Sunflower processing plant brief description. Cultivation and production of sunflower seeds. Production and cultivation of sunflower seeds


During the previous season, many processors of the oil and fat industry repeatedly pointed out the low profitability of production. In the new season, the risks that the profitability of sunflower processing will decline are still high. Portal Analyticswebsiteanalyzed trends in the Russian and world markets, interviewed experts and found out who will not be able to make money on the oilseed market this season.

Course against exports

Situation on Russian export market of vegetable oils, as before, remains unstable. It would seem that optimistic forecasts for the second record-breaking sunflower season for Russia (SovEkon - 10.3 million tons in test weight, IKAR - up to 10.5 million tons, website - up to 10.7 million tons) allow us to expect a favorable market situation and reducing the shortage of raw materials to load production capacity. However, as before, the issue rests on the imbalance in prices for seeds and finished products.

Experts are reserved in export forecasts. Analysts of the site predict a decrease in sunflower exports from the Russian Federation in the 2017/18 season by 150-200 thousand tons compared to the 2016/17 season, when it amounted to 322 thousand tons. Taking into account this factor, the general forecast for the export of sunflower oil in bulk for the current season of our country is estimated at 1.5 million tons.

According to the Federal Customs Service, from September to November 2017, 473 thousand tons of crude sunflower oil have already been exported from Russia.. tons. In total, for the first half of the 2017/18 season, the export of sunflower oil amounted to 731 thousand tons.

The main concern of the market players is too large an imbalance between the price of raw materials and the market value of finished products (oil, meal). According to the site, while the demand price for crude sunflower oil was fixed at 42,000-42,500 rubles/t EXW with VAT, and the price for meal was formed at the level of 9,500-10,500 rubles/t with VAT, the price of seeds sunflower is today 17,500 - 18,000 rubles / t on the terms of delivery of the CPT plant without VAT. At the moment, analysts do not record a decrease in the price of seeds, and sometimes even note its growth, while oil prices do not show positive dynamics.

Due to the periodic depreciation of the ruble, in 2017 processors and exporters had the opportunity to make high profits on average per season. But since the beginning of the current season, there has been a trend towards strengthening the national currency, which significantly reduces the profitability from the export of sunflower oil and meal. And if the strengthening of the ruble exchange rate has a positive effect on the economic development of the country as a whole, then the stable ruble has a negative impact on building up Russia's export potential.

As a result, in the 2017/18 season, it is unprofitable for producers of oils and meal to carry out shipments at prevailing market prices, and traders will face difficulties with the purchase of sunflower in the domestic market. It will not be possible to earn on export this season. The strengthened ruble reduced the marginality of export shipments of finished products to a minimum.

High yield - low processing

In the hope that sunflower will reach the maximum price level, many agricultural producers have taken a wait-and-see attitude. Since the beginning of the season, proposals for this oilseed crop have entered the market in small batches, and contracts for large batches of raw materials have been concluded by those farmers who needed working capital.

The high price of oilseeds, which reduced the profitability of processing, also affected the purchasing strategy of processors. Taught by the bitter experience of past years, large processors stocked seeds in advance and are now in no hurry to fill warehouses with expensive raw materials. According to unofficial information, which was confirmed by several market participants, taking into account the remaining raw materials to cover the country's domestic needs in sunflower oil, large processors have to buy less than 2 million tons. oilseeds. Now they have room for price maneuver and the opportunity to wait for the most convenient moment to buy raw materials.

But it will be difficult for small and medium processors. In the current situation, in order to reduce the need for raw materials, in anticipation of an improvement in market conditions, they reduce the utilization of production capacities up to a complete stop.

Some processors have not been able to start operations since the start of the season and have opted to postpone processing until they have stockpiled enough raw materials to operate continuously in the short term.

Others, in an attempt to provide their enterprises with raw materials, buy sunflower seeds at unbearable prices, leaving no hope not only for a margin from processing, but also casting doubt on the possibility of the further existence of these enterprises.

