Forms of social partnership in education. Social partnership in education. The main areas of work of our school in the framework of social partnership


*Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Novgorodsky State University them. Yaroslav the Wise
**PhD, Professor University of Amsterdam, School of Educational Management
***Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Vice-Rector of the Institute of Business and Law,
****Professor, Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen

Social partnership in the field of education

(The article was prepared within the framework of the research project "Participation of civil society institutions in the development and implementation of educational policy" of the Russian-Dutch cooperation program in the field of science and education for 2006-2008.)

The state is responsible for ensuring a unified educational space in the country (goals, objectives, standards) and providing the education system with the necessary resources, but it can hardly cover and take into account the complexity of the tasks and conditions of specific communities. This is especially true for local sectoral proportions in the structure of jobs, youth group dynamics, unemployment, environmental and historical circumstances, differences in family conditions for children, and so on. These differences have led in many countries to a wide variety of "political relations" in the education system and the involvement of various institutions of civil society in life. educational institutions.

Social partnership means the practice of joint decision-making and balanced, shared responsibility. The inhabitants often tend to believe that the composition of the participants in management is not so important - if only the manager himself was strong-willed, and as for responsibility, how many people want to share it in the "poor" and not very prestigious education system? And, nevertheless, they are and operate.

It should be noted that the need for a broad social partnership in education is also provided for by modern theoretical views on education. It is regarded as one of the leading social institutions, closely related to the main areas of society - the economy, social structure, culture and politics. In domestic sociology, a concept of the functions of education is being developed, which in a certain sense is ahead of similar ideas in foreign science. The formulations of the functions in our concept are systemic in nature, operational and amenable to empirical interpretation, and therefore not only outline the areas of responsibility of the education system, but also more clearly indicate dysfunctional areas in it and clarify the priorities of sectoral and macrosocial management.

Is it possible to promote the formation of social partnership in education from the standpoint of science, and what are the main guidelines for analysis?

In modern developed industrial countries, the organization of general and vocational education systems and the development of educational policy are increasingly based on a dynamic and surprisingly flexible social partnership. The vital need for social partnership in the field of education here has long been disputed by no one.

In our literature, there are attempts to analyze the structures of social partnership in education in the EU countries (see, for example,). In particular, types and models of social partnership are singled out, but their description does not at all imply the possibility of direct applicability of certain samples of foreign experience. This kind of information is clearly not enough. First of all, foreign experience is by no means universal, and its deeper social and historical-comparative analysis is required. The discussion of this problem also rarely takes into account the dependence of the existing forms of partnership on what has been achieved in foreign countries level of social integration.

Thus, we have to master the theoretical developments of foreign colleagues on the problem of social partnership in education. In turn, a wide variety of local conditions in modern Russia will require the binding of any scientific and practical development to the typical situations of regional and local communities. The steps taken by Russian scientists in this area are still insufficient and undoubtedly deserve special support.

More recently, from the standpoint of an ultra-reformist approach, it was assumed that in the field of education it would be possible to quickly build a new partnership system to replace the old practice of patronage relations. From the second half of the 1990s. advisory and coordinating councils were created in the regions of the country, but they did not change the situation for the better. In the environment of educational management, commercial interests and the desire for corporate survival or expansion turned out to be stronger than the motives of social responsibility. Meanwhile, in the vocational education system as a whole, distortions continued - a shortage in the training of workers, hypertrophied volumes of higher education contingents against the background of a decline in contingents in secondary and primary vocational education programs, low employment rates in the specialty received.

At the same time, with the support of international centers in the north-west of Russia, already in the 1990s. an experiment began to "cultivate" partnership "from below" - but at the local industry level. Today we can talk about some signs of the sustainability of such a partnership, but they were found only in profitable (most often not backbone) sectors of the economy. It is unlikely that any region of the country or city can boast of having a well-functioning system of social partnership in the field of education. So there is no need to talk about achieving the societal effect of partnership in Russia. It is likely that the formation of partnership systems will take more than one decade, but society and the state are interested in stimulating and correcting this process, especially since it is one of the priority national projects.

In Western European countries organizational structures social partnerships were formed mainly in the post-war period and are now represented in a whole complex of institutions, interdepartmental organizations, a series of documents and regulations. The key responsibility in such structures is played by the so-called social state, although, strictly speaking, social partnership is based on much more complex, often informal (but no less influential!) socio-ideological structures. It is accompanied by the processes of strengthening civil society, the roots of which are in earlier periods of socio-historical development of the EU countries. Social partnership in education develops along with the growth of social integration, primarily at the national level.

The economic prerequisite for strengthening the social integration of many European societies is the specific function of the state. We are talking about a large-scale redistribution of the social product through the taxation system into gigantic in terms of funding social programs maintaining employment, social protection, pensions, as well as programs in the field of education. Democratic redistribution financial resources does not mean at all that super-high incomes of top managers or owners do not exist in Western European economies, but the decile coefficient of inequality in developed countries is 5. In Russia, it is officially 14, and according to expert estimates - 25. At the same time, studies indicate a deep economic stratification of the Russian population, in which the majority feel like the "lower classes" of society. A circumstance that partly alleviates the economic stratification and social split is the relatively high level of qualifications (including education) among the mass of the adult population. It allows us to hope for effective interaction of potential external social partners with the education system in the future.

So far, the immaturity of the Russian elites, their unpreparedness for a sustainable social partnership is manifested in the fact that they, in essence, do not share responsibility for the development of society, but are focused only on their own reproduction in the economic and political life of the country, even due to the low standard of living main segments of the population.

Another component of social partnership is developing just as slowly - the social organization of civil, professional and settler groups. In the case of the education system, we are talking about the weak participation of communities of citizens in local self-government, the lack of sufficient economic and legal resources at their disposal, the underdevelopment and poverty of most trade unions, the absence or instability of industry associations and associations of students' parents. Russian state in recent times allocates grant funds on a competitive basis for general stimulation of the activities of public organizations, but the sphere of social partnership in education in this competition loses to other sectors and, as a result, does not receive much-needed targeted support.

Appeal to foreign experience is useful for identifying the active subjects of partnership in the field of education.

At its grassroots level, specific educational institutions, local enterprises, special groups of the local population (ethnic, religious, age), as well as specialists from various public services(social protection, security, health, labor and employment) and activists of public organizations. Here, two-way interaction is typical. Partnership is manifested in the joint setting of development tasks, in the preparation and implementation of specific activities (most often extracurricular), in the distribution of responsibility and coordination of efforts in equipping or repairing classrooms, and helping real families of students. It is difficult to find an educational institution that does not have a board of trustees that unites specialists, activists and representatives of local authorities, business leaders. Studies show that, as a rule, regional and federal authorities have powerful tools at their disposal to influence the education system. They can be grouped into two main areas of influence:

1. The use of civil society institutions to regulate the education system (optimize its standards and structure) in order to achieve its societal goals and meet the specific needs of local communities.
2. Ensuring the optimal functioning of civil society institutions as independent and socially useful participants in the partnership system.

There are "direct" and "indirect" regulation in the state influence on the education system. “Direct” implies the imposition of organizational and legal restrictions, the establishment of industry standards and evaluation parameters, the implementation of more or less systematic control (checks), the setting of certain financing conditions, etc.

