Business advice for beginners. Tips for a budding entrepreneur. Legal aspects of entrepreneurial activity


How to open your own business and in three years get out of the “entrepreneurial death zone” “alive”? Why next year it will become easier for the tax authorities to “check” the reporting of small businesses and how important it is to block the fines of various supervisory authorities in a timely manner? Beginning entrepreneurs were told how to build, develop and protect their business in practice on December 15 at the final training seminar "Business Landing Party", organized by the Ministry of Economy of Tatarstan.

This year's final meeting of professional business consultants with a community of young entrepreneurs brought together over 300 people who ventured into their own business. And as the First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustem Sibgatullin assured them, in order to become successful businessman, it is not necessary to have a rich inheritance and connections. Numerous stories of Tatarstan entrepreneurs who have founded their own business over the past few years show that government programs to support SMEs can be a good incentive for bold undertakings. Secrets successful business well-known entrepreneurs shared a special 15-minute video, including the head of the Yagodnaya Dolina, Ildar Sitdikov (later he went on stage), Andrei Glyadkov, who took up the cultivation of champignons, and Alena Beloglazova, a farmer in the Novosheshminsky district, engaged in raising livestock and processing milk. Each of these projects was supported by the Leasing Grant state program. “Next year, Tatarstan will continue to implement all existing business support programs, and the emphasis will be on the development of repayable financial instruments,” the Deputy Minister of Economy outlined the upcoming prospects for business development in the republic.

“In order to become a successful businessman, it is not necessary to have a rich inheritance and connections,” says Rustem Sibgatullin

Why "Business landing" landed in 45 districts of Tatarstan

In order for entrepreneurs to come and stay in business, expert teams of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan for the second year in a row "land" in various regions of the republic, where they conduct a series of free training seminars. During this time, they visited 45 municipal districts, where they told existing and budding entrepreneurs about measures state support in Tatarstan, discussed real business problems together with the audience and exchanged experience.

“The visit by the team of the Ministry of Economy to each municipal district, communication with local entrepreneurs is the main and, perhaps, the most important feature of Business Landing,” said Rustem Sibgatullin. - Tatarstan is a large and rather heterogeneous region. Thanks to this, we receive extensive feedback from the residents of the republic, each region of which has its own characteristics of the development of small and medium-sized businesses, - he shared his observations. “Participation in the Business Desant allows entrepreneurs to take a fresh look at the prospects for the development of their business, find ways to solve current problems and prevent possible mistakes in the future.” The December final meeting ended the cycle of meetings in 2016, which was attended by over 2 thousand people from areas with different entrepreneurial activity.

Anticipating numerous questions about state support measures, Alina Sagadeeva, head of the Department for Entrepreneurs' Appeals of the Center for Entrepreneurship Support of the Republic of Tatarstan, stopped and spoke in detail about the conditions for participation in the popular state program Leasing Grant. Since 2009, subsidies worth more than 3.5 billion rubles have been issued in the republic. In addition, entrepreneurs can receive guarantees from the Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, preferential microcredits from the Fund for Financial Support of Small and Medium Enterprises in the amount of up to 3 million rubles, for up to 3 years at a rate of 10% per annum, and also join programs for property and information and consulting support for SMEs .

Expert teams of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan visited 45 municipal districts. Photo

Forewarned is forearmed

Experts from the Ministry of Economy spoke in detail about innovations in tax control. From February 1, 2017, entrepreneurs working with cash register equipment, must replace the ECLZ with a fiscal drive and connect the cash register to the Internet. Thus, CCPs will send electronic versions of receipts in real time to the fiscal data operator. New accounting rules are established in 54-FZ, article 2, paragraph 2. To do this, the entrepreneur must conclude an agreement with the fiscal data operator and send checks electronically to the Federal Tax Service through the fiscal data operator.

The experts also responded to the “eternal” problem of SMEs: how to protect themselves from fines issued after inspections by a variety of regulatory authorities, from the fire service of the Ministry of Emergencies and the Rospotrebnadzor department to the Rostrudinspektsiya of the Republic of Tatarstan. “We had an almost anecdotal case when one entrepreneur was fined only because he, being the founder of the company, did not enter into a contract with himself labor contract as with the director of the same company. And the fine was imposed impressive - 700 thousand rubles. We managed to achieve its cancellation, and only because we managed to file a complaint with the court in time. Keep in mind - you can not miss the deadline of 10 days for an appeal, ”the expert warned. Instructing novice businessmen when communicating with inspectors, he listed several important points that you must definitely pay attention to, and the very first thing is to ask for a certificate and write down the name of the inspectors. After all, there may be false inspectors among them, who, as a rule, blackmail businessmen for revealed violations.

