Negative characteristic from the place of work sample. Negative characteristic for an employee sample. Characteristic during certification


As a rule, a negative characteristic of an employee from the place of work is required for imposing disciplinary action or for submission to law enforcement agencies. When writing, do not exaggerate. The author of the document must be extremely objective.

The characteristic is compiled according to the standard scheme. At the same time, the text of the paper lists the negative qualities of the employee, as well as his shortcomings in the course of work. It is imperative to indicate whether the penalties were previously made (even if they are considered canceled after the expiration of time).

How to write a negative characterization of an employee - sample wording

The compiled negative production characteristic for an employee may contain the following wording:

  • participation of an employee in projects does not give the expected results;
  • inability to prioritize;
  • poor quality of current tasks;
  • inability to multitask;
  • the employee does not know how to constructively solve problematic issues;
  • creates a negative atmosphere in the team, etc.

It is important to describe in the characteristic both professional and personal qualities of the employee.

An example of a negative characteristic for an employee

For example, a negative characteristic of an employee can be written like this:

Pavlov Anatoly Valerievich, born in 1985 was hired by LLC "Fine cloth factory named after. Peter Alekseev" as a merchandiser.

From the first days of his work, Pavlov A.V. showed himself to be a conflict person. He regularly expressed disagreement with the established methods of work at the factory. As a result, this caused a conflict with colleagues, which was prevented by the warehouse manager.

In the future, Pavlov A.V. repeatedly appeared at the workplace in a state of intoxication. As a result, he was given a severe reprimand, a final warning and a fine. However, this did not stop Pavlov, and in the end he was fired.

The characteristic is issued for provision at the place of demand.

A characteristic may be required by a citizen in several cases: upon promotion, transition to new organization or at the request of the court and the police. In most cases, the document contains a neutral or positive coloration. But sometimes the employer is not ready to praise the employee and considers it his duty to warn the reader (another employer or government agency) about the shortcomings of the subordinate. In this case, write a negative or negative characteristic. Consider how a negative characteristic is compiled for an employee: rules, recommendations and samples.

In most cases, the personal characteristic has a neutral or positive color. It describes professional skills and achievements, special skills, valuable personal qualities. However, in some cases, the employer decides to give the employee a negative description: instead of professional achievements describe his failures, and instead of skills - shortcomings.

There can be quite a few reasons why a bad characterization is written for an employee:

  • the employee's actions resulted in loss or destruction of valuable business relationships (especially if the actions were intentional);
  • the employee's actions damaged the company's reputation;
  • prolonged inefficient work, disruption of production and trade plans;
  • violation of trade secrets;
  • neglect of duties;
  • conflict, poor relations with colleagues.

Usually, employers take such a step only if the employee’s actions have greatly harmed him: he lost money, a promising project, or damage to his image. Unfortunately, often personal hostility comes into play. Then even a good specialist with an impeccable reputation can get a negative job description, although this is extremely unethical on the part of the organization's management.

In some cases, it makes no sense to write a bad testimonial. For example, if former employee is not required to present it at a new place of work. However, if the recipient of the document is a bank or government agency, document preparation makes sense. At the same time, it should be remembered that a negative letter of recommendation can hurt a person a lot: he will not be given a loan or will not be accepted for a position that he really deserves. Therefore, objectively evaluate whether the employee deserves bad reviews.

The reason for the negative characteristic may be problems with discipline or lack of professionalism.

Rules for compiling a document

A negative characteristic from the place of work is written according to the same structure as the positive one:

  1. The data of the compiler - the name of the organization, address, other details.
  2. The name and basic data of the employee (age, passport number, marital status).
  3. Purpose, place of provision (it is allowed not to specify).
  4. Position, main responsibilities.
  5. Professional quality.
  6. Personal qualities.
  7. Other important information about the employee that the employer wants to reflect.
  8. Date of compilation, signature of the head.

When preparing a negative characteristic objectivity is of fundamental importance. Any negative thesis should be supported by facts. For example, not "careless", but "undisciplined - regularly late for 10-15 minutes." An indication of the facts will explain to the addressee that personal relationships have nothing to do with it, the employee really has problems with discipline. At the same time, you do not need to go into details, indicate dates, names of other employees and other unnecessary (in this context) information.

Harsh insulting expressions are unacceptable: you can’t call a subordinate “fool”, “lazy”, “drunkard” or “tyrant”. Such assessments characterize the leader himself as not a very smart person. The presentation style should be business-like, without humor and irony. It is recommended to refrain from personal assessments, even if you do not like the nature of the object.

If during the time of work the employee was brought to disciplinary responsibility, it is worth noting this in the description (the essence of violations and the type of penalty).

The characteristic will be more objective if the compiler is able to combine in it both the positive and negative qualities of the subordinate. Sometimes managers say in their hearts that an employee has no merit. Obviously, this is impossible - how did he end up on the staff of the organization?

