Federal Security Service for the Altai Territory. News pu fsb russia. Fight against corruption and economic crimes


06/09/2016 at 13:13, views: 3639

According to the established stereotype, any special forces officer of the FSB of Russia is certainly an employee of Alpha, the legendary anti-terror unit. There is truth in this, since the regional special forces of the FSB are tailored according to the "alpha" pattern. On June 5, the special forces of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Altai Territory turned 20 years old. Our interlocutors are his employees Konstantin and Denis. These are experienced fighters who have been working in the unit since its inception. Both have extensive experience: they have repeatedly traveled on business trips to North Caucasus. What is the difference between the special forces of the FSB and the special forces of other departments, in what operations did the guys from our region participate, and how is the selection process for their system? The answers to these questions are in today's material "MK".

Photo: press service of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory

Thinking is more important than fists

- How did the FSB special forces appear in the Altai Territory? What is the difference between your unit and the famous Alpha?

Konstantin: “In the mid-1990s, after the tragic events in the North Caucasus, when militants raided the south of Russia almost without hindrance, and interethnic and interethnic conflicts broke out across the country, it was decided: to combat the growing strength and scale of terrorism, create in large regions Russia's own special forces units. The scale of the country simply physically did not allow Alfa and Vympel to quickly find themselves at the site of another emergency.

Denis: “New regional departments of special operations have been added to the three “historical” groups in Khabarovsk, Yekaterinburg and Krasnodar. They received their "registration" in St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Voronezh, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk ... There were 12 in total. Their main tasks were the fight against terrorism, the release of hostages and the power supply of counterintelligence operations of the territorial departments of the FSB Russia. That is the classic "alpha" theme. The further formation of this grandiose structure led to the fact that in each subject of the Russian Federation departments, departments or special-purpose groups appeared, a kind of “mini-Alpha”. The complication of the operational situation in the country required such a drastic measure from the Altai Territorial Security Authority.”

Konstantin: “The date of the formation of a mobile and combat-ready special forces in our region was June 5, 1996. At that time, the Directorate had a freelance group for the neutralization of terrorists - group "A", formed on the basis of the order of the head of the KGB Directorate of the USSR for the Altai Territory. The group was intended to suppress terrorist and extremist actions on the territory of the Altai Territory, related to the capture of hostages, objects of state and political administration, transport and communications, as well as to neutralize armed terrorists and members of criminal gangs. It was this freelance group that was singled out as an independent anti-terrorist special unit. We currently have 11 people.

- What tasks do the employees of the special forces have to perform?

Denis: “From the beginning of the activities of the special forces and to this day, employees are almost annually sent to business trips to participate in operations in the North Caucasus. Carrying out force operations related to the capture or detention of persons who are in the development of operational units, the creation safe conditions for the work of operatives and investigators, localization of threats arising against employees of the FSB Directorate - without false modesty I can say that we carry out all this at a high professional level. Experience has shown that just such a detachment can withstand extremists who act harshly, suddenly and aggressively.

Konstantin: “High professionalism, the ability to work both on operational and strategic tasks, the availability of specialists capable of solving any combat mission. Our strength is versatility and the ability to achieve our goals in any conditions.”

- Is your fighter more of a soldier, clearly following orders, or a thinking operative?

Konstantin: “More like the second. The stake is not only on courage and endurance, but also on operational intelligence and ingenuity, high overall development. Strength of mind, ability to endure, steadfastness are important. But you also need to think. Some say that the special forces only know how to break bricks on the head. In fact, this is not so, the efficiency of thinking is more important than the speed of the fists, especially in conditions of psychological pressure.

Coolness and ingenuity

What skills and abilities should an FSB special forces officer have to perform a successful combat mission? How is the recruitment process going?

Denis: « High level physical training and intelligence, ability to work in a team, dedication, readiness to successfully overcome difficulties in the performance of a task, a propensity for learning and possession of survival skills, possession of operational and combat tactical skills.

