Innovative ideas examples. New generation robots. Methods for developing ideas and forms of implementation


The world of business cannot keep up with the development of technology. Accordingly, in this process, new innovative business ideas, which, in turn, have their own life cycle. The result of all this is the appearance of a new product on the market in the event that the idea was successful. The concept of innovation refers to everything that is improved, transformed into a new one or invented. Moreover, today this can apply to any industry, including business.

Initially, such a term was born in science and industry, but later, due to the modern way of life, in which interaction and interpenetration increasingly covers various areas of human activity, it has also become a business term. The search for new ideas and their implementation in life is called innovation. It would seem that since everything has already been invented, then where do they come from?

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Why innovation is needed

In fact, there is always something in the world that needs to be improved, and the conditions for the birth of innovative ideas are constantly appearing in society. However, they often go unnoticed due to the fact that there is simply no interest in them, because not every entrepreneur has unlimited resources and the desire to spend time waiting. The implementation of an innovative idea or project requires its own time frame, and an early market effect may not occur. Because of this, many are afraid of innovation and prefer ordinary, proven and already working business projects.

In fact, this judgment of entrepreneurs is not always correct. If not for innovative ideas, which, by the way, even influence the course of history, then there would be no socio-economic development of the state as a whole.

Realizing that innovation is closely related to scientific and technological progress, which significantly affects any production, improving both productivity and quality by improving means, most people from the business sector began to relate to this differently and came to the conclusion: in our time, it is not enough for capital to apply mere labor. The more creative thinking a businessman has, the more his innovative ideas can bring more returns, and therefore he should also be engaged in intellectual activity.

Thus, any entrepreneur is faced with the question of how to independently learn to find and implement innovative solutions. Very rarely successful ideas are born as a result of a brilliant insight, and, as a rule, innovations are the result of intellectual work, a conscious and purposeful search for new solutions. There are major sources of ideas that will help every entrepreneur to look at their business in a new way.

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Seven Innovative Steps to Business Success

The first is an unexpected event. This concept includes both success and failure, and what is happening around. That is, thanks to any incident, innovative ideas can spontaneously be born. The main thing at this moment for the management is to see possible prospects and implement them in life. Success will depend on the competence of the leadership, as well as on the lack of a narrow worldview.

Of course, any changes in business are always risky, but after all, the whole business is built on the basis of risk. Experienced entrepreneurs can even see hidden innovation opportunities in unexpected failure, which, for example, will increase profits or push the enterprise to a higher stage of development.

The second is any discrepancy between what is and what should be. This concept includes any dissonance in economic indicators, various discrepancies between the present and concepts about it, as well as inconsistencies between the priorities of the consumer and the entrepreneurs' ideas about them. They, as a rule, do not appear in the reports in the form of numbers that managers receive, that is, they have more qualitative than quantitative moments.

Third, the need production process. In this case, innovative ideas are not born from any events, but the reason for their emergence may be the need to improve an already existing process. For example, replacing even one weak link will rebuild the old for a new one that will meet modern needs. To do this, you need to understand the essence of things, and not change anything intuitively. In this case, the decision should correspond to the values ​​of potential consumers.

Fourth - structural changes in the market or in any industry. For example, if an industry is experiencing rapid growth that outpaces the population, then there is a high probability that its structure will change. The reason may be that in the process of doubling production in the industry, rapid obsolescence will occur, and it will no longer adequately respond to what is happening. All this will be a powerful impetus for finding innovative solutions.

Fifth - demographic factors. They play an equally important role in the birth of new ideas. Although until today it was thought that this is the most predictable segment, in fact, its indicators can change rapidly, and therefore it is impossible not to pay attention to such important aspects. Thus, with a careful systematic analysis of such factors as the population size, its age structure, the level of education and income of people, an entrepreneur will have a highly productive and highly reliable source of innovation.

Sixth - various changes in value attitudes and perceptions. These phenomena cannot be explained from an economic point of view, since any such changes are a consequence of the passage of time. They can be used as a source, but it will be necessary to implement on the basis of this innovation consistently and narrowly, given that in this case an accurate timing will also be needed.

Do we think that everything will be better and much cheaper in the future? This question is painted in very subjective colors of situational perception. However, this is exactly what the market is looking forward to. And the next question concerns how to generate and implement innovative business ideas so that it is our company that enters the proposed future? To do this, you need to understand what these ideas are, where and how to find their sources, how to organize a flow of events that would allow a business to enter the commercialization stage and achieve market success?

