State Corporation for Space Activities “Roscosmos. State corporation roscosmos Roscosmos number of employees of this state corporation


Chapter 1. Basic Provisions
Article 1. Relations regulated by this Federal Law
Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law
Article 3 Legal status Corporations
Article 4. Goals of the Corporation
Article 5. Powers of the President Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation in relation to the Corporation
Chapter 2. Legal regulation of activities, powers, functions and activities of the Corporation
Article 6. Legal regulation of the Corporation's activities
Article 7. Powers and functions of the Corporation in the area of ​​managing space activities
Article 8
Article 9. Powers and functions of the Corporation for the selection and training of astronauts
Article 10
Article 11. Powers and functions of the Space Safety Corporation
Article 12
Article 13
Article 14. Types of activities of the Corporation
Article 15. Functions of the Corporation in relation to the institutions of the Corporation
Chapter 3. Property relations
Article 16. Property of the Corporation
Article 17
Chapter 4 federal budget
Article 18
Article 19. Special reserve funds of the Corporation
Article 20
Chapter 5. Corporate Governance
Article 21. Bodies of the Corporation
Article 22. Supervisory Board of the Corporation
Article 23. Powers of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation
Article 24. Meetings of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation
Article 25. General Director of the Corporation
Article 26. Powers CEO Corporations
Article 27
Article 28. Powers of the Board of the Corporation
Article 29
Article 30. Scientific and technical council of the Corporation
Article 31. Audit Commission of the Corporation
Article 32. Internal control
Article 33. Regulations of the Corporation
Chapter 6. Reporting and Audit of the Corporation's Reporting
Article 34. Accounting and reporting of the Corporation
Article 35. Audit of the Corporation's statements
Chapter 7
Article 36
Article 37 joint-stock companies
Article 38
Chapter 8. Powers and functions of the Corporation during the transitional period
Article 39. Transition period
Article 40
Article 41
Article 42
Chapter 9. Reorganization and liquidation of the Corporation
Article 43. Reorganization and liquidation of the Corporation
Chapter 10. Final Provisions
Article 44. Entry into force of this Federal Law

Chapter 1. Basic Provisions

Article 1. Relations regulated by this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law determines the legal status, objectives of activities, powers and functions, the procedure for managing activities, the procedure for reorganization and liquidation of the State Corporation for Space Activities Roscosmos (hereinafter referred to as the Corporation).

2. The Corporation is an authorized governing body in the field of exploration, exploration and use of outer space, empowered to exercise state management and management of space activities on behalf of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 1993 N 5663-I "On Space Activities" , as well as legal regulation in this area.

Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are used:

1) space activity - any activity related to the direct performance of work on the exploration and use of outer space (including the Moon and other celestial bodies), including the creation (development, manufacture and testing), use (operation) of space technology, space materials and space technologies, the provision of services related to the implementation of space activities, as well as the use of the results of this activity, the implementation of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes;

2) enterprises of the Corporation - state unitary enterprises subordinate to the Corporation, which are included in the lists approved by the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with subparagraphs "b" and "c" of paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 5 of this Federal Law, and in respect of which the Corporation exercises the powers of the owner of property ;

3) institutions of the Corporation - institutions subordinated to the Corporation that are created by the Corporation or included in the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with subparagraph "c" of paragraph 1 of part 2 of Article 5 of this Federal Law;

4) Corporation's joint-stock companies - joint-stock companies established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and whose shares are owned or in trust management of the Corporation, as well as joint-stock companies in which the Corporation has the ability to influence decisions made by these joint-stock companies;

5) organizations of the Corporation - enterprises of the Corporation, institutions of the Corporation, as well as joint-stock companies of the Corporation and their subsidiaries business companies;

6) organizations of the rocket and space industry - organizations in respect of which the Corporation implements the state policy in the established field of activity;

7) special reserve funds of the Corporation - financial resources centralized by the Corporation, formed at the expense of deductions from the organizations of the Corporation in order to form reserves intended for financial support of the efficiency of the activities of the organizations of the Corporation.

Article 3. Legal Status of the Corporation

1. The corporation is a legal entity created by the Russian Federation in the organizational and legal form of a state corporation. The status, goals of activities, powers and functions of the Corporation are determined by this Federal Law, the Law of the Russian Federation of August 20, 1993 N 5663-I "On Space Activities", the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ "On non-profit organizations", other federal laws and normative legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them, as well as international treaties to which the Russian Federation is a party.

2. The full name of the Corporation in Russian is the State Space Corporation Roscosmos. The abbreviated name in Russian is State Corporation Roscosmos.

3. Full name of the Corporation on English language- State Space Corporation "Roscosmos". The abbreviated name in English is ROSCOSMOS.

4. The Corporation has a seal and forms with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its full name.

5. Location of the Corporation - the city of Moscow.

6. The corporation is considered established from the date of entering information about its creation in the unified state register of legal entities.

7. The Corporation opens personal accounts with the Federal Treasury in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. The corporation has an account in central bank of the Russian Federation, as well as the right to open accounts with other credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9. The corporation has the right to carry out income-generating activities only insofar as it serves the achievement of the goals for which it was created, and consistent with these goals. The profit of the Corporation, received as a result of its activities, is directed exclusively to achieve the goals established by this Federal Law.

10. The corporation is liable for its obligations with all its property, with the exception of property that cannot be foreclosed. The list of property that cannot be foreclosed is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

11. The Russian Federation is not liable for the obligations of the Corporation, and the Corporation is not liable for the obligations of the Russian Federation, if they have not assumed the corresponding obligations.

12. The Corporation is not subject to Federal Law No. 127-FZ of October 26, 2002 "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)".

13. The corporation has the right to create departmental protection.

14. In the exercise by the Corporation of the powers provided for by this Federal Law in the established area of ​​activity, the officials of the Corporation shall bear responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

15. Federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government are not entitled to interfere in the activities of the Corporation and its officials to achieve the goals established by this Federal Law, with the exception of cases provided for by federal laws.

16. The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and other state bodies of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, control and supervise the activities of the Corporation.

17. The Corporation has the right to establish, in accordance with the established procedure, the Corporation's emblem, insignia and award them to employees of the Corporation, organizations of the Corporation, organizations of the rocket and space industry, other persons, employees of federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities, others government agencies.

18. The Corporation has the right to nominate employees of the Corporation, organizations of the Corporation, organizations of the rocket and space industry, other persons, employees of federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, other government bodies for conferring honorary titles of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner and awarding state awards of the Russian Federation.

Article 4. Goals of the Corporation

1. The corporation is created and operates for the following purposes:

1) implementation of state policy and implementation of legal regulation in the field of space activities;

2) provision of public services in the field of space activities and state property management;

3) ensuring that the Corporation's organizations and organizations of the rocket and space industry carry out work on the creation of rocket and space equipment for military, dual, scientific and socio-economic purposes, strategic military rocket technology;

4) coordination of work to maintain, develop and use the global navigation satellite system GLONASS in the interests of special, civil, including commercial, consumers and to expand international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of satellite navigation systems;

5) implementation of international activities for the exploration and use of outer space;

6) implementation of functions for the overall coordination of work carried out at the Baikonur Cosmodrome and the Vostochny Cosmodrome, and for the management of these works.

2. The activities of the Corporation are aimed at creating conditions and mechanisms for the effective implementation of space activities, the use of its results, the management of the Corporation's organizations and their development, as well as promoting the strengthening of the country's defense and ensuring the security of the state.

3. The corporation ensures the execution of tasks state program armaments and the state defense order in the field of space activities with the involvement of the Corporation's organizations.

4. The Corporation ensures the implementation of state programs of the Russian Federation, presidential programs, the Federal Space Program of Russia, interstate and federal targeted programs, the federal targeted investment program, programs of the Union State and programs of international cooperation in the field of space activities, as well as control over the execution of state procurement contracts goods, performance of work, provision of services to meet state needs, the executors for which are the organizations of the Corporation.

Article 5. Powers of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation in relation to the Corporation

1. President of the Russian Federation:

1) claims:

a) a list of joint-stock companies whose shares are in federal ownership and are subject to transfer to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation;

b) a list of state unitary enterprises subject to transformation into joint-stock companies, the shares of which are subject to transfer to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation;

c) a list of state unitary enterprises whose property complexes are subject to transfer to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation;

2) appoints, in accordance with Article 22 of this Federal Law, members of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation and terminates their powers;

3) appoints and dismisses the General Director of the Corporation in accordance with Article 25 of this Federal Law;

4) make other decisions in accordance with this Federal Law and other federal laws.

2. Government of the Russian Federation:

1) claims:

a) the procedure for transferring the property contribution of the Russian Federation to the Corporation to the extent not regulated by this Federal Law;

b) a list of federal property transferred to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 2 of Article 17 of this Federal Law;

c) a list of federal state institutions transferred to the Corporation;

d) a list of federal property that is not secured by the right of economic management or operational management of state unitary enterprises or federal state institutions and the rights of the owner of which are exercised by the Corporation on behalf of the Russian Federation;

e) the state defense order of the Corporation;

f) regulations of the Corporation;

g) the procedure for allocating funds for the formation of special reserve funds of the Corporation;

2) makes other decisions in accordance with this Federal Law, other federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 2. Legal regulation of activities, powers, functions and activities of the Corporation

Article 6. Legal regulation of the Corporation's activities

1. The activities of the Corporation are governed by this Federal Law and the regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with it, as well as other legislative acts of the Russian Federation, international treaties to which the Russian Federation is a party and which contain provisions relating to established field of activity of the Corporation.

2. The Corporation is not subject to paragraphs 3, 5, 7, 10 and 14 of Article 32 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ "On Non-Commercial Organizations", which regulate the procedure for exercising control over the activities of commercial organizations.

3. The Corporation exercises the powers and functions provided for by this Federal Law in relation to the Corporation's organizations, organizations of the rocket and space industry and other legal entities involved in the implementation of space activities in the areas established by the Law of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 1993 N 5663-I " About space activities.

4. In order to achieve the goals established by this Federal Law, the Corporation carries out legal regulation in the established field of activity, international cooperation and foreign economic activity in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and also ensures the coordination of work in the field of using the results of space activities and the creation of conditions for formation of a market for the results of space activities.

5. From the date of adoption of the decision to liquidate the Federal Space Agency in accordance with the established procedure, the rights and obligations of the chief administrator of budgetary funds, the recipient of budgetary funds, the chief administrator of budget revenues, the administrator of budget revenues, the state customer, the state customer - coordinator, responsible executor of the state armament program, state programs of the Russian Federation, presidential programs, the Federal Space Program of Russia, interstate and federal targeted programs, the state defense order, the federal targeted investment program, programs of the Union State and programs of international cooperation in the field of space activities, the state customer, the state customer-coordinator, the responsible executor of which is the Federal Space Agency, as well as the rights and obligations for the use the performance of state functions and the provision of public services in the established field of activity.

6. From the day the decision to liquidate the Federal Space Agency is made in accordance with the established procedure, all rights and obligations under the contracts (contracts, agreements) concluded by the Federal Space Agency, including government contracts (agreements) and agreements (contracts, agreements) are transferred to the Corporation with Russian and foreign organizations.

7. The Corporation, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, exercises the powers (functions) of the chief administrator of budgetary funds, the recipient of budgetary funds, the chief administrator of budget revenues, the administrator of budget revenues, the state customer, the state customer - coordinator, responsible executor of the state armament program, state programs of the Russian Federation , presidential programs, the Federal Space Program of Russia, interstate and federal target programs, the state defense order, the federal targeted investment program, programs of the Union State and programs of international cooperation in the field of space activities.

8. The Corporation is the legal successor of the USSR Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering, the Russian Space Agency, the Russian Aviation and Space Agency and the Federal Space Agency in respect of international treaties (agreements) of the Russian Federation in the field of space activities concluded with bodies and organizations of foreign states and international organizations (including related contractual obligations), as well as the legal successor of the Russian Aviation and Space Agency and the Federal Space Agency in respect of agreements (contracts) in the specified area, concluded with federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities and organizations.

9. The Corporation continues to perform in full the functions of the authorized body of the Russian Federation (competent body of the Government of the Russian Federation) responsible for the implementation of interstate (intergovernmental) agreements in the field of space activities.

10. From the day the decision to liquidate the Federal Space Agency is made in accordance with the established procedure, the Corporation becomes the legal successor (successor) of the Federal Space Agency in civil and criminal proceedings, in proceedings in arbitration courts, as well as in proceedings on cases of administrative offenses.

11. From the date of the decision to liquidate the Federal Space Agency in accordance with the established procedure, the Corporation shall be the legal successor of the Russian Aviation and Space Agency and the Federal Space Agency in respect of the intellectual property objects owned by the Russian Federation represented by the Russian Aviation and Space Agency and the Federal Space Agency, and the results of scientific and technical activities, as well as the assignee of the Federal Space Agency in respect of the use of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels allocated to the Federal Space Agency.

12. From the day the decision to liquidate the Federal Space Agency is made in accordance with the established procedure, the Corporation shall transfer all rights and obligations under contracts (agreements) concluded by the Federal Space Agency with credit organizations, as well as the rights to dispose of funds placed on accounts opened by the Federal Space Agency. agency in credit institutions, and the corresponding rights of claim in relation to these funds.

13. The Corporation, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, purchases goods, works, services, concludes government contracts (contracts) for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state needs in the established field of activity, and also concludes other civil law contracts.

14. On the basis of decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Corporation shall be empowered to exercise, on behalf of the Russian Federation, the rights of the owner of federal property in the established field of activity. The list of such property and the procedure for the Corporation to exercise these rights are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

15. According to the decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, the Corporation ensures the fulfillment of tasks in the established field of activity.

16. From the day the decision to liquidate the Federal Space Agency of the Corporation is taken in accordance with the established procedure, the powers of the Federal Space Agency provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation of July 14, 1992 N 3297-I "On a Closed Administrative-Territorial Entity" are transferred to the federal executive bodies under the jurisdiction where enterprises and (or) objects are located, for which a special regime is established for the safe functioning and protection of state secrets, including special conditions of residence of citizens and the specifics of the activities of legal entities, and the powers of the Federal Space Agency, provided for by the Federal Law of December 8, 2003 N 164-FZ "On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities" for federal executive bodies in the field of foreign trade activities.

17. From the date of the decision to liquidate the Federal Space Agency of the Corporation in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the powers to manage and dispose of the rights belonging to the Russian Federation to the results of intellectual activity (including remote sensing data of the Earth from space) obtained when performing work on orders from the Federal Space Agency.

18. The Corporation exercises, on behalf of the Russian Federation, the rights of a shareholder (participant) in relation to business entities whose shares (stakes in the charter capital) are federally owned and acquired by making a contribution of the Russian Federation to the charter capitals of these companies of the exclusive rights of the Russian Federation to the results intellectual activity, the management and disposal of which is carried out by the Corporation.

19. The Corporation exercises, on behalf of the Russian Federation, the rights of a shareholder of joint-stock companies that are included in the list approved by the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with subparagraph "a" of paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 5 of this Federal Law, and whose shares are federally owned and are subject to transfer to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation.

20. On behalf of the Russian Federation, the Corporation shall exercise the rights of a shareholder of joint-stock companies created by transforming state unitary enterprises included in the list approved by the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 5 of this Federal Law, until the shares of the said shares are transferred to the Corporation joint-stock companies as a property contribution of the Russian Federation.

21. The Corporation exercises, on behalf of the Russian Federation, the rights of a shareholder of joint-stock companies created by transforming state unitary enterprises, whose shares, in accordance with the decision of the President of the Russian Federation, are subject to transfer as a contribution of the Russian Federation to the authorized capital of the Corporation's joint-stock companies, until the said shares are transferred to the Corporation's joint-stock companies .

22. The Corporation exercises, on behalf of the Russian Federation, in the manner and within the limits established by this Federal Law, the rights of the owner of the property of state unitary enterprises included in the lists approved by the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with subparagraphs "b" and "c" of paragraph 1 of part 1 Article 5 of this Federal Law, until the completion of the transformation of these enterprises into joint-stock companies or the transfer of their property complexes to the Corporation as a property contribution to the Russian Federation.

23. The transformation of the enterprises of the Corporation into joint-stock companies is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on privatization, taking into account the specifics provided for by this Federal Law.

Article 7. Powers and functions of the Corporation in the area of ​​managing space activities

The Corporation, in order to achieve the goals established by this Federal Law, exercises the following powers and functions in the field of space activity management:

1) prepares and submits to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation proposals on the formation of state policy in the field of space activities (including scientific, technical and investment policies);

2) ensures the implementation of the state policy in the field of space activities together with the federal executive body for defense and other interested federal executive bodies and organizations;

3) develops draft state programs of the Russian Federation, presidential programs, the Federal Space Program of Russia, interstate and federal target programs, programs of the Union State and programs of international cooperation in the field of space activities, and also takes part in the development of drafts of other programs within its competence;

4) organize systematic research in the main areas of development of space technology for scientific and socio-economic purposes, as well as, together with the federal executive body for defense, dual-use space technology;

5) performs the functions of a state customer, a state customer - a coordinator, a responsible executor of state programs of the Russian Federation, presidential programs, the Federal Space Program of Russia, interstate and federal targeted programs, a federal targeted investment program, programs of the Union State and programs of international cooperation in the field of space activities, the state defense order on issues of mobilization training, as well as work on the disposal and liquidation of strategic combat missile systems being withdrawn from service;

6) organizes and ensures, jointly with the federal executive authorities concerned, the implementation of research and development work on the creation of space technology for scientific and socio-economic purposes, the purchase of serial space technology, and also, together with the federal executive body for defense, its use ( operation);

7) carries out, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the procurement of goods, works, services in the established field of activity;

8) carries out the placement of a state order for the development, production and supply of space technology and space infrastructure facilities for scientific and socio-economic purposes, including the performance of work related to the implementation of international space projects, as well as aviation and other equipment and means of its operation used to solve problems in the field of space activities;

9) together with the federal executive body for defense, place a state order for the development, production and supply of dual-use space technology and space infrastructure facilities;

10) organizes in accordance with the established procedure the use (operation) of space technology for the purpose of implementing state programs of the Russian Federation, presidential programs, the Federal Space Program of Russia, interstate and federal targeted programs, the federal targeted investment program, programs of the Union State and programs of international cooperation in the field of space activities ;

11) carries out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the licensing of space activities, maintenance of the register of issued licenses and license control;

12) together with the federal executive body for defense and other interested federal executive bodies, ensures the development of space infrastructure, coordinates work on the management of ground-based space facilities and the supporting infrastructure of the Baikonur Cosmodrome and the Vostochny Cosmodrome and the operation of such facilities;

13) provides, together with the federal executive body for defense, other interested federal executive bodies, the Russian Academy of Sciences and other organizations, the strengthening of the potential of the Russian Federation in the field of monitoring objects and events in the near-Earth space, including the mechanism for international cooperation in this area;

14) provides, together with the interested federal executive authorities, the Russian Academy of Sciences and other organizations, the study, forecasting and determination of the asteroid-comet hazard, as well as the development of methods and means of parrying it, taking into account the international nature of the problem;

15) ensure the performance of work on the creation (development, manufacture and testing), use (operation) of space complexes;

16) ensure the examination of projects for the creation of space technology, as well as testing and research in order to improve space technology;

17) organizes and coordinates the work to ensure the quality of products of rocket and space technology, military missile technology for strategic purposes, as well as work to control the quality of these products and equipment;

18) organize and carry out, jointly with the federal executive bodies concerned, state flight tests of space technology for scientific and socio-economic purposes;

19) approves in accordance with the established procedure the program for conducting flight tests of space complexes, acts on the acceptance into operation of products of rocket and space technology;

20) approves, jointly with the federal executive body for defense, an annual plan for launching scientific, socio-economic and dual-use spacecraft, including for the purpose of implementing international and commercial space programs and projects;

21) organize and ensure, together with the federal executive body for defense, the launches of spacecraft for socio-economic and scientific purposes and their control in flight;

22) provides, together with the federal executive body for defense, launches of spacecraft for military purposes;

23) determines the tasks, functions and composition of the head research organizations of the rocket and space industry;

24) implements a unified state policy in the field of work carried out by the Corporation’s organizations and organizations of the rocket and space industry to create military rocket and space equipment, including strategic military rocket equipment (while retaining the functions of a state customer for the specified technique);

25) forms and pursues a unified technical policy in the creation of modern rocket and space technology, including strategic military rocket technology, in the creation and use (operation) of space infrastructure facilities, as well as in the creation and operation of infrastructure elements for the use of the results of space activities;

26) coordinates work in the field of using the results of space activities in compliance with the requirements of the antimonopoly legislation of the Russian Federation;

27) provides, together with the interested federal executive authorities, the implementation of state policy in the field of maintaining, developing and using the global navigation satellite system GLONASS, as well as the use of a set of tools to provide users of this system additional information in the interests of special, civil, including commercial, consumers and coordinates work in this area;

28) organize and coordinate the performance of work on commercial space projects, as well as assist in their implementation;

29) ensure the selection and training of cosmonauts, conduct research and development work on issues related to manned space flights;

30) exercises the powers of the state body in the field of registration and maintenance of the national register of launched space objects, and also maintains the registers, registers and cadastres necessary for the implementation of the functions of the Corporation;

31) organizes vocational training and additional professional education employees of the Corporation, organizations of the Corporation and personnel reserve;

32) analyzes the activities of the Corporation's organizations and approves indicators economic efficiency their activities, conducts inspections of the financial and economic activities of the Corporation's organizations and the use of the property complex in the Corporation's organizations;

33) assesses the feasibility of the tasks of the state defense order and the state armament program in organizations of the rocket and space industry;

34) participates in the implementation of state regulation of prices for rocket and space products, which are supplied under the state defense order and the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

35) organizes a personal reception of citizens and representatives of organizations, considers their applications in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

36) carry out, in accordance with the established procedure, consideration of applications for inventions containing information constituting a state secret, in the established field of activity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

37) carries out, in the established field of activity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the acquisition, storage, accounting and use of federally owned archival documents, as well as the storage of archival documents of the Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering of the USSR, the Russian Space Agency, the Russian Aviation and Space Agency and the Federal Space Agency ;

38) organizes and conducts congresses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other events on issues related to the established field of activity;

39) ensures, in accordance with the established procedure, the management of rights to the results of scientific and technical activities and other objects of intellectual property, respectively, obtained and created in the course of performing work on orders from the Federal Space Agency and the Corporation at the expense of budgetary appropriations from the federal budget;

40) carries out general coordination of the work carried out at the Baikonur Cosmodrome and the Vostochny Cosmodrome, and management of these works, as well as the use of the Baikonur complex, leased by the Russian Federation from the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to carry out space activities;

41) ensure, in relation to facilities and land plots under the jurisdiction of the Corporation, the fulfillment of the obligations of the Russian Federation stipulated by international treaties to comply with environmental safety requirements, rules in the field of environmental protection and nature management on the territory of the Baikonur complex leased by the Russian Federation from the Republic of Kazakhstan, including:

a) controls compliance with the norms of nature management and environmental protection;

b) determines the procedure for developing standards for maximum permissible emissions, discharges of pollutants into the environment and disposal of production and consumption waste;

c) determine the procedure for the use of land plots in cases related to their intended use;

d) coordinates with the authorized bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan decisions on the regulation of land relations in cases not related to the targeted use of land plots;

e) establishes the procedure for handling production and consumption waste and controls its observance;

f) coordinates with the authorized bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of environmental protection the forms of documents on environmental monitoring and statistical reporting in the field of environmental protection and nature management and establishes the procedure for their submission, as well as coordinates the forms of environmental passports and establishes the procedure for their development;

42) organizes activities in the field of state aviation used by the Corporation's organizations to solve problems in the field of space activities and mobilization and defense tasks, and also ensures operational management of this activity;

43) issues permits for the construction and commissioning of space infrastructure facilities under the jurisdiction of the Corporation and organizations of the Corporation, in accordance with the legislation on urban planning;

44) issues certificates in the established field of activity for submission at the place of demand, and also, at the request of citizens, provides information to confirm their right to receive social support in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

45) together with federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, ensure the safety of space activities;

46) provides its own mobilization training, as well as coordination of the activities of the organizations of the Corporation for mobilization training and control over this activity;

47) interacts with federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments on issues related to the established field of activity;

48) interact with state authorities and organizations of foreign states, as well as with international organizations on the implementation of space activities, conclude international treaties of an interagency nature;

49) ensure the implementation and coordination of cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign states within the framework of agreements on cooperation in the field of exploration, exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes;

50) participates, within its competence, together with interested federal executive bodies in shaping the position of the Russian Federation on the implementation of space activities and the use of its results;

51) enter into agreements (contracts) with foreign organizations in accordance with the established procedure, including those relating to the implementation of international and commercial space programs and projects;

52) issues certificates confirming that the import of goods into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union is carried out within the framework of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of exploration and use of outer space, including the provision of services for the launch of spacecraft;

53) submit proposals to the federal executive body responsible for control and supervision in the field of military-technical cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign states on granting the Corporation organizations that are developers and manufacturers of military products the right to carry out foreign trade activities in relation to these products ;

54) determines in accordance with the established procedure the organizations of the Corporation that are developers and manufacturers of rocket and space products for military purposes and participate in the implementation foreign trade contracts for the supply of these products;

55) ensure, in cooperation with interested federal executive bodies, the participation of the Russian Federation in international export control regimes;

56) conduct inspections of organizations in the rocket and space industry;

57) performs other functions for the management of space activities and the provision of public services in the established field of activity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 8

1. The Corporation, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, adopts regulatory legal acts in the established field of activity.

2. The Corporation has the right to invalidate acts of the USSR Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as to invalidate acts of the Russian Space Agency, the Russian Aviation and Space Agency in the part related to space activities, and the Federal Space Agency.

3. Regulatory legal acts, regulatory technical papers The Ministries of General Mechanical Engineering of the USSR, the Russian Space Agency, the Russian Aviation and Space Agency and the Federal Space Agency are valid until the Corporation adopts the relevant acts and documents to the extent that they do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. The Corporation has the right to submit to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation draft federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as other documents on issues related to the established field of activity.

5. The Corporation prepares regulatory technical and organizational and administrative documents, including in the field of technical regulation and standardization, regulating space activities, as well as determining the procedure for the creation (development, manufacture, testing) and use (operation) of rocket and space technology, objects space infrastructure, including objects of the experimental base for testing space technology, and approves (coordinates) them in the prescribed manner.

6. Draft regulatory legal acts of the federal executive authorities on issues related to the established scope of the Corporation's activities are subject to approval by the Corporation.

7. Regulatory legal acts of the Corporation are issued in the form of orders, orders, regulations and instructions that are binding on federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, as well as legal entities and individuals.

8. Regulatory legal acts of the Corporation are subject to registration and publication in the manner prescribed for state registration and publication of normative legal acts of federal executive bodies.

9. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulations of the Corporation may be appealed in the manner established for contesting the regulations of the federal executive authorities.

10. The Corporation summarizes the practice of applying the legislation of the Russian Federation in the established area of ​​activity.

Article 9. Powers and functions of the Corporation for the selection and training of astronauts

1. The Corporation, in cooperation with interested federal executive bodies and organizations, performs the state function of selecting and training cosmonauts, as well as forming a cosmonaut corps and ensuring its activities, including the use of state aviation, the creation, maintenance and development of cosmonaut training facilities. The Corporation organizes, through the appropriate institution of the Corporation, the selection and training of cosmonauts, as well as ensuring the activities of the cosmonaut corps.

2. The Corporation, together with interested federal executive authorities, develops and approves regulatory legal acts that determine the procedure for the selection and training of cosmonauts, their medical examination, medical support and rehabilitation after space flights, the procedure for the formation and operation of a cosmonaut corps, the formation and approval of crew compositions ( including foreign citizens as crew members or space flight participants) of manned space objects, as well as the procedure for approving the flight program.

3. Financial support for the implementation of the powers and functions provided for by this article is carried out at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget in the manner established by the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 10

Corporation to achieve the goals established by this Federal Law:

1) organizes and implements (including in the Corporation’s organizations) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the protection of information constituting a state secret and other restricted information, and also takes measures in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical protection of information;

2) exercises the functions of the federal executive body in the field of protection of state secrets, as well as the authority to dispose of information constituting a state secret, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) develops, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, a list of information subject to classification in the established field of activity;

4) ensures, within its competence, the conduct of verification measures in relation to citizens admitted to state secrets;

5) submit proposals to the authorized federal executive bodies on improving the system for protecting information constituting a state secret.

Article 11. Powers and functions of the Space Safety Corporation

The Corporation exercises the following powers and functions to ensure the safety of space activities:

1) develops, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, together with interested federal executive bodies, and submits to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals on measures to ensure the safety of space activities, including the formation of a list of works to ensure safety in the process of development, manufacture, testing, use (operation) and disposal of rocket and space technology, military missile technology for strategic purposes, space objects and objects of space infrastructure;

2) organizes and coordinates the implementation of research and development work by the organizations of the Corporation effective methods and ways to ensure the safety of space activities;

3) organize and control the implementation of measures to ensure the safety of space activities planned and carried out in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and universal regulatory regulation, which is developed under the auspices of the United Nations and other international forums, as well as implemented within the framework of international space projects;

4) evaluates the quality of methods and methods for ensuring the safety of space objects, operations in outer space and objects of space infrastructure, service personnel and the public, and also, within its competence, together with interested federal executive authorities, participates in the definition and harmonization of criteria at the national and international levels regulation of the safe implementation of space activities, including the technical safety of operations in outer space;

5) organizes, in cooperation with the authorized federal executive bodies, the provision of anti-terrorist security, security, access and intra-object regimes at the Baikonur cosmodrome and the Vostochny cosmodrome;

6) organizes the work on standardization, including international, rocket and space technology, determines in the prescribed manner the parent organizations for the standardization of rocket and space technology supplied under the state defense order, and approves the regulations on them;

7) organizes work on metrological support and ensuring the uniformity of measurements of the rocket and space industry and coordinates them;

8) organizes work on cataloging rocket and space technology;

9) organize the certification of space technology for dual, scientific and socio-economic purposes;

10) organizes the investigation of the causes of accidents, including accidents and catastrophes, in the implementation of space activities, coordinates the work to eliminate the consequences of accidents in the implementation of space activities.

Article 12

1. The corporation in the established field of activity, together with the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, performs the following functions in the field of civil defense and protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies:

1) approves, in accordance with the established procedure, regulatory legal acts on issues of civil defense and protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, as well as on issues of civil defense at space infrastructure facilities, mandatory for execution by the Corporation's organizations;

2) organizes civil defense in the Corporation, develops and implements civil defense plans in the Corporation's organizations in accordance with the established procedure, organizes civil defense activities, including the creation and training of the necessary forces and means;

3) takes measures in accordance with the established procedure aimed at preserving the facilities of the Corporation's organizations necessary for the sustainable functioning of these organizations in wartime;

4) carry out in accordance with the established procedure measures aimed at creating and maintaining in a state of constant readiness for use technical systems the civil defense department, the system for alerting employees of the Corporation's organizations about the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, as well as about the threat of occurrence or the occurrence of natural and man-made emergencies;

5) in accordance with the established procedure creates and maintains stocks of material, technical, food, medical and other means in the Corporation's organizations for the purposes of civil defense;

6) creates and maintains, within its powers, in constant readiness for use as intended, protective structures and other objects of civil defense.

2. The Corporation interacts with the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, and other federal government bodies, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments on issues of search and rescue operations, including search and evacuation separating parts of missiles, as well as the prevention and elimination of consequences of accidents and emergencies in the organizations of the Corporation.

3. The Corporation, within the framework of the unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergencies, forms a functional subsystem for the prevention and elimination of the consequences of emergencies at potentially hazardous facilities and critical facilities within the scope of the Corporation's activities.

Article 13

1. The Corporation ensures, within its competence, the fulfillment of the obligations of the Russian Federation under international treaties of the Russian Federation and the exercise of the rights of the Russian Federation arising from these treaties.

2. In accordance with Federal Law No. 101-FZ of July 15, 1995 "On International Treaties of the Russian Federation", the Corporation is an authorized organization and, within its competence, concludes international treaties of the Russian Federation of an interdepartmental nature in the established field of activity in accordance with the said Federal Law.

3. The Corporation, within its competence, together with the interested federal executive authorities, develops and submits proposals for the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of space activities in the part related to its international aspects, represents the interests of the Russian Federation in international organizations and specialized international forums.

4. The Corporation, within its competence and in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, interacts with state authorities and organizations of foreign states, with international organizations, represents, by decision of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation, the interests of the Russian Federation in certain areas of space activities.

5. The Corporation, within its competence, together with the interested federal executive authorities, contributes to the formation of favorable international conditions for the implementation of state policy in the field of space activities, analyzes the state and trends in the development of international political, legal and regulatory and technical regulation in the field of space activities and develops proposals corresponding to the interests of the Russian Federation, the goals and objectives of its state policy in this area.

6. The Corporation, in accordance with the procedure established by the President of the Russian Federation, sends its representatives (with employees of the apparatus of representatives) to work in foreign states as part of diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation, trade missions of the Russian Federation without including these representatives in staffing the specified representations and institutions. The expenses for the maintenance of these representatives are carried out by the Corporation using the accounts of diplomatic missions and consular institutions of the Russian Federation, trade missions of the Russian Federation.

7. The Corporation participates in the nomination of Russian representatives for work in specialized structures of the United Nations Secretariat and international organizations.

Article 14. Types of activities of the Corporation

1. In order to achieve the goals established by this Federal Law, the Corporation organizes or carries out the following types of activities:

1) implementation of research, development, design and survey and technological works, provision of services in the established field of activity;

2) licensing of space activities;

3) organization of mandatory confirmation of the conformity of space technology for scientific and socio-economic purposes;

4) supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services to meet state needs;

5) organization of development, manufacture (production), testing, use (operation), supply, modernization, sale, support of warranty and service maintenance, repair of rocket and space equipment for military, dual, scientific and socio-economic purposes, military missile equipment for strategic purposes ;

6) organizing the production of technological equipment, a specialized electronic component base, raw materials and materials, including the design and construction of technological lines, the development and creation of mechanisms, equipment and systems for protecting objects of ground-based space infrastructure;

7) development and implementation investment projects for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of ground-based space infrastructure facilities and production facilities, organization of design and construction of buildings and structures, as well as the performance of the functions of a customer-builder, organization of the fulfillment of tasks of the federal targeted investment program;

8) organization of activities related to the use (operation) of space technology, space complexes, including satellite navigation and topographic and geodetic systems, communication systems, television and radio broadcasting;

9) introduction of new technologies in the field of space activities and the use of its results;

10) organizing the performance of work to determine the nomenclature and maintain registers of the electronic component base, raw materials and materials necessary for the production of rocket and space technology;

11) carrying out work on cataloging rocket and space technology;

12) development and implementation of unified approaches to pricing for samples of rocket and space technology for scientific and socio-economic purposes;

13) organizing and conducting expert reviews of projects for the creation of rocket and space technology, scientific, technical, investment and other programs, projects and proposals in the field of space activities, carrying out work on the creation of rocket and space technology for military, dual, scientific and socio-economic purposes, military missile technology for strategic purposes, testing and research to ensure the development of rocket and space technology;

14) organization and provision of activities for the selection of cosmonauts and their preparation for the performance of manned space flights, ensuring the functioning of the cosmonaut corps;

15) organization of observation of objects and phenomena in outer space;

16) organization of work to reduce man-made contamination of near-Earth outer space;

17) organization of tests of equipment in space;

18) organization of production in space of materials and other products;

19) organization and provision of launches of space vehicles and their control in flight;

20) organization of work on remote sensing of the Earth from space;

21) organization and implementation of activities for the export and import of goods, works, services related to the implementation of space activities;

22) organization of transportation of goods, including special cargo, by road, rail, air and water transport in the interests of organizations of the rocket and space industry;

23) organization of activities for the design, creation and operation of communication channels, the provision of communication services, including data transmission services and telematic communication services, telephone communication services, services for the lease of communication channels;

24) organization of work on the creation of special systems and complexes intended for the transmission of restricted access information using cryptographic information protection tools operating as part of space facilities and space infrastructure facilities;

25) organization of activities for the technical protection of confidential information;

26) carrying out work related to the use and protection of information constituting a state secret, the provision of services in the field of protecting state secrets (in the part related to the technical protection of information);

27) organizing the implementation of measures to ensure the security and anti-terrorist protection of the facilities of the Corporation's organizations;

28) organization of activities for the dissemination and maintenance encryption (cryptographic) means;

29) organizing and holding congresses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other events, including international ones, on issues of space activities and the use of its results;

30) rehabilitation of territories and objects contaminated as a result of anthropogenic impact in the course of space activities;

31) carrying out, within its competence, search and rescue operations, including the search and evacuation of separating parts of missiles;

32) training of personnel for work in the organizations of the Corporation.

2. In order to achieve the goals established by this Federal Law, the Corporation has the right to:

1) participate in state and commercial projects and programs providing for the development and export of high-tech industrial products;

2) make investments in Russian and foreign organizations. The Corporation's temporary free funds are invested in accordance with Article 7 1 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 12, 1996 "On Non-Commercial Organizations";

3) conclude contracts, including on a commercial basis, and carry out income-generating activities;

4) carry out the types of activities provided for by part 1 of this article independently or entrust their implementation to the organizations of the Corporation in the prescribed manner;

5) carry out other types of activities not provided for by part 1 of this article.

3. The corporation carries out the types of activities provided for by part 1 of this article without a special permit (license). Other types of activities are carried out by the Corporation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 15. Functions of the Corporation in relation to the institutions of the Corporation

1. The Corporation is the founder of the institutions established by the Corporation and the owner of their property.

2. From the day the decision to liquidate the Federal Space Agency is made in accordance with the established procedure, the Corporation, on behalf of the Russian Federation, exercises the functions of a founder and the rights of the owner of property in relation to federal state institutions under the jurisdiction of the Federal Space Agency, until such institutions are transferred to the Corporation.

3. The functions of the founder of the Corporation's institutions and the rights of the owner of their property are carried out by the Corporation in accordance with the civil legislation and this Federal Law.

4. The Corporation performs the following functions of the founder of the Corporation's institutions and the rights of the owner of their property:

1) approves the charters of the Corporation's institutions, makes changes to them;

2) conducts reorganization and liquidation of the Corporation's institutions in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) assigns property on the right of operational management to the institutions of the Corporation;

4) determine the procedure for compiling, approving and setting indicators for plans (programs) for the financial and economic activities of the Corporation's institutions;

5) appoints and dismisses the heads of the Corporation's institutions, concludes, amends and terminates employment contracts with them in accordance with labor law and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms;

6) coordinates the hiring and dismissal of the chief accountants of the Corporation's institutions and other persons who are responsible for maintaining the accounting records of the Corporation's institutions, the conclusion, amendment and termination employment contracts with them;

7) approve the annual accounting (financial) statements and reports on the financial and economic activities of the Corporation's institutions;

8) exercises control over the use for the intended purpose of property under the operational management of the Corporation's institutions, and over its safety;

9) confiscate from the Corporation's institutions unused or misused property assigned to them by the owner or acquired by the Corporation's institutions at the expense of funds allocated to them by the owner for the acquisition of this property;

10) gives consent to the opening of representative offices and the creation of branches of the Corporation's institutions;

11) gives consent to the participation of the Corporation institutions in other legal entities;

12) gives consent to transactions with property owned by the Corporation's institutions;

13) performs other functions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The Corporation has the right to claim the property of the Corporation's establishment from someone else's illegal possession.

Chapter 3. Property relations

Article 16. Property of the Corporation

1. The property of the Corporation is its property.

2. The property of the Corporation is formed from property contributions from the Russian Federation, income received from the activities of the Corporation, subsidies from the federal budget, special reserve funds of the Corporation and property created at their expense, voluntary contributions and donations, as well as from property received under other grounds not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The Government of the Russian Federation approves a list of the Corporation's property, transactions with which are subject to agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by federal laws, and a list of property that cannot be levied.

4. The Corporation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the expense of its property has the right:

1) open representative offices and establish branches, including those outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

2) create institutions of the Corporation;

3) create other non-profit organizations, as well as, in accordance with the procedure established by this Federal Law, participate in business companies and other organizations;

4) in order to achieve the goals established by this Federal Law, make any transactions, including the acquisition and sale of securities, property and non-property rights, issue guarantees for third parties that are organizations of the Corporation, and provide them with loans.

Article 17

1. The following are transferred to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation:

1) when creating the Corporation:

a) federally owned shares of the United Rocket and Space Corporation open joint stock company (Moscow city);

b) federal property under the operational management or use of the Federal Space Agency, including buildings located at the address: Moscow, Shchepkina street, building 42, buildings 1 and 2, and land on which they are located - after the decision to liquidate the Federal Space Agency in accordance with the established procedure;

2) federally owned shares of joint-stock companies according to the list approved by the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with subparagraph "a" of paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 5 of this Federal Law;

3) property complexes of state unitary enterprises according to the list approved by the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with subparagraph "c" of paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 5 of this Federal Law;

4) property under the operational management of federal state institutions transferred to the Corporation according to the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with subparagraph "c" of paragraph 1 of part 2 of Article 5 of this Federal Law;

5) budget allocations from the federal budget allocated for the implementation of state powers and functions assigned to the Corporation by this Federal Law, and for the provision of public services;

6) federal budget allocations allocated to the Corporation for the implementation of measures provided for by the Corporation's program of activities;

7) other federally owned property (including land plots) managed by the Federal Space Agency, with the exception of property that may be exclusively federally owned.

2. Along with the property provided for by Part 1 of this article, other federally owned property, including the rights to the results of intellectual activity belonging to the Russian Federation, may be transferred to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation on the basis of a decision of the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. The transfer to the Corporation's organizations of the rights to the results of intellectual activity previously received by the Corporation as a property contribution from the Russian Federation, obtained when performing work on orders of the federal executive body for defense, is subject to agreement with this federal executive body.

Chapter 4

Article 18

1. The Corporation, in order to achieve the goals established by this Federal Law, and taking into account the decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, develops a program of activities of the Corporation.

2. Financial provision of the Corporation's activity program is carried out at the expense of federal budget allocations, the Corporation's property and other funds of the Corporation and the Corporation's organizations.

3. The program of activities of the Corporation, decisions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Supervisory Board of the Corporation, which establish tasks that are mandatory for the Corporation to perform, are the basis for the formation financial plan activities of the Corporation.

4. The Corporation's activity program and the Corporation's financial activity plan are approved by the Corporation's supervisory board for at least a three-year period and are subject to annual revision.

Article 19. Special reserve funds of the Corporation

1. The Corporation creates special reserve funds of the Corporation and manages them.

2. Special reserve funds of the Corporation are created by decision of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation at the expense of deductions from the organizations of the Corporation. Funds of the Corporation's special reserve funds are accumulated in the Corporation's bank accounts.

3. The procedure for allocating funds for the formation of special reserve funds of the Corporation is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. The use of special reserve funds of the Corporation is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Supervisory Board of the Corporation. The list of works and services financed from the Corporation's special reserve funds is approved by the Corporation's Supervisory Board.

5. Funds of the special reserve funds of the Corporation are subject to separate accounting.

6. Control over the targeted spending of the funds of the special reserve funds of the Corporation is carried out by the Audit Commission of the Corporation.

Article 20

1. In accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation, the Corporation is the main manager of budgetary funds, the recipient of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, including for the implementation of activities of state programs of the Russian Federation, presidential programs, the Federal Space Program of Russia, interstate and federal target programs, federal targeted investment programs, programs of the Union State and programs of international cooperation in the field of space activities, the recipient of subsidies for the implementation of state powers and functions assigned to the Corporation by this Federal Law, and for the provision of state services, taking into account the costs of renting state aviation aircraft used to provide training for cosmonauts, their basing at the Chkalovsky airfield, for the maintenance and modernization of the experimental and training base used for the training of cosmonauts, as well as for the implementation of activities to maintain and develop the infrastructure of the Vostochny cosmodrome.

2. The Corporation, in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation, prepares and submits to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals on a draft federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period.

3. On the basis of decisions of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation, the Corporation and the Corporation's organizations may be provided with state guarantees in the manner prescribed by the budget legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Organizations of the Corporation in the implementation of the main production activities associated with the use (operation) of ground-based space infrastructure facilities of the Baikonur Cosmodrome and the Vostochny Cosmodrome, within the framework of the state programs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Space Program of Russia, federal target programs are provided governmental support at the expense of budget appropriations of the federal budget in the forms provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 5. Corporate Governance

Article 21. Bodies of the Corporation

1. The governing bodies of the Corporation are the Supervisory Board of the Corporation, the General Director of the Corporation and the Board of the Corporation.