Konstantin: “We try to take young guys, because if you invite an employee of another department to translate, it will be difficult to retrain him for our tasks. Everywhere different approach. It is very difficult to pass the selection, the majority are eliminated on psychological tests, even masters of sports. Out of a hundred people, no more than five will pass the preliminary “sieve”. You definitely need military service, excellent health, shooting and hand-to-hand combat skills, and much more. Physical fitness is tested according to certain criteria: strength, agility, endurance, speed. Now a fairer point system has returned. If, for example, you don’t have time to run somewhere, then you can compensate for the shortfall with excellent strength indicators. After all, there are no people who are the best in everything. After a set of exercises, the applicant will have a five-minute full-contact sparring with one of our employees. And it's not just a beating. In Chechnya, we often worked with colleagues from other departments - good guys, but some of them really have a broken head. We talked with the commander, and he, they say, why should they think? I set a task - they fulfill it, I will think for them myself. We have slightly different criteria in sparring. How the applicant defends himself, how he conducts attacks. After all, one candidate will limply give up or will stand to endure in a deaf defense, while the other will fight back, go on the attack. It means that he is not afraid, he has willpower and character.

- Can you remember the recent major operations?

Konstantin: “Recently, citizens of one of the Central Asian republics, who were part of an international organized crime group engaged in the sale of drugs, were detained. Both were caught red-handed while trying to sell five kilos of heroin in a duffel bag. They planned to exchange the drug for two expensive cars worth 10 million rubles. Drugs were imported into the region for further sale in our country. The arrest took place at night on the highway. Despite the fact that the opponents prepared, put up surveillance, they managed to be detained.

Denis: “I remember the case of the detention of one athlete, we called him “Rambo” among ourselves. He is a master of sports in wrestling, created a church on a mixture of nationalism and religion. He shot videos, involved young people in his structure, taught them martial arts, shooting and preached the doctrine. Went to get him. He hid in a house in the village. We go there - no one is there. But, according to our information, he is definitely in this house. We started to check the basement, we go down - it's dark there. After shining a lantern, they found that in the middle of the room there was a heap of earth, covered with boards that slightly rise and fall. This is our object buried in the ground and breathing there. Apparently, he has not yet mastered the technique of holding his breath. (Laughs). And then the boards began to stir, he slowly gets up, clods of earth fall from him. Of course, we were ready, we keep it at gunpoint. We had information that he was armed and well versed in the technique of throwing knives. But self-control did not let us down, they took him without a single shot.

- Did it happen that the attackers fired back at you, put up resistance?

Konstantin: “They shot back only on business trips in the North Caucasus. Basically, everyone understands that they have no chance, and give up. Here sometimes they tried to fight. We detained one bull at the station, and the effect of surprise worked. I hit him unexpectedly with my elbow, he fell, and they already tied him up. He then shouted: "Take off the handcuffs, let's go out alone with you."

And there was an interesting detention, also at the station. A healthy man again. We disperse around the city, and they give me information: he is a few meters away, sitting in a taxi in the passenger seat. I thought, if I start to pull him out of the car now, there will be a mess, and people around. This is where we need not fists, but ingenuity. I open the door, fall into the back seat and point two fingers at his back: “Hands up, otherwise I’ll shoot you right here.” He got scared, put his hands on the dashboard, and then the handcuffs clicked.

- Summing up the results of 20 years of work of the unit, what foundations can be identified?

Konstantin: “The period of formation of the special forces confirmed its viability. Despite the difficulties that fell on our way, a lot of painstaking work has been done. The successes in operational activities are significant, and this is only the beginning. Because each of us is given to work without a trace. Several generations of the unit’s staff are well-trained fighters with endurance and a strong inner core, professionals in their field, for whom work is life, one swift, dangerous, but at the same time, a wonderful moment, and the team is a family based on a sense of duty and partnerships."