What to hope for

According to analysts, the "wait and see" strategy currently followed by processors may stabilize the market until the end of the season. For manufacturing enterprises that do not have deep processing, this will provide an opportunity to minimize losses and stock up on raw materials closer to the second half of the year at prices that leave room for margin. Holdings that specialize in deep processing will stop overpaying more than 1,000 rubles per ton, as they do now, and will quietly buy seeds 200-300 rubles higher than the maximum throughput price of small processors and provide their production with raw materials.

As for the farmers, they should not repeat the mistakes of the last season, when, hoping for a high price, agricultural producers kept their stocks to the last, and before the new harvest they were forced to urgently get rid of them at unfavorable prices, as a result of which many suffered losses. This season, farmers will be able to make good money on sunflower if they start selling their stocks gradually throughout the year.

If everything is quite clear in the domestic market, then the expansion of Russia's export potential is still in question. To date, the balance of prices for sunflower and sunflower oil, meal and cake on the world market as a whole is the only factor that can influence the stabilization of the Russian sunflower oil market, in particular. Therefore, all players in the Russian sunflower oil market can only hope to establish a balance in prices for raw materials and finished products.

  • Capital investments 11 685 104 rubles
  • Average monthly revenue 5 879 556 rubles
  • Net profit RUB 455,225
  • Payback 26 months.

1. Production technology

The production process for the manufacture of refined sunflower oil consists of the following steps:

  • Spin;
  • refining process;
  • Packaging and labeling of finished products.

1.1. Oil extraction

Before pressing, the raw materials are heated in braziers at a temperature of 100-110 ° C, while mixing and moistening. Next, the raw material is pressed in presses. The completeness of extraction of vegetable oil depends on pressure, viscosity and density.

After sunflower pressing, cake and husks remain, which can be further processed or used in animal husbandry. So from one ton of sunflower seeds with an oil content of 44.7%, you can get the following products:

1.2. Refining process

First stage:

Getting rid of mechanical impurities (settlement, filtration and centrifugation), after which vegetable oil goes on sale as commercial unrefined,

Second stage:

Oil treatment with hot water (65-70 °С). This is done to remove phosphatides or hydration. After processing, the vegetable oil becomes transparent.

Third stage:

Excretion of free fatty acids. With an excess content of such acids, vegetable oil has an unpleasant taste. The vegetable oil that has passed these three stages is called already refined non-deodorized.

Fourth stage:

Deodorization (Whitening). After this process, no pigments remain in the oil, including carotenoids, and it becomes light straw. removes volatile compounds, deodorizes vegetable oil and turns it into a refined deodorized one.

Fifth stage:

Freezing, with its help, waxes are removed, after which a colorless, viscous vegetable oil is obtained

2. Required equipment

After analyzing the offers on the Internet for the sale of equipment/lines for the production of refined sunflower oil, we came to the following conclusions:

  • If you plan to produce more than 30 tons of products per day, then it is optimal to purchase an oil plant, in addition to the extraction line, a refining line will be included in its kit, the disadvantage of such plants is the high cost (prices start at 1.5 million euros without installation),
  • If you plan to produce 5-10 tons of products per day, then it is optimal to buy equipment separately (pressing, refining, packaging)

Our business plan considers the organization of sunflower oil production with a capacity of 5-10 tons of products per day, so all equipment will be purchased separately.

2.1. Press line

When analyzing the proposals, the most attractive in terms of price / performance / quality ratio seemed to us the equipment of the company Penzmash OJSC. This company manufactures to order lines for the production of vegetable oil LM-1.


  1. Productivity for sunflower seeds, t/day: 10 - 12
  2. Oil yield, %, at oil content
  • sunflower seeds 48-50%: 40-42
  • flax seeds 42-45%: 3-38
  • rapeseed 40-42%: 33-35
  • Installed power, kW: 60
  • Nominal parameters of the supply network: voltage, V: 380, Current frequency, Hz: 50, Number of phases: 3
  • Occupied area, no more than, m2: 55
  • Weight, kg: 6200
  • 5 people per shift are required to service the installation.

    The cost is 1,931,040 rubles including VAT.

    With an oil capacity of up to 5-10 tons per day, the LSX-5000 cleaning and refining line is optimal (China), productivity up to 5 tons per day.

