How to find a high paying job. Where can you find a high paying job? Basic rules when looking for a job


Where and how to look for a job? How to get hired quickly Good work no education or experience? How to find a job to your liking?

We will tell you what steps you need to take in order to solve the issue of employment for yourself in a short time.

Even the difficult times of the economic crisis are no reason to give up. And in difficult times, it is quite possible to find a job, you just need to know where and how to look.

This article will be useful both for people who have little work experience behind them, and for experienced professionals in their field. Everyone will find a lot of useful and effective tips for finding the job of their dreams.

So, let's begin!

1. How to find a good job and where to start looking

According to the Ministry of Labor, unemployment growth was recorded over the past month (January 2016) in most subjects of the Federation. The Ministry of Economic Development predicts an increase in the number of unemployed by 400-450 thousand people this year.

This number can be safely added to those 3.9 million people who are already registered as unemployed citizens.

However, surveys of personnel services inspire some optimism: a quarter of all companies plan to increase their staff this year, although they are going to hire only the most energetic and competent employees. How to find a job in such a situation? Where to look for work in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities?

Where do you even start looking?

The first thing you will have to learn for yourself is that you will have to look for a job on your own - no one will do it for you. Although you shouldn't rely too much on the help of friends and relatives, telling them that you are looking for a job is your first task. Do not overestimate the help of employment agencies either: they are certainly useful, but they have their own interests and not every one of them fulfills its functions by 100%.

First, ask yourself a few important questions:

  • What kind of job do you want to find?
  • What schedule will suit you?
  • What salary do you expect?
  • Will you be able to work away from home and what would be your daily travel time allowance?
  • Will work change the quality of your life for the better?

Once you have prioritized, you can begin to take action. If you are clear about what you want, you will be less likely to get a job that you want to leave in the first week.

And it’s also worth immediately identifying unpromising areas - places where, firstly, they don’t wait for you, and secondly, even if they do, they will offer you the minimum wage.

A couple of years ago, the most unpromising careers were considered: science, public utilities, culture, sport, protection. Today, according to experts, the recession threatens banking and tourism. This will significantly increase female unemployment.

According to forecasts, a decrease in the number of mortgage loans issued could reduce construction, which will cause an increase in unemployment among men.

The male part of the population has nothing to "catch" in the automotive industry either (at some factories there are already only 1 shift left, and salaries have fallen by 20%). The staff in the field of auto sales will be reduced, however, some increase in vacancies in the auto repair business is expected.

The stagnation in the catering sector will drive thousands of waiters and cooks out onto the street. Unemployment will rise among makeup artists, stylists, beauticians, workers hotel industry. Among office workers, a reduction in lawyers and economists is expected due to overproduction over the past 2-3 years.

All other areas are relatively promising.

2. Where to quickly find a job or part-time job

There are quick ways to find a job for students and people with no experience. We have collected in this section practical advice, which will help temporarily find a job for those who need a quick income, but do not have professional skills.

Student with no experience

There are thousands of offers on the Internet for graduates and university students. You should not be particularly happy with the number of offers: not all vacancies promise really stable income. Students are usually offered low-paid and labor-intensive activities:

  • promoter;
  • courier;
  • waiter;
  • Sales Manager;
  • animator;
  • guard (watchman).

Some types of work involve exclusively seasonal employment, which is just in hand for students during the summer holidays. With the advent of the worldwide web, job searches have become much easier and more efficient. Now it has become easier for a student without work experience to find a vacancy. We have already written, this article discusses, among other things, options for earning money through the Internet for young people.

Few people continue to use print publications (although it is too early to discount newspapers and magazines devoted to vacancies): just go to the resource and get acquainted with the offers that are already sorted into categories and sections. You can even create a detailed resume and post it on job search portals, perhaps employers will choose your candidacy.

Without education

Work without education involves approximately the same vacancies as in the case of student part-time jobs - couriers, security guards, waiters, loaders, workers in supermarket trading floors. Do not count on the special generosity of employers and do not rush to respond to the first offer that comes across.

To get started, study all the vacancies that you like, make a list of the offers you are interested in, arranging them in order of personal attractiveness.

Weigh all the pros and cons and do not be afraid to say “no” to the employer if the vacancy has ceased to interest you for some reason (far from home, night shifts and other nuances). Do not be afraid if you are offered pre-training. So you will gain experience and skills that can be useful in the future.

Even as an intern, you can be persistent and quickly get a better position in the same company. We have already published an article about part-time jobs on our website, we recommend that you read it.

In crisis

The difficult economic situation is changing our lives. Above, we have already cited statistics on unemployment and layoffs in certain areas. AT this moment there is a clear violation of the balance of supply and demand in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, and other cities of the Russian Federation.

How to find a job in a crisis? There is only one option - to be active in the search for vacancies: post resumes not on one Headhanter site, but at least on 3-5 portals. Employers' budgets for finding employees are also limited, and searching through recruitment agencies is mostly paid for by employers.

The right approach to the job search business is half or even a large part of success.

It is not so important whether you have experience and knowledge, whether you graduated from a university or only 9 grades of school, the main factor is self-confidence, awareness, desire to develop and improve. Our tips will also help you find a good job - read them carefully and be sure to use them in practice.

Tip 1. Be persistent and methodical - do you want to LOOK for a job or FIND one?

perseverance, methodical systems approach and theoretical training are the leading success factors. Decide what you really want - search job or to find her?

"I'm looking for a job" is a good psychological shield against claims from family members and relatives. Do not forget that looking for a job is only necessary in order to find it, improve the quality of life and change financial status.

Important: looking for a job is also a kind of work! It should be approached as seriously and responsibly as any work. Once you've written your resume, don't forget to update it and post it on multiple sites. Send it to all employers who are at least theoretically interesting to you. It doesn't matter if you seem pushy - companies tend to appreciate persistent and energetic employees.

illustrative example

One of our acquaintances named Victor has been looking for work for about a year and a half, but has not yet found a place.

Searching for vacancies has become his kind of daily ritual. He regularly browsed job search websites, wrote out phone numbers and company data, and often called potential employers. Sometimes I even went to interviews.

Even if he was quite satisfied with the salary and other factors, he still found some point on which this work didn't suit him.

The boss is a woman, the office is not in a prestigious area, there is no cooler in the workplace. In other words, Victor simply did not want to get a job, but wanted to look for it and create the appearance of activity.

With this approach, the chances of improving your life are certainly minimal.

Tip 2. What is better to choose - a highly paid job or a job you like?

It is ideal, of course, to have high paying job which you like. But in practice, a highly profitable place is not always to your liking.

The question posed in the title of this paragraph, each decides individually.

Psychologists insist that it is better to do what you like, even if this business does not bring high income right away.

  • First of all, any work involves the development of professional skills. Perhaps at the moment the salary is not too high, but by improving your qualifications and level, you can always count on an increase in income.
  • Secondly, going to work that you do not like, like hard labor, experiencing negative emotions, is unhealthy.

The immune system directly depends on our psycho-emotional state: it has been proven that people who are engaged in an unloved business and perceive work as a “necessary evil” are more likely to get infectious and chronic diseases.

A person spends a significant part of his life at work. Do you want to be constantly depressed, complain about life, sleep poorly and count the minutes until the end of the working day? We are sure not.

So, make a choice in favor of the vacancy that you personally will like, and not your husband (wife, mother-in-law, dad, mom).

Tip 3: Use as many different job search options as possible

Diversify your search as much as possible. The more job search methods you use, the higher the chance of success. In the next section of the article, we will take a closer look at them, pointing out the advantages (and possible disadvantages) of each of them.

There are certain rules for writing a resume that should be followed if you want to impress the employer as a prepared, purposeful and serious person. A resume is the first thing an employer bases his conclusions on when considering a specific candidate for an applicant.

The resume should be:

  • Concise and containing only relevant and important information. The employer usually does not have time to read your detailed and detailed essays, so the information should be placed as concisely, effectively, and correctly as possible. You should not describe your life path in the “about yourself” column, starting from kindergarten. It should contain information useful to the employer, emphasizing your professional merits or testifying to the ability to work in a team.
  • Written without errors and logical inconsistencies. Even if you are hired as a turner at a factory, you must show yourself to be a competent and responsible person: fortunately, at present, it is not difficult to check the text for errors. The ability to present information in a logical and structured way is a quality that is valued in any position.
  • Smartly designed. Each column in this document is assigned a specific place. If you write about professional and personal qualities in one section or if you are careless in the design of your resume, HR specialists are unlikely to bombard you with interview invitations.

The summary must include: personal and contact details, wishes for future work, experience, professional skills, education, awards and diplomas of a professional nature.

Fraudsters - in this case, companies that either want you to work for free or hope to get your money. Online scams are especially common. Distinguishing honest employers from scammers is not easy: scammers know how to inspire confidence and impress.

The most correct rule

If someone wants you to transfer a certain amount of money to an account (down payment, loyalty check, payment teaching aids or materials), you are likely to be bred.

Tip 7. Prayer for work is your extra helper

Prayer-appeal to the Orthodox Saint Spyridon Trimifuntsky helps believers find a good job.

This saint and miracle worker, who lived at the beginning of our era, helps those in need to gain confidence, independence, and find their life's work.

They pray to Saint Spyridon during life's troubles, financial difficulties, in the absence of work.

4. Effective ways to find a job - TOP 7 popular options

Here we present effective ways job search. With the help of them you will be able to cover the maximum number of vacancies and offers.

1) Personal contacts: relatives, friends, social networks

Statistics show that in small companies, 40% of employees get a job through acquaintances through friends, relatives or through social media. By simply posting a job search message in your Facebook or VKontakte status, you will significantly increase your chances of finding a job through close or distant acquaintances.

Notify your surroundings that you are looking for a vacancy and word of mouth will become your assistants in this matter.

2) Professional communities

Professional communities are both a new and well-known phenomenon to mankind. This is the name of a group of people who are employed in a certain field of activity and regularly exchange experience and contacts among themselves, jointly develop the most effective methods solving professional problems.

Often, representatives of such communities also exchange information about vacancies, vacancies and other information useful to a job seeker.

3) Newspapers free ads

Printed publications are already somewhat outdated, but still a valid way to find a job. The main category of people who use free classified newspapers are older people who are conservative and do not trust modern technologies. Some companies that publish job listings in newspapers duplicate them on Internet sites.

4) Online Job Search Sites

The most relevant way today. There are dozens of sites on the Internet that update lists of hundreds of vacancies every day in all possible areas of work. Proper use of online portals will allow you to find a job quickly and for free.

Most popular job sites:

  • a popular portal for job seekers and employers. A very simple interface of the site will allow you to easily and simply wait for employers to call you. Registration and preparation of a resume on the site will take no more than 20 minutes.
  • headhunter( - this convenient, functional and up-to-date site works in every city, has hundreds of thousands of vacancies in the list (depending, of course, on the population) and several million resumes from job seekers from all over Russia;
  • Indeed( is an equally popular portal designed for an audience of applicants of all ages and specialties. Its convenience is that it collects data on a given vacancy from various Internet portals. The developers also made a convenient mobile application.
  • Avito( - an all-Russian site for free ads, where, among others, there are sections for finding a job in the city of your residence: "vacancies" and "service offers";
  • "Yandex Work"( Special job search service from Yandex - the most popular search engine in Runet.
  • profile well-known site.

These are just the most popular sites, there are many of them on the net. It is also worth paying attention to your local city portals. Very often they also publish announcements of local employers.

It is better to view vacancies from Monday, tracking new offers every morning. The possible "disadvantages" of this method include a large number of applicants for one proposal.

5) Monitoring of vacancies on company websites and targeted distribution of resumes

If you are a specialist in any profession or dream of working in a particular company, make your search more targeted: you can monitor vacancies on the resources of companies you are interested in and send your own resume to their personnel departments.

A completely reliable and productive method of finding a job, especially if you have something to interest the employer. Competition between employers in the market is very high: they also try not to miss valuable employees.

6) Recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies work through recruiters: you leave them your resume, they are looking for an employer. Be careful - not all recruitment agencies are “clean hands” - among them there are often scammers or just firms that do not perform their work up to the mark.

7) Own website

Another modern and relevant method of finding a job. True, your own website will help if you have something to offer the employer - your high qualifications, confirmed by examples of work performed (portfolio), your abilities for certain activities.

Having your own website is especially useful in finding remote work as a designer, copywriter, marketing and advertising specialist.

Efficiency Comparison Table various methods job search:

Search method Expenses Coverage of the audience of employers Search time
1 Relatives, friends, acquaintancesFor freeSmallTypically 3 days to a month
2 Professional communitiesFor freesmall, targetedSeveral months
3 NewspapersAd costLargeNot limited
4 Internet sitesFor freeAlmost all vacancies in the cityNot limited
5 Own websiteWebsite creation costLimitedNot limited
7 Monitoring of vacancies on company websitesFor freelimited, targetedNot limited
8 Recruiting agencyFree / or part of the first salaryLargeFew weeks

5. How to get a job - 7 popular areas of employment

Many people want to get a prestigious job. In this section, we have reviewed the most popular areas of elite employment.

To the police

New personnel will always be in demand by law enforcement agencies: the work is hard, dangerous, but, of course, necessary. There are almost no delays in the salary of the police, in addition, the employees themselves have an impressive list of benefits and privileges provided by law. But not everyone is hired by the police.

Almost a prerequisite is military service, impeccable health, good physical shape. What matters is emotional stability, which is checked at the initial stage of selection of candidates with the help of testing.

Young people of any gender 18-35 years old are taken to serve in the ranks of the police. Candidates' educational requirements depend on the position they are applying for. Profile education, of course, will not be superfluous if there are thoughts about career growth.

in the FSB

FSB officers can theoretically become citizens of the Russian Federation who, by their professional, physical, personal qualities, as well as by age and education, can perform official duties. In addition to the list of required documents, candidates are required to pass:

  1. Psychophysical testing for resistance to stress.
  2. Tests for the use of drugs and psychoactive substances.
  3. Physical condition check.
  4. Medical examination.

In addition, all future employees of the Security Service must pass the registration of access to State Secrets.

To Gazprom

Gazprom is the most profitable and stable company in the country, an influential player not only in Russia, but also in the global economic market. Getting a job at Gazprom is the dream of many of our compatriots. It is believed that it is impossible to get a job in this company without personal connections, but this is just a stereotype.

Job searches in Gazprom can be started from the websites of these companies, where lists of vacancies are regularly published. If, moreover, you are a good specialist in a specialized field, a certified graduate of a prestigious university, then it is quite possible that the doors of the company will be hospitably open to you.

To the bank

This direction has always been of interest to people who dream of a career, stable earnings and high profits. Experts predict some decline in this direction in the coming years: most likely, ordinary workers will be laid off - line managers, cashiers, and so on.

There are no strict education requirements for consultants and tellers (front-office workers). As a rule, students of economic and law universities, people with managerial experience, come to banks.

In banks, there are a lot of starting positions for which people can be hired without experience. In 1-2 years, many young people manage to grow vertically or horizontally in terms of career. True, it is not necessary to count on very large salaries for employees without experience. However, a year or two can be tolerated for the sake of a future career.

Rotational method

Builders, drivers, bulldozer drivers, tractor drivers and representatives of other specialties, whose skills are required in the harsh conditions of the Far North and the Arctic, work on a rotational basis.

The essence of the shift method is simple: a team goes to work for 1-3 months and performs its duties on the job - living in temporary housing at construction sites, mining or processing of minerals.

Theoretically, any person of the required specialty, ready to work in harsh conditions, can be hired as a shift worker.


People seeking to find work on a rotational basis may run into a "scam" - firms that collect supposedly "entry fees" from "future employees" for registration.

To avoid this, work only with those companies that have representative offices.


To get a job abroad (we are not talking about China and Mongolia, but about Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia), you need to look for a position either through a recruitment agency or on foreign sites.

The chance to work abroad is high for representatives of popular technical specialties - programmers, engineers, designers, IT specialists. Good options are offered to financiers, top managers.

Naturally, without knowing the language, getting a normal job in another country is almost impossible. Competition in the job market in countries Western Europe quite high. In addition to local applicants, people from the eastern part of Europe, Turkey and Asian countries seek to find work there.

You can get a job in the Russian Federation in an international company, and then look for opportunities to transfer to a foreign office. If you make every effort and effort, this will be quite a feasible task for an ambitious and purposeful person.

to the civil service

Far from the worst employment option (especially in a crisis). There is almost always a competition for the vacancies of civil servants: they choose the best possible candidate.

The recruitment process is a step-by-step process - first, all your documents and data are reviewed, then a face-to-face or written test for special training is carried out.

Work experience in a specialty (for example, in a bank, if you get a job in the financial part) will be a good help. You can find out about vacancies in the service of the state apparatus on the websites of the authorities of the city or region.

6. How to find a remote job online

Working on the Web is a great option for those who do not want to work according to a schedule and “for an uncle”. Today, on the Internet, you can find jobs in all humanitarian and technical specialties. Linguists, philologists, teachers, designers, lawyers, medical workers, programmers. We have already discussed in detail in one of the previous articles.

To receive income, you only need constant access to the Web, a bank account or an electronic wallet. Plus the desire to learn and grow. You can find remote work on the World Wide Web on special sites like and Workzilla.

Internet business - a relatively new direction, which is becoming more and more relevant. On the Web, you can open your own business (an online store, a legal portal, a school), or you can simply do what you like remotely.

If you are a journalist or philologist, write texts to fill network resources with content. If you are a university teacher, prepare applicants via Skype or help with theses. Any talent can find an application: your skills and abilities can be converted into a cash equivalent.

The Internet has many advantages:

  1. You can work without special education. You can get specialized knowledge here, for example, by studying feature articles, e-learning courses and Youtube videos.
  2. Income is not limited to salary. You set your own bar.
  3. Ability to manage your time. By working remotely, you yourself ration your working day, choose weekends and control the duration of your vacation.
  4. Lots of opportunities for personal growth. Being your own boss, you can carry out the most daring and risky projects.

Of course, it is necessary to grow to a stable level of income - not all at once. And with experience, you will definitely understand how to act more efficiently and competently. You can start right away by opening your own website and promoting it. We have already told you how to create your own website.

With initial investments in marketing and optimization, in a year you can turn your project into a profitable business that brings a stable income.

7. How to look for a job in Moscow

Finding a job in Moscow is certainly not an easy task, especially during the economic downturn. You can count on official vacancies only if you have Moscow registration. Informal employment- A common but risky option. If there is no employment contract, you are in the full power of the employer.

Moving and finding a place in the capital is a challenge for energetic and ambitious people. If you have abilities, knowledge, skills and a suitable education, you can find many options for self-realization in the capital.

Be prepared in advance for a change in the rhythm of life, other prices and a different level of salaries. If you plan to live in a rented apartment, calculate the level of income in advance to cover the cost of rent and still eat normally.

At the end of the article, watch a short educational video on job search:

8. Conclusion

So, now you know a lot more about how to find a job. We hope that our recommendations will help you find a way to earn money that suits you completely in terms of money and in terms of self-realization. We wish you to find a highly paid hobby, then you will not have to work in the standard sense.

How to become rich and successful from scratch - 7 easy steps to wealth for those who want to gain financial freedom and live the life of their dreams!

Today it is not easy to find any job, and if we are talking about a highly paid one, it is clear to every job seeker that this is an almost impossible task. If you knew a strong conspiracy, finding a good high-paying job would not be difficult! Often even young and ambitious graduates of prestigious universities are left without a promising job after the liquidation or bankruptcy of enterprises and institutions. Sometimes they are so unprepared for such a turn of events that they become patients in psychiatric clinics, recover for a long time and often cannot return to good shape at all. Could this be avoided? Undoubtedly!

How to find a high-paying job with the help of a conspiracy? Elementary! Read on.

How does a conspiracy for a good job work on a person?

This is an old genre of folk magic (according to Ushakov's dictionary). Any conspiracy has as its goal the implementation of real first aid to a person in need with the support of otherworldly forces.

CONSPIRACY- this is a strictly defined set of verbal formulas that have wonderful healing power, the ability to magically change reality in the direction the caster needs.

In Ancient Russia, the pronunciation of conspiracies was considered an important and difficult matter, first you had to prove that you had certain abilities. Then there was a tough selection according to moral criteria: a strong character, a powerful will, the absence of food and other addictions, that is, a non-smoker, a non-drinker ...

A selection of conspiracies

It is known that the word heals and the word hurts. Much is known about the power of the word. But it is not clear how the conspiracy affects so much that even the bleeding in front of the eyes literally stops. On the other hand, it is not clear why the conspiracy has such power on some people, but not on others. But nevertheless, conspiracies work. Especially clearly their impact is seen on those who firmly believe in help from a conspiracy or prayer. This is confirmed by albeit few, but very representative studies.

Below you are two good conspiracies that will definitely help you!

Option 1: "Conspiracy for a Highly Paying Job"

An effective conspiracy for a highly paid job: get as much as you deserve!

Our labor week starts on Monday. And this conspiracy must also be read on this day. You need to get up at dawn, it is important to capture the first rays of the sun. Even if your windows face the sunny side, it is still better to go out into the yard. Take a piece of twine or a thick strong thread with you, you can twine. You will begin to tie knots on this thread. In this case, you need to pronounce the following text in recitative:

The knot is strong, do not untie,

Likewise, me a servant of God (your name)

Tie to my boss

Tie tight and fast!

When the plot is read once, tie one knot. Read it again, tie another knot. Finally, read the third time and tie the last knot. Then carefully lay the thread along your threshold, but so that it does not move, so that the draft cannot blow it to the side. Therefore, it is important that the thread is not just strong, strong, but also quite weighty. Other

When you go to the interview, step over the threshold (do not step on the thread!) Turn around and take the thread with you, putting it in a secluded pocket or bag. It will be very good if the bag is red. Carry a bag of thread with you until successful employment, then secretly burn the thread and wash the ashes with water.

Option 2: "Conspiracy for a profitable job"

One more rite I offer you. He will help you find a highly profitable place, and raise your salary, if necessary. The healer who shared this plot recommends reading the magic formula at dawn, every morning, until the work is found. Here is the conspiracy.


Monitor available vacancies for your prospects. Check out the major job sites. Find local newspapers. Jobs often list salary levels. Make a list of all jobs that fit your price range.

Contact an elite employment agency. Such agencies do not receive money from applicants, they are paid by the employer. Talk to those agencies. Say that you set yourself the goal of developing in a promising direction and you are interested in which areas have the highest salaries and appear often. Enter the required information on your list. Contact different agencies to compare the information they give you.

Choose the direction in which you have more chances. First, you must like it. Secondly, you can draw on experience and knowledge. Thirdly, you can even consider moving to if you are interested. If something is missing, do not pay attention to it, it is much easier to get all the skills and knowledge than you think.

Make a list of requirements for candidates. When a specific direction for development is chosen, monitor the vacancies again. Now write down all the nuances very carefully. You must be clear on what level you need to climb.

Reconsider - the plan of your enterprise. If, when organizing a company, you compiled it yourself, involve specialists to make possible adjustments. Contact your investors (if any) and agree on any possible changes with them.

Choose among the orders offered by public or private customers only those that can be provided by the production capacity of your enterprise, without the involvement of additional or subcontractors.

Create a website for your enterprise, where you place information about the company, product catalogs, articles on the direction of your activity, a constantly updated block of industry news.

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Exit to new job always accompanied by some changes in life, and sometimes stress. It takes time and patience to get used to it. Getting comfortable in a new place and joining the team is your main task for the first working days.

You will need

  • - new things;
  • - a frame with a photo.


Try to accompany the exit to other positive changes. Get a new haircut, update your wardrobe, buy a few discs with beautiful music, start with light exercises and brew aromatic coffee. Let other habits enter your life, because the job change was probably associated with your desire to achieve great goals.

At work, be friendly and positive, even if you don't like everything yet. In a few days, you will be completely different: many of the colleagues around you will surely become good friends for you and turn out to be excellent conversationalists. Also, if new responsibilities seem difficult to you, remember that this is only temporary. Emphasize that you are gaining invaluable experience by mastering hitherto unfamiliar information.

Try to personalize your office space without overloading it with your personal belongings. Put one frame with, bring your own cup, put a mini bottle of your favorite perfume in your desk drawer. For all colleagues, buy a large set of different varieties of teas: this is an occasion for small joint tea parties and comparisons of taste characteristics.

At first, try to take a closer look, to understand who is in the lead, who makes the main decisions, who is especially irritable, who can be contacted. Do not immediately "bend your line" and demonstrate character. Act confidently but delicately.

Try to get used to it quickly unspoken rules operating on your . If your boss is used to having a final evening meeting that keeps you 15 minutes late, in most cases it's better to accept it rather than running complaining to labor inspection.

Helpful advice

Take an active part in any non-working activities of the company. Celebrating a colleague's birthday or an offsite corporate party will help you quickly become "one of your own" in the team.

A resume is a brief portfolio of your work experience. Also from it, the employer learns about your abilities, life goals and priorities, successes in past jobs. It is necessary to answer resume questions in accordance with the realities of your work experience.

You will need

  • - employment history;
  • - passport;
  • - references from previous jobs.


Fill out the first block of questions, consisting of introductory information about you. Be sure to enter your contact information correctly. With a positive decision, the employer will definitely be able to contact you. If necessary, set the conditions for communication, for example, the preferred time of day.

Fill in the block about previous places of work. List them starting with the most recent. If all data is recorded in work book check with her. Please note that it is better if the previous places are on the subject as close as possible to the proposed vacancy. Do not keep silent about work experience that is not listed in the work book, but similar to a new place. Today, employers are not so actively checking the recorded data. They are more interested in the real work experience of the applicant, especially if he has good references.

great attention addresses questions about care previous place work. It is clear that you indicate "by own will". But HR managers will definitely ask about the real reasons for leaving. You should not talk about despotic bosses with whom you did not see eye to eye. The future employer calculates the situation in advance, how and what you will say about him. Rather, say that in the previous company, unfortunately, at the moment there is no room for your career growth, and you are afraid of losing all your working potential.

Answer honestly questions about your personal goals. Be sure to say that you want to have a stable good income and opportunities to increase it. Many companies believe that employee orientation is a good motivation for him. Also don't forget to mention the implementation of your business qualities and creativity.

The question “Why did you choose?” becomes difficult for the applicant. To answer it, study in advance the history of the company, the areas of activity and the prospects provided for your specialty. Then the answer to such a question will be obvious: because the company provides ample opportunities for working in my profile.

When answering resume questions, be concise, precise, do not underestimate, but do not seek to exaggerate your talents. Indicate the level of proficiency in programs, foreign languages ​​in accordance with reality. At the interview, the employer can, for example, switch to the specified language. In the event that the level of proficiency in the resume was overestimated, you will find yourself in a no-win situation.

When answering the question about your strengths and weaknesses, be also frank with the employer. You are required to name a maximum of three qualities in each category. Analyze the position you are applying for. Name exactly the positive qualities characteristic of her. But imagine the negative moments so that in this place they look like positive ones. In this case, actively use. For example, excessive talkativeness is sociability, and curiosity is attention to detail.

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  • resume questions

To achieve the desired people sometimes resort to all conceivable and unthinkable ways. For example, in order to get a good job, many try to use some kind of conspiracy or ritual.

Finding a good job can take a lot of time and effort. But there may also be such a situation that finally found workplace which suits you perfectly. The problem is that the authorities cannot make a choice among applicants in any way.

If you let the situation take its course, there is very little chance of solving it in your favor. But one should not fall into a panic in anticipation of the verdict of the authorities. You can always increase your own chances of success.

Are there conspiracies to get a job

There are many useful tips on how to behave during an interview, what to wear and say, how to impress a potential employer. good impression. Sometimes applicants may even try to influence the situation with the help of conspiracies and rituals.

Not everyone believes in the power of such an impact, but in the hope of good luck they try anyway.

A conspiracy for those who want to get a job:
I'm not walking, I'm not in a hurry,
On a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster.
So that there is no refusal to me, the servant of God (name),
Not on Monday, not
Not Wednesday, not
Neither Friday nor Saturday.
Take the hell out of my care
So that no one knows a word against me,
Not evil, not
They didn't speak against me,
Would be respected and loved.
Cross with a cross, but the case with a good end. Amen".

To be hired, you can use a good plot for fresh bread. Cut off a piece of bread before leaving the house, you need to whisper the following words on it three times: “As bread is always the head of the table, as everyone reveres it, so they would accept me, a servant of God, everywhere and revered, but they would give a better job. In order not to know my refusal, but only the honor and respect of people with joy to accept. Amen". The charmed piece must be eaten, after which you can safely go about your business - luck will certainly smile at you.

Conspiracies in order to influence the decision of the authorities

Sometimes everything seems to be going well with getting a job, but the boss still does not approve of your candidacy. To speed up the decision, you can read the conspiracy on a glass of water: “As everyone needs water, so I would be needed (needed) at work. As water is valuable for people, so I would be appreciated at work. Just as there is no life without water, so without me at that work there would be no happiness, no life, no joy, everything will only appear with me. Amen". Read three times, then drink water in one gulp.

For the upcoming conversation with your superiors, so that the decision to hire is in your favor, you can read such a conspiracy. Enter the room from the left foot, while at the hand the thumb should be clenched into a fist, mentally pronounce the conspiracy:
“My angel, my guardian, protect my soul from enemies, from obvious and not obvious adversaries. Deviate from me on all four sides: north, west, south, east. Amen".

Changing jobs is always stressful for the body. How to survive adjustment time? What is the best way to build relationships in a new team? How to start communication? For many, these questions remain open.

You will need

  • Personal things that will soften your stay in a new team.


The very first thing to do is to meet new colleagues. Show your interest and openness. To quickly make friends with a new team, you need to be charming and easy to communicate with.

Secondly, it is necessary to study the rules of the labor schedule within the organization. You need to be observant: monitor how new colleagues follow these rules, and draw conclusions about what really needs to be followed, and what is written only in the rules. It is better to ask about the most ordinary things - where is the kitchen, where it is customary to drink tea. It is not worth being modest in this matter.

The third important point is that you, as a new employee, need to find out on the very first day of work who your immediate supervisor is and who else can evaluate the work you have done.

During the adaptation at the end of the working day, let your body rest. Walk outdoors more. Go in for sports. Update your wardrobe. Go to . Enjoy what you enjoy.

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The new team does not need to use the experience from the previous place of work, it is better to find new approaches. Don't be afraid to ask questions if the workflow requires it.

Helpful advice

The main factor in the team is communication. If possible, you should communicate with colleagues in person, without frequent use Email, phone and other types of communication.

Search suitable job is often a lengthy process. All means and communications are used: the press, the Internet, agencies, acquaintances. But besides this, there are many magical recipes and all kinds of rituals that help in solving this problem. Naturally, traditional methods should not be neglected, but it is quite possible to speed up the search with the help of one or several special rituals at once.

You will need

  • a banknote in denominations of one dollar or ruble;
  • essential oil(peppermint, clover, cedar, pine or bergamot);
  • Bay leaf;
  • candle (preferably green);
  • metal or clay bowl;
  • clean white sheet;
  • pen.


Put a few bay leaves in a bowl and set it on fire. If the leaves do not flare up well, you can throw a couple of matches and scraps of paper into the bowl.

While the laurel is burning, take a candle and conditionally divide it into 5 zones. In the upper part, you need to scribble something that characterizes the desired job (for example, the title of the position or the main tool of labor). From this drawing, you need to scratch out an arrow down and under it a dollar sign. Then from him another arrow point down. Finally, at the very bottom of the candle, write your name. When all the necessary symbols are drawn on the candle, lubricate it with essential oil.

Concentrate on thoughts about work. Imagine your workplace, environment, workflow in as much detail as possible. Describe the picture that appears in your imagination on a piece of paper. Specify the desired place, position, duties, wages(here it is important not to overdo it and write more or less real amounts). Describe how you enjoy waking up every morning to go to work you love. Remember what kind of relationships you would like to have within the team and with your superiors. The more colorful and detailed the text, the better.

When you have finished your story, place a piece of paper under the candle and light it. Look at the fire and once again remember everything that was written on paper. When the candle burns out, burn the scribbled paper and the wick in a bowl where bay leaves burned.

On each corner of the bill, you need to drop essential oil and wrap the ashes left in the bowl in it. Now this bill is your talisman, and you need to carry it with you. It is said that after carrying out this ritual, most often the necessary work is found on Wednesday.


All rituals of this nature are carried out during the growing moon, the best time is the first night after the new moon. But you need to make sure that Mercury does not move from east to west during this period.

Helpful advice

It turns out that the image of a pelican can help in finding a job. All you need to do is print out a photo of a bird with money in its beak and hang it in a frame in the northern part of the kitchen. The frame should be white, black or silver, but in no case wooden. The ideal image is when the pelican is looking or moving to the right.

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Tip 9: What not to say about a former employer when applying for a job

Bosses aren't always perfect, but when you start a new job, you're not going to be happy about your former employer if you say something unflattering. You can talk about the past place of employment either well or nothing. There are a few guidelines for what to say about a previous boss you didn't get along with.

At the interview, most likely, you will be asked to name the reasons for dismissal from your previous job. It is better to think over the answer in advance. How you present yourself will depend on this - a brawler or a good specialist.

When applying for a job, you do not need to say the following phrases:

  • everyone envied me;
  • the boss appropriated my merits.

In an interview, it's best to say this:

  • I felt cramped in this organization, I would like to take part in larger projects;
  • I am grateful to the manager and colleagues for what I learned from them.

Such an answer will show that you treat people with respect and are ready to develop professionally.

If the situation is really difficult - the boss behaved inappropriately, was an alcoholic, the salary was not paid on time, In this case, it is better to talk about the facts, without coloring them with emotions. That is, it would be appropriate to say salary delays. And is there a manager’s fault in this - these are your conjectures, which should not be mentioned when applying for a job.

The story about the alcoholism of the former boss can be perceived as gossip, so you should not talk about it at the interview.

Explain the reasons for leaving previous work can be the following facts: staff reduction, bankruptcy of the company, "gray" salary.

No need to evaluate the former employer, explaining the reasons for dismissal. For example, instead of the phrase “this is a semi-criminal office that conducts double bookkeeping”, it would be advisable to say “at the interview they promised a completely “white” salary, but in fact they gave out part of the amount in an envelope.”

Before the interview, think about what kind of applicant you would hire if you were recruiting. Surely, you would prefer a positive-minded candidate, and not one that comes from a lot of criticism.

Tip 10: How to write a resume that the employer will choose

It is not enough to be a good specialist in your field to get a job. HR officers look through dozens and hundreds of letters to select a few people for an interview. That is why it is so important to be able to write a resume that will interest a potential employer and give a chance to fill a vacancy.

The summary is a very specific document. With its help, you can present yourself in a favorable light and get an invitation to an interview or unwittingly show all your shortcomings and cause rejection among personnel officers from the first lines. An experienced job seeker knows that it is worth working on rewriting the resume for each individual job, rather than sending out the same version everywhere. Even if downloaded from the site of an experienced recruiting firm.

Ideally, if the resume takes up no more than one sheet. Therefore, it is important to immediately decide on his style in order to use only selected facts of his working biography. The simplest is a universal resume, which is also called a professional one. For him, all information about work skills is divided into blocks so that the recruiter can assess the preparedness of a person in a couple of minutes. If the vacancy involves looking for a person with extensive experience, it is useful to create a chronological resume that reflects the process of accumulating a knowledge base and professional growth.