"Indirect" regulation provides for the widespread use of civil society institutions, more precisely, reliance on their interest in the education system.

A number of countries, following the positive experience of social partnership in the education system of the Netherlands, have created special independent agencies structured according to large industry sectors - National organizations for vocational education. They have the right (with responsibility) to review the curricula, programs and standards of the vocational school in terms of their relevance to the requirements of jobs in these sectors. Such organizations, bringing together on a permanent basis representatives of business, science, management, trade unions, take on the function that was previously traditionally performed by the Ministry of Education.

Another example of indirect state, more precisely, public regulation of education is the mechanisms of accreditation, public evaluation. The programs under which an educational institution operates may be subject to external review, and the institution as a whole (its personnel, equipment, security systems, etc.) may be subject to accreditation. Accreditation commissions, as a rule, include representatives of reputable non-governmental organizations, and not just departmental inspectors at various levels.

It is indicative that in a number of EU countries the conditions of remuneration for the staff of state (municipal) educational institutions are no longer set by the national government. They are determined through negotiations between teachers' unions and school principals' associations (or boards of trustees). Following this path, teachers' unions acquire a more significant role in the indirect regulation of education (the conditions of payment for staff, workers' rights, etc.). But at the same time, they assume a number of obligations that are valuable for ensuring the overall quality of the education system (mutual social control in labor collectives, social and moral mutual support and cohesion of colleagues at work, etc.).

The funding mechanism is another regulatory tool that can encourage educational institutions to adapt to the needs of the community. This mechanism often includes institutions of civil society. If professional schools, for example, receive funding based on the number of students, then it is in their interest to increase the enrollment. That is why they try to look attractive, pay attention to marketing.

If a professional school is funded by graduation rates (for example, when the amount of funds depends mainly on the “success” of graduates), then it will try to increase success in those parameters that are significant for participants in the partnership system. If “success” is interpreted as finding a job for a graduate, then universities will strive to pay more attention to the selection of applicants and everything that helps prevent dropouts and get decent jobs. That is, the financing mechanism can stimulate an educational institution to involve civil organizations, local associations of employers in the educational process. The analysis shows that their involvement in cooperation (and not just the improvement of teaching methods) helps to reduce dropouts in universities and optimize the content of curricula and programs.

Another tool that the state can use is to stimulate certain groups of civil society by providing them with financial support for the purpose of cooperation with the school. Thus, in the process of implementing the Russian-Dutch cooperation project in the field of general and primary vocational education in the Novgorod region, stable partner networks were formed at the level of municipal districts. They brought together schools, vocational schools, local employment departments, associations of commodity producers (or industry organizations) to jointly discuss the problems and needs of certain training profiles and the relevance of their curricula / programs. In some cases, this has led to a revision of the former profiles of schools and lyceums, to the modernization of their curricula and programs.

In higher education, the situation is different. The well-known autonomy of the university objectively limits the circle of potential partners capable of a qualified dialogue on the issues of university curricula or, say, the content of research training for university students. However, this only reinforces the need to encourage existing partners (first of all - in the face of employers) to be included in the dialogue.

These are the main aspects of the process of formation and functioning of social partnership in the field of education. It is important not only to keep the above-mentioned aspects of partnership in the field of view of the management personnel of educational institutions and bodies, but also to create a sufficiently sensitive system of information that helps to regularly analyze the state of real and potential partners, identify contradictions that arise in the interaction between them, and make a choice of ways and means. strengthening the position of educational institutions in a particular community.

1. See: Osipov A. M. Sociology of Education: Essays on Theory. - Rostov n / a, 2006.
2. Oleinikova O., Muravyova A. Social partnership in the field of vocational education in the countries of the European Union // Higher education in Russia. -2006.-№6.
3. See: Pruel N. A. Education as a public good. - St. Petersburg, 2001; Pugach VF Russian students: statistical and sociological analysis. - M., 2001; Education that we may lose / Ed. acad. V. A. Sadovnichy. - M., 2002; Plaksiy S. I. Shine and poverty of Russian higher education. - M., 2004.
4. See: Rutkevich M. N. Social structure. - M., 2004. - S. 6.
5. Reports of the All-Russian sociological congress "Globalization and social changes in modern Russia". - M., 2007.-S. 25.
6. Oleinikova O., Muravyova A. Social partnership in the field of vocational education in the countries of the European Union // Higher education in Russia. -2006.-№6.

Public Educational Institution of Omsk "Secondary School No. 68"


Theme "Social partnership in education".

Prepared by:

Foreign language teacher

BOUg.Omsk "School №68"

Talalaeva Yulia Rikhartovna

1.Main characteristics and principles of social partnership.

2.Social partnership as a means of improving the quality of education.

3. Approaches to the development of social partnership in the field of education.

Social partnership - these are labor relations characterized by a common position and coordinated actions of employees, employers and the state. The main principles of social partnership are taking into account mutual requirements and responsibilities, respectful attitude towards each other's interests, resolution of disputes and conflict situations (1).

Social partnership in education - this is a real interaction of two or more equal parties (individuals and / or organizations) on the basis of an agreement signed for a certain time in order to resolve a specific issue ( social problem), which in some way does not satisfy one or more parties and which is more effectively solved by combining resources (material, financial, human, etc.) and organizational efforts until the desired result is achieved.

Social partnership operates at all levels of economic activity - from the organization (as well as a branch, representative office, other separate structural unit) to the state level. Expansion of contractual principles in the field of regulation labor relations, increasing the role of local and local acts are the result of the implementation of the new state policy in this area. A transition is being made from directive regulation to contractual regulation, to the search for mutually beneficial conditions for joint work, to social partnership.

The legislative basis for the development of a model of social partnership in the field of education in general is provided by Civil Code Russian Federation, Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Law of the Russian Federation "On Non-Commercial Organizations", Law of the Russian Federation "On Public Associations", Decree of the President Russian Federation dated August 31, 1999 No. 1134 "On additional measures to support educational institutions in the Russian Federation". The legal basis for the organization of social partnership at the municipal level is created by the federal laws "On Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", as well as the relevant laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation adopted in development of these federal laws.

The result of social partnership - creation of favorable conditions for self-realization of students through the interaction and cooperation of all parties involved in the process of education. Thus, the goal is to foster an active civic and life position, to create conditions for the socialization of adolescents.

Social partnership in schools is carried out in order to:

Ensuring a unified approach to the implementation of state policy and school development strategy;

Organizations for monitoring the activities of the school on a range of issues (fire safety, Rospotrebnadzor, implementation state standard and etc.);

Ensuring coordinated activities for the implementation of urban and school integrated programs;

Interactions in the development and implementation of pedagogical innovations;

Improving the qualifications of school teachers;

Formation of effective solutions aimed at increasing the economic independence of an educational institution, attracting investments, sponsorships;

Organizations of medical, psychological, information-analytical, engineering, software and methodological support of the educational process.

Tasks of social partnership:

1. attract the resources of society for the development of the educational sphere

2. helps to direct educational resources to the development of joint activities of any educational institution, its public self-organization and self-government

3. helps to accumulate and transfer life experience, both of the educational community and its partners

4. able to effectively coordinate joint activities with an understanding of the degree of responsibility of each partner

5. allows you to provide assistance to needy members of the community

Briefly, the basic principles of mutually beneficial cooperation can be formulated as follows.

