First international conference on ethics. I International Conference on Ethics in Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy. Main topics of the conference


This event will remain in the history of the development of psychotherapy in Russia, and, possibly, will be the beginning of the formation of a new professional community, which will unite different schools of psychotherapy, connected with each other by respect for the client, knowledge of ethical standards, and the desire to improve the market for psychological and psychotherapeutic services in Russia.

We invite you to write the history of Russian psychology and psychotherapy with us!

Conference mission: Formation of professional ethical consciousness of psychologists and psychotherapists.
Target: Development of strategies for the ethical regulation of psychologists and psychotherapists.

The main topics of the conference:

    Multiple relationships: who should not be taken into therapy?

    Responsibility to the client: who owes what and to whom?

    Social media: should I add clients to VKontakte and Facebook?

    Documentation: do I need to sign a contract?

    Solving ethical dilemmas: best practices.

    What is the difference between ending therapy and leaving a client?

    Snitching or mediation? How to behave if a colleague is unethical.

    Ethics in scientific research.

    Online counseling: pros and cons.

    Confidentiality and its violations.

    Payment for therapy: can the price be unethical?

    Ethics in working with LGBT+.

    Institutionalization of ethical standards: what can we do?

    Anti-discrimination practice: what to do if the client "does not like" and can a psychologist refuse psychological assistance?

    Competence of a psychologist-consultant: ethical problems in education.

    Family psychotherapy and ethics.

    Ethics in working with children and adolescents.

The following formats of sections and presentations are discussed:

1. Round tables

2. Master classes

3. Reports

4. Ethical debate

Also at the conference will be presented a new professional association and a draft of a universal code of ethics for counseling psychologists and psychotherapists in Russia.

Conference working languages- Russian English

Abstracts and applications for participation in the conference are accepted until April 10, 2017 by e-mail: [email protected]

The conference materials will be published in an electronic collection included in the RSCI database, with the assignment of ISBN. The authors of the best abstracts will be invited to prepare articles that are planned to be published in special issues of the Journal of a Practical Psychologist and Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy devoted to ethics.

The editorial board of the collection reserves the right not to publish materials that do not correspond to the subject of the conference and the requirements given below. Carefully edited and proofread texts are accepted for publication. Texts are not reviewed, refusals are not motivated.

Registration for the conference is open! Participation in the conference for psychologists and teachers and for representatives of other professions 700 rubles, for full-time students 300 rubles. Access to online broadcast 500 rub.

The participant's package will include: a draft universal code of ethics developed by representatives of the leading psychological and psychotherapeutic associations in Russia, a conference program, a ticket to participate in the drawing of gifts from sponsors.

Payment of the registration fee is made through the TimePad registration form at the same link.

Nomination "Event of the year in the life of the community"

Project abstract

“I International Conference on Ethics in psychological counseling and psychotherapy” (May 26, 2017, Moscow)

On May 26, 2017, the first in the history of Russia International Conference on Ethics in Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy was held at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education. More than 300 people took part in the work - Russian and foreign practitioners-consultants and psychotherapists, teachers, researchers, students of psychological universities and students who have no professional relation to psychology. More than 200 people watched the online broadcast, as well as parallel sessions within the framework of the conference were held by Kazakh colleagues from Almaty on the basis of Turan University with the support of the Department of Psychology.

Relationships in counseling and psychotherapy are built on trust, security, and affection. Knowledge of the ethical foundations of the profession of a psychologist-consultant and psychotherapist is a condition for creating such relationships. Ethical standards in modern Russia are in the process of formation, and experts are thinking about the need for new mechanisms for ethical and legislative regulation of the work of counseling psychologists and psychotherapists. The conference brought together leading representatives of the professional community to create a space for dialogue about these issues.

The conference began with a welcoming speech by the organizers - members of the College of Ethics in Psychology and Psychotherapy. V.V. Fedoryak, A.G. Pokryshkin, Yu.V. Zakharova, N.V. Kiselnikov were told about initiatives in the field of ethical education and regulation and about the prospects for the work of the Collegium.

The plenary session was opened by the report of D.A. Leontiev on the topic "Ethics in a non-equilibrium world". Based on the ideas of V. Lefebvre, K. Wojtyla, R. May, M. Epstein and others, the presentation discussed the approach to ethics as a semantic support of individual choice in a situation of uncertainty. A.V. Shaboltas in her report discussed the difficulties and ways of solving ethical problems in psychological counseling and psychotherapy, illustrating them with examples from the work of the Ethics Committee of the RPO. AND I. Varga captivated the audience with her view of the key ethical issues in counseling and psychotherapy practice in Russian realities.

Then the conference participants continued their work at six breakout sessions.

