Why you should not sort things out over the Internet. Any illegal activity


In this age of social networks, many have an irresistible desire to put their children in the feed, to show how cute, smart they are, and how proud we are of them. But few people think that now the most dangerous people for children are “working” on the Internet.

For the safety of your children, we have prepared a list of measures that, although they may seem a little redundant, will still help to avoid risks.

Be warned, this doesn't mean you have to be paranoid and hide your kids altogether. No. Just be reasonable and feel the limits in this Instagram era.

Do not put geolocation on pictures

Do not publish data about the places of frequent pastime of the child. Whether it's a school, a gym or a cutting and sewing club. Some subjects may use the information for their own evil purposes, it is easy to track the road by seeing where the child usually is.

Do not post photos that reveal your child's hobbies

Having learned what a child loves and is fond of, it is easy to deceive and lure him in absolutely any place and situation.

Delete any images that may provide official information about the child

It would seem an absurd point. But there are people who like to boast on the Internet of freshly received visas, passports and other documents. Having a full name or an important document number in hand, you can easily figure out where the child lives and studies.

Don't upload pictures of children near the car

This information is more important for the safety of the parents themselves. In addition to providing criminals with information, you can frame yourself. For example, these parents ended up behind bars after the publication of “car games”.

Don't post pictures of your kids half-dressed, no matter how cute and innocent they are.

Perhaps you and your loved ones will find such photographs incredibly funny and funny, but some sick people may look at them with a completely different look.

Do not share photos that will make your children blush in the future

Surely many have such childhood photos, looking at which you are perplexed, what were your parents thinking when they took this picture. And in our childhood there was no Internet, only close people could see these photos. But our children are no longer protected from this: any picture can become a public compromising evidence or a reminder for life.

Avoid posting photos of your child with other children

Before posting photos of your child with friends and classmates, consider whether their parents would be against it. You are not responsible for their children, and the question of finding information about them on the Internet is not your prerogative.

Remember that when you post a photo of your child on social network, even if you only share it with friends, you should be aware that from now on it is not your photo, but public property that anyone can use for any purpose. Be careful and always think about the safety of your children.

In most cases, Google can help you find useful information. However, sometimes it can work against you. We have compiled a list of things you should not look for on the Internet.

1. Your symptoms

First of all, let's talk about your health problems. There are many sites that specialize in such content, but of course, in most cases they are not created by medical professionals. Searching the Internet for the meaning of the symptoms will definitely not help, quite the contrary, it will make you feel much worse and may even lead to panic. If you have any health concerns, don't ask Google. It is best to visit a real doctor.

2. Any illegal activities

Take this advice seriously. You can try to find information on how to make a bomb or how to make amphetamines out of sheer curiosity. However, be aware that the security and drug enforcement agencies are always monitoring these types of searches and your IP address may appear in their database. You don't want to get into trouble because of your curiosity, do you?

3. Cancer

This is the case when the less you know, the better you sleep. There are many types of this disease, and most of them have symptoms that are characteristic of other relatively harmless conditions. Most people experience symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, nausea, etc., so you are likely to mistake some other illness for cancer and start to panic.

4. Bed bugs

You must have heard about these little monsters, especially from people who often stay in hotels. You may even have felt the harm they can do with your own skin. But have you ever thought about what a bedbug infestation is? If you want to continue to sleep peacefully at night, you should not look for this information on the Internet.

5. Skin diseases

There are many diseases associated with the skin, and most of them look very bad. On the Web, you can find images of almost all of these conditions. However, in this case, it is much better to remain in the dark, because such content can be extremely disturbing. Also, do not look for information about genital infections.

6. Lungs of smokers

Many smokers from time to time think about the dangers of smoking, especially for the lungs. The Internet is full of images of lung heavy smokers, and some people may take them too seriously. You can, of course, try to play this game if you need strong motivation to give up cigarettes, but it's better not to do it.

7. Dangerous animals

Please stay away from such information if you don't want to acquire new phobias. There are a lot of terrifying animals on the planet, and some of them probably live in your area. Moreover, such a phobia can prevent you from traveling. You don't want this to happen, do you?

8. Your name

It's no secret that in the age of the Internet, our privacy is being questioned. If you try to put your name on Google, you may stumble upon some unpleasant results. Bad photos, outdated information, irrelevant content - we all take these things way too seriously. If you find something like that, then, of course, you want to delete everything. However, this is not easy. Maybe you should take it easier? Or just don't google your name.

9. Blackhead removal

This information will definitely not scare you or cause trouble, but you will spend your time on it and you will not be able to stop. It's a bit strange that blackhead removal is such a visual satisfaction for many, but it's true nonetheless. Therefore, you should stay away from such requests.

10. The process of childbirth

We've all seen scenes like this in movies. Women are screaming loudly, doctors are trying to calm them down - even on the screen everything looks very tense. However, the actual process of childbirth is a hundred times more disturbing. It is especially dangerous for women to look at this, as they may decide never to have children. So don't even try to look for this information. The same goes for caesarean section.

What can you search on Google?

Instead of looking for the nasty things we've collected on our list, you can just have some fun with Google. Just try typing “why”, “how”, etc. into the search engine. You will see the most popular search terms and be surprised at what many people are interested in. Enjoy!

Still, shopping is better in ordinary shopping malls and shops. After all, online shopping is not a very reliable business. Often when buying a thing, customers do not get exactly what they expected.

For example, these 13 unfortunates were sent completely unexpected and even funny goods by online stores! Take a look yourself 😉

1. A cup that changes design depending on the temperature

“I bought this cup for my wife hoping the black design would change to a Christmas picture. But no! It looks like they put a demo version of the image on the cup. I hope I get my money back for this horrible thing."

2. Double tent

“Three years ago, I thoughtlessly bought a 2-person tent online, expecting it to be sized for two adults, not children. And yet I took her with me to the festival.”

3. Flowers in a pot

“To be honest guys, I'm not sure if this is exactly what I ordered”

4. Jeans

“This is definitely not the length for the 32nd size”

5. Swimsuit

“My 16 year old daughter bought this online. The swimsuit is so small that if she wears it, I won't even be able to post this photo, because it will be from the category of prohibited. Although our cat wears it. And he even closes all the cat's nipples, although the cat does not like it. In general, do not buy this even for your cats.

6. Women's jumpsuit

The most disgusting purchase in the world!

7. TV stand

“My friend ordered a TV stand from Amazon…”

8. Bouquet of flowers

“Your order: a bouquet of flowers. We delivered: a bunch of green onions.”

9. Carpet

“I bought a rug for my room online and realized how important it is to specify the size of the product offered.”

10. Children's backpack

“Mom ordered a backpack online for my niece and this is what they sent her.”

11. Linen set

"I thought I got a lovely set of Ann Summers lingerie until I looked at the picture."

12. Cake

“My mom ordered a cake for my sister with a girl figure and indicated that she should be blonde (blond). But autocorrect did its job and we got a cake with a blind (blind) girl.

Have you ever had such cases?) Share your experience in the comments.

Online Shopping: Why You Shouldn't Trust Online Shopping updated: April 20, 2019 by: Tatyana Bitel

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