REFERENCE "MK". From 1996 to the present, the special unit of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Altai Territory has carried out 12 special operations, 582 operational and combat activities, and detained 570 persons suspected of involvement in various crimes. 92 kg of explosives, several dozens of weapons, almost 9,800 different ammunition, more than 500 kg of narcotic substances were seized during the implementation of measures with the participation of the special forces. Among the awards that the employees of the unit were awarded for courage and bravery shown in the performance of special tasks: the Order of Courage, medals "For Merit to the Fatherland", "For Courage", Suvorov, Zhukov, medal of the Federal Security Service of Russia "For Participation in the Counter-Terrorist Operation".

On the eve of professional holiday- Day of an employee of the security agencies of the Russian Federation - in the Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Altai Territory summed up the results of operational activities in the outgoing year.

The Federal Security Service, based on impressive historical experience, is today engaged in counterintelligence and intelligence activities, repelling terrorist manifestations, and eradicating economic crimes. Stands guard over the constitutional integrity of the country, cybersecurity and the State Border.

Counterintelligence activities

The Altai Territory does not cease to be among the regions in which special services and organizations of foreign countries show special interest.

As a result of a special operation carried out by the Department of Special Operations, a resident of the region was sentenced to 9 years in prison with serving a sentence in a strict regime colony, who on his own initiative passed secret information entrusted to the US CIA.

In 2018, through interstate relations (partner channels), the activities of two career employees of the PRC military intelligence, who were trying to gain access to Russian closed developments in the field of creating means of delivering weapons of mass destruction, were suppressed.

This year, employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory, by announcing an official warning about the inadmissibility of actions that contribute to the commission of a crime - “Espionage”, stopped the activities of a citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany, who collected information about employees of the federal security service in the interests of one of the special services of the Central Asian countries. region.

By expulsion from the Russian Federation, closing entry into our country, announcing an official warning about the inadmissibility of actions that contribute to the commission of a crime - “Espionage”, the activities of four agents of the special services of the countries of Asia and Transcaucasia were stopped.

Channels of illegal migration are under constant control.

This year, as a result of interaction with the Border Directorate, the police and the National Guard, more than 1,100 places of compact residence and work of foreign citizens and citizens of the Russian Federation who come from countries near and far abroad have been checked.

As a result, more than 730 foreigners were brought to criminal and administrative liability for attempts at illegal legalization in the Altai Territory, a number of whom were expelled from Russia with a ban on entry. 74 foreigners were detained, who had been on the interstate and federal wanted list for a long time for committing crimes of varying severity.
Together with the Border Department, an attempt to illegally cross the State Border of the Russian Federation by citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan as part of a group of persons by prior agreement was suppressed.
During the investigation of the criminal case of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory, it was established that the defendants, on the basis of court decisions, were prohibited from entering Russian Federation for violations of immigration laws. By a court decision, violators were sentenced, depending on the role of each, from 7 months to 2 years and 4 months in prison with a serving of penal colony general and strict regimes, followed by a ban on entry into Russia.

The Regional Directorate of the FSB identified and suppressed a number of channels of illegal migration:
– bringing to criminal liability localized the activities of a criminal group consisting of citizens of the Russian Federation, which was engaged in the illegal legalization of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation by affixing fake stamps to national passports on issuing registration for temporary residence, a residence permit, drawing up fictitious employment contracts.
– members of an interregional criminal group consisting of citizens of the Russian Federation did not escape criminal liability for the illegal legalization of Azerbaijani citizens by affixing false date-stamps on crossing the state border, fictitious registration at the place of residence and issuing migration cards;
- the results of the operational-search activities served as the basis for bringing to criminal responsibility a citizen of the PRC, who legalized compatriots in the Russian Federation by producing forged documents by him, which are the basis for issuing a temporary residence permit. 35 Chinese citizens had their residence permits revoked, foreigners were forced to leave our country.

Fight against terrorism and extremism

As a result of a complex of operational-search measures, a cell of the international religious extremist organization Tablighi Jamaat was liquidated. One of the ideologues, a citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan, involved in involvement and recruitment into the activities of a banned association, was sentenced to 1 year in prison to be served in a penal colony.

