Correctional colonies production. An ordinary factory behind barbed wire. “We can supply products without competition and bidding”


Did you know that with the help of people located in places not so remote, you can ... open high-end restaurants, create clothing lines for the premium segment, design SUVs or generate cheap electricity? The 1000 Ideas portal decided to go through the Internet in detail, as well as to study its own file cabinet and found many original examples of business with prisoners.

In 2012, the prison authorities in Santa Rita do Sapucaí in eastern Brazil came up with a very unusual way to generate electricity for street lighting. After seeing an example on the Internet of how athletes in American gyms generate electricity by pedaling an exercise bike, a judge named Jose Enrique Mallmann decided to adapt the idea for a local prison.

The management purchased 4 simulators capable of generating electricity in special batteries. Instead of athletes, eight local prisoners were invited. As an incentive for them, the scheme "16 hours of pedaling = minus one day of imprisonment" was invented. The prisoners were allowed to use exercise bikes three days a week for eight hours. The received energy was enough for energy for 10 street lamps installed on the city embankment.

Restaurants located in the most real working prisons can be visited in Italy. One of them is located in the vicinity of the city of Pisa - in the town of Volterra, in the 500-year-old Fortezza Medicea fortress.

All processes in this restaurant are run by convicts, from cooking and serving visitors to managerial positions. The atmosphere of the institution, as you might guess, is quite specific. Not only do the killers and maniacs cook food, deliver orders and play the piano, but every step of the staff is monitored by harsh overseers. All visitors are carefully screened at the entrance. It is impossible to use metal forks, spoons and knives - only safe plastic is in use. The only exceptions are cooks, with whom the gaze of the guard cannot be reduced. The menu of the restaurant is dominated by traditional dishes, including various pastas popular in the criminal provinces of the Apennine Peninsula.

Another similar restaurant with the name In Galera ("In hard labor") operates in the Italian city of Bollante, province of Milan. Here, the convicts are assigned only the role of waiters - people without a criminal past work in the positions of chefs and head waiter. The restaurant has an exquisite menu. In particular, you can taste chestnuts and pappardelle with venison and brandy sauce, game in currant sauce and marinated salmon rolls at Na Katorga. At the same time, the average check of the restaurant is only 13 euros. Interestingly, in both cases, the prison authorities say that the reason for the opening of restaurants was solely concern for the future of their wards.

In 2015, JPay presented the JP5mini tablet, designed for use on the territory of places of detention. The current version of the gadget device is not the first. Previously, JPay has already released about 60,000 tablets, which are successfully used in US prisons. The new device runs on Android OS and has a 4.3-inch screen, 32 gigabytes of internal memory, a powerful battery that allows you to listen to music for 35 hours, and a shockproof case that can withstand a fall from 10 feet. Using the tablet, you can watch movies, play logic games, send short ideograms up to 30 seconds long, exchange messages and carry out banking transactions, if this is provided for by the sanction.

The creators of the tablet made it impossible to install firmware that allows you to use the device in any other way. In addition, the content that prisoners access is carefully moderated. For example, lyrics are checked for incitement to violence. Also, the developers are going to release a selection of specialized applications that "will help prisoners get on the path of correction." The use of electronic devices by detainees in the United States has recently been allowed. At the same time, gadgets should not have Internet access, removable memory devices, photo and video cameras and a voice recorder.

The ability to design amphibious off-road vehicles can boast of the prisoners of one of the correctional colonies in the Rostov region. The unique all-terrain vehicle was assembled on the basis of the domestic UAZ-3151 within two months. The SUV received an engine from the Volga, a propeller, as well as huge wheels with low-pressure tires. Thanks to this design, neither sand, nor mud, nor small water barriers - CARDON, which is how the prisoners decided to call their brainchild, is not afraid.

The engine power of the SUV is 130 horsepower. The speed of the car is about 70 kilometers per hour on land and 4-5 kilometers per hour on water. On the road maximum speed can reach 110 kilometers per hour. The all-terrain vehicle without preparation enters the water at an angle of 20 degrees without water intake into the passenger compartment. Transport is planned to be sold to farming and hunting grounds. The estimated cost of one SUV is about 1.3-1.4 million rubles.