The concept of innovative ideas

Let's try to figure out what's different common idea from business ideas focused on innovation. To do this, let's go in the order of narrowing the scope of application of the conceptual field. On the one hand, the very word "idea", which has an ancient Greek origin (idea), is very close to the concept of thought. It implies a certain idea, a conclusion, a form of comprehension of a perceived phenomenon, a favorable image of the future, present and even past. On the other hand, under the idea is perceived a certain plan, the intention to carry out the action in a special new way. Therefore, an idea is often associated with an invention, a creative process of finding a new solution or device for something.

In the context of our topic, we consider not just an abstract idea, but the image of a new product, service or process (hereinafter referred to as the “product”). This product should be the result of the introduction of innovation in the process of its commercialization, that is, in the course of innovation. At the same time, we must understand that in addition to business innovations, there may be a large number of innovations that do not concern the commercial sector of the economy. Examples are innovations in the educational sphere, in the field of state building, in the field of social and humanitarian relations, in defense systems, the armed forces, etc. But we focus on the ideas of creating an innovative business - the kind of activity that aims to make a profit on the commercial use and sale of innovative products.

We agree that for the purposes of this article, we consider innovative ideas as systemic conclusions that relate not only to the images of certain objects or technologies, but are also perceived in relation to the corresponding market relations. Since the entrepreneurial meaning for such ideas is dominant, the question of the market's reaction to innovations becomes a priority in a number of evaluation parameters. However, an idea can be taken up by a business for implementation at any stage of the innovation process and at any level, regardless of authorship.

  1. At the level of strategic marketing.
  2. At the level of exploratory research works.
  3. At the level of applied research and development work.
  4. At the stage of direct commercialization.

In Russia, entrepreneurship has a great potential for resourcefulness and is able not only to generate, but also to embody progressive ideas and all kinds of activities that allow it to simply survive. Take, for example, tax planning and the shadow economy: activity is very high there, and a great many ideas are spinning. This indicates that there is a craving for innovation in Russian reality. Another question is whether the business has the appropriate motives and incentives to innovate? New business ideas can generally be directed to:

  • for research and development work;
  • to search for a product (goods, services) for an invention being created or acquired;
  • to improve or reengineer business processes;
  • to search for the promotion concept and implementation model;
  • to find a way to mobilize the market instruments needed for innovation to succeed.

Sources of business ideas

The process of commercialization of innovation goes through several cyclic stages, among which the birth of ideas takes the first place. Suppose we are talking about the creation of a fundamentally new, innovative product that goes through the entire chain from the primary author's idea to mass production and marketing. The role of the author in this case is dominant. He acts both as an inspiring leader and initiator of scientific, design and all other research and implementation, including the laboratory, pilot operation and production stages.

However, one author's activity is obviously not enough. An entrepreneur should be nearby. Ideally, if he also has production facilities, has developed resources in the direction of marketing, promotion and sales, becomes an investor and provides sufficient financial flow. In practice, the innovation process develops in stages. Below is a model of cyclic stages of commercialization, in which several stakeholders can participate, which is most often more justified.

Cyclic model of innovation commercialization

  1. An idea acquires value only as it is commercialized. The further it has advanced to full-fledged market realization, the higher its value.
  2. Essentially, the cost of an embodied idea is determined by the amount of risk that an entrepreneur takes on when entering the innovation process with respect to the proposed idea.
  3. The level of participation of the author in future profits depends on the form and scale of the business in which the innovative idea will be embodied.

How does an innovative business idea come about? What is its formation: art, a random act of brilliant creation or technology? Until recently, it was believed that authorship, including in the technical field, is a unique phenomenon arising from the combination of multiple, including random, circumstances. but modern technologies management, which have already taken root in Russia, allow an innovative idea in a business context to put, as they say, on stream.

Of course, the quality, uniqueness, breakthrough meaning of the idea is lost in this case. But in most cases, a perfect blue ocean strategy is not required for a business. Pioneer developments and implementations are often too risky and prohibitively expensive, so a defensive strategy can also be beneficial. In this regard, among the personalized sources of the formation of an innovative idea, the following stand out.