In 2018, a citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan, a member of the international terrorist organization Muslim Brotherhood, who was on the interstate wanted list, was detained and handed over to foreign partners.
An attempt to organize a cell of supporters of the neo-pagan extremist organization "Old Russian Church of Orthodox Old Believers" Ynglingi ", whose activities are banned on the territory of the Russian Federation, has been suppressed.

This year, the Directorate, in cooperation with the police and the National Guard, worked out 29 reports of a terrorist threat, which turned out to be deliberately false. The initiators have been arrested. Criminal cases have been initiated.

Fight against corruption and economic crimes

Colonel Vadim Nadvotsky, head of the Department of Economic Security and Combating Corruption of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Altai Territory, ended with a high-profile detention. A high-ranking colonel, through a former police accomplice, received a bribe of 5 million rubles to stop inspections of an enterprise owned by a businessman in the region. The former police officer and his accomplice were placed in custody, the investigation continues.

The activities of an organized group, which included the head of the department of economic security and anti-corruption of the Biyskoye Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Valery Pudovkin, were suppressed. Members of the criminal group carried out illegal banking activities through controlled fictitious organizations by attracting clients' funds to their settlement accounts. As a result of criminal activity, more than 66 million rubles were attracted.

Police Major Vladimir Sagaydak, former head of the economic security and anti-corruption department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Novoaltaysk, received 7 years in prison with a sentence in a strict regime correctional colony for taking a large bribe. A former high-ranking policeman extorted half a million rubles from a local businessman for the collapse of a criminal case.

Opened by employees of the Department illegal activity Head of the Police Department for the Industrial District Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Barnaul by Igor Varnavskikh, connected with the violation of secrecy telephone conversations in the interests of third parties for a monetary reward. A high-ranking police officer has been taken into custody.

Alexey Beloborodov, the former manager of the affairs of the Governor and the Government of the Altai Territory, was detained by operational officers of the regional FSB Department on suspicion of taking a large bribe by an official, as well as exceeding official powers.

In the production of the investigative body of the UK are several criminal cases at once:
- on the fact that Alexey Beloborodov received a bribe in the form of services for the construction of real estate objects in the amount of 3 million rubles. The bribe was intended for an official for signing acts and certificates on the cost of work performed by the Company under government contracts in the amount of more than 94 million rubles;
- on the fact of illegal spending of budget funds in the amount of more than 18 million rubles for the purchase of foreign-made cars, bypassing competitive procedures.
The investigation is ongoing.

An end has been put in a number of high-profile cases regarding former leaders"Rosselkhozbank" Evgeny Rogovsky, Konstantin Gladyshev, "Emerald Country" Olga Antipina, and former employees agricultural associations Kolesnikov and Pavlovskaya, who created an illegal procedure for the unhindered provision of credit funds to controlled enterprises.

As a result of the implementation of the criminal scheme, 227 loan agreements were concluded with 56 controlled enterprises. total amount Money, issued by Rosselkhozbank, exceeded 19 billion rubles, thereby causing damage to the Bank with state participation in the amount of at least 1.9 billion rubles.
From 3 to 8.5 years in colonies of general and strict regimes and large fines - this is the verdict of the Altai Regional Court.

As a result of a complex of operational-search measures carried out by the FSB of Russia in the Altai Territory and the FSB of Russia in the Central Military District, an illegal scheme for the implementation of state contracts for servicing objects of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, organized by high-ranking military personnel, was documented.

The investigation established that the signed fictitious documents led to the fact that the state, represented by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, suffered material damage in the amount of more than 74 million rubles.

By a court decision, the participants in the criminal scheme were sentenced, depending on the role of each, from 2 to 10 years in prison with serving in a penal colony of general and strict regimes, with the recovery of damage caused to the state.

Representatives of the senior level of the Rotor instrument-making plant, focused on the defense industry, were detained.

The deputy general director and the head of the supply department received millions of bribes for concluding contracts for the supply of products with the “necessary” organizations as part of the execution of the state defense order. As a result of illegal activities, the deputy CEO plant received about 10 million rubles in bribes and commercial bribery, which ranged from 20 thousand to 3 million rubles.