A service called Pigeonly was created by a former prisoner. Its goal is to establish a connection between everyone who is serving time and does not have the opportunity to be online, and their families. No, the letters are not delivered by a dove, as the name might suggest. In order for a person who is not able to see a photo through a smartphone, tablet or computer to be able to receive it, the sender enters the Pigeonly service application. He attaches the delivery address to the photo. As a result, after two or three days, the photo reaches the addressee in the zone, printed in good quality. 5 photos per week can be sent for free, anything over will cost 50 cents per photo. The service does not work to the detriment of itself, as you might think, but advertises another paid resource with which you can make direct calls to the zone.

Perhaps one of the most common business ideas for prisoners is to use their labor and creativity to create clothes. One notable example is Estonian prison fashion brand Heavy Eco, which has been producing T-shirts, bags and accessories since 2010. All products are produced by the forces of prisoners serving their sentences in prisons in Eastern Europe. Things are created from polyvinyl materials - recycled advertising billboards and organic Indian cotton. Products are decorated with prints with a romantic prison theme. Part of the profit goes to the prisoners themselves, and 50% goes to charity - to support orphans and the homeless.

It was also decided in the UK to use the excess "free time" of prisoners. Representatives of the Gaolhouse company drew attention to the fact that thousands of prisoners across the country are serving their sentences without any permanent job. So, in cooperation with Her Majesty's Royal Prison Service, under the company's brand, the production of collectible jeans created by the hands of prisoners began.

It is interesting that the company decided to focus its products on the premium segment. One pair of jeans costs from 9 to 11.5 thousand rubles. Products are produced in limited quantities of 200 pairs. Jeans are made after careful training in the craft and without any haste - there is simply nowhere for the “designers” to rush. As a result, most of the earnings go to the prisoners, the rest goes to the development fund for the UK penitentiary system. In addition, after liberation, the country receives excellent trouser tailors who will never sit idle again.

An American project called The Last Mile was created to develop practical small business skills among prisoners. A team of business accelerators is engaged in turning marginal lumpen into representatives of the foundation of society's stability - into small entrepreneurs. From special courses, prisoners learn the principles of operation of enterprises, gain teamwork skills, learn to accept criticism and generate new ideas, get acquainted with modern technologies programming and web design, master HTML, JavaScript, CSS and Python. True, training is conducted without an Internet connection, on a specially designed platform that simulates a live coding experience. For the United States, the project can be called not only social, but also “rescue”: 25% of prisoners around the world are serving their sentences in American prisons. Wherein government agencies should spend nearly $48 billion annually on prison costs.

The following idea, originally from the USA, can be attributed rather to the area of ​​“how not to go to jail because of your own stupidity.” “If I want a pizza, I place an order and get a fresh pizza in 15 minutes at any time of the day or night. If I want ice cream at midnight, my order will also be filled, ”Chris Miles, co-owner of LawyerUp, a lawyer delivery company, says in an interview with the NYtimes newspaper. Chris's company, which began operating in 2011 in the states of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Road Island, offers urgent services of a lawyer in 15 minutes with delivery anywhere in the city at any time of the day. Chris works with the best local criminal defense attorneys who are willing to accept late calls and late night visits. The scheme of work with clients is simple: in an emergency, the client dials a short and toll-free number and tells the operator the essence of the problem. Further, after checking all the data, the operator transfers the contacts to the lawyer, who starts working immediately within 15 minutes, and transfers to his card the amount of $ 250 for an hourly visit.

10 The Perfect Prison Lantern

And, finally, one more domestic invention in our rating is the “ideal prison lamp”, developed by the prisoners of one of the Chelyabinsk colonies. The lantern has a LED cold lamp, which has a positive effect on the well-being of prisoners and is able to provide surveillance cameras with a clear picture even late at night - the dispatcher can notice the slightest movement on the screen and prevent escape. In addition, inventive craftsmen came up with a way to replace the light bulb, in which you do not need to climb up to the top of the lantern for insurance - with the help of a special mast, the luminaire can be easily lowered down.

Wooden log cabins, household utensils, hiking clothes and shoes and other fruits of the labors of the inhabitants of the colonies, available to everyone.