For an hour, Igor Mann taught in a fascinating way a few lessons on how to make customers fall in love with your business. A photo

Pass the "death zone"

Most of the applause was gathered by the main guest of the forum - the guru of Russian marketing, economist and author of bestsellers on marketing and PR Igor Mann. “Did you know that 90% of all Russian startups fail in Russia? Entrepreneurs live no more than three years. More precisely, their business does not live. One year and three is a “death zone” that not everyone can go through, Mann shocked. What to do to stay alive in a year, in three years? For an hour, Igor Mann taught in a fascinating way a few lessons on how to make customers fall in love with your business and motivate them to constantly cooperate with your company. “Do what you preach, preach what you do” is my motto. Actually, this is how I passed my “death zone”.

Louise Ignatieva


Why I decided to write this article

Because many who ask me questions ask something that at first you shouldn’t even bother at all. There are even questions that a person may never face at all. In general, “Woe from Wit” occurs in the minds of many novice entrepreneurs, and we will “eliminate” this grief in this article. At least I'll try my best. Now let's talk about the errors, and then I will issue step by step plan the way I see it.

Some errors and their solutions

1. Break-even point not calculated

Many start a business without even considering how much in what period they need to sell in order to break even. This is important because many business models are cut off at this stage.

Calculating the break-even point is easy. You consider how much you incur expenses per month and then consider how much you need to sell goods or provide services per month in order to recoup these expenses. If the figure is too large and seems unrealistic to you, then it is better not to take on such a business. If you think that you can sell the right amount of goods to cover expenses or start covering expenses in a few months, then you can think about this business further.

Conclusion 1: Until you have a complete financial picture of the business in your head, you can’t borrow money or even use your savings.

2. Everything must be perfect

At the beginning of your business, you want everything to be right and beautiful: the most modern equipment is bought, the most functional website is created, the office is repaired, etc.

Striving for the best is useful, but there is one "BUT" - before you spend money, check the performance of your business model. If you are going to make an expensive website design, first make sure that your services or products are in demand at all.

Or, if you're opening a coffee shop, before making expensive renovations, try to start selling in the space you have. minimum investment. If sales go on and a place in this area of ​​the city will bring at least some profit, then you can expand or make a cool renovation.

Conclusion 2 A: Don't invest a lot of money until you're sure people want the product. And you don’t need to bring everything to perfection, thereby delaying the start. Start with what you have and gradually develop and improve.

3. Not understanding your future business or simply no love

I personally think that a business should at least like it. For example, I love each of my business projects, and if I didn’t love them, they wouldn’t turn out to be profitable.

Some start-up entrepreneurs write me questions like “What to sell”, “What services are profitable to provide”, “What kind of business is profitable to do”, etc. I answer everyone: "Open your own bank." And no one likes my answer, although it answers all these questions. Every entrepreneur has a different life situation, different interests and different knowledge. If one likes selling toys and the other likes selling men's suits, then they won't be able to switch businesses and be as successful. This is because they do not understand the model itself and simply do not feel interested.

Conclusion 3: You can't build a business on an idea just because you just know it's profitable and you're not interested in it. Business needs to be understood, loved and “be in the know”. For example, I could not open a massage parlor and lead the business to success. Not because I don't have enough money, but because I don't understand this business nothing.

How to start your own business - 10 steps from scratch

To begin with, I want to say that below I will give 2 plans on how to start your business: complete and simplified. Let's start with the complete.

Step 1. Business Idea

Of course, to start a business, you need to know what to start. I have always said, I say and I will say that an entrepreneur must have an idea. If you can't even come up with an idea, then what kind of business are you talking about. It is not necessary to be an innovator and come up with something unimaginable. You can take an already working idea, look around, find flaws in it, or simply improve it the way YOU see it and it will be a different business. It is easier to enter a formed market than to form it yourself. And the idea should not be global, you can start a micro business or.

In order to come up with or find a business idea, read the following articles and after reading you will 100% decide on the idea:

After the articles are read, the ideas are thought up, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2. Market Analysis

After choosing a business idea, you need to analyze the market, find out if people really need your product. Evaluate the competition, identify the positive and negative sides of competitors, find in yourself what will make you different from your competitors. Compare prices, quality of service, assortment (if it is a commodity business) and look to the maximum for what you can be better at. It is necessary. Why? Read!

Once you have assessed the supply and demand, realized that you can compete with existing companies, you can move on.

Step 3. Business Planning

Step 5. Registering your business

This step cannot be missed, because the business must be registered. You can use LLC or IP. It all depends on your activity. This article will help you:

Once your business is set up, you can move on to the next step.