First, the real interaction of several partners. Second, the partnership must be in writing. Such formality disciplines all participants in cooperation, calls for responsibility

Thirdly, the contract or agreement on social partnership must have a clear time frame,

Fourthly, a document on social partnership is drawn up in order to solve a specific issue (social problem), which is more effectively solved by pooling resources.

Fifthly, the agreement on social partnership is considered fulfilled if the result planned by both parties is achieved.

Basic principles of social partnership:

1 . Respect and consideration of the interests of the parties to the agreement.

2. the interest of the contracting parties to participate in contractual relations.

3. compliance by partners with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulations.

4. availability of appropriate powers of social partners and their representatives.

5. equality and trust of the parties.

6. non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

7. voluntariness of acceptance of obligations by social partners on the basis of mutual agreement.

8. regularity of holding consultations and negotiations on issues within the scope of social partnership.

9. the obligation to fulfill the agreements reached.

10. systematic control over the implementation of agreements, contracts and decisions adopted within the framework of social partnership.

11. responsibility of the parties for non-fulfillment through their fault of the obligations, agreements, contracts.

Social partnership is built by the school on the principles of:

Coordination of activities of all subjects of the educational process;

Cooperation with all interested structures to solve actual problems education and meeting the educational needs of the population;

Interactions with public organizations;

Economic feasibility, taking into account the characteristics of the labor market, the prospects for its development;

Accounting for historically established cultural ties and traditions of the population.

Conditions necessary for the implementation of a successful social partnership:

1. development of organizational culture of partners and culture of partnerships

2. effective control system, including in the field of financing

3. wide Information Support activities

4. .functioning of the mechanism of self-development of partner organizations

5. formed strategy of organizations, which implies partnerships

To the subjects of social partnership include:

Educational institutions of various types;

Education authorities;

public, commercial, state organizations;


Parents (2).

Parents are one of the most important social partners of the school. Partnerships between the school and the family expand the scope of subjective relations around the child in the educational environment. Relationships make it possible to increase the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents and influence the type of upbringing in the family, to coordinate the education of parents with the content of the education of schoolchildren, to include joint activities of students and adults in the content of education, to attract the knowledge and experience of adults into the education of students. The modern parent community is ready to cooperate and interact with the school, because concerned about the living environment of children, each individual child.

Educational institutions included in the system of social partnership respond in a timely manner to changes in the requirements of society, thereby ensuring the necessary level of socialization of students.

The social pedagogue plans and carries out his activities taking into account the organization educational process in an educational institution.

Works to identify:

Students of an educational institution who are in a socially dangerous situation;

Minors who do not attend or systematically miss classes for disrespectful reasons in an educational institution;

Students who classify themselves as members of illegal youth associations;

Takes measures to reorient and separate antisocial groups of minors, to suppress the facts of negative influence on students by members of the group;

Participates in the organization and conduct of preventive raids, operations and other preventive measures aimed at identifying and providing assistance to minors and families in a socially dangerous situation;

Takes part in meetings of the prevention council, the board of trustees, the pedagogical council, other self-government bodies of the educational institution on issues within its competence;

Conducts events together with the administration of the educational institution (round tables, discussions, competitions, role-playing games etc.), aimed at the formation of students' moral qualities, patriotic feelings, healthy lifestyle life;

Participates in the development and implementation in the practice of the work of an educational institution of programs and methods aimed at the formation of law-abiding behavior of students;

Makes proposals to improve the effectiveness of individual preventive work with students of an educational institution, their parents.

In their work, the teaching staff should take into account the peculiarities of the social environment and act as a cultural, educational and educational center not only for children, parents, but for the entire population as a whole.

Components of the social partnership strategy:

1. Partner thinking - the ability to see the best in a person, respect for other people's opinions, the desire to understand the other, the desire and ability to build social relationships.

2. Mutual complement. In partnership means that within the framework of joint activities, in order to achieve the best result, everyone should do what he does better than others.

3. Shared participation involves the pooling of resources in order to obtain a synergistic effect - a result that cannot be obtained outside the partnership.

4. A variety of forms of association of partnership subjects.

The formation of a system of social partnership in modern socio-economic conditions is a rather long and complex process, depending on a number of subjective and objective reasons(the state of the economy, the social situation, the readiness of the authorities and the will to get involved in it, the desires and capabilities of the heads of educational institutions). The effectiveness and efficiency of the work of an educational institution with social partners is determined by the degree of realization of its interests, which consist primarily in the training of highly qualified specialists, and is assessed by the degree of fulfillment of its main social function.

Social partnership in vocational education- this is a special type of interaction of educational institutions with subjects and institutions of the labor market, state and local authorities, public organizations, aimed at maximizing the coordination and consideration of the interests of all participants in this process.Achieving a high quality of education presupposes an organic combination of educational traditions and innovative trends that have been recognized in world and domestic practice, creatively meaningful in relation to domestic pedagogical reality and the strategic goals of the sociocultural development of society.

The system of social partnership in education has a multipurpose character and allows building it at several levels.

Based on coverage of subjects (by scale):

As a partnership within a separate team of an educational institution.

As a partnership within the education system, primarily with systems of public administration.

As a partnership with other social institutions - from executive, legislative and municipal authorities to representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

Based on relationship development:

The initial level of partnership is the simplest contacts for the purpose of exchanging information. At the same time, contacts are specifically new relationships in which the effect of congruence (confirmation of mutual expectations) and a minimum of disagreements on the main issues of exchanged information play an important role.

The average level of partnership involves active cooperation in solving certain problems of education through joint efforts.

The highest level of partnership acts as an extremely effective joint activity, accompanied by mutual understanding and mutual assistance of all parties in achieving a common goal.

Regardless of the level of social partnership, it always has onestructure , which includescontent and style partner interactions.

The content determines what the interaction is about. The completeness of the content of the socio-pedagogical partnership is determined by the purpose and objectives of the educational institution (system), tactics and strategy of its development.

Style indicates how partners interact.

The first step in building a partnership is the search for common ground and strongholds. The supporting positions are the positive aspects of the partner or the interest in his capabilities by the other side.

The second stage is the accumulation of consents. This makes it possible to determine the scope and content of interaction between the parties on the basis of mutual interest. Each party presents its interests and reveals its possibilities for coordinating positions and the level of involvement in joint activities.

The stage of mutual adaptation is based on mutual understanding and acceptance of the interests of the other side.

This is the stage of correction of interests and joint development of interaction standards. It is preferable to consolidate this stage with contractual relations.

The transition to a trusting relationship in the process of joint activities. At this stage of partnership development, the level of mutual control decreases and mutual responsibility for the results of joint activities increases. Joint discussion, mutual assistance, mutual support, characteristic of this stage, ensure the preservation of a positive psychological mood of the parties. At the same time, conflicts that arise in the course of activity are constructive in nature and are resolved taking into account the coordination of the positions of both parties.

The highest level of partnership is mutual assistance or cooperation. A feature of relations at this level is that they gradually turn into joint creative activity. This provides both an increase in the effectiveness of relations, and the development and improvement of the subjects that are in interaction.

Approaches to the development of social partnership in the field of education:

1. Partnership as a system of certain relationships between the family and the educational institution is the partnership of the school with the family.

2. Partnership as a level of relations between an educational institution and external social structures.

3. Partnership in the trade union sense - as certain legal and economic relations between employers, trade unions and workers.

Forms of social partnership in the field of education:

    Board of Trustees.

    Council of partners of an educational institution.

    Resource center for social partnership on the basis of a general education institution.

    Territorial Interdepartmental Coordinating Council.

    Reflective seminar, etc.

Thus, having considered the essence, types, levels and stages of the formation of partnerships, it can be argued that any business or personal contacts built in an open educational community are ensured by the active interaction of various social groups that have their own strategic interests in the field of education.


    Lexicon social work: tutorial/ Ch. ed. CM. Kibardina, T.A. Poyarov. - Vologda: Rus, 2005. - 540 p.

    Shneider O.V. Social partnership. Problems and prospects // Pedagogical review. - 2008. - No. 4 (79). - WITH.

    Safonova O.D. Anti-crisis measures Russian legislation in the field of social and labor partnership // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. - Series 6: Philosophy. Culturology. Political science. Right. International relationships. - 2010. - N 3. - S. 69-76.

    Social partnership and development of civil society institutions in regions and municipalities: the practice of intersectoral interaction. Practical guide / Ed. A.E. Shadrin, Deputy Director of the Department strategic management(programs) and budgeting of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia - M .: Agency for Social Information, 2008. - 488 p.

Sections: School administration

An educational institution, like any other social organization, actively interacts with external environment which has a profound effect on him. The institution of additional education for children can have a rather noticeable counter-influence on the situation in their immediate environment. Among the social actors, interaction with which largely determines the life of an educational institution, an important place is occupied by social partners. Now the time has come when people talk about education (including additional education) as a service sector, using such concepts as competitiveness, educational service, market segment, marketing research, social / educational / partnership, franchising. The new socio-economic conditions in our country require new forms of management, coordination and cooperation. All attempts to solve the problems of additional education in modern conditions only due to the care of the state can not be successful. Unregulated mechanism for the transition to normative-per capita financing, transition from 2006 on the regional budget, an increase in the percentage of paid educational services - all raises the question of finding additional resources to improve management activities. In our opinion, one of the promising areas in the current situation is interaction with social partners.

The transfer of the theory and practice of business management to the sphere of education management forced us to pay attention to such a concept as strategic partnership, to study the essence and forms of partnership of organizations, the stages of building and principles of partnership in the economy, paying special attention to the strategic partnership with consumers ( CRM system). In our opinion, the definition of one's circle of social partners and ways of cooperation with them can be considered as an additional management resource, a resource for the development of an educational institution. For this, it is necessary to use previous experience, constantly search for new forms of cooperation, carefully analyze and select the most useful and effective contacts.

The problem of determining the mechanism of the relationship between an educational institution and its environment is faced today by every leader and teaching staff. It is especially acute in additional education, because the financial support of the institution, its viability and competitiveness in the modern market of educational services depend on its solution.

In order for social partnership to be regarded and used as an original resource in the work of the head of the institution additional education, we needed:

  • understand to what extent it is possible to transfer the theory of business management practice or technology, the stages of building the principles of partnership in the economy into the sphere of education management;
  • clarify theoretically and formulate the concept of “social partnership” in relation to additional education.

In our opinion, the head of the educational institution should have a clear understanding of the technologies for the relationship of the institution with its environment, the role and place of all participants in the educational process in creating new forms of social partnership.

Development of a model of the mechanism for the relationship of an educational institution with its environment, the creation of new forms of social partnership for an institution of additional education:

  • improve the quality of management activities of the administration of the center;
  • will contribute to the preparation of the institution for the transition to the state-public form of education management;
  • ensure the competitiveness of the institution in the market of educational services by transforming the three means of the management system: personnel, finance, information;
  • will help mitigate the social consequences of ongoing reforms in education.

At the first stage (2003/2004 academic year), the state of the problem in theory and practice was analyzed, the state of the problem in the theory and practice of school management was studied, and the categorical apparatus was determined.

At the second stage (2004/2005 academic year), the development of a theoretical model of the modern mechanism of the relationship between the educational institution and its environment, the creation of new forms of social partnership for the institution of additional education

At the third stage (2005/2006 academic year) the exploratory stage of the experiment was carried out, the analysis and generalization of the results were carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of the proposed model.

The novelty and theoretical significance lies in the fact that

  • the modern mechanism of the relationship of the educational institution with its environment, the creation of new forms of social partnership for the institution of additional education is considered as an independent, original management factor in the hands of the head of the educational institution;
  • an attempt was made to creatively borrow the concept of “social partnership” from the field of business management in relation to the management of an educational institution (an institution of additional education);
  • designed and described the experience of using in the management of the MOU DOD "TsDOD" ZATO Snezhnogorsk a modern mechanism for the relationship of an educational institution with its environment, the creation of new forms of social partnership for an institution of additional education;
  • the work is at the intersection of traditional science of managing an educational institution and modern areas of knowledge: sociology, marketing, management, etc., uses interdisciplinary approaches and connections to develop innovative aspects of managing an additional education institution.

The materials can be used in the real practice of managing an institution not only of additional education. It is possible to continue the study with the aim of organizing international cooperation and forms of public administration: governing and trustee councils.

An analysis of the initial state of the social partnership of the MOU DOD “Center for Additional Education for Children” ZATO Snezhnogorsk was carried out using several methods:

  • elements of the STEP methodology and SWOT-analysis (competitiveness factors) of the International Institute for Management Development;
  • experiment control technique based on negative feedback;
  • methodology for assessing educational results A.P. Tryapitsina;
  • methodology for determining criteria and procedures for peer review of innovations Lazarev;
  • methodology d.p.s., prof. Bezrukova V.S. to assess the significance of research problems;

Forms of collection and evaluation of information:

  1. Survey (questionnaire, interview).
  2. Study of documents.

1. Teachers, parents and students were asked to determine the degree of importance of cooperation between “CDOD” and institutions and organizations of the city, to name those partners with whom it is important to cooperate in order to increase competitiveness in the educational services market. To do this, a list of institutions and organizations was compiled, and each participant in the educational process had to evaluate in points (from 1 to 15) the “weight” of each item of the questionnaire and make their proposals to it. This list includes enterprises and organizations existing in ZATO Snezhnogorsk, one way or another connected with the education system. As a result of this study, all components were ranked in descending order of points. Representatives of other organizations and institutions of the city were asked to formulate those areas of activity in which cooperation with the "TSDOD" is most attractive to them.

2. Employees of the AUP were asked to assess the conditions for the feasibility of innovation - the search for new forms and mechanisms for the implementation of social partnership. Along with this, elements of STEP - and SWOT - analysis were carried out.

As a result of processing and analysis of the collected information, the following conclusions were obtained:

  • When evaluating the degree of importance of cooperation with partners in points, a contradiction between the current situation and ideas about desirable partners was revealed. Moreover, the views of students, parents and employees of the “CDOD”, partners often do not coincide. The results are shown in the tables:
Number of respondents

% of total

Priorities for social partnership

564 80,6 Interesting programs, The possibility of replenishing the portfolio Preparation for the Unified State Examination and admission to the university The opportunity to take part in face-to-face events (leave the city)

Holding cultural and educational events

The possibility of using information technology in education

Parents 543 77,6 Preparation for school, the Unified State Examination and admission to the university (in-depth study of subjects) The possibility of free education
TsDOD teachers
23 100 Opportunity to improve qualifications Material well-being Joint projects
partners Municipal level
10 100 Preparation for the Unified State Examination Joint projects Conducting cultural and educational events Organization of pre-profile, profile and professional training career guidance students
  • The institution has a good overall assessment of the attractiveness of the innovation. It was obtained on the basis of assessments of relevance, potential usefulness, feasibility and controllability. But the role of limiters was played by: personnel, regulatory and legal capabilities, the psychological readiness of the team.
  • Elements of the STEP - and SWOT - analysis showed that social, economic and political factors are such that for a smooth, rather than a "shock" transition to new conditions for financing additional education institutions, it is necessary to increase the number of potential partners at various levels. Defined:
  • Strengths (location in the city center, brand "Zolotoy Rostock", partnership experience since 1998, MTB that promotes franchising).
  • Weaknesses (personnel, legal support, ZATO).
  • Opportunities (financial stability, development of m / n partnerships, increased competitiveness, safety of the contingent, development of MTB, advanced training of teachers, etc.).
  • Threats (reduction of staff positions, transition to paid education, decrease in attractiveness for partners, struggle for the safety of the contingent, decline in competitiveness).

Competitive advantages of the institution of additional education and contradictions arising from the organization of social partnership in the MOU DOD “Center for additional education for children”.

An analysis of the current state of using its own mechanism and forms of social partnership in the management of the MOU DOD “Center for Additional Education for Children” ZATO Snezhnogorsk made it possible to determine its main competitive advantages. These should include:

  • "CDOD" has a warm, well-repaired building, located in the city center, with a landscaped adjacent territory;
  • A young qualified team of teachers who strive for self-development works in the “TsDOD” (80% of the teaching staff has 1 and the highest qualification category);
  • Availability of modern MTB: 2 computer classes, 2 training workshops, a library, an art studio, a music room, Internet access);
  • “TSDOD” – Coordinating Center for 2 programs: National Educational Program “ intellectual and creative potential of Russia” (Obninsk) and the Russian scientific and social program for youth and schoolchildren “Step into the Future” (Moscow);
  • Representative offices of PetrSU (Apatity), SSU (Moscow) work on the basis of “TsDOD”;
  • All educational and research activities are concentrated in the "TsDOD" - the city Coordinating Council, the Conference "Golden Sprout";
  • Implementation of educational franchising: MADO, ZFTSH at MIPT, Rabotland Network University,
  • Title “Institution – Intellectual Leader”, Laureate of the Prize. P. Steblina in the nomination “The Best Educational Institution-2005”.

At the same time, certain contradictions have been identified in the process of organizing the mechanism and new forms of social partnership, the solution of which should be directed by the program of managerial activities to optimize the use of methods and tools of social partnership in the management of an additional education institution.

These are contradictions:

  • between the need to solve complex non-standard tasks from the field of educational marketing and the tendencies to template actions present in managerial and pedagogical work;
  • between the leader's natural desire to have additional management resources and underestimation of the role of the social partnership factor in the management system of an institution of additional education for children;
  • between the understanding by children's and adult groups of the relevance of introducing new forms of interaction with social partners and the difficulties in determining the mechanism for introducing these forms;
  • between the expectation of quick results of the introduced innovations and the discrepancy between the real results of these expectations.

Management of the mechanism of educational partnership MOU DOD "TSDOD"

When planning work on creating a working model of the educational partnership mechanism in an additional education institution, we relied on the data obtained in the course of the above study, and also used guidelines on the organization of strategic / social / partnership. A model development working group was established and determined that:

The main goal of the model is to determine the stages, priority areas of action at each stage for the organization of social / educational / partnership.

The contradictions highlighted above allow us to make the necessary adjustments to it, and the theoretical studies carried out make it possible to name the main methods of implementation.

We came to the conclusion that the model can have a number of components, the interaction of which leads to the achievement of the objective function:

We considered an acceptable model of the mechanism for organizing educational partnerships in educational institutions:

  1. Organization of the negotiation process between the parties - partners.
  2. Organization of the procedure for identifying and coordinating positions (creating working groups).
  3. Organization of expert evaluation and determination of directions for joint activities.
  4. Organization of the signing of a cooperation agreement.

So, at the stage of expert work, the directions of joint activities of educational institutions were determined (5 educational schools, MUK, DDT, TsGPVM, IMC, Children's Music School, etc.):

  1. Correction of educational programs of additional education.
  2. Organization of interaction at the level of teachers (consultative and methodological assistance (training, master classes, joint cultural and educational events, competitions, conferences, sessions, seminars, consultations).
  3. Organization of interaction at the level of students (excursions, joint classes, participation in exhibitions, festivals, KTD, joint projects.)
  4. Organization of informing about the activities of partnership entities (joint seminars; round tables; conferences; meetings, media coverage).

The aforementioned areas of activity can form the basis of a program of joint activities of institutions with consistent work planning.

To complete the idea of ​​the necessary conditions for the development of partnerships, the subject positions of management were identified, which allow building partnerships. Thus, the general management of the implementation of the educational partnership program, which determines the relations of all subjects, is the project coordinator (deputy director for educational and methodological work or deputy director for educational work). Project coordinator: coordinates the activities of teachers of additional education; organizes control over the implementation of educational programs; contributes to the improvement of professional skills of teachers; organizes general control.

Operational management is carried out by the management team. It consists of representatives of the methodological service "TsDOD", teachers of additional education, a teacher-psychologist, representatives of educational institutions.

The positive results of the interaction between the system of additional education and educational institutions are beyond doubt and confirmed by practice: an increase in the satisfaction of children and parents, the expansion of the educational space of the Center for Children's Education, opportunities for establishing partnerships with other institutions.

The main result is the development and implementation joint projects:

  • competition of professional skills (hairdresser, manicurist) “Beauty without borders” - a joint project of vocational training teachers,
  • "New Year stories" - a joint project of associations of arts and crafts;
  • “Golden Sprout” is an intercity conference of educational, research and creative works youth and schoolchildren (city-ZATOs take part);
  • “Exhibition of educational services” – city fair of educational offers/services/.
  • "Square of Happy Events" - an environmental action for city residents;
  • Testing of school graduates of the city under the program “Test.6.0.”
  • Participation in face-to-face events of partner organizations.

Having tested this model of organizing an educational partnership, we have established partnerships at 3 levels:

However, all this does not mean that the process is close to completion. It is necessary to master innovative technologies, provide for the organization of training and practice for various creative groups of teachers, etc. All these aspects require further in-depth theoretical substantiation and practical solutions. It also requires the development of criteria for the effectiveness of social partnership.

The work done allows us to conclude that in modern conditions of a market economy, in order to increase competitiveness, any institution of additional education is interested in the effectiveness and fruitfulness of cooperation with social partners.

Social partnership in relation to education should be understood as:

  • partnership within the education system between social groups of a given professional community;
  • partnership, which is entered into by employees of the education system, in contact with representatives of other areas of social reproduction;
  • partnership initiated by the education system as a special area social life contributing to the formation of civil society.

In the hands of the administration of an additional education institution, the mechanism for organizing social partnership can become an effective tool, a source of additional management resources, if the leader, using interdisciplinary approaches and connections, can use the theory and practice of modern fields of knowledge (sociology, marketing, management, economics, etc.) to building a model for organizing social partnership of your own institution. The main goal of knowledge management is to create new and more powerful competitive advantages.

Management of the organization of social partnership in UDO is a multifactorial process, specially designed, developing according to certain laws and technologies. In our opinion, a modern element in the management of educational institutions is the use of SWOT-analysis and individual marketing, and of the new forms of social partnership - the use of educational franchising.

The main subject of the organization of social partnership is always the educational institution, and the object can be different groups social partners.

The mechanism of educational partnership is a set of methods and tools that ensure the achievement of partnership interaction between the parties:

  1. The negotiation process between the parties - partners.
  2. Procedures (technologies) for identifying and coordinating the positions of partners (creating working groups).
  3. Expert work on analysis, expert evaluation and identification of areas for joint activities.
  4. Creation of normative documents.

For the head of an additional education institution, it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of the organization of social partnership from the standpoint of the modern theory of management of the educational system according to the final results.

The results obtained in the course of the work can be used in the real practice of managing an additional education institution, but taking into account the existing technologies for organizing social partnership. Thus, a properly organized social partnership will provide educational institutions with competitiveness in the educational services market, help mitigate the social consequences of ongoing reforms in education, and improve the quality of management activities of the administration of the MOU DOD “CDOD”.


GOU SOSH № 000

The term "Social partnership" is relatively new for today's Russia. As a rule, its meaning is revealed as the establishment of constructive interaction between the three forces operating in the public arena of the country: government agencies, commercial enterprises and non-profit organizations. But today we will talk about social partnership in education, where interaction is to solve a specific social problem.

SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP IN EDUCATION is a real interaction of two or more equal parties (individuals and / or organizations) on the basis of an agreement signed for a certain time in order to solve a specific issue (social problem) that in some way does not satisfy one or more parties and which it is more efficient to solve by combining resources (material, financial, human, etc.) and organizational efforts until the desired result is achieved.

Of course, the desired result in this case is the creation of favorable conditions for the self-realization of students through the interaction and cooperation of all parties involved in the process of education.

Thus, the goal is to educate an active civic and life position, create conditions for the socialization of adolescents

This cooperation solves a number of main tasks facing education in general, allows you to attract a growing circle of interested individuals and organizations to optimize the educational and educational process, fulfill the social order of society

attract society's resources for the development of the educational sphere

helps to direct educational resources to the development of joint activities of any educational institution, its public self-organization and self-government

helps to accumulate and transfer life experience, both of the educational community and its partners

able to effectively coordinate joint activities with an understanding of the degree of responsibility of each partner

Helps members of the community in need

Briefly, the basic principles of mutually beneficial cooperation can be formulated as follows.

First, the real interaction of several partners. Second, the partnership must be in writing. Such formality disciplines all participants in cooperation, calls for responsibility

Thirdly, the contract or agreement on social partnership must have a clear time frame,

Fourthly, a document on social partnership is drawn up in order to solve a specific issue (social problem), which is more effectively solved by pooling resources.

Fifthly, the agreement on social partnership is considered fulfilled if the result planned by both parties is achieved.


respect and consideration of the interests of the parties to the agreement;

the interest of the contracting parties to participate in contractual relations

Observance by partners of the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulations

availability of appropriate powers of social partners and their representatives

Equality and trust of the parties

Non-interference in each other's internal affairs

voluntariness of acceptance of obligations by social partners on the basis of mutual agreement

regularity of consultations and negotiations on issues within the scope of social partnership

Obligatory fulfillment of the agreements reached

Systematic control over the implementation of agreements, contracts and decisions adopted within the framework of social partnership

responsibility of the parties for non-fulfillment through their fault of the obligations, agreements, contracts.


To optimize cooperation, one should distinguish between the following types contracts

1. Long-term contracts. In our school, this species is represented by cooperation with the successfully operating on the basis of the school Children's School of Art "Inspiration", TsVR "Mart", "Novoperedelkino",

2. Agreements on holding specific events and actions. This form is very well known to us, since we all interact in the system of one Western District Education Administration, we are in a single educational space

These contracts are often concluded orally.


development of organizational culture of partners and culture of partnerships

an effective control system, including in the field of financing

THEREFORE, SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP is not a simple cooperation, where the main approach is the benefit of the partners, it has a third component - the SOCIAL PROBLEM, which the social partnership is aimed at solving. Naturally, such cooperation is impossible without mutual respect, complementarity, mutual exchange of experience and results.


1. Partner thinking - the ability to see the best in a person, respect for other people's opinions, the desire to understand the other, the desire and ability to build social relationships.

2. Mutual complement. In partnership means that within the framework of joint activities, in order to achieve the best result, everyone should do what he does better than others.

3. Shared participation involves the pooling of resources in order to obtain a synergistic effect - a result that cannot be obtained outside the partnership.

4. A variety of forms of association of partnership subjects


For the successful implementation of the basic principles of social partnership in our school, we presented the educational space as a whole and the educational work of the school has developed into a fairly harmonious educational system, which is the center of spiritual, moral and civil-patriotic education, which consists of three

fundamental component and setting the following goals and objectives:

Continue the introduction of effective developing learning technologies, technology of level differentiation in grades 5-11 to improve the quality of education;

Create conditions for creative activity in the classroom and extracurricular activities of students and teachers;

Improve school traditions by involving more students in school-wide activities;

Develop networks of creative associations, special courses, sections to better meet the needs of students in organizing their developmental leisure;

To involve in the experimental work of the school a greater number of students and teachers in various areas of experimental and educational work schools

The solution of these goals and objectives is impossible without an increasingly developing system of additional education.

It should be noted that additional education at school does not exist as a separate structure.

The curriculum of additional educational services of the school is based on the regulation on additional education of children in a general education school, studying the needs of the interests of schoolchildren of different age groups, and the social order of their parents.

Additional educational services at the school are aimed at solving the main PROBLEMS facing the school:

Development of personal motivation for knowledge and creativity;

Introducing students to universal values;

Prevention of antisocial behavior;

Strengthening mental and physical health;

Formation of an active life position

The principle of social ordering is one of the fundamental principles in the preparation of this curriculum. To implement this principle, the school conducts an analysis, the opinions of students and their parents, uses the methods of questioning, testing, interviews and pedagogical observation.

In the 2009/2010 academic year, the curriculum of additional education is presented in blocks:

Artistic and aesthetic block (vocal and choral studio, art circles), students from grades 2 to 10 are involved;

Tourist and local lore block (photo studio and preschool "Obelisk"), students from grades 5 to 11 are involved;

Physical culture and sports block (basics of martial arts, sport games), students from 1st to 11th grade participate;

Natural science block (circle "Entertaining geography", "Steps", "Young Archimedes", "Amateurs of financial mathematics"), students from 5th to 11th grade are involved;

The social and pedagogical block (the club "Vozhatiy", the club "Young guide", the pedagogical classes of the school), pupils from 5 to 11 grades, as well as students of kindergartens of the district, are involved.

Each of the areas of extracurricular activities in the school solves the following TASKS:

The association of the artistic and aesthetic block solves the problem of creating conditions for the disclosure of the creative abilities of children through a system of involving them in a variety of creative extracurricular activities;

Associations of the tourist and local history block solve the problems of involving schoolchildren in the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, disseminating local history knowledge among schoolchildren through the work of circles, electives, and thematic exhibitions. Assistance to young citizens in the formation of Russian state self-knowledge, education of patriotism;

Associations of the physical culture and sports block solve the problems of strengthening the health of the child with the help of physical education and sports, ensuring mental health and good emotional state of students, assisting in the development of will and moral and psychological qualities;

The section of the natural science block contributes to the development of analytical thinking and research qualities of students.

Associations of the socio-pedagogical block solve the problems of creating conditions for the disclosure of the creative and pedagogical abilities of children through their involvement in patronage work, assistance in choosing a future profession.

The expected RESULT of the system of pedagogical influences is graduates who are successful in solving life and professional problems, who have retained an interest in knowledge, who are able to measure their capabilities and wishes with the realities and expectations of society, who are aware of their civil status, linking their life goals and plans with the goals of society development.

Thus, the school has developed a fairly strong, multifaceted social partnership that corresponds to the educational system of the school, the goals and objectives of educational and experimental work, where all components are closely interconnected. These are three components - in the educational process, extracurricular, extracurricular activities. It is clear from the diagram that many of our structures actually operate in all 3 directions. This is the peculiarity of our cooperation. My colleagues will tell you more about this.


Unfortunately, the work of establishing social relationships is not always successful. There are a number of problems and risks. This is the complex social environment in which the educational institution, the inertia of the parent community and not always a productive dialogue with the authorities, the District Administration.


The challenges of the future arise from the current this moment problems. Namely,

1. More precise coordination of the interaction of all structures to solve the tasks set by the society. It's not a secret

2. Creation of motivation for more effective participation of parents in the educational space of the school.

3. Development and implementation, within the framework of the pilot site "Youth Policy through Education", socially significant projects that affect the surrounding social environment.

Education at all times was considered an enduring value, because it is the basis of the economic development of society, one of the factors of social stability, a source of growth of the intellectual resource and the spiritual and moral potential of the population. The educational needs of the population are growing, the number of applicants for higher, special, professional additional education is increasing. In response to this, the branching of the network of educational institutions of various types is increasing, the infrastructure of education is developing - forms of management, methodological and research services; the personnel base is being strengthened, the content and methods of education are being updated, the focus on the individual needs and capabilities of students is being strengthened. Special claims are made to the quality of education as meeting the expectations of society and the individual - this makes it relevant to develop education as an open system, the structural and functional characteristics of which are determined by interaction with society.

The openness of education implies the transparency of goals, the formation in the public mind of an understanding of the dependence of the quality of life on the state of education - its quality, accessibility, inclusiveness, the unification of various social groups and their involvement in the process of developing education as partners. Social partners are individual and collective entities that share the values ​​of modern education, are interested in developing a unified educational policy, and are able to effectively support education in solving real problems of the formation and development of its system.

Achieving a high quality of education presupposes an organic combination of educational traditions and innovative trends that have been recognized in world and domestic practice, creatively meaningful in relation to domestic pedagogical reality and the strategic goals of the sociocultural development of society.

The legislative basis for the development of a model of social partnership in the field of education as a whole is provided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Non-Commercial Organizations", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Public Associations", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 31.08.1999 No. 1134 "On additional measures to support educational institutions in the Russian Federation". The legal basis for the organization of social partnership at the municipal level is created by the federal laws "On Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", as well as the relevant laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation adopted in development of these federal laws.

Partnerships can be considered as inter-subject interactions, the effectiveness of which is determined by the common value-target aspirations of all its participants, their mutual enrichment, that is, the joint development of a system of values.

Such a model was created in the teaching staff of the secondary school No. 93 and the Novochanovskaya secondary school of the Barabinsky district of the Novosibirsk region. On September 1, 2006, an agreement on social partnership in education was concluded, the fundamental idea whom: develop and introduce new forms of organizing the educational process when working with gifted children in educational institutions of the Baraba region.

The purpose of the work: the development and implementation of conditions that ensure the quality and availability of educational services, the preservation and strengthening of the health of students during the restructuring of the network of educational institutions in the Baraba region.

  1. Organization of joint activities of teaching teams of participants in the experiment on the study and implementation of pedagogical innovations in the educational process in order to improve the quality and accessibility of education.
  2. Creation of favorable conditions for the development of creative abilities of students MOU secondary school No. 93 and MOU Novochanovskaya secondary school.
  3. Dissemination of the results of the experiment among educational institutions of the Baraba region.
  4. Implementation of developing and educational opportunities of schools in joint activities.

The implementation of these tasks allowed:

  1. Create a model of a unified educational space.
  2. Create a resource and methodological center based on our schools.
  3. Raise the level of qualifications of teachers in our schools through the implementation of a modernized model of the scientific and methodological service.
  4. Improve student learning outcomes through:
    - optimal and effective development of the cognitive abilities of the personality of students;
    - implementation of modern models of training and technologies.
  5. Effectively use the educational, methodological and material and technical bases of our schools in the educational process.

When determining research methods, the participants in the experiment are guided by the following principles pedagogical activity:

  • The principle of maximum diversity of the presented opportunities for personal development;
  • The principle of increasing the role of extracurricular activities;
  • The principle of individualization and differentiation of training;
  • The principle of creating conditions for joint work of students with minimal participation of the teacher;
  • The principle of freedom of choice for students of additional educational services, mentoring.

Method for identifying gifted children

For implementation this method it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • Acquaintance of teachers with scientific data on psychological characteristics and methodological methods of working with gifted children;
  • Education through methodical study, teachers' councils, self-education, advanced training;
  • Accumulation of library material on this issue;
  • Acquaintance of teachers with the methods of purposeful pedagogical observation of diagnostics;
  • Conducting various extracurricular competitions of intellectual games of olympiads allowing students to show their abilities.
  • The main principles for constructing a scheme for identifying gifted children:
  • Definition of the most capacious and practically applicable concept of giftedness.
  • Development of a plan and program for the education of gifted children.
  • Development of the evaluation procedure:
    - definition of functions to be assessed;
    - determination of information to be collected.
  • Refinement of selection criteria.
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of the search and identification of capable children.

Method of creating conditions for the optimal development of gifted children.

To implement the second method, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • Selection among various training systems of those methods and techniques that contribute to the development of independent thinking, initiative and creativity;
  • Providing an opportunity to improve abilities in joint activities with peers, a supervisor, through independent work.

The creative potential of a child can be developed in various educational areas, but most naturally, in accordance with the very nature of the activity, in the field of artistic development. In this regard, the hours of the variable part in training junior schoolchildren used to organize creative workshops.

Creative workshops on the basis of the Novochanovskaya secondary school:

  • Music workshop (music class);
  • "In the world of beauty" (visual activity);
  • Healthy Lifestyle Workshop;
  • Explorer Club.

Creative workshops on the basis of secondary school No. 93:

  • Artistic Word Workshop;
  • Intellectual club;
  • Craft workshop (applied art);
  • Children's newspapers "Shkolyar" and "School Bulletin".

