Organization is key to strategic partnerships. Strategic partner of Russia. Russia and India


English strategic alliance) is a common name for forms of resource cooperation and coordination of companies' activities in order to obtain mutual benefits (synergy effect). At the heart of S.p. lies the cooperation of the management of firms, due to mutual participation in the capital, the coincidence of strategic interests in the development and diversification of production, expansion of sales markets, entry into new markets, etc. S.p. involves the coordination of the activities of the participating firms. According to the degree of deepening cooperation and pooling of resources, the following are distinguished. forms of S.p.: training of personnel of one firm by specialists of another for the development of new production; an agreement on the production, assembly and transfer of products (compensation deals "buy-back" - buy-back); transfer of a patent under license; agreement on joint marketing research; partnership in survey work, R&D and co-production. Strategic partners can be selected among domestic and foreign firms. At the same time, both firms of equal size and firms that differ in scale and market coverage become partners. Often S. p. is an effective way for small firms (especially those engaged in advanced technology) to enter new markets with their unique product. A common form of S. p. - entrepreneurial networks, the participants of which coordinate their activities both in the short and long term. An important form of S.p. are the so-called. technology parks (science cities), within the framework of which the interaction of science, high-tech production, modern computerized infrastructure and vocational education is carried out.

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Voronezh State University

engineering technologies of Voronezh, Russia

Strategic partnership: advantages and development directions

Suyazova G.A.

The development strategy includes several solutions. One of them is a strategic alliance or strategic partnership, at the global level it is the cooperation of any one country with another, more powerful and larger, to achieve common economic and strategic goals. A partnership involves cooperation that produces the best results compared to those that could be obtained from a conventional transaction. strategic partnership economic communication

In today's changing economy, strategic partnerships allow states to create a serious competitive advantage by accessing the partner's resources and capabilities, namely: markets, technologies, capital and people. Creating a team allows the participants in the process to expand their resources and abilities in total, and from this to grow and expand much faster and more efficiently.

Compared to conventional types of cooperation, strategic partnership is the highest level. The partners have similar values, national interests and recognize the need to develop bilateral trade and deepen cooperation. In order to give cooperation a strategic character, an economic, political, social international environment is being created that contributes to mutual complementation, the development of competition, as well as forms of management within the country and in cooperation with a partner. Despite the fact that some countries prefer the short term, yet the strategic partnership is a long-term phenomenon. It can also be both at the bilateral and multilateral levels. Multilateral strategic cooperation involves the creation of strategic alliances or alliances. For example, NATO and the EU can be considered such alliances.

Strategic partnerships have many benefits.

First, trade and investment barriers are overcome when entering foreign markets. This allows the development of international imports and exports. Secondly, the state has access to financial resources, products, partner technologies. This creates new markets for products and a new range of products for buyers. Benefits include strengthening the brand in the market through partner channels, reducing the cost and risk of R&D, setting technology standards and manufacturing products to those standards.

It is necessary to strengthen strategic cooperation by organizational and constructive steps.

To begin with, political dialogue with strategic partners should be improved to build confidence and prevent conflict. Another important step will be to stimulate mutual investment in the economy.

It is necessary to deepen military and military-technical cooperation with strategic partners by signing agreements, intensify interregional cooperation with strategic partners, and consider the possibility of creating trade missions.

It is also important to strengthen Information Support development of strategic cooperation, to adopt bilateral agreements in the field of information exchange. For broad public support, awareness of the life of partner countries is needed through the Internet, television and radio broadcasting.

Of course, it is not entirely true to say that strategic partnership brings only benefits. There are weaknesses here. First, conflicts related to differences in the cultures of the participants in a strategic alliance can significantly weaken cooperation between companies and hinder the creation of partnerships. Or shared decision-making can be time consuming, protracted, and result in too many compromises. And finally, the state is at great risk of being overwhelmed by its partner. In this case, no further development out of the question.

But in general, with the right partnership tactics, the benefits of strategic partnerships outweigh its drawbacks and dangers.