Step 6. Taxes and reporting

I indicated this step right away, because you must initially decide on which taxation system you will work with. This must be done immediately, because the amount of taxes and how they are paid depend on it. To do this, read the following articles:

And also read other articles of the heading, because there you will always find up-to-date and complete information about tax and accounting. You can also ask your question and get an answer from a specialist.

Step 7. Quick idea testing

Someone will say that you can test without registering a business. And you are right! It is possible and so, but it was not in vain that I wrote at the very beginning that there would be 2 scenarios for the development of events, and in the second I will talk about it. Now let's move on to testing itself.

Initially, you need exactly quick testing - “testing in battle”. With your own money, test the idea, give minimal advertising, make the smallest possible product and try to sell it. Study demand in practice so to speak. You have to look into your plan, estimate what you need at the minimum in order to get started and start right away. Why is this being done. At the very beginning, I wrote about one of the mistakes of novice entrepreneurs, which consists in delaying the start, in constant improvements, etc. You don’t need to bring it to perfection, you need to start as soon as possible in order to test the idea in action, get the first sales and be inspired to continue development.

If the start does not give the first sales, then you need to revise the plan, idea and look for errors. A quick start is also done so that in case of failure you spend less time, effort and money. Agree, it would be more annoying to prepare for a year, and then fail? It is less offensive to realize your mistakes right away, while you still have little time to do. So you can make adjustments along the way and everything will start to work out!

To test ideas and your business can help you. It is more for testing ideas on the Internet, but it is also suitable for the real sector (offline).

Step 8. Business Development

After the tests have been carried out, the plan has been adjusted and sales have started slowly, you can develop the business and refine everything that you wrote in the plan to perfection. Now you can improve the site, increase warehouses or office, expand staff, etc. When your idea and business model has shown its performance, it is easier for you to set more global goals. Moreover, you have already received the first money from the first orders or sales and can reinvest them in development.

If there is not enough money, then here you can already resort to loans and borrowings, because business brings money and you can borrow with a clear conscience for its development. If you don't need much money, even a credit card might work. In I told how you can use credit card money for your business without interest.

Step 9. Active promotion

This step could be attributed to development, but I took it out separately. After you have wider warehouses, more powerful equipment and site, more employees, etc., you need to make it all work. This requires aggressive advertising to the maximum. You have to use a lot of promotional opportunities. Look for clients on the Internet, do offline advertising, do direct sales, etc. The more advertising tools you use, the better the result. But be sure to record the results and weed out effective tools advertising, so as not to waste budgets.

Step 10 Scaling

Your business is doing well, making money, you are constantly developing, everything is great! But there are also adjacent areas or neighboring cities. If your business model is successful in your city, then you can make representative offices in other cities. If there is no desire or opportunity to go to neighboring cities, then you can simply capture an adjacent direction, if there is one at all.

For example, if you are selling household appliances, you can simultaneously open a repair service and provide paid repair services. If your client's equipment is beyond repair, you can always offer him to buy something from your store in exchange. In general, look at your business and I am sure that you will find something to cling to.

What else can you pay attention to

During the launch of a business, there are several parameters that allow you to evaluate how effective your business is at the start, take them seriously:

If the net income of your business is above zero, excluding equipment costs and taxes, then your business will survive because it generates some money. If it is below zero, it means that your business is burning money, and it will not have enough loans and investments;

If you planned sales for 200,000, and sell for 50,000, then this is an occasion to seriously adjust your work and, possibly, the plan itself;

You should be comfortable. Business is hard. If you, too, are constantly having a hard time, then it will be difficult to cope with the tasks of the business. Provide yourself with a sufficient level of comfort so that you do not feel left out due to own business.

How to start and open your own business in a simplified way

As promised, I will give another simplified diagram of how to start your own business. Because I have already written all the points above, so I will refer to them here so as not to repeat myself.

I myself have used this scheme more than once, because before I started very small projects in which a lot could be missed. So the schema looks like this:

  1. Idea (it should always be);
  2. Easy planning, you can not paint, but fit the main points on a sheet of notebook. It is done in order to draw a model;
  3. Quick idea test. Perhaps even without investments and search for money. Or very little money will be required and they will simply be in your savings;
  4. Development and active promotion. After the first orders are, you can start active promotion and bring everything to mind;
  5. Business registration and scaling.

As you can see, I missed registration at the very end, because some business projects can be implemented without registration, because during the test you get not so much money to immediately run for them to report to the tax office. But if the business model has shown its performance and, after active promotion, it is growing, then the design should be instant.

But you still can’t do without registration even at the first stages if you need a retail space, an office or work with companies under contracts, because this requires at least an individual entrepreneur.


In this article, I told you how to start your own business, talked about the mistakes that beginners often make and I made, and now you know what to do before starting your own business. Read my site, subscribe to it, and try to start doing your own thing. We will not leave anyone on the site without help. Thank you for your attention!