    The LSX-5000 line implements the principle of batch refining, which is fully consistent with the classical technology of this process for industrial variants of such equipment.

    The equipment is supplied with a high degree of installation readiness, equipped with a heat and electrical control panel; for commissioning, it is only necessary to provide a supply of tap water, electricity, and fuel (coal or wood, or gas or diesel fuel), caustic soda, phosphoric acid and bleaching agent (clay or activated carbon).

    Specifications of the LSX-5000 Press Line

    • Packet (discontinuous) type lines.
    • Simple thoughtful design and layout.
    • Includes heating unit and control panel.
    • The equipment is not intended for refining highly rancid oils with a peroxide value greater than 10 meq/kg.
    • Ease of installation work, no special requirements for the room and foundation, the equipment can be installed both indoors and outdoors.

    * It is also possible to use gas or diesel fuel as a heat carrier

    2.3. Packing line

    For bottling of finished products into bottles, the equipment manufactured by Prodvizhenie LLC is optimally suited. This company manufactures an automatic line for bottling oil into PET bottles with a capacity of 0.25-2.0 liters, with a capacity of 2700 bottles per hour (1.0l). The cost is 2,132,000 rubles.

    Number of staff: 2 people per shift.

    3. Feasibility study of the project

    3.1. Equipment costs

    3.2. Equipment delivery and installation costs

    3.3. Working capital (raw materials, monthly expenses, etc.)

    Naming of expenditures

    Working capital (purchase of raw materials, monthly payroll, other)


    Total capital investments amount to 11,685,104 rubles.

    3.4. Required premises

    • To place the spinning line, a production facility with an area of ​​55 sq.m. is required. (ceiling height 3.5 meters)
    • To accommodate the refining line, a room of 100 sq.m. is required.
    • 60 sq.m. is required to accommodate a product packaging line.
    • Warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products are also needed: 200 sq.m. and administrative premises for staff 25 sq. m.

    Total required

    not less than 215 sq.m. for the organization of production
    not less than 200 sq.m. for warehouses
    at least 25 sq.m of administrative and amenity premises.

    The workshop premises should be equipped with 380 watts, a water supply system should be connected, and there should be a convenient truck access to the workshop for the delivery of raw materials and the shipment of finished products.

    3.5. Staff

    25 workers will be required to service the production




    Art. Technologist



    Direct pressing workshop

    Refinery shop

    Packaging department


    • The direct pressing shop and the refining shop are open around the clock (shift 8 hours)
    • 1 foreman works in a shift, 3 workers in the pressing shop and 2 workers in the refining shop.
    • Technologists, storekeepers, as well as workers of the packaging department work in one shift.
    • The director deals with the purchase of raw materials, the sale of finished products
    • 3.6. Taxation

    Since most potential buyers work with VAT, the most acceptable form for an oil production workshop is 3 personal income tax, form of activity: Individual entrepreneur.

    3.7. Pricing

    According to the data of the Internet, the prices for products are as follows:

    3.8. Revenue calculation

    As a result of processing sunflower seeds, the following products are produced:

    Sunflower oil refining - used in the food industry.

    Cake, husk is used in animal husbandry

    3.9. Cost price:

    For the manufacture of 5 tons of products, it is necessary to process 11.8 tons of sunflower seeds. Also included in the cost of production are the costs of electricity, coal, water, soda, bleaching agent and packaging costs.

    Coal, water, soda bleaching agent is the raw material for oil refining and refining line.

    4. Feasibility study

    Input data

    Productivity: 5 tons per day.
    Capital investments: rubles: 11,685,104 rubles
    Room area: 440 sq.m. (rent 100,000 rubles per month)
    Number of shifts per month: 30
    Number of staff: 25 people.

    4.1. General expenses, per month

    4.2. Profitability calculation

    4.3. Payback calculation

    To calculate the payback point of a sunflower oil workshop, you can use our online break-even point service.


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    sunflower processing

    Sunflower- the main oilseed crop in our country. Most of all it is grown in the black earth regions of the RSFSR, as well as in Ukraine and Moldova. Sunflower yields range from 1.5 to 3.0 t/ha and more.