A negative characteristic is not a set of insults, but a point indication of the shortcomings and failures of an employee.

Negative statements must be supported by facts.

Characteristic sample

In such a sensitive issue as a negative characteristic, it is not recommended to use ready-made templates. We recommend that you study the samples below and write your own version based on them. a document where to disclose why the employee deserves negative feedback.

Below are some examples of negative characteristics for various reasons: discipline, competence, communication skills.

Example 1: discipline problems

“Kuznetsov Petr Ivanovich, born in 1986, passport 0000 000000, worked in the organization LLC “Tsvety” from 2012 to May 2019 as a sales manager.

From a professional point of view, Petr Ivanovich has proven himself well: as a competent specialist, focused on success and the achievement of planned targets. He has career ambitions, regularly attends advanced training courses and master classes. In personal communication, he is friendly, calm, avoids conflicts, strives for compromise.

However, Petr Ivanovich has problems with discipline: daily delays of 20-30 minutes, unauthorized excommunications, idle pastime at the workplace (spends time in social networks and online games). The management held several educational conversations, and also announced a reprimand three times and demanded an explanatory note. It had no decisive effect.

Petr Ivanovich is an excellent specialist, but he needs constant control from management and colleagues.”

Example 2: incompetence

“Kulebina Irina Pavlovna has been working at the Education Development Center LLC as a methodologist since 2016. Her responsibilities include the development of curricula, the formation of a list of educational literature, the organization and conduct of seminars and advanced training courses.

For 3 academic years, Irina Pavlovna has shown herself to be a disciplined employee, responsibly approaching official duties. She diligently fulfills the instructions of the management and interacts effectively with colleagues, as well as with partners of the organization.

The position of a methodologist involves creative thinking and knowledge current trends in the field of education, including IT-technologies. This side of the profession is Irina Pavlovna's weak point: the programs she developed are too typical, simple and often based on outdated teaching methods. All programs of Irina Pavlovna underwent a large-scale processing before they were put into operation.

For this reason, we do not recommend promoting Kulebina Irina Pavlovna to the position of head of the department methodological developments next academic year. We recommend sending her to advanced training courses (educational or information technology), and also take the time to develop creativity.”

Personal dislike should not be the cause of a bad performance.

Example 3: Conflict

“Petrov Arkady Stepanovich worked at Sprinter LLC as an assistant to the head from 2017 to June 2019. His responsibilities included organizing the schedule of the director of the LLC, scheduling meetings with counterparties, preparing documentation and business correspondence on behalf of the company.

For 2 years of work, Arkady Stepanovich proved himself to be an active, success-oriented specialist. Excellent time management and business correspondence in 2 foreign languages, multitasking. Calmly relates to overtime and irregular working hours.

A serious minus of Arkady Stepanovich is irascibility and aggressiveness. In controversial situations, he can be rude to colleagues, subordinates and even clients. Twice he was reprimanded for insults.

Who prepares the document

The preparation of the document must be carried out employee's immediate supervisor: he knows the employee best of all, therefore he is able to objectively describe his pros and cons. The task can also be assigned to the personnel department. If the characteristic is required by the director of the company, it is worth contacting the founders of the legal entity.


We reviewed a sample of a negative reference from the workplace. The personal characteristic of an employee does not necessarily describe his merits and achievements - it may reveal his shortcomings and failures. When preparing such a document, one should adhere to objectivity, and each negative thesis should be confirmed by facts. Offensive tone, mockery and baseless accusations are unacceptable.

Characteristics from the place of work is a very popular document. Although many consider this document irrelevant today, but this opinion is erroneous.

A positive characteristic can correct the situation in the event of a case being considered in court, the prosecutor's office and other instances. Negative, on the contrary, is able to turn everything in a negative direction (to a greater extent this applies to the criminal process).

The characteristic includes information about a particular person, characterizing him, first of all, as an employee, details the features of his character, business and professional quality, allowing you to make a general portrait.

General information about this document and its necessity can be found in the following video:

Main types

In my own way content feature can be:

  • positive;
  • Negative.

In practice, it is much less common to encounter negative views. As a rule, if the employee does not deserve flattering reviews, then they provide brief description, which contains a minimum of information. But if the document says that a person has proven himself from a not very good side, then most likely it is.

By goals this document can be used:

  • External - provided to a person at his request (to the police, prosecutor's office, court, new place of work);
  • Internal - used within the enterprise where the person for whom it is compiled works.

General requirements for correct design

Before writing, there are a few things to keep in mind. requirements that apply to this document:

  1. The document is drawn up on letterhead - this is very convenient, since there is no need to additionally indicate the details of the company that issued it.
  2. Information about where the characteristic is sent is indicated if it was required to be provided. If the document is issued to the employee, then the addressee is not indicated.
  3. The characteristic is signed either by the head of the enterprise or by an authorized person (most often this is an employee of the personnel department).
  4. Mandatory requisite is also the date of its compilation.
  5. Information characterizing a person as an employee is presented in an arbitrary form, but there must be a logical sequence.