Classroom and extracurricular activities are built in such a way that the student can show their abilities in a variety of areas of activity. This is important as a source of acquiring new knowledge and new experience, and should serve as a basis for the transformation of this knowledge into other areas of activity in the second and third grade classes.

An important factor influencing the development of gifted students and the identification of hidden talents and abilities is the system of extracurricular educational work. The basis of such a system is "immersion in culture", the functions of the system are education and upbringing, and the organizing principle is the game.

The high school is a special educational space within which, on the one hand, the fulfillment by society of its mandatory function of forming a socially adapted personality is completed, on the other hand, there is actually a gradual reorientation of the dominant educational paradigm with a predominant transmission of the ZUN system to create conditions for the formation of the complex subject and personal competencies. Based on this, new principles and methodology for organizing the educational space in high school are being formed:

  • Individualized forms of educational activity (work on individual programs);
  • Development of design and research skills (project methodology);
  • Self-determination of high school students in relation to the main direction of their own activity (profile classes);
  • An ethically well-defined communicative field.

The main activities are:

  • master classes by leading teachers of schools participating in the experiment;
  • joint competitions research work;
  • system of extracurricular activities;
  • organization of a summer school for gifted children - a research expedition of schoolchildren to Lake Chany.

3. Method of working with teaching staff

Understanding what serious tasks face a teacher working with capable and gifted children, it is necessary to send highly qualified teachers to work in pre-profile and specialized classes, i.e. take a special approach to solving personnel issues. At the same time, it is necessary to realize the importance of this work by each member of the team and, in this regard, to increase attention to the problem of forming a positive motivation for learning. Creation and continuous improvement of the methodological system of work with gifted children.

The first direction of pedagogical "universal education" is the design of educational programs. Teachers should be able to develop author's programs

  1. Program individualization. The program should take into account factors such as experience, special training, worldview and interests of students, that is, be flexible and meet individual and group needs.
  2. Participation in programming. Supervisors work with line teachers to determine what should be included in the practical training program.
  3. Personal responsibility for the development and coordination of the program. Program plans should be carefully developed and implemented, including both long-term and intermediate goals. The program manager is responsible for monitoring its implementation.
  4. Variety of methods in the program. A good program should pay special attention to the use of a variety of methods and techniques, so that the training programs are interesting and creative.

The second direction of pedagogical "universal education" is scientific and methodological work based on the general strategic goal and a unified methodology of pedagogical search.

The organization of theoretical-pedagogical and methodological general education of pedagogical teams in the form of a permanent scientific-methodical (problem-practical) seminar is supposed to be organized. Three groups of the main tasks of organizing a seminar have been identified. The first block of tasks: teachers must understand the essence of a number of basic ideas and concepts related to foreign and Russian experience use of new pedagogical technologies; subject them to pedagogical analysis. The second block of tasks is connected with the process of introspection and the formation of educational and professional orientation. The tasks of the third group are the actualization of the professional experience and creative potential of the teacher.

Such general education will take place in three organizational stages.

First- "Methodological kaleidoscope". During the year, the teaching staff of the schools will form an idea of ​​the directions of search and achievements in Russian and foreign pedagogy. Teachers attend presentation seminars, master classes, meetings of district and school methodological associations, where they get acquainted with already proven technologies and methods, try to include certain elements in the practice of the lesson. By the end of this stage, teachers determine the scope of their professional interests, choose an "educational route", unite in groups of like-minded people.

Second phase- education. Teachers are united according to the groups of teaching the chosen technology. Leading experts on the subject. Classes are held in the mode of model lessons with their subsequent in-depth analysis. Classes alternate with approbation lessons. Then teachers summarize their experience, participate in conferences and competitions, and publish in educational media. Thus, the ability of teachers to pedagogical interaction is realized.

At the third stage the selected technology is being introduced into pedagogical practice. There are also diagnostics of various types. At this stage, an educational and methodological complex is formed on academic subjects and technologies.


No. p / p Activity content
1. Workshop "Methodology and methods of pedagogical research".
2. Workshop "Humanistic Pedagogy: Essence, Experience, Results".
3. Master class "Organization of profile training and introduction of ICT".
4. Speech at the seminar of school principals on the topic of the experiment.
5. Seminar of natural science teachers "Organization of research expeditions for schoolchildren".
6. Seminar "Research and project activities of students in the educational process".
7. Master class "Modernized model of the unified scientific and methodological service of schools".
8. Seminar-workshop "Use of information and communication technologies in education".
9. Order on the organization of joint work of the NOU:
Research work in the directions.
Scientific and practical conference.
10. Joint work on the programs "Gifted children" and "Health".
11. A research expedition of schoolchildren to Lake Chany was carried out.
12. Systematic diagnostic work to identify gifted children and organize further work with them
13. Participation in district readings, seminars, conferences on the topic of the experiment.
14. The work of a single resource center for students and teachers of natural sciences, philology, mathematics and computer science.
15. The work of temporary creative problem groups.
16. Measures to improve the systems of specialized and distance learning for schoolchildren.
17. Participation in telecommunication projects and competitions.
19. Participation in competitions of socially significant projects.
20. Creation of a data bank of gifted children, educational programs, methodological materials, diagnostic methods in areas, advanced training of teachers.
Systematization and generalization of experience in the experiment: films, teaching aids, multimedia presentations, publications in educational media, posting information on school websites, booklets.
Stages of implementation of the experiment program
Stage I - 2006 - 2007 Stage II - 2007 - 2008
tasks results tasks results
1. Creation regulatory framework POI.

2. Study, development and dissemination of technologies aimed at identifying and teaching gifted children within the framework of the PPI.

Creation of a system of purposeful identification, selection and development of gifted children.

3. Generalization and dissemination of work experience through a system of seminars, district and regional scientific and practical conferences.

4. Organization of a traveling summer school for gifted children - a research expedition to Lake Chany.

1. Amendments to the local acts of schools.

2. Creation of a system of permanent pedagogical "universal education" - a scientific and practical seminar for teachers in the following areas:
- organization of research activities (MOU Novochanovskaya secondary school);
- organization of specialized training and the introduction of ICT (MOU secondary school No. 93).

3. Creation of a bank of innovative technologies and publication of materials in educational media.

4.Strengthening the health of students. Improving the research skills of students in the study of ecological systems.

1. Development of research skills, communication skills and increasing the level of self-realization of students.

2. Monitoring of various areas of work in order to determine the effectiveness of ongoing activities and operational correction.

3. Increasing the level of teachers' qualifications through the implementation of a modernized model of the scientific and methodological service.

4. Effective use educational-methodical and material-technical base in the educational process.

5. Development of a system of generalization and dissemination of experience through the release of information collections, posting information on the websites of educational institutions and educational authorities, organizing speeches in the media.

Regular holding of joint intellectual and creative events of various kinds.

Systematic replenishment of the data bank of educational programs, teaching materials, diagnostic methods in the direction, advanced training of teachers.

Creation of a unified structure of the scientific and methodological service of schools, which makes it possible to effectively develop and implement innovations.

Creation of a single resource center for use by students and teachers:
- in the field of natural sciences (Novochanovskaya secondary school);
- in the field of philology, mathematics and computer science (secondary school No. 93).

5. Analysis and adjustment of the experiment program. Development of the experiment program up to 2010.

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