Conducting telephone conversations with the employer. Telephone conversations with the employer. Make sure that there are no mistakes in the speech and words whose meaning is vague for you


The phone will help you save time and effort when looking for a job.

However, the lack of telephone skills, self-doubt or fear of rejection lead to reluctance to use the telephone, which significantly reduces the chances of employment.

Benefits of a phone call:

The telephone allows you to call a large number of enterprises in a short time and find out about available vacancies;

skillfully using the phone, even if the vacancy is already filled, YOU CAN GET another useful information, for example, to find out where there may be similar vacancies;

In a telephone conversation, the applicant gets a chance in the best possible way

present your positive aspects and create a good impression about yourself.

Telephone conversation technique

Talking on the phone requires certain skills and compliance with generally established rules:

1. Preparing for a conversation gives you a chance to seize the initiative, lead and control the conversation, so it is advisable that the data that you will report to the future employer over the phone be carefully thought out before the conversation begins (maybe even recorded).

2. First you need to introduce yourself, clearly state the reason for your call and ask to be connected to a representative of the company authorized to negotiate on the issue of employment. Addressing the employer by name and patronymic reduces the psychological distance and gives him a pleasant impression of the interlocutor and the seriousness of his intentions.

3. When talking on the phone, you should remember that the interlocutor does not see you, therefore, the correctness and politeness of your speech, the pleasantness of intonation become especially important for building your image.

4. You should not rush when talking on the phone, the interlocutor learns new information more slowly during such interaction. Briefly describe your education, qualifications, experience, skills, personal qualities, interests. It is useful to take the initiative and find out if something needs to be repeated or dictated.

5. Having won the interest of the employer, ask him for a meeting, offer to send him your resume. In case of refusal, try to get information from the interlocutor about where similar vacancies may be or appear in the near future. Offer to write down your coordinates.

6. When ending the conversation, you need to clearly understand for yourself how the negotiations ended, whether the meeting will take place in the future (where and when) or another phone call is required (when and who will call whom).

7. Remember that whatever the outcome of telephone conversations, a polite farewell will help to consolidate a pleasant impression of you. Thank the other person for spending time with you.

How to deal with feelings of anxiety?

Do you want to call your employer about a possible job, but are so worried that something bad will happen, everything will be terrible and you will be even more dejected by this, that you decide to do without this call altogether?

Let's think about it rationally: when you do something, you can't always expect only good results, sometimes something undesirable can happen. But it's not a disaster. Do not exaggerate! The worst thing that can happen in this case is that you will not be able to arrange an interview this time, but you can try again, and again!!!

The task of the secretary in working with the phone is to protect the manager from calls that are not directly related to him.

The secretary can independently resolve some of the issues within his competence or forward calls to other specialists without distracting the manager.At the same time, the secretary needs to know the circle of persons and organizations with which the head should be connected at any time.

Features of a business telephone conversation

Talking on the phone from the office has its own specifics: you speak on behalf of the company, and therefore it is necessary to follow the established rules for conducting telephone conversations. The tone and manner of speaking can be of paramount importance when communicating with a subscriber who may become a regular client of the company.

The secretary must have the following "telephone skills":

be able to recognize the mood of the interlocutor by the first notes of his voice;

be able to put a person in his place without raising his voice;

be able to stand your ground and not succumb to persuasion in matters of principle;

be able to seduce (such tactics will neutralize any angry caller, whether it be a high-ranking person or a "low-flying bird");

be able to artistically "get out" in difficult situations.

Call the secretary

In cases where the secretary is called, he should adhere to the following recommendations:

- try to pick up the phone after 2-3 rings, so as not to make the subscriber wait a long time;

- start speaking only when the microphone is close to your mouth, otherwise the subscriber will not hear your first phrases;

- smile - this will give melody and goodwill to the voice;

- name the organization and say hello;

- if a regular business partner (or client of the firm) is calling, whom the secretary recognizes by voice, you should call him by name before he introduces himself;

- if the subscriber did not introduce himself, politely but persistently offer him this do;

- next you need to know the purpose of the phone call;

- If the secretary did not hear something, the phrases: "Sorry, I did not hear" or "Please, repeat, please" would be appropriate.

· In the absence of the leader, the secretary should ask: "What should I give him?" or "Dictate, please, I'll write it down."