In her opening remarks, the head of the section “Risks of discrimination in the work of a psychotherapist and anti-discrimination practices” I.Yu. individual differences (age, gender, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, type of psychological problem, physical or mental disorder, language or socio-economic status, etc.). It is critical for the counseling psychologist to identify and review their own biases and stereotypes to ensure that an anti-discriminatory approach is an integral part of their counseling practice. Reports by A.A. Akbarova, M.L. Sabunayeva, T.A. Bednik, V.G. Meshcherina, E.Kh. Kadiyeva devoted to various aspects of anti-discrimination practice aroused great interest among the audience.

The work of the section "Responsibility to clients: ethical and legal aspects” opened the introductory speech of Yu.V. Zakharova, who emphasized that the principle of responsibility is one of the basic principles in the work of a counseling psychologist and psychotherapist. It is much broader than ethical responsibility to clients, it includes both responsibility to those with whom the client is connected, and responsibility to the professional community, and to society as a whole. However, often not only clients, but also professionals do not understand the rules of interaction, the level of responsibility. Then four interesting and versatile reports were made: N.G. Garanyan, A.V. Yaltonskaya, A.I. Prihidko, A.V. Party.

A.G. Pokryshkin, opening the work of the section “Ethics in Relations with Colleagues”, said that despite the fact that ethics in helping professions is focused on the “specialist-client” relationship, situations often arise between professionals themselves that require ethical regulation, and its absence can lead to negative consequences. This applies both to the interaction between employees within the same organization and outside it, both communication of specialists of the same profile, and communication with specialists in other areas (doctors, social workers, teachers, etc.). Reports by Yu.V. Lapina, A.A. Nesterova, E.A. Petrusenko revealed different facets of ethical problems in relations with colleagues and ways to solve them.

Within the framework of the section “Problems of ethics in the professional training of a counseling psychologist and psychotherapist” (headed by N.V. Klyueva), five reports were discussed (A.B. Armashova, L.G. Zhedunova, E.Yu. Mishurova, E.G. . Runovskaya). The main attention of the speakers was paid to the issues of the content and technologies for the development of the ethical foundations of the activities of psychologists-consultants and psychotherapists at different stages of professionalization (what and how to teach?). It was noted that, on the one hand, there are a large number of ethical codes that spell out the principles and rules of conduct in situations of professional interaction (institutional ethics). On the other hand, it must be taken into account that without reliance on a deep value-semantic dimension professional activity(ethics of responsibility) it is difficult to rely on the ethical verification of the behavior of a specialist. The formation of ethical discourse in the educational process is its important component.

With an introductory speech, the work of the section "Ethical Issues of Working with the Family" was opened by its leaders A.R. Dzkuya, M.R. Travkov. Ethical problems in the work of a perinatal and reproductive psychologist (G.G. Filippova) were highlighted, a model of interaction with adolescents and ethical challenges in working with them (Ilich Ivan) were considered, issues of professional ethics in the production of forensic psychological examinations in disputes about the upbringing of children were discussed. (L.A. Begunova), summarized the experience of encountering ethical problems in the conduct of support groups for relatives of people suffering from mental disorders (O.M. Boyko, M.V. Biryukova), disclosed the risks of losing therapeutic neutrality when working with marital problems and options for bypassing ethical "traps" (E.V. Fisun).

The conference ended with the round table "Ethical regulation of the work of a psychotherapist and consultant: value bases and mechanisms for implementation" (moderator A.V. Shaboltas). Leaders of various psychotherapeutic schools and representatives of psychological institutions took part in the discussion on the necessity and possibility of developing the ethical regulation of the work of a psychotherapist and consultant: A.Ya. Varga, V.E. Inozemtseva, Ya.A. Kochetkov, S.Yu. Mazur, A.B. Orlov, T.I. Orlova, D.N. Khlomov, S.V. Shtukareva, G.G. Filippova.

For the Kazakh psychotherapeutic community, this was also a significant event. For the first time, representatives of different directions in psychological counseling and psychotherapy gathered at a single platform within the framework of the round table. More than 50 listeners attended in person. Colleagues were unanimous in the need to build an open dialogue about ethical standards in the profession. Two topics were presented at face-to-face meetings in Almaty. O.M. Kovalchuk highlighted the problems of multiple relationships among colleagues, relevant for a narrow professional community, where it is very difficult to avoid intersections. L.H. Aubekerova made a report on the topic: “Norms of morality and ethics in the context of the characteristics of national culture. The tasks of the community of psychologists in traditional cultures”, where she showed the specifics of working within the framework of the clan mentality.

Summarizing the results of the conference showed that the issues raised are the most acute for the modern professional community in Russia and Kazakhstan. A number of them are debatable, but there is no doubt that experts - practitioners, teachers, researchers - are ready for dialogue and want to take further steps towards civilized psychological assistance in accordance with international standards. The result was the final words of the Board members about their intention to continue the systematic discussion of the problems posed and to look for ways to solve them. Separate abstracts of speeches are published in the electronic collection of conference materials on the website of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education and

Video« Ethics is Serious»

Report by Leontiev D.A.

