Various radio circuits for radio amateurs. Radio circuits electrical circuit diagrams


Website simple interesting radio circuits, is dedicated to both professionals involved in the design and assembly of complex electronic digital devices, and beginner radio amateurs taking their first steps in electronics, trying to understand the principle of operation of radio components - transistors, microcircuits, pic and avr controllers. The site contains only proven radio circuits for simple LED effects, alarms and power supplies. A large section contains a description of metal detectors of all popular home-made models - Terminator, Tracker PI-2, Chance and of course the famous volksturm, the assembly of which begins the path of many radio amateurs specializing in assembling equipment for treasure hunting. For beginner spies, we have compiled a large collection of proven circuits for bugs and radio microphones - on transistors and specialized microcircuits. All circuits are supplied with printed circuit board drawings and detailed description transmitter settings.

It should be remembered that a powerful FM bug can interfere with broadcast FM radio stations, so try to respect the law. The actual problem today is the question of the choice and operation of chargers. Now almost any electronic portable equipment, including mobile devices, is battery-powered. At the same time, the types, voltage and other parameters of the battery can vary greatly. Therefore, the assembly of a home-made universal charger will be fully justified, especially in the event of a breakdown of a rare regular one that is not found on sale.

In our age of scientific and technological progress, when the development of electronics and radio engineering is increasingly miniaturized, it will be mandatory to master the work with microcontrollers of the popular pic and avr series. On the ATmega MK, you can create small and very functional devices that would have dimensions 10 times larger if they were made on transistors and conventional digital microcircuits. Simple programmers, the basics of microcontroller firmware and interesting circuits on pic16f84 - all this is on the radio circuit website. Despite the large number of other radio engineering resources for beginners - a radio cat, a soldering iron, a radio pilot, we try to acquaint you with useful circuits and novelties of radio engineering with the highest quality and speed. Progress does not stand still, and now such a traditional area as lighting has begun to change and improve every year. For some incomplete 10 years, the incandescent lamp has undergone evolution, first into fluorescent, and then LED. How to choose or make your own LED light bulb, lamp or flashlight - see the LEDs section. And if you have a question about finding the right circuit diagram or setting up the operation of a device assembled by oneself - contact the forum, where our moderators will quickly and professionally advise you on any amateur radio issues.

Wiring diagrams for beginners, for amateurs and professionals

Welcome to the Radio Circuits section! This is a separate section of the Radio Amateurs Site, which was created specifically for those who are friends with a soldering iron, used to doing everything themselves with their own hands, and it is dedicated exclusively to electrical circuits.

Here you will find schematic diagrams of various topics such as la self assembly novice radio amateurs, and for more experienced radio amateurs, for those to whom the word RADIO has long been not just a hobby but a profession.

In addition to circuits for self-assembly, we also have a fairly large (and constantly updated!) Base of electrical circuits for various industrial electronics and household appliances - circuits for TVs, monitors, radio tape recorders, amplifiers, measuring instruments, washing machines, microwaves and so on.

Especially for workers in the field of repair, we have a section on the site "Datasheets", where you can find reference information on various radio elements.

And if you need any scheme and have a desire for it download, then we're all here free, no registration, no SMS, no file hosting and other surprises

If you have questions or did not find what you were looking for, come to our FORUM, we will think together!

To make searching easier necessary information the section is categorized

Schemes for beginners

This section contains simple circuits for beginner radio amateurs.
All schemes are extremely simple, have a description and are intended for self-assembly.
materials in the category

Light and music

lighting devices x effects: flashing lights, color music, strobe lights, garland switching machines and so on. Of course, all the schemes can be assembled independently

materials in the category

Power Supply Diagrams

Any electronic equipment needs food. This category is dedicated to power sources.

materials in the category

Electronics in everyday life

This category contains diagrams of devices for domestic use: rodent repellers, various alarms, ionizers, and so on...
In general, everything that can be useful for the home

Antennas and Radios

Antennas (including home-made ones), antenna components, as well as radio receiver circuits for self-assembly

Spy things

This section contains diagrams of various "spy" devices - radio bugs, silencers and telephone taps, radio bug detectors

Auto-Moto-Velo electronics

Schematic diagrams of various auxiliary devices to cars: chargers, direction indicators, headlight control and so on

Measuring instruments

Electrical circuit diagrams of measuring instruments: both homemade and industrial production

materials in the category

Domestic technology of the 20th century

A selection of electrical circuit diagrams for household radio equipment produced in the USSR

materials in the category

Schemes of LCD TVs (LCD)

Electrical schematic diagrams of LCD TVs (LCD)

materials in the category

Schemes of programmers

Schemes of various programmers

materials in the category


Schemes of devices related to sound: transistor and microcircuit amplifiers, preliminary and tube amplifiers, sound conversion devices

materials in the category

Monitor schemes

Schematic diagrams of various monitors: both old kinescope and modern LCD

materials in the category

Schemes of car radios and other auto-audio equipment

A selection of car audio circuits: car radios, amplifying devices and car TVs

Parametric voltage regulators are still used to power low-power electronic devices, so you need to be able to calculate them.

Often, when repeating ready-made structures, the operating conditions of which differ from those recommended by the developer, it is required to analyze the operation of a parametric voltage stabilizer to clarify the resistance value of the ballast resistor.

These tasks are solved using the file developed by the author in Microsoft Excel. Two options for calculating a parametric voltage stabilizer and a calculation for analyzing the operating conditions of a zener diode in a finished circuit are given.

The objects of calculation and analysis in the examples are parametric stabilizers of two well-known designs of audio frequency power amplifiers. This is from Interlavka and from Andrey Zelenin but.

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the invention of radio by the Russian scientist A. S. Popov, performed on May 7, 1945, SNK USSR decided: taking into account the crucial role of radio in the cultural and political life of the population and for the defense of the country, in order to popularize the achievements of domestic science and technology in the field of radio and encourage amateur radio among the general population, establish May 7 as an annual "Radio Day".
From the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR
dated May 4, 1945.

On May 7 (April 25, old style), 1895, Russian engineer Alexander Stepanovich Popov, at a meeting of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society, demonstrated a spark wireless transceiver radio system that made it possible to exchange information signals.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday affairs, we somehow forget about significant dates. And this date should be remembered and proud of. This is our life, our bread, our hobby.
Once again, everyone, one way or another connected with electronics, Happy Holidays!

Hello friends! Probably everyone at least once spent the night with a soldering iron in the hands of clouds of rosin smoke, driven only by the idea of ​​​​creating something special, new, sounding or working like others. How many microcircuit pins have been broken after repeated soldering, how many chips have been killed by static electricity after scratching their heads!

I’m sitting one evening, looking at the microcircuits sent for me in the online store, which at best will arrive in a week or two, and suddenly the question arises in my head: “Is it possible to somehow speed up the development process of the device, yes, so that you can immediately show it to the customer? At that time, I was just ordered a few lotions for the electric guitar. And I, having enough experience in handling the Proteus circuit creation and simulation system, was going to resolve this issue with the help of this program.

Progress, as you know, does not stand still. Especially in electronics.
In our time, when half a computer can be easily placed on a square centimeter of the board, and special programs allow you to virtually “run in” the developed device without ever picking up a soldering iron and tester, this article may seem hopelessly outdated.
But who knows - maybe it will come in handy for some beginners.

Well, let the experienced ones perceive this text as another tale about how the surviving radio destroyers live in the wilderness (the Far East, very distant), where civilization, I think, will reach oh, how not soon.

There are sites on the web called photobanks. There are quite a few of them. But one makes a mesmerizing impression on me. The life of the first half of the past and some moments of the century before last froze. And the photo quality is great!
I won’t breed antimonies for a long time, I’ll just share a couple of photos that I liked. Moreover, they are directly related to our topic.

The caption under the photo in the photobank reads:
June 1924 Carl W. Mitman, Technical Curator of the National Museum of the United States (Smithsonian Institution) holds what was probably the first radio tube, made in 1898 D. MacFarlane Moore* from New York. The radio waves emitted by this lamp launched a bomb that destroyed an entire block and demolished a small copy of the battleship Maine.

Once again looking at homemade "noodles" from a computer, amplifier, speakers and other things, a completely spontaneous thought was born - "why can't wires be something that does not spoil the interior"?

The idea was born pretty quickly. But I had to work hard on the virtual incarnation: about 5 hours of modeling and rendering.

But it's not about 3D modeling.
Dear datagorites, in your opinion, is the idea worth implementing?
What are its pros and cons?

This is a translation from Ukrainian article with which I decided to acquaint the Datagorites when I read

Photo by Alejandro González Novoa

Article author V.L. Karlash explains in an easy to understand way the advantages of different speaker drivers based on their specifications. However, the article is purely technical (the author is Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences) and, in general, does not take into account the acoustic design of the loudspeaker, as well as such important concepts in modern amateur radio practice, such as, for example, “I like the sound - I don’t like it”, “expensive - expedient."

It is also worth considering that she in 1983 when some models of our speakers did not yet exist, and Soviet radio amateurs did not even know about many good foreign speakers (unfortunately).

I know from my own experience that if any design fails, or there is no malfunction in the TV, amplifier, and ... well, the mood is not right - you need to “switch” to something else, get distracted. Then, with new forces, everything will go like clockwork.
I suggest that you all take a little break from amateur radio affairs, please yourself and your relatives, or make a gift to your friends.

Hello friends!
Do you like role-playing toys? RPG? No, I'm not asking - you sit in them for days, abandoning your business and scoring your duties. Business time, fun hour. I ask - do you know what it is eaten with. After all, if not, then you will not be able to fully experience all the laughs described below.
famous studio Bethesda just released the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which swept the world with foam and pathos, receiving maximum ratings and ratings from critics and players.

It's no secret that toy developers go out of their way to bring their games closer to reality.
And not just in terms of graphics. Graphics are just a matter of technology: home PCs are getting more powerful, graphics are getting more beautiful, and now a transparent tear is running down a pink cheek covered with pores and fluffy hair and the bottomless sky is reflected in it, the sun and who knows what they painted there ...

What's this?

This is a youth, student open-air festival, which has been held annually in the Altai mountains for 15 years now. It is unique in its own way, since the format of the festival combines many directions. For two and a half days from the main stage (and there is also a smaller, alternative one), a reckless mixture of performances is thrown non-stop: KVN players, rappers, DJs, dance groups, rockers (from rock and roll to alternative), and something else fun.

In the clearing during daylight hours you can meet painted people (body painting), buy paraphernalia and something from the exclusive (handmade fair), participate in seminars, watch a costume contest, and graffiti artists paint everything that can be puffed on from a spray can. And with the onset of darkness, the firemen arrange a truly bewitching fire show. And, of course, fresh air, the nature of Altai...

Website simple interesting radio circuits, is dedicated to both professionals involved in the design and assembly of complex electronic digital devices, and beginner radio amateurs taking their first steps in electronics, trying to understand the principle of operation of radio components - transistors, microcircuits, pic and avr controllers. The site contains only proven radio circuits for simple LED effects, alarms and power supplies. A large section contains a description of metal detectors of all popular home-made models - Terminator, Tracker PI-2, Chance and of course the famous volksturm, the assembly of which begins the path of many radio amateurs specializing in assembling equipment for treasure hunting. For beginner spies, we have compiled a large collection of proven circuits for bugs and radio microphones - on transistors and specialized microcircuits. All diagrams are supplied with printed circuit board drawings and a detailed description of the transmitter settings.

It should be remembered that a powerful FM bug can interfere with broadcast FM radio stations, so try to respect the law. The actual problem today is the question of the choice and operation of chargers. Now almost any electronic portable equipment, including mobile devices, is battery-powered. At the same time, the types, voltage and other parameters of the battery can vary greatly. Therefore, the assembly of a home-made universal charger will be fully justified, especially in the event of a breakdown of a rare regular one that is not found on sale.

In our age of scientific and technological progress, when the development of electronics and radio engineering is increasingly miniaturized, it will be mandatory to master the work with microcontrollers of the popular pic and avr series. On the ATmega MK, you can create small and very functional devices that would have dimensions 10 times larger if they were made on transistors and conventional digital microcircuits. Simple programmers, the basics of microcontroller firmware and interesting circuits on pic16f84 - all this is on the radio circuit website. Despite the large number of other radio engineering resources for beginners - a radio cat, a soldering iron, a radio pilot, we try to acquaint you with useful circuits and novelties of radio engineering with the highest quality and speed. Progress does not stand still, and now such a traditional area as lighting has begun to change and improve every year. For some incomplete 10 years, the incandescent lamp has undergone evolution, first into fluorescent, and then LED. How to choose or make your own LED light bulb, lamp or flashlight - see the LEDs section. And if you have a question about finding the right circuit diagram or setting up the operation of a device assembled by oneself - contact the forum, where our moderators will quickly and professionally advise you on any amateur radio issues.

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