- if they dictate information to you over the phone: “Please tell me that Boris Semenovich called and asked to contact him by 19.00 by phone 473-22-56”, then be sure to repeat the names, dates, numbers;

- if you need to make inquiries in order to give an answer to the subscriber, then you need to warn him about the length of the search time (during the search for information, do not forget to turn on the button "hold”, which eliminates the leakage of information from the office;

- if it is impossible to quickly find the information you need, it is better to tell the subscriber the exact time when he can call back, or ask for his phone number and call yourself;

- You need to prompt what the caller should do;

- if an angry person calls you, you can -

· interrupt the interlocutor suitable place and ask: “Excuse me, if I can help you with something, tell me what should I do now?” (such phrases usually set you up for a constructive conversation without unnecessary emotions);

· answer politely, maintaining self-control and patience, even if they do not understand you or simply have the wrong number;

- in the event that the secretary forwards a telephone call to another employee, the last name, first name, patronymic of this employee, his position and telephone number should be given;

- at the end of the conversation, you should summarize, highlight the most important thing from what was said; the one who called ends the conversation (he also calls back if the conversation was interrupted for any reason);

- at the end of the conversation on the part of the secretary, the phrases would be appropriate: “Thank you for calling”, “I was glad to hear from you”, “Success to you”, etc.

The secretary is calling

They prepare for a telephone conversation as carefully as they do directly for a business conversation. First of all, you should define:

- surname, name, patronymic of the person with whom you need to talk;

- the most convenient time to call;

- the purpose of the call;

- What exactly do you want to negotiate?

A business conversation on the phone should be extremely brief, otherwise it loses its effectiveness. Experts call the optimal time - up to 4 minutes.

For any telephone conversation, a scheme is suitable that is easy to remember as "Seven" P "":

P1 - Greeting.

P2 - Presentation.

PZ - Reason (explanation of the purpose of the call).

P4 - Problem (discussion of the issue).

P5 - Summing up the discussion.

P6 - Appreciation (expression of gratitude).

P7 - Farewell. Duration of each stage of the conversation (in seconds):

P1+P2= 15;

PZ = 20;

P4= 150;

P5 = 35;

P6+ P7 = 20.

Rules for conducting a telephone conversation:

- having correctly dialed the subscriber's number and received a confirmation answer, you need to name yourself, the organization you represent, and the name of the employee you need (in some cases, you need to indicate the position);

- during a long-distance telephone conversation, first they name the city from which they are calling, then themselves, the position of their leader and the name of the organization;

after mutual introductions, you should name the purpose of your call.You can start a conversation with the words: "I am instructed", "We are forced to turn", etc.;

- if you received specific information - specify the names, dates, numbers;

- the caller ends the conversation;

- if you didn’t introduce yourself right away or you didn’t get there, apologize, specify the name of the company and check the number you dialed;

- if the conversation is accidentally interrupted, the person who called again dials the number;

- if you have to call again, the information is repeated;

- in a telephone conversation, the last word should sound so that you want to see the one with whom it was so pleasant to talk;

- never leave messages through a third party. It is better to call back several times to be sure that the information has reached its destination;

- if the conversation is too long, and the participant in the telephone dialogue is not going to end the conversation, it is necessary to compose questions in such a way that the "chatterbox" has nothing left but a monosyllabic "yes" or "no".You can also try answering with "finishing" sentences: "So we decided ...", "I think we had a productive conversation" or: "So, we agreed that ...". If the subscriber still continues the conversation, then the following phrases can be used: "Let's discuss this later (in a few days)" or "It's very nice to talk with you, but, unfortunately, I have an urgent matter," etc.

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Telephone conversation technique

One of the main "eaters" of time is the phone. From one of the most effective means of quick communication, the telephone has become a real scourge due to its super availability and relative cheapness of telephone conversations. This happens mainly due to the unpreparedness of the interlocutors for business communication.

Golden Rule:

Remember, if you are calling from your company office, you are calling on behalf of your company. And your task is not to lose this face.

Depending on whether you are calling or answering a call, the technique for effective telephone conversations is somewhat different.

You are about to call the company to find out some questions related to your area of ​​expertise.