The main features of compilation

From work

The form of the characteristic is not established by the norms of the current legislation, but, based on the purpose of this document, it should include the following information:

  1. Personal data employee (last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth), information about marital status and education.
  2. Job details- include information about the existing work experience, about its beginning, about the main personnel movements at the enterprise that issues the characteristic. This section takes into account labor achievements, as well as the existing professional skills of the employee. It reflects various honors and merit that took place during the employment of this employer. If the employee no longer works at the enterprise that issues the characteristic, then indicate the date of his dismissal. In cases where an employee has penalties (especially if there are several), they should also be noted.
  3. Personal characteristics employee - here they describe objective data about the employee, which reflect his relationship with the team and the administration of the employer, fully characterize him as a person. Both positive (sociability, initiative, diligence) and negative (arrogance, isolation, frequent manifestations of aggression) qualities are included in the characteristic.

For internal affairs bodies

The characteristic provided at the request of the police is compiled according to general rules and includes all the same information that is contained in the characteristics from the place of work. The essential difference is that such a document, sent to the internal affairs bodies, should contain as much as possible personal data.

The characterization provided to the police must be objective. An employee of the personnel department, or another person who composes it, must remember that this document may adversely affect the fate of a person. As a rule, such a characteristic includes a maximum of positive character traits of the employee, emphasizing this. But the negative qualities (unless, of course, they prevail) are missed.

For court

During the consideration of a case in court (as a rule, this applies to criminal, less often administrative cases), it often becomes necessary to provide a characterization of the defendant. In most cases, it is the court that asks for this document, but the defense often takes the initiative.

This feature should include the following information:

  1. Name (full) and company details.
  2. Place and date of drawing up the characteristics.
  3. Name (in full) of the employee, the position in which he works, as well as the availability of education and where it was received.
  4. If a person served in the armed forces, then indicate where exactly and in what period of time.
  5. Information about marital status and presence of children.
  6. Personal qualities of an employee - this includes character traits, professional skills, moral and ethical characteristics, the presence of bad habits.
  7. It is mandatory to make a note that the document is drawn up for presentation to the court.
  8. The signature of the manager and the seal of the enterprise are integral components of this type of characteristic.

It must be remembered that the reference to the court and law enforcement agencies should not contain sharply negative information. Ideally, the employer should make Objective assessment behavior and personal qualities of the employee without distorting the data.

For awarding

This variety does not differ from the standard one in its content. At the same time, it should include the main positive qualities of the employee, his merits and achievements. The characteristic for awarding is submitted only if it is required in the list of documents. Sometimes a characteristic is replaced by a petition or a representation.

Features of writing negative and positive characteristics

An example of writing a negative characteristic from the place of work

Positive feedback on an employee is not uncommon. In most situations, employers characterize their employees on the positive side, without paying due attention to assessing their personal qualities. The characteristic includes general phrases, which, in turn, makes it difficult to individualize a person. As a rule, this characteristic turns out to be neutral.

To avoid this, it is necessary to approach the preparation of this document responsibly. Only those qualities of the employee that correspond to reality should be indicated. Of course, the justification of personal qualities is not required, but, in fact, the person who makes up the characteristic should be able to explain why a particular employee was characterized in this way.

Special attention should be paid to negative characteristics. Such a document should include only those information that are confirmed. Simply writing that an employee is bad is unacceptable, such information must be supported by facts, the presence of a penalty that has not been canceled.

Every person strives to find high paying job where he will have career prospects and a full social package. But today, employers no longer pay much attention to the documents provided by applicants on the presence of higher or special education.

Owners commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs want to know how a person has proven himself in his previous workplace and what claims his former management has against him.

That is why in mandatory list of documentation, which is necessary for employment, many employers include a reference from the previous place of work. Also, people may need this certificate to provide it to various authorities.

What it is

Job description is document, which does not have a uniform form. It is drawn up on a regular piece of paper, but at the same time all the details provided for by law are indicated.

Also in the characteristic there should be information about the staff member:

  • personal data;
  • professional skills;
  • human qualities;
  • the ability to get along with the team;
  • established relationships with management, etc.

The characteristic is document intended for internal use. After official employment, it is attached to the personal file of a new employee and will be stored there until it is archived. This document may also be used for external use. For example, the state body makes a request to the employer, and he must issue the appropriate certificate.

As for a positive characteristic, an employee of an organization can receive it only if he is a highly qualified specialist, has shown himself well in the team and has excellent relations with management.

It is worth noting that the last point in this question plays decisive role, since if an employee conflicts with his superiors, then, if the opportunity arises, he will be reminded of all his actions.