In case of a change in the scope of work or with long breaks in the profession, it is better to write a functional resume. This style involves the description of specific knowledge and skills acquired in different conditions. The synthesis of these two resume options is suitable when the applicant needs to emphasize both great continuous experience and non-standard skills or merits. Special resume styles are academic (with an emphasis on the list of publications, scientific awards, titles, etc.) and target (involves a presentation of only those skills and biography facts that are needed for a particular vacancy). Non-standard resumes (with infographics, drawings, videos, etc.) give additional points only to representatives of creative professions.

In any case, the summary must be drawn up in accordance with the basic rules of office work. If a photo is used, then only in formal clothes, without unnecessary emotions on the face. The font for the entire document is chosen one, simple and readable, with a reasonable point size (usually 12-14). Subsection headings are underlined or bold, but playing with colored markers is unacceptable.

Be especially careful in the "About Me" section. Pointing out hobbies, any ways of recreation makes sense only if they say something about personal qualities that are useful for work. So, the love of fishing or cross-stitching will emphasize the perseverance and restraint of the applicant, and the interest in extreme sports will say a lot about the ability to take risks and experience something new.

Small secrets will help to attract the attention of the employer. In describing past responsibilities, one should avoid passive wordings like “helped”, “participated”, etc. The options “achieved”, “mastered”, “reduced”, “increased”, “implemented”, etc. are much more effective.

A sense of confidence is an inner feeling of a person that cannot be dressed like clothes. It comes from within and completely changes the behavior of a person.

The main points on how to create an internal sense of confidence:

1. Identify activities that you enjoy.

Direct your attention to actions that you like to do, that is, they are to your liking and bring pleasure. There are many different activities that can suit many professions depending on the combination. Approaching from this point of view, the range of potential vacancies expands, which provides advantages for choosing the best suitable job. Psychologically, a person perceives the presence of diversity and choice, which gives a sense of calm. It is the feeling of calmness that is the basis for making the right decision of a person.

2. Mark in yourself the abilities that are necessary to perform the actions that you like.

Ability is the way a person accomplishes his task. The problem can be solved only in an intellectual way or in a physical way, or in both ways at the same time. The more ways a person uses, the faster and more accurately the task is completed. There are many ways, such as musical, technical, logical, mathematical, and so on. Highlight those methods that you have developed, and you constantly use them in solving problems. Psychologically, a person perceives the presence of abilities as a feeling of support under his feet or reliability.

3. Pay attention to how abilities are consistent with knowledge, form skills, abilities, and possibly even experience.

A person's abilities begin to work only when they come into contact with the knowledge that a person possesses. It is important to see in yourself such a combination that gives a person a sense of strength and power. Psychologically, there is an awareness that a person can, which is the basis of inner confidence.

When a person is born with inner confidence, the behavior and style of communication changes, which leads to favorable changes in life.

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The issue of employment is one of the most painful for a huge part of the population of the entire post-Soviet space. In a situation where you need to quickly find a job that will be both interesting and well-paid, everyone is faced - from a university graduate to a specialist with many years of experience.

The process of finding a job is very painstaking and very difficult, because you will need to monitor hundreds of job postings, communicate with a variety of people, and also try to please your future employer. It is very difficult, but if you look for a job correctly, the chances of success are much higher. So where do you start?

According to many specialists of recruitment agencies, one of the most common mistakes is the lack of any clear goal. Suppose a person starts looking for a job through all possible channels (acquaintances, agencies, press ads, the Internet) and in several different industries at once. It is far from uncommon when the same person is interested in a huge number of vacancies, from an employee of the PR department, and up to a loader.

Of course, if the work is needed urgently, then this explains everything. But in this case, you can not expect good results - a person writes a universal resume, and sends it out through all channels, hoping for a result. The chance that this tactic will bring success is minuscule, so it is better to immediately clearly define for yourself in which area you want to find a new job. Moreover, if you want to find an interesting job, you must determine for yourself what you want to do.

There are several options here. You can check ads for vacancies(on specialized sites, forums, in the press, etc.), or you can offer your services yourself.

In principle, these two methods can be combined. So the chances of finding a normal job will increase significantly, because you will have plenty to choose from. After calling the ads, make a list of potentially interesting options, noting all the pros, cons and features.

If you were scheduled for an interview, it means that you are interested in the employer. It's too early to rejoice, because it only says that they want to know more about you. You need to prepare for the first meeting with the employer not only from a professional point of view (think in advance what professional skills you have that will be of interest to a person who is looking for a new employee), but also from a psychological one.

Prepare in advance for a few tricky questions that you are likely to be asked. For example, the question of the reason for leaving a previous job has the status quo in the first conversation. Here it is better not to mention specific reasons, and answer with general phrases, like “I wanted to try myself in new sphere", or something like that. Whatever it was, at the interview, behave calmly, do not be nervous, and think about what you say. Here every word plays its role.

It often happens that there are several good options, and it is not so easy to decide on a specific one. The difficulty of choosing lies in the fact that finding a job you like is not so easy, and even when the last step remains, it is the most difficult to take.

In order not to suffer, choosing, do the most elementary analysis. On a piece of paper, write down the advantages and disadvantages (if any) of each of the proposals, and think about what is more priority for you at this stage of life. Yes, you may have to give up something that seems very tempting to you now, but in the future it will not be so important.

Even the most lazy person is dreaming of finding a well-paid job now. And how to find a well-paid job and live with pleasure, system-vector psychology will tell us. It will also help you understand the following questions:

  • Who really needs a well-paid job to feel the enjoyment of life.
  • Highly paid - how much?
  • Is a well-paid job a criterion of happiness for all people.

False attitudes that devalue labor

Over the past decades, many have formed the opinion that only those who have a lot of money can feel happy. Therefore, for many, the main criterion when looking for a suitable job is that it be highly paid. And for young people who do not yet have any specialty and work experience. And for those who don't even know how to write a resume, they don't know what it's like to have an interview.

Fertile soil, on which decoys flourished luxuriantly, was the time of troubles after the collapse of Soviet Union. The population of the whole country found itself in a situation where it was necessary to adapt to life in completely unfamiliar social and economic conditions. Someone managed to use the situation, but someone could not rebuild, could not survive this "perestroika".

But everyone wanted to live and were looking for answers to the main question of that time: what to do in order to survive. Topics brought in from abroad, devoted to issues of success, money, business, have become popular for discussion: how to find a new well-paid job. It was then that money began to be put at the head of everything, and the rest was devalued - both professionalism, and respect, and human dignity, and other qualities that were valuable in Soviet times.

On the one hand, it is clear that in order to survive in the modern world, you need a job that gives you money. On the other hand, the peculiarities of the individualistic mentality of people in the countries of the West and America, whose values ​​began to be imposed on people with a collectivist mentality, were not taken into account. Theories and values ​​were introduced into Russia that led to a distortion of the life scenario for a whole generation of Soviet people and their children. Observable examples of getting "easy big money" led to the depreciation of labor. It has become fashionable to relax, to rest.

Let's answer one of the most urgent and at the same time the most unconscious questions: why, despite the almost total enthusiasm for and adherence to Western values, there is no mass enrichment of the Russian population and enjoyment of life, as promised by broadcasters of Western values ​​all these years.

Work is like a muse or...

Man consists only of desires. Moreover, from desires, the fulfillment of which gives him the opportunity to feel pleasure and joy. Man, by his nature, strives everywhere and in everything to realize the only principle - the principle of pleasure.

It is set by nature that the desires that appear can be realized by the corresponding possibilities of the body and psyche. Otherwise humanity would not have survived to this day. That is, if a person has any desire, he can realize it and get pleasure.

Realization of natural properties - the only way enjoy the joy of life.

Knowing these basic properties of the human psyche and body, it is easy to build a chain of consistent actions to achieve the goal - to find a decent, interesting, well-paid job and live with pleasure and a sense of the joy of life.

All OUR natural desires are fulfilled.

The fulfillment of OUR natural desires is a source of enjoyment.

To feel and understand your desires is to understand yourself.

Having understood himself, a person begins to understand others - to love others.

A person's love for others arouses in them love for him.

With such a pleasant person, everyone wants to be around, so it is easy for him to choose the activity that he wants to do. Such people find work easily, despite the crisis, lack of specialty and experience. Even if there are requirements for an individual schedule, requirements for a place of work and many other nuances that some consider an insurmountable obstacle to employment. And the search for a job will not take him much time - everyone will be happy with him. And they will teach and support in any situation.

His wishes and dreams come true.

For work done with inspiration, he gets pleasure.

For the excellent work done and for the pleasure received from communicating with him, the management pays him a decent salary agreed upon by both parties.

All these simple steps make it possible to find a high-paying job that brings satisfaction and joy in life.

... Or work - like a burden

The most important thing is that desires should be of this particular person, proceed from the natural properties of his psyche. Otherwise, it may turn out to be alien desires for him. And then he will get a completely different - the opposite result. Let's follow the chain of consequences in this scenario.

It is impossible to fulfill other people's desires, since neither the psyche nor the body is adapted to them - they are different.

Fulfilling other people's desires, a person loses the opportunity to fulfill his own - he loses the opportunity to receive pleasure in life.

Not knowing and not understanding his desires, a person cannot understand why he does something, cannot understand his reactions to people and events in life.

Without understanding himself, a person cannot understand others: "Why do they keep me from being happy all the time." Other people cause him a feeling of hostility, turning into hatred.

Few people are pleased to communicate with such an irritated person, so it will be difficult for him to find a job. And if they do, he will not be able to perform a function that is not characteristic of his nature for a long time without damage to the psyche and health. The tension will constantly increase, unrealized properties and desires will begin to “sick” more strongly. All this will affect the quality of work and relations with team members - you will have to look for another place. And so in a circle.

The chance of finding a normal, suitable, well-paid job is significantly reduced unless cases in the form of acquaintances who put in a word, or others like that, intervene. But in any case, this work will not be a joy with all the already known consequences for such a person.

Who really needs a high paying job

Only 24% of people own the psyche, the values ​​of which are success, social dominance, profit, money. They are fast in body and mind. Promotion in social and official ranks is a symbol of their realization in life, a sign of the realization of their natural properties.

These are people with a skin vector. The question of how to find a well-paid job is their natural call and challenge. When they find such a job, they experience real pleasure, as they satisfy their desires. But only if you have achieved this yourself, and not using deceit, fraud or acquaintance with the “right people”.

Developed and realized people with a skin vector always admire the possibilities of their logical thinking in finding and building optimal solutions to any production and life situations, the ability to discuss several important topics at once and the speed of reaction when circumstances and terms of agreements change.

A person with such a mentality will not look for an activity with the mandatory requirement of permanent employment. He changes employer as soon as another one appears, with more favorable conditions. Official employment for him is also not a priority - he will go where there is a higher ranking and better paid position. He knows what to do in order to find the job he wants on his own - and he will send a resume online, and it is not difficult for him to go to an interview.

What prevents all owners of the skin vector from being so nimble and doing everything? What prevents you from acting and making decisions in life and what prevents you from experiencing joy, even in the presence of a well-paid position? We will continue to talk about all this and much more in the next article.

But already now you have the opportunity to start getting to know yourself in order to better feel and understand your innate talents and properties. Learn to distinguish true desires from false postulates imposed by success trainings, books by European publishers and psychologists who do not have knowledge of system-vector psychology.

To do this, register for the free online training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, where you will have the opportunity to ask your question to him personally.

“... My income has become much higher. My position is higher, my team is unrealistically cool! My supervisors are not only highly professional, but also wonderful people: interesting, smart, developed and realized. Working with them is a real pleasure! We work as one team, one organism. We are on the same wavelength, in the same skin rhythm. It is amazing. I can't believe it's all mine))))"

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