    Botanical and biological characteristics.Sunflower and sunflower processinga- cross-pollinated plant (Fig. 41). The inflorescence is a basket, along the edges of which there are barren reed flowers, and in the middle - bisexual tubular flowers. Seeds are large. Sunflower is a high-stemmed plant, the height of its silage varieties reaches 5 m, and oil-bearing varieties - 2 m. Thanks to the taproot system that penetrates deep into the soil (up to2-3 m), plants can use moisture and nutrients from deep layers.

    Sunflower has a short growing season - 3 - 4 months.

    The highest seed yields are obtained on chernozems or chestnut soils. Sunflower is a plant of the steppe climate. It consumes a lot of moisture and nutrients during the formation of the basket and flowering.

    The main harm to sunflower is caused by broomrape, which settles on its roots and weakens the plant, as well as fungal diseases - rust and downy mildew.

    Predecessors.Sunflower requires strict observance of the alternation of crops in the crop rotation, its frequent return to the old place leads to a mass defeat of downy mildew, sclerotinia. Therefore, it should be returned to its original field no earlier than after7-8 years. It works well after spring and winter crops, peas. You can not place sunflower after beets, alfalfa, which dry up the soil.

    Soil cultivation.The main tillage is carried out, as a rule, from autumn. After harvesting the ear predecessor in the steppe regions to reduce the drying out of the soil, the field2-3 times peeled with disc harrows. The first peeling - immediately after harvesting the wheat, the second - when weeds emerge. At the end of September - beginning of October, the field is plowed (semi-fallow processing), and then rolled.

    In those areas where the warm period after harvesting grain is short (central chernozem regions), the fields are plowed immediately after they are harvested. In Altai and in the Volga region, non-moldboard deep loosening of the soil with flat cutters is practiced. The most effective method of controlling perennial weeds is the use of herbicides, which are applied after weeding, when weeds grow, and then after about 2 weeks, plowing is carried out. In the spring of next year, the soil is harrowed and cultivated before sowing (up to 2 times). Before presowing cultivation, it is recommended to apply the herbicide treflan (1.5 kg/ha).

    Varieties.The Soviet Union is the birthplace of high-oil, high-yielding varieties created by Academician V. S. Pustovoit.

    In the main areas of sunflower cultivation - in the North Caucasus, in Ukraine and Moldova, a mid-season tall and high-oil variety is cultivated - Peredovik (vegetation period is 3.5 months). In the Volga region and in the regions of the Chernozem region - more early ripe varieties - VNIIMK 8883, Smena, Zenith; in Altai, as well as in the northern regions of the Chernozem region (Bashkiria, Lipetsk region) - early ripening varieties - Yenisei, Salyut, ripening in 2.5-3 months

    Sowingsunflower should be carried out 1.5-2 weeks after the start of field work. With modern technology, wide-row dotted sowing with a row spacing of 70 cm is practiced on fields clear of weeds, and square-nested sowing on clogged fields. The more moisture in the soil, the more plants you need to have to get a high seed yield. The optimal number of plants in humid areas is 40-50 thousand per 1 ha, and in dry areas - 2 times less (seeding rate6-8 kg/ha). Seeding is carried out quicklyfor 4-7days. Immediately after sowing, it is necessary to harrow the soil with medium harrows.

    Fertilizer.On chernozem soils, the most effective application of nitrogen-phosphorus (up to 70 kg of the active substance of each component) fertilizers for autumn tillage. In cases where fertilizers are not applied in the fall, they must be applied in the spring by a local-tape method at a distance of 6-10 cm on both sides of the seeds to a depth of 10 cm. Sunflower also responds well to organic fertilizers.

    Carefor crops includes pre-emergence harrowing and inter-row cultivation. Pre-emergence harrowing should be carried out in a short time when filamentous weeds appear, but no later than 4 days before germination, as well as on shoots in the phase of the second or third pair of true leaves.