  1. Scientists who are passionate about fundamental theory or applied development in a narrow research area or at the junction of scientific areas.
  2. Businessmen for whom the word "impossible" does not exist.
  3. Industry leading competitors.
  4. Sales staff, dealers, sales representatives, etc.
  5. Active employees, sometimes young professionals, motivated for career growth.
  6. Loyal or, conversely, infinitely demanding customers.

According to the method of formation and implementation, the sources of business ideas differ as follows:

  • own breakthrough ideas-finds;
  • unique technical solutions protected by patents subject to re-development with registration of a parallel patent;
  • cloning an idea using elements of industrial espionage or attracting know-how carriers;
  • transformational addition to an already implemented idea;
  • compilation of several ideas without deep processing of their sources;
  • formation of a hybrid idea at the intersection of the latest knowledge, scientific and practical solutions.

Methods for developing ideas and forms of implementation

Suppose an innovative business idea is close to maturity, and it must be comprehended in a creative group. Perhaps the idea needs further development, interpretation. It is probable that the idea has only just been outlined, or there are several fairly extensive hypotheses that require development and selection. Management science for these purposes suggests the use of many universal methods. We will pay special attention to almost each of them, but in this article we will limit ourselves to a simple enumeration.

  1. brainstorming method. Authorship belongs to Alex Osborne.
  2. William Gordon's synectics method.
  3. Tony Buzan's Mind Mapping Technology.
  4. MFO (focal object method) by Charles Whiting.
  5. The Six Hats Method by Edward de Bono.
  6. Method of morphological analysis by Fritz Zwicky.
  7. Method of "indirect strategies" by Peter Schmidt and Brian Eno.
  8. Delphi method.
  9. Bob Eberle's SCAMPER Creativity Method.
  10. TRIZ by Heinrich Altshuller.

Among the local techniques that help develop a solution for formulating ideas, I propose to highlight:

  • the trap technique for ideas, when almost all incoming thoughts are recorded on a voice recorder or in a notebook for a certain time;
  • the technique of using the principle of incubation, when a given mental program gives out a solution from the subconscious at the most unexpected moment: in the shower, in the subway, in a dream, etc.;
  • a technique for systematizing ideas based on the construction of matrix structures.

The implementation of innovative ideas is realized through certain organizational forms, which should be classified according to the characteristics of the scale of the business, the stage of the life cycle. So, a business idea can be embodied:

  • in the shape of innovative project in a large company;
  • through a specialized small innovative business that has reached the stage of late "childhood" or even "youth" according to I. Adizes;
  • through innovation in small business, implemented in the form of an innovative start-up.

In Russia, startups began to actively develop in the early 2000s under the patronage of the state. They have features that distinguish them among small innovative businesses. First of all, this is the potential for rapid growth, the speed of which is much higher than that of a typical innovation in a small business. As a rule, startups use an offensive rather than a defensive strategy, so the risks for this form are much higher. The issue of providing financing is very complicated; a special financial infrastructure is being created to solve it.

We conclude a review article on idea generation in innovative entrepreneurship. All ideas, being accepted for implementation, ultimately have a design implementation. I emphasize once again: despite the fact that the “cartridge in the barrel” (idea) is driven by the author, only the entrepreneur can pull the “trigger”, because it is he who is responsible for the commercialization of the main idea of ​​​​innovation.

The concept of "small business" can apply not only to kiosks and small service establishments. Despite the fact that businessmen are not used to investing in scientific development, innovations can be a great way to increase their own capital. In this article we will talk about innovative small business ideas that can be implemented in Russia.

Innovative small business in different countries

In order to understand how developed innovations are in a particular state, we propose to consider several major powers from this point of view. How small businesses are organized in different parts of the world:

1. In Germany and other European countries, there are many small companies that innovate together with large corporations. They produce individual parts or bring their own designs to market. Small firms take the lead and create new products. After the products go on sale, small businesses can count on the support of the "parent" corporation. The reason for this success is simple: states actively support start-up entrepreneurs and create the most favorable conditions for their development.

2. In China, small organizations are considered the main source of innovation. A special entrepreneurial culture allows you to improve productivity, reduce the amount of defective goods and create new products. Since 2003, the Chinese government has established two long-term programs to help start-up entrepreneurs. Due to this, the share of small business in the state economy has exceeded 60%.

3. Small business sectors in Russia are not developing so rapidly. Most of the firms are engaged in trade, or rather, the resale of imported goods. Innovative technologies within small enterprises are used extremely rarely. There is not enough investment and professional staff to create a new product. A narrow sales market for products and low demand for high-tech goods also play a role. Entrepreneurs are afraid to invest their savings in innovations, because it is not known how the population will react to the appearance of this product.