Prisoners of corrective labor colonies are stepping on the heels of free entrepreneurs: in the industrial zones of Russian penal colonies, they produce goods that are not much inferior to those already available on the large market. Prisoners consistently receive orders - both from the state and from private individuals. Labor not only ennobles the convicts, but also allows them to earn money. Some of them go to pay for maintenance in the colony, some - to pay fines and compensation to the victims, and some, sitting behind bars, even manage to support the families that have remained at large. In the Forbes ranking - 10 goods that bring profit to prisoners.

photo Itar-TASS /


Price: 200-2000 rubles

In the early 2000s, corrective labor colony No. 3, which is located in the city of Uglich, got into the rating of "1000 best enterprises in Russia". The colony has been specializing in the production of shoes for more than 50 years, and it got into the honorary rating for “shodding” the whole country. The compilers of the rating evaluated the participants on the basis of official reports and were not at all embarrassed when it turned out that prisoners were included in it. The shoemakers themselves were pleasantly surprised. Then FBU IK-3 was considered one of the most stable enterprises in the Yaroslavl region. The flow of orders for boots and boots provided a solid income - more than 3.5 million rubles a year. Yes, and the convicts themselves received a good salary by Zon standards - from 500 rubles of net profit. Prisoners make shoes primarily for people in uniform: policemen, soldiers, firefighters, as well as for themselves and their friends in misfortune. Of course, it is hardly possible to talk about beauty and grace even in relation to women's boots and shoes, but you definitely cannot refuse them in durability.

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Average price: 20-2000 rubles

In the top of the most common crimes in Russia, one of the leading places is occupied by domestic murders. The weapon of such a crime is often the first thing that comes to hand: a knife, a fork, a frying pan. In October 2011, a resident of the Omsk region beat her husband to death with a rolling pin. One of the most mysterious political murders of the early 20th century was committed, albeit not for domestic reasons, but in domestic conditions. We are talking about a “comradely trial” of Georgy Gapon, the founder of the “Assembly of Russian Factory Workers of St. Petersburg”, who in 1906, under unclear circumstances, was hanged on an ordinary hanger. All these items - knives, rolling pins, hangers - are today made in the industrial zones of Russian ITK. Three types of materials are used for the production of household goods: wood, plastic and metal. In the lists finished products kitchen utensils predominate: ladles, spatulas, cutting boards, breadbaskets. Also in ITK you can order everything you need for cooking shish kebabs, starting with deep bowls for marinating meat and ending with a barbecue and skewers in an elegant case. Prudent convicts did not disregard the children for whom they make sledges and home hanging swings.

photo Itar-TASS /


Price: negotiable

Where to buy: Krayushka stores

Food production has been established in most Russian colonies. The prisoners bake bread, grow vegetables, raise cows, pigs, chickens, rabbits. True, they provide food mainly for themselves and their overseers. Only a few colonies provide edible goods for sale to the civilian population: although sanitary standards are observed in the shops, and finished products have certificates of quality, in the wild, buyers treat them with caution. The network of departmental stores "Krayushka" was founded just for those who are not afraid to eat bread baked behind barbed wire. The most frequent visitors are relatives of prisoners. Now they can not drag heavy bags to distant lands and buy products for transfers on the spot. Residents of nearby settlements are also happy to shop in the so-called social shops. Prices here are an order of magnitude lower, and the choice is not bad: meat, dairy and sausage products, sweets, fresh pastries.

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Price: 100-5000 rubles

Clothing production is, of course, the prerogative of women's corrective labor colonies. However, men instead lathe also often waiting for a sewing machine. In addition to overalls for firefighters, military, police and medical workers in the colonies, you can buy solid work suits that are quite suitable, for example, for those who like to do repairs themselves. There are many talented tailors among the prisoners. Especially for them, the all-Russian competition “You Can’t Forbid Beautiful Sewing” was organized, in which hundreds of convicts from all over the country take part. The first stages of the competition are usually held at the regional level. The outfits sewn by the winners are sent to Moscow, where the best of the best are chosen. There are several nominations: business suit, evening dress, casual wear, children's wear, leisure wear. In some regions, prisoners are offered to sew their own interpretation of the national costume. Designers are limited in the choice of materials. In order to sew an original and exquisite dress from a nondescript piece of fabric, one has to show remarkable ingenuity.