    Inter-row processing begins with the emergence of seedlings. When cultivating sunflower with the use of herbicides, the number of inter-row treatments is reduced or completely eliminated. In the absence of herbicides, up to four inter-row loosenings are carried out (with chemical weeding - 2 times less). Usually the first cultivation in square-nest sowing is shallow, the second is deeper, and the last is again shallow. On dotted crops, the first cultivation is deeper, and the second is shallow.

    Cleaning.Labor costs for cleaning are2 /zall costs for the production of sunflower seeds. Sunflower is harvested when the heads turn brown in 70% of plants and the seed moisture content decreases to 12-14%. For harvesting, a grain combine with a device that cuts the baskets, threshes and collects them in a bunker is used. At the same time, the stems are cut at a height of 10-20 cm, chopped into short pieces and scattered across the field.

    Questions and task

    1. What are the morphological and biological features of sunflower?

    2. Draw a crop rotation scheme in which sunflower is grown.

    What are the characteristics of sunflower varieties grown in your area?

    Production and cultivation of sunflower seeds.

    It is no secret that in the current unstable financial situation in the world, many are thinking about starting a private business. They try to come up with original business ideas that have not yet been used by anyone. But it is not in vain that they say that the new is just the well-forgotten old. Here, for example, people from ancient times were engaged in agriculture in Russia. Why not now try to organize a business in this area.

    Here, for example, the cultivation of such an agricultural crop as sunflower, and in the future the sale of its seeds, is a business with high profitability, and most importantly, a fairly quick payback period for investments.
    The essence of the idea is that in the spring it will be necessary to rent land, agricultural machinery, a small storage room and, of course, hire labor. With the latter condition, by the way, there will be no problems at all, since at present it is almost impossible to find work in the countryside, and rural residents grab every opportunity to earn extra money.

    sunflower cultivation, unlike other agricultural crops, has a number of significant advantages:
    . Firstly, this plant is quite resistant to climatic changes, which is important in the conditions of our country.
    . Secondly, the cycle of growth and fruiting of this plant is completely within 100-150 days.
    . Another advantage is the high yield of the crop, which is approximately 20-25 centners per 1 ha.
    . Small investment - warehouse and equipment can be rented, transportation costs are minimal.
    . Well, in order to sow an area of ​​200 hectares, only 5-7 workers will be required.
    The only possible drawback is the need to annually change the land for planting sunflowers.

    What is the profitability of growing this crop?
    So, for sowing one hectare of land, approximately 5-10 kg of seeds will be required. This means that for an area of ​​200 hectares, 1 - 2 tons of seeds will be required. The cost of buying raw materials, renting land, treating the territory with fertilizers will be about $15,000. The harvested crop will bring $50,000 - $55,000. From this amount, it will be necessary to deduct a part for the wages of employees, a part for production (harvesting, drying seeds at a grain flow). Ultimately, you can count on about $ 30,000 in net profit. As a result, the profitability of sunflower seed production will be 300%. In addition, business will acquire the status of an agricultural producer, which gives the right not only to preferential taxation, but also the opportunity to receive subsidies, as well as government assistance.

    Sunflower seed processing - Video:

    X characteristics of products, raw materials and semi-finished products. Vegetable oils are complex mixtures of organic substances - lipids isolated from plant tissues (sunflower, cotton, flax, castor beans, rapeseed, peanuts, olives, etc.) The following types of vegetable oils are produced in Russia: refined (deodorized and non-deodorized), hydrated (highest , I and II grades), unrefined (highest, I and II grades). According to the standard, the following indicators are determined organoleptically in the finished oil: transparency, smell and taste, color and acid number, moisture, presence of phosphorus-containing substances, iodine number and flash point of the extraction oil.

    The composition of vegetable oils obtained from seeds includes 95 ... 98% triglycerides, 1.. .2% free fatty acids, 1.. .2% phospholipids, 0.3.. .0.1% sterols, as well as carotenoids and vitamins. Of the unsaturated fatty acids in the composition of oils, oleic, linoleic, linolenic ones predominate, which make up 80 ... .90% of the total fatty acids. Thus, sunflower oil contains 55...71% linoleic and 20...40% oleic acids.