Is innovation necessary for highly profitable small businesses in Russia?

Surveys among managers of enterprises of various sizes have confirmed that work optimization reduces the cost of production and allows significant savings in its production. Innovations not only improve the work of the company, but also lay a good foundation for the development of the country. The creation of innovations improves the life of the population and raises the general standard of living.

At the same time, experts argue that innovations should be directed to solving specific problems. A product that satisfies the needs of the population or makes life easier will always be in demand.

Small businesses are most interested in introducing new products to the market. Through innovation, even a small firm can quickly gain popularity and earn a decent income.

Ideas for organizing a profitable small business in Russia

It must be understood that not every innovation will be in demand among the population and will bring income. To really organize profitable business, it is necessary to study consumer demand and sensibly assess their capabilities to meet it. Below are real business projects that a small business entrepreneur can successfully bring to life:

1. Robot gardener. The unique device allows you to forget about weeds and small pests. A smart machine independently destroys everything that interferes with the proper growth and development of crops. Human intervention is not required, the robot itself performs its task throughout the day. The car is charged by solar panels, additional service not required in most cases.

2. Service for space planning. Free online resources for renovation planning are far from ideal. They poorly reflect the design idea and give only a rough idea of ​​what awaits a person in the future. Creating a full-fledged website where people can realize their ideas will certainly attract customers. A huge selection of furniture and decoration for rooms will delight visitors, and a professional consultant will tell you how best to equip your home.

3. Rain rooms as a business originated in China. Numerous attractions have already opened on the territory of the country, due to which people can enter a room with an impromptu downpour and not even get wet. This service helps to relieve stress and relax, it is in great demand among both children and adults.

4. An unmanned mobile store can become a simple and profitable source of income. Mobile retail outlets are already in demand in China. Sooner or later, the trend will reach Russia. The mobile store is a mobile kiosk on automatic control. It can grow food around the city or serve as a mini-supermarket. Payment is made by bank cards, buyers can purchase the necessary products or place an order.

5. The smart dressing room mirror was invented by Labs. The gadget is installed in booths of branded clothing stores. It allows you to see yourself under different types of lighting, complete the outfit with accessories and instantly pay for the purchase. This eliminates the need to hire a large staff of service personnel and makes life much easier for both the buyer and the owner of the chain of stores.

When choosing an idea for your business, pay attention to the demand in the region. The best option would be to conduct a social survey about the desire to use a particular product. After a competent analysis of the market, the entrepreneur will be able to engage in the most promising activities.

In this video you will see some ideas for starting a business.

Often, for a novice businessman, too much competition becomes an insurmountable barrier to creating a successful enterprise. What if you want to organize your own business, but all the most attractive niches in the business environment of your region have long been firmly occupied? In this case, you can enter the market with something fundamentally new - something that has not yet been offered to you. We recommend to your attention interesting new business ideas, from which you can easily choose something suitable for yourself.

Budget startups

All new types of business can be conditionally divided into projects that require large investments and a serious material and technical base, as well as those that do not involve large financial costs. The latter include activities related to information services, mediation, small-scale production and retail. Consider budget startups among the novelties in the business world.

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Sale of gadgets from China

The life of a modern person is filled with all sorts of devices and devices that facilitate and improve the solution of certain tasks. So, today's smartphones allow us not only to communicate at a distance, but also to take ultra-clear pictures, make contactless payments in stores, track the level of our own physical activity, and much more.

Most of the new small businesses in this area today come to us from China. Entrepreneurial Chinese manufacturers annually release dozens of new gadgets to the market, applicable in a wide variety of human activities. Here are just a few examples:

  • battery-powered personal air purifier (looks like headphones);
  • "smart" shower heads that reduce water consumption;
  • "smart" glasses without lenses, equipped with a camera and a microphone;
  • game consoles on Android for lovers of retro games;
  • a mini computer in the form of a USB flash drive;
  • phone battery case;
  • remote control for a computer or laptop.

To start trading, it is not necessary to purchase a large number of goods at once, you can start with a minimum wholesale lot (50-100 items). You can purchase goods both directly from Chinese manufacturers and from intermediaries in Russia. Goods can be delivered to the final consumer by mail or with the help of forwarding companies.