Such a type of cooperation as a strategic partnership has developed significantly, but has changed markedly in recent years. Single tactical goals inherent in traditional joint forms have been replaced by global strategies, views and approaches to forming partnerships have changed. Strategic partnerships should be thought of as a means to an end, as an extension of your influence by respecting your competitors. Planning and communications are key components of successful strategic alliances.

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The issue of alliance formation is to a large extent common to many of the leading modern trends in managerial and economic thought. The founders of neo-institutionalism (R. Coase, R. Posner, O. Williamson, and others) made their original contribution to its solution. They substantiated the effectiveness of strategic alliances in terms of creating preconditions for reducing transaction costs.

Managers argue that alliances provide a rational alternative to traditional and in many cases unproductive hierarchical ties and relationships. This emphasizes the network nature of their origin and functioning, which is immanent in strategic alliances, based on the contrasting and at the same time trusting nature of interfirm interaction. However, often the thesis about the advantages and positive effects of network structures such as an alliance is not supported by actual arguments and calculations, that is, alliances are recognized a priori as beneficial for its participants.

There are judgments when network alliances are opposed to joint ventures, although, in our opinion, these organizational forms of the life of corporate structures have more similarities than differences, and are capable of rapid transformation from one to another.

The organizational and managerial potential of alliances is significant and has not yet been properly assessed, and therefore is not always used in practical activities companies. We share the position that the participation of integrated corporate structures (ICS), complex, bureaucratic and conservative formations, can have a mobilizing, stimulating effect on the corporate structure as a whole, thereby eliminating

Bolshakov A. V. Management of the formation of strategic alliances Russian companies- M, 2007, pp. 22-24.

the danger of its strategic drift towards degradation and decrease in the effectiveness of the management system. After all, one of the main tasks of the dominant link of the ICS (corporate center) is to preserve the integrity of the entire corporation, to maintain centrifugal tendencies. In this situation, the corporate center (subject to the active use of the advantages of strategic alliances) is called upon to perform the following key functions: modulating and redistributing financial and other resources; coordinating the activities of the network of alliances of other business structures that are members of different ICS. The dominant link of the ICS can get rid of the burdensome duties of solving routine tasks that become the competence of the coordinating management bodies of strategic alliances that are part of the ICS structures, including subsidiaries and grandchildren. At the same time, it is also advisable for the latter to enter into mutually beneficial alliances both with structures similar to themselves, and with structures that are not equal in size, non-core, etc. This circumstance makes the network of these structures attractive from an investment point of view.

needs to be studied and analyzed theoretical basis formation of strategic alliances. It is important to clarify the very concept of a "strategic alliance", identify the motives for its creation, and classify the types of strategic alliances. In addition, it is advisable to determine the features of strategic partnerships in comparison with other forms of company mergers, as well as to identify methods for assessing the effectiveness of interaction between companies within the framework of a strategic alliance. All of the above will create the necessary theoretical basis for solving applied problems. management issues alias formation in relation to the object and subject of analysis.

It should be noted that within this study the concepts of "strategic alliance", "strategic partnership", "consortium for the mutual provision of services", "strategic union" will be used as identical or of the same order, despite the attempts of some experts to find seemingly unprincipled differences between them. In cases where such differences do affect the quality and results of the interaction, appropriate reservations will be made.

The conducted analysis established that in the specialized literature there is a fairly wide range of approaches to the definition of the content of the term "strategic alliance". Let's highlight the most common and significant in terms of detailed elaboration and practical applicability.

For example, in the popular textbook "Strategic Management", American authors Arthur Thompson Jr. and Lonnie Strickland give the following formulation: strategic alliances are cooperation agreements that go beyond ordinary agreements between two companies, but do not extend to the merger of enterprises or the creation of legally established joint venture. This definition seems to be quite general character, does not clearly fix the signs of attributing certain corporate entities to the organizational and legal form of strategic alliances.

According to J. David Hanger and Thomas L. Whelen, a strategic alliance is a partnership of two or more corporations or business units created to achieve strategic goals that are important to all participants. Here, the priority of the goal-setting function, which is implemented by the joint efforts of the participants in the business union, is emphasized.