    The raw materials for the production of vegetable oils are mainly oilseeds, as well as the pulp of the fruits of some plants. According to the oil content, seeds are divided into three groups: high oil (over 30% - sunflower, peanuts, rapeseed), medium oil (20.. .30% - cotton, flax) and low oil (up to 20% - soy).

    In Russia, the main oilseed crop is sunflower. It belongs to the Compositae family. The sunflower genus includes 28 species, most of which are perennials. Oilseed sunflower refers to annual crops. The sunflower fruit is an elongated wedge-shaped achene, consisting of a peel (husk) and a white seed (kernel), covered with a seed coat. The husk accounts for 22...56% of the total mass of the achene. The oil content in sunflower seeds exceeds 50% and in the pure kernel is 70%.

    The husk separated from the sunflower kernel is used as a raw material for the production of furfural. Sunflower cake (the rest of the kernel after pressing the oil) is one of the most valuable types of feed for farm animals. Sunflower baskets are used to obtain pectin and other products.

    Features of production and consumption of finished products. In the practice of vegetable oil production, there are two fundamentally different methods for extracting oil from vegetable oil-containing raw materials: mechanical extraction of oil - pressing and dissolving the oil in volatile organic solvents - extraction. These two methods for the production of vegetable oils are used either alone or in combination with one another.

    Currently, to extract the oil, first the pressing method is used, in which 3/4 of the total oil is obtained, and then the extraction method, with which the rest of the oil is extracted.

    Oil is pressed on continuously operating screw-type presses (forpresses and expellers). With increasing pressure, the pulp particles come together, the oil is squeezed out, and the pressed material is compacted into a monolithic mass of cake (shell). At the same time, 5 ... 8% of the oil remains in the cake (by weight of the cake).

    During the extraction process, no more than 0.8 ... 1.2% of oil remains in the residue, which is called meal. As solvents, extraction gasoline, hexane, acetone, dichloroethane, etc. are used. It is best to use gasoline with a boiling point range of 70 ... 85 ° C, which allows it to be distilled from oil under milder conditions.

    The oil that is on the surface of the opened cells, when washed with gasoline, easily dissolves in it. A significant amount of oil is inside unopened cells or inside closed cavities (capsules).

    Extraction of this oil requires the penetration of the solvent into the cage and capsules and the release of the solvent into the environment. This process occurs due to molecular and convective diffusion.

    As a result of extraction, a solution of oil in a solvent, called miscella, and a defatted material - meal are obtained. The oil concentration in the miscella is 12...20%.

    From the extractor (screw or belt) the miscella is directed to filtration to remove mechanical impurities from it. The filtered miscella and meal are directed to the distillation of solvents from them. This operation is called distillation, which takes place in two stages. First, the main part of the solvent is distilled off at 80.. .90 °C until the oil concentration in the miscella is 75.. .80%. Then distillation is carried out in a vacuum at 110...120 °C with live steam blowing.

    The process of oil purification from undesirable groups of lipids and impurities is called refining. Mechanical refining includes various physical methods: sedimentation, filtration and centrifugation. Oil hydration is treatment with water to precipitate mucous and protein substances. Alkaline refining is the treatment of oils with alkali. Adsorption refining (bleaching) - removal and clarification of oil with powdered substances (adsorbents - clay, silica compounds, silica gel, coals, etc.). Deodorization - elimination of the unpleasant smell of oil by fractional distillation, based on differences in the boiling points of triglycerides and flavoring substances.

    Stages of the technological process. The production of vegetable oil consists of the following stages:

    Seed cleaning and drying;

    Separation of the pure kernel and its grinding;

    Steaming and frying the pulp;

    Oil extraction (pressing and extraction);

    Purification (refining) of oil;

    Packing and storage.

    Characteristics of equipment complexes. The line starts with a complex of equipment for cleaning and drying seeds, consisting of scales, silos, separators, magnetic traps, service hoppers and dryers.

    The next is a set of equipment for separating a pure kernel and grinding it (disk mill, aspiration winnowing machine and a five-roller machine).

    The main one is a complex of equipment for steaming and frying pulp, consisting of screw or vat braziers.

    The main equipment of the line is a screw press and an extraction apparatus.

