders of the fur farm "Petrovsky" crossed Flander with outbred rabbits. From Flander, the Gray Giant took large sizes and colors. And from other rabbits, adaptability to various living conditions.

The Gray Giants have a large frame and body. The body length reaches 66 cm, and the weight can be up to 7 kg. Paws are long and straight. The ears are erect and long, slightly rounded at the ends. The wool is dense and thick.

feature gray giant is a large area of ​​skins. Sometimes its area can reach 3 m 2.

The fur of this breed can be of the following color:

  • grey;
  • black;
  • dark grey.

Undoubted advantage is unpretentiousness of the Gray giant. It is suitable for growing in cramped conditions and does not require excessive attention. In addition, breeders note the fertility of females.

The ancestor of the White Giant is the Belgian Giant. Among the Belgians, only albinos with white fur were selected. They were crossed with chinchillas and the Gray Giant breed. The result was a snow-white albino rabbit with excellent weight characteristics.

It is very easy to distinguish the White Giant from other breeds - these rabbits have a snow-white coat and red eyes. The body is strong and moderately long (about 60 cm), weight 4-6 kg. The paws are thin but strong. Erect ears of medium length. The fur of the White Giant is the pride of this breed. The wool is thick and dense. The skins of rabbits of this breed are highly valued among manufacturers of fur products.

Video - White Giant breed overview

Ram - a giant lop-eared rabbit

The French ram is the only decorative rabbit, which is classified as a giant. The history of the breed dates back to 1850. It was then that the first mention of the breeder Condenier from France appeared. He was not a professional and was engaged in binding books. However, this did not prevent him from breeding such an interesting breed. The basis for the hybrid was the English ram, which was crossed with the Norman and Rouen breed. Condenier's goal was to create a commercial, not an ornamental breed.

The weight of the French ram is at least 5 kg. The body in the back is rounded and massive. Legs are short but strong. The main feature, of course, are the ears. They are long and droopy in the French ram. They hang down without twisting and have no folds. The criterion for the breed is that the ears hang at least 4 cm below the chin.

A feature of French rams is age-related flabbiness. As they age, they develop a "skirt" of skin at the back of their torso.

There are many colors of the French Sheep. From white to black. The fur of these rabbits is of medium length, the hairs reach 3 cm.

By nature, these rabbits are calmer and even suitable for keeping in the house. They get along well with people, including small children. Sheep are playful, they will be happy to have fun with the most simple toys like a ball or cardboard box. But it is worth remembering that they are quite mobile. Therefore, it is worth providing them with a place to play. If you are not ready to devote a lot of time to the French Sheep, then it is better to make him a friend.

How to keep giant rabbits?

Of course, giant rabbits are not suitable for typical conditions for small rabbits. If you want to raise a champion, then you will have to take care of both his habitat and feeding. Of course, each species has its own characteristics of the content. Below are some general guidelines.

Where to place?

The most common placement option for rabbits is cages. It is also suitable for breeds of giants. Only the cells should be much larger than for small representatives of this animal species. The average size is not less than 0.6 sq.m. for one rabbit. But everything will depend on the size and weight of a particular animal. The best option would be to place the cages in the fresh air.

Prices for cages for rabbits

Rabbit cage

It is better to make the floors of the cage mesh or slatted. This will help in getting rid of litter, which often causes diseases. Hay or straw is laid at the bottom, it is important to change the flooring regularly. If possible, it is worth organizing a corral for the giants, where they can safely walk.

Often, giant rabbits are kept right in the house instead of pets.

What is the best food for giant rabbits?

In food, giants are most often unpretentious. They feed on the same food as small representatives of the species. The only difference is the amount of food.

Feed prices for rabbits

Compound feed for rabbits

  1. When kept in cages, a feeder with a drinking bowl is placed in each of them. The drinking bowl must always be filled. Feeders and drinkers should not be contaminated, as this leads to various diseases.
  2. In the summer, it is important to let the rabbits free-range in an equipped aviary, where they can not only move freely, but also feast on fresh, juicy grass.
  3. In winter, rabbits are fed hay and mixed fodder.
  4. It is better to feed systematically. Giants sometimes eat excessively and eat everything that is given to them.
  5. DIY rabbit food

    Every farmer wants his wards to develop well and quickly. Making food at home significantly reduces costs. From our article you will learn the advantages and disadvantages of compound feed, as well as recipes for homemade stern.

    Highlight best breed large rabbits is impossible. All of them have their own characteristics. If your goal is to grow a champion, then you should choose the Conti breed. If you want to have a large rabbit on the farm, but at the same time you are not ready to devote a lot of time, attention and money to it, then the Gray Giant will be a worthy option. Well, if your goal is fur, then you should pay attention to the snow-white White Giant or Gray Giant, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of which can reach 3 sq.m.

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