Report of Shaboltas A.V.

Report of Varga A.Ya.

Kadieva E.Kh.

Mishurova E.Yu.

Zhedunova L.G.

Armashova A.B.

Klyueva N.V.

Petrusenko E.A.

Nesterova A.A.

Lapina Yu.V.

Fisun E.V.

Boyko O.M.

Begunova L.A.

Ilyich Ivan

Filippova G.G.

Vasilkova V.V.

Nazaralieva A.A.

Bykovskaya A.A.

Vecherin A.V.

Prihidko A.I.

Yaltonskaya A.V.

Meshcherina V.G.

Bednik T.A.

Sabunaeva M.L.

Akbarova A.A.

Round table

Kovalchuk O.M.

Marchenko V.V.

Kuandykova R.Zh.

Yasinsky Vlad Andreevich Good afternoon. I want to thank you for a good conference, especially the organizers. The event was very good, you can learn something new for yourself. I especially liked such authors as Klyueva Nadezhda Vladimirovna, Zakharova Yulia Vladimirovna and also Khamitova Inna Yuryevna, I really liked the format of their presentation, it was very easy to understand, everything was clear and simple. I learned from them new approaches to ethics as a semantic emphasis. On my own behalf, I want to thank all the participants of this event, everything was interesting and accessible. Thank you!!

Dardanov Alexander Alexandrovich This event will remain in the history of the development of psychotherapy in Russia, and, possibly, will be the beginning of the formation of a new professional community, which will unite different schools of psychotherapy, connected with each other by respect for the client, knowledge of ethical standards, and the desire to improve the market for psychological and psychotherapeutic services in Russia. Thank you to such individuals about the possibility of developing psychology

Shmeleva Nina Nikolaevna The issues discussed, the high professional level of reports, interesting forms and ways of presenting information are the hallmarks of this conference. Lecture materials, master classes will help participants update resources to resolve issues. Modern methods, new technologies and psychological support programs presented during the conference will provide undoubted practical benefits to all specialists in this area.

Karandashova Natalia Nikolaevna Many thanks to the organizers. Everything is thought out, very clear, no cons, which is very rare. Very informative. The presented materials are of great practical importance Interesting and useful Very useful, can be used in work. Thanks a lot! I got great pleasure! I support this project.

Menshov Denis Nikolaevich This event gathered in one place a huge number of talented and interesting specialists in the field of psychology. The organization of the event was high level. The program was entertaining, many presentations were useful and very informative. I think this project is very important.

Darovko Ivan Sergeevich

Utkin Mikhail Viktorovich A very large-scale and interesting event in the framework of the development and maintenance of the professional community of psychologists. Not only the issues of development and the current state of practical psychology were outlined, but also practical developments of psychologists, various professional tools from manufacturers in practical psychology were presented. The event was unique for psychologists and was held at a high professional level, for which many thanks to the organizers.

Zakhorenko Dmitry Alexandrovich The theme of the conference is very relevant and in demand in our constantly changing society. It allows touching on a number of very topical issues in the service of practical psychology.

Zaitseva Olga Alekseevna This conference gave a lot of knowledge that will be useful in practice. All the material provided has good theoretical and practical significance. very interesting project, new methods of psychological practice. I vote for this project.

Muravieva Nina Romanova Excellent conference, many activities, learned a lot of useful things for myself. It was especially valuable to see how it can be combined with other methods and in application to various fields of activity. Great project

Kuzmina Marina Mikhailovna Informative and interesting reports, versatile approach to coverage actual problems psychology from outstanding domestic and foreign experts. It was interesting to read and watch. Thank you.

Didenko Natalya Alekseevna I chose this project because it is closest to me in spirit, I myself share the opinion of the creators of this project and agree with their statements. I also liked that the project is accessible and understandable.

Nateikin Dmitry Sergeevich A very significant and important psychotherapy, whose activities made it possible to once again appreciate the importance of the conference program, as well as the possibility of exchanging experience, mutual cooperation among specialists. I vote I like it.

Sarycheva Ekaterina Alexandrovna I believe that this project is very important for the psychological counseling and psychotherapy of society, because in its course psychologists are united in a professional society. In society, knowledge about psychology is expanding, it is becoming more accessible and understandable to residents.

Grigoryan Andrey Alekseevich This material completely and completely absorbed my consciousness. It is in such cases that they say "go into reading with your head." I would like to thank everyone who contributed. Everything was interesting.

Eroshenko Gleb Sergeevich Interesting topic! I read that psychology- Empathy is based on self-awareness. The more we succumb to our own emotions, the more competently we will read the feelings of other people.

Lazerov Alexey Viktorovich I liked the topic covered in this conference. Very easy and understandable explanation. Enjoyed reading and listening. I liked everything at the highest level.