Sincerely, Schmidt Nikolai

It is no secret that starting your own business is fraught with considerable difficulties, especially for people who do not have the necessary legal and economic knowledge. Most start-up entrepreneurs even register an individual entrepreneur or legal entity involve specialists - firms that provide such services.

Actually in the design own enterprise there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to collect a package of necessary documents and act strictly according to the instructions. Also, it is not difficult to independently obtain a license, a patent, open your own account, and choose a taxation system. And even accounting now an entrepreneur can master himself - there are special online services for this.

The book that you hold in your hands will benefit you at all stages of creating and developing a business.

If you are looking for an idea, then a brief overview of classic and original views entrepreneurial activity will help you make your choice. If you have already chosen the sphere of trade or services and do not know what to do next, then step by step instructions for IP registration and legal organization, as well as advice on choosing taxation will assist you at the start.

It will not be superfluous for you and guidelines for the preparation of a business plan. This is a very important stage of entrepreneurial activity. No short term or long term financial planning you can't do it. Even the most seemingly profitable business will fail if the entrepreneur does not calculate the payback period in advance, possible risks, income and expenses, as well as many other factors. For this, there is business planning, the basics of which you can find on the pages of our book.

Most of the enterprises that are currently flourishing have come a long way and have made a lot of efforts to ensure that their business not only develops and brings good income, but is also useful to society and the country as a whole. Many of the famous businessmen started their business from scratch and did not have much starting capital. They had an idea that they put into practice, overcoming all obstacles. And this is the best proof that everything depends on the person himself. People who persistently move towards the intended goal achieve success and financial well-being. So everything is in your hands! Good luck and be patient!

General information about entrepreneurial activity

Entrepreneurial activity is understood as “an independent activity carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematic obtaining profits from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in accordance with the procedure established by law ”(Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Entrepreneurship is possible only after passing state registration and registration with the tax authorities.

Certain types of business, such as the banking sector, require a license.

Types of entrepreneurship

Depending on the direction of the business, the objects of investment, obtaining specific results and profits, there are the following types entrepreneurship:

- production;

– insurance;

– commercial and trade;

- intermediary;

- financial and credit.

Manufacturing business

This is an entrepreneurship for the production and sale of various types of goods and services. The manufacturing business includes:

- release industrial products;

– production of agricultural products;

- release of goods for industrial purposes;

– production of consumer goods;

construction works;

– passenger and cargo transportation services;

- communication services;

- household and public utilities;

- issue of books and periodicals;

- educational services;

- provision of information.

In Russia, the manufacturing business is the most risky. The probability that an entrepreneur does not sell his products or will not be able to sell his services is quite high.

insurance business

The essence of such entrepreneurship is the receipt of insurance premiums from insured persons or enterprises and the payment of compensation (insurance) to them only under certain circumstances. The entrepreneur, in accordance with the law and the insurance contract, guarantees compensation for damage resulting from the loss of property, money, health, life, etc.

Commercial and trading business

The purpose of the commercial-trading business is to sell finished goods purchased from others to the consumer at a higher price and thereby make a profit.

In the commercial and trading business, those entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the sale of so-called durable goods, for example, are most at risk. Vehicle, home appliances.

The areas of commercial and trade business include:

- the shops;


- trading houses;

– auctions;

- wholesale bases;

- Internet trading platforms;

- trade shows.

Intermediary business

The intermediary business implies that the entrepreneur does not independently produce and sell goods, but acts as an intermediary between the producer and the consumer.

Intermediary organizations include:

– some commercial banks;

– wholesale supply and marketing enterprises;

- brokerage houses;

– dealer organizations;

- enterprises engaged in distribution activities.

Financial and credit business

This is an entrepreneurial activity in which money (the Russian ruble and currency) and securities act as objects of sale. Business owner buys cash from their owner, and then sells them at a higher price to the consumer.

The financial and credit business also includes credit operations, in which the entrepreneur attracts cash deposits and pays their owners a remuneration in the form of interest on the deposit. The businessman lends the funds raised at an interest rate that exceeds the deposit.

Forms of entrepreneurial activity

Entrepreneurial activity can be carried out in the form of an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity.

Individual entrepreneur

An individual entrepreneur (IP) goes through a simplified registration procedure and has a simplified form of accounting and reporting. He is liable for debts with personal property and does not have the right to distribute it among the founders.

Most of the fines for individual entrepreneurs are several times lower than for legal entities.

An individual entrepreneur can only use credit funds as sources of external financing. As for the sale of the business, he will be able to offer only his own assets, which belong to him as personal property. Inheritance and donation of a business is associated with a huge number of legal obstacles.