photo Itar-TASS /

Wooden log cabins

Price: negotiable

Woodworking is one of the main activities of Russian ITK. This branch of production is especially developed in the north of the country, in particular in Karelia. Local prisoners fulfill orders of any complexity and can make anything from wood, from elegant cigarette boxes to log cabins. Karelian prisoners build log dwellings for every taste and pocket: if you want - a tiny two-room house, if you want - luxurious two-story mansions with a veranda and an attic. The tradition of building housing for the civilian population by convicts was established here as early as the 1930s. As part of the development of a sparsely populated but forest-rich region, the Soviet government effectively turned Karelia into one large labor camp. The so-called labor settlers made up about a quarter of the total number of inhabitants of the future republic. The prisoners erected entire cities and towns. By the way, it is in one of the Karelian colonies that Mikhail Khodorkovsky is serving his sentence: in the Segezha FBU IK-7, the disgraced oligarch is employed in a plastic shop.

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Price: 300-6000 rubles

Large-scale production of furniture on the basis of corrective labor institutions began in the mid-1950s. The inhabitants of the USSR, who by that time were finally able to distract themselves from licking their post-war wounds, set about arranging their life. The Soviet industry simply could not cope with the increased demand for furniture products, and then the prisoners came to the rescue. Particularly good furniture production was delivered in IK-3, which is located in the small village of Shaksha, the Republic of Bashkortostan. The convicts worked in three shifts, and there was so much industrial waste that sawdust and cuttings were often used instead of coal in the boiler room. Over the years, the excitement around the products offered by IK-3 subsided noticeably. However, even now the choice of furniture for sale here is so wide that it allows you to fully furnish the apartment. Convicts are gradually mastering new technologies. Now, potential buyers are waiting not only for unsightly suites for the bedroom and living room, but also for exclusive, richly decorated with carvings and lacquered cabinets and chests of drawers, and even billiard tables and stands for cues and balls.

photo Itar-TASS /

Bath accessories

Price: 50-1500 rubles

In Russian ITK you can order not only a wooden frame for a bathhouse, but also a complete set of bath accessories. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail. First of all, of course, you need to buy benches and shelves for brooms. Then - steamers, buckets and tubs. The room will be decorated with signs with aphorisms like “There are no generals in the bathhouse” and panels depicting mouth-watering bathers. As a nice addition - wooden massagers and beer mugs with carved handles. There are also bathhouses on the territory of the colonies. True, the prisoners are deprived of the opportunity to take a steam bath at any opportunity. They usually have a bath day once a week. Prison baths are similar to public baths: tiled rooms that do not differ in special comfort. And although the process of “washing” is associated with many inconveniences (starting with a lack of gangs and ending with queues for showers), prisoners are looking forward to bathing days: behind bars, the usual hygiene procedures become a luxury.

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Souvenir products

Average price: 50-1000 rubles

Souvenir products are produced by almost every ITK. The main category of buyers are relatives of convicts: everyone wants to have a trinket at home that will remind them of their husband, brother, father. The choice of souvenirs is striking in variety, but often they are quite primitive. Caskets, animal figurines, photo frames - all this resembles the works of craftsmen, touching in their simplicity and naivety. Against their background, skillfully carved sets for playing chess and backgammon seem to be masterpieces. Criminals who never thought of God before often become religious only after they go to jail. Faith serves as a kind of therapy and subsequently helps to return to normal life. Therefore, today temples are being built on the territory of many colonies, and the prisoners themselves readily carve bas-reliefs with biblical motifs from wood. The faces of saints are often depicted on embroideries made by the inhabitants of women's correctional colonies. They also sew napkins and curtains and paint pictures: pastoral landscapes embody dreams of freedom.

Photo Express /

Ship models

Price: negotiable

Ship models put up for sale colonies with well-established production of wooden souvenir products. In most cases, we are talking about elegant toys that have a place on a table or on a shelf. However, craftsmen from IK-7 in the village of Konveyer, Arkhangelsk Region, make mock-ups of frigates up to 3 m long. The plating, decks, and the captain's bridge are worked out in great detail. Cloth sails and flags flutter on the masts. A latrine figure, as expected, is attached to the bow of the ship. The frigate itself, with the help of thick chains, is fixed on pillars driven into the ground. It hangs in the air and, with strong gusts of wind, begins to sway, as if smoothly sliding along the waves in the open sea. It is not entirely clear, however, what such bulky souvenirs are intended for. As a decoration of the courtyard of a private house, they are hardly suitable - they take up too much space. Yes, and you can’t put it on a playground: it’s a pity to give such a work of art to be torn apart by small sailors.