2. The body of control over the financial and economic activities of the Corporation is the Audit Commission of the Corporation.

3. An advisory body is created in the Corporation - the Scientific and Technical Council of the Corporation.

Article 22. Supervisory Board of the Corporation

1. The supreme management body of the Corporation is the Supervisory Board of the Corporation.

2. The Supervisory Board of the Corporation consists of eleven members, including five representatives of the President of the Russian Federation and five representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as the General Director of the Corporation, who is an ex officio member of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation.

3. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation from among the members of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation simultaneously with the appointment of members of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation.

4. Members of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation, with the exception of the General Director of the Corporation, do not work for the Corporation on a permanent basis.

5. Members of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation have the right to combine membership in the Supervisory Board of the Corporation with public office Russian Federation, public office of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal position, position of state or municipal service.

Article 23. Powers of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation

1. The Supervisory Board of the Corporation exercises the following powers:

1) approves the Corporation's activity strategy and the Corporation's activity program;

2) approves the financial plan of the Corporation's activities developed in accordance with the Corporation's activity program for at least a three-year period;

3) approves the main performance indicators of the Corporation for the next year;

4) approves the procedure and directions for using the Corporation's profits;

5) approves the procedure for using the Corporation's special reserve funds and the list of works (services) financed from the Corporation's special reserve funds;

7) approve the annual report of the Corporation and send it to the Government of the Russian Federation;

8) approves the audit organization, selected on a competitive basis, to conduct an audit of the Corporation's statements;

9) approves the regulation on the Corporation's audit commission and makes decisions on the appointment of the chairman and members of the Corporation's audit commission and on the termination of their powers;

10) makes decisions on the creation of funds of the Corporation and approves the procedure for spending the funds of these funds;

11) make decisions on directing part of the profits of the Corporation's enterprises, which remain at their disposal after paying taxes, fees and other obligatory payments, to the income of the Corporation;

12) makes decisions on the participation of the Corporation in business companies, as well as in other organizations and determines the conditions for such participation;

13) makes decisions on the conclusion of a transaction or several related transactions related to the acquisition, alienation or the possibility of alienation by the Corporation of property, the value of which exceeds the amount established by the Supervisory Board of the Corporation, and approves transactions in which there is an interest;

14) determine the procedure for the Corporation to invest in Russian and foreign organizations;

15) makes decisions on the appointment of members of the Board of the Corporation and on the termination of their powers on the proposal of the General Director of the Corporation;

16) approves the regulation on the Board of the Corporation;

17) concludes an employment contract with the General Director of the Corporation;

18) exercise other powers provided for by this Federal Law and Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 12, 1996 "On Non-Commercial Organizations".

2. The powers of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation, provided for by this Federal Law, cannot be transferred to other bodies of the Corporation.

Article 24. Meetings of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation

1. Meetings of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation are convened by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board or a member of the Supervisory Board authorized by him at least once every three months.

2. The meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation is held by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and in his absence - by a member of the Supervisory Board authorized by him.

3. The Supervisory Board of the Corporation is authorized to make decisions if at least half of the members of the Supervisory Board are present at its meeting. Decisions of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation are made by a majority vote of the members of the Supervisory Board present at the meeting. If the number of votes is equal, the vote of the chairman of the meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation is decisive.

4. An extraordinary meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation is held by decision of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation, at the request of the Audit Commission of the Corporation or an audit organization.

5. The minutes of the meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting. The opinion of the members of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation, who remained in the minority in voting, is entered into the minutes at their request.

6. The Supervisory Board of the Corporation has the right to hold meetings in absentia. The procedure for holding a meeting in absentia is approved by the Supervisory Board of the Corporation.

7. The Secretary of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation ensures the preparation and holding of meetings, keeping records, storage of minutes of meetings of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation.

8. The General Director of the Corporation provides control over the execution of instructions of the Supervisory Board and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation.

Article 25. General Director of the Corporation

1. The General Director of the Corporation is the sole executive body of the Corporation and manages its current activities.

2. The General Director of the Corporation is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. The General Director of the Corporation has the right to be present at meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the issues of the Corporation's activities.

4. The General Director of the Corporation cannot simultaneously be the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation.

Article 26. Powers of the General Director of the Corporation

General Director of the Corporation:

1) acts on behalf of the Corporation and represents its interests without a power of attorney in relations with federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, Russian, foreign and international organizations;

2) heads the Board of the Corporation and organizes the implementation of decisions of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation and the Board of the Corporation;

3) issues orders, regulations, instructions and directions on the activities of the Corporation;

4) submit for approval by the Supervisory Board of the Corporation a financial plan for the activities of the Corporation;

5) approve directives to the Corporation's representatives on the boards of directors (supervisory boards) of the Corporation's joint-stock companies;

6) upon agreement with the Supervisory Board of the Corporation, appoints and dismisses his deputies who work in the Corporation on a permanent basis and may be members of the Board of the Corporation;

7) distribute duties among his deputies;

8) in agreement with the Supervisory Board of the Corporation approves organizational structure Corporations;

9) submit proposals to the Supervisory Board of the Corporation on the appointment of members of the Board of the Corporation and on the termination of their powers;

10) hires and dismisses employees of the Corporation, enters into, amends and terminates labor contracts with them in accordance with labor legislation and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms;

11) is empowered to classify information as a state secret and approves the list of information subject to classification in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

12) issue powers of attorney;

13) open current accounts, personal accounts with the Federal Treasury and other accounts with banks and other credit institutions in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

14) approves the regulations on the scientific and technical council of the Corporation, the procedure for appointing members of the scientific and technical council of the Corporation and its personal composition;

15) approves the amount and forms of remuneration of employees of the Corporation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

16) makes decisions on the opening of representative offices, on the establishment of branches and institutions of the Corporation and approves the regulations on them or their charters;

17) submit to the Supervisory Board of the Corporation the annual report of the Corporation for approval;

18) makes decisions on other issues of the Corporation's activities, with the exception of issues related to the powers of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation and the Board of the Corporation.

Article 27

1. The Board of the Corporation is the collegial executive body of the Corporation. The Board of the Corporation includes the General Director of the Corporation, who is a member of the Board ex officio, and other members of the Board. The activities of the Board of the Corporation are headed by the General Director of the Corporation.

2. Members of the Board of the Corporation are appointed and terminate their powers by decision of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation on the proposal of the General Director of the Corporation. Members of the Board of the Corporation work in the Corporation on a permanent basis or are employees of the organizations of the Corporation.

3. The Board of the Corporation is guided in its activities by this Federal Law and the Regulations on the Board of the Corporation. The Regulations on the Board of the Corporation are approved by the Supervisory Board of the Corporation.

4. At a meeting of the Board of the Corporation, a protocol is kept, which is signed by the chairman of the meeting and presented to the members of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation, members of the Audit Commission of the Corporation and the audit organization at their request.

5. Meetings of the Board of the Corporation are organized by the General Director of the Corporation or a person authorized by him.

Article 28. Powers of the Board of the Corporation

The Board of the Corporation exercises the following powers:

1) submit for approval by the Supervisory Board of the Corporation proposals on the main performance indicators of the Corporation for the next year;

2) prepares proposals for the formation of the position of the shareholder - the Corporation on the activities of joint-stock companies, the shares of which are owned by the Corporation, with the exception of issues related to the competence of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation;

3) develop drafts of the Corporation's activity strategy, the Corporation's activity program and the Corporation's financial activity plan, while providing for the amount of the Corporation's funds to be spent, including the amount of spending and areas of use of the funds of the Corporation's special reserve funds;

4) prepares proposals on directions for using the Corporation's profits;

5) prepare proposals for opening representative offices, establishing branches and institutions of the Corporation;

6) prepares proposals for the formation and adjustment of the list of projects that are financed from the special reserve funds of the Corporation;

7) approves the procedure for directing part of the profits of the Corporation's enterprises, which remain at their disposal after paying taxes, fees and other obligatory payments, to the income of the Corporation;

8) approve the annual report of the Corporation prior to its submission to the Supervisory Board of the Corporation;

9) approve the annual accounting (financial) statements of the Corporation's institutions;

10) exercise other powers assigned to the Board of the Corporation by decisions of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation.

Article 29

1. Transactions (including loans, credits, pledges, sureties) in which a member of the Corporation's Supervisory Board, a person acting as the Corporation's sole executive body (General Director of the Corporation), a member of the Corporation's collegial executive body (the Corporation's Management Board) is interested ( hereinafter, respectively, a transaction in which there is an interest) are made by the Corporation in accordance with the provisions of this article. These persons are recognized as interested in the Corporation's transaction in cases where they, their spouses, parents, children, full and half brothers and sisters, adoptive parents and adoptees and (or) their affiliates:

1) are a party, beneficiary, intermediary or representative in the transaction;

2) own (each individually or in aggregate) twenty or more percent of shares (shares, shares) legal entity who is a party, beneficiary, intermediary or representative in the transaction;

3) hold positions in the management bodies of a legal entity that is a party, beneficiary, intermediary or representative in a transaction, positions in the management bodies of the managing organization of such a legal entity, with the exception of positions in the Corporation's joint-stock companies and their subsidiaries, as well as at the Corporation's enterprises.

2. The provisions of this article do not apply to transactions, the conclusion of which is mandatory for the Corporation in accordance with federal laws and (or) other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and settlements for which are made at fixed prices and tariffs established by bodies authorized in the field of state regulation of prices and tariffs.

3. The persons specified in part 1 of this article are obliged to bring to the attention of the Supervisory Board of the Corporation and the Audit Commission of the Corporation the following information:

1) on legal entities in which they own, independently or jointly with their affiliate (persons), twenty or more percent of shares (interests, shares);

2) on legal entities in whose management bodies they hold positions;

3) about the ongoing or proposed transactions known to them, in which they can be recognized as interested parties.

4. An interested party transaction must be approved by the Supervisory Board of the Corporation prior to its completion.

5. The decision to approve an interested-party transaction is made by the Supervisory Board of the Corporation by a majority vote of its members who are not interested in its completion.

6. In the decision to approve a transaction in which there is an interest, the person who is a party to it, the beneficiary, the price, the subject of the transaction and its other essential conditions must be indicated.

7. If a transaction (or several related transactions) related to the acquisition, alienation or possible alienation by the Corporation of property, the value of which exceeds the amount established by the Supervisory Board of the Corporation, is at the same time an interested party transaction, the provisions of of this article.

8. A transaction in which there is an interest and which was made in violation of the requirements provided for by this Federal Law may be declared invalid at the suit of the Corporation, the Government of the Russian Federation or the federal executive body authorized by it.

Article 30. Scientific and technical council of the Corporation

1. The Scientific and Technical Council of the Corporation is an advisory body established for the purpose of providing scientific, methodological, informational, analytical and expert support for the activities of the Corporation.

2. Regulations on the scientific and technical council of the Corporation, the procedure for appointing its members and its personal composition are approved by the General Director of the Corporation.

Article 31. Audit Commission of the Corporation

1. The Audit Commission of the Corporation is established to exercise control over the financial and economic activities of the Corporation.

2. The procedure for the activities of the Corporation's Audit Commission is established by this Federal Law and the Regulations on the Corporation's Audit Commission. The Regulations on the Audit Commission of the Corporation are approved by the Supervisory Board of the Corporation.

3. The Chairman and members of the Audit Commission of the Corporation are appointed by the Supervisory Board of the Corporation for a period of five years. Members of the Audit Commission of the Corporation may be reappointed an unlimited number of times.

4. The decision on early termination of the powers of the Chairman and members of the Audit Commission of the Corporation is made by the Supervisory Board of the Corporation.

5. Members of the Audit Commission of the Corporation cannot hold positions in the management bodies of the Corporation.

6. The competence of the Audit Commission of the Corporation includes:

1) confirmation of the accuracy of the information contained in the annual report of the Corporation;

2) verification of the effectiveness of the use of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget;

3) checking the effectiveness of the use of the Corporation's property and other resources;

4) verification of the implementation of measures to eliminate violations and shortcomings previously identified by the Corporation's Audit Commission;

5) verification of the compliance of decisions on the financial and economic activities of the Corporation, taken by the Supervisory Board, the General Director and the Board of the Corporation, with this Federal Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

6) control over targeted spending of the Corporation's special reserve funds;

8) other issues referred to the competence of the Audit Commission of the Corporation by the regulation on the Audit Commission of the Corporation.

Article 32. Internal control

1. A structural subdivision is created in the Corporation internal audit to implement internal control in the organizations of the Corporation.

2. Manager structural unit internal audit is appointed by the General Director of the Corporation.

3. The competence of the structural unit of internal audit includes:

1) verification of the financial and economic activities of the Corporation's organizations;

2) verification of compliance with the established procedure for maintaining accounting records and compiling accounting (financial) statements in the organizations of the Corporation;

3) verification of the legality of business transactions carried out by the Corporation's organizations;

4) verification of the effectiveness of the use of property and other resources of the Corporation's organizations;

5) verification of the intended use of the Corporation's special reserve funds by the Corporation's organizations;

6) by decision of the Supervisory Board, the General Director or the Board of the Corporation, control over the financial and economic activities of the Corporation's organizations.

Article 33. Regulations of the Corporation

1. The Regulations of the Corporation are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. The Regulations of the Corporation establishes the procedure for the Corporation to exercise the powers and functions defined by this Federal Law and must contain the following sections:

1) general provisions governing the subject matter of the Corporation's activities;

2) the procedure for execution by the Corporation of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;

3) the procedure for the Corporation's interaction with federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities in the course of the Corporation's performance of its functions;

4) the procedure for organizing work with citizens' appeals;

5) the procedure for providing information in the established field of activity.

3. The Regulations of the Corporation may contain other sections included in it at the suggestion of the Supervisory Board, the General Director or the Board of the Corporation.

Chapter 6. Reporting and Audit of the Corporation's Reporting

Article 34. Accounting and reporting of the Corporation

1. The Corporation maintains accounting records, prepares and submits accounting (financial) and statistical reports in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. When exercising the powers of the chief administrator of budgetary funds, the recipient of budgetary funds, the chief administrator of budget revenues and the administrator of budget revenues, the corporation shall keep budget records, draw up and submit budget reports and statistical reports in accordance with the procedure established by the budget legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The reporting year for the Corporation is the calendar year from January 1 to December 31 inclusive.

4. The Corporation is required to draw up an annual report of the Corporation.

5. The Corporation's annual report includes:

1) a report on the activities of the Corporation for the reporting year, including on the implementation of the program of activities of the Corporation, on the use of property of the Corporation and organizations of the Corporation, on the formation and use of special reserve funds of the Corporation, as well as on their management;

2) annual accounting (financial) statements of the Corporation;

3) a report on the use of federal budget allocations;

4) other information in accordance with Article 7 1 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ "On non-profit organizations".

6. The Corporation's annual report is prepared no later than May 1 of the year following the reporting year. The Corporation's annual report is approved by the Corporation's Supervisory Board no later than July 1 of the year following the reporting year. The Corporation's annual report is submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation no later than seven calendar days after the date of its approval.

7. The procedure for publishing the Corporation's annual report is established in accordance with Article 7 1 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 12, 1996 "On Non-Commercial Organizations", subject to compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets.

8. The Corporation has the right to establish reporting forms for the Corporation's organizations, with the exception of accounting (financial) reporting forms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 35. Audit of the Corporation's statements

1. The annual accounting (financial) statements and the annual consolidated financial statements of the Corporation are subject to mandatory audit.

2. To conduct an audit of the annual accounting (financial) statements and annual consolidated financial statements of the Corporation, the Supervisory Board of the Corporation approves audit organizations selected on a competitive basis.

3. Mandatory audit of the annual accounting (financial) statements and annual consolidated financial statements of the Corporation is carried out prior to the approval of the annual report of the Corporation.

4. Auditor's reports on the annual accounting (financial) statements and on the annual consolidated financial statements of the Corporation are submitted together with the Corporation's annual report to the Government of the Russian Federation.

5. The Supervisory Board of the Corporation has the right to make a decision to conduct an extraordinary audit of the accounting (financial) statements of the Corporation, as well as to audit the accounting of the Corporation.

Chapter 7

Article 36

1. State registration of the Corporation is carried out on the basis of this Federal Law within ten days from the date of its entry into force without submission of additional documents.

2. The governing bodies of the Corporation are formed in the manner prescribed by this Federal Law, within thirty days from the date of its entry into force.

3. Government of the Russian Federation:

1) within ninety days from the day of state registration of the Corporation transfers to the Corporation as a property contribution to the Russian Federation the shares of the open joint-stock company "United Rocket and Space Corporation" (Moscow city);

2) after the decision to liquidate the Federal Space Agency in accordance with the established procedure, transfers to the Corporation the federal property under the operational management or use of the said Federal Agency, including buildings located at the address: Moscow, Shchepkina street, 42, buildings 1 and 2 , and the land on which they are located;

3) simultaneously with the adoption in accordance with the established procedure of the decision to liquidate the Federal Space Agency, determine the procedure for transferring to the Corporation the funds placed on the accounts of the Federal Space Agency in credit institutions;

4) transfers to the Corporation as a property contribution to the Russian Federation other property provided for by Article 17 of this Federal Law.

Article 37

1. The transfer of the Corporation as a property contribution to the Russian Federation of property complexes of state unitary enterprises, property under the operational management of federal state institutions, other property in federal ownership, as well as shares of joint-stock companies is carried out on the basis of decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with this Federal Law.

2. The composition of the property complex of the state unitary enterprise and the composition of the property under the operational management of the federal state institution, which are subject to transfer to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation, are determined in the act of transfer.

3. The deed of transfer is drawn up on the basis of the data of the act of inventory of the property of a state unitary enterprise or a federal state institution, as well as on the basis of documents on land plots provided in the prescribed manner to this enterprise or this institution.

4. The act of transfer shall indicate all types of property of a state unitary enterprise or a federal state institution, including buildings, structures, structures, equipment, inventory, raw materials, products, rights of claim, debts, including the obligations of this enterprise or this institution to pay time payments citizens to whom this enterprise or this institution is liable for causing harm to life or health, as well as the rights to designations that individualize this enterprise or this institution, their products, works and services (company name, trademarks, service marks), and others exclusive rights. When the transfer deed includes exclusive rights acquired in the performance of work on orders from the federal executive body for defense, the list of such rights is subject to agreement with the given federal executive body.

5. The act of transfer shall include information on land plots provided to the relevant state unitary enterprise or federal state institution.

6. The deed of transfer must contain a calculation of the book value of the assets of a state unitary enterprise or a federal state institution. The book value of the assets of a state unitary enterprise or a federal state institution is calculated on the basis of the data of an interim balance sheet prepared taking into account the results of an inventory of the property of this enterprise or this institution, as of the day the inventory report is drawn up. The book value of the assets of a state unitary enterprise or a federal state institution is determined as the sum of the net asset value of this enterprise or institution, calculated according to the interim balance sheet data, and the cadastral value of land plots transferred to the Corporation, determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, minus the book value of objects not included in the transfer deed.

7. The act of transfer is approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the Corporation.

8. Obligations and rights under the obligations of state unitary enterprises in relation to their creditors and debtors are transferred to the Corporation on the basis of a deed of transfer for each enterprise in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Creditors' consent to transfer their claims to the Corporation is not required.

9. Notification of the transfer to the ownership of the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation of property complexes of state unitary enterprises and property of federal state institutions shall be the publication of the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on the transfer of these enterprises and institutions (their property complexes and property) to the Corporation.

10. Claims of creditors of state unitary enterprises, the property complexes of which are transferred to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation, as well as claims of creditors of federal state institutions transferred to the Corporation, are subject to satisfaction in accordance with the terms and content of the obligations on which they are based. At the same time, the rules of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 60 Civil Code Russian Federation do not apply.

11. After the Corporation transfers the property complexes of state unitary enterprises as a property contribution to the Russian Federation, these enterprises cease their activities and are excluded from the unified state register of legal entities in the prescribed manner.

12. Transfer to the Corporation of ownership rights to real estate objects (including land plots and objects of construction in progress) that arose before the date of entry into force of Federal Law No. 122-FZ of July 21, 1997 "On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and transactions with it" is carried out without state registration of the property rights of the Russian Federation and the rights of state unitary enterprises, as well as the rights of federal state institutions in whose possession the said property was.

13. The grounds for the state registration of the Corporation's property rights in the cases provided for by Part 12 of this article are the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on the transfer of the property complex of a state unitary enterprise to the Corporation or on the transfer of the property of a federal state institution to the Corporation and transfer acts.

14. The right of ownership to the property of federal state institutions transferred to the Corporation shall be transferred to it, with the right of operational management of the property retained by these institutions.

15. Ownership of the property of federal state institutions and subsidiary liability for their obligations in cases established by law of the Russian Federation, are transferred to the Corporation from the date of signing the transfer certificates. The Corporation ensures that changes are made to the constituent documents of these institutions within two months from the date of signing the transfer acts.

16. The transfer of the Corporation as a property contribution to the Russian Federation of other federally owned property, including land plots, is carried out on the basis of a decision of the Government of the Russian Federation at a price determined based on the cadastral value of this property.

17. The transfer of shares of joint-stock companies as a property contribution of the Russian Federation to the Corporation, as well as the transfer of shares to joint-stock companies of the Corporation as a contribution of the Russian Federation to their authorized capital, is carried out at the nominal value of the transferred shares.

18. Shares of the Corporation's joint-stock companies that become the property of the Russian Federation for any reason are transferred to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation on the basis of a decision of the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. The Corporation exercises on behalf of the Russian Federation the rights of a shareholder in respect of the said shares prior to their transfer to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation.

19. In the event that joint-stock companies, more than fifty percent of whose shares were transferred to the Corporation as a property contribution to the Russian Federation, made transactions before the transfer of their shares to the Corporation as a property contribution to the Russian Federation, the Corporation may file claims for recognition of these transactions as invalid and claims for application of the consequences of the invalidity of void transactions made by these joint-stock companies.

20. After the decision to transfer to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation the shares of joint-stock companies, paragraph 3 of Article 77 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 N 208-FZ "On Joint-Stock Companies" does not apply to the said joint-stock companies of the Corporation.

21. The subsidiaries of the main joint stock companies, one hundred percent of whose shares are owned by the Corporation, and their subsidiaries are not subject to the rules established by paragraph two of clause 6 of Article 98 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph two of clause 2 of Article 10 of the Federal Law of 26 December 1995 N 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies".

Article 38

1. Licenses and other permits issued by the Federal Space Agency to legal entities continue to be valid within the terms established therein, after which such licenses and permits are issued by the Corporation in the prescribed manner.

2. When property complexes of state unitary enterprises are transferred into the ownership of the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation, the licenses and other permits issued to them shall be subject to re-issuance to the Corporation in the following order. The corporation, within ten days from the date of signing the deed of transfer, submits to the licensing authority an application for renewal of licenses and other permits issued to state unitary enterprises. The application shall contain information about the Corporation and the details of the document confirming the fact that the relevant changes have been made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The licensing authority, within fourteen days from the date of receipt of the said application, is obliged to reissue such licenses and other permits and send them to the Corporation.

3. Joint-stock companies created in accordance with this Federal Law by transforming state unitary enterprises operate on the basis of licenses, other permits and accreditation documents issued to these state unitary enterprises, within the validity period of the said licenses and documents.

4. For the implementation by the Corporation of the types of activities subject to licensing, obtaining special permits (licenses) is not required.

Chapter 8. Powers and functions of the Corporation during the transitional period

Article 39. Transition period

1. In order to carry out the procedures for the transfer of federal property to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation, a transitional period is provided, which is valid from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law until the completion of the procedure for transferring the said property to the Corporation, but not more than five years.

2. During the transitional period, the Corporation shall be vested with the powers established by Articles 40 and 41 of this Federal Law to exercise, on behalf of the Russian Federation, the rights of the owner of property in relation to state unitary enterprises, as well as the functions of the founder and the rights of the owner of property in relation to federal state institutions. In relation to the said enterprises and institutions, the Corporation also exercises other powers established by this Federal Law.

Article 40

1. The corporation carries out the following rights the owner of the property of the Corporation's enterprises:

1) approves the charters of the enterprises of the Corporation, amends them, forms the authorized funds of the enterprises of the Corporation;

2) on the basis of decisions of the President of the Russian Federation, reorganizes (except for reorganization in the form of transformation into business entities) and liquidates the enterprises of the Corporation included in the list strategic enterprises and strategic joint-stock companies, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation;

3) makes decisions on reorganization (with the exception of reorganization in the form of transformation into business entities) and liquidation of the enterprises of the Corporation, in accordance with these decisions, in cooperation with the federal executive authorities, reorganizes and liquidates these enterprises (with the exception of enterprises provided for in clause 2 of this part );

4) submit proposals to the federal executive body exercising the functions of managing state property on assigning federal property under the right of economic management to the enterprises of the Corporation;

5) makes decisions on the redistribution of federal property, which is under the economic jurisdiction of the enterprises of the Corporation, between the said enterprises;

6) appoints and dismisses the heads of the Corporation's enterprises, concludes, amends and terminates labor contracts with them in accordance with labor legislation and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms;

7) coordinates the hiring and dismissal of chief accountants of the Corporation's enterprises and other persons who are responsible for accounting of the Corporation's enterprises, the conclusion, amendment and termination of labor contracts with them, as well as the conclusion by the Corporation's enterprises of agreements on the provision of accounting services;

8) coordinate the appointment of the chief and (or) general designers of the enterprises of the Corporation;

9) approve the annual accounting (financial) statements and reports on the financial and economic activities of the enterprises of the Corporation;

10) determines the procedure for compiling and approving indicators of plans (programs) for the financial and economic activities of the Corporation's enterprises;

11) exercises control over the use of the property belonging to the enterprises of the Corporation for its intended purpose, and over its safety;

12) approve the activity strategy and key indicators the effectiveness of the activities of the Corporation's enterprises and controls their implementation;

13) gives the enterprises of the Corporation obligatory tasks;

14) make decisions on conducting an audit of the annual accounting (financial) statements of the enterprises of the Corporation;

15) approves the audit organization selected on a competitive basis to audit the annual accounting (financial) statements of the Corporation's enterprises and determines the amount of its remuneration;

16) gives consent to the conclusion of major transactions related to the acquisition, alienation or the possibility of alienation by the Corporation's enterprise directly or indirectly of property, the value of which is more than ten percent of the enterprise's charter capital or exceeds another limit determined by the Corporation;

17) gives consent to the disposal of immovable property, to the conclusion of transactions in which the head of the Corporation's enterprise is interested, as well as in cases established by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation or the charter of the Corporation's enterprise, to the conclusion of other transactions;

18) gives consent to the participation of the Corporation's enterprises in associations and other associations of commercial organizations, as well as in other commercial and non-commercial organizations;

19) gives consent to the establishment of branches and opening of representative offices of the enterprises of the Corporation;

20) coordinates the implementation of borrowings by the enterprises of the Corporation;

21) makes a decision to increase or decrease the size of the authorized capital of the Corporation's enterprise;

22) determines the procedure for directing part of the profits of the Corporation's enterprises, remaining at their disposal after paying taxes, fees and other obligatory payments, to the income of the Corporation;

23) approves the structure of the enterprises of the Corporation and the maximum number of their employees;

24) exercises other rights of the owner of the property of the Corporation's enterprises in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The Corporation has the right to apply to the court with claims to invalidate transactions with the property of the Corporation's enterprises, the conclusion of which requires the Corporation's consent or the consent of the federal executive authorities that exercised the powers of the owner of the enterprises' property before the transfer of these powers to the Corporation, as well as with claims for application of the consequences of the invalidity of void transactions in the event that these transactions were not agreed with the Corporation or with the indicated federal executive authorities.

3. The Corporation has the right to reclaim the property of the enterprise from someone else's illegal possession, as well as to bring claims aimed at protecting the property rights and interests of the Russian Federation that have been violated or disputed and related to the exercise of the Corporation's powers. The right to file claims specified in this part also extends to transactions made before the Corporation was given the appropriate powers.

4. From the day the decision to liquidate the Federal Space Agency is adopted in accordance with the established procedure, the Corporation shall exercise, on behalf of the Russian Federation, the rights of the property owner established by parts 1-3 of this article in relation to state unitary enterprises transformed into joint-stock companies, the shares of which in accordance with the decision of the President of the Russian Federation are subject to transfer as a contribution of the Russian Federation to the authorized capital of the Corporation's joint-stock companies, until the completion of actions to transform these enterprises into joint-stock companies.

Article 41

1. The Corporation performs the following functions of the founder and the rights of the owner of the property of federal state institutions transferred to the Corporation:

1) approve the statutes of federal state institutions, make changes to them;

2) carry out the reorganization and liquidation of federal state institutions in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) assigns property on the right of operational management to federal state institutions;

4) determine the procedure for compiling and approving the indicators of plans (programs) for the financial and economic activities of federal state institutions;

5) appoints and dismisses heads of federal state institutions, concludes, amends and terminates employment contracts with them in accordance with labor legislation and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms;

6) coordinates the hiring and dismissal of chief accountants of federal state institutions and other persons who are entrusted with maintaining accounting records, concluding, amending and terminating employment contracts with them;

7) approve the annual accounting (financial) statements and reports on the financial and economic activities of federal state institutions;

8) exercises control over the use for the intended purpose of property under the operational management of federal state institutions, and over its safety;

9) confiscate from federal state institutions property not used or not used for its intended purpose, assigned to them by the owner or acquired by federal state institutions at the expense of funds allocated to them by the owner for the acquisition of this property;

10) gives consent to the opening of representative offices and the creation of branches of federal state institutions;

11) gives consent to the participation of federal state institutions in other legal entities;

12) in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, gives consent to transactions with property owned by federal state institutions;

13) perform other functions of the founder and the rights of the owner of property in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The Corporation has the right to reclaim the property of federal state institutions from someone else's illegal possession, as well as to bring claims aimed at protecting the property rights and interests of the Russian Federation that have been violated or disputed and related to the exercise of the Corporation's powers. The right to file claims specified in this part also extends to transactions made before the Corporation was given the appropriate powers.

Article 42

1. The transformation of state unitary enterprises into joint-stock companies, one hundred percent of whose shares are in federal ownership and transferred to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation, is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on privatization and taking into account the following features:

1) property owned by state unitary enterprises and located outside the territory of the Russian Federation (including real estate, shares, shares in foreign legal entities, cash in foreign credit institutions, securities that are such in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or the legislation of a foreign state, other property) are included in the property complexes of these enterprises subject to privatization;

2) property of state unitary enterprises subject to privatization, as well as other property privatized in accordance with this Federal Law (including shares of joint-stock companies created by transformation of state unitary enterprises transferred as a property contribution to the Russian Federation), is included in transfer acts independently from the registration of this property in the register of federal property and the presence of a registered right of economic management or operational management;

3) land plots that are in federal ownership and provided to state unitary enterprises subject to privatization in accordance with this Federal Law are included in the property complexes of these enterprises subject to privatization. In this case, the restrictions established by paragraph 5 of Article 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation do not apply;

4) land plots occupied by real estate objects subject to transfer to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation, and necessary for the use of these objects, are transferred to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation. In this case, the restrictions established by paragraph 5 of Article 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation do not apply;

5) property and exclusive rights that are used by the state unitary enterprise and in respect of which the state unitary enterprise does not have the right of economic management, may be included in the property of the state unitary enterprise subject to privatization, upon agreement with the Corporation;

6) sports facilities and complexes, social and cultural facilities (health care, culture) and public utilities, transport and energy facilities provided to state unitary enterprises subject to privatization in accordance with this Federal Law, are included in the property complexes subject to privatization of the specified enterprises while maintaining the purpose of objects. At the same time, the provisions of Article 13 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 124-FZ "On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation", paragraph 1 of Article 30, Article 30 1 of the Federal Law of December 21, 2001 N 178-FZ "On the Privatization of the State and municipal property" and Part 7 of Article 37 of Federal Law No. 329-FZ of December 4, 2007 "On physical education and sports in the Russian Federation" do not apply;

7) land plots that are in federal ownership, the privatization of which in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation is not allowed and which are provided on the basis of the right of permanent (unlimited) use or lease to state unitary enterprises specified in this article, are transferred under lease agreements to joint-stock companies that are created by transforming state unitary enterprises. The rate of rent for the use of such land plots is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

8) the official publication of the forecast plan (program) for the privatization of federal property is a notification of creditors of state unitary enterprises included in this plan (program) and specified in this article about their reorganization;

9) claims of creditors of state unitary enterprises transformed into joint-stock companies, one hundred percent of whose shares are transferred to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation, are subject to satisfaction in accordance with the terms and content of the obligations on which they are based. At the same time, the rules established by paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 60 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 13 1 of the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 N 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" and paragraph 7 of Article 29 of the Federal Law of November 14 2002 N 161-FZ "On State and Municipal Unitary Enterprises" do not apply.

2. State registration of rights to real estate objects (including land plots and construction in progress) upon privatization of the property of state unitary enterprises transformed into joint-stock companies, one hundred percent of whose shares are transferred to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation, is carried out taking into account the following features:

1) the transfer of ownership of these real estate objects that arose before the date of entry into force of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 N 122-FZ "On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions Therewith" to joint-stock companies created by transforming state unitary enterprises is carried out without state registration of the property rights of the Russian Federation and state registration of the rights of state unitary enterprises, which are specified in this Federal Law and in whose possession this property was;

2) when transferring real estate objects, which are specified in paragraph 1 of this part and title documents for which were drawn up after the date of entry into force of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 N 122-FZ "On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It ", into the ownership of joint-stock companies that are created by transforming state unitary enterprises and one hundred percent of whose shares are transferred to the Corporation as a property contribution of the Russian Federation, the state registration of the property right of the Russian Federation to these objects, if such state registration was not previously carried out, is carried out simultaneously with state registration of the rights of these joint-stock companies;

3) the grounds for state registration of the property right of joint-stock companies specified in this article, in the cases provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this part, are decisions on the conditions for privatization of property complexes of the relevant state unitary enterprises and transfer acts.

3. Subsidiary joint stock companies of the main joint stock companies, one hundred percent of whose shares are owned by the Russian Federation or owned by the Corporation, and their subsidiaries are not subject to the rules established by paragraph two of clause 6 of Article 98 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph two of clause 2 of Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 N 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies".

4. The Corporation coordinates decisions on the conditions for the privatization of state unitary enterprises transformed into joint-stock companies in accordance with this Federal Law.

5. The specifics of the privatization of the property of state unitary enterprises, established by parts 1-4 of this article, apply to the transformation of state unitary enterprises into joint-stock companies, whose shares, in accordance with decisions of the President of the Russian Federation, are subject to transfer as a contribution of the Russian Federation to the authorized capital of the Corporation's joint-stock companies.

Chapter 9. Reorganization and liquidation of the Corporation

Article 43. Reorganization and liquidation of the Corporation

1. A corporation may be reorganized or liquidated on the basis of a federal law that determines the procedure for its reorganization or liquidation.

2. When reorganizing the Corporation, the rules established by paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 60 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation shall not apply. The consent of creditors to transfer their claims is not required.

3. Upon liquidation of the Corporation, the property of the Corporation becomes federal property.

Chapter 10. Final Provisions

Article 44. Entry into force of this Federal Law

This Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.

President of Russian Federation

General Director: Rogozin Dmitry Olegovich
- is a leader in 2 organizations.
- is a founder in 4 organizations (active - 3, inactive - 1).

The company with the full name "STATE CORPORATION FOR SPACE ACTIVITIES "ROSCOSMOS"" was registered on 08/06/2015 in the Moscow region at the legal address: 129110, Moscow, Shchepkina street, 42, building 1, 2.

The registrar "" assigned the company TIN 7702388027 PSRN 1157700012502. Registration number in the Pension Fund: 087107082917. Registration number in the FSS: 770706641777211.

Primary activity according to OKVED: 84.11. Additional views activities according to OKVED: 25.40; 26.51; 30.30; 46.69.1; 51.22; 52.23.2; 52.29; 62.01; 62.09; 63.11; 63.11.1; 64.92.2; 64.92.3; 64.99; 70.10.1; 70.10.2; 70.22; 71.12.12; 71.12.44; 71.12.6; 71.20; 72.19; 73.11; 73.20.1; 78.10; 80.30; 82.30; 84.11.4; 84.11.5; 84.11.6; 84.11.7; 84.11.8; 84.13; 84.21; 84.22; 85.42.


OGRN 1157700012502
TIN 7702388027
checkpoint 770201001
Organizational and legal form (OPF) State corporations
Abbreviated name of the legal entity STATE CORPORATION "ROSCOSMOS"
Region Moscow city
Legal address 129110, Moscow, Shchepkina street, 42, building 1, 2
Name Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
The address 125284, Moscow, Khoroshevskoe highway, 12A
Date of registration 06.08.2015
Date of assignment of OGRN 06.08.2015
Accounting in the Federal Tax Service
Registration date 06.08.2015
Tax authority Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 2 for Moscow, No. 7702
Information about registration in the FIU
Registration number 087107082917
Date of registration 24.09.2015
Name of the territorial body State institution - Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 10 Office No. 1 for Moscow and the Moscow Region, Meshchanskoye Municipal District, Moscow, No. 087107
Information about registration in the FSS
Registration number 770706641777211
Date of registration 01.09.2018
Name of the executive body Branch No. 21 of the State Institution - Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, No. 7721


    The address: 676470, Amur region, Uglegorsk village, Sosnovaya street, house 209, apartment 3
    Checkpoint: 282343002
    Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 5 for the Amur Region, No. 2807
    The address: 468320, Baikonur city, street named after. Cosmonaut G.s.titova, house 9
    Checkpoint: 990143001
    Name of the tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city and the Baikonur Cosmodrome, No. 9901
    Date of registration with the tax authority: 04.07.2016

Affiliated companies

  1. TIN: 7711000836, PSRN: 1027700482303
    125438, Moscow, Onezhskaya street, 8, NO
    General Director: Koshlakov Vladimir Vladimirovich

  2. TIN: 7710096370, PSRN: 1037739369227
    125047, Moscow, Butyrsky Val street, 18, building 1
    Acting Director: Chirkin Dmitry Nikolaevich

  3. TIN: 7702798320, OGRN: 1127746756631
    129110, Moscow, Shchepkina street, 58, building 3, office 319
    General Director: Rogoza Evgeny Vladimirovich

  4. TIN: 7722383355, OGRN: 5167746367696
    111024, Moscow, Aviamotornaya street, 55, building 2, room 12
    General Director: Kirpa Sergey Ivanovich

  5. TIN: 9710021379, PSRN: 5167746411014
    129110, Moscow, Gilyarovskogo street, 39, building 1, room 2
    General Director: Rakitina Valentina Aleksandrovna

other information

History of changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

  1. Date of: 06.08.2015
    UAH: 1157700012502
    Tax authority: Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
    Reason for the change: Creation of a legal entity
    The documents:

  2. Date of: 06.08.2015
    UAH: 2157700143874
    Tax authority: Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
    Reason for the change: Submission of information on the registration of a legal entity with a tax authority
  3. Date of: 10.08.2015
    UAH: 2157700145910
    Tax authority: Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
    Reason for the change:
  4. Date of: 25.09.2015
    UAH: 2157700175642
    Tax authority: Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
    Reason for the change: Submission of information on the registration of a legal entity as an insurer in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  5. Date of: 21.10.2015
    UAH: 2157700191262
    Tax authority: Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
    Reason for the change:
    The documents:
  6. Date of: 21.10.2015
    UAH: 2157700191273
    Tax authority: Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
    Reason for the change: Making changes to the information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities due to errors made by the registration authority
    The documents:
    - The decision to amend the Unified State Register of Legal Entities due to errors
  7. Date of: 21.10.2015
    UAH: 2157700191284
    Tax authority: Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
    Reason for the change:
  8. Date of: 21.10.2015
    UAH: 2157700191295
    Tax authority: Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
    Reason for the change: Recognition of an entry made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in respect of a legal entity as invalid
  9. Date of: 22.10.2015
    UAH: 2157700191702
    Tax authority: Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
    Reason for the change: Making changes to the information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities due to errors made by the registration authority
    The documents:
    - The decision to amend the Unified State Register of Legal Entities due to errors
  10. Date of: 21.04.2016
    UAH: 2167700137911
    Tax authority: Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
    Reason for the change:
    The documents:

    - ORDER
  11. Date of: 04.07.2016
    UAH: 2167700243566
    Tax authority: Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
    Reason for the change: Changing the information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
    The documents:
    - ORDER
    - ORDER
  12. Date of: 28.05.2018
    UAH: 2187700409114
    Tax authority: Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
    Reason for the change: Changing the information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
    The documents:
    - ORDER
  13. Date of: 04.10.2018
    UAH: 2187700555689
    Tax authority: Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
    Reason for the change: Submission of information on the registration of a legal entity as an insured in the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
  14. Date of: 01.04.2019
    UAH: 2197700109649
    Tax authority: Office of the Federal Tax Service for Moscow, No. 7700
    Reason for the change: Submission of information on the registration of a legal entity with the tax authority at the location of the branch / representative office

The state corporation ROSCOSMOS was established to carry out a comprehensive reform of the Russian rocket and space industry. The State Corporation ensures the implementation of the state policy in the field of space activities and its regulatory and legal regulation, and also places orders for the development, production and supply of space technology and space infrastructure facilities. The functions of the state corporation also include the development of international cooperation in the space sector and the creation of conditions for the use of the results of space activities in the development of Russia. Founded in August 2015.

Borisov Yuri Ivanovich
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Belousov Andrei Removich
Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation

Golovko Alexander Valentinovich
Commander of the Space Forces - Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces

Grigoriev Andrey Ivanovich
Director General of the Foundation for Advanced Study

Likhachev Alexey Evgenievich
General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom"

Popov Mikhail Mikhailovich
Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation

Gornin Leonid Vladimirovich
First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation

Dietrich Evgeny Ivanovich
Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation

Noskov Konstantin Yurievich
Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation

Oreshkin Maxim Stanislavovich
Minister economic development RF

Rogozin Dmitry Olegovich
General Director of the State Corporation "Roscosmos"

Management of the State Corporation "Roscosmos"

Rogozin Dmitry Olegovich

Urlichich Yury Matevich
First Deputy General Director for the development of the orbital constellation and promising projects

Ovchinnikov Maxim Alexandrovich
First Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance

Dubik Sergey Nikolaevich
Secretary of State - Deputy General Director for the implementation of state powers

Khailov Mikhail Nikolaevich
Deputy General Director for Space Complexes and Systems

Kharchenko Ivan Nikolaevich
Deputy General Director for Administrative and Corporate Affairs

Belenov Dmitry Vladimirovich
Deputy CEO - Chief Financial Officer

Saveliev Sergey Valentinovich
Deputy General Director for International Cooperation

Demin Sergey Anatolievich
Deputy General Director for Security

Lopatin Alexander Petrovich
Deputy General Director for Rocket Engineering, Ground Space Infrastructure Operation, Quality Assurance and Reliability

Frolov Oleg Petrovich
Deputy General Director for the implementation of the state armament program

Suvorov Pavel Anatolievich
Executive Director for Economics

Ponomarev Ilya Vadimovich
Executive Director for capital construction and technical re-equipment of the industry

Krikalev Sergey Konstantinovich
Executive Director for Manned Space Programs

Mazurin Andrey Valentinovich
Executive Director for Launch and Operation Facilities for Ground Space Infrastructure

Polyakov Yury Dmitrievich
Executive Director of Finance

Forsov Georgy Lvovich
Executive director for contract work

Bloshenko Alexander Vitalievich
Executive Director for Advanced Programs and Science

Conversation Alexander Sergeevich
Chief of staff

Badun Sergey Mikhailovich

Ustimenko Vladimir Yurievich
Head of the Press Service

Melnikov Artem Vyacheslavovich
Head of the Internal Audit Service

Shadrin Konstantin Andreevich
Head of Digital Development Center

May 31, 2019 Roskosmos announced a new recruitment of cosmonauts to the Russian corps who will work on a new manned spacecraft, including participants in deep space expeditions. More active participation of girls is expected. Another emphasis will be placed on workers in the rocket and space industry.

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