A legal entity is an organization that owns, manages or manages separate property. They are responsible for their obligations. A legal entity has the right to acquire and exercise property and non-property rights on its own behalf, as well as to act in court as a plaintiff or defendant (Articles 48 and 56 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The activity of a legal entity is impossible without an independent balance sheet or estimate.

The most common form of commercial organizations is a business company or partnership. It involves the division of the authorized capital into shares of the founders.

Types of business companies:

- closed joint-stock company(COMPANY);

– open joint stock company (OJSC);

- society with limited liability(OOO).

A CJSC is an enterprise in which shares are distributed only among its founders or a predetermined circle of persons. Shareholders have the right to repurchase shares from participants going out of business.

OJSC is an organization whose founders have the right to sell their shares without the consent of other participants.

The activities of CJSC and OJSC have significant differences (Table 1).

Table 1

The main differences between CJSC and OJSC

LLC is an organization established by one or more persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares. Their sizes are determined by constituent documents. Such an enterprise is designed mainly for small businesses. The minimum amount of its authorized capital is 100 minimum wages.

The founder of an LLC risks only to the extent of the value of his contribution to the authorized capital. Any member has the right to leave the organization whenever he wants and receive his share of the capital.

The LLC is managed by a director. The organization must have no more than 50 members.

Which shape to choose

The choice of a particular form of entrepreneurial activity depends on a number of circumstances, the main ones are given in tab. 2.

table 2

The choice of individual entrepreneur or legal entity, depending on the plans

Legal aspects of entrepreneurial activity

A successful business is impossible without competent legal support. Even if you hire specialists who perform necessary functions for servicing your enterprise, knowledge of the laws and regulations under which individual entrepreneurs and legal entities operate will not interfere with you.

Registration of entrepreneurial activity

According to the current legislation, a citizen has the right to do business from the moment of state registration (clause 1, article 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

IP (Individual entrepreneur)

To register an IP, you will need to go through the steps below.

Step 1. Before registering

If you do not have a TIN, you will need to apply for one with the tax office. This can be done in advance or simultaneously with the registration of IP. In the latter case, the time for issuing an IP will increase slightly.

Decide in advance on the taxation system and types economic activity, which are designated by OKVED codes.

You can choose one or more activities, but the first code you enter on the application will be the main one.

by the most popular species IP activities are:

- various services (educational, accounting, legal, intermediary, translation, domestic, consulting, design, etc.);

- renting out real estate;

– publishing and printing activities;

- trade.

The following types of activities are prohibited for individual entrepreneurs:

– production, wholesale and retail sale of alcohol;

- development, production, testing and repair of aviation equipment, as well as activities to ensure aviation security;

- activities related to weapons, military equipment and explosive materials;

– activities for the examination of industrial safety;

– production of pyrotechnics;

– private security activity;

- activities related to the employment of citizens outside the Russian Federation;

– activities related to investment and non-state pension funds;

space activities;

– production of medicines;

- Passenger and cargo transportation by air.

Step 2. Document preparation

In order to successfully register as an individual entrepreneur, you will need to prepare the following documents for the tax service:

– passport and copies of all its pages;

– application for state registration individual as an individual entrepreneur with an appendix on the types of economic activity;

- two copies of the application for the transition to a simplified taxation system (if required).

If an entrepreneur draws up an IP on his own and submits documents along with the original passport, it is not necessary to certify them with a notary. If a lawyer or a specialist of a company providing such services to the public is engaged in opening an IP, the future businessman will need to visit a notary's office.

Step 3. Registration with the tax service

In the tax service, you will need to check the documents with the submitted samples, and then submit them to the appropriate specialist. Currently, in most IFTS, documents are handed over, registered and received on a one-stop basis, that is, in one place.

The specialist will issue you a receipt of receipt of documents and a second copy of the application for the transition to a simplified taxation system. Make sure that the receipt has a stamp and the date when you need to pick up the finished documents.

Step 4. Receipt of documents

If the registration procedure was successful, you will receive the following documents within the period specified in the receipt:

– certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP);

- an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP);

- notification of registration of an individual with the tax service;

– notification of the assignment of statistics codes (from Rosstat);

- notification of registration of an individual in the territorial service of the PFR (pension fund) at the place of residence.

Step 5. Opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur

To open a bank account, you will need all the above documents. Within 7 days after opening an account, you must notify the IFTS of this. Otherwise, you face a fine.

Step 6. Cash register and printing

If your activities are related to accepting cash, you will need to purchase and register cash register(KKM).

You may be denied registration of an individual entrepreneur if you were declared bankrupt less than a year ago or if your business ban has not expired. In addition, documents may be returned to you due to their incorrect design, the presence of incorrect data or typos in them.