French scientists Bernard Garrett and Pierre Dussage proposed their own, more detailed and meaningful definition. They meant by strategic alliance the association of several independent enterprises that intend to engage in a specific kind of production or want to implement a project using the intellectual and material resources of each other, instead of acting independently or following the path of merger or acquisition. Unlike American researchers, French scientists considered the creation of a joint venture as one of the types of implementation of a strategic partnership agreement.

Mark Douma, a researcher from the Netherlands, made his original contribution to the interpretation of the concept of strategic partnership. In his opinion, a strategic alliance is a temporary relationship based on a contract between companies that maintain independence. These relationships are aimed at reducing uncertainty about the implementation of the strategic goals of each of the partners by coordinating or jointly implementing projects in one or more areas of the companies' activities. Each of the partners can significantly influence the strategic management within the alliance. Participants equally cover the costs, receive profit and share the risks of the created strategic alliance.

Thus, despite the fact that the first strategic partnerships were formed back in the seventies, there is still no single approach regarding the essence of alliances. Moreover, in many economic dictionaries the very term "strategic alliance" is missing.

In one of the publications on the issues strategic management, French specialist Philippe Lasserre offers the following definition: an alliance is the union of the capabilities of two or more companies in order to increase their competitive advantage and/or creating a new business unit at condition of maintaining the strategic independence of these companies. "Strategic partnerships, according to F. Lasserre, can be formed in various legal forms: from the signing of a long-term contract to the creation of a joint venture.

A. V. Bolshakov summarized the distinctive features (properties) of strategic alliances according to the criterion of their usefulness. Positive properties are highlighted: the independence of partners, the reversibility of strategic decisions made, the absence of the problem of staff adaptation, the ability to save on transaction costs, trust between partners. Neutral properties are shown (contractual nature, relative usefulness of the subsequent transformation of the alliance into a merger / acquisition deal. Negative properties are also named: the presence of several leading centers, unpredictability of consequences, instability, fragility organizational structure, a combination of cooperation and competition .

This kind of analysis is useful, but it can be deepened in the direction of establishing the degree of risk: alliances are high-risk, medium-risk, low (acceptable) risk. The classification of strategic alliances on this basis will make it possible to make a more informed choice from alternative options.

Alliance agreements, sometimes referred to as cooperative agreements, are made between companies and business units, forming a continuum from weak and distant to very strong and closed. An interesting development of this theme is contained in the work of R. Keiter 1 . He argues that the types of alliances range from service consortiums, joint ventures and licensing agreements to value chain partnerships. Schematically, this setting looks like in the following way(Fig. 1).


Unfortunately, this very, in our opinion, fruitful idea was not developed. This is especially true for partnerships that are complex in structure and nature of activity in Porter's value chains.

To structure and generalize the information provided, it is advisable to present it in a tabular form (Table 1). Thus, it is possible to visually display the differences in the approaches of specialists to the definition of the concept of a strategic alliance in terms of highlighting its characteristic features according to several criteria.

As can be seen from the presented table, the most vague and non-specific is the formulation of the strategic alliance presented in the textbook "Strategic Management" by A. Thompson and L. Strickland. It did not specify the purpose of the merger of companies and the tools to achieve it. Definition J.D. Hanger and T.L. Whelena also seems rather superficial.

The main difference between the approaches presented in the other three studies reviewed is the mismatch in the definition of the purpose of combining companies within the framework of a strategic partnership. So, B. Garrett and P. Dussage call the implementation of the project as a goal, while M. Douma considers the joint implementation

Kanter R. M. Collaborative Approach: The Art of Alliances. // Harvard Business Review, July - August 1994, p.96-108.

projects as a tool for the implementation of strategic goals. In our opinion, M. Dome's view on this issue is more logical, since it allows us to visually and reasonably trace the causal relationship between the motives of the association and the tools for achieving the goals.

