The main sections of the exhibition: * ammunition * armored vehicles * weapons * communications equipment * military equipment * security systems * ships * submarines. Air victory: How Ukraine recaptured India from Russia


04/06/2016 – As part of the major international exhibition Defexpo India 2016 in Goa, the Indian Ministry of Defense and a number of companies signed 15 memorandums with Ukraine on the production of 500 transport aircraft and on the long-term supply of gas turbine units for Indian military ships.

This happened against the backdrop of a previously frozen joint project with Russia to build a military transport aircraft. Multi-role Transport Aircraft (MTA) and refusal of the Russian service of sea vessels.

The theme of Defexpo India 2016 covers weapons for the ground forces and the navy, including air defense systems, army aviation, and dual-use products.

The exhibition is decisive for the entire South and Southeast Asia. It is held every two years and this time was the ninth. More than 600 companies from all over the world take part in the exhibition, and its exposition covers an area of ​​more than 40 thousand square meters. meters.

Ukrainian delegation led by a state concern "Ukroboronprom", presented almost 40 types of products developed and produced by Ukrainian enterprises.

Products were brought by Kyiv, Zhytomyr and Lvov armored plants, KB "Luch", SE "Antonov", Joint Stock Holding Company "Artem", Artillery Weapons Plant, "Zarya-mashproekt".

The visitors saw the Ukrainian BTR-3, Dozor-B, An-132, An-148, An-178, models of the latest defense products, which will soon enter mass production.

According to CEO"Ukroboronprom" of Roman Romanov, the concern "has significant capacity to fulfill large orders and produce innovative weapons and is fully open to cooperation in all areas."

During the exhibition, eight successful negotiations were held with the Minister of Defense of India and the high command of the armed forces.

The Indian-Ukrainian agreements simultaneously became the central topic of the leading political and economic Indian publications.

But the Ukrainian press presented this event as something trivial: here, they say, a brown cow grazed, and her milk was white. We visited, signed 500 or 5 aircraft - these are not very important details. And who the Ukrainians bypassed, who they left with salty slurping - this is not mentioned anywhere at all. Nothing supernatural, no sensation.

However, the topic of coverage of events at Deexpo India 2016 is not the most interesting. More important is what happened at the exhibition.

Indian Reliance Defense Ltd and the Ukrainian aviation state concern "Antonov" agreed to jointly create a multifunctional transport aircraft for the needs of the military, paratroopers, as well as commercial use in India. We are talking about 500 cars with a total value of 5.3 billion dollars over 15 years.

According to Reliance Defense Ltd, it, together with the Ukrainian state corporation"Antonov" will present to the project "various requirements, including for the creation of a passenger aircraft for 50-80 seats in the basic configuration, as well as in all variations, including for transport and other military purposes."

The place of aircraft production has already been determined - the first Indian integrated Aerospace Technopark in the Mihan airport center of the city of Nagpur, Maharashtra in Central India. This is determined by the strategic concept of the Government of India under the special name: to create in the territory of their country. In other words, do everything with your own workforce, and import only technologies and services of specialists.

The partnership with Ukrainian specialists in their technologies provides for the development of a medium-lift military aircraft for operational-tactical and strategic missions with two turbofan jet engines. The aircraft must take off from short runways and remote unequipped airfields, including unpaved ones.

“The small amount of tactical capabilities of the aircraft is compensated by modern avionics and navigation systems with an electric remote control system, which are used in any weather and at any time of the day,” adds Reliance Defense Ltd.

The agreement was signed by Anil Ambani, Chairman of the Board of Reliance Defense, and First Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleg Gladkovsky, which is responsible for military-technical cooperation and export control. Anil Ambani is famous in India as a tycoon and owner Reliance Group.

The Indian Air Force operates more than 100 Ukrainian-made An-32 transport aircraft and recently decided to extend their service life.

There is also an agreement on the creation in India of joint ventures for the modernization and repair of Soviet anti-aircraft systems - anti-aircraft missile systems "Kvadrat", "Strela-1", "Tunguska", "Shilka", portable complexes "Igla", "Strela-2".

According to Ukrainian experts, the annual volume of military contracts with India is $100 million. In the next three years, this figure is planned to increase to 500 million dollars. In particular, Ukrainian experts propose to India to jointly develop a multiple launch rocket system with a range of up to 100 km.

These facts testify to the level of Ukrainian achievements, both technical and marketing. Ukrainians have someone, with what and with whom to cooperate at the level of world standards.

How do Russians comment on the March aircraft-building sensation?

Director of the agency "Aviaport" Oleg Panteleev called the joint development of the aircraft with Ukrainian specialists realistic. “Antonov has an almost ready-made family of aircraft in various segments: An-148, An-158 and An-178. This is an almost finished line of aircraft, which fits into the range referred to in the agreement,” he says.