Chaikina Inna Alekseevna Very informative and helpful article! Many thanks to the organizers of the conference - it was very interesting! It is also worth noting the relevance of the conference topic for modern ethics in psychological counseling and psychotherapy

Politova Yulia Olegovna Thanks a lot to the authors. I think that for young and just beginning teachers, like me, this is a very relevant topic and useful information.

Kurilyuk Valery Yurievich Psychology is one of the important aspects in the life of society. If such conferences provide an opportunity to educate excellent specialists who will help people, then the percentage of unhappy marriages, family problems, people suffering from mental disorders will significantly decrease, then I believe that such conferences should be made regular and held throughout the country or invite people to them even from the most remote corners of our country.

Smirnov Andrey Sergeevich This conference gave a lot of knowledge that will be useful in practice. All the material provided has good theoretical and practical significance. Don't waste your time reading and watching videos.

Kremer Nadezhda Gennadievna I think this project is really worthy of victory. After reading the position, I had no doubts to cast my vote for him.

Musayeva Alla Alexandrovna I voted for this project, as it is dedicated to an actual and very new area of ​​assistance, which interested me. I liked the conference program very much. It was interesting and educational

Toropov Andrey Alexandrovich An excellent article that will help a thoughtful reader to read psychological knowledge to gain, learned a lot of interesting things. Written in an accessible and understandable language about the most complex. I read it in full, it was very interesting.

Perevozny Sergey Petrovich Psychology and ethics are interconnected; this emphasizes your upbringing and how you hold on in a difficult situation, how you find a way out of it. You can break loose at a difficult moment and this shows that you are psychologically unstable, you need to work on it and not give in to emotions. In principle, the material is worthy of study and viewing. Psychology is a subtle science.

Krivaruchkina Nina Alexandrovna An excellent article that allowed me to read good specialists, deepen my knowledge in the field of psychology, and also see future opportunities! I liked it, it's good that I read and watched the video. It was interesting! I definitely vote!

Chernyshov Sergey Viktorovich Excellent, applicable information. Only working tools. I am grateful for the video lecture, it is important to know how to respond to current customer concerns. Everything is clear and detailed in the article. It was interesting to read. Thank you for the article...

Golubeva Lilia Nikolaevna The article is very interesting and informative. Of course, I do not work in the field of psychology, but it is close to me, because. My best friend is also studying psychology. I can say one thing, every profession obliges you to be responsible for people who come to you for help, and a psychologist is a very interesting element that is subject to those who are really interested in it!

Klyueva Nadezhda Vladimirovna This is the first large-scale conference on the fundamental issue of counseling - the ethical definition of a psychotherapist, counselor and community. Valuable materials, many problems were posed, the first solutions for the ethical regulation of activities were proposed.

Veselovsky Roman Gennadievich When voting for this project, I have several reasons. I believe that the topics that were discussed at the conference are relevant for this particular period of time. Psychologists often approach work carelessly, and as it was rightly said in a speech, a psychologist must take into account the individual differences of each clients who require ethical regulation, and its absence can lead to negative consequences. I think these issues should first of all be considered when training psychologists and then there will be a minimum number of problems in work. I vote for this project, as the topics are important and they need to be addressed in the near future.

Levinson Kirill Alekseevich The formation of ethical standards in the profession of psychologists, psychotherapists, consultants is new in our country and a very important matter. I wish you continued progress along this path!

Popova Tatyana Anatolyevna The conference was relevant and filled. There is no doubt the benefit of this SCIENTIFIC event. Thanks to the organizers for an interesting event.

Fomenko Alexandra Davidovna Very interesting!! After all, the level of responsibility in these areas is also hoo. It often depends on your decision whether a person will work in a company or not, whether he will grow further or not, what will be the situation in the team, whether people will come to work with a desire, or so, on leave - because after all, a huge number of people they spend a significant part of their lives at work, personnel decisions usually, one way or another, concern everyone.

Arshavina Yulianna Nikolaevna I really liked the article. after all, human psychology is a complex, but important and interesting discipline to study. Human psychology is a complex, but important and interesting discipline to study.

Arkanova Suzanna Viktorovna I support this project, because it seemed to me the most worthy. Interesting speakers, famous scientists. Master classes attracted attention, it is a pity that there is no video.

Parshina Anastasia Sergeevna Such conferences are an opportunity not only to learn, but also to share your experience, discuss controversial ethical issues in psychological counseling. Low awareness of specialists in the ethical aspects of psychotherapy leads to treatment failures - this is a well-known fact. This is a tremendous experience, a lot of new information, motivation and a lot of positive emotions.

Vladimirov Sergey Vitalievich The event is very important for this area. Many thanks to those who organized it. It is a pity that I did not know about it, otherwise I would have come and tried to break through there. Psychology is my hobby. I read a lot of books on it and it seems to me that I would learn a lot for myself. Such conferences, my opinion, should be held regularly, they should be attended as much as possible more people from this area. I hope from your site I will find out when there will be more such events and I will try to get there. Thank you very much for finding you.