Characteristic features and criteria of strategic alliances

Table 1

Signs of a strategic alliance

A. Thomnson-

L. Strickland

J.D. hanger,

T.L. At captivity

B. Garrett, P. Dussage

M. Douma

F. Lasserre




Cooperation Agreement





Temporary contract based relationship






the form

No legal entity



Various, including joint venture

The degree of dependence of the companies - members of the alliance

not labeled

not labeled







The purpose of association within the alliance


Achievement of strategic goals


Implementation of strategic goals

Increasing competitive advantage

Goal Achievement Tools

Not named

Joint efforts of participants

Use of each other's intellectual and material resources






As a result of the textual analysis and application of the combination of considered internally consistent approaches, the following definition of a strategic alliance is proposed, which will more accurately reveal its essence, goals, and design features of strategic partnership schemes.

So, a strategic alliance is a long-term relationship based on an agreement between two or more companies, the purpose of which is to achieve the strategic goals set for the participants by pooling financial, technological and other resources in the implementation of joint projects and other types of cooperation in one or more areas of activity. The alliance can be formed in various legal forms, provided that the strategic independence of the participating companies is maintained.

It is important to note that in practice, strategic partnership agreements, as a rule, do not prescribe specific methods of cooperation or areas of responsibility of the companies participating in the alliance. In this regard, it is extremely important high level trust of partners to each other in non-regulated cooperation.

As you know, as a result of the growing processes of globalization of the world economy, companies from different countries are increasingly interacting with each other. Joint Implementation research, production, marketing and other programs allows business entities to quickly master new technologies and conquer segments of the world market. The creation of joint ventures is designed to increase production volumes, product quality and competitiveness of companies without violating the requirements of antimonopoly legislation. According to M. Anokhina and N. Seredina, a strategic alliance is a unique form of combining companies, since it combines partnership at the level of existing markets and competition for leadership in promising markets.

Strategic alliances, by their nature, are aimed at achieving long-term competitive advantages, and are one of the most effective areas for improvement. strategic management companies. In structure, strategic alliances combine, as a rule, several organizational forms, including such as joint ventures, license agreements, long-term contracts for the supply and purchase of products, joint research and development programs, mutual provision of sales networks.

Thus, the main criterion for classifying alliances as strategic is their role in creating the company's competitive advantages. If relations with an external partner significantly affect the development of the company, allow you to attract customers and protect against negative impact industry competition, they can be considered strategic. This distinguishes them from tactical partnerships and conventional long-term contracts.

One of the features of the alliance is the lack of a clearly built hierarchical system. Since independent companies are united within the framework of a strategic partnership, as a rule, several leading corporate centers operate within the framework of the alliance. This creates a number of difficulties.

First, it can take too long to make a strategically important decision, since it is necessary that all participating companies agree with it or reject it.

Second, because partner companies remain autonomous from each other, they may have their own goals that conflict with the partner's goals. In such a situation, a conflict of interest is created. None of the partners can forcibly make a decision in their favor, since there is a risk of another partner leaving the alliance, which will entail the loss of all previously gained advantages.

Thirdly, the organizational competencies of the companies included in the alliance cannot but differ. Bringing them into a certain correspondence requires additional resources, primarily time.

Thus, managing a strategic partnership is a very complex, specific activity and area of ​​corporate management, in which it is extremely important to maintain a balance between the interests of the alliance as a whole, the interests of one's own company and the interests of the partner company, taking into account also the interests of shareholders, strategic investors and other stakeholders.

  • Thompson Jr. A.A., Strickland A.J. Strategic management - M „2006, p. 188.
  • Hunter JD, Wiley TL Fundamentals of strategic management. - M., 2008, p. 144. Anokhina M.E., Seredina II.S. Competitiveness of the regional agro-industrial complex. - M., 2011, p.35.

That on all computers of this firm there was its operating system DOS. As a result, Microsoft not only began to receive a fee from each sale, but also could separately sell its version of the OS. When the first one was born Personal Computer from IBM, Microsoft was the only company to offer an operating system, programming language, and applications for it. By 1983, Microsoft had earned $55 million in sales and became the world's most influential software company.