1. Before picking up the handset, consider whether it is really necessary. Do you have to send a letter or fax after a telephone conversation? Wouldn't it be easier and more efficient to write a letter or send a fax right away? Wouldn't it be more efficient to call after the letter is received? Wouldn't it be quicker to contact an employee at e-mail? Can you get the information you need from other sources? Do you know exactly the phone number, first and last name of the employee you are going to call?

2. State the purpose of your call. (I'm calling to find out the following questions.). Prepare a conversation plan, write down all the key questions you are going to ask.

3. Prepare and arrange on the table all the necessary documents that you may need to argue your position on the issue under discussion. Write down the points of the provisions that you are going to bring as arguments. Have paper and pen ready to write down your interviewer's responses.

4. Prepare the introductory and closing phrases of the telephone conversation. Immediately after the greeting, state the purpose of your call.

“Hello, Ivan Ivanovich! Anna Ivanovna Petrova from the marketing department of the Searchlight company is talking to you. I am calling regarding the sale of our products (purpose of call)…” and “Thank you for the information (help, etc.). All the best! Goodbye!".

5. During the conversation, make notes on your argument sheet, write down the arguments of your interlocutor (numbers, dates, names of employees and companies). If you do not agree with some of the arguments, do not interrupt, but write down your questions to ask them when your interlocutor has finished speaking.

6. If during the conversation there are problems that you are not ready for, try to clarify the situation as much as possible: do not hesitate to ask, ask questions, try to find out the opinion of your interlocutor.

Golden Rule:

Your position in any telephone conversation must be active. You must take the initiative in your own hands from the very beginning, i.e. conduct a telephone conversation, and not follow your interlocutor.

7. If you are sure that you have clarified all the questions that were the purpose of your call, and there is a pause in the conversation, do not hesitate to immediately thank your interlocutor and politely end the conversation. (Thank you for ... (the purpose of your call), I won’t delay you any longer. All the best!” Goodbye!)

you answer the phone

1. State your name and the name of your company.

2. If your interlocutor did not consider it necessary to introduce himself, specify with whom you are talking. (Sorry, I didn't catch (a) your name).

3. Ask about the purpose of the call. If you can answer it yourself, answer specifically to the question; tell you what actions you will take in response to this call; thank you for your interest in the company and politely end the conversation (“Thank you for your call! We will send you our advertisement! / We are waiting for you next week at our company office with samples of your products. / We will send you a new invoice tomorrow by fax. Best regards ! Bye").

4. If the issue is not within your area of ​​expertise, provide the phone number of the person responsible for it and politely end the conversation.

5. If an employee is asked to answer the phone, who for some reason is currently absent, let us know when he can be reached by this phone number. If necessary, record a message for him to send. End the conversation quickly and politely (“I won’t keep you any longer”).

From the examples above, it can be seen that an effective telephone conversation can be conducted if, and only if, if you take it proactively. If you are in the lead in a conversation, then you will finish it when you yourself consider it necessary, while not offending your interlocutor in any way. At the same time, you will spend exactly as much time on the conversation as planned, and will not surrender to the elements of telephone verbosity.

Fighting perfectionism

"Care for the superfluous is often combined with the loss of the necessary."

Solon, between 640 and 635 - c. 559 BC.

Popular wisdom says: "The best is the enemy of the good." This implies that it is often simpler, more reliable, more profitable, i.e. it is better on all sides to stop at the achieved good level than to try to achieve unearthly perfection. The word "perfectionism" came to European languages, like many others, from Latin. The Latin word "perfectus" means nothing but absolute perfection. Think about it, is it possible to achieve absolute perfection? If necessary? Therefore, over time, the word "perfectionism" has acquired a certain negative connotation, expressing a vain desire for unattainable perfection. We will also use the word "perfectionism" in its modern sense.

TEST 11. "Do you suffer from perfectionism?"

Answer the questions "Yes" or "No".


1. Do you often try to achieve the obviously impossible?

2. Do you often suffer from stress?

3. You are afraid of changes in work, personal life, because does it always bring something new and unpredictable into your life?

4. You are afraid of getting sick or leaving for a long time, because no one but you will do your job as well as you?

5. Do you even trust yourself and often double-check how well the papers are filled out, where important documents are, are business letters written and sent?

6. Are you able to put aside your important tasks in order to carry out an unimportant and non-urgent assignment, just because you promised?

