Scenario training barriers to the path of employment. Scenario of the training session. The final stage of the training: reflection


Leyla Babaeva
Synopsis of the scenario of the training session for teachers "Communication in conflict situations"

Summary of the scenario of the training session

Subject: «»

Target: presenting the opportunity to participants training to gain experience in constructive conflict resolution.

Duration: 90 minutes

Group characteristic: 16 persons (teaching staff)

Location: school office

Tasks training.

Analyze conflict in terms of positive and negative impact on interpersonal relationships and on the attitude towards oneself;

Show the main factors that determine behavior in conflict;

Show the importance of the emotional sphere of a person and its influence on communication during conflict.

List of tasks.


An exercise "Spider web of goodness","Synonymous Line","Forest of Expectations".

Main part:

An exercise "A boat","Negotiation table".

Final part:

An exercise "In order","Feedback.

Event progress

l Introductory part

introduction trainer(2 minutes)

Good afternoon dear teachers! I am very pleased to see you here, I am glad to meet you. I look forward to your cooperation and active work. The topic of our today training« Communication in conflict situations» . We are here to gain experience. constructive solution of conflict situations.

Exercise "Spider web of goodness" (Greetings)

Target: creating an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding, developing empathy, the ability to treat each other positively.

Time: 5 min


Now each member of the group should say hello to everyone, continuing the beginning of the phrase "I like you." or "I like that you." Adding their own content to them. It is very important that you address each other by name and speak sincerely and from the heart. You can move freely.


What did you feel when you were greeted?

Which was easier to receive the greeting or to greet yourself?

An exercise "Synonymous Line"

Target: revealing the essence « conflict»

Time: 10 minutes

Equipment and materials: leaflets with group number, 4 sheets with the word « conflict» , markers (any 4 colors per group are enough)


Now we will be divided into 4 groups (it turns out 4 people). To do this, get each one for yourself a piece of paper ( trainer brings a bowl with leaves, the number of the group is written there. According to these numbers, unite in groups and each occupy your own table (point to tables with numbers).

You got a sheet with the word « conflict» . For each letter, you need to make a list of words that somehow reflect the essence conflict. You have 3 minutes. Each group must make up the maximum number of words.

Now we will read out the options for each group, starting with the first letter.

Conflict- the sharpest way to resolve conflicts in the interests, goals, views that arise in the process of social interaction, which consists in the opposition of the participants in this interaction and is usually accompanied by negative emotions beyond the rules and regulations.


Was any information new to you?

Do you agree with all the characteristics that were voiced?

What remains unclear to you?

Today we have gathered here to discuss this rather acute and sensitive topic! I think that each of you at least once in your life faced with conflict. In life, a very important skill is a fruitful decision. conflict situations.

Exercise "Forest of Expectations"

Target: revealing the expectations of the participants regarding the results training.

Time:5 minutes.

Equipment and materials: paper sheet with applications of trees (according to the number of participants, colored stickers.


Now on colored pieces of paper, I invite you to write down your expectations from our training, and then stick these leaves on any of the trees, signing your name under it.

Trainer quickly reviews the records and informs the group generalized version of expectations, comments on them.

ll Main body

In order to "competently" solve problematic situations it is necessary to intensify your mental activity for an ambiguous understanding of the conditions of the problem and the possibility of non-standard solutions to it. And now we are with you in this let's practice.

An exercise "A boat"

Target: formation of skills to analyze the conditions of the problem.

Time: 10 minutes.

Equipment and materials:


You have already been divided into groups, so we continue to work with you. It is very important to be attentive to the conditions here!

So, task! Two people come to the river and ask the boatman to take them to the other side of the river. The boatman agrees, but with two conditions:

1. there should be no more than one person in the boat;

2. the boat must be returned to him.

You need, after consulting, to offer as many different options as possible (all options are accepted, even the most fantastic ones). You have 5 minutes to think about your decisions.

Suggestions from all groups are heard.

We go to conflict then when we do not see the right solutions. Meanwhile, in order to solve the problem, it is necessary to carefully analyze its conditions and then there will be rational solutions. For example, in the conditions situations, which we analyzed, were not limited by the parameters of time, space, and other options for overcoming the river without a boat by one of the travelers. To the boatman generally two people and a dog could come. The man made a request in words, and the dog barked. And then the restrictions of the boatman, expressed by the requirement that no more than two people ride in the boat, do not apply to the dog. The problem is easily solved and has many solutions, like any conflict situation.


What is the most important thing you learned from this exercise?

What difficulties arose during the decision-making?

Exercise "Negotiation table"

Target: formation of group decision making skills in conflict situations

Time: 40 minutes.

Equipment and materials: cards with game goals


Organizational moments: participants are divided into 4 groups. Groups are arranged so as not to interfere with each other's work. Eight chairs stand in a circle in the center of the hall. Each group is given a card with a game goal.

Game Goals:

1. You think it's necessary to build a ship.

2. You think you need to build a house.

3. You think that it is necessary to build several boats and get out of the island in groups separately.

4. You think that it is necessary to eat the weak and dying and wait for help from the land.

5. You think that it is necessary to kindle signal fires throughout the island.

6. You think it is necessary to stay on the island, away from civilization.

7. You are an evil person. You must disrupt the negotiations, prevent everyone from reaching an agreement.

8. You are a peacemaker. You must help everyone to come to common decision.

9. You are a religious person. You think that everyone ended up on the island for their sins, so you need to pray, pray.

The game is played in 6 stages. The first, third, fifth stages - discussion of the tactics of negotiations in groups: second, fourth, sixth stages - "negotiating table" (one participant from each group sits in the center of the hall on chairs).

The time of each stage of the discussion is 2 minutes. The time of each stage of negotiations is 7 minutes. During negotiations, only participants who are behind "negotiating table".


We continue to work in groups. Now you need to imagine situation: You are shipwrecked and stranded on a deserted island. Each of you has different opinions about what to do next. You must make a joint decision, the purpose of which is to determine how you will survive on the island. And here are the opinions that everyone differs (a bowl with leaves - game goals, you need to take one leaf, about your goal "don't shout out loud", only members of your team should know it. You have 2 minutes to discuss the arguments.

Now you must meet "negotiating table", one member of the team.

The purpose of your negotiations is to come to common decision.

After the game, the participants of each group introduce the other participants to their game goal.


How was the negotiation tactics discussed in the groups?

What arguments, arguments, options were offered?

How did the discussion go during "negotiating table"?

How did the participants behave during "negotiating table"?

What difficulties did you experience in developing common solution?

How did the participants come to common decision? (What prevented the participants from coming to common decision)

How should collective decisions be made?

What experience did you take away from the game?

lllThe final part

An exercise "In order"

Goals: removal of fatigue; increased emotional tone; development of social perception.

Time: 5 minutes.


Dear colleagues now, without talking to each other, you need on my command get up: by height; by hair color (lightest to darkest); by month and day of birth; according to the width of the hips; by the roughness of the palms; by eye color; along the length of the fingers.

An exercise "Feedback"

Target: receiving feedback from participants training.

Time: 10 minutes.


You need to approach the poster "Forest of Expectations". At will, each, if there is a feeling that he "grown up" on the training, can increase the size of its tree (draw up). If someone else has any other expectations, then he can add them on his sheet. (or stick another sheet with wishes).


What was interesting for you today, and what information do you consider less relevant?

What difficulties did you encounter while working?

It was a pleasure to work with you today, I hope we will meet again! Let's tell each other "Thank you"!

Scenario of the training session.

1. Topic "Choice of profession ».

2. Goals:

Informing participants about the goals, tasks of choosing a profession, orientation in a state of readiness for choosing further education for high school students.

The opportunity to realize the importance of choosing a profession.

Interested in timely and accurate professional self-determination high school students.

Contribute to the formation in high school students of the features of a conscious choice of profession.

3. Tasks:

Build self-presentation skills

Determine the expectations of the participants in the training session,

Help high school students identify motive for choosing a profession,

Analyze the motives for choosing the profession of participants,

Send high school students to awareness of intermediate stages and possible ways to get manifestation of their professional goal,

Determine the level of readiness for an adequate professional choice,

To help make ideas about professions more realistic, to show that any profession has its pluses and minuses,

Guide students on what to do, continue to do, and what to stop doing in order to make the right and conscious career choice?

4. TimeAllotted for this lesson - 2 hours 40 minutes

5. Members- students in grades 10-11.

6. Scenario:

Lesson stage

Time for each step

Tasks for each stage

Methods, exercises, etc.


Issues for discussion

5 minutes

To inform high school students - participants of the training about the goals and objectives of subsequent classes.

