The acceptance of works for the Children's Art Competition “The Beauty of God's World. In the category "Painting on porcelain"




1.1. These Regulations determine the procedure for organizing and holding the regional competition of drawings and photographs "My Temple" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).
1.2. The regulation was developed in accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation dated December 30, 2015 No. 1493 "On the state program" Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016 - 2020 ", state program of the Lipetsk region "Implementation of the internal policy of the Lipetsk region for 2014 - 2020".


2.1. The purpose of the Competition is the patriotic education of the population of the Lipetsk region.
2.2. Tasks:

  • introduce residents to Orthodox culture;
  • to focus the population on an active civic position in the sphere of universal values: patriotism, preservation of traditions, familiarization with the spiritual, moral and cultural heritage;
  • create conditions for the disclosure and realization of the creative potential of the population of the Lipetsk region;
  • accumulation of materials for the purpose of their effective use to fill the information space about the Lipetsk region.


Citizens residing in the territory of the Lipetsk region at the age of 14 to 35 participate in the Contest.

COMPETITION ORGANIZER. 4.1. The competition is organized and conducted by the Center for Patriotic Education of the Population of the Lipetsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer) with the assistance of the Department of Internal Policy of the Lipetsk Region.
4.2. Organizer:

  • develops the Regulations on the organization and conduct of the Competition;
  • sends the Regulations to the municipalities of the Lipetsk region, social partners, heads of educational institutions and public organizations;
  • accepts applications for participation in the Contest;
  • publishes best work participants of the Contest on the official website of the OBU "Center for Patriotic Education of the Population of the Lipetsk Region" "http://patriot48.rf" and in social network"VKontakte" in the group "Patriot of the Lipetsk Region" the discretion of the organizers);
  • forms the composition of the Competition Commission;
  • develops and approves the criteria for evaluating the work of the participants of the Competition.


5.1. Participants present works that characterize the beauty, rich history, significant events and worthy residents of the Lipetsk region.
To participate in the Competition, you must send works in the following nominations:

  1. Nomination "Author's drawing"

Competitive work can be done in any painting and graphic technique or application.
Requirements for competitive work:

  • the authorship of competitive works must be individual;
  • competitive work issued on sheets of A-3 format. Material: gouache, watercolor, pencil, etc. (without passe-partout!);
  • all materials submitted to the Contest must meet the intended purpose;
  • Works submitted for the Contest are not returned or reviewed.
  1. Nomination "Photography"

With the blessing of the Metropolitan of Astrakhan and Kamyzyak Nikon on October 28 in the Astrakhan State Art Gallery. P. M. Dogadin, the regional stage of the international competition of children's creativity "The Beauty of God's World" took place.

The competition is held with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. In Astrakhan, the organizer of the competition is the Department of Religious Education of the Astrakhan Diocese with the support of the city's Ministry of Culture and the Dogadinsky Picture Gallery.

The purpose of the competition is the spiritual, moral and patriotic education of the younger generation, introducing young people to Orthodox culture, as well as identifying new talents.

This year, more than 150 works were submitted at the regional stage of the "Beauty of God's World" contest. All of them, as always, were diverse in plot, technique and style, and their performers - pupils of Sunday, general education and art schools in the city of Astrakhan - were divided into 3 age groups.

The jury included: Archpriest Konstantin Osatsky, Head of the Department of Religious Education of the Astrakhan Diocese; Hierodeacon Nikandr (Pilishin), Head of the Department for Church Relations with Society and the Media; P. Vlasova Masharov A. N., head. department contemporary art art gallery Martynova N. B., a member of the Union of Artists of Russia Shaposhnikova N. A.

At the end of the working meeting, the jury members selected 18 best drawings. The awarding of young artists will take place in early December in the art gallery, where the exhibition "The Beauty of God's World" will be held, and the works of the winners of the regional stage will be presented at final stage competition to be held in Moscow.

"City at Night"(Tatiana Karsakova, 7 years old, Gymnasium No. 1)

Dear brothers and sisters!

The acceptance of works for the children's drawing competition has ended "The beauty of God's world". Into our church shop 24 drawings were brought, and in total more than 100 works were collected from the Gatchina diocese. This month, a specially selected commission will evaluate the collected works and the 15 best drawings will be sent to Moscow to participate in the final stage of the competition, which will take place in December. Also in December, the names of the winners of the regional stage of the competition will be announced.

This page contains photos of the works made by the guys, and you can see for yourself what amazing works they are, and with what love they show the beauty of our world! I would like to sincerely thank all the children who drew such lively and kind drawings, as well as thank the wonderful teachers: Olga Anatolyevna Fastunova (secondary school No. 3, Nikolskoye), Olga Vadimovna Veretyuk and Irina Viktorovna Klimenko (Gymnasium No. 1, Nikolskoye), Larisa Sergeevna Ugnicheva (Orthodox school of Caesar Alexei, Ulyanovsk), Elena Alexandrovna Milonova (secondary school No. 2, Nikolskoye), Olga Mikhailovna Alekseeva. God's help to all participants in every good deed!

"The beauty of the underwater world"(Ulyana Romanuova, 7 years old, School of Caesars Alexei)

"Our Chickens"(Daria Vyazovskaya, 12 years old, School of Caesars Alexei)

"On the shores of Baikal"(Angelina Shcherbakova, 11 years old, secondary school No. 3)

"In the Caucasus"(Victoria Tsygankova, 10 years old, secondary school No. 3)

"Sablinsky waterfall"(Marianna Koldaeva, 10 years old, Gymnasium No. 1)

"My Church"(Ekaterina Egoshina, 10 years old, Gymnasium No. 1)

"Autumn in the mountains"(Ulyana Zhukova, 11 years old, secondary school No. 3)

"Rabbit in the Grass"(Valeria Kabanova, 10 years old, Gymnasium No. 1)

"Snowy Peaks"(Daria Govorukhina, 11 years old, secondary school No. 3)

"By the stream"(Natalya Kalinina, 12 years old, secondary school No. 3)

"Easter"(Tatiana Alekseeva, 9 years old, Gymnasium of teacher Ambrose Optinsky, St. Petersburg)

"In Anticipation of Dawn"(Irina Alekseeva, 16 years old, Medical Gymnasium, St. Petersburg)

"Our Beloved Church"(Ekaterina Petrova, 10 years old, secondary school No. 3)

"Visiting my beloved grandmother"(Yanina Maksimova, 10 years old, Gymnasium No. 1)

"The legacy of ancestors"(Alexandra Kim, 10 years old, Gymnasium No. 1)

"In my city"(Irina Selivanova, 12 years old, secondary school No. 2)

"My house"(Polina Fedorova, 12 years old, secondary school No. 2)

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