By law, an individual entrepreneur can work without a seal, but documents without it are invalid. In addition, some banks require a seal from an individual entrepreneur to open an account. You will also need it if you plan to cooperate with other organizations or sign contracts with individuals.

LLC (Limited Liability Company)

A limited liability company is the most popular organizational and legal form of a legal entity. The steps below will help you form an LLC on your own.

Step 1. Name of the organization

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any commercial organization must have a full company name in Russian. Take the choice of name responsibly, so that later you will not have problems when registering an LLC, as well as misunderstandings in the process. For example, if an organization already exists under the same name, it may file a claim with you to change the name of your company. It is unacceptable to use incorrect words in the title, as well as names related to Russian statehood. Writing foreign words is possible only in Russian transcription, however, you can register an additional full or abbreviated name in a foreign language.

The ideal option is to choose a name that has not yet been registered in the Russian Federation. You can check the name on the FTS website.

Step 2. Legal address

The location of the LLC, that is, its legal address, according to the law, is the address of its executive body, that is, the leader. This can be either a rented or own premises where the organization's office is located, or the registration address at the place of residence of the director.

If you choose the second option, you should be aware that your living space and property from the moment of registration of the LLC become part of it with all the ensuing consequences.

Step 3. Activities

Activities must be selected in advance. To do this, you will need to carefully study the current OKVED codes. Prohibitions on most types of activities for LLCs are the same as for individual entrepreneurs.

However, unlike the latter, LLC has the right to engage in licensed production and sale of alcoholic products. For some other activities, the organization also requires a license.

The OKVED list is divided into 17 sections by type of activity, their purpose and meaning. The grouping code consists of 2–6 digits. Its structure can be represented in the following way:

– XX – class;

– XX.X – subclass;

– XX.XX – group;

- XX.XX.X - subgroup;

- XX.XX.XX - view.

Step 4. Authorized capital

To register an LLC, you will need an authorized capital, the minimum amount of which today is 10,000 rubles. You can transfer the entire amount or 50% of it to an open savings bank account at once. In the second case, it is necessary to deposit the remaining part of the amount to the current account or to the cash desk of the organization (with reflection in the balance sheet) during the first year of operation.

The authorized capital can be contributed by property, which is valued by the founders of the company. They draw up and sign an act of appraisal, as well as an act of acceptance and transfer of property to the balance of the organization (after registration).

If the property costs more than 20,000 rubles, you will need to invite an independent expert (appraiser).

Step 5. Choosing a taxation system

Decide in advance on the tax regime. By default, a general taxation regime is established for an LLC, including the payment of VAT, income tax and corporate property tax.

However, if necessary, the company can choose a simplified taxation system. It is better to do this in advance in order to submit an application simultaneously with the documents for registering an LLC.

The founders of an LLC have the right to become able-bodied, not registered public service citizens and legal entities of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign companies and citizens. The maximum number of founders is 50, the minimum is 1 (founder and director in one person).

The head of the LLC is chosen by the founders.

Step 6. Document preparation

To register, you will need to prepare the following documents:

– charter of LLC (2 copies);

– application for a certified copy of the articles of association;

– decision on the organization of LLC (if the founder is one);

– protocol general meeting founders (if there is more than one founder);

– agreement of founders (if there are more than one founders);

– application for state registration;

- receipt of payment of state duty;

– an application for the transition to a simplified taxation system (if required);

- a document from a bank confirming the opening of a savings account, or an act of assessing a property contribution to the authorized capital;

letter of guarantee, lease agreement or any other document confirming the legal address of the enterprise.

About the charter

To date, the charter of an LLC is the only constituent document of this legal entity. The charter is approved either by one (single) founder, or by the minutes of the general meeting of participants in the LLC. This information must be indicated on the title page of the document.

sole founder

The charter of an LLC, which has one founder, may include the following items.

1. General Provisions.

2 Goals and subject of activity.

3 Legal status of society.

4 Authorized capital.

5 Rights and obligations of the participant.

6 Transfer of a share in the authorized capital.

7 Society management.

8 CEO society.

9 Audit Commission.

10 Property, accounting and reporting.

11 Distribution of profits.

12 Accounting for financial and economic activities.

13 Liquidation and reorganization.

It should be remembered that, as in most documents, each paragraph must contain a transcript, that is, subparagraphs.



5.1. The participant is obliged:

pay for the share in the authorized capital of the Company in the manner, in the amount and within the time limits stipulated by the legislation, as well as by the agreement on the establishment of the Company; - comply with the requirements of the charter;

not to disclose confidential information about the activities of the Company; – protect the property of the Company;

fulfill the obligations assumed in relation to the Company;

assist the Company in carrying out its activities.