Photo Express /

Decorative melee weapons

Price: 4000-70 000 rubles

It seems rather strange that the tradition to organize the production of edged weapons on the basis of the colony, even if it is a souvenir one. Such therapy can be considered not so much labor as psychological. Of course, during the production, the prisoners are under the strictest control: after all, the temptation to use a sword made by oneself is great. Daggers and daggers, swords and checkers, stilettos and broadswords, scimitars and tusks come out from under the hands of craftsmen. To order, you can even make an exclusive Damascus steel saber, the price of which will reach several tens of thousands of rubles. The blades, as a rule, are finished with engravings and gilding, a scabbard is attached to each weapon. And some workshops are ready to take on the manufacture of armor and armor: what if some of the buyers want to have a reminder of the era of chivalry at home.

As of December 1, 2016, there were 633,000 people in Russian prisons. A lot of money is spent on their maintenance from the budget, and according to the deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service Oleg Korshunov, the correctional system earns about 50 billion rubles a year from production in prisons. Experts from the Infometer project center, using the example of the Northwestern Federal District, studied how the Federal Penitentiary Service and their subordinate institutions build economic relations.

What is produced in prisons?

On the website of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Republic of Komi, 13 types of production are indicated and a price list for manufactured goods is published. For example, correctional colony No. 1 in the city of Syktyvkar can produce 1,800 medical suits per month at a price of 1,150 rubles per piece. The Arkhangelsk Federal Penitentiary Service offers businesses to open joint ventures in 10 colonies. Today, prisons are not places where criminals serve their sentences, but large-scale production of various goods. Institutions of the Northwestern District are actively involved in public procurement: since the launch of the portal, they have concluded about 7,000 contracts for goods, works and services.

Most of all in the colonies they produce food, clothes and fabrics, less often they provide services for the repair of communal facilities and carry out construction work.

Complete self-sufficiency

During the analysis of documents, Infometer experts found out that the bulk of orders come from organizations affiliated with the penitentiary system: administrations, colonies and educational institutions, subordinated to the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for all the years ordered products, works and services 60 times more than all the others.

In the structure of the state budget, the Federal Penitentiary Service occupies the sixth position. In 2015, the department was allocated 269 billion rubles - more than the Ministry of Health and the Ministry Agriculture. In addition to huge budget subsidies, the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service themselves earn serious money, but the conditions of detention of prisoners remain deplorable.

There are no exact statistics on the salaries of convicts, but there are reports by human rights activists who describe working conditions - 27 working days a week, and salaries - from 400 to 5,000 rubles a month. Prisoners are forced to agree to such conditions, since the work characterizes them well for applying for parole.

gray area

Right to information legislation obliges public authorities to maintain their websites, publish reports on their activities, and respond to citizen inquiries.

The Federal Penitentiary Service is one of the most closed structures among the federal executive authorities. In the openness rating for 2016, the Federal Penitentiary Service ranks 49th out of 73 possible. Things are even worse with the openness of the subordinate institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service - correctional institutions. Often they do not have their own website and publish general information in sections of the UFSIN websites. With this format of work, there is no question of any openness and transparency. Relatives of prisoners often cannot find out about the access control, the order of meetings and other important information.

The closed nature of the system also manifests itself in the maintenance of pages on the state portals - a single portal where state and municipal institutions publish information about their activities, and - a site where government agencies purchase goods and services. Correctional institutions either do not post information at all, or publish outdated information for 2012-2013.

The data that we managed to collect from open sources is the tip of the iceberg, under which unpublished data are hidden, gray schemes, business on prisoners.

Efficiency is not the point

The Russian penitentiary system is considered one of the most inefficient in the world. Russian prisons have one of the highest mortality rates in Europe. Data on the percentage of recidivism in Russia varies, but the most common estimate is 50-60%.

The task of correctional institutions is not to resocialize prisoners so that they can return to normal life after their release, but to self-reproduction, so that broken and crippled people come back.