According to the director of the agency, this line of aircraft, at the request of the Indian side, can be finalized in terms of the choice of units and avionics. In addition, India and Ukraine have, although not ideal, experience of cooperation in the repair and modernization of An-32 transport aircraft.

What will happen to the frozen Indian-Russian project - a joint venture for the production of a multi-purpose transport aircraft MTA?

Russia and India signed an agreement on the development and construction of the MTA in 2007. Production was planned to be deployed both in Russia and in India. Both parties were to invest $300 million in the joint venture. They wanted to make 100 aircraft for the Russian Air Force, 45 aircraft for India, and they planned to sell another 60 aircraft to "third countries".

India called the reasons for the suspension of the project the requirement for a sharp increase in the cost of developing a transport aircraft from Russia and the dissatisfaction of the Indian Air Force next specifications MTA.

According to Panteleev, the MTA project "almost from birth was distinguished by considerable lethargy, and the expediency of its implementation was in doubt." For eight years, the Russians have been haggling on the cost of development instead of getting the technical specifications of their plane up to par.

Panteleev sums up: "India can get a more accommodating partner, which, unlike Russia, will not bargain for preferences on the composition of on-board equipment and the degree of participation of its manufacturers in the project."

The AIT is not India's only bitter experience. In December 2015, the Indian audit agency CAG prepared an expert opinion on the operation by local pilots of Su-30MKI fighters purchased from Russia.

According to the conclusion of the auditors, the airworthiness index of Russian aircraft is significantly below the norm, since a number of aircraft units of this type often break down.

In particular, CAG claims that, on average, of the 210 Su-30MKIs that India operates, between 115 and 126 fighters are permanently on the ground due to the need to repair them. According to the Indian Ministry of Defense, six Sukhoi vehicles have been lost since their operation. This is reported by the American edition defense news.

The main reason for the frequent breakdowns of the Su-30MKI experts CAG call the lack of parts for the aircraft, most of which are produced in Russia. The problem with the units for this aircraft among the Indians arises due to the bureaucracy that was bred Rosoboronexport and the Indian Ministry of Defense.

The process of applying for spare parts is long, it can take many months. In addition, Rosoboronexport is not interested in supplying small batches of spare parts, while the Indian side most often needs just such batches of parts.

Why not create a service center in Indian territory, where a complete set of spare parts for two or three aircraft would be stored, which would be constantly replenished? It could be done as a joint venture. This was discussed during the recent visit of Indian journalists to Moscow.

However, the question is who will finance this service center. Even "dismantled" two or three aircraft are tens of millions of dollars. Delhi is negotiating with Moscow to open enterprises on Indian territory to collect the necessary spare parts. Therefore, Sukhoi has not yet been abandoned here.

However, the refusal of the MTA is not the only case when India, after long negotiations with Russia, chooses another aircraft supplier. So, at the beginning of 2016, India decided to purchase French Rafale aircraft instead of the Russian MiG-35s.

According to Mykola Gordiyenko, Head of Naval Projects at Ukroboronprom, India allowed Ukraine to participate in defense programs, and “we proposed new methods of servicing the Soviet aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Gorshkov, which are 50% cheaper than Russian proposals.”

The Admiral Gorshkov was launched in the USSR in 1982, and in 2004 Russia sold it to India. In November 2013, it was handed over to the Indian Navy.

For India, which is known in the world for its habit of saving on everything, 50% reduction in price is a big attraction factor. According to Defense News, Ukraine is making aggressive attempts to break the Russian monopoly on cooperation with India related to repair and maintenance of military equipment.

“We have proposed many solutions that can give new life weapons of the Soviet era, since we are the original equipment manufacturers,” said Petro Fedoruk, an adviser to Ukroboronprom.

It's not just this ship. The Ukrainians decided on something more systemic. Ukraine can help Indian military to repair ship gas turbines. Capacities and qualified personnel for this must be provided by the Nikolaev plant "Zarya-mashproekt". This is also recognized by Russian experts.

According to Artur Kheruvimov, deputy director of Ukroboronprom, India wants to organize a military-technical commission jointly with Ukraine to service Soviet weapons. So far, these are plans, but even they give Moscow grounds for unrest. The time of the Russian monopoly in this area is passing.

Ukraine presented 40 models of equipment own production at the defense exhibition DefExpo-2016, which takes place in India, the press service of the Ukroboronprom concern reported.

“More than 40 full-scale samples and models from 11 Ukrainian enterprises represents the state enterprise "Spetstechnoexport", which is the leading special exporter state company"Ukroboronprom", - the message on the website of the Ukrainian concern says.

“We brought models of the latest military products. They are of great interest to our international partners.”