7. Are you afraid of making a mistake in your work, although you know that this will not lead to critical consequences?

8. Do you not know how to immediately find the papers you need, because you constantly shift them from folder to folder, rearrange folders from shelf to shelf, trying to optimize the order every time?

9. You can forget about everything in the world, disrupt your entire schedule in an attempt to find some kind of not particularly necessary for you at the moment. this moment help only because it seems to you that you put it in the exact folder where you are looking for it.

10. Do you think that writing letters is a special art that requires a lot of time?

11. You never create a database of sample letters, tk. Do you think that each letter should bear the imprint of individuality?

12. Are you an extremely punctual and obligatory person, although no one knows how much it costs you?

Golden Rule:

Don't go to extremes! Extremes are bad for a successful career!

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Negotiation Techniques

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Russian style of negotiation Reflects the national traits of the Russian people. First of all, this is devotion to national interests and the absence of discrimination based on nationality. It is also firmness in defending one's position, combined with tolerance for

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American style of negotiating Distinguished by professionalism, energy, not too formal atmosphere. Although there is also excessive assertiveness and even aggressiveness. Showing genuine interest in the negotiation process, the Americans ask many questions. They are

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French style of negotiation Focuses on logical evidence in discussions. The French are negotiating quite tough, usually without having a spare position. Practical orientation can be skillfully combined with partner persuasion techniques. They are

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English style of negotiation Assumes restraint, a tendency to unpredictability, scrupulousness, a certain isolation in communication, efficiency and enterprise. They are quite flexible and responsive to the partner's initiative, honest and punctual.

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German negotiating style Focused on success. At the stage of preparation, they clearly work out their own position and prefer a strict sequence in the discussion of issues. The Germans are rational, thrifty, prudent, distinguished by professionalism and

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Australian type of negotiation Australians treat each other regardless of social status, education and origin. They like to criticize themselves, but they don't like it when others do it. They do not like when they are praised, because they believe that they are wanted.

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Japanese style of negotiation The style of avoiding a sharp clash of positions during negotiations. They strive not only to solve business issues, but also to establish personal relationships with a partner. Caution and caution in the process of exchanging opinions. Respond to the concession

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Latin American negotiating style Interlocutors try to get as close as possible. The desire to move away will be regarded as ignorance. Very sociable. Afternoon rest (siesta) is common, so meetings can last until late in the evening. Not

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Arabic negotiating style Representatives of the Arab countries value traditions. It is important to give the impression of a decent person. A friend is a person who cannot refuse a request. Constantly waiting for praise and painfully react to criticism. Negotiations are close

The rules for conducting telephone conversations are a simple, but very important skill that a secretary needs. Sometimes, important business contacts begin with a phone call, and competent telephone conversations can be the argument that will allow the company to receive a large order. The article describes the basic rules for conducting telephone conversations.

From the article you will learn:

  • what are the characteristics of telephone conversations;
  • what general rules should be used in business negotiations;
  • what is included in the rules for conducting telephone conversations of the secretary;
  • conduct telephone conversations with incoming and outgoing calls.

Conducting telephone conversations- an important job function of the secretary

Characteristicsconducting telephone conversations

IN official duties any secretary, regardless of specialization, includes maintaining telephone conversations. Many mistakenly believe that this does not require special skills - after all, now everyone has a phone in their pocket and everyone, at least, talks on it several times a day. The mistake lies in the fact that even in a personal conversation that does not require much haste, not everyone can concentrate and be able to competently and briefly express their thoughts. Those shortcomings that are inherent in the speech skills of a particular person are even more pronounced in a telephone conversation.

In personal communication, the inability to conduct telephone conversations is not critical, but in a business environment it can have the most adverse consequences - up to refusal to do business with the company and large financial losses. Therefore, the secretary who receives business telephone calls “at the entrance” must be perfectly aware of the rules for conducting telephone conversations. These rules must be followed at an automatic level, regardless of who is “on the other end of the line” - the person who has the wrong number, or an important representative of a higher organization.

Fortunately, the ability to conduct a business conversation on the phone, like any useful skill, can be developed, that is, acquired as a result of training, self-control and self-improvement. business conversation characterized by the presence of a large number of standard phrases and speech stamps. In this case, their abundance is not considered a minus or a sign of insincerity, as in a personal conversation. As in business correspondence, stamp phrases allow you to concretize the meaning, avoiding unnecessary explanations. All this makes it possible to use the standard rules of telephone conversations.

Read also:

Generaltelephone rules

Skill speak competently and to negotiate, including by telephone, is a sign by which not only the general cultural level of a person is unmistakably determined, but also his “cost” in the labor market as a specialist. Therefore, a person who positions himself in this way should demonstrate competent telephone conversations both in personal and business communication. This should always be:

  • polite;
  • attentive;
  • benevolent;
  • as informative as possible
  • concise.

These qualities, shown in telephone conversations, are an indicator of a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor, that his time is valued.

  • Politeness is achieved not only through the use of well-known "polite" words, but also due to such nuances as clear diction, presentation and the ability not to interrupt the interlocutor at a key moment in the conversation. It is necessary to introduce yourself if the conversation is not personal, regardless of who initiates it.
  • If everything is clear with the rest of the qualities that are necessary for conducting telephone conversations, it is necessary to say separately about attentiveness. This quality can rather be called the ability to hear the interlocutor, that is, to understand what exactly he wants to say. This will help them make the right decisions and give the right answers to the questions they ask.
  • benevolence manifests itself in the willingness to listen and help the interlocutor, even if he does not express such a request directly in a conversation. Each subscriber who has applied by phone expects that he will be treated carefully and respectfully, that his question is one of the most urgent. Therefore, after the conversation, he should have the same impression. The interlocutor after the conversation must remain convinced that his issue will be considered and resolved. In a conversation, for this you need to use the phrases “OK, I understand the essence of the problem”, “I think that your issue will be resolved.” They will help to position the interlocutor.
  • informative in a conversation is achieved by refusing to present secondary and irrelevant information. This can be easily achieved if, in the process of preparing for negotiations, all available information on this issue is collected, studied and analyzed. In a conversation, it is necessary to appeal only with facts and avoid speculation.
  • Conciseness- the ability to briefly and succinctly formulate phrases, clearly adhering to the topic of conversation.

Rules for conducting telephone conversations of the secretary

In addition to other duties, the secretary performs dispatching functions. Through the contact phone of the organization, which is on the desktop of the secretary, the external interaction of the company with customers, clients, business partners, and government agencies is carried out, among other things. The main task of the secretary is to relieve the leader as much as possible, communication with which, as a rule, is the goal of subscribers. Therefore, he needs to clearly know which of the specialists is authorized to resolve issues with which subscribers apply to the company.

With the competent performance of dispatching functions by the secretary, the manager will be able to avoid unnecessary workload, and the subscriber will receive an exhaustive and competent answer to his question. The secretary, in the general case, when receiving a call, must independently decide on its forwarding and, if necessary, connect the subscriber with the manager.

You should always control yourself and pay attention to intonation and choice of words. Sometimes, especially if the interlocutor is irritated, he is inclined to accept any words with hostility, even those spoken in a neutral tone. Rules of conduct telephone conversations imply special restraint, even in the case when the subscriber is clearly excited and ready for rudeness. The secretary should always remember that he is not only an assistant to the head, but also the face of the company.

When conducting telephone conversations, incoming and outgoing calls have their own characteristics.

on outgoing calls

  1. Prepare and study all necessary information on the topic to be discussed during the conversation. Including, if possible, find out the position, name and patronymic of a potential interlocutor;
  2. After the subscriber's response, introduce yourself, naming your position, the position of the head and the company, saying: “I have been instructed ...”, ask to connect with a specific specialist or employee authorized to discuss the topic of the conversation. If the call is long-distance, introducing yourself, you should also mention the city where the call comes from;
  3. After waiting for the answer of the desired subscriber, warn him that he will be connected with the head of the company, naming his position, last name, first name and patronymic;
  4. In the case when the secretary is authorized to independently conduct a conversation, after connecting with the desired subscriber, briefly and clearly state to him the essence of the issue;
  5. When your message is sent in the form of a telephone message, at the beginning of the conversation, warn the interlocutor that he will need to record your message, transfer it, write down information about who exactly the message was received with an indication of the position and time;
  6. Listen to the response to the message, say goodbye to the interlocutor. As a general rule, one of the subscribers who initiated it should end the conversation.

Basic rules for conducting telephone conversationson incoming calls

  1. When you hear a call, you should answer it immediately and, without waiting for a question, name the company, your position and last name. After the interlocutor, in turn, introduces himself, you should greet him, addressing him by name and patronymic. If he himself does not show initiative, you need to ask what question he is addressing, while evaluating which of the specialists can give a competent answer to the caller and how quickly he wants (and can) receive this answer. If it is possible to redirect the call to one of the employees, the interlocutor must be informed about this, naming the position, surname, name and patronymic of the specialist;
  2. If the answer to the question does not require special competence, you should answer it yourself. But never go beyond your competence and, moreover, do not provide information that may be redundant or even confidential. In the event that it is necessary to clarify the information necessary for the answer and it will be necessary to move away from the phone, the interlocutor will have to be asked to wait or call back after a certain time;
  3. In case when the right specialists absent or busy, you also need to tell the interlocutor about this and ask him if you can call him back and at what time in order to connect him with someone who can give the necessary information;
  4. If the subscriber needs to be connected to the manager, the director should be warned, giving him the details of the subscriber and the topic that he wants to discuss. In some cases, immediately after the connection is established, prepare and bring to the manager materials and information related to this issue.

Target: make appointment.

A phone call consists of 2 stages:

Stage 1 - preparing for a phone call .

  1. Record the purpose of a particular call.
  • decide what you want from the client;
  • who are you calling (full name);
  • desired meeting place with the client;
  • date and time.

Note: fix the desired result for yourself.


  1. Start work on the phone, formulating vague goals. If there is no goal, then we ourselves provoke an objection. there is uncertainty in the voice.
  • conduct a psychological adjustment to the client (draw an image, or put a picture);
  • be sure to tune in to respect for the client and to demonstrate reliability and responsiveness;
  • organize workplace(the order is on the table, the necessary documents are at hand);
  • think over possible options, throw out unnecessary words from the speech.

Note: people always want to talk to people who:

Reliable- able to fulfill the promise accurately and on time;

Responsive- wants to help the client;

Self-assured– is able to convince the client of his competence and, thereby, create the basis for a trusting relationship.

Stage 2 - telephone technique

Difficulty 1 - there is no eye-to-eye contact, therefore it is necessary to act energetically, the main emphasis on the voice

Difficulty 2 - there is a large distortion (15%) of information and voice and therefore:

  • keep communication as short as possible;
  • do not drag out the conversation;
  • customers do not have to live up to your expectations, and they are entitled to their reaction and mood.

Contact technique

  1. Work with the name (greeting, call by name).

1. 1. Effective start:

  • good morning / good afternoon / good evening /;
  • identification /who is talking to you/;
  • permission to speak;
  • duration of communication 3-4 minutes;
  • statement of the problem /why are we calling/.
  1. Customization for the client.

Correspondence of words and actions, internal state and external behavior (what I say must be supported by how I say it). Possession of one's voice, using adjustments for tempo, volume and intonation, mood, conversation speed).

Mistake: is to copy and mimic the client.

Adjustment will not work if:

  • you interrupt the client;
  • afraid not to answer the question;
  • painfully react to the words of the client;
  • pretend to listen.
  1. Conducting a conversation.
  • do not let the client drag you into discussing details over the phone;
  • it is impossible to “load” the client with information as quickly as possible.
  1. The brevity and clarity of telephone contact is achieved through management.
  • information must be reliable and understandable to the interlocutor;
  • the cliché of a telephone conversation is an aide;
  • telephone contact management can be achieved by practicing the method:
  • Ask a Question;
  • listen to the answer;
  • provide feedback on:
  1. you understand what the client cares about;
  2. you asked to confirm the correctness of your understanding;
  3. ask the next question.
  1. Resolution of difficult emotional situations during telephone contact.

The client interrupts the conversation or behaves inappropriately. The reasons may be different, and to avoid the situation, you need to ask:

1) does he have time to talk;

2) when you can call back if there is no time. You have no need to talk to those people who do not want to talk to you

  1. At the end of the conversation:
  • sum up the conversation;
  • designate obligations to strengthen responsibility (the client confirms the contract);
  • thank you for the time and say goodbye