Key Responsibilities of the Vice President. Job description of the deputy head of the department. Sample job description for deputy director


Reading 9 min. Views 153 Published on 08/25/2018

Many leaders of small firms control their own business. However, in the case of large organizations where there is a high load on the company's administration, it becomes necessary to attract a deputy. The person holding this position assumes part of the duties of the CEO. In this article, we propose to talk about what the job description of the Deputy General Director includes.

The position of deputy can appear in any company, regardless of its size and industry affiliation

Deputy General Director: the essence of the profession

The management of each company has the right to independently choose the time of introduction of the position in question. In most cases, this position is introduced at the stage of accession to the post of CEO. Much less often, changes to the staffing table are made directly during work. In some cases, a person is elected to the post of deputy, who later takes the post of head. As a rule, in such situations, the CEO who wants to quit should familiarize his assistant with all the intricacies of the work process. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the title of the position of Deputy General Director has many synonyms. These include positions such as executive director or vice president.

It should be noted that the duties of this employee may vary depending on the form of business.

Most often, the job description, which includes all the obligations of the employee, is drawn up by the head of the company or members of the founding council. As an example of the work of the Deputy General Director, the following situation should be analyzed. Let's imagine an organization where the manager only deals with issues related to the production process. At a certain stage of the company's development, there is a need for economic and legal support. The appointment of a deputy who will deal with these areas can reduce the burden on the head of the company. This step will allow the management to continue to be engaged in control over production, having relieved itself of part of the obligations.

The person in this position has legal right create an administrative chain that will increase the efficiency of labor activity. Before creating an economic and legal division, the vice president must obtain the personal permission of his leadership. Only after obtaining approval for the creation of new structures, the vice president can look for new specialists. The need to hire an assistant who will take care of many organizational issues may arise if you want to master new market segments. To get development time different strategies that determine the path of the company's development, it is necessary to transfer some of the important functions to an experienced specialist.

The position of the first deputy general director is formed based on the specific needs of the company

Who is elected for the position (generalized portrait)

Answer the question of who can take the post of deputy. gene. director, quite difficult. Here one should take into account not only the job responsibilities of the future employee, but also the direction of the organization. Based on most of the requirements for applicants for this position, you can make a generalized portrait of the best candidate for this position:

  1. A man between the ages of twenty-seven and thirty-three.
  2. Higher economic or technical education.
  3. More than one year of practical experience in the field under consideration.
  4. Ability to build a workflow.
  5. The presence of leadership qualities, complete autonomy and high level responsibility.

Experience shows that people with a technical background are better able to cope with the duties of an executive director due to the presence of structured skills. Such people easily create workflow management schemes that bring maximum results. Many leaders of large firms prefer to choose those candidates who have two higher education.

Main responsibilities of the deputy

In order to competently draw up a job description for the executive director, it is necessary to decide what part of the management responsibilities will be assigned to the applicant for this post. The position under consideration is divided into the following areas:

  1. First Deputy General Director- This position involves working in several areas at once. The first vice president can deal with both control production process and cooperation with contractors. The person holding this position has the right to sign all important documents of the company that are related to the financial and economic activities of the organization.
  2. Marketing Director and economic activity companies- Representatives of this direction carry out the development of a strategy for promoting marketable products on the market. The functions of this official include the search for new sales markets, the conclusion of agreements with partners and the solution of other issues related to the financial component.
  3. Deputy for security, personnel and technical issues- persons holding such posts are responsible for a certain part of organizational issues. Such positions are provided in large companies, consisting of several departments, each of which has specific functions.
  4. Legal Director- strict requirements are put forward for applicants for this post. According to experts, the work of the legal department has a high impact on the activities of the organization.
  5. Deputy on general issues - this position has a high similarity with the official position of the first vice president. The only difference is the smaller list of powers. As a rule, representatives of this direction take on the functions of control of office work and personnel issues.

The issue of creating documentary support deserves special attention. As a rule, the owner of the company is directly involved in the development of job descriptions. Much less often, this duty is assigned to the members of the founding council. Job description- a local normative act that has an administrative and organizational character. This document contains a list of duties and rights of the representative of the position in question.

The range of duties of the Deputy Director is so wide that it is almost impossible to formulate the same qualities of an ideal candidate for this position.

Drafting a job description

The job description for a company vice president consists of several key sections. The first section is the paragraph "general provisions". It provides information about the persons to whom the person holding the position in question reports and to whom the person holding the position in question reports. The next paragraph lists official duties worker. When developing a document regulating labor activity, it is very important to accurately describe all the duties of the vice president. This step will significantly reduce the risk of disputes related to the employee's activities.

The third section contains information about the rights that an employee has. The next paragraph provides information on the level of responsibility. It is important to understand that the position of vice president is a responsible position that requires high dedication from the candidate. The inaction of the employee, which caused the occurrence of force majeure situations, may be punished by penalties. Below we propose to consider in more detail the duties of the Deputy General Director.

General position

As we noted above, here is information about the persons who can control the work of the deputy. In most cases, this role is assigned to the head of the company. However, in some situations, the control function is assigned to the first vice president or members of the founding board. As a rule, this section contains generalized data about the organization and the position itself. When compiling this paragraph, it is important to indicate the specific areas that the worker must control.

In the same section, the procedure for taking office and dismissal is fixed. Here is a list of specific situations in which the CEO may terminate the employment relationship. Also, this paragraph may contain a sample employment contract with the Deputy General Director, information about the persons who will replace the Vice President in case of his temporary absence, as well as requirements for the employee himself.

Usually, the position of Deputy General Director is held by a specialist under the age of 30

Professional responsibilities

According to experts in legal matters, this section is one of the main ones. This means that the development of this paragraph must be approached with due care. Many managers prefer to turn to experienced lawyers to help develop the structure of the document.

As a rule, the list of duties of the executive director includes control over production and organization of the labor process in the assigned department. Some employees may be responsible for coordinating the work of related structures and individual employees. In addition, the vice president takes on the responsibility of resolving issues from the company's management. One of the main tasks of employees is to provide the enterprise with raw materials and consumables necessary for the full operation of production.

Imposed rights

The rights of the deputy CEO are closely related to the company's activities. In simple terms, this section includes a list of powers that this person is vested with. This authority allows the director to participate in important matters that may affect Negative influence for the work of the company. When compiling this section, it is imperative to indicate which departments this employee can manage. This step will systematize the workflow and prevent the occurrence of various conflicts.

As a rule, the list of the rights of the vice president includes the distribution of the load on the division of employees, the preparation of local and outgoing documentation, as well as the resolution of personnel issues. The incumbents of this position can select employees worthy of financial incentives, deal with issues related to the optimization of labor activity and monitor the work of personnel.

In many ways, the tasks of the deputy are similar to those that face the general director.


The last section contains information about the level of responsibility of the employee. As a rule, this indicates the obligation to preserve the property values ​​of the company and the confidentiality of information. The responsibility of the vice president extends to the performance of the assigned unit and the implementation of the plan established by the management. In this section, you need to prescribe the level of responsibility for inaction that caused material damage to the company.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the deputy general director is obliged to deal with planning issues, exercise control over the activities of personnel, generate reports for the founding council, interact with contractors and control bodies, and also organize the labor process.

Features of the design of the job description

As practice shows, the owner of the company is directly involved in compiling job descriptions for the heads of departments. This duty can be transferred to members of the founding council or to persons appointed to a leadership position. When drafting a document, it is very important to involve an experienced lawyer who will help to correctly develop the structure of the act.

A fully compiled instruction must be stitched in accordance with GOST and certified by the signature of the head. It is important to pay attention to the fact that when hiring a new employee, the candidate must first familiarize himself with this document before signing the employment contract. After the approval of the candidate for the post of vice president, a copy of the job descriptions is given to the hired employee. The original copy must be kept in the accounting department or in the office. Below is a sample order for appointment to the post of vice president:

The prospective deputy must be able to understand general economic issues, the provisions of tax legislation

Conclusions (+ video)

The deputy head of the company must deal with many organizational issues that are important for the operation of the organization. As a rule, the need for such an employee arises at the stage of business expansion, when members of the founding council and the head of the company are engaged in drawing up long-term plans. During this period of time, the vice president should deal with short-term tasks that are important for the operation of the company. From the foregoing, we can conclude that the position in question is one of the main ones in every company.

In contact with

I approve

General Director of JSC "____________"
"__" ________ 201_

Job description of the Deputy Director for General Affairs

1. The Deputy Director for General Affairs belongs to the category of managers.
2. The Deputy Director for General Affairs is hired and dismissed by order of the General Director of the enterprise.
3. The Deputy Director for General Affairs reports directly to the General Director.
4. In his work he is guided by Russian legislation, General provisions adopted in JSC "___________________", this job description of the Deputy Director.
5. Persons with higher professional education and a minimum work experience of 1 year are appointed to the position of Deputy Director for General Affairs.
6. The Deputy Director for General Affairs must know:
6.1. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.
6.3. Rules of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire safety.
6.4. Legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise, resolutions of federal, regional and local government and government bodies that determine priority areas for the development of the economy and the relevant industry.
6.5. Methodological and regulatory materials of other bodies relating to the activities of the enterprise.
6.6. Profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise.
6.7. Tax and environmental legislation.
6.8. The procedure for compiling and coordinating business plans for the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise.
6.9. Market methods of managing and managing an enterprise.
6.10. The procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts.
6.11. Management of the economy and finances of the enterprise.
6.12. Organization of production and labor.
6.13. The procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and regulation of social and labor relations.
6.14. Labor law.
7. During the absence of the Deputy General Director for General Affairs (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a duly appointed person who is responsible for their proper performance.

1. Ensuring control over the external and internal security of the company's activities.
2. Prevention or maximum reduction of company losses.

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for:
1. Organize the movement and collection of cash Money, ensuring the safety of these processes.
2. Organize the verification of hired persons in terms of their possible connection with criminal structures and competitors.
3. Periodically check the company's employees in terms of their possible connection with criminal structures or competitors, while ensuring the necessary confidentiality. Carry out an audit at the first request of the personnel service and the general director.
4. Organize an audit of all organizations with which work is planned for the first time with the provision of a commodity loan.
5. Conduct constant monitoring and analysis of the state of commodity loans and the solvency of organizations receiving products on commodity credit.
6. Immediately inform the General Director and the head of the relevant department of changes in the provisions of the organizations - consumers of the company, which may lead to financial situations on the part of the company.
7. Check other organizations and individuals as advised by the General Manager.
8. Be directly involved in the full inventory of the company.
9. Monitor all stages of work with payment for shipment in cash from the point of view of the security of this process.
10. Immediately inform the CEO about situations that may lead to material losses for the company. In the event of situations that may lead to large material losses or endanger the life and health of employees, immediately notify the economic security service as well.
11. Carry out activities to ensure the interests of the company in the region on behalf of the economic security service, while coordinating their actions with the general director.
12. If there are suspicions about the presence of abuses on the part of the company's management, raise the issue of transferring the company to the category of problematic ones from the point of view of security. The transfer of a company into the category of problematic can be carried out for the period of preparation and conduct of the inspection (audit) and summarizing its results, but not more than for a month.
13. Carry out weekly planning of their work, coordinating the plan with the head of the SEB or his deputy in full and the general director of the company in terms of the regular work of the company. Provide daily reports to the SEB and the General Director in the amount corresponding to the planning in the form approved by the SEB.
14. Immediately go to the department in which an emergency situation has arisen related to possible material losses of the company or the safety of its employees. Take prompt and professional action to minimize possible material loss to the company and ensure the safety of company employees.
15. Protect the interests of the company in external organizations on behalf of the economic security service and the general director of the company (in agreement with the SEB).
16. Ensure generally accepted standards of ethics when communicating with employees and clients of the company, do not allow actions related to the implementation of official duties, violations of corporate communication standards.
17. When solving any issues, strive for constructive cooperation with the General Director and individual services and departments, contribute to the creation and development of a positive corporate spirit of the company.
18. Take part in any events held for company employees.
19. In the event of disputes with the General Director or employees of the company, take all measures to resolve the dispute within the company as soon as possible. In case of impossibility of a solution within the company, transfer the issue for approval and decision by the head of the SEB.
20. Inform the general director and heads of departments about the revealed facts of incorrect actions of their subordinates for the timely adoption of measures of influence.
21. To know the rules of document flow adopted in the company, reporting, software products, production cycle.
22. Get acquainted with orders, orders, information messages issued by the company's management.
23. Carry out other actions on behalf of the SEB that do not contradict Russian law and the above paragraphs of the job description.

1. Has the right to make proposals for the organization unscheduled inspections and audit of the company in case of suspicion of misconduct by the company's management or the presence of abuse in the company.
2. To act on behalf of the company upon receipt of authority from the General Director in resolving issues arising in the course of work in the relevant regulatory bodies.
3. To take part in all meetings of the company or separate divisions, if necessary, to bring to the attention of the company's employees information that is directly related to business security.
4. To make proposals for making changes to the existing procedure for working with clients, storing, moving and transferring material assets in order to increase the security of these processes.
5. Conduct a survey of company employees on the procedure for working with clients, storing, moving and transferring material assets in order to identify possible problems in the security of these processes.
6. Control any stages of the movement and transfer of funds within the company and by the company's counterparties in order to identify possible abuses, while ensuring, where necessary, confidentiality and correctness sufficient to maintain existing beneficial partnerships.
7. Conduct selective inventories of material values, while observing the accepted rules that contribute to the correctness of the results and prevent material losses of the company.
8. Use the services of departments, departments, services of the company in accordance with their functional tasks, as well as the services of organizations with which the company has a cooperation agreement.
9. Raise the issue of acquiring the equipment, software necessary for the performance of official duties, and incurring other expenses related to professional activities.
10. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.
11. Require the General Director to assist in the performance of the official duties assigned to him, and the rights granted.
12. Submit for consideration by the company's management proposals for improving the efficiency of the company, improving working methods and shortcomings in the activities of structural units.
13. Participate in the prescribed manner in resolving issues of recruitment, their encouragement for successful work, as well as about the imposition disciplinary actions. Submit proposals to the General Director on the staffing and personnel of the TSC.
14. Make proposals to the General Director to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this job description of the Deputy Director.

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for:
1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description of the deputy director - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation Russian Federation.
2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4. For safety and non-disclosure trade secret OJSC "______________"
5. For compliance with the internal labor regulations.
6. For compliance with fire safety measures in the premises of JSC "______".

To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for by this job description of the Deputy Director, the Deputy General Director for General Affairs interacts:
1. With the CEO
- on all issues provided for by this job description of the Deputy Director.
2. With all divisions of the company:
- about threats against the company and its employees
- on compliance with regime measures
- about the observance of confidential information


Additional employee job responsibilities are available in the template and sample job description of the Deputy General Director for General Affairs, a version of which can be downloaded from the attached file.

Position of the first Deputy General Director formed based on the specific needs of the company. Therefore, the range of duties of the Deputy Director is so wide that it is almost impossible to formulate uniform qualities of an ideal candidate for this position. However, two situations can be distinguished when the general director needs to introduce the position of first deputy:

  1. You have decided to focus on strategic plans, you have no time to deal with current issues. In this situation, you need a person who will carry out operational management of the enterprise.
  2. You have decided to retire, so you need to find a deputy, to whom you can later transfer all the cases.

Depending on the situation, the requirements for the candidate are formed, as well as his main functions.

Usually, the position of Deputy General Director is held by a specialist no older than 30. He is full of energy and strength, ready to assimilate significant amounts of different information, thanks to which he can progress and benefit the company itself. If we talk about education, it usually has a higher technical or economic. A specialist with technical skills usually has excellent logical thinking, which allows you to clearly structure knowledge.

Although, if the entire education of a specialist is limited only to a diploma, then he is unlikely to have to rely on this responsible position. After all, without knowledge in the field of economic theory and analysis financial activities deputy financial director can hardly be considered a qualified specialist. A “technician” candidate must have at least a one-year internship course in economics and finance.

If a candidate has two higher educations, then this will speak volumes - in particular, the purposefulness of the specialist. But his true qualities will be revealed during his probationary period.

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What are the tasks of the Deputy Director in the company

In many ways, the tasks of the Deputy are similar to those of the General Director. The difference lies only in the degree of responsibility and the scale of awareness. Assume important functional responsibilities Deputy Director, the applicant has a number of skills, knowledge and skills for this position.

For the prospective deputy, the ability to understand general economic issues, the provisions of tax legislation is necessary. You need to know the specifics of your company's industry - with knowledge of the basics of contract law. He also needs it, since in the course of his work he will have to deal with internal reports, with the accounting statements of counterparties. The deputy director needs to be able to “calculate” the balance sheet, know Form No. 2 (Profit and Loss Statement), as well as other forms of tax, accounting and statistical reporting, with an understanding of what is behind the assets and liabilities of the enterprise.

However, the requirements for the candidate are not limited to this. The deputy director is responsible for knowing the work and software products that the company uses for accounting. If necessary, you will have to deal with the preparation of any report that is generated by these programs.

5 Qualities a Good Deputy Should Possess

How to identify a potential leader when looking for a candidate for the position of "right hand", the editors of the magazine "General Director" told.

What are the duties of a Deputy Director?

  1. Control over the features and conduct of the organization's activities in economic and financial terms.
  2. Providing usefulness in the activities of all employees and departments of the company, to ensure the optimal use of financial and material resources, with the formation of the concept of all production aspects.
  3. Take measures to ensure accelerated turnover of products using profitable and timely conclusion of financial and business contracts. It is necessary to choose companies with a proper reputation and experience so that there are no complications in the work of the company. This task includes the duties of the Deputy Director for educational work.
  4. Implementation of leadership and supervision of activities in matters of saving and saving excess resources, with their integrated use. It is necessary to work on improving and standardizing the costs of raw materials, with the control of their production use, also, if there are no materials and additional funds activities. These tasks are provided by the duties of the Deputy Director.
  5. Improvement economic indicators enterprises, the formation of indicators with improved standards, with control over the implementation of all relevant functions by responsible employees. It is necessary to gradually work on strengthening (if possible expanding) the enterprise, its areas of activity, with the improvement of financial and regulatory discipline. This is provided for by the duties of the Deputy Director for educational work.
  6. Prevention and timely elimination of the accumulation of a lot of material values, excessive consumption of materials, damage to equipment due to improper operation or an excessively intensive mode of operation.

Practitioner tells

Boris Bobrovnikov, General Director of Krok, Moscow

In our company, top management is represented by specialists who have taken responsibility for developing a new direction, solving a specific business problem, eventually becoming the head of any direction. For 15 years of activity, the staff of our company has increased from 12 employees to 1500.

My first deputy is engaged in attracting new clients from among large corporate structures. These companies, which were attracted by the deputy for our cooperation, remain in the sphere of interests of both my and his attention. Including, VimpelCom, Alfa-Bank, Rosgosstrakh, Sberbank of the Russian Federation. My deputy is in charge of regional policy issues, with interaction with our strategic partners.

My deputy director is responsible for the areas of activity that are of interest to him, in which he can fully realize himself, showing his abilities in the best possible way. I can’t imagine now a situation where one chief deputy is responsible for everything – we have too many directions, they are all different.

What are the rights of the Deputy Director

The rights of the Deputy Director of the company include the following tasks:

  1. Give orders, advise all employees on issues related to their work activities, or random problems.
  2. Take an active and active part in the preparation of various projects, instructions, orders and important instructions. Can participate in the preparation of estimates, analyze the appropriateness of the actions taken, conveying reasoning to the CEO and the entire team. Can take part in the creation of contract concepts, taking into account their relevance, where possible taking the necessary actions for the development of the company.
  3. Personally report to the general director about all the shortcomings in the company that the deputy of the enterprise has identified independently or received from other employees. He should not only be engaged in timely informing about various shortcomings, but also making proposals for improving the work of the company as a whole, with the modernization of specific departments of the company.
  4. Engage in representative activities in the interests of the company. It is possible for the deputy director of the company to interact with government agencies, making decisions within the framework of his own concept, with various institutions and organizations, if the issues under consideration relate to commercial activities companies are either among the urgent ones.
  5. Deal with requests for necessary documents from various structural divisions of the company, if necessary, to be able to carry out the main job duties of any employees or the deputy director of the company himself.

Responsibilities for monitoring the situation in the enterprise

  1. Control and, if necessary, participation in the preparation and execution of the necessary financial documents, various estimates that determine the economic costs for various areas of processing, modernization of production technologies - refers to official duties in the work of the Deputy General Director.
  2. Monitoring the timely comparison, delivery of reporting documentation, the implementation of calculations, their inclusion in the main package of documentation required for employees of the organization is assumed by the official duties of the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.
  3. To constantly supervise the implementation of plans by employees, the appropriateness of standards, the possibility of implementing a more profitable production process, with a moderate improvement in operational measures for certain equipment, belongs to the duties of the Deputy Director for General Affairs.

Sometimes the CEO is absent. As a result, his duties are transferred to the Deputy Director of the company. This employee needs the ability to rationally and successfully negotiate with partners and customers, hold events, organize meetings. These tasks are related to the duties of the Deputy Director for OIA.

Employees of the company are directly subordinated to the Deputy Director of the company. Therefore, it is necessary not only to supervise the work, but also to take appropriate measures to make it easier, more efficient and safer. Engaged in the development, improvement and implementation of the rules and regulations of labor discipline, with the provision of proper support, guarantees for the implementation of the basic requirements for fire safety and labor protection. These tasks relate to the duties of the Deputy Director for Production.

This employee is engaged in conveying to employees the orders and requirements of the general director of the enterprise, with control, and ensuring, if necessary, their implementation. Engaged in regular informing the General Director of the company about any deviations and malfunctions in work, due to which significant material or economic damage is possible, with the implementation, if necessary, of his decrees and instructions to correct and eliminate any inconvenience in the system.

Functional duties of the Deputy for Economic Affairs

Thanks to a high-quality job description, the necessary conditions are created for a detailed and adequate understanding of the functions of the deputy director of the company. It will allow you to choose a really suitable specialist for this position.

The job description of the Deputy Director of the company for economic issues suggests the following content:

  • coordination of the work of departments on the development of strategic plans;
  • planning and control of economic indicators;
  • analysis of the results, conducting activities aimed at improving the financial performance of the company, implementation modern methods work.
  • control of rational use of resources;
  • participation in the development collective agreement, staffing, billing;
  • work on improving the planning of economic performance of departments.
  • work on improving production, anti-crisis management.

Qualification requirements for managers in large companies with a worldwide reputation require knowledge international standards financial reporting, in English, Availability additional education, in particular, an MBA degree, CFA, CPA certificates.

Tasks for specialists in economics and finance in different companies may vary. Various functions of specialists are assumed - from routine management financial tasks before working on issuing securities and attracting investments.

To successfully fulfill official obligations, the Deputy Director for Economics must have leadership and managerial qualities, be a sociable person. He must also be able to convince and influence, establishing successful interaction with partners, leading teamwork and making responsible management decisions. It will help him develop such skills.

Responsibilities of the Deputy Director for Strategic Development

The deputy director of the company for development provides planning in the work of the corporation for the future. Formulates the mission, tasks and goals of the enterprise, determines a successful policy - the prerogative of a strategic manager. Therefore, certain qualification requirements– including managerial experience, higher education.

Knowledge of management theory, economics, marketing, financial, strategic and innovation management is required. The main job functions of a specialist include:

  1. Plan the company's development policy, monitor production processes, analyze performance.
  2. Develop and implement new development projects by preparing related documents.
  3. Appoint responsible for the implementation of development plans, organize and control the joint work of departments on the implementation of established projects.

Development of anti-crisis measures, making changes and adjustments to plans in case of non-standard situations - this is also among the duties of the deputy director of the company for development. The development manager has the right to request and use any information about the activities of the organization from the heads of departments. At the same time, he is engaged in the formulation and preparation of proposals aimed at optimizing work processes, issuing orders for the implementation of the strategic plans of the enterprise.

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Functional duties of the Deputy Director

Experts in personnel matters we are sure that at first the deputy can be instructed to:

  • engage in initial analysis of contracts;
  • check cost estimates of contractors and suppliers;
  • coordinate, on behalf of the director, the parameters of estimates, sections of business plans with the heads of other services and departments;
  • control the execution of individual budget items of the enterprise, identifying the main causes of discrepancies;
  • develop recommendations on certain management decisions for the CEO. In this regard, great importance is given to a "fresh look" on the problem, with the identification of new sides or possible consequences in resolving certain situations.

It is also necessary to warn the newcomer that no one has the right to give instructions and instructions to the Assistant General Director - only his immediate supervisor can do this.

In addition to these duties, the deputy director of the company may be entrusted with the functions of an internal controller or given the right to express the opinion of the company during meetings. These conditions are regulated by the provisions of internal job descriptions.

Also, the deputy director of the company will definitely have to communicate with the heads of departments of the company, contractors of his enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to correctly formulate the topics of negotiations. Although it is forbidden to enter into discussions. Except in situations where it is allowed by the immediate superiors.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Deputy Director for General Affairs belongs to the category
managers, is hired and fired from her by order of _______
(name of the position of the head)
1.2. Deputy Director for General Affairs directly reports
(name of the position of the head)
1.3. For the position of Deputy Director for General Affairs,
is a person who has a higher professional education and work experience
management positions for at least ___ years.
1.4. The Deputy Director for General Affairs must know the resolution
resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents
higher authorities related to administrative and economic services
nia; the structure of the enterprise and the prospects for its development; means of communication, you
numeral and organizational technique; procedure and deadlines for compiling
parity; means of mechanization of manual labor; procedure for purchasing equipment
dovaniya, furniture, inventory, stationery and decoration
payments for services; fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production and
management; labor legislation; rules of the internal labor race
order; labor protection rules and regulations.
1.5. In his work, the Deputy Director for General Affairs
- legislative and regulatory acts regulating the production of
water and economic activity of the enterprise;
- the charter of the enterprise;
- labor regulations;
- orders, instructions and other instructions of the head of the pre-
- this job description.
1.6. During the absence of the Deputy Director for General Affairs
his duties are performed by his deputy appointed in the prescribed manner
tetel, who bears full responsibility for the proper fulfillment of these obligations

2. Functions

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for the following
2.1. Participation in the conclusion of business contracts of the enterprise and
control over their timely and accurate execution.
2.2. Taking measures to expand the economic ties of the enterprise.
2.3. Control over the safety of the property of the enterprise.
2.4. Ensuring healthy and safe conditions labor for subordinates
executors, control over their compliance with the requirements of legislative
and normative legal acts on labor protection.

3. Job responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, the Deputy Director for
general questions must:
3.1. Organize the work and effective interaction of entrusted
to him structural divisions, workshops and production units, directed
lyat their activity on the development and improvement of production, increase
improvement of enterprise performance, quality and competitiveness
manufactured products.
3.2. Organize production and business activities
based on the widespread use of the latest technology and technology, progressive
ny forms of management and organization of labor, rational use
production reserves and economical use of all types of resources.
3.3. Solve issues related to production and economic activities
3.4. Ensure compliance with the law in the implementation of economic
but-economic relations of the enterprise.
3.5. _____________________________________________________________.

The Deputy Director for General Affairs has the right to:
4.1. Represent the interests of the company in relations with others
organizations and public authorities.
4.2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding
lasting his activities.
4.3. Submit proposals for improvement to management
enterprise activities.
4.4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence
tion, issue orders for the enterprise under his signature within
its competence.
4.5. Correspond with organizations on matters within its scope
4.6. Interact with department heads
enterprises, receive information and documents necessary for the implementation
their official duties.
4.7. Control the activities of his subordinate structural sub-
company divisions.
4.8. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the use of
fulfillment of their duties and rights.
4.9. _____________________________________________________________.

5. Responsibility

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for:
5.1 for failure to perform (improper performance) of their official
the duties provided for in this job description, within the
lah determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
5.2 for those committed in the course of carrying out their activities
offenses - within the limits determined by the current administrative,
criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
5.3 for causing material damage - within the limits determined
labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;


Moscow 15.01.2008


15.01.2008 _ № _06__ CEO

(date) (number) (head position)



First Deputy General Director


1.1. The First Deputy General Director (hereinafter referred to as the organization) belongs to the category of managers.

1.2. The First Deputy General Director resolves the issues of operational management of the organization in the direction entrusted to him1 and performs the duties of managing the organization2.

1.3. The decision to appoint the First Deputy General Director and dismiss him from office is taken by the General Director.

1.4. A person who has a higher professional education, a certificate of training or a diploma of retraining in the specialty "management of the organization" or another, corresponding to the direction of work of the unit entrusted to him in the organization, work experience in a managerial position for at least five years is appointed to the position of First Deputy General Director.

1.5. The First Deputy General Director in his activities is guided by:

- civil, administrative, labor legislation, other regulatory legal acts that regulate the activities of the organization;

– Charter of the organization, local regulations, organizational and administrative documentation issued by the General Director;

1.6. The First Deputy General Director must know:

- a system of legal, financial and other methods and levers that ensure production management;

- the procedure for the distribution of labor, financial and other resources, determining the effectiveness of financial investments in new production technologies;

- rules for the use of computers;

1.7. The First Deputy General Director reports directly to the General Director and is accountable to him.

1.8. During the absence of the First Deputy General Director (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a duly appointed person who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.


The First Deputy General Director has the right to:

2.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management related to the performance of their labor (official) duties.

2.2. Request from employees (personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor) information and / or documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

2.3. To involve specialists of structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him.

2.4. Contact your immediate supervisor for assistance in the performance of their job duties.

2.5. Represent the company in dealings with individuals and legal entities, in state bodies and bodies of the judicial system on the basis of a power of attorney issued in the prescribed manner.

2.6. Make proposals to the General Director on the application of disciplinary sanctions to employees who violate labor discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2.7. Take initiative to improve the performance of the company in front of the CEO.


The First Deputy General Director is obliged to:

3.1. To carry out operational management and management of the current activities of the organization in accordance with orders and instructions issued by the General Director or a person authorized by him, instructions of the General Director, within the powers granted by the power of attorney.

3.2. Execute orders and instructions issued by the General Director or a person authorized by him, instructions of the General Director.

3.3. Inform the General Director about the results and prospects of work in the organization as a whole and in particular in its direction, make adjustments taking into account his opinion and the developed strategy for the development of the organization, timely inform about all situations that can disrupt normal activities and entail losses.

3.4. Organize activities for profit.

3.5. Participate in the preparation of plans for the production and sale of products, the definition of a development strategy, the development of standards for ensuring product quality, the organization of storage and transportation of raw materials, and the marketing of finished products.

3.6. Control compliance with the law in activities, ensure financial discipline in the organization, timely fulfillment of obligations arising from the conclusion of civil law contracts, other transactions.

3.7. Provide rational use property, including intellectual property, its safety and protection from illegal actions of legal entities and individuals.

3.8. Participate in negotiations with key customers and draw up contracts for the production and supply of the company's products, monitor their execution.

3.9. Monitor compliance by employees with labor discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

3.10. Organize and control the timely preparation and reliability of financial statements and other documents required for the preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS3.

3.11. Ensure the production, supply (sale) and receipt (purchase) of products in accordance with the specified schedules and volumes.

3.12. Ensure compliance with the production technology, storage and transportation conditions, production energy consumption modes;

3.13. Submit to the General Director or officials authorized by him from the 1st to the 3rd day of each month reports on the state of affairs in the organization, a report on the performance of his labor (official) duties established by this job description.

3.14. Provide, at the request of the General Director or an official authorized by him, reports on the activities of the organization, including the implementation of certain instructions of the General Director.

3.15. Not later than 60 days before the date of the annual general meeting of shareholders, submit to the General Director the annual report, profit and loss account of the organization, distribution of profit and loss of the organization.

3.16. Perform other assignments of the General Director.


The Deputy General Director is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties stipulated by this job description, in accordance with the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation and other acts containing labor law norms.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities in accordance with the current civil, administrative, criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with the order of the General Director dated 01.01.01 No. 06

____Head of Human Resources___ Firsova __

(supervisor structural unit) (signature) (signature transcript)

With this job description

acquainted. One copy received

and undertake to keep in the workplace Lushkin

(signature) (signature transcript)

_________Legal Counsel _______ _Bobov_

(visas officials legal service) (signature) (signature transcript)

Footnote 1

The Deputy General Director may oversee certain areas of the organization's activities, for example, finance, marketing, legal issues, personnel management, production, etc.

Footnote 2

Performs duties on the basis of an order if the General Director is absent or for any reason cannot perform his duties until the election of a new General Director (according to the Regulations on CEO and other local regulations governing this procedure).

Footnote 3

International Financial Reporting Standards.

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