In particular, Ukraine presents the BTR-3, the Dozor-B military armored car and the An-132, An-148, An-178 aircraft.

“In addition, we brought models of the latest military products, which will soon go into mass production. They are of great interest to our international partners. At this exhibition, we expect the signing of a number of contracts that will lay the foundation for a new fruitful cooperation,” the press service of Ukroboronprom Director General Roman Romanov quotes.

In particular, the Ukrainian state enterprise "Antonov" invited Indian enterprises to join the production of An-32, and the ministries and departments of the country - to become customers of the aircraft.

DefExpo-2016 is the ninth international defense exhibition, which takes place in India on March 28-31 under the auspices of the country's Ministry of Defense.

This is the largest exhibition of arms and military technologies in South Asia, which demonstrates the best examples of armored vehicles, rocket-artillery and small arms, the latest air defense equipment, equipment for the navy, communications, optoelectronic devices, satellite and space technologies of world defense companies. . Taking part in the exhibition largest companies USA, UK, East and Western Europe.

Recall, on March 22, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov that successful tests of a Ukrainian-made combat missile were carried out. At the same time, in the blog of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, they came to the conclusion that for a test launch, a full-time missile for multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) "Smerch".

February 1 newspaper VIEW that in Ukraine there was and is no capacity for the production of cruise missiles.

In addition, at the beginning of October, the VZGLYAD newspaper noted that Ukraine ranks ninth in the world in terms of arms sales, conducts hostilities and sharply increases its military budget. In such conditions, but exactly the opposite happens - the industry is in decline and produces "illiquid assets". The reasons are extremely inefficient managers, who are perfectly able to "rub glasses" on the country's leadership.

We also recall that on May 27, 2015, Russia's permanent representative to NATO, Alexander Grushko, hoped Kyiv's unpromising hope for military orders from the West.

KWITOL (South Goa), 28 March. /TASS/. Russia will show the latest innovations of the domestic military-industrial complex (DIC), and also discuss the prospects for military-technical cooperation with foreign partners at the international exhibition of land and naval weapons DEFEXPO India-2016, which is opening in India. The review will be attended by 18 parent concerns of the defense industry and 61 enterprises included in them. The Russians will present information on more than 800 samples of military and dual-use products.

In addition to weapons that have already proven themselves on the positive side, such as T-90S tanks, S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles, Kalashnikov assault rifles of the "hundredth" series, Pantsir-S1 and Tor-M2KM air defense systems ", submarines" Amur-1650 ", frigates of project 11356 and large landing ships of project 11711E, during this exhibition Russia will demonstrate the novelties of the domestic defense industry. In particular, for the first time foreign partners will be shown the latest Verba portable anti-aircraft missile system, which is being put into service with the Russian army, as well as a number of other samples.

Rosoboronexport will present a new large-scale marketing project "Integrated Security Systems", created on the basis of Russian and international experience in the development and implementation of counter-terrorism and law enforcement systems, as well as a project of an automated tactical command and control system adapted for the armed forces of India.

According to Sergey Goreslavsky, Deputy General Director of Rosoboronexport, the main Russian arms exporter, India aims to develop its own defense industry in accordance with the "Make in India" concept, and Russia is ready to propose new large-scale projects in the interests of all branches of the armed forces, which include the widest cooperation with Indian companies, the transfer of relevant technologies, as well as the organization of joint and licensed production.

"In particular, today we are negotiating the possible construction of Project 75 (i) submarines based on the latest Amur-1650 diesel-electric submarines, and are also discussing the prospects for purchasing an additional batch of Project 11356 frigates and organizing their licensed production in India," said Goreslavsky, head of the joint delegation of the Rostec State Corporation and Rosoboronexport.

Exhibition DEFEXPO India - 2016 will be held in South Goa from 28 to 31 March. Its thematic focus will traditionally be armored vehicles, rocket-artillery and small arms, air defense systems, naval equipment, communications, environmental control, optoelectronic devices, satellite and space technologies, telecommunications and information systems.

"Chrysanthemums" and "Willow" blossomed on the coast of Indian Goa. Not flowers, of course, not plants, but Russian weapons. Goa is hosting the Defexpo 2016 exhibition these days. Special attention is paid to Russian stands - and this despite the sanctions. How many transactions have been concluded, and for what amounts?

Russia flew to the shores of Goa with Chrysanthemums and Willow. This is, of course, an allegory. Only "Verba" weighs 18 kilograms - it is a portable anti-aircraft missile system. And "Chrysanthemum" is an anti-tank complex.