Establish a friendly and trusting atmosphere, relieve the internal tension of the participants, increase the emotional state.

Introduction. Introductory word of the presenter . Greetings.

It is necessary to remind the participants which blocks of the training were conducted, that this training session is the beginning of the block "Choice of profession"

The host makes a message that the choice of the path of vocational education, profession is a serious step towards an independent life. It is very difficult to make it. There are various obstacles that make it difficult to choose: this is the lack of information about the possibilities vocational education, about the world of professions, and the lack of information about their abilities, interests. Someone has already made up their mind, someone cannot defend their decision in front of their parents, someone else finds it difficult to make a choice.

It must be emphasized that the lessons will teach you how to make your own choices. What they learn, what to consider when making a choice, what mistakes happen, how to plan their professional future.

Past event method -

The method of sharing experience, since there is a group discussion, participants share their feelings about the choice future profession.

Are you deep in any school subject?

Have you talked to anyone about choosing a profession?

Have you contacted anyone for advice?

Have you thought about the possible use of your abilities, inclinations, talents in professional activities?

Do you consider yourself ready to make a choice of profession (7)

10 minutes

The development of students' skills of self-presentation, self-presentation.

Business game "Self-presentation" (4)

The facilitator focuses on the skills and abilities of self-presentation as a factor in choosing a profession. It must be emphasized that the ability of a person to present himself from the best side, to make an impression is a huge plus in achieving the intended goal.

Presenter: “I am the director of a company that organizes the recreation of rich people. The rich have their own quirks, they want to spend their holidays in the extreme, for example, in poorly passable forests in hard-to-reach areas of the globe. To support them, we recruit specialists. Your task is to present yourself as a necessary specialist so that you get hired. Rich people are already good paid for their vacation, so we can offer a good salary to the attendants. Now you have time to think about what kind of specialist you can offer yourself. Who is ready, come out, introduce yourself.

Students offer a wide variety of specialties:a doctor, instructor, cook, photographer, translator (if the group of tourists includes foreigners), etc. They are very smart about which educational institutions they graduated from, what work experience they have.

Operationalization method, since this game is one of the forms of operational games, where the participant can learn new skills.

Happening Events Method – Group Reflection Method, since there is a group discussion, the participants have the opportunity to see the problem posed.

What qualities should this specialist have?

Do you always have to be serious? Are humor and profession compatible? Why?

Is it necessary to sacrifice something (someone) in order to achieve more? In which cases?


What are your impressions of the game?

What did you like or dislike?

20 minutes

Collection of participants' expectations from the training.


Required material:

1. Participants give answers to the questions: Think. They are talking. They read various announcements on poles, and some even add something to these announcements. We will now do similar things.

2. All students must be divided into three groups (calculate for the first, second, third).

At different ends of the room hang sheets with inscriptions:




3. Each group will take a place next to a separate sheet and write down on it what they expect from this training. "Know" - what new knowledge they want to receive. "To be able" - what skills are desired master. "Experience" - what a new experience, what feelings they want to experience. Use the brainstorming method, do not criticize

Method with constructed events that did not happen in life.

The method of group problem solving, since the participants come to a common opinion and see the problem from different angles.

Method with "happening" events - Method of group reflection, since there is a joint discussion and analysis of events in the group.

1. What do people do when they are waiting for a bus at a bus stop?

2. Does everyone agree with the captions?

What can be changed or added?

20 minutes

Help participants find statements about their life's purpose.

Exercise "Composition" The purpose of my life. (2)

Participants will have to determine the purpose of their life.

For this, a discussion is held.

Method with constructed events that did not happen in life.

The method of symbolic self-expression, since the work is aimed at designing and modeling a new vision of the world and oneself.

The method with "occurring" events - The method of group reflection, since there is a joint discussion of the work.

Who thinks he knows how to formulate goals?

Who sees the difference between a "dream" and a "goal"?

How will you know that the goal has been achieved?

What and how much are you willing to pay?

When will you get what you want?

What will be the organizational difficulties and internal psychological dangers?

What kind of "monument" erect your victory?

We make a written contract with ourselves.

Lead participants to answer the following questions:

Is this really my goal (and not my parents, friends, relatives, etc.)?

Is the target fair to all stakeholders (at own expense)?

Will it bring me closer or take me further away from my life purpose (life's core aspirations)?

Can I say that I am internally set up and ready to start and complete this project?

Can I imagine myself actually achieving and achieving this goal?

After discussing the questions, time is given to write an essay.

Emphasize that the participants write about THEIR goal of THEIR life, and not someone else's.

Was it difficult to write an essay?

After the conversation and writing, did the goal become more clearly presented?

To help participants understand in practice the features of a conscious choice of profession.

Exercise "Competition of motives" (5).

Instructions for participants :

Our task is to choose the most significant motive for choosing a profession for each of you, that is, the main reason why you chooseown profession. To do this, carefully read all the motives,

(a sheet with a list of motives is distributed).

The list of motives includes 16 phrases.

1. Opportunity to gain fame, become famous.

2. Opportunity to continue family traditions.

3. Opportunity to continue studying with your comrades.

4. Opportunity to serve people.

5. Earnings.

6. Significance for the country's economy, public and state] pusthe meaning of the profession.

7. Ease of getting to work.

8. Job prospects.

9. Allows you to show your abilities.

10. Allows you to connect with people.

11. Enriches knowledge.

12. Diverse content work.

13. Romanticism, nobility of the profession.

14. The creative nature of work, the ability to make discoveries.

15. Difficult, difficult profession.

16. Clean, easy, quiet work.

Method with "happening" events.

The method of concentration of presence, since the choice of motive occurs in the present moment, the questions are aimed at understanding the significant motives for choosing a profession for a teenager.

The “happening” method is the group reflection method, because further discussion and analysis is carried out together.

So, first you need to choose the preferred motive in each pair and write down the number of the “winner”. Next, the preferred motive from 8 - 4 is reduced. Then 4 motives are ranked (the main motives for choosing a profession).

The motives of the participants are analyzed.

What motives for choosing a profession turned out to be a priority?

Why were they the most important?

Who can try to prove that these motives are the most important in choosing a profession?

Group statistics of preferences is formed on a board or whatman paper.

Participants are invited to look at their "winning motives" (the first three places) and try to find 3-4 professions that match the set of motives. Record these professions for yourself.

What professionsthe bestmatch your set of motives?

When discussing in pairs, did you always agree with each other's decision?

Are the motives for choosing professions suitable or not?


20 minutes

Awareness of intermediate stages and possible ways to getmanifestation of their professional goal.

Roadmap exercise (2).

Required material:ready-made form of "Road map".

Instructions for participants:

1. Look at the sheet"Roadmap".

2. State your professional goal. For example:

admission to a particular educational institution;

the end of a specific educational institution and getting special alities;

device for a specific place of work;

specific professional achievement, including building a career and receiving awards, prizes and more.

3. Write down on the top of the sheet your professional goal (end new stop on your journey).

4. Think over and write down in your "road map" intermediate nye stops.

5. Divide into pairs and tell your partner about your journey to proprofessional goal. Try to jointly develop an alternative (different) path to the same goal. Reflect this friendgoy path on your map.

The method of group problem solving, since a common goal is achieved - to see the problem from different angles.

The method with "occurring" events - The method of group reflection, because the participants reflect, comprehend their own actions.

List your end goals.

What will they give you in life?

Who can list their stops along the way?

Difficult stages of promotion in your opinion or not?

How long will it take to reach your goal?

What other ways have you found to reach your goal?

20 minutes

Determination of the degree of schoolchildren's awareness of the world of professions, the level of autonomy and independence of choice, the ability to make decisions, the ability to plan the future, and the emotional attitude to the situation of choosing a profession.

Determining the level of readiness for an adequate professional choice.

Methodology "Readiness to choose a profession" (3)

A conversation about the readiness of students to choose a profession.

Participants are offered testing according to the adapted methodology. The methodology includes 99 questions with a dichotomous answer (yes, no), intended for students in grades 9-11.

The questionnaire consists of 5 scales: "autonomy", "information", "orientation in time" (planning), "decision making", "emotional attitude". After the answers, count the number of matching answers with the key on each scale. Read out brief description scales.

Analysis of the obtained results.

Method with constructed events.

Group problem solving method and Symbolic self-expression, as there is a group discussion and focus on designing and modeling the future.

Raise your hands who has already chosen a profession?

Who did not choose, why?

What hinders your choice?

30 min

Awareness of the attractive and unattractive aspects of any profession, the possibility of mistakes and their consequences; Familiarization with the rules of competent choice of profession.

The game "Optimists and skeptics". (1)

Have a conversation about mistakes in choosing a profession. That two reasons can lead to the wrong choice of profession. Firstly, a distorted idea of ​​the future profession (ignorance of the requirements for a person, misconceptions about working conditions, wages, etc.). Secondly, a distorted idea of ​​their capabilities (overestimation or underestimation of their abilities, skills, features, etc.).

The main task is to make these representations more realistic.

Method of the event of the past - Method of exchange of experience.

Simulation method, as the participants present their experience and participate in the primary element of the role play.

Method with constructed events that did not happen in life.

Operationalization method, participants experiment with different relationship styles.

Method with "happening" events - Method of group reflection.

Has the perception of these professions changed? Why?

How do you understand "permissible-unacceptable"?

(eg: in dealing with people, in cooking, in tailoring a business suit, etc.)

And what does “permissible-inadmissible” mean in the matter of choosing a profession?

What mistakes do you think an applicant can make in choosing a profession?

Have you met adults who, in your opinion, made a mistake in choosing a profession?

How do they live and what do they feel?

Each profession has its pros and cons. It is necessary to analyze some professions, writing in the column "Optimists" positive points, and in the column "Skeptics" - negative ones, having previously specified the meaning of these words.

To do this, you need to create two teams: 1st - "Optimists", 2nd - "Skeptics".

Team members are invited to name the maximum number of positive and negative characteristics any profession.

What is the significance of this profession for society?

What kind of labor - automated, mechanical or manual - does it use?

Name the object of labor, the final result of the work, the approximate salary.

Describe the working conditions.

Does this profession involve intensive communication with people?

Does it have medical contraindications?

What qualities should a person who chooses this profession have?

Where can you get it?

During the discussion, it is possible to formulate the causes of errors: prejudice, "for the company", idealization, passion for the external side of the profession, delusions about oneself or about the profession.

What professions do you consider "prestigious" and why?

How will the overabundance of these specialists affect the labor market?

What are the consequences for a career if you choose a profession “for the company”? (+, -)

What professions are popular in modern films?

How do you feel about these professions?

Which of you would like to choose this profession?

Which one of you suits it best?

What particularly attracts you about it?

To summarize the exercise, that these mistakes can be avoided if you really imagine your capabilities, know the characteristics of the nervous system, memory, attention, thinking, level of preparedness, interests and inclinations. It's not easy, but it's possible

What should be considered in choosing a profession?

What features do you need to know and remember?

10 minutes

Collection of information for subsequent action by the participants of the training.

Exercise "Bus stop" (2).

Required material : three sheets of drawing paper, felt-tip pens.

1. At the end of the lesson, the distributed groups approach the sheets of whatman paper with inscriptions located at different ends of the room:




2. Each group will take a place near a separate sheet and write down on it everything that they have to do after this training: “START”, “CONTINUE”, “STOP”.

Use the brainstorming method, do not criticizenothing but just write it down on a sheet.

3. After a while, a signal is given, which means that “the bus has come” and the groups need to go to another stop. They will move clockwise. Thus, each group will visit each leaf. No need to repeat yourself - read what has been created before and write something new.

4. Discussion.

Method with constructed events that did not happen in life.

Group problem solving method.

Method with "happening" events - Method of group reflection.

Instead of discussing, it is enough to simply read what the participants wrote, asking clarifying questions for understanding.

§ What should I START doing new right after training?

What should I CONTINUE to do after training?

What should you STOP doing?

5 minutes



Method with "happening" events - Method of group reflection.

Which step was the most difficult?

Which one is the easiest?

What is the awareness of the choice of profession?

What role will self-presentation play in the future?

Has your attitude towards choosing a profession changed?

5 minutes

Consolidate the acquired knowledge in the classroom.


Make a list of professions that are required in the labor market in the region, region, country.

If high school students have already chosen a profession, offer to think about whether it corresponds to the characteristics that are most attractive to them. If not, try to model it yourself.


one. . "Me and my profession" Moscow. Genesis. 2004

2. Yu. Tyushev "Choice of profession". SPb. Peter. 2007

3. . " Psychological counseling career guidance." M. Vlados-PRESS. 2001

4. "How to become successful." SPb. Speech. 2007

5. http ://azps. en/training/ 41. html

Lecturer MBOU RM UK profile of education

"Fundamentals of psychological and pedagogical knowledge"

training script. Travel.

This script was used by me as psychological training for teenagers (Council of high school students of MBOU "Yarskaya secondary school No. 1") for preventive work on the occurrence of quarrels and conflicts in this group. The training was conducted in the form of a separate lesson, which presents the necessary steps -warm-up, main part, reflection and discussion.

Goals ׃ Prevention of quarrels and conflict situations in the group.


    group cohesion;

    help in the development of empathy and self-awareness;

    formation of skills of joint activity;

    development of skills to "feel the group" and its individual members;

    developing skills for giving and receiving feedback.

Group size : 12 people.
Resources: a spacious room, free from unnecessary furniture, light chairs according to the number of participants, bandages (for half of the participants), a piece of drawing paper, a pack of felt-tip pens for each, technical means to play music, audio recording with relaxation music (BellasLullaby, Robpattinson), cards (according to the number of participants) with the names of participants written on them, mats, sweets.

Time: at least two hours.


In front of the entrance to the auditorium there are 3 boxes of different colors: yellow, red and black. Each participant of the training at the entrance puts a token in a box of the color they like.

(Yellow means joy, red means excitement, black means sadness).

Stage 1 - physical warm-up.

Leading: Good evening guys. I will ask you to stand in a circle at a distance free from each other and repeat after me the movements and phrases that I will now show.

Exercise "Grandma from Brazil"

Leading : ( Standing straight, keeping your hands at your sides, cheerfully): “I have a grandmother in Brazil!”

Leading : ( Repeat position 1, then put forward the right leg, turning the foot inward): “She has such a leg!”

Leading : ( Repeat positions 1 and 2, then turn the body so that the left (right) shoulder moves forward, and put forward the elbow of the left (right) hand, hiding the brush under the arm ): “She has such a hand!”

Leading : ( Repeat positions 1, 2 and 3, then tilt your head on your shoulder and twist your mouth) : "Her head is on one side and her mouth is crooked!"

    (Repeat positions 1, 2, 3 and 4, then, bouncing in the resulting position, loudly) : "She jumps and screams:" I'm the most beautiful grandmother in Brazil!!!

Exercise "Luggage Shelf"

Leading: And now, let's imagine that the long-awaited summer vacation has finally come. You went on vacation to the village to your grandfather, far away, in the very wilderness of the forest, away from the bustle of the city and noisy street crowds. You had to go there by train. Here you enter the car, look for your compartment and find that only the upper luggage rack is free from things. You need to put your big and heavy travel bag on top. But first, imagine this bag of yours as vividly as possible. Here she is in front of you. What color is she? What form? Feel its weight: it is quite impressive, but you can still cope with the task. You are strong and agile enough to carry your luggage upstairs. Get ready. Put your feet shoulder-width apart! They took the cargo. We raise it up ... Do you feel the tension in your hands? The work of the back muscles? The shelf is high. You have to rise on your toes to push the bag up to sa my walls. One more effort and... the bag is on the shelf! Whoo! Now you can completely relax, sit down on a chair. Squeeze and unclench your fingers several times, rotate your hands.

Spaghetti Exercise

Leading : Good. But the road is long. It would be nice to have a bite to eat. Imagine that you poured boiling water over instant noodles. But it's not just noodles- it's real spaghetti! Long, thin pasta lies on a plate in front of you. Let's grab one of them with our fingers. It hangs freely, swinging from side to side. If we begin to rotate with the hand, then our imaginary pasta will begin to wriggle like a cord or rope. Try hitting the spaghetti with a fork. "Wrap" them on a fork. Catch pasta with your mouth. Now turn yourself into spaghetti. Relax, shake your hands, feel like real pasta...

Stage 2 - immersion in the game situation.

Leading: Your train has arrived at the long-awaited station. But the way to grandfather's house is still far away. Yesterday on the train you were interesting and fun. you were together -and no adults. But the next day was completely different from the previous one. It was dim and grey. It was sad and bad. You began to grumble at each other and quarrel for no reason. Conflicts flared up from scratch, like sparklers, but unlike them, they did not burn out quickly at all. Nobody could understand what was the matter. And you were faced with a choice, what to do? Is it worth it to take a risk and go on a dangerous journey or stay here, but at the same time continue to quarrel and conflict. What do you choose?

(If the group members choose to travel (which usually happens), then the next stage of work begins.)

Stage 3 - overcoming obstacles.

Exercise "3 the enchanted forest"

(A route is drawn on the floor with chalk or a rope is marked. Along this route, several chairs are laid one after the other in a chain. It turns out a winding path three to five meters long.)
Leading: You have entered the forest. But he was bewitched. Why is he considered bewitched? Because there are such areas in it, having entered the limits of which a person ceases to see. If you manage to pass such a section of the road, then your vision returns. Such areas are visible from the side. Therefore, you can help each other to cope with this task. You will have to overcome the enchanted places in pairs. One of the pair will be the leader, and the second will be the slave. The leader is blindfolded. His task is to follow the route and not to get lost, not to go off the path. The host will give him instructions with words: left, right, two steps forward and the like. Of course, he cannot approach the follower, touch him with his hands and somehow, except for words, direct the actions of his partner. When the follower overcomes the obstacle, he himself becomes the leader and helps his partner to go along the path.

(Participants split into pairs)

Are you confident in your abilities? In the reliability of partners? Has it ever happened to you that in a state of tension you lost control of yourself and forgot the simplest things: for example, where is right and where is left? Do not confuse these directions while passing through the enchanted section of the forest. Before we start moving, it is important to remember the following: the leader is fully responsible for the follower. He must clearly and in time warn him of all possible dangers and obstacles. And secondly: dear viewers, the success of the passage depends on you. Keep quiet so as not to interfere with the contact between partners passing along the enchanted path. Observe how each pair organizes the transition, what are the differences in the actions of the participants.

(The facilitator ties a blindfold over the eyes of one of the members of the first pair, and the game begins. When all pairs have overcome the enchanted section of the path, discussion of this exercise begins.)


    How did you feel while walking the trail blindfolded?

    What turned out to be more difficult for you - to pass the path or to direct the actions of a partner?

    What did the audience see?

    Who remembers and can demonstrate typical body language to a player passing through the enchanted area?

    What is the difference between the behavior of a person deprived of the opportunity to see the world around him?

Exercise "Abyss"

Leading: Now I'm going to ask you to go up the stairs. Stand on the steps and position yourself between both the railing and the drawn line.

(get into starting position)

Leading: I must warn you that now you are high in the mountains where serious dangers await you. The line you see in front of you- it's not just a line, it's the border of a narrow path. A deep abyss opened up behind her, falling into which leaves no hope of staying alive. At my signal, you turn into bizarre boulders of rock, hanging over the path in the most unexpected way. Spread your legs, stretch your arms, bend down ... Only the participant on the far left becomes a climber. His task- walk along the abyss throughout its length without falling into it. A climber can overcome the path in any way: squeeze into narrow crevices between rocks, look for niches, crawl, clinging to “stones” ... The main thing- not cause harm or pain to anyone. As soon as the first climber passes part of the way, the participant following him can turn from a rock block into a person and begin his dangerous journey. The one who has reached the end of the difficult path turns into stone himself. It is important that all of you overcome this obstacle and safely pass the dangerous section of the route.

(When everyone in the group has crossed the chasm, you can discuss how they felt during the exercise.)

Exercise "Swamp"

Leading: As soon as you, dashing travelers, managed to cross the hard-to-reach mountains, a new misfortune arose. On the way you met a marshy swamp. It is possible to cross it only on rare bumps. And you can’t stumble, otherwise you can easily drown in a quagmire. You will now begin your journey through the swamp. Be very careful! Help each other move from bump to bump. Support your comrades so that they do not fall into the swamp. 'Cause you go together and each of you has the right to count on the help of satellites. Any pushes, rudeness towards comrades, intemperance, haste and thoughtlessness of actions can lead each of the participants and the group as a whole to a sad result. And vice versa: mutual understanding, responsibility, under Keeping friends will ensure success.

( Chairs (according to the number of participants) are placed in a circle back to back to each other. Invite participants to take off their shoes and climb onto chairs)

Leading : You move on my command. Will you move from chair to chair clockwise. The first stage will end when you return to the chair from which you started the movement. Forward!

(After the group members have completed the this task)

Leading : Well done! But your way on the swamp is not finished yet. I I suggest you stand two on one chair (remove 3 empty chairs from the circle).

(The group starts moving again in complicated circumstances. Upon successful completion this stage pull out circle three more chair. Again, movement is made along rare "bumps". The crossing through the swamp is considered completed, and the task is completed when all participants located along three player in one chair
and, if they managed, supporting each other, to stand on chairs while the leader counts to ten. )

Stage 4 - joint creativity.

Exercise « Evening gatherings"

Leading : You've already gone most of the way. However, the journeynot completed yet. Beforeyou spreadbig lake onon the other side of which there is a hut.But evening comes and you decidepostpone the crossinguntil morning. After all, you still need build a raft - other watercraft you don't have and don't expect. You divorced fire, cooked dinner, had a bite. I don't want to sleep yet. Do you enjoy sittingby the fire, chat with friends, just having fun.In the evenings with special pleasure hear all sorts of funny stories . So I invite you to write your own story. But do This it will be necessary in an unusual way. our storywill be created jointly. Someoneyou will begin the story. First the narrator will say a few phrases, then I clap clap, and the continuation of the story will have to come up with his neighbor on the left . Then the right of the story transferred to the next etc. But! Second narratormust pronounce text in a special language - "jibrishe". Cotton- third party goes back to history and continues story in Russian. Fourth speaks jibri againshe." Fifth returnsto the story and so on. In other words, every odd player tells a fairy tale history, each the even one “picks up” her on the “jibrish”.

But what is "jibrish"? It's imaginarylanguage. A kind of abracadabrara, gibberish. Of course, "jibrish" can be given a resemblance to some real-life language.- french, English, German. As, for example, in the famous pseudo-Italian song of characters movie "Formula of love": "Uno, uno, uno, un momento!..” leave no national language features, and confine ourselves exclusively to the emotional coloring of speech, reinforcing the story with facial expressions and gesticulation. If everyone understands, let's start!

An exercise "Dream our groups"

Leading : However, the time is already late. I need to rest before crossing the lake tomorrow. Tired travelerssettle down to rest and fall asleep.And they all dream. Close your eyes and imagine what you would like to see dream...

(turn on soft relaxing music)

Leading : Call up a picture in your mind- the image of your dream... You have wonderful dreams! Imagine that your dreams are hovering above you, intertwined with each other, and a new image arises.- common dream of our group...

(put a large sheet of drawing paper in the center of the circle and around it - markers. Music continues to play throughout the exercise)

Leading : Open your eyes... Now we will depict the collective dream that we had on this magical night. During the execution of the task, you can not talk in any case! Otherwise, we will frighten our dreams, and we will not succeed. Now you silently pick up felt-tip pens and begin to draw your dream. At the same time, pay attention to what your comrades depict. Your task- create an image of the collective dream of our group. So, you need to try to "build" your image into the system of other images so that you get a single, whole picture. Once again I remind you that everything must be done only silently. Please get started!

Stage 5 - completion of the journey.

Exercise "Raft"

Leading: Morning has come. Together you set to work, you built a raft from tree trunks and lowered it into the water. True, only young trees with thin trunks grew nearby, so the raft, although strong enough, could dangerously list and even roll over if the load was placed unevenly.

(invite participants to sit on the “raft”, taking into account some instability of the raft. Remind that it is dangerous to shift its center of gravity)

Leading: So you've set sail on the lake. The weather was favorable, the lake was calm, and you hoped that the journey would not be difficult. But, when you reached the middle of the lake, a huge eagle appeared out of nowhere, for some reason very interested in your watercraft. The eagle, having made a leisurely circle above you, landed on the edge of your raft, immediately breaking the unstable balance ...

(before this moment be outside the boundaries of the "raft", stand on the edge of the raft).

Leading: To you urgently need to regroup so that the raft does not capsize!

Only you have changed your seats, taking into account the weight of the unexpected "passenger", how the eagle took off again and moved to the other side of the raft.

(quickly change your location; repeating this procedure two or three more times, report that the eagle has flown away and leave the "raft")

: Here, finally, is the shore. Our journey is drawing to a close. You can already see the hut in which grandfather lives. You were so looking forward to this meeting, so you wanted to ask grandfather for advice on what to do, how to live on in joy, without quarrels and conflicts. Approaching the hut, you go up to the porch and knock on the locked door. The door opens by itself and you go inside. There, sitting at a large wooden table, grandfather is waiting for you. You tell him about your trouble.

- "What do you want from me?"- asks the grandfather.

“Only you can help us! Do it!”

- "Not, - grandfather says.- You are wrong. I I can't help you."

- "Why?": - you ask. You really didn't expect such a twist.

- "That's why, - grandfather says,- that only you can help yourself. You have already almost made it, having gone through a long and difficult path and overcoming many obstacles. After all, you almost did not quarrel and supported each other.I can only suggest what you need to do. But for this you must complete three tasks.

An exercise "AT each other's roles"

Leading: Each of you must portray one of your comrades in such a way that everyone else recognizes him. You need to portray without the use of words, only with the help of facial expressions, gestures, pantomime. Three attempts are given for each guess. If you accidentally get a card with your name, it's okay.

(Participants pull out pre-prepared cards from a pile on which the names of all group members are written)

Exercise "Metaphor"

Leading: The next task is this. You again have to randomly pull out one of the cards with the name of one of the guys in our group. But now we need to come up with some kind of metaphor that pomo Let the others guess whose card you got. Lines from a song, a vivid image, maybe some kind of association associated with this person can serve as a metaphor. For example, you can offer the following metaphor: “When I think about this person, I imagine an old oriental jug with a golden ornament, in which ordinary water seems tasty and sweet...” Or: “Knowing this person’s hobbies, I immediately remember summer, river, early morning and a float diving into the water ... "

An exercise "Gifts for Friends"

Leading: Here is the last task. The third time you will have to draw a card with a name. But now it will no longer be necessary to guess the person. And if you come across a card with your own name, you can openly exchange with someone. I want to invite you to make each other gifts. Imagine that you are magicians and able to fulfill any desire of a person. Look at your partner, guess what he dreams about. What gift would he like to receive? If you guess correctly and he will be happy with the gift that you give him, then you have come to an understanding and there will be no more conflicts between you.

Stage 6 - farewell ritual.

An exercise. I give you this as a token...

(Prepare "gifts" (sweets). "Gifts" are placed in a beautiful vase, which stands on a ritually decorated table in the center of the hall.)

Leading : I suggest that everyone take a handful of "gifts" and approach the other with the words: "I bring you this gift as a token of my gratitude for ..."

Everyone ends the sentence depending on the relationship that developed during the training: “For understanding, love, recognition, help, etc.” (During pronunciation, the gift is offered to eat)

Leading: And now I ask youthank each other for playing together and do this exercise. You need to hug as many of your comrades as possible in 15 seconds.

Stage 7 - discussion of the training

(prepare cards for each of the participants)

Leading: Each of you received cards with questions. I ask you to answer them.

    What moments of the game did you like the most? Why?

    Which of the tasks was the most difficult? Why?

    Did you feel the support and help of your comrades during the game?

    Did you learn anything new about the band members?

    Did you manage to avoid rudeness, aggression, conflicts during the game?

    Is it possible in life to do without quarrels and insults?

Moderator: I ask you to put the tokens in the boxes according to your mood. The training is over, and ahead is the life to which our training was dedicated. Thanks to all!


Lesson 1.
Theme: "I'm in my world."

Lesson objectives:

  1. Acquaintance in a group
  2. Introduction of the participants into the atmosphere of the training
  3. Establishing rules in a group
  4. Determining the personal goals of each participant.
  5. Awareness and acceptance by the participants of themselves as individuals.

Lesson plan:

1. Acquaintance (5-10 min.).

The facilitator invites the participants of the training to name themselves, say a few words about themselves, their expectations from the classes, suggestions for classes.

2. Adoption of rules for working in a group(10 - 20 min.)

  • sincerity:"tell the truth or be silent"
  • privacy: not to take out of the group any personal information that they learn about one of the participants in the course of work,
  • nonjudgmental perception other members of the group,
  • support other participants
  • the right to speak for everyone.

3. Exercise "Lemons".

Imagine that there are lemons in each hand.
Start squeezing juice out of them.
After squeezing the juice, throw them away and take new ones. So 3 times.
Slowly relax your hands and discard the lemons.

4. "Analysis of yourself"(20 - 30 min.)

Participants are invited to say 2-3 main qualities about themselves, indicate what these qualities give in life negative, what is positive.

5. "I'm in my world"(30 - 40 min.).

The facilitator invites the participants to close their eyes and see themselves in their own world.
- What is he?
- How does the participant perceive himself in his world?
- What does he feel?
- What sounds does he hear?
- What does he want, expect from this world?
Describe your world, starting with the words: "My world is ...".

6. Drawing "My world"(15-20 min)- Discussion of drawings.

7. Resource relaxation(5-15 min.)

Lesson 2
Theme: "Accepting yourself in a new capacity."

Lesson objectives:

  1. Self-image work to improve self-esteem.
  2. Self acceptance.
  3. Increasing self-confidence.

Lesson plan:

1. Warm up(5-10 min.)

The facilitator asks the participants to name the associations that evoke today's mood.

2. Exercise "Spring".

Fold your hands in such a way as a student at a desk.
Put your right hand on your elbow and imagine that the spring is being compressed, then
the spring snapped off.
Repeat the same with the other hand.

3. Self-analysis(20 - 30 min.).

Participants are asked to divide the sheet into three columns. In the first column, the participants write! everything that is new, unusual, something that was not there before or was not noticed by them, that they observe in themselves in the state of pregnancy. The second column - what feeling causes each of the indicated conditions. The third column - what positive gives at the present moment (and in the future) each of the listed states.

4. "Comparison - difference"(15 -20 min.)

The host invites two women to sit side by side. Other participants need to find similarities and differences between them.
This exercise is good for all participants.

5. Relaxation "Connection of images" (20 - 25 min.) Participants relax and the facilitator sets the following topics:

  • see yourself in the past;
  • see yourself in the future;
  • see yourself in the present;
  • combine all these images into a single whole;
  • take this resulting image into yourself.

6. Drawing "Combining images"(20 - 30 min.) Discussion of drawings

7. Feedback.

Lesson 3.
Topic: "Working with the Image of I".

Lesson objectives:

  1. Increasing self-esteem, the formation of a holistic view of one's Self-Image.
  2. Search for internal resources to overcome difficulties.

Lesson plan:

1. Warm up(5-10 min.)

To say that good things happened during the time when the participants did not see each other.

2. Exercise "Turtle".

Imagine yourself as a turtle basking in the sun.
Now the turtle heard some sounds and strained its neck, looked in different directions, then the turtle calmed down and relaxed. So 3 times.

3. Exercise "I am a mother"(30 - 35 min.)

Participants are asked to write on a piece of paper the answers to the following questions:

When my baby is born, how will I change?
- When my child is born, how will my loved ones (husband, mother, father, brothers, sisters, and so on) change?
- What responsibilities will I have in relation to the child?

What responsibilities will my child have towards me? How do you imagine what a "good mother" is? Write the qualities that she should have?

4. Resource relaxation(10-20 min.).

Imagine that there is a small particle in the very center of your being that is very peaceful and happy. Unaffected by fears and concerns about the future, she is in complete peace and happiness. You can't reach it, you can't touch it. If you wish, it can be represented in the form of some Image - a tongue of light, a precious stone or a hidden lake, calm, with a smooth surface without the slightest ripple, or something else. Filled with deep peace and joy, calmness and strength, she is completely safe. It is there - deep in you. Imagine now that this light, this gem, this lake or whatever you have imagined that is deep, in the very center, in the very core of you, is yourself.
Imagine that this secret center always abides in you, remaining calm and quiet, no matter what difficulties, problems and worries you have to go through, and at any moment you can remember that this particle is there. And many times a day you can remember this little nucleolus of inner peace, mentally join it. Knowing that it is here, very close, you will feel calm and relaxed and at the same time confident and strong.

5. Feedback.

Lesson 4.
Topic: Analysis of education.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Analysis of life scenarios and work with them.
  2. Designating your personal space to increase a sense of security.

Lesson plan:

1. Warm up (5-10 min.)

Participants are asked to find emotionally adequate images:
"An irritated person is a person who..." "A rejoicing person is a person who..." "A relaxed, peaceful person is one who..."

2. Exercise "Inflatable toy".

Imagine yourself as an inflatable toy - deflated. Now they began to inflate this toy, inflated tightly, then it slowly deflated.

3. Parenting analysis(20 - 30 min.)

Participants are asked to answer the following questions:
How were you raised by your parents?
Who was more involved in your upbringing, which parent did not pay attention to you?
What gave you in life parental education, attitude towards you?
What do you think your parents didn't give you?
What is your only merit, that you are like that? - Would you be like this if it were not for certain behavior of your parents?
Describe in one word the type of parenting that was applied to you. Discussion of the concepts of "independence", "responsibility".

4. Relaxation "Personal space"(20 - 30 min.)

In a minute, I'll ask everyone in our group to close their eyes and we'll be on an imaginary fantasy journey.
Now, I would like you to make yourself as comfortable as possible and close your eyes. Feel how your back touches the back of the chair, how your feet are on the floor. Feel your fingers. Feel your breath, what it is, your breath, listen to it. You can also feel the beating of your heart, this is your heart, your state, this is you. Feel yourself.
When you close your eyes, the space you are in appears. This is what I call your personal space. You own that space in this room, anywhere you are, but you don't usually notice it. With your eyes closed, you can feel that space - it contains your body and the air around you. It's a nice place because it's just your space.
So, you got into your space, it is only yours. Look into your world... It doesn't look like anything... What is it?.. What color is it?.. Take a good look at everything that is in your space. What's going on there?.. Walk around there. Look all around you. How do you feel in this world of yours. Do you feel good or not?.. Do you feel free or not?... How comfortable are you?..
And now, when you have carefully looked around, examined everything and felt everything that is happening to you, quietly look out of your space. .. What is around him, in that world. which is outside your space?... What is there, beyond your space?... What do you see?.. What is it, that world. that surrounds your space? .. Maybe someone is there, or no one is there. What objects surround you, or maybe it’s empty there?.. What do you feel?.. How does that world treat you when you are in your space?.. Is it warm or cold, light or dark, joyful or sad?.. What is happening there, in that world that is outside your space? ..
And when you have seen everything well, find yourself again only in your already familiar space...
Imagine how much space your personal space occupies in the world around you?..
A minute later, after you imagine all this, you will open your eyes and again find yourself in our common room. When you open your eyes, I would like you to take paper, paints and draw the place you were in, your place and the world around it. Please don't talk while you draw. And if you need to say something - speak in a whisper. Draw the place you imagined. If you like, you can express your feelings about this place using color, different shapes, lines. Decide where you want to portray yourself in this place? .. As soon as you feel that you are ready, you can start.

5. Drawing "Personal space"(25 - 30 min.) Discussion of the drawings

6. Feedback.

Lesson 5.
Topic: Analysis of education (continued).

Lesson objectives:

  1. Awareness of various types and methods of education.
  2. Acceptance of the child.
  3. Identification and elaboration of some internal conflicts.

Lesson plan:

1. Warm-up "Comparison by chain"(5-10 min. Participants are asked to find a comparison):

"The passing train rumbled like..."
"The blowing wind howled like..."
"The surface of the lake shone on a moonlit night like..."

2. Exercise "Snowman"

Imagine yourself as a Snowman, who was blinded on a frosty day. Spring came, the sun warmed and the Snow Woman began to melt and melted, became a stream.

3. "Types of education"(20 - 25 min.)

The host proposes to take the following types of education as a basis: democratic, friendly, providing complete independence, strict, demanding, patronizing.

Participants are invited to write on the pieces of paper what type of upbringing they adhere to and complete the following phrases:
"I prefer parenting style..."
"This will make my child..."
"It means that in relation to the child I will behave -.."

Next, the participants fold the leaves and put them in a "cap", where the leaves are mixed. Then the participants pull out the leaflets - it is necessary to prove the written statements as if they were on their own behalf. Others may disagree, ask questions, express their opinion on this matter.

4. Relaxation "Inner child"(20 - 25 min.)

5. Drawing for a metaphor (30 - 35 min.) Drawing discussion

Lesson 6.
Subject: "Settings".

Lesson objectives:

  1. Increasing psychological readiness for future motherhood.
  2. Installation analysis.
  3. Awareness of their rights and obligations in relation to the child.

Lesson plan:

1. Warm-up "Today's state"(5-10 min.)

Participants are asked to complete the sentence: "My current state can be compared to..."

3. Analysis of parental attitudes(15-25 min.)

The facilitator tells the participants that in every family there are catch phrases used by adult family members. Such phrases are called "installations". A setting is a readiness, a predisposition of a person to perceive future events and to act in a certain direction; it ensures a stable, purposeful nature of the course of the corresponding activity. Installations often pass from generation to generation and have a very important functional significance. There are attitudes that help in solving certain life tasks, but there are also those that act negatively. Installation example: "We are poor, but proud."

Participants are asked to recall and recount:

  • What instructions did they receive from their parents, grandparents?
  • What did these installations give in life?
  • How can these attitudes help or hinder in life in the future?
  • What attitudes would you like to pass on to children, how could children understand them, what could they give them in life?

4. Analysis of family education(25 - 30 min.)

The facilitator proposes the following questions for discussion:

  • How would you like your children to be?
  • What are the main qualities you think you would like to instill in them?

How can this be achieved, methods.
What are my obligations towards the child?
What rights do you have?
In your opinion, what qualities would your husband want to bring up in a child?
How would he achieve this?

5. Relaxation "Choice"(15-25 min.)

The participants sit down more comfortably, relax, the host offers to imagine the house, enter it. See 3 doors. Which door will you open? What's next? What's behind the door?

6. Drawing "Choice"(25 - 35 min.)

Discussion of drawings.

7. Feedback.

Homework for the husband: Write how he wants to raise a child, what methods are needed for this.

Lesson 7.
Topic: "The experience of three generations."

Lesson objectives:

  1. Awareness of the motives and methods of action of both parents to determine a single style of raising a child in order to better adapt to new object relations in the family.
  2. Awareness and study of the relationship of "three generations" to improve the psychological climate in the family.

Lesson plan:

1. Warm-up "Mistakes of perception"(5 - 10 min.)

The facilitator sets the situations, and the participants list possible errors in the perception of the subject.
"There is a hat on the table, in poor lighting it is mistaken for ..."
"A lilac bush in the dark can be mistaken for..."
"The foam of the sea surf can be mistaken for ..."

2. Exercise "Sound Energy".

3. Definition of a single parenting style(20 - 25 min.)

Discussion of homework. Participants read out the homework done by the husband. Discussion - to what extent the husband's point of view on raising children coincides with the point of view of the participant in the lesson.

4. "The experience of three generations"(20 - 25 min.)

Participants are invited to discuss the following questions:
What would you like to take as an experience from how you were raised by your parents?
What would you not like to learn from a negative experience?
- What influence can your parents and your husband's parents have on raising a child? What to do with it? How can this really be avoided? What to do for this? Are there any compromises?

5. Relaxation "The Elder in the Cave"(15-20 min.)

You notice how fresh it is from the sea and a seagull circling high in the sky... The air is filled with an extraordinary aroma of space and freedom... And you see that there is a cave in front of you. You enter it. Footsteps resound in an empty cave... You look around... There is no one around, you are alone... In the middle of the cave you see a small, warm, cozy hearth... And maybe you wanted to sit down by it and warm yourself around it and think about something of your own... You feel that you are not alone and you feel good about it... Near you, someone who understands you, protects you... Cool air flows around you... and you feel the invisible yet someone else's presence... You start peering into the darkness to understand who is next to you... You want to see and hear him... You notice that someone's shadow flickered at the entrance and the cave... You peer into the darkness of the other side of the cave and notice the Elder... He looks at you attentively, calmly and wisely... And you look into each other's eyes, and a conversation begins... You understand that now you have the opportunity to get an answer to the most an important and secret question in your life... Now ask the Elder the question you would like to receive an answer to... and listen to what he has to say... You hear Starey allowing you to ask one more question... And the answer will be given again... Hear him... Now, sit down, think and formulate your last question, which you ask the Elder...
When the answers to all questions are received, you can thank the Elder for his wisdom, warmth, protection, and maybe for something else... Say goodbye to him and let him go... You will now feel his presence, his warmth, his wisdom always inside...
Come out of the cave, feel how the warm wind caresses your body, caresses your face with its light wing and the sun gently envelops you. You can walk along the shore and enter the sea... You can feel how its life-giving forces pour into you, and the wind gives you confidence and the waves wash away all disappointments and grievances, and give you lightness... And the sun gives you a piece of life. strength and charge of inexhaustible energy and warmth... Water cleanses you of everything superficial and alien to you, your personality, your essence... Feel the joy of freedom, lightness and strength with which the sea picks you up and shakes you on its waves...
And may, when in a minute you open your eyes and again find yourself in our room, this feeling of peace, joy, freedom, confidence, strength will remain with you. And you will feel in yourself everything that you have received, feeling freedom, lightness and freshness...
When you are ready, you can open your eyes.

6. Drawing for a metaphor (25 - 35 min.)

Discussion of drawings

7. Feedback.

Lesson 8.
Topic: Baby in the first year of life.

Purpose of the lesson:

Consider the main psychological aspects of raising and communicating with a child in the early stages of his development from the point of view of some of Erickson's psychosocial stages.

Lesson plan:

1. Warm-up "Object in a children's game"(5-10 min)

Participants are asked to list things that can be used in the nursery following items: a bunch of grass, pebbles, a milk bag, dry branches.

2. Exercise "Sound Energy"

Sing the proverbs in this way: the first participant starts one word from the proverb in a low voice, each subsequent one raises his voice by half a tone. Then - vice versa.

3. "Formation of basic skills"(20 - 25 min.)

I year of life - the formation of trust or confidence; the infant perceives the world as safe. people - caring and reliable, realizes his place depending on the quality of maternal care he receives, that is, constancy, identity, adequacy of experiences. We see this when the baby endures the absence of the mother without undue suffering and anxiety. Otherwise, the cause of the crisis will be the insecurity, failure of the mother, her rejection of the baby. There will be fear, fear for one's well-being, suspicion.

The facilitator invites the participants to discuss the following questions:

  • How, from their point of view, does a child develop trust in the world, and how does distrust develop? What is trust?
  • Who can be trusted by the participant of the training, why?
  • Who can help build trust?
  • What needs to be done for this, how to behave, what methods to use?

Independence, voluntariness, stubbornness - All these qualities are formed on the 2nd - 3rd year of life. 3 years - the crisis "I myself." Depends on the willingness of parents to gradually give children the freedom to exercise control over their own actions.
How to form independence at this age? What parental behavior will cause a child to be stubborn?

4. Relaxation "Journey into the unknown"(15 - 30 min.)

The host offers the participants the image "Water space". It is necessary to imagine any body of water. Describe what it is, what it is like, where is he himself, what does he feel, what sounds does he hear? This space must be crossed, overcome somehow. How will the participant overcome this body of water? Then note what the participant will meet when he overcomes this space?

5. Drawing "Journey into the unknown"(25 - 35 min.)

Discussion of drawings Homework: Draw the coat of arms of the family together with all family members.

6. Feedback.

Lesson 9.
Theme: "The child is a separate person."

Lesson objectives:

  1. Expanding the boundaries of the perception of the unborn child as a separate person,
  2. Awareness of the importance of a supportive relationship with the child in communicating with him.
  • Understanding your life plan.
  • Awareness and verbalization of tendencies of change in oneself
  • Lesson plan:

    1. Warm-up "Candle in a circle." (5-10 min.)

    The facilitator invites the participants of the training to put an imaginary candle around the Circle. Everyone takes it in their hands, thinks about something important for themselves and carefully, so as not to go out, passes it on to another.

    2. Exercise "Auto-training"

    3. Exercise "Tale about yourself" (25 - 30)

    The facilitator offers to recall any fairy tale that the participants like or that they just remembered now. name this story. The following questions are proposed for discussion:

    • Who would you be in this story?
    • What roles and which of your loved ones would you give in this fairy tale?
    • You can add characters to the story of your choice.
    • How would you change this fairy tale, what characters would you add?
    • Gostev A.A. The road from the looking glass: the psychology of the development of the figurative sphere of man, - M .: Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1998.
    • Labyrinths of Psychology / Ed. Trushkova S.V. - M.: Publishing House. Department of the UC DO Ml oU, 1996.
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    The training not only develops social and communication skills, but also improves the professional and psychological competence of the subjects of communication.

    Training is primarily a way of programming a model for managing one's behavior and activities.

    The purpose of the training sessions is to expand the socio-psychological competence of students, to increase the level of their interaction with preschoolers, with classmates, to form a positive orientation of their personality, empathy, reflection.

    When organizing training sessions, it is advisable for teachers to rely on the position of the unity of theoretical knowledge and practical actions, to proceed from the fact that training is a set of thoughtful psychological and pedagogical actions and steps carried out in a certain sequence, provides knowledge and the possibility of their use, contributes to the acquisition or correction of already formed skills; any training session is an awareness of the goals, motives, content of communication, personal or professional position of the future educator.

    The specific features of training sessions as a form of education are: the presence of a permanent group of participants (10-12 people); focus on acquiring certain knowledge, practical skills and personal qualities; objectification of feelings and emotions of the participants of the training, reflection; deepening the ability to create an atmosphere of looseness, free and psychologically safe communication of participants.

    When designing training sessions, it is necessary to highlight the key points: determining the goals of the training, designing, creating an atmosphere for classes. The central link is the design of the training, which includes the development of the content of the lesson, the choice of exercises, the selection of methods for implementing exercises, and evaluation of the lesson.

    Choice of exercises for the lesson. The exercises that are part of a particular lesson can be given to the whole group, several subgroups of students, or personally to the training participant.

    Selection of methods for implementing exercises, which should be directed to the acquisition by students professional qualities, skills and abilities through the impact on the personal sphere of the training participants. Preference may be given to group discussion, role playing, elements of projective drawing, music therapy, psycho-gymnastics, solving pedagogical situations.

    Class evaluation. The results of the training session as a whole, the activity of each participant in achieving the objectives of the session and personal goals are evaluated.

    Evaluation criteria The effectiveness of the lesson and its significance for each participant can be:

      success(whether the objectives of the training were achieved and what is its significance for each participant);

      efficiency(what changes have occurred in the development of personal and professional qualities and skills of the training participants);

      performance(achieving the best results)

    An important element of the training sessions are homework assignments, which are presented in two blocks:

      auto-training exercises, the purpose of which is to master the elementary skills of the teacher to influence his physical, mental state with the help of self-hypnosis and complete muscle relaxation;

      assignments to consolidate skills on the topic of the lesson, its reflection, the realization of impressions from it.

    When organizing training sessions, the teacher may encounter difficulties. Often students do not realize the importance of training as a way to deepen their personal and professional qualities; the limited time frame of a training session does not make it possible to fully implement all the principles of training sessions as a form of active social learning. Based on the calendar terms for the passage of a particular topic of the course, each subsequent lesson is delayed in time from the previous one, so there is difficulty in consolidating the information received.

    Training sessions are training sessions, so the teacher should try not to turn the training into some kind of entertainment or, conversely, a protracted discussion.

    At the end of the training sessions, participants are invited to answer questions from an express survey.

      What do you see as the goals of the training sessions?

      How did the single session and the sessions throughout the course contribute to your professionalization?

      Did you manage to master the mechanisms of pedagogical interaction during the trainings?

      What did the training sessions give you in terms of personal and professional development?

    Appendix 1

    Scenario of the training session “Who am I? What am I?

    Target. Mastering the techniques of self-diagnosis, self-disclosure, active communication.

    Course progress.

    Teacher. Dear friends! Our task is to look into our Self, since our Self is one of the biggest mysteries. Sometimes I have great common sense, sometimes it sounds the voice of resentment, and sometimes it is the voice of insight and creative imagination. We will express ourselves by individual means; carry out self-perception of the individual through a look at oneself, but as if from the outside, through the perception of us by other people; through self-assessment of one's activity, one's own internal states (emotions, sensations, thoughts); appraisal of their appearance.

    Greeting "Smile"

    Target. Acceptance of a smile as a method of attracting the attention of a partner and creating a positive emotional mood for a partner and an occupation

    Teacher. Remember the words from V. Shainsky's song "Smile". Greet your communication partner with an open, kind smile. Addressing him with a smile, say a few nice words. And you are already on the way to harmony, determined by the three main forces of life: mind, spirit and love. Did you smile? So you are ready to work.

    Greeting analysis. How did you feel when you smiled at another person? Is it hard to smile at everyone? What do you feel when someone smiles at you?

    Exercise 1. "Autobiography"

    Target. Perception and manifestation of ideas about oneself in social and psychological terms.

    Exercise. Write a story about yourself.

    Instruction. You need to introduce yourself to others. Talk about where you study, where you live, what kind of person you are, what interests you have, how old you are, how tall you are ... keep in mind that this is your application about yourself, make it original, interesting, attractive to others.

    Exercise 2. “My light, mirror, tell me”

    Target. Personal setting for introspection

    Exercise. Answer the question "Who am I?"

    Instruction. Remember the tale of A.S. Pushkin "About the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs". The queen had a mirror, which she asked from time to time:

    My light, mirror, tell me

    Yes, tell the whole truth:

    Am I the sweetest in the world,

    All blush and whiter?

    Imagine that you are holding such a magic mirror in your hands and it gives the answer to your question “Who am I?”. Take a piece of paper and answer the question sincerely, write down your definitions; the more there are, the better.

    Exercise 3 "Accepting yourself"

    Target. Development of readiness to work on oneself, to understand oneself and trust others, to carry out introspection.

    Exercise. Determining your strengths and weaknesses.

    Instruction. Take a sheet of blank paper, divide it into two columns: “My shortcomings” and “My virtues”, write down everything you think is necessary in them as frankly as possible.

    Exercise 4

    Target. Creating your own image with the help of visual means.

    Exercise. Draw your own image in allegorical form.

    Instruction. Take colored felt-tip pens and sheets of A-4 format, try to draw an image of your I. You can draw whatever you want: it can be a landscape, a still life, an imitation of children's drawings, something in the style of a rebus, a fantasy world, abstraction - in general, anything with what you associate, connect, compare yourself, your state of life, your nature. Don't be afraid that you won't succeed or that you can't draw.

    Exercise 5. "Motto"

    Target. Reflection with the help of the motto of life attitudes.

    Exercise. State your motto.

    Instruction. In the old days, medieval knights had a custom - to write a motto on the gates of the castle, the coat of arms, the shield of a warrior, that is, a short saying expressing the idea, the purpose of the owner's activity. Your motto should make you concentrate on the main thing, reflect your credo, attitude towards the world as a whole, towards yourself - answer the questions: what can I do in life, what do I live for, what do I value. You can give explanations for the motto, get ready to announce the motto in front of other members of the group.

    Exercise 6 "My mood today"

    Target. Expression using the color palette of mood from the proposed system of exercises and communication with colleagues.

    Exercise. Express your mood by holding up a color card, explaining why this particular color was chosen.

    Instruction. Express your mood from the session, associate it with the color that most clearly reflects your emotional state of "here" and "now"

    Lesson analysis. Questionnaire "Opinion"

    Name of the training participant ______________________________________

    Class date ________________________________________________

      The degree of your inclusion: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.9, 10 (Circle the appropriate score)

      What's stopping you from being more involved in class?

      Your main mistakes during the lesson: a) in relation to yourself; b) in relation to the group; c) in relation to the leader.

      The most significant episodes for you, exercises during which you managed to make a certain “breakthrough”, understand something better in yourself, understand something.

      What did you not like about the last lesson? Why?

      Your comments and wishes to the facilitator (in content, in the form of classes, etc.)

      What else would you like to write?

    Homework "What am I"

    Write down the following questions on a piece of paper and answer them:

      My life path: my main successes and failures.

      My Friendships: Who am I friends with and why.

      My conflicts: what they are and how I explain them.

      My incentives: what or who controls my life activity.

      Negative impacts: what and how I want to eliminate them.

      Positive influences: which ones I want to use or support.

      My problems: what prevents me from living and what I want to change in this regard.

    Annex 2

    Scenario of the training session "We and our children in communication"

    Target. Acceptance of the subjectivity of the child in the sphere collective relations and the relationship of the teacher as a subject of pedagogical communication. Mastering the skills in communicating with the child. Development of adequate appraisal activities focus on identifying positive means of communication with the child.

    Course progress.

    Teacher. The teacher creates for his pets a unique children's World, in which there is a lot of light, warmth, comfort, so it is no coincidence that our memories of childhood are associated with kindergarten. A unique "house of joy" can only exist due to the positive perception of children by the teacher, but this is not easy to learn. Today's lesson is aimed at developing the skills of a positive, personality-oriented interaction of a teacher with preschool children.

    Exercises 1. “Return to your childhood” (recording of a song about childhood)

    Target. Activation of the level of subconscious memory, the entry of an adult into the "children's world", reflection of the child's perception of an adult (teacher).

    Exercise. Try to see yourself in a situation of communication with a teacher in childhood describe your feelings and moods. Mentally see yourself as if from the outside, with the eyes of an adult (teacher), analyze the sensations that have arisen.

    Instruction. Listen to the performance of the song, tune in to childhood memories, sit comfortably, close your eyes, remember any situation of communication with a teacher in childhood, focus your memory on those feelings or mood at that moment. Try to analyze the child's experiences from the position of the teacher.

    Exercise 2 "Preschooler in epithets"

    Target. Formation of pedagogically oriented thinking, positive attitude towards the child, interest in children.

    Exercise. Describe a preschooler.

    Instruction. Sitting in a circle, each of those present gives a description of the preschooler with one epithet. Repetition is not allowed. Option for completing the task: “draw” the image of a preschooler according to the characteristics presented (drawing, verbal story, fairy tale)

    Exercise 3. "The joy of communicating with a child"

    Target. Creating a positive attitude to communicate with the child, removing psychological stress and barriers.

    Exercise. Complete the phrases “I like to communicate with children because ...”, “Long communication with children annoys me because ...”. Play the tactics of pedagogical communication with children in situations that do not cause positive emotions of the teacher, discuss the results.

    Instruction. Finishing the sentences, highlight for yourself the reasons for the described relationship to children in a communication situation. When acting out the situation, focus on your feelings and ways to neutralize the negative in relation to children.

    Exercise 4 "Living space"

    Target. Establish distance and space of communication with the child.

    Exercise. Carry out the exercise "Living Sculptures", highlight which distances are preferable for the teacher in communicating with the child.

    Instruction. The work is carried out in dyad groups: each of you in turn will imagine yourself as a sculptor who creates a sculptural group out of both of you, expressing your relationship and your behavior.

    Exercise 5 "If I now ..."

    Target. Identification of the position of an adult in communication with a child. Developing the ability to build your own tactics of communication with the child with maximum benefit for him.

    Option 1

    Exercise. Playing situations when it is necessary to take the position of a parent, adult, child.

    Instruction. Remember the pedagogical situations of communication with children (two or three). Describe them and analyze the behavior of the educator (own behavior), draw a conclusion; Give one of the situations in which you would like to change your position.

    Option 2.

    Exercise. Complete the sentences: “If I am now a parent, then ...”, “If I am now a child, then ...”

    Instruction. Complete the sentences. Answer the question, which of the listed ego-states is the most comfortable in communicating with children, why do you rarely go into other states.

    Option 3.

    Exercise. Answer children's questions in the positions of "child - child", "child - adult". Comment on your feelings.

    Instruction. From the books (K.I. Chukovsky "From 2 to 5" or M.M. Koltsov "The child learns to speak"), select a series of children's questions. The following questions can be used as sample questions: 1) Why does the Moon not fall to the Earth? 2) Why do people laugh? 3) Why is the zebra striped?

    Exercise "Active listening to children"

    Target. Formation of the ability to delve into children's problems and "return" to the child in a conversation what he told us, while denoting his feeling.

    Exercise. In the analysis of the proposed situations, practice ways of decentering the teacher's personality in the process of communicating with a preschooler.

    Instruction. Read the mini-situations, describe the feelings of the child.

      The child was given an injection, crying: “The doctor is bad!”

      The eldest son to his mother: “You always protect her (younger sister), you say “little”, but you never feel sorry for me.”

      The child drops the cup, it breaks: “Oh!!! My cup...

      Mom puts her daughter to bed. Little Masha asks her mother to sit with her.

      Mom is sitting on a bench in the park, her baby runs up to her in tears: “He took my typewriter!”

    Before this work, refer to the advice of the author of the book “Communicate with a child. How?" Yu.B. Gippenreiter, which draws attention to the problems that arise when an adult contacts a child.

      Orders, commands: “Now stop it!”, “Take it out!”, “Do it!”, “Put it away!”

      Warnings, warnings, threats: “If you don’t stop doing this, then ...”, “If you don’t come on time, you won’t do it ...” blame yourself, “If it happens again, then ...”

      Moral, moralizing, sermons: “You must…”, “You must…”

      Tips, ready-made solutions: “And you take it and say ...”, “I would be in your place ...”, “In my opinion, we should go and apologize ...”

      Evidence, logical arguments, notations, “lectures”: “It’s time to know what before eating ...”, “How many times have I told you ...”, “If you didn’t listen - blame yourself!”

      Criticism, reprimands, accusations: “What does it look like…”, “I did everything wrong again!”, “Forever you…”, “All because of you…”

      Praise. Do not praise the child too often! (There is always an element of evaluation in praise: “You are our most beautiful ...”) When a child is constantly praised, he gets used to it, may become addicted to praise, may suspect that you are insincere.

      Name calling, ridicule: “Cry-baby wax”, “Don’t be a noodle!”, “What a lazy person you are!”

      Guessing, interpretation: “Again, I suppose ...”, “I still see that you are me ...” (you are lying, you are lying) "

      Questioning, investigation: “What happened anyway?”, “No, you still tell me”, “I will find out anyway”, “Well, why are you silent?”

      Sympathy in words, persuasion, exhortations: "Pay no attention", "It will grind, there will be flour."

      Joking, avoiding the conversation: “Not up to you”, “You are always with your complaints ...”

    Lesson Analysis

      What did you like the most about the lesson?

      Which exercise did you find the most interesting?

      What difficulties did you encounter while working in class?

    Training sessions provide an opportunity to adapt the knowledge of each student to their personal structure, help develop the ability to establish contacts, understand and respect others, help develop future educators creativity to professional activity. All this taken together is a necessary component of the humanization of the educational process of an educational institution.

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