By the 1990s, Microsoft's share of the global computer market exceeded 90%. Now in 2016, the company's market capitalization exceeds $481 billion, and its founder is considered the richest person in the world (his fortune is estimated at $81.7 billion).

In 1984, Nike entered into an advertising contract with American basketball player Michael Jordan. Thus began the era of Air Jordan sneakers (this is the nickname the athlete received for his phenomenal jumping ability). Initially, Michael Jordan and Nike signed a five-year contract, according to which the basketball player was supposed to receive $500,000 a year. Now thanks to Nike, the athlete's brand earns more than $1 billion a year. Michael Jordan himself receives approximately $100 million from Nike. According to Forbes, his fortune is estimated at $1.24 billion.

In 2003, Nike signed basketball player LeBron James to a $90 million promotional deal before he even played a single game in the NBA. In 2016, many media outlets reported that LeBron James had entered into a $1 billion lifetime promotional partnership with Nike.

In short, strategic partnerships are important.

Why is a strategic partnership needed?

When you run new business, product or service, it can sometimes be very difficult to enter the market alone, not to mention somehow stand out and make a profit on it.

Through strategic partnerships, you can enter the market without the hassle and barriers.

What are the benefits of a strategic partnership?

Growing popularity and trust

People try to do business with brands they know, love and trust. Therefore, when brand A announces its cooperation with brand B, it immediately finds itself in a winning position due to the reputation of its partner.

Sales increase

Strategic partnerships have a positive effect on the number of sales. Simply put, you have access to customers that you would otherwise not reach.

A press conference was held at the press center of the RIA-Novosti news agency on the topic: “Russophobia of neighboring states. What should be the policy of Russia?

Natalia Narochnitskaya, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, President of the Historical Perspective Foundation, answered journalists' questions.

RIA-Novosti: - Which countries could become Russia's strategic partners today?

Natalia Narochnichkaya: - A strategic partner is not one who necessarily possesses nuclear weapons, but one who under no circumstances is interested in weakening you. For Russia, for example, relations with Ukraine are very important. We can say that there is a struggle for the orientation of Ukraine. In this matter, politics should be the most serious, the most intelligent, the most subtle.

Another country, Belarus, is the only missing piece in the “mosaic” from the Baltic to the Black Sea, and the persecution of Lukashenka by the West is not due to his anti-democratism, but to his anti-Atlanticism. This is the main reason. But this does not automatically mean that I am impressed by everything that is being done there.

The same can be said about China. The relations that have now been outlined with this state will never become institutional, because China never agrees to agreements ... However, the fact that the system of mutual relations will have a basis for decades is very important.

Russia also needs a very serious Eurasian policy so that its European leverage is as strong as possible. Russia is a Eurasian power, and the two heads of the Russian eagle are turned in both directions.

RIA-Novosti: - Your definition of a strategic partner reflects what this partner should be like. Can India be considered our strategic partner?

Natalia Narochnichkaya: - India is interested in having a strong Russia. It doesn’t matter which one: communist or imperial ...

RIA Novosti: - Are there any other countries with which Russia could develop the same relations as with India?

Natalia Narochnichkaya: - There are no two countries with which the same relationship would develop. India is a rapidly developing state, a completely different civilization, eastern... This fact in itself determines the specifics of the relationship, its uniqueness.

RIA-Novosti: - What aspect should Russia rely on in choosing partners? Maybe cultural?

Natalia Narochnichkaya: - Not necessarily. In general, one cannot rigidly “doctrinate” relationships. The very formulation of the question in the plane of "embrace or confrontation" is a legacy of the Cold War. But at the same time, you can’t hug all the time, it’s dangerous. In the same way as showing a fist all the time. As the Bible says, "It's time to scatter stones..."

"RIA-news": - And time to collect ...

Natalia Narochnichkaya: - “... And it's time to hug. Time to collect stones and… time to shy away from hugs.” See how accurate it is: to avoid hugs, not to show a fist.

Interviewed by Igor Anikanov

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