Production of bean bags

If we consider new ideas for small businesses in the field of small production, then you should pay attention to the manufacture of upholstered frameless furniture. The production of beanbags (bean bags, pouffes) does not require special equipment, it can be organized even at home. At the start, you do not need a large amount of money. All costs will be reduced to the acquisition of source materials and advertising.

Beanbag is a fabric bag, inside of which there is a filler. As the latter, expanded polystyrene granules with a diameter of 1 to 5 mm are most often used. Such a bag is placed in a case made of artificial leather, velor, cotton, suede or other material. The most common armchair sizes: 100*60 cm, 120*85 cm, 135*95 cm.

Such interior items are now only gaining popularity. They are purchased by the owners of anti-cafes, training centers, children's rooms. Chairs are made of environmentally friendly materials, and the filler does not absorb moisture and smell. In addition, they are very soft and comfortable, so many buyers are not averse to purchasing a bean bag for their own apartment or house.

The cost of the chair for the manufacturer will not exceed 600 rubles. For example, the price of 1 cu. m of expanded polystyrene is about 1,000 rubles, and this volume is enough to fill 3 bean bags. Price finished product varies from 2,500 to 5,000 rubles. depending on the material of the cover and the author's performance.

"Dry Fog"

Many modern start-ups widespread in our country have Western roots. Among the new business ideas from America, the provision of services to remove odors from car interiors using “dry fog” deserves attention.

Fog, more like thick smoke, is generated from liquid using special equipment - a fogger. Equipping this device with a steam jet nozzle allows you to heat the liquid up to 500 degrees Celsius, as a result of which microparticles are formed, which then penetrate into all pores, crevices and cavities of the workpiece, eliminating unpleasant odors. "Dry Mist" leaves no residue and can deal with the smell of tobacco, animals, spoiled food, etc. in just 40 minutes. After the procedure, a light, unobtrusive aroma of citrus, cherry, field grass remains in the car interior, depending on which liquid was used in the process.

To make money on this service, you need to purchase American-made equipment, for example, the Electro-Gen dry fog generator and the ODORx special liquids set. The cost of the unit may vary depending on the power, the principle of spraying, the number of settings. The average price for such a device is about 20,000 rubles. The cost of a liquid is an average of 5,500 rubles. for a canister with a volume of 3.8 liters.

Liquid consumption is about 30 ml per 1 car, in terms of value it is about 44 rubles. The cost of the service is an average of 500 rubles. The benefit is obvious. And the service is gaining popularity - the problem of unpleasant odors worries many car owners, and the "dry fog" technology allows you to solve this problem most effectively.

New business ideas requiring medium investments

If you are planning to start an entrepreneurial activity, are looking for new business ideas for a small business, and you have an amount of 150,000 to 300,000 rubles to start, then the following projects will suit you.

Commercial use of drones

Unmanned aerial vehicles, which were previously used only for military purposes, today are an indispensable tool for solving many tasks in the civilian sphere. With their help, you can get excellent pictures and videos from a height, and conduct meteorological observations.

Drones are used by farmers to assess the condition of the crop and track the need for fertilizer, journalists and photographers to get interesting shots and videos. Abroad, with the help of quadrocopters, small-sized goods and medicines are delivered.

The use of civilian drones is a new line of business with great potential. There are several ways to make money on unmanned aerial vehicles: the production and sale of drones, the sale of accessories for these devices, their repair and adjustment, the sale of videos and photos obtained with their help. One of the most simple options making a profit - the purchase of a drone and the provision of photo and video shooting services from the air. To organize such a business, you will need:

  • unmanned aircraft;
  • mapping software;
  • license "external pilot";
  • permission for the commercial use of the drone.

A good drone that allows you to shoot from a height with little or no camera vibration will cost you between 60,000 and 100,000 rubles. The action camera itself will be released for about another 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.

When the battery is fully charged, the drone can shoot from 20 to 30 minutes. For 1 hour of work, 2 lifts can be carried out. The cost of 1 hour of aerial photography is on average 8,000 rubles, while a whole shooting day is usually estimated at 25,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Read more about how to make money on a quadrocopter in the following video:

Vending machines

Innovative ideas for small businesses can be found in the field of vending - trade carried out through special self-service machines. This direction is actively developing all over the world. Vending machines sell every fifth retail goods. Every year in our country are held international exhibitions self-service systems, during which the latest developments in the field of vending are presented.