The courts exonerate 0.4% of prisoners, within the margin of error, and effectively recruit new workers for prison operations.

State within a state

The current system creates a parallel reality within the state. There is nothing behind the barbed wire: no constitution, no civil rights and freedoms, no human relationship. Each prison is a separate city-state, and the prison inhabitants are its citizens. The state has its own president - the head of the correctional colony, its own police - employees of the correctional colony, its own formal and informal laws and rules, production and economy, its own hierarchy, even time.

The main reason why such a system of relations has developed is the lack of information. Society does not know what is happening in prisons, what prisoners do, how they are treated by the employees of the correctional colony. From time to time there are notes about torture, corruption scandals, inhuman living conditions, but these are exceptions, behind which lies a whole financial empire built on human lives.


Business of Primorye is involved in the development of production in the correctional colonies of the region

Today, prisoners can produce bricks, furniture, PVC products, pickle vegetables, sew linen, bake bread and produce more than 400 items.

Last week, the administration of the Primorsky Territory hosted a meeting on the issues of involving the business community in the development of production in places of deprivation of liberty. Of course, the penitentiary system of the region has its own structure that deals with issues of production and marketing of products, but as practice shows, this is not enough. The production process itself allows you to perform certain work and orders with good quality and within a specific time frame. In addition, the proceedings make it possible to involve convicts in the case - there is no time left for empty thoughts and doing nothing. And perhaps the most important factor: earnings received at work allow the convict to fulfill his obligations to compensate the victims, as well as not to be a freeloader from the state and citizens who replenish the country's budget through taxes, according to the ENV.

The meeting, the main topic of which was the involvement of the regional business community in the development of production in places where, by court decision, the perpetrators are serving real terms, was attended by the First Vice-Governor of Primorsky Krai Vasily Usoltsev, the leadership of the GUFSIN and representatives of the business community. On the agenda was an issue directly related to our penitentiary system - increasing economic efficiency work of convicts and the creation of additional jobs for their labor adaptation, as well as the employment of convicts sentenced to forced labor and the possibility of creating a rehabilitation center for persons released from places of deprivation of liberty.

Major General Oleg Simchenkov, Chief of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Primorsky Territory, made the keynote speech. He voiced to representatives of the regional administration and the business community the importance of solving the issues of labor adaptation of convicts and their resocialization after release, including in relation to the stabilization of the socio-economic situation in the region, as well as a number of problematic issues that arise during the implementation of these processes.

It is worth noting that our penitentiary system, despite the barbed wire, the access system, the burglar alarm, some isolated position of the colonies, does not exist in isolation. The relationship between society and the penitentiary system is the most direct - and each of the parties leaves its mark on the opposite. Understanding by the authorities and the public of the Primorsky Territory of the problems of the penal system will help achieve the goals set in solving the national task of reforming the penitentiary system and will serve to stabilize the socio-economic situation in the region.

The main problem is that a significant part of the convicts remain aloof from the main means of correction - upbringing by labor.

A working convict gets the opportunity to restore his professional and labor skills or get a new specialty necessary for his future, after serving his sentence, social adaptation in society, to help the family, to solve their material problems in the first time after release and in the future.

Employed convict pays alimony, income tax from wages individuals, contributions to the pension fund, provides financial claims of organizations and citizens for compensation for damage caused to their property by a crime or administrative offense, reimburses the cost utilities, food and clothing. The time worked is included in the total length of service.

A significant break in labor activity and, accordingly, the loss of professional skills in this category of citizens make it difficult for them to find employment and create social tension in the region, since the need for material and financial support forces them to solve these problems by criminal means, which leads to an increase in recidivism.

On the territory of the Primorsky Territory, 22 institutions are deployed, which are in the structure of the regional GUFSIN. These are 10 correctional colonies (IK-6,10,20,22,27,29,31,39,41), 4 colonies - settlements (KP-26,37,49,51), 1 educational colony (NVK), 4 detention centers (SI-1,2,3,4), 2 medical institutions (LIU-23.47) and 1 regional hospital. In total, these subordinate institutions contain more than 15 thousand convicts, most of them are residents of the Primorsky Territory. The FKU UII GUFSIN of Russia in the Primorsky Territory also functions, which includes the department for the execution of punishment and the application of other measures of a criminal law nature and 37 branches.

For the purposes of complying with the requirements of the current legislation Russian Federation on the mandatory involvement of convicts in labor in the structure of the penitentiary system of Primorsky Krai, a production sector has been created and is functioning, which includes 10 centers for labor adaptation of convicts, 1 medical and industrial workshop, as well as 4 colonies-settlements, one of which is a specialized agricultural enterprise with 2000 arable land and 3 buildings for keeping farm animals.

Today, the leadership of the GUFSIN of the region is looking for opportunities and taking measures to ensure the employment of convicts. The system is functioning vocational training, training is being conducted at the workplace, work is underway to attract orders for the manufacture of consumer goods and the placement of equipment on unused production areas of organizations of various forms of ownership, and new types of production are being created.

In the coastal colonies, some production has been established, there are quite large production areas. If in the years of the USSR all prisoners worked for the good of the country, now there is no such possibility. In some cases, there is not a sufficient volume of orders, in others, specialized equipment is needed, in others there is no sales market, in the fourth, the personnel have pumped up with ranks and professionalism. Nevertheless, today the MTB of the colonies of Primorye looks like this: mechanical repair, carpentry, sewing shops, metalworking shops, and others, with a variety of equipment, and warehouses, railway sidings. The range of products manufactured by the production sector of the GUFSIN of Russia in the Primorsky Territory includes more than 400 items.

The enterprises of the region produce PVC products (windows, doors, etc.) in IK-20 (Zavodskoy village), IK-41 (Ussuriysk); office and school furniture in IK-20 (settlement Zavodskoy), IK-41 (Ussuriysk); the production of corrugated board was organized in IK-29 (Bolshoi Kamen), IK-20 (Zavodskoy settlement).

In IK-22, IK-27 (village Volchanets), IK-33 (Spassk-Dalniy) tiles and sidewalk curbs, foam blocks, cinder blocks are produced. In IK-6 (Spassk-Dalniy), IK-20 (Zavodskoy village), IK-31 (S. Chuguevka), IK-33 (Spassk-Dalniy), IK-41 (Ussuriysk) production of Chinese chopsticks. In IK-41 (Ussuriysk), work was organized to expand the range of products for the Ussuriysk Locomotive Repair Plant and the refrigerator depot.

In IK-6 (Spassk-Dalniy), IK-20 (Volchanets village), IK-22 (Volchanets village), IK-31 (Chuguevka village), IK-33 (Spassk-Dalniy), IK-41 (Ussuriysk) has band sawmills and woodworking machines, but due to the lack of raw materials, it is not possible to load the existing equipment at full capacity.

On the base brick factory IK-22 (settlement Volchanets) produces ceramic bricks of grades M-100, M-125 in the amount of 400 thousand pieces per month. If there are orders, the plant's capacity allows increasing the production of ceramic bricks up to 600 thousand pieces per month.

The sewing divisions of the penal system of the Primorsky Territory (IK-10 (village of Gornoye, Mikhailovsky district), IK-20 (village of Zavodskoy), LIU-23 (Ussuriysk), IK-22 (village of Volchanets)), can produce a wide range of clothing property and uniforms, as well as working clothes for the needs of all industries. The production capacities of sewing enterprises are loaded by 50%.

Enterprises of the penal system of Primorsky Krai have the opportunity and are ready to accept investors for the installation of equipment on the production facilities of institutions for the opening of various industries, and are also ready to accept orders for the production of products (metalworking, woodworking, clothing, reinforced concrete products), both at full cost and at provision of services. In accordance with Russian legislation concerning import substitution, institutions of the penitentiary system now have the opportunity to place greenhouse complexes, shops for processing meat and fish products, canning vegetables in their production areas in order to replace imported products.

It is worth adding here that those entrepreneurs who place their production in correctional colonies have a number of significant advantages. This is a strict controlled discipline of workers, this is security from encroachments by unscrupulous competitors, this is a relatively cheap labor force, and a number of other points.

But let's look further. The sidelets served the term appointed to him by the court, and then? Experts believe that recidivism is high in our country because a citizen who has been released is actually excluded from society. He is not hired, who needs an employee with a dark past. While he was serving his sentence, he lost all the skills he had before, and studying is an expense. In the case of working in a colony, skills are preserved, new ones are added. And what is very important, a person is released who has not lost or acquired or retained these skills to work, including in a work collective.

Primorskoye GUFSIN of Russia came out to the business and administrative structures of the region with a proposal to create a permanent commission under the governor on creating conditions for the functioning and state support of the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation in the Primorsky Territory with the involvement of representatives of the Primorsky Territory business community in the work of the commission. This should play to increase the economic efficiency of the work of convicts and the creation of additional jobs for their labor adaptation.

During the last meeting, its participants concrete examples got acquainted with the possibilities and potential of production facilities in correctional facilities. The issues of the participation of the production of the UIS in the restoration of the consequences of the past typhoon Lionrock were also discussed.

The participants of the meeting noted the relevance of this topic and supported the proposal of the GUFSIN on the establishment of a permanent commission on the creation of conditions for the functioning and state support of the penitentiary system in Primorye with the involvement of representatives of the business community in the work of the commission.

The meeting was held in the form of an active dialogue, during which a number of constructive proposals were developed for submission to the Governor of Primorsky Krai for consideration and approval.

Very different people are serving prison terms, among which there are those who are used to working with their hands and those who are used to earning money with their minds. For many of them, the work is behind bars, but it’s impossible to earn serious money here. This post will tell you how cheap is used in correctional facilities in different countries.

A lot of things are produced here: from food to technology - in general, everything that can be produced at the factory. The services of American prisoners are used by world-famous brands such as JCPenney, Victoria's Secret, Haeftling. Agree that it is difficult to imagine a tattooed prisoner who sews women's underwear.

To become an employee of one of these prestigious companies, prisoners must demonstrate good behavior and not fail the interview. Once prisoners are hired, they must perform at their best, both on and off the job. As a bonus, they receive 20% of the money they earn, the remaining 80% remain to cover their maintenance and taxes.

An eco-friendly fashion brand, Heavy Eco, has been created in Estonia, combining the concept of ethical, environmentally friendly fashion with the darkest side of life. The clothes are made by the hands of prisoners, and some models are inspired by the drab everyday life of prisoners in prisons in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.

Their prison products are known to many European countries. One T-shirt costs quite a lot - 29 British pounds. But the company's management assures that half of the proceeds from sales of T-shirts go to organizations helping homeless children, orphans and orphanages. And rightly so, because the road to prison goes from childhood, most prisoners know this firsthand.

After visiting the San Pedro prison, one of the most overcrowded prisons in Latin America, French designer Thomas Jacob created the Pietà project: a prison menswear label made by inmates.

It was fundamentally important for the designer to prove to the whole world that prisoners can sew not a mediocre mass-market, but things that are not inferior to branded ones.

The goal of the project was to help people who committed a crime, but realized its severity and repented: workers receive a percentage of every sale made by Jacob.

At the Arisvaldo de Campos Pires prison in Juiz de Fora, fashion designer Raquel Guimarães taught 18 prisoners convicted of crimes ranging from armed robbery to murder the highest quality knitting in exchange for wages and sentence reduction.

Thus, now this prison looks more like a weaving enterprise than a place of deprivation of liberty. Prisoners, inspired and motivated by the reduction of the sentence, and most of them are on life sentences, will bind anything, if only to somehow reduce the time they spend in this terrible place.

About a mile off the coast of Norway, near Oslo, is an island where 115 criminals are being held, including convicted murderers, rapists and drug dealers.

Prisoners have the opportunity to work on a farm or at a logging site. Surplus products are sold to stores. For their work, they regularly receive a salary - about 10 thousand crowns (1.7 thousand dollars) and even have the right to leave. Their movements around the island are not limited in any way. The Norwegian prison also provides prisoners with a lot of leisure options: skiing and fishing, a drama club and a library.

Three dozen enterprises Federal Service execution of sentences since 2014. work under a single brand "Trading House of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia".

Now about 600 thousand prisoners are serving their sentences in Russian colonies. About 200,000 of them work and annually produce thousands of different goods worth over 32 billion rubles.

Almost all playgrounds, road curbs are made by convicts. Some correctional facilities even have blast furnaces, and few people are probably aware that most of the damask knives sold in well-known gun shops are made in the colonies. Overalls, including for police officers, are also sewn by prisoners.

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