Kurchatova Svetlana Vladimirovna A topical project that has brought practical significance to the professional activities of psychologists. Thanks to the organizers of the event.

Pankratov Ivan Sergeevich I myself work in the field of psychology and, like no one else, I can appreciate the importance of holding such events. I myself would be happy to participate and would certainly draw for myself a lot of new and useful information, especially since the topic is very relevant in our time and I will say even more, ethics is the basis of mutual understanding with clients, and mutual understanding in the field of psychology is already the first step to success. I wish there were more events like this and that they were as accessible as possible.

Safronova Eva Vitalievna Definitely, such conferences should not be isolated and I would very much like to hope that this conference is not the last, since it is in psychological counseling that ethics is needed more than anywhere else. At one time I had to deal with specialists in this field, but, unfortunately, there was not even a hint of ethics, and this is such a delicate area of ​​​​work. I would very much like such events to gain more and more mass and have positive results.

Gerasimov Pavel Ivanovich Having attended a conference on ethics in psychological counseling and psychotherapy, I emphasized for myself the main priorities of work in this area. For me, such seminars provide invaluable experience for working in psychological counseling. Knowledge of the ethical foundations of the profession of a psychologist is the main criterion for creating trusting relationships with a client and people in In general, I would like to note the speech of the head of one of the sections of the psychotherapeutic direction, I.Yu.

Yazmin Leonid Stepanovich In my opinion, these conferences are very important in our time and everyone will benefit from them. Specialists in the field of psychology will grow in their professional level because of such conferences. And this, in turn, will lead to the fact that all ordinary people who later turn to them for help receive this very qualified and high-quality help. After all, the psychological health of people is no less important than the physical. And the psychologically healthier the society is, the less negativity, violence and everything else will be on the streets.

Korzun Ivan Pavlovich I really liked the article. As for me, such conferences are useful not only for psychologists, but for all mankind. because psychology plays an important role in our life! It's great that there are people who do things like this! It would be great that no matter what happens in all countries and is accessible to everyone! Maybe it would be easier to live! Thanks!!!

Likholit Nikita Sergeevich For me, this conference and this dialogue were interesting in a different way. Conversation in the field of ethics allows us to rise somewhat above our work and make some reflection on the profession. Why are we doing this work? Who are we working for? What is the place of our work in society? How do we influence it? What can we and what can't we do? How are we perceived by other professions? Why did psychology exist at all? This is the level of reflection that raised me to this siaiya. And this is very valuable. Because there are few reasons to think about your work SO.

Podlegaeva Evgenia Anatolievna The theme of the project is currently relevant, because. children need to be taught how to live comfortably in the modern world

Torbina Elena Anatolievna A lot of necessary information for their activities, because. the topic of practical psychology is extremely interesting to me and allows me to realize my ideas in my work

Mironova Polina Igorevna The articles provide a comprehensive analysis of ethical issues in helping practices, including their formulation not only directly in interaction with the client, but also in the educational, legal aspects and the context of relationships with colleagues. The authors of the materials are teachers of higher educational institutions, educational psychologists, researchers and practicing psychotherapists from different regions of Russia and abroad. The presented materials will be of interest to psychologists, psychotherapists, doctors, social workers, educators and a wide range of readers.

Glukhova Irina Ivanovna This event will remain in the history of the development of psychotherapy in Russia, and, possibly, will be the beginning of the formation of a new professional community, which will unite different schools of psychotherapy, connected with each other by respect for the client, knowledge of ethical standards, and the desire to improve the market for psychological and psychotherapeutic services in Russia.

Putintsev Anatoly Evgenievich It's a great idea to organize such a conference. In truth, very vital issues are touched upon, which are of interest not only to psychologists, but also to teachers and, in general, to all professions that directly affect people. The reports were all as informative as possible and without unnecessary water. Of course, there are many opinions on this or that problem, but on many issues they came to a consensus. I think that holding such forums will bring our specialists to the world level, since we are still lagging behind on many issues. All professionals in their field, but still the world is changing and I think that we must also change and use the most advanced methods in working with people. I repeat, the conference was just wonderful, I think the tasks that the organizers set for themselves were more than fulfilled!

Nikitina Irina Pavlovna According to one of the definitions, professional ethics is a set of rules for the conduct of a certain social group, providing the moral nature of the relationship, due to or associated with professional activities. Most often, the need to comply with the norms of professional ethics is faced by people employed in the service sector, medicine, education - in a word, wherever daily work is associated with direct contact with other people and where there are increased moral requirements. Professional ethics originated on the basis of similar interests and cultural requirements of people united by one profession. The traditions of professional ethics develop along with the development of the profession itself, and at present the principles and norms of professional ethics can be enshrined at the legislative level or expressed through generally accepted norms of morality. The concept of professional ethics is associated, first of all, with the characteristics of a particular profession, in relation to

Muraeva Olya Ivanovna This conference will certainly be the beginning of the formation of a new professional community that brings together different schools of psychotherapy. All of them are connected with each other by respect for the client, knowledge of ethical standards, the desire to improve the market for psychological and psychotherapeutic services in Russia and Kazakhstan.

Prihidko Alena Igorevna I vote for the most important event not only of this year, but also of previous years - the first ethics conference in the history of Russian psychology and psychotherapy. An ethical movement has begun that cannot be stopped.

Avdeev Anton Valerievich I express my gratitude to this project for the materials provided. The theme of the human soul is very good. Thanks to all the authors of this nomination of the competition for raising a lively interest in this issue. I would also like to wish psychologists and psychiatrists to be believers, because the soul is by nature a Christian, they say. And they deal with this spiritual "matter". I think that many contestants will take this criterion into account as well.

Kalashnikova Anna Sergeevna If now ethical standards are in terms of becoming in Russia, it’s even scary to imagine what happened 25 years ago. The significance of this conference is difficult to overestimate, the material that can be perceived even without specialized education by ordinary citizens. The questions that arise after receiving such information, and the opportunity to get answers to them, confirm that we need such conferences.

Potapov Sergey Yurievich I support the leaders of various psychotherapeutic schools of this conference and give my vote for them. All issues raised during this conference in this moment(that is, in our time) are very acute, both in Russia and in Kazakhstan. And I hope that specialists will find a way out of this current situation, taking steps towards them and psychological assistance will meet international standards!

Yurkavets Denis Viktorovich Excellent article, very interestingly detailed description of the promotion of psychological services. Only working tools. Grateful for the video lecture, it is important to know how to react, an event full of professional discoveries and incredible meetings. Filled with a variety of opportunities for the general public.

Lendner Inna Alexandrovna After reading the article, I had only positive emotions. I was pleased with the fact that the history of Russia was the International Conference on Ethics in Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy, but everything was already on top. It was interesting that everything was written and told in a language that was simple for me. steel, intentions to continue a systematic discussion of the problems posed and to look for ways to solve them ....

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich I asked the lecturer a question that had been troubling me for a long time. Let's suppose that a child with obvious manifestations of autistic disorder enters a general education institution in a remote area of ​​the country. His conservative/alcoholic/indifferent/uneducated environment shifts the responsibility for the development of the child to the educational structure. What should the teacher do in this case? Is the teacher responsible for the child? The lecturer answered that the responsibility for the development of the child in any case lies not only with the teacher, but also with the child's family. Moreover, in Russia, psychologists and psychiatrists are working hard to make the life of children with autism spectrum disorders full and happy. In other words, the Middle Ages are no longer around, and the transparency of children requiring special attention is much less than in the past. This answer inspires optimism, confidence and hope for a bright future for all members of society, including those who, for various reasons, need to

Kut Igor Petrovich I would never have thought that ethics refers to psychology, I thought it was upbringing. After watching a few video lessons and reading an article, I was convinced that this is really psychology. This is a subtle psychology that emphasizes that you are in control of the situation. character but now decided to reconsider his shortcoming.

Darovko Anton Vladimirovich From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank the organizers and everyone who participated and attended. The event was unique in many ways, amazing people met in their best roles: Rimantas Kociunas, Robertas Petronis, Tomas Sodeika, Grigory Tulchinsky, Vitaly Lekhtsier, Nina Savchenkova, Irina Glukhova, Tatyana Shitsova, Alexey Lyzlov and others, others... Texts both the formats and their presentations, the discussion space, and even such a trifle as a coffee break were organized in a very comfortable mode. The crown in the form of a "supervision theater" under the direction of Fyodor Vasilyuk was in the most necessary time and place. I think the meeting took place. Open sincere meeting. Thank you!

Agafonov Alexander Maksimovich When reading this article, I had only positive emotions. I was pleased that even though this is the first International Conference on Ethics in Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy in the history of Russia, everything is already on top. I was also pleased that everything was written and told in a simple language for me. The results of this article for me were the intention to continue a systematic discussion of the problems posed and look for ways to solve them. In which I support you!.

Nimez Olga Ivanovna Thank you, Fedoryak V.V., for sharing your Knowledge. . The article presents the results of a correlation analysis between the level of depression according to A. Beck and some positive psychological parameters. It has been found that depression is negatively correlated with positive personality phenomena - the presence of meaning in life, a tendency to curiosity and exploration,

Tsvetkov Kirill Olegovich Thanks to this conference, psychology, as well as its ethical component, moved to a new level. Psychology is inherently so multifaceted that it is sometimes simply not enough to consider its individual aspects. Everything certainly begins with the birth of a family, and then assistance in the upbringing of children and adolescents follows. And even the relationship between consultant psychologists is of great importance and requires the cooperation of forces and ideas.

Grigorieva Tatyana Sergeevna I consider this event to be very important, since the issues of ethics in the practice of psychological counseling remain unspecified in our country.

Laptev Ivan Sergeevich In her report Kadieva E.Kh. raised the problems of the family, which is very important for the field of psychology, but also for sociology. The family that came to psychotherapists, where the dominant role is played by a man, according to E. X. Has some incidents, because. this situation does not always have a favorable effect, especially on the female half of the family. I do not fully agree with Kadieva. As a person studying sociology, I will say: yes, the injustice that occurs in such a happy family, unfortunately, takes place and many families break up because of this problem. Nevertheless, I am for a patriarchal family, for a traditional one. For some reason, the author of the video missed examples of our Russian reality, I refer to Anglo-Saxon examples. With regard to what was said about the "white sahib", which is said in relation to psychotherapists, I completely agree. A psychologist, a psychotherapist, like any person, should not rise above other people, above cross-cultural families through the prism of their culture. Thanks to the author for

Spivak Vadim Andreevich I think this is the most worthy nominee of the International Conference on Ethics in Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy "they have achieved a lot of results

Kochetkov Alexander Anatolievich Friends, good day to all!) I'm just sure that everyone who somehow touched this-I International Conference on Ethics in Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy, undoubtedly discovered a lot of new things not only in theory but also of course for practice that will bring results directly I won’t list them all, but I personally remember the report by A. V. Shaboltas (review if possible). And I’m just sure of the need to continue meetings of this nature. Thank you, Alexander

Lyadashchev Mikhail Alexandrovich Excellent nomination "Book on psychology"! I hope that it will include publications not only from Russian, but also from Western scientific research. We here in Yekaterinburg feel a great need to get acquainted with topical discoveries and new stages in the development of psychological science. I would not like to live "in a tin can."
Voice from VKontakte

Lebed Alla Andreevna Watching a video clip about psychologists, I want to say that not everyone can be a psychologist, because a lot, but on the way to this profession and type of activity, you need to find the key to each person and not injure him. Previously, I had nothing to do with psychologists, but now they have completely opened up to me from the other side.

Grebenkina Anna Anatolievna I liked the conference very much! Thanks to the organizers for the opportunity to see Asmolov, Akhutina, Glozman live, to hear the reports of other practitioners and researchers. After attending the event, the desire to study at Moscow State University only increased!! The topic of professional ethics is very important. It's great that it was possible to organize such an event for the exchange of experience!

Dalgatova Laura Murtuzovna In the absence of a law on psychotherapeutic care in Russia, this conference, in my opinion, has become a landmark event. Perhaps, for the first time, counseling psychologists and psychotherapists from various fields have united to discuss the ethical norms and rules of their work, to develop something in common. What is extremely necessary for the current market of psychological services in Russia.

Moskalenko Nadezhda Viktorovna Opportunity to discuss ethical issues with colleagues. Discuss existing standards of professional activity (opportunities and limitations) Principles to ensure the safety of both clients and consultants

Lapina Anastasia Sergeevna For the first time, the issues of ethical adequate behavior of a helping specialist when working with a family and each family member separately are taken out of the professional lobby. A very important and useful event in the professional environment!

Zotova Yulia Petrovna The psychological community is in dire need of an open conversation about ethical standards, building professional ethical boundaries and developing an ethical code. The conference marked the beginning of a great deal of work in this area.

On May 26, 2017, the first international conference on ethics in psychological counseling and psychotherapy was held.

We skipped professional ethics couples in good conscience, because the reason for this absenteeism was the First International Conference on Ethics in Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy. Promising Olga Valentinovna Rychkova to make up for our absenteeism with a report on the past event, with a light heart and cameras we went to this significant event :) How nice it is to be on Mokhovaya again in your beloved PI RAO - it is he who is associated with conferences and big events in the world of psychology.

Four of its nine organizers opened the conference with an introductory motivating speech: Yulia Zakharova, Natalia Kiselnikova, Alexander Pokryshkin and Valeria Fedoryak. Starting from a modest group on Facebook, in just a few years, the Collegium on Ethics in Psychology and Psychotherapy has grown into a large-scale movement that united under its leadership psychologists from different schools and directions, students and professors. But the most important achievement of these enthusiasts is the following - they proposed a draft code of ethics for counseling psychologists and psychotherapists.

More than 40 speakers from different regions of Russia were announced to take part in the conference, and there were so many people eager to listen that a large audience had not seen so many spectators for a long time. This once again confirms the significance, importance and relevance of the topic.

Dmitry Alekseevich Leontiev (Head of the International Laboratory of Positive Psychology of Personality and Motivation, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Psychology) delivered a report "Ethics in a non-equilibrium form" at the plenary session.

“The meaning of ethics is not that it must be carried out, but that it exists and calls for personal responsibility. We must be aware of what we are doing. Norms should appeal to freedom of choice,” Dmitry Alekseevich notes in his report.

Results of the 2016 Alla Vadimovna Shaboltas (Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University, Head of the Department of Psychology of Behavior and Prevention of Behavioral Anomalies, Candidate of Psychological Sciences) cites the survey in her report. All 72 interviewed respondents - psychologists and doctors - encountered ethical problems in their work and in the work of their colleagues. In solving these problems, most note the influence of external regulators, such as law, standards, rules, ethics committee, and also an important role is given to supervision and education.

The role of impostors and charlatans from psychology was also noted, which, violating ethical norms and rules, severely damage the reputation of all psychotherapists. “A real and hard working psychologist is a subdepressive, endlessly tired creature,” Anna Yakovlevna Varga laughs, “when should he PR in the media or blog?” Anna Yakovlevna (Chairman of the Board of the Society of Family Counselors of Psychotherapists, Candidate of Psychological Sciences) identifies 3 factors in the professional position of a psychotherapist:

1. Professional education and own customer experience;

2. Inclusion in the professional community;

3. Ethical: respecting the interests of the client at all times.

After the break, the conference participants dispersed into sections:

Section 1. Risks of discrimination in the work of a psychotherapist and anti-discrimination practices.

Section 2. Responsibility to the client: ethical and legal aspects.

Section 3. Ethics of promotion of psychological services.

We went to section 2 - it was an incredibly busy and productive two hours. We will tell you more about this section.

Natalya Georgievna Garanyan (Professor of the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Faculty of Counseling and Clinical Psychology of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the Federal State Institution "Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry", Doctor of Psychology) presented three client cases when low awareness of specialists in the ethical aspects of psychotherapy led to failures in treatment, chronicity of anxiety disorders, addition of depressive symptoms, reinforcement of dysfunctional schemas, exacerbation of family conflicts, and consequences for the new psychotherapist.

Natalya Georgievna notes that the willingness to comply with the code of ethics decreases with age and experience, but why this happens needs to be studied and researched.

Very relevant for us, students currently studying a course on personality disorders, was the report by Alexandra Vladimirovna Yaltonskaya (psychotherapist, psychiatrist, candidate of medical sciences) “Psychotherapy of clients with personality disorders: professional challenges and ethical dilemmas”.

"Welcome! Welcome! Florida is in touch! ”, together with her the inspirer and soul of the project is Alena Igorevna Prihidko (PhD in Psychology). Informed consent is an important document in the work of a psychologist. What is the history of its origin, its structure, ethical significance? Alena Igorevna answered these and other questions in her video report.

The female company was diluted by the speaker, who conquered us with his charisma - Vecherin Alexander Viktorovich (PhD in Psychology, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Organizational Psychology, National Research University Higher School of Economics). In his live speech, Alexander Viktorovich answered the following questions: what is the place and role of the ethical code in the levels of legal regulation of professional activity, what is the contradiction between ethical norms and the norms of the current Russian legislation and how to deal with them, what are the features of the normative regulation of the professional activity of a psychologist with ethical norms fixed in the code of ethics?

“If we translate ethics into a written format, we turn an ethical norm into a legal construct. Public organizations There are many psychologists, but do we have trade unions? No. Then who will fight for our rights? The code should cover issues with clear prescribed situations or flexible choice,” Alexander Viktorovich notes.

After lunch, the following sections were presented:

Section 4. Ethical issues of working with families.

Section 5. Ethics in relations with colleagues.

Section 6. Problems of ethics in the professional training of a counseling psychologist and psychotherapist.

Time flies unnoticed, and ahead of us is already waiting for a round table.

Perhaps due to a busy day, fatigue and some lack of time, the round table turned out to be a little chaotic, but no less interesting. The ideological idea was proposed by a man of amazing charisma - Alexander Borisovich Orlov (Professor of the Department of Personality Psychology, National Research University Higher School of Economics, President of the Russian Society for a Person-Centered Approach, Doctor of Psychology). He said that the conference should be a working body, after it there should be some kind of product. And he proposed to designate the goal for the next conference and the form of work in small groups (by approaches). So probability productive work at the conference will be higher and the conference itself will be more valuable.

In the end, there was a little lack of communication with the audience, answering questions, passing notes to the participants of the round table, as often happens, and summing up, and possibly discussing, and setting the very goal that Alexander Borisovich spoke about.

In any case, we got tremendous experience, a lot of new information, motivation and a lot of positive emotions. Thanks to the organizers of the conference for the initiative and implementation! Thanks to all speakers and participants of the round table for interesting reports and discussions. We hope this is just the beginning!

We traditionally end our reports and reviews with the words: do not miss the opportunity to learn and share experience - knowledge is priceless, adding the motto of the conference - #ethics_is_serious :)

See you soon!

Pichugina Olga and Vedmitskaya Daria

©, 2022
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