5.2. The participant has the right:

participate in the management of the Company's affairs in the manner prescribed by this Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

receive information about the activities of the Company and get acquainted with its accounting books and other documentation in accordance with the procedure established by these Articles of Association;

receive a share of profit in proportion to their share in the authorized capital;

sell or otherwise alienate its share or part of the share in the authorized capital of the Company to another person in the manner prescribed by this Charter and current legislation;

receive, in the event of liquidation of the Company, a part of the property remaining after settlements with creditors, or its value;

enjoy other rights granted to the participants of a limited liability company by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. The participant may decide to give himself additional rights. Termination or restriction of additional rights is carried out by the decision of the participant.

5.4. The withdrawal of the sole member of the Company from the Company is not allowed.

It is best to draw up a charter under the guidance of a competent lawyer. If this is not possible, it is recommended to carefully study the charters of existing organizations. Perhaps your friends and acquaintances, who have already opened an LLC and are successfully running a business, will help you in this difficult task. In addition, sample charters are freely available on the Internet.

Multiple founders

After deciding to become a businessman, many beginners have a question - where should they start? There is no universal recipe for a success story, although the advice of those who are already considered not beginners, but experienced entrepreneurs, will not hurt anyone.

Quora users are the most popular tips for newbies who decide to become businessmen.

Often, having decided to start their own startup, future businessmen ask themselves a lot of questions. Among them, for example, questions of the following nature: “Do I need to learn how to program to make the next Dropbox?” or “Should I learn sales techniques?”

These questions can be very different and quite unexpected. However, the main question that comes from the lips of a novice entrepreneur is very simple and complex at the same time: “how and where do I start?”

Some believe that in order to become a creator successful startup You don't need qualifications or a lot of money. A businessman should not be a genius or even come up with a particularly good and original idea. All an entrepreneur has to do is to create something that can consistently bring in money (we are not talking about a money printing press).

One has only to think of a company as a machine or machine to be designed and built. Here, for example, how McDonalds would look like in this perspective:

Your "machine" always consists of certain parts. She sells something for someone, reinvesting part of the funds to increase sales in the future. What is left of the earnings is the profit for business owners. Compare McDonalds Business Diagram with Google:

If you manage to design, build, own and take care of such a machine, you can become a very rich and successful entrepreneur. This does not mean that it is easy and simple to do this, but most of the obstacles that you think will be in your way simply do not exist.

After reading the previous two paragraphs, you might think something like: “So McDonalds with Google, where are they and where am I…”. Therefore, it's time to imagine yourself in the place of a business founder - a young man who does not like his job very much, but is generally persistent and stubborn, and sometimes even stubborn. These qualities, as well as energy and determination, are important for a future entrepreneur.

So how do you make a lot of money?

Maybe an "idea" will help you with this? Please forget all the bullshit you've heard about the value of ideas. Ideas are cheap and fleeting, business ideas themselves are worth less than a half-eaten sandwich. At least you can eat a sandwich.

No, you certainly need an idea. But understand that even the most successful companies were not founded on crazy or brilliant ideas. Starbucks chose a banal way to make money by selling coffee in Seattle.

Facebook built the best MySpace ever. Google has built the best search service, an analogue of Yahoo. Microsoft copied Apple, which in turn copied Xerox. original ideas overrated. But the real value is the time, the specific moment of bringing these ideas to life.

Google chose a great time to build the best search engine, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to repeat this now. Facebook, in turn, released its product on time, and Microsoft played on the interest of users in personal computers and offered them a more convenient way to manage them.

Therefore, when starting a business, you need to find something that is currently under-represented in the market, a product or service that can become in demand. It's no secret that it's easier to improve on an existing idea that hasn't been fully implemented or not successfully implemented than it is to create something completely original.

People are afraid of starting a business in areas where there is competition, but competition can be a great help for a future businessman.

For example, the best place creating your own restaurant - not far from another successful or, even better, not quite successful restaurant, because its owners have already done the most for you main job- they built client base, created an interested audience that is looking for a restaurant in that particular place.

Lot good business was created against the backdrop of another, less successful one. Therefore, sometimes it is better to have a few rivals than not to have any at all. You just need to become 10% better. The easiest option is to create something that you personally or your friends would love to spend money on.

Another secret to future success is to know as much as possible about what you are doing, to be truly passionate about your work.

Most entrepreneurs were able to convince other people to believe in themselves. When Steve Jobs founded Apple, he had neither money nor customers. However, what he did at the very beginning was an important hallmark of a great entrepreneur.

First, he convinced a local computer store to accept cash-on-delivery Apple computers that didn't exist at the time. He then convinced a parts supplier to sell him the parts he needed. Jobs acted in this order, thanks to which he received a guarantee that someone would buy computers created with the help of purchased components.