The case with the indictment approved by the prosecutor was sent to the court for consideration on the merits.

Officers of the Office detained Alexander Zhdanov, Acting Head of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Altai Territory, red-handed for taking a bribe on an especially large scale for a total amount of more than 1 million rubles. Acting as Alexander Zhdanov, he received money and other property from the head of an organization providing services to citizens in the field of migration, for actions and inaction in favor of this company.
Based on the materials of the regional FSB, Dmitry Muzalevsky, director of the Altai Territory Branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Passport and Visa Service” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, was sentenced for embezzlement of funds from the institution in the amount of more than 1 million 700 thousand rubles. The court sentenced him to 3 years of suspended liberty, with the recovery of the damage caused to the state.

The fact of receiving a bribe for illegal activities head of the Licensing and Permitting Department for the city of Barnaul of the Directorate of the Russian Guard for the Altai Territory, Police Lieutenant Colonel Evgeny Urbakh. Urbakh, using his official position, acting in selfish interests, freed a resident of the city of Barnaul from administrative responsibility, for which the latter handed over to Urbakh his expensive weapons. Such activities of Urbakh were of a systematic nature, other facts of receiving bribes by him were established. The materials of the criminal case were submitted to the court for consideration on the merits.

For exceeding official powers with causing grave consequences, the Deputy Chief of Police for operational work Police Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Voronov of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Shipunovsky District. The policeman, going beyond his powers, staged the commission of crimes by a citizen in the sphere of illegal circulation of weapons and drugs, followed by illegal initiation of a criminal case.

As a result of a comprehensive development, the FSB Department stopped the criminal activities of high-ranking and ordinary employees of the Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service, which consists in theft by deceit and abuse of trust of the institution's funds on an especially large scale, and the systematic taking of bribes from convicts and their relatives.

As a result of the operational support of criminal cases, the revealed scheme of using the labor of convicts in illegal felling of trees received a special response.

The court sentenced the former head of colony-settlement No. 2 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Altai Territory and the junior inspector of the security department of correctional colony No. 3 to a suspended sentence of 3 years, obliging him to compensate for the damage caused to the municipality in the amount of about 1 million rubles.

Employees of the FSB Department stopped the corrupt activities of Tatyana Gurina, a narcologist at the Regional Clinical Hospital, who received bribes in a significant amount for compiling medical reports on the presence of diseases in conscripts, which were the basis for exempting them from military service. The investigation collected sufficient evidence, in connection with which the court sentenced Gurina to 4 years in prison to be served in a penal colony.

In the field of combating the drug business, the activities of 4 interregional and 5 international channels for the supply of narcotic drugs to the Altai Territory were stopped. More than 7 kg of hard drugs were seized from illegal circulation.

The FSB department revealed the smuggling of timber in the amount of more than 500 million rubles.

This year, the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory prevented damage to the state budget in the amount of more than 1,000,000,000 rubles.

In total, in 2018, the investigative department of the Directorate and other law enforcement agencies initiated 209 criminal cases based on the materials of the territorial security agency, 71 persons were convicted.


Yuri Vladimirovich Moroz graduated from the Kharkov Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots.

Prior to his appointment as head of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory, he served as first deputy for three years.


Barnaul hosts the 16th traditional competition "Altai Territory Rhythmic Gymnastics Cup "Dynamo" for the Children of Russia" - 2018

Barnaul hosts the 16th traditional competition "Altai Territory Rhythmic Gymnastics Cup Dynamo - Children of Russia" - 2018. The competition began on May 4 at the Elans sports center in Barnaul. The opening ceremony was attended by Representatives of the Government of the Altai Territory, the administration of Barnaul: First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Altai Territory Sergey Loktev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Altai Territory Andrey Shchukin, Head of Barnaul Sergey Dugin, First Deputy Head of the Administration of Barnaul, Head of Staff Vyacheslav Frank, Head Central region Barnaul Maxim Sabyna, head of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Barnaul Mikhail Zvyagintsev.