How and by whom is it compiled

Characteristics from the place of work is compiled authorized person. In large organizations, this function is performed by HR officer. In small firms, all personnel work, as a rule, falls on the shoulders of accountants, so they will draw up this document.

The document is created in the following way:

  1. The organization may use its letterhead. A regular sheet of A4 paper can also be used, on which the details of the company are written in the upper part.
  2. In the event that a characteristic is requested by any department, then executive must indicate that the characteristic is issued upon request No. ... from .... number and sent to a specific body.
  3. If the characteristic is issued at the request of the employee, then it indicates that it will be valid at the place of presentation.
  4. The document contains all the available information about the employee. His professional abilities and personal qualities are also described.
  5. The leader signs the characteristic.

Which authorities and institutions may need

Characteristics from the place of work can be provided in next instances:

  1. In the organization where you plan to find a job individual.
  2. To law enforcement agencies if the employee has committed an offense that falls under the Criminal Code.
  3. To the court, when the representatives of the court need to prove that the participant in the process has positive qualities and he can be given a chance for correction.
  4. To the consulate when an individual needs to open a visa.
  5. To the military office.
  6. To a financial institution if an individual plans to get a large loan.
  7. In the narcological dispensary.

What needs to be specified

In the description, the official responsible for the preparation of such documentation must indicate the following information:

  1. The personal data of the staff member is indicated. Such information is provided only if the employee has agreed in writing to the disclosure of his personal data.
  2. Certain moments from his biography are indicated, for example, serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, studying at a university, etc.
  3. The personal qualities of a full-time employee are indicated, for example, what kind of relationship he has with management and the work team. Does he have reprimands, violates discipline, etc.
  4. Professional skills are indicated.
  5. All merits are indicated, for example, gratitude, encouragement.

It should be noted that federal law not clearly defined a list of information that should be reflected in the characteristics. The management of organizations, at its discretion, provides data on its full-time employees. But, all information that is indicated in the characteristics must be truthful and reflect information as much as possible about individuals.

With regard to the style of narration, the official should present information restrained, not allowing expressive-emotional transitions. Since the characteristic is a document, the text in it must be understandable and adequate.

An employee of the body to which the characteristic will be provided must easily understand the information provided and form a complete picture of the individual.

In the text characteristics not allowed use of colloquial and profanity. Also, an official should not allow abbreviations of words and whole expressions. It is not recommended to use personal pronouns in such a document when describing the qualities of a staff member.


If it is essential for an employee to receive positive reference, then he should go to the head and ask him to issue desired document. As a rule, the authorities always try to meet the needs of their employees, especially if the characteristic is requested by a government department.

Per employee

To the police or court

When compiling a positive reference to the court or law enforcement agencies, the official must note all outstanding merit of an employee. You should also focus on his personal qualities, respect for the work team, etc.

For a student at the place of internship

During their internship, students should consider one important point. Upon completion, they will have to contact the head of the organization in which they temporarily performed professional duties.

That is why, from the first day of internship, they should establish good relations with both the team and the authorities. In this case, they will be guaranteed a good grade.

It is worth noting that some leaders of organizations hosting interns entrust them with the process of compiling profiles. After registration of such documents, they only put signatures and seals on them.

When drawing up such a description, it is necessary to indicate in which department of the organization did the student practice. It should also be noted what skills he has acquired, what level of professional training he has. AT without fail the recommended rating is indicated.

Degree of influence and necessity

A characteristic from the place of work can have both significant, and insignificant. It all depends on the purpose for which this document is requested and to which department it will be provided.

In the event that an individual plans to apply for a prestigious job, then a positive reference issued by a former employer can significantly increase his chances of taking a vacant position.

If the characteristic is provided to the court or to law enforcement agencies, then the information presented in it in a positive way can alleviate the fate of the individual. For example, this document can serve as the basis for mitigation of punishment.

In the event that the manager gives a negative assessment to a former or current employee, then such a characteristic will only aggravate an already difficult situation.

If an individual plans to obtain a visa, the consulate will issue it only if there is a positive. This is due to the fact that most foreign countries are very serious about who enters them.

Citizens who plan to visit foreign countries with a poor record will be considered as potential violators of law and order and with one hundred percent probability they will be denied a visa.

With regard to the characteristic that is requested financial institution for a person planning to receive a large loan, then even if it is issued in a positive way, the applicant will not be guaranteed a positive decision. In most cases, such a document is required when applying for mortgage programs.

Who signs

The completed characteristic is signed by the head of the organization in which the individual is officially employed or worked. This function can also be performed employee interim director.

In large organizations, quite often the management transfers the right to sign such documents to the heads of departments, workshops and other structural divisions. In such situations CEO must issue an order by which he appoints the person responsible for signing the characteristics.

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