List of the most interesting novelties presented at the last of these exhibitions, held in Moscow in 2016:

  • vending machine for the sale of vaping devices (electronic cigarettes);
  • apparatus for selling souvenirs (toys, flowers, etc.);
  • vending machine for selling sushi and rolls;
  • device for making and selling pancakes - pancake;
  • an automated aquarium that feeds fish for money;
  • apparatus for the sale of melt water;
  • automated storage room.

The cost of such machines varies from 130,000 to 1,200,000 rubles. The advantages of vending over traditional trade are that it is not required to rent a large room to carry out activities (several square meters) and hire workers. The main thing in this type of business is to choose the most appropriate place with good cross-country ability.

Ideas in the field of production

New technologies for business in the manufacturing sector are now being used for recycling. The most promising areas in this area are:

  • plastic waste recycling;
  • in crumbs;
  • production of fuel briquettes (euro firewood) from wood waste.

Requires the purchase of special equipment. Today on the market you can find offers of both imported and domestic manufacturers, different in price. To organize your own business, it is not necessary to purchase a production line. You can start by buying a separate machine and recycling a small amount of recyclables.

For example, to organize a mini-plant for the processing of household plastic waste, you will need the following set of equipment:

  • conveyor belt for sorting raw materials;
  • vibrating sieve;
  • crushing unit;
  • centrifuge;
  • washing capacity;
  • drying.

The cost of the finished production line will be at least 2,000,000 rubles. Budget option - the purchase of a press and a crusher of low productivity for grinding plastic bottles. The cost of such a kit is about 200,000 rubles. One worker can handle its maintenance, 2-3 more people will be needed to prepare raw materials and further process the final product.

Small business as the most important participant in the innovation process

Currently, developments in the field of innovation are widely carried out in all highly developed countries. As a rule, this most important function is assigned to small business.

Small innovative enterprises take part in the process aimed at applying the results of scientific research or other scientific and technological achievements in practice when creating a new or improved product, technological process. They bring research and development to finished product, produced at the same time on the market in small batches. Thus, small innovative enterprises play a connecting role between science, production and the market, promote innovative developments on the market.

Remark 1

IN Lately small innovative enterprises created on the basis of higher educational institutions (business incubators, educational, scientific and innovative complexes, etc.) are widespread. In fact, such enterprises are the link between science and the real sector of the country's economy. Small innovative enterprises created by higher educational institutions in order to commercialize the results of research and development, they are often called "spin-off enterprises" (translated from English, spin-off means "unwind").

The significant role of small enterprises in the innovation process is due to their greater competitiveness and dynamism. They develop the most modern means of production and technologies, acting as a strategic tool for modernization and a catalyst for economic development.

Innovative small business products

Thanks to the activities of small businesses, potential scientific and technological progress is embodied in new products and technologies. In other words, the end result innovation activities small businesses are innovation.

Definition 1

Innovation is an innovation in the field of engineering, technology, labor organization or management, which is based on the use of science and best practices. Innovation is realized in the form of a new or significantly improved product.

Technical innovations include various product and technological innovations (the emergence personal computers, mobile phones, various household appliances, various software, energy-saving technologies, etc.).

An example of economic innovation is the emergence of microfinance as an alternative to bank lending.

Organizational innovations include the introduction of new management methods in the economic activity of an enterprise, or in intra-corporate relations or relations of an enterprise with contractors. Such innovations include various activities aimed at improving the efficiency economic activity enterprises by reducing administrative costs, supply costs, improving the psychological climate in the team or training it. For example, the emergence of outsourcing, recruitment agencies, various training centers, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of creating small innovative enterprises

The following advantages of creating small innovative enterprises can be distinguished:

  • flexibility and speed of making managerial decisions;
  • fast adaptation to changing market requirements;
  • possibility of direct contact with consumers of innovative products;
  • the possibility of realizing the creative potential of employees;
  • increase in employment of the population and increase in tax collection, etc.

The disadvantages of creating small innovative enterprises are:

  • high level of risk;
  • competition from large firms;
  • difficulties in obtaining financing and lending;
  • focus on small groups of consumers, etc.

Thus, there are certain barriers in the innovation activity of small enterprises. It is obvious that in order to stimulate active innovation entrepreneurial activity and the successful functioning of small innovative enterprises, state support is needed.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation