Warsaw Alexander Lazarevich state. Alexander Varshavsky decided to take up Assunta Madre restaurants. How it works: middlemen for gray schemes


Alexander Varshavsky's Avilon Group, which manages a network of premium car dealerships, will invest more than 1.6 billion rubles. in the creation of a dairy complex in the Kaluga region. The asset should include 5,000 milking herds and a processing plant. Now the competition in this segment is high, which, against the background of a decrease in demand for milk, can increase the payback period of the project up to 15 years, experts warn.

As follows from the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and SPARK-Interfax, in July 2016, Agroferma LLC was registered in the Kaluga Region (the main activity is the production of milk and cream). sole founder The company lists the Cypriot Maxbond Ltd. This structure also owns Agro-Invest LLC, which is engaged in a project to build a greenhouse complex on 80 hectares in the Lyudinovsky district of the Kaluga region for 12.5 billion rubles. Kommersant's sources in the industry associate Agro-Invest with the Avilon group and personally with its owner Alexander Varshavsky. "A businessman today is considering several directions in agriculture", says one of Kommersant's interlocutors. Yesterday, Avilon did not respond to Kommersant's request, it was not possible to contact Mr. Varshavsky.

"Agroferma" plans to develop a project for the production and processing of milk, "Kommersant" was told in the press service of the administration of the Kaluga region. Now the company is negotiating the acquisition of an operating dairy complex for 2.4 thousand heads in the Kozelsky district. The volume of investments at this stage is estimated at about 1.6 billion rubles. In parallel, "Agroferma" is looking for a site for the construction of another dairy complex for 2.4 thousand heads. The press service added that the next stage of the project involves the construction of a milk processing plant. "Now the investor is negotiating with partners to determine the capacity of the future enterprise and the range of products," the regional administration specified.

According to its own data, the main assets of Avilon Group of Companies are concentrated in the management of dealerships of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, Bentley, Ferrari, Aston Martin, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and MINI, Jaguar, Land Rover, Volkswagen, Ford, Hyundai. The group also includes the Avtologistika company (operates more than 500 car carriers), the European real estate company (builds class A business centers and housing in Moscow and the region), and the Salt company (is engaged in leasing cars for taxis). Revenue of Avilon AG JSC in 2014 - 52.5 billion rubles, net profit - 1.3 billion rubles. (SPARK data).

Andrei Danilenko, chairman of the board of the National Union of Milk Producers (Soyuzmoloko), calculated that one complex for 2.4 thousand heads would allow Agroferma to produce about 60 tons of raw milk per day. "Two such complexes are quite a large enterprise by Russian standards," he notes. According to Mr. Danilenko, there is still a shortage of raw milk in the country, but this is a low-profit industry - the payback period for projects is delayed by 10-15 years, depending on the amount of subsidies. Andrey Danilenko estimates the cost of building a medium-sized milk processing plant with a capacity of about 300 tons per day at about 1 billion rubles. At the same time, he warns, it will be difficult for an investor to work in a new market for himself. “The demand for dairy products is falling, and the competition among manufacturers is colossal. The new player will need to invest in the development and promotion of the brand. Working under own brands of retail chains will in fact mean selling the product at the lowest possible price,” says Mr. Danilenko.

According to Soyuzmolok, Russia produced 30.8 million tons of raw milk in 2015, roughly on the level of 2014. Marketable milk output increased by 1.9% to 20.1 million tons. The production of cheese and cheese products increased by 17.6%, to 581.3 thousand tons, cottage cheese and curd products - by 6.1%, to 794 thousand tons, butter - by 3.2%, to 258.9 thousand tons.

As follows from the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, in October 2017 Akita JSC (owned by the Cypriot Maxbond Ltd, the company is associated with the owner of the Avilon group Alexander Varshavsky) became the owner of the Moscow Azhur LLC. Prior to this, the structure belonged to Igor Hakobjanyan, the company's activities are related to the restaurant business. In September 2017, Azhur filed an application with Rospatent for the registration of the Assunta Madre trademark, including for the restaurant category, follows from the register of applications. The SPARK-Interfax database notes that in the summer of 2017, the company registered the assuntamadre.ru domain.

According to the site, we are talking about the Italian premium-class fish restaurant Assunta Madre Moscow on Povarskaya Street, next to the CDL restaurant. According to the interlocutor of Kommersant, who is familiar with the project, Assunta Madre Moscow will have about 120 seats, the average check is about 7 thousand rubles, the opening is scheduled for December 2017. Avilon and the restaurant declined to comment, and it was not possible to contact Mr. Varshavsky.

Alexander Varshavsky is better known as the owner of the Avilon group, which develops a network of premium brand dealerships (Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, Bentley, Ferrari, Aston Martin, Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar, etc.). According to Autobusinessreview, in 2016 the group's sales grew by 3%, to 18.6 thousand new cars. Turnover increased by 12% to 51.26 billion rubles, which corresponds to the eighth place in the rating of the largest Russian dealers. Mr. Varshavsky also has assets in agriculture. Thus, the Cypriot Maxbond Ltd owns 90% of Agro-invest LLC, which operates a greenhouse complex in the Kaluga region on 20 hectares for the production of cucumbers and tomatoes. Akita owns 90% in Agrogrib LLC, which is building a mushroom production complex in the Tula region for 9 billion rubles. Prior to that, Alexander Varshavsky's interest in the restaurant business was not known.

According to Andrey Petrakov, Executive Director of Restcon, opening a restaurant with 120 seats may require a room of about 500-600 square meters. m, including the kitchen. He estimates the average cost of launching such a premium-class establishment at $2–3 million (116.9–175.35 million rubles at the current exchange rate of the Central Bank). The rental rate on Povarskaya Street is 50–70 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m per year, calculated the director of the direction of street retail Knight Frank Victoria Kamlyuk.

Assunta Madre restaurants are already operating in Rome, Milan, Barcelona and London, according to the chain's international website. In Monte Carlo, an institution under this sign was planned to be opened by an Italian businessman, former leader Flavio Briatore's Renault F1 team, The Telegraph reported. The Assunta Madre restaurant in Moscow is likely to operate under a franchise, Mr. Petrakov believes. He estimates the average lump-sum fee for the market at $500,000, royalties at 5-7% of the restaurant's revenue. Assunta Madre head office could not be contacted. In May 2017, The Telegraph reported that Assunta Madre owner Gianni Micalus and his two sons were detained by police on suspicion of money laundering.

“The Assunta Madre format may well be in demand in Moscow. In addition, the very concept of fish establishments is becoming popular,” restaurateur Arkady Novikov believes. According to Andrey Petrakov, the average bill of 7 thousand rubles is quite high even for Moscow premium-class establishments. Such a restaurant can be popular only if there is a famous chef and very high quality food, he notes. In Europe, Assunta Madre presents only high-quality fish, this is, in principle, an expensive menu, Mr. Novikov adds.

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Owner of the Avilon group, which develops a network of Rolls-Royce, Bentley and Ferrari dealerships

"Connections / Partners"


How "Avilon" with Gref "ate" the car market

Avilon is claiming the assets of the troubled car dealer Genser. Did Gref help Varshavsky and Avagumyan capture the market?

Another Russian car dealer leaves the market. Genser has accumulated 12 billion rubles of debt and is starting to terminate contracts with suppliers, reports The Moscow Post correspondent.

Bankruptcy claims are ready to be filed by Russian Capital, MKB and VTB. However, the key creditor is Sberbank, which, without filing a lawsuit, is already considering how to “grab” the assets. In particular, according to rumors in the market, he is going to merge the assets of Genser with another car dealer Rolf in exchange for a share in the combined company.

Sergei Sobyanin launched Troika backwards

The potential participation of an adviser to the vice-mayor of Moscow in the tender for the organization of a loyalty system for the Moscow Metro is already suspicious. Perhaps that is why the second "People's Map" was created - to avert suspicion? The second is headed by Ilya Korolev. It belongs to Rostam Khumoyan. Korolev previously also led the third "People's Map", which is not listed anywhere in connection with the "City". Interestingly, earlier it was Moscow Taxi Company LLC, a project of Salt LLC. Salt LLC is part of the Avilon holding owned by Kamo Avagumyan and Alexander Varshavsky. And this is where the fun begins...

Prosecutor's shoulder?

Kamo Avagumyan is known for his connections. He has been the official representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of Armenia in Russia since 2008 and has since become close friends with Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika. Yes, so tightly converged that their business is practically intertwined into a single ball! So, for example, Avagumyan is associated with the Cypriot offshore Amiensa Holdings. He, in turn, owns 21.25% of the Greek hotel Pomegranate Wellness Spa. Yury Chaika's son Artem Chaika and the former wife of Deputy Prosecutor General Olga Lopatina own similar shares in it. Is this what they call a "strong friendship"?

Alexander Varshavsky went into the kitchen

As follows from the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, in October 2017 Akita JSC (owned by the Cypriot Maxbond Ltd, the company is associated with the owner of the Avilon group Alexander Varshavsky) became the owner of the Moscow Azhur LLC. Prior to this, the structure belonged to Igor Hakobjanyan, the company's activities are related to the restaurant business.

Premium fish restaurant to open in Moscow

The owner of the Avilon group, which develops a network of Rolls-Royce, Bentley and Ferrari dealerships, Alexander Varshavsky went into the restaurant business. Before the end of this year, it is planned to open its first premium-class establishment Assunta Madre in Moscow, which will become part of the international network.

According to the interlocutor of Kommersant, who is familiar with the project, Assunta Madre Moscow will have about 120 seats, the average check is about 7 thousand rubles, the opening is scheduled for December 2017.

In the United States, they became interested in the inhabitants of an elite house in Manhattan - "influential Russians", who formed a 20-apartment "enclave"

Powerful Russians, many of whom were connected at home, have bought more than twenty apartments for themselves in the luxurious Time Warner Center skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan, forming an enclave there, writes The New York Times. Journalists of the newspaper devoted a series of articles to the inhabitants of this elite two-tower house, sorting out the sources of funds for such purchases.

Big money stretching for residence in New York

The New York Times published an article last Sunday, or rather the result of a detailed investigative journalism by its correspondents Louise Storey and Stephanie Saul, entitled "Foreign capital flows into luxury New York real estate."

As the authors found, this capital belongs to "government officials and their closest employees from Russia, Columbia, Malaysia, China, Kazakhstan and Mexico," who, when buying exorbitant apartments in Manhattan, "are asked few questions due to US laws that facilitate the movement of money mainly of obscure origin through shell companies.”

K-clan How suppliers of cars for the security forces unsuccessfully attached 4 million dollars to relatives of the heads of the Prosecutor General's Office - and what happened next

Alexander Varshavsky got into milk

Warsaw reached the vegetables. How a car dealer makes money on cucumbers and tomatoes

The end of the fairy tale about "Avilon", or everyone to get out of the twilight

Auto dealer "Independence" is losing one supplier after another, they say the blame for the unfavorable situation on the market. Meanwhile, Avilon remains afloat and is not even averse to getting the "remains" of a competitor.

According to the UtroNews correspondent, another supplier refused to deal with the Nezavisimost dealer. This time it was the Volvo auto concern, earlier BMW announced the termination of cooperation with the dealer. The concern stated that Lately complaints were received from about 20 customers: according to buyers, the dealer does not give them cars.

Who will sink the Avilon?

Auto dealer "Avilon", specializing in premium class cars, decided to take up yachts, according to the correspondent of UtroNews. The company will become the exclusive agent for Benetti and Astondoa yachts in Russia, but plans to cooperate with other manufacturers as well. Such a desire for luxury and high-class owners is not surprising. After all, if you believe the rumors on the Internet, Alexander Varshavsky and Kamo Avagumyan get acquainted with both high-ranking security officials and reputable bandits.

Major car dealer co-owners invest in animal husbandry

Pavel Abrosimov and Dmitry Kanareikin, the founders of the second largest Russian car dealer in terms of turnover, Major, created a project in agriculture. According to Kommersant, their company Shulgino has acquired a dairy farm for 1.7 thousand heads of cattle in the Volokolamsky district of the Moscow region and plans to invest in the construction of a meat and dairy complex in the region.

Grooms "Merino"

link: http://rospres.com/corruption/6501/

How much from the "gelding"?

Avilon is the official dealer of Mercedes-Benz RUS. New York Motors-Moscow is a Ford dealer, but this does not prevent it from entering into large contracts for the supply of Mercedes. Forbes magazine included New York Motors-Moscow in its list of the 200 most closed companies in Russia. According to the SKRIN database, the founder of one of the main suppliers of "Mercedes" for the special services is New York Motors Corp, registered in the state of New Jersey. American commercial registers show that one of the co-owners of the company is Alexander Varshavsky.

Forbes reported that Varshavsky, who had long settled in America, had already retired and transferred control automotive business Andrei Pavlovich, who heads Avilon and Panavto. Pavlovich did not respond to an official request from Novaya Gazeta and did not confirm to us whether Varshavsky really had nothing to do with Mercedes suppliers for Russian government agencies.
link: http://www.udprf.ru/press-center/soobsch-smi/2010-04-21

link: http://lenta.ru/news/2012/03/06/gosloto/

Shareholders of Gosloto decided to swear in court

According to Spark-Interfax, Converse-Sport owns 47% of Orglot, Megatrust Holding Ltd owns 26% of the shares, Orglot Hungary owns 25% (both companies are owned by Shandor Demyan), and the remaining 2% is controlled by Roman Paleev. The beneficiaries of Converse-Sport are the structures of Alexander Varshavsky, co-owner of the New York Motors-Moscow and Avilon car dealerships.
link: http://www.memoid.ru/node/ Akcionery_Gosloto_reshili_ rugatsya_v_sude

Gosloto is not divided

Co-owners of the Gosloto organizer quarreled

A conflict arose between the shareholders of the Orglot company, which is the organizer of the all-Russian state lottery Gosloto, over the management of the asset. According to the Kommersant newspaper, one of the co-owners of Orglot, the president of the Hungarian development corporation TriGranit Shandor Demyan, appointed a new CEO and board of directors of the company, and now his decision is being challenged in court by the second shareholder, Converse-sport LLC.

Demyan, through Megatrust Holding and Orglot Hungary, owns 51 percent of Orglot's shares, while Converse-Sport owns 47 percent. According to market participants, the beneficiaries of Converse-Sport are the structures of businessman Alexander Varshavsky, co-owner of the New York Motors-Moscow and Avilon car companies. Another two percent of the shares are controlled by businessman Roman Paleev.
link: http://egoden.ru/news/read/ 386619/sovladelcy_organizatora_gosloto_possorilis

Alexander Varshavsky does not like the interference of the Hungarian shareholder in the management of Orglot LLC

"Converse-sport" asks to take interim measures on the claim in the form of a ban on making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: the co-owner of "Orglot" fears that the illegitimate CEO will have the right to make any transactions on behalf of the company, including those aimed at withdrawing assets.

47% of Orglot is owned by Converse-Sport, 26% by Megatrust Holding Ltd, 25% by Orglot Hungary, 2% by Roman Paleev. The beneficiaries of Converse-Sport are the structures of Alexander Varshavsky, co-owner of the New York Motors-Moscow and Avilon car dealerships (officially, 100% of Converse-Sport is owned by the Cypriot KSPT Holding Limited). Another 51% of Orglot belongs to the president and co-owner of the Hungarian development corporation TriGranit Shandor Demyan (through Megatrust Holding and Orglot Hungary).
link: http://mergers.ru/news/ Aleksandru

Gosloto is not divided

The Hungarian developer Sandor Demyan decided to intervene in the management of his Russian asset - Orglot LLC, the operator of the state lottery Gosloto, by appointing new CEOs and board of directors to the company. But the owner of almost half of Orglot, car dealer Alexander Varshavsky, considers the decisions illegitimate.
link: http://skvlaw.ru/news/news_of_ conflicts_and_disputes/1089/

Whose boats are longer?

Half of Gosloto belongs to Alexander Varshavsky?

Since the spring of this year, 49% in Orglot LLC (the operator of the Gosloto lottery) has been controlled by structures close to businessman Alexander Varshavsky, Kommersant writes.

“Earlier, employees of Rossport, who worked together with Vyacheslav Fetisov, were considered the owners of this share,” an interlocutor in one of the lottery companies told the newspaper. It was Rossport who initiated the Gosloto organization in 2006 and chose the Orglot company as the operator of the state lottery. According to the contract, at least 50% of Orglot's income must be allocated to the prize fund, 15% to finance the federal target program "Development physical culture and sports in Russian Federation for 2006-2015". 1,874 have already been transferred for these purposes.
link: http://www.sostav.ru/news/2009/10/07/cod6/

Investors try on a ticket pack.

President of the Hungarian development corporation TriGranit Sandor Demyan put up for sale 51% of Orglot LLC. This company operates the country's largest lottery, Gosloto, which was created to finance the federal sports development program. The second co-owner of Orglot, auto retailer Alexander Varshavsky, has an option to buy. Oleg Boyko and Elmurod Rasulmukhamedov's "Russian Lotto" also showed interest.

The fact that representatives of Mr. Demyan met in Moscow with the managers of Russian Lotto in mid-March and discussed the sale of the lottery was reported by a source close to Russian Lotto. On Friday, Karoli Varga, the legal representative of Shandor Demyan, answered a request from Kommersant that 51% of Gosloto was indeed put up for sale, several companies have already shown interest, among them Converse-sport LLC (owns another 47% of Gosloto ”) and CJSC Russian Lotto (operator of the lottery of the same name). Converse-sport, added Mr. Varga, as the second co-owner, has the right of priority purchase.
link: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/ 1345110

From the life of the rested

Head of Avilon company Alexander Varshavsky (left) and co-owner of Aston Martin Russia Andrey Lomakin at the gala dinner dedicated to the opening of the Burevestnik Boat Show exhibition at the Burevestnik Yacht Club
link: http://kommersant.ru/doc/803460

The car dealer will earn on drawings

Structures close to businessman Alexander Varshavsky (his companies sell Ford, Mercedes and Maybach in Moscow) acquired 49% of Orglot LLC, the operator of the Gosloto lottery, one of the largest in Russia. The cost of Gosloto before the crisis was estimated at $150 million. By the end of the year, the lottery operator expects to install up to 10,000 electronic terminals for real-time drawings.
link: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/ 1251257

The car dealer got carried away with the panels. Thermosteps-MTL showed a new member of the Board of Directors

Moscow businessman Alexander Varshavsky, who is the owner of the American company New York Motors Corp., was elected to the Board of Directors of Thermosteps-MTL OJSC. — a holding that manages a number of auto trading companies.

OJSC "Termosteps-MTL" is one of the main enterprises of "VBM-Group" - a holding uniting industrial assets controlled by Andrey Ischuk, a member of the Federation Council from the Samara Region. Since 2003, the company stopped disclosing its financial statements and resumed this process quite recently by publishing a list of affiliated persons of the OJSC. According to the disclosed information, in addition to the VBM managers, Moscow businessman Alexander Varshavsky was included in the board of directors of the enterprise.
link: http://www.samru.ru/bisnes/news/30633.html

How it works: middlemen for gray schemes

According to the SCRIN database, the founder of CJSC New York Motors-Moscow is New York Motors Corp, registered in the state of New Jersey, which, as of 2004, was owned by two people from Soviet Union, long and firmly established in the United States, - Alexander Varshavsky and Igor Bakunenko. Forbes reported that Alexander Varshavsky had already retired and transferred control of the automotive business to Andrei Pavlovich, to CEO Avilon and New York Motors-Moscow. Pavlovich did not respond to a request from Novaya Gazeta, but New Jersey business directories still point to Varshavsky as one of the owners of New York Motors Corp.

Avilon is claiming the assets of the troubled car dealer Genser. Gref helped Varshavsky and Avagumyan capture the market? Another Russian car dealer leaves the market. Genser has accumulated 12 billion rubles of debt and is beginning to terminate contracts with suppliers. Bankruptcy claims are ready to be filed by Russian Capital, MKB and VTB. However, the key creditor is Sberbank, which, without filing a lawsuit, is already considering how to "grab" the assets. In particular, according to rumors in the market, he is going to merge the assets of Genser with another car dealer, Rolf, in exchange for a share in the combined company. However, now it has become known that Avilon is entering the "sharing" scene. The company of Alexander Varshavsky and Kamo Avagumyan has already taken over another major car dealer, Independence, and now it seems to have opened its mouth in anticipation of new production. Experts, however, believe that Avilon is only interested in Genser real estate, and not contracts for the supply of cars: everything is However, Avagumyan mainly trades in premium cars, and among the brands that could be of interest to him, there are only Toyota and Infiniti. There are also suggestions on the market that Sberbank will not sell assets separately - this is used as an argument for concluding an agreement with Rolf. However, sources report that in the end, Sberbank may simply divide Genser with Avilon - of course, in if Avagumyan and Varshavsky can offer the right price. And they will be able to - they know a lot about "kickbacks" and making money even better than Gref. "Eaters" of the market? Varshavsky and Avagumyan have long been famous for their rather tough expansion in the automotive market. Their first victim was the Nezavisimost auto dealer, which, due to problems, began selling off its assets in 2017. Avilon attacked them like a vulture on a fresh corpse. So, for example, when Independence terminated the contract with Volvo last October, Avilon immediately applied for its renewal. Then the BMW dealership at Belaya Dacha was put up for sale, and immediately a competitor became active again, who quickly bought it out. It seems that Varshavsky and Avagumyan are sleeping and seeing how they will become almost monopolists in the Russian automobile market. And while they are given this path, albeit not without peculiar machinations. So, in order to show the success of their Avilon enterprise, another one was created - Salt LLC. It is managed by the general director of the holding, Andrey Petrovich, but if Avilon flies forward, then Salt incurs losses from year to year. - so that manipulations do not become public knowledge. As a result, the key holding remains "clean and bright", while the second enterprise is mired in debt.

But Salt has other functions as well. Through him, Kamo Avagumyan, for example, signed a deal to supply Rostec with Mercedes Maybach cars for a total of 851 million rubles. There is information about the state contract, but where the money went is unknown. The machines, of course, were delivered - even the shareholders of "Avilon" will not dare to "throw" Chemezov. And almost a billion rubles could well have been withdrawn to be used for personal purposes. Now "Salt" is in the process of reorganization - apparently because they decided to get rid of the "left" enterprise. But it is possible that they will replace it with another - so far new and clean. "Avilon" goes to bow? Where does Avilon get the money from, if other car dealers simply "bend over", at the same time explaining their problems by market conditions? The fact is that Varshavsky and Avagumyan have found a great way to ensure a comfortable existence for themselves: government orders.

State orders - an excellent feeder for "Avilon"?

Avilon supplies cars to departments such as the Prosecutor General's Office. Cars are not simple, but mostly elite. This has been achieved quite in a simple way: "garters" in the prosecutor's office at the highest level. Avagumyan has been actively working with Yuri Chaika since 2008. He is associated with the Cypriot firm Amiensa Holdings, which owns 21.5% of Pomegranate Wellness Spa in Greece. And here there is a strange coincidence: the son of the Prosecutor General and the former wife of Deputy Chaika Sr. Olga Lopatina own the same shares in it.

The possessions of Avagumyan and his friends from the prosecutor's office are impressive in scope

Avagumyan is also close friends with another deputy, Chaika. The connection with Sahak Karapetyan can be traced through his daughter, Diana Karapetyan, as well as the well-known Probusinessbank, which, in fact, was engaged in cashing out and withdrawing funds abroad with their subsequent laundering. 1 million US dollars. And then, when the bankers decided to "cheat" everyone and fled abroad, leaving the bank bankrupt, they tried to return this money, arguing that they were being pressured "from above." Who it could be is not hard to guess.

The bill of Diana Karapetyan, which became the cause of proceedings in court

But in the end the story ended almost peacefully: entrepreneurs are still on the needle of the state order, and the prosecutor's office drives cars they have supplied, apparently providing businessmen with a "roof" along the way. However, it is not only the prosecutor's office that "roofs" them. Sobyanin's friends The Avagumyan family is also surprisingly brisk in other businesses, mainly associated with the Moscow government, and this cannot but raise questions. So, his middle son Karen owns the Rico and Alfa Grant companies, which are engaged in route transportation in the capital . As subsidies, the company received 3.12 billion rubles from the Moscow government. The youngest son, Hamlet, owns MKM-Logistic, a garbage disposal company. Against the backdrop of scandals with landfills in Balashikha, his income did not decrease at all, and he received 40 billion rubles from the Moscow government under a contract for garbage collection for the next 15 (!!!) years. Is this not evidence that everything is in order with the Moscow authorities there? Well, of course, it could not have done without Salt LLC, which regularly receives tranches for servicing the taxi fleet all from the same Moscow budget. In addition, this company was involved in the City program, in which it was launched with cashback. Interestingly, the mayor announced a tender for the creation of a similar program after the "City" was launched. Moreover, its creators act on behalf of the Moscow metro and the mayor.

Sobyanin became a "roof" for expensive businessmen?

It turns out that Sobyanin is extremely patronizing about the Avagumyanov business and contributes to it in every possible way. But doesn't that violate Russian legislation? And how do entrepreneurs pay him off - not with free metro rides, after all? Against the backdrop of these connections between Varshavsky and Avagumyan, it is easy to assume that enterprising businessmen decided to develop a network of their extremely profitable acquaintances and enlisted Gref's support in order to "enslave" the car market. And if the head of Sberbank soon has a yacht, no one will be surprised by this - after all, Avilon also sells them. But it would be necessary to “squeeze out” more carefully - the hour is not even, someone “above” will notice all these strange coincidences of circumstances ...

11:58 , 16.03.2018

How "Avilon" with Gref "ate" the car market

Avilon is claiming the assets of the troubled car dealer Genser. Did Gref help Varshavsky and Avagumyan capture the market?

Another Russian car dealer leaves the market. Genser has accumulated 12 billion rubles of debt and is starting to terminate contracts with suppliers, reports The Moscow Post correspondent.

Bankruptcy claims are ready to be filed by Russian Capital, MKB and VTB. However, the key creditor is Sberbank, which, without filing a lawsuit, is already considering how to "grab" the assets. In particular, according to rumors in the market, he is going to merge the assets of Genser with another car dealer, Rolf, in exchange for a stake in the combined company.

However, it has now become known that Avilon is entering the "sharing" scene. The company of Alexander Varshavsky and Kamo Avagumyan has already taken over another major auto dealer, Independence, and now it seems to have opened its mouth in anticipation of new production.

Experts, however, believe that Avilon is only interested in Genser real estate, and not contracts for the supply of cars: after all, Avagumyan mainly trades in premium cars, and among the brands that could interest him, there are only Toyota and Infiniti. There are also suggestions on the market that Sberbank will not sell assets separately - this is used as an argument for concluding an agreement with Rolf.

However, sources for The Moscow Post report that in the end, Sberbank may simply share Genser with Avilon - of course, if Avagumyan and Varshavsky can offer the right price. And they will be able to - they know a lot about "kickbacks" and making money even better than Gref.

"Eaters" of the market?

Varshavsky and Avagumyan have long been famous for their rather tough expansion in the automotive market. Their first victim was the car dealer Independence, which, due to problems, began to sell its assets in 2017. The Avilon pounced on them like a vulture on a fresh corpse.

So, for example, when Independence terminated the contract with Volvo last October, Avilon immediately applied for its renewal. Then the BMW dealership at Belaya Dacha was put up for sale - and immediately a competitor became active again, who quickly bought it out.

It seems that Varshavsky and Avagumyan are sleeping and seeing how they will become almost monopolists of the Russian automobile market. And while this path is given to them, albeit not without peculiar machinations.

So, in order to show the success of their company "Avilon", another one was created - LLC "Salt". It is managed by the general director of the holding, Andrey Petrovich, but if Avilon flies forward, then Salt incurs a loss from year to year.

Such a scheme is similar to the one often used by banks: bad assets are "merged" into a separate company, indirectly related to the parent company - so that manipulations do not become public knowledge. As a result, the key holding remains "clean and bright", while the second enterprise is mired in debt.

But Salt has other functions as well. Through him, Kamo Avagumyan, for example, signed a deal to supply Rostec with Mercedes Maybach cars for a total of 851 million rubles. There is information about the state contract, but where the money went is unknown. The machines, of course, were delivered - even the shareholders of "Avilon" will not dare to "throw" Chemezov. And almost a billion rubles could well have been withdrawn to be used for personal purposes. Now "Salt" is in the process of reorganization - apparently because they decided to get rid of the "left" enterprise. But it is possible that they will replace it with another - so far new and clean.

"Avilon" goes to bow?

Where does Avilon get the money from, if other car dealers simply "bend over", at the same time explaining their problems by market conditions? The fact is that Varshavsky and Avagumyan have found a great way to ensure a comfortable existence for themselves: government orders.

State orders - an excellent feeder for "Avilon"?

Avilon supplies cars to departments such as the Prosecutor General's Office. Cars are not simple, but mostly elite. This was achieved in a fairly simple way: "garters" in the prosecutor's office at the highest level.

Avagumyan has been actively working with Yuri Chaika since 2008. He is associated with the Cypriot firm Amiensa Holdings, which owns 21.5% of Pomegranate Wellness Spa in Greece. And here there is a strange coincidence: the son of the Prosecutor General Artem Chaika and the former wife of Deputy Chaika Sr. Olga Lopatina own the same shares in it.

The possessions of Avagumyan and his friends from the prosecutor's office are impressive in scope

Avagumyan is also close friends with another deputy, Chaika. With Sahak Karapetyan, the connection can be traced through his daughter, Diana Karapetyan, as well as the well-known Probusinessbank, which, in fact, was engaged in cashing out and withdrawing funds abroad with their subsequent laundering.

It was Varshavsky and Avagumyan who handed over a promissory note from Diana Karapetyan for 1 million US dollars to the owners of Probusinessbank. And then, when the bankers decided to "cheat" everyone and fled abroad, leaving the bank bankrupt, they tried to return this money, arguing that they were being pressured "from above." Who it could be is not hard to guess.

The bill of Diana Karapetyan, which became the cause of proceedings in court

But in the end the story ended almost peacefully: entrepreneurs are still on the needle of the state order, and the prosecutor's office drives cars they have supplied, apparently providing businessmen with a "roof" along the way. However, it is not only the prosecutor's office that "roofs" them.

Sobyanin's friends

The Avagumyan family is surprisingly brisk in other businesses, mainly associated with the Moscow government, and this cannot but raise questions.

So, his middle son Karen owns the Rico and Alfa Grant companies, which are engaged in route transportation in the capital. As subsidies, the company received 3.12 billion rubles from the Moscow government. The youngest son, Hamlet, owns MKM-Logistic, a garbage disposal company. Against the backdrop of scandals with landfills in Balashikha, his income did not decrease at all, and he received 40 billion rubles from the Moscow government under a contract for garbage collection for the next 15 (!!!) years. Is this not evidence that everything is in order with the Moscow authorities there?

Well, of course, it could not have done without Salt LLC, which regularly receives tranches for servicing the taxi fleet all from the same Moscow-Warsaw budget. In addition, this company was involved in the City program, which launched a transport card with cashback. Interestingly, the mayor announced a tender for the creation of a similar program after the "City" was launched. Moreover, its creators act on behalf of the Moscow metro and the mayor.

Sobyanin became a "roof" for expensive businessmen?

It turns out that Sobyanin is extremely patronizing about the Avagumyanov business and contributes to it in every possible way. But doesn't this violate Russian law? And how do entrepreneurs pay for it - not with free trips on the subway, right?

Against the background of these ties between Varshavsky and Avagumyan, it is easy to assume that enterprising businessmen decided to develop a network of their extremely profitable acquaintances and enlisted Gref's support in order to "enslave" the car market. And if the head of Sberbank soon has a yacht, no one will be surprised by this - after all, Avilon also sells them. But it would be necessary to “squeeze out” more carefully - the hour is not even, someone “above” will notice all these strange coincidences of circumstances ...

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