In India, the exhibition of land and naval weapons Defexpo 2016 is coming to an end. Russian speech was heard all around. At the exhibition in India, Russia landed a record landing. Representatives of 60 defense industry enterprises arrived and brought 800 pieces of equipment. This is the first international review after the Russian Aerospace Forces conducted a counter-terrorist operation in Syria, which, of course, fueled world interest in our military equipment. And although the exhibition is not an aviation one, the winged models of our "Su" attracted visitors like a magnet.

Do you know what kind of plane this is?
- "This is a Sukhoi! We saw it on the news on TV. It's a very good fighting vehicle. The aircraft is also used by our army.

"Dry" - far from the only machines that are in service with India. " Strategic partner"- this is how this country is called in Rosoboronexport. In the total portfolio of orders, India is in second place. And in just last year, Rosoboronexport received orders from foreign partners for $ 25.5 billion - this is a record. "But what about the sanctions?" - the question begs. .

“They didn’t work. It cannot be said that they did not complicate the process - there were difficulties, but of a technical nature. The results speak for themselves. The more sanctions there were, the more interest in our defense industry was fueled,” says Sergey, Deputy General Director of Rosoboronexport Goreslavsky.

The Russian Helicopters holding at Defexpo is a debutant, but viewers remember these aircraft from the same Syrian reports. India alone has 400 of our helicopters in its fleet today.

“I want to show you the KA-226T helicopter. Here is this machine! We are negotiating with India on these machines on a weekly basis. The Minister of Defense, when he came to our stand, asked only one thing yesterday: let's get all the formalities aside! Let's hurry Let's start delivering these helicopters to us!" - says Igor Chechikov, deputy general director of the holding.

"For the first time at a foreign exhibition, a unique tank complex for remote detonation of high-explosive fragmentation shells with a model of a 125-millimeter tank round is being demonstrated," says Igor Kulikov, director for military-technical cooperation at Uralvagonzavod.

"Almaz-Antey" is known to the world for its S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, but its "Owl" in the light of the latest terrorist attacks in Europe is of much greater interest to potential buyers.

“This is what allows you to monitor the state of the borders, a light, mobile installation, which is in great demand,” says Alexander Egorov, deputy head of the Almaz-Antey delegation.

Indian Ambassador to Russia Pankaj Saran believes that it is time for our two countries to offer the world not just separate installations, but a comprehensive security system, including from terrorist strikes.

The Defexpo India exhibition is being held for the ninth time. The sums of the contracts that Russia is preparing for signing are not disclosed, but almost all the negotiation rooms - and every booth was equipped with such rooms - queued up. The foreigners wished to discuss the details of deliveries of "Verb" and "Chrysanthemums" only face to face.



The United Shipbuilding Corporation presented the possibilities of domestic shipbuilding at the 9th International Exhibition land and naval armaments DEFEXPO INDIA-2016, held from 28 to 31 March 2016 in Kwitola (India, Goa). The USC booth has become one of the largest and busiest displays at India's premier defense exhibition.
The USC delegation consisted of more than 60 specialists from 14 naval enterprises and design bureaus that are part of the Corporation.
Within the framework of the exhibition, USC employees, together with the FSMTC of Russia and JSC Rosoboronexport, held over 150 business meetings and negotiations with Indian partners and representatives of foreign companies.
During these meetings, the deliveries of Russian ships and marine equipment for the Navy and the Coast Guard of India and other states were discussed. With the leadership of the Navy, leading public and private shipbuilding companies, the prospects for expanding cooperation within the framework of the national program "Make in India" were considered.
The main topics for discussion during the talks were:
- organization of post-warranty maintenance of equipment of the aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" with the involvement of Indian contractors;
- carrying out, after the adoption of an appropriate decision by the military department and the command of the Indian Navy, the second medium repairs with certification of the service life of three more Project 877EKM submarines, both at Russian and Indian shipyards;
- continuation of consultations between the parties on cooperation in the construction of the next batch of frigates with improved tactical and technical characteristics.
During the exhibition, representatives of Indian shipbuilding enterprises discussed both the modernization program for Project 1241 small missile boats and the possibility of building a new generation of ships of a similar class (depending on the decision of the Indian side).
In addition, the possibility of joint repair and modernization with Indian companies was evaluated. electronic modules and blocks of systems Russian production installed on surface ships and submarines of the Indian Navy.
The attention of specialists, experts and visitors of the exhibition was attracted by the projects presented by USC enterprises: non-nuclear submarine "Amur 1650" with an air-independent power plant; a large diesel-electric submarine of project 636; multipurpose frigate project 22356; large landing ship project 11711E; vessels for rescuing crews of emergency submarines of project 21301 and other examples of Russian shipbuilding.
The participation of USC in the International Exhibition Defexpo India-2016 once again convincingly confirmed that the military products of USC enterprises are still in demand both in India and other countries that have their own navies.

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