Boxing festival in memory of fallen FSB officers held in Barnaul

The Altai Territory gave Russia many heroes not only during the Great Patriotic War. AT recent history natives of the region took part in counter-terrorist operations in the North Caucasus. For the 12th time in Barnaul, a traditional tournament was held dedicated to the memory of employees of the regional department of the FSB of Russia who died in the line of duty in Chechnya: Vladimir Kosolapov, Sergey Chebekov and Dmitry Shelestov.

Colonel Yuri Moroz headed the FSB department in the Altai Territory

The head was replaced in the administration of the Federal Security Service in the Altai Territory - Andrei Muravyov was replaced by Colonel Yuri Moroz.

Andrey Muravyov, head of the FSB of Russia for the Altai Territory, was relieved of his post

Barnaul, December 27 - Atmosphere. On Tuesday, December 27, a new chief, Colonel Yury Vladimirovich Moroz, was presented to the staff of the FSB Directorate for the Altai Territory of Russia. It was introduced to the employees of the Department by one of the heads of the personnel department of the FSB of Russia.

The appointment was announced on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 15 this year. By the same Decree, Major General Andrey Vladimirovich Muravyov was relieved of his post in connection with his well-deserved rest, having devoted 34 years of service in the bodies of the FSB of Russia, of which more than five years in the Altai Territory.

The new head of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory is presented

On December 27, a new chief, Colonel Yuri Moroz, was introduced to the staff of the FSB Directorate of Russia for the Altai Territory. He was appointed to this position by decree of the President of Russia dated December 15 this year. Major General Andrey Muravyov was relieved of his post in connection with his well-deserved rest, having served in the FSB of Russia for 34 years, of which more than five years in the Altai Territory.

Presidential decree appoints new FSB chief in Altai Territory

On the basis of the corresponding decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, dated December 15 of this year, Colonel Yury Vladimirovich Moroz became the new head of the FSB department of Russia in the Altai Territory. By the same presidential order, Major General Andrey Vladimirovich Muravyov, who had worked in the FSB for 34 years, five of them in the Altai Territory, was relieved of his post.

Frost came: a new head of the FSB was appointed in the Altai Territory

On December 27, a new chief was introduced to the employees of the FSB department for the Altai Territory. By decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin dated December 15, Colonel Yury Moroz became the head of the UFSB of the region.

The Kharkov pilot was appointed head of the FSB department in the Altai Territory.

On December 27, a new head was introduced to the staff of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory - Colonel Yuri Vladimirovich Moroz, who previously worked as the first deputy head of this department.

Yuri Moroz, a few days before his new appointment, presented gifts to the widows of his dead comrades at the All-Russian Boxing Festival in memory of the dead employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Altai Territory. Photo - management of sports and youth policy of the Altai Territory.


On December 27, a new chief, Colonel Yuri Moroz, was introduced to the personnel of the FSB Directorate of Russia for the Altai Territory. This was reported by the press service of the department.

As specified in the management, the appointment was announced on the basis of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 15 of this year. By the same decree, Major General Andrey Muravyov was relieved of his post in connection with his well-deserved rest. He devoted 34 years of service in the bodies of the FSB of Russia, of which he worked in the Altai Territory for more than five years.

The new leader, Yuriy Moroz, graduated from the Kharkov Higher Military Aviation Pilot School. Prior to his appointment as head of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory, he served as first deputy for three years. Before coming to the Altai Territory, he held senior positions in the territorial security agencies of the Vladimir and Ryazan regions, the Chechen Republic.

The new head of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Altai Territory Yuri Moroz

Today, December 27, a new chief, Colonel Yuri Moroz, was presented to the personnel of the FSB Directorate of Russia for the Altai Territory. He graduated from the Kharkov Higher Military Aviation Pilot School and for three years served as first deputy. Before coming to the Altai Territory, he held senior positions in the territorial security agencies of the Vladimir and Ryazan regions, the Chechen Republic. This was reported in the press service of the department.

They also explained that the new appointment was announced on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 15 of this year. By the same Decree, Major General Andrey Muravyov was relieved of his post in connection with his well-deserved rest, having devoted 34 years of service in the bodies of the FSB of Russia, of which more than five years in the Altai Territory.

In the Altai Territory, summed up the results of operational activities in 2016. The first thing that was noted today, December 20, to a REGNUM correspondent in the press service of the department, is that the region does not cease to be among the territories in which special services and organizations of foreign countries show particular interest.

It is reported, in particular, that the Altai Chekists blocked the transit channel for the movement of citizens from countries with a heightened terrorist threat to Western Europe through the territory of Russia. “The organizer has received an official warning, he has been expelled from the country with a ban on entry for a period of five years,” the FSB stressed.

Of the high-profile cases, it was reported that a large hacker group was exposed, involved in the theft of money from the accounts of Russian banks.

See also: A resident of the Altai Territory was convicted of links with a gang of banking hackers

“A resident of the Altai Territory, like his “colleagues”, are now in pre-trial detention centers in Moscow,” the FSB explained.

In the fight against terrorist manifestations, the Altai Chekists managed to collect evidence of the criminal activities of two Russians who took part in the hostilities on the side of the gang underground in the Republic of Dagestan in 1999.

“It has been established that they were involved in the murder of federal servicemen at that time. However, they managed to get away from criminal responsibility then. At present, the issue of initiating criminal cases against them is being resolved,” the department notes.

Also, a criminal case is currently underway against a 41-year-old Russian suspected of involving residents of Barnaul and Novosibirsk in the activities of the international religious extremist organization Tablighi Jamaat (an organization whose activities are banned in the Russian Federation).

Read also: Member of religious extremist organization detained for recruiting in Barnaul

The most interesting information is about officials, "who, pursuing their own selfish goals, discredit the institution of power in front of the population and undermine its authority."

The FSB included the former head of the administration of Rubtsovsk Vladimir Larionov, the head of the administration of the Pospelikhinsky district Pyotr Shreider, the head of the interdistrict tax inspection No. 4 Vladimir Zhigalov, the head of the 12th detachment of the FPS of Russia in the Altai Territory, Colonel V.S. Nikolai Ronaev, bailiff of the Alei inter-district department Evgeny Petson.

In addition, a “point” has been put in high-profile criminal cases against the former deputy head of the Biyskoye Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, police lieutenant colonel Dmitry Sizintsev and three of his subordinates.

“In order to improve performance, they forced disadvantaged residents of the science city to collect hemp, prepare narcotic drugs from it and use them,” the FSB explains.

Of the other "werewolves in uniform", the former detective of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Barnaul, Altai Territory, was named Nikita Chasovskikh, who was convicted of disclosing state secrets and convicted: in order to improve his performance, the ex-policeman acquainted the citizen with the materials of the check on which he passed.

Also in the dock are: the former head of the traffic police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Biyskoye", police major Andrey Safronov (who, for bribes, simplified the passing of theoretical and practical exams for obtaining a driver's license), 9 employees of the department for combating drug trafficking of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Altai Krai (who falsified the results of the ORD and extorted money from drug addicts for the termination of verification activities).

The odious VIP-persons with whom the FSB officers had to work include the ex-deputy of the local parliament Alexander Mastinin (Grach), who, in order to escape punishment for major money fraud management company He even changed his last name and went into hiding abroad.

Currently, he is in the dock. Operational officers found that he exceeded his official powers when renting municipal plots at a reduced cost to firms affiliated with members of his family. The damage caused to the city is estimated at 15 million rubles,” the Altai Chekists recalled.

From March 18, 2020 to May 1, 2020, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 16, 2020 No. 635-r, in order to ensure state security, protect public health and prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection in Russia, temporary restrictions on the entry of foreign citizens and stateless persons.

In accordance with this order, foreign citizens and stateless persons will not be allowed to enter Russia at the checkpoints across the state border located on the territory of the Altai Territory, with the exception of:

Accredited or appointed employees of diplomatic missions and consular offices of foreign states in the Russian Federation, international organizations and their representative offices, other official representative offices of foreign states located on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as family members of these persons;

Drivers of international road transport vehicles;

Crews of air, sea and river vessels, train and locomotive crews of international railway traffic;

Members of official delegations and persons holding diplomatic, official, ordinary private visas issued in connection with the death of a close relative;

Persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Persons transiting through air checkpoints.

Please note that the necessary preventive measures will be taken in relation to persons arriving in Russia at the checkpoints across the state border.

In addition, we inform you that in accordance with the current international legislation, truck drivers have the right to cross the Russian-Kazakh border. Vehicle, with a carrying capacity of more than 3.5 tons, according to foreign passports and subject to quarantine and sanitary and epidemiological standards. In turn, international cargo transportation with the Republic of Kazakhstan can only be carried out through automobile checkpoints "Kulunda" (RF) - "Scherbakty" (RK), "Veseloyarsk" (RF) - "Auyl" (RK) and "Mikhailovka" (RF) - "Ube" (RK).

Subject to the restrictions imposed, the Border Guard
The Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory, in order to prevent the emergence of conflict situations at the border, recommends understanding the measures taken.

From March 16, 2020, the Republic of Kazakhstan introduces a restriction on the passage of citizens of the Russian Federation across the Russian-Kazakh border in order to prevent the emergence and spread of coronavirus infection on its territory.

In this regard, the Border Service of the KNB of the Republic of Kazakhstan will not allow Russian citizens traveling on internal passports and birth certificates for children under the age of 14 to enter its territory.

In turn, this restriction does not apply to Russian citizens who have previously entered Kazakhstan, as well as transiting through the territory of a neighboring state to Russia. At the same time, the regime for crossing the Russian-Kazakh border for Russians on foreign passports will remain the same.

In view of the foregoing, the Border Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory, in order to prevent the emergence of conflict situations at the border, recommends understanding the measures taken by the neighboring side.

The Border Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory informs that due to the worsening weather conditions on some roads leading to checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan located on the territory of the Altai Territory, movement restrictions may apply.

During this period, in order to avoid emergencies, we recommend, if possible, to refrain from traveling abroad, or choose safer routes, as well as prepare for possible emergencies.

In addition, we remind you that in order to cross the state border, you must have valid documents with you that give you the right to leave the Russian Federation and enter the Russian Federation.

In the event of an unforeseen situation at the state border, you must contact the helpline of the Border Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the Altai Territory: 8 (3852) 47 - 44 89 .

Since the beginning of this year, officers of the Border Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory have suppressed attempts to illegally cross the state border using invalid documents.

At the automobile checkpoint "Kulunda" (Kulundinsky district), a citizen of one of the countries of the Central Asian region tried to leave Russia for Kazakhstan with a passport that was missing more than 10 pages, as a result of which he was refused to cross the border. In accordance with Russian legislation the violator is brought to administrative responsibility.

It should be noted that since the beginning of this year, about 30 more citizens have not escaped punishment for presenting invalid documents as a basis for crossing the state border.

In view of the foregoing, the border control reminds you of the need to pre-check your documents when preparing to travel abroad.

Documents on the basis of which persons enter the Russian Federation or leave it must comply with the established samples, issued and executed in the manner established by the authorized state bodies, have an unexpired validity period, and also belong to the bearer. Otherwise, the border crossing will be denied.

Since the beginning of 2020, officers of the Border Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory have identified and brought to administrative responsibility about 30 violators of the border regime.

In just one day, more than 10 citizens were identified on the territory of the Uglovsky district near the state border. economic activity without the appropriate permission. For violating the rules of the border regime, violators are brought to administrative responsibility.

In view of the foregoing, the Border Directorate recalls that within the border zone there are border regime rules that must be observed by all citizens arriving and staying in the border area.

In order to conduct economic, commercial and other activities (including hunting) within a five-kilometer strip of terrain along the state border, all citizens must have permission from the border authority. In the rest of the border zone, the above activities require mandatory written notification to the border authority.

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