    The final line is a complex of finishing equipment of the line, consisting of scales, packaging machines and for packing packs of packaged butter in boxes.

    The machine-hardware diagram of the line for the production of vegetable oil from sunflower seeds is shown in fig.

    Rice. Machine-hardware diagram of the sunflower oil production line

    The device and principle of operation of the line. Sunflower seeds arriving for short-term storage in silo 2 are pre-weighed on scales 1. Seeds can contain a large amount of impurities, therefore, before processing, they are cleaned twice on two- and three-sieve separators 3 and 4, as well as on a magnetic trap 5. Plant impurities separated on separators, they are collected and used in feed production.

    Seeds cleaned from impurities are weighed on a 6 scale and fed into a 7 supply hopper, from where they are transported to an 8 shaft dryer, consisting of several zones. First, the seeds are dried and then cooled. In the process of heat treatment, their moisture content decreases from 9...15 to 2...7%. The temperature of the seeds during drying is about 50 °C, after cooling 35 °C. Dried seeds are controlled on 9 scales, and then sent to silos 2 for long-term storage or to an intermediate hopper 10 for further processing.

    Further processing of seeds consists in the maximum separation of the shell from the kernel. This process involves two independent operations: peeling (collapse) of the seeds and the actual separation of the shell from the kernel (weaving, separation). Seeds are hulled in a disk mill 11, where they come from an intermediate hopper 10. Rushanka obtained from seeds after the mill is a mixture consisting of particles of different mass, shape, windage and size. Rushanka contains whole kernels, their fragments, a number of shell particles of various sizes and shapes, and, finally, whole seeds - underdevelopment. Therefore, to separate the shell from the core, aspiration winnowers are mainly used - air-sieve sorting machines. From such a machine 12, the kernel is fed into the intermediate hopper 13, and all other parts of the mixture are processed to separate whole kernels and fragments of sunflower seeds, which, together with whole kernels, are sent for further processing.

    After weighing on the scales 14, the sunflower kernels are crushed on a five-roll machine 15. The grinding process can be carried out at one time or twice - preliminary and final. During grinding, the destruction of the cellular structure of sunflower kernels occurs, which is necessary to create optimal conditions for the most complete and rapid extraction of oil during further pressing or extraction.

    The product of grinding - the pulp - from the machine 15 enters the brazier 16, in which, due to the moisture-heat treatment, the optimal plasticity of the product is achieved and conditions are created to facilitate the extraction of oil on the presses. When frying, the moisture content of the pulp drops to 5...7%, and the temperature rises to 105...115 °C.

    From the screw press 17, into which the pulp is fed after the roaster, two products come out: oil containing a significant amount of kernel particles and therefore purified in the filter press 18, and cake containing 6.0 ... 6.5% of the oil, which is necessary extract from it. Therefore, in the future, cake granules are subjected to grinding in a 19 hammer crusher and a 20 roller mill, and the grinding product is extracted in an extraction apparatus 21. The apparatus has two columns connected by a bridge, in which screws are located that transport cake particles from the right column to the left. The extracting agent, gasoline, which is a volatile solvent, moves countercurrently to the movement of the cake. Due to the fact that gasoline in a mixture with air ignites at a temperature of about 250 °C, the overheating temperature of the process steam at extraction plants should not exceed 220 °C.

    Through diffusion, the oil is extracted from the torn cells of the cake, dissolving in gasoline. A mixture of oil, gasoline and some particles flows out of the right column of the extractor 21 and is sent to the sump or cartridge filter 22.

    From the left extracting column of apparatus 21, a fat-free product is removed, which is called meal. After extracting the remaining gasoline from it, the meal is sent to feed mills.

    Purified from solid particles, the solution of oil in gasoline - miscella - is fed to distillation. In the preliminary distiller 23, the miscella is heated to 105 ... 115 ° C, and gasoline vapors are partially distilled from it at atmospheric pressure. In the final distiller 24, operating under vacuum, gasoline residues are removed from the miscella, and the purified oil is fed to the scales 25. After weight control, the oil is fed to the packaging machine 26, and in the machine 27, packs of packaged oil are placed in boxes.

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