Line heater pp 1.6 as. Device, principle of operation, calculation of line heaters shipped to Tatneft. Main technical data


The company "Neftegaz - Razvitie" manufactures, supplies and commissions oil heaters PP-0.63 according toTU 28.29.60 -004-24407019-2017.Products are manufactured according to any requirements and production needs of the customer, meeting the established norms and rules of operation. Oil heaters PP-0.63 operate in various climatic conditions.Production options are possible both in a block version and in an open version, on a frame, on a sledge

Linear oil heaters PP with an intermediate heat carrier are designed for heating crude oil, oil emulsion, natural and associated petroleum gas at oil production and processing enterprises.

Diesel fuel, oil, natural or associated petroleum gas can be used to heat the intermediate heat carrier. Depending on the type of fuel, the PP heater is equipped with a gas or liquid burner. Or a combination is used.

The Neftegaz-Razvitie company manufactures the following modifications of PP-1.6 type heaters:

  • Line heaters PP-1.6G on gas fuel
  • Oil line heaters PP-1.6Zh on liquid fuel
  • Line heaters PP-1.6GZh for two types of fuel
  • Mobile oil track heaters PP-1.6 on chassis

Technical characteristics of line oil heater PP-1.6



PP-1.6G (Zh, GZh)

Rated thermal power, MW (Gcal/h)

Heating product capacity, t/day:

Oil emulsion, water cut 30% wt, at t =25°С

Product temperature, °С:

At the entrance to the heater, not less than

Product heating at the outlet

Heating of the intermediate heat carrier, no more

Efficiency, %, no more

Type of intermediate heat carrier

Fresh water, ethylene glycol solution, other non-flammable heat transfer fluids

Pressure in the product coil, MPa (kgf/cm2):

Working, no more


Trial hydraulic

Parameters of the heated medium:


Density at 20°С, kg/m3, max

Viscosity at 20°C, cSt

oil, oil emulsion

Fuel parameters (natural or associated petroleum gas):

Heat of combustion, MJ/m3, within

Pressure at the inlet to the fuel preparation unit, MPa (kgf/cm2) within

Nominal pressure in front of the burner, MPa (kgf/cm2)

Fuel gas consumption, m3 / h, not more than:

b) one burner

Fuel parameters (Diesel fuel, oil):

Lowest calorific value, kcal/kg

Pressure in front of the nozzle, MPa (kgf/cm2), no more

Fuel oil consumption, kg/h, within

Weight, kg, not more than:

Without intermediate heat carrier

Service life, years, not less

Average service life before overhaul before overhaul, years

The composition of the track heater

  • A cylindrical container that is filled with a coolant (water, antifreeze, etc.)
  • In the upper part of the tank: multi-row coil for fuel heating
  • At the bottom of the tank: a combustion device with a burner
  • Gas point for supplying gas to the burner
  • Chimney
  • Block for the preparation of liquid fuel BPZhT (with appropriate configuration)
  • Control cabinet for automatic heater operation
  • I&C system
  • Thermal insulation (if necessary)

The operation of PPT oil heaters is fully automated: the burner is automatically ignited and the process of heating the oil product is regulated. For safe operation, the PPT heater is equipped with instrumentation, safety and shut-off valves, as well as an alarm and fire alarm system.




Office for the preparation and delivery of oil and gas


on labor protection and industrial safety during the operation of track heaters PP-1.6; 0.8; 0.63

1. General requirements for labor protection and industrial safety.

1.1. Automated block furnaces PP-1.6, 0.8; 0.63 are designed for heating crude oil.

PP -0.63 - line heater with a heat output of 0.63 Gcal/h

PP - 0.8 - line heater with a heat output of 0.8 Gcal / h

PP -1.6 - line heater with a heat output of 1.6 Gcal/hour

1.2. Operation of PP-1.6, 0.8; 0.63 must be produced by qualified personnel with certain experience and knowledge of the design of furnaces.

1.3. For independent work on the operation of PP-0.63; 0.8; 1.6 Persons not younger than 18 years of age are allowed who have undergone primary instructing at the workplace in their main profession, fire safety and electrical safety, an internship, an initial test of knowledge in their main profession, fire safety and electrical safety with a mark in the certificate.

1.4. The next test of knowledge is carried out annually, according to the approved schedule.

1.5. Maintenance personnel must have 1 electrical safety qualification group for non-electrical personnel.

1.6. When introducing new types of equipment and mechanisms, new technological processes, as well as when new rules and instructions for labor protection are put into effect, the service personnel must pass extra education and instruction.

1.7. An extraordinary test of knowledge of safety regulations for maintenance personnel must pass:

After training, the introduction of new types and equipment and mechanisms, changing technological process, the introduction of new rules and instructions on labor protection,

In case of violations of the rules and instructions on labor protection, at the request or order of the heads of the enterprise or state supervision bodies.

1.8. Oil heater PP-1.6; 0.63; 0.8 is a cylindrical horizontal vessel with flat bottoms, in the inner cavity of which two fireboxes and two coils are installed. Furnaces are equipped with gas burners with igniters, chimneys, Argus-3 automation system. Outside the vessel, automation control devices, a gas manifold, pipelines for supplying and discharging oil, sediment drainage, a water level indicator, a service platform, and an expansion barrel for inspecting and filling the vessel with water are mounted.

1.9. When fuel gas is burned in the furnace, the coolant (water) is heated to a temperature of 90°C-95°C. The heat transfer medium transfers the heat of the crude oil passing through the coil. Oil is heated from 25°C to 70°C.

1.10. Line oil heater PP-1.6; 0.63; 0.8 is equipped with a monitoring, control and automatic regulation device providing:

Technological control of pressure, temperature, coolant level inside the vessel;

The pressure of the fuel gas in front of the burner and the igniter is regulated by the RDUK installed on the fuel gas line.

1.11.Argus-3 automation system provides:

1.11.1.automatic shutdown of the fuel supply to the burners with interpretation and memorization of the root cause in case of:

Increasing the pressure of the fuel gas in front of the burners;

Extinction of torches of burners;

Increasing the temperature of the coolant;

Increasing pressure in the coil;

Lowering of the water level.

The specified parameters are controlled:

Manometers showing, signaling;

Converters of ultraviolet radiation - PUI.

1.11.2. Automatic transition from the ignition mode to the mode of automatic control of technological parameters.

1.12. Maintenance personnel must strictly comply with the requirements of the instructions for the mode of operation, safe maintenance, timely check the serviceability of fittings, instrumentation, and equipment.

1.13. Gas pulsation and condensate injection into the gas supply pipeline to the burner is not allowed.

1.14. When the line heater is stopped for more than 12 hours at negative ambient temperatures, in order to avoid freezing, it is necessary to drain the water.

In the absence of traction in the furnace;

Without purging the gas manifold;

Without furnace ventilation;

In the absence of liquid in the vessel;

Valve leaks on the gas manifold.

2 .Requirements for labor protection and industrial safety

before starting work.

2.1. Before the launch of the furnace PP-1.6; 0.63; 0.8 in operation, the furnace coil and gas manifold should be tested for density and strength.

2.2. Adjust the pressure regulator (RDUK) on the gas supply line to the burners to a pressure equal to 0.7 kg / cm 2.

2.3. Make settings:

Indicating, signaling manometer;

The indicating, signaling thermometer on the top limits of operation on temperature and pressure.

Certificate of Conformity No. ROSS RU. AB28. H05762. Rostekhnadzor permission РRS 414-0196

Line heater PP-1,6(AM) (automated block gas furnace with water heat carrier) is designed for heating dehydrated oil emulsions, viscous oils during transportation through pipelines, as well as water for various technological purposes.

Main technical data

Useful fuel capacity, MW (Gcal/h), no more

Productivity for the heated product, kg/s (t/day):

Product coil pressure, MPa (kg/cm2):

Working, no more


Trial hydraulic

6,3 (63) 6,3(63) 8,2 (82)

Pressure drop in the coil, MPa (kgf/smg), no more

Temperature, K (°С):

At the product inlet to the heater, within. Product heating, no pain. Intermediate heat carrier heating, no more. Average of the coldest five-day period, no less. Absolute minimum ambient air, no less

278…232 (5…50) 343 (70)

Intermediate coolant

Fresh water

Heated medium - oil, oil emulsion, reservoir water, content, % mol, not more than: .Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Fuel - natural, associated petroleum gas, with parameters:

Heat of combustion, MJ/nm, within

Pressure at the inlet to the fuel preparation unit, MPa (kgf/cm2). within

Pressure in front of the burner, MPa (kgf/cm*), within

Fuel gas consumption, m3/h, no more

35…60 0,002 0,3…1,2 (3,0…12,0) 0,07…0,15 (0,7…1,5) 180

Efficiency, %, not less than

Overall dimensions (length, width, height), no more

Heater weight without intermediate coolant, kg, max

Reliability indicators: .Average service life, lay down


* Assuming the calorific value of the fuel gas is 40.3 MJ/m (9625 kcal/m).

* * At low ambient temperatures, it is possible to heat the combustion air with electric heaters with a power of 10 kW. The heater consists of the following main parts: heating unit, fuel preparation unit, ventilation unit unit, automation system.

*** Upon request, a heater for operation on fuel gas with HjS content up to 5% can be manufactured.

The heater consists of the following main parts: a vessel, two coils, a sleigh, two furnaces, two burners, a platform and a ladder, two brownie chimneys.

It is standardly equipped with the BChK-4X automation system (with on-off control), which is designed for remote control ignition, automatic protection with fuel cut-off, issuing an audible signal, deciphering and storing the root cause in case of unacceptable deviations of technological parameters from the specified norms, power failure and interruption of communication lines with sensors that control limit parameters, issuing a warning signal about the stop or operation of the furnace to the control room ( on the highest level), as well as communication with the upper level machine via the RS-232/485 interface, using standard industrial protocols.

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