Most new entrepreneurs are forced to get out the way Steve Jobs did in his time. This and that may sound a little threatening, but that's the way it is. In doing this, the novice businessman will have to learn to navigate between building the perfect company (idealistic goal) and paying the bills (realistic). Having missed one of the parties, you can face a situation of a complete collapse of the business.

One more thing follows from this rule - you should not prematurely scale your business, you should not immediately build a large company, waste time describing the company's mission and program documents. Produce and sell. The time for HR will come later. Don't be surprised if you've changed your entire company by then.

Building a business process is ideal if the business is successful without its founder.

If you drop dead tomorrow, your business should continue to run without you. McDonalds has built a business that works even if they hire minimum wage employees.

Their business is successful because all processes are clearly written in it. Each hamburger consists of a predetermined number of ingredients and nothing is left to chance. Their brand is so strong that people are lining up all over the world to try the banal potato and sandwich.

But even when the business is already built, all business processes work perfectly like clockwork, keep learning new things. You never know what your next business will be, where else you will decide to apply your efforts and talent as a businessman. In the same way, you do not know which of your knowledge and skills acquired in childhood, adolescence, or which is your hobby, will turn into your business.

11 Commandments for a New Entrepreneur


Readiness for business... This is such a state... When you understand that you want it or when you decide that you want to work for yourself and only for yourself. When you will not plow days and nights for some uncle .. When you are ready to devote yourself to this business ... When you are ready to face problems. When you live an idea, when you breathe it, then you are ready...


Idea confidence. in your future business. What you want to open must be successful. It cannot be otherwise. When you definitely say to all concerned, all employees, friends - YES, I will do it. YES, I will definitely do it. And only then take the idea. If you're not ready to talk, if you're not sure, don't even try. If in your brain there is a fixed idea, accompanied by the words - I want or it seems to me that I will do it - this is not the case. When you burn with an idea, when you are confident in it, then take it.


You must be "not an employee". You must be a businessman. You have to organize the business. You have to lead people. You must be seen as an entrepreneur. Feel it in conversation and in deeds. You must see the ideas, you must take everything you need... You must be ideological. You must be enterprising. Remember this.


Business needs money. You must realize that this is a huge risk. You should not take money without realizing that this is a huge responsibility! Many people around me committed suicide because of debt. This breaks up marriages. From this, friends are lost, loved ones turn away. If you take money, you must give it back. Please understand what it is huge responsibility And what a huge risk! Do not borrow if you are not 100% sure of repayment. This is dangerous.


You must know your area. Must understand what it is and how it works. It's great if the company's field of activity is your favorite. You understand this. You know the loopholes... Imagine a grandmother who wants to be engaged not in clothing production, but in web design. Not so simple.

Business plan

No matter how it seems to you that everything is so simple, understandable and wonderful - you must write a business plan or something like it ... A short strategy. If you do not have a business plan, open a business - you will big mistake. If you don't have a plan of action, don't do it. You must know your clients. Must see the big picture. How stupid it would not look - write. That's better.


Do not take friends to your state. You will realize your mistake as soon as you do this. Friends will not fit into jobs the way hired workers do. Friends won't make it. Friends will want more than the rest. Friends can pressure you. Friends will drag your firm down. You can't fire them out of a sense of duty. If you hire a friend, you will make a big mistake. The old true saying: "if you want to lose a friend, give him a loan." So here. Don't take friends. You can cooperate with them, but do not take them on the staff.


If you are a good partner, you can rely on. You do everything on time, you don't let anyone down, you don't leave anyone. Partners will stay with you. They will pay back, rather, the same. Don't throw! You said - you did. Keep your words! And people will be attracted to you. But all the same, do not forget that in business everyone is “thrown” and “bred” ... Caution never interferes.


Don't spend all your money. If a company brings in amazing income, don't get used to it. It can be just some kind of luck, temporary success, or just a goofy client. If you have a firm, you need better clothes. Entertainment is more expensive. The car is tougher. You will be chasing after it. In this pursuit, you will forget about business. And if it brings even less, you will consider that life is over. And remember - "it's easier to earn than to save."


This is not what they teach you in universities! representation sosem not that! They impose on us the opinion that a company is when there is corporate culture when everything is euro-renovated, white walls, new furniture and cool equipment! All wrong! Save! No fancy equipment needed! Everything is minimal! Why offices for workers? Cellars, Pentium1, ordinary students working for pennies. Here are the realities of business. There will be no cool company. Everywhere you need to save! Everything is minimal!


You can't be friends with your own employees. Keep your distance. Don't let them get close to you. You are in charge. You are the boss, you are the director. For example, you can not switch to "you". In my opinion, this will elevate you, and employees will feel more and more responsible.

I hope you read these tips and see the picture of the business world more fully. If you have only one desire, it is not a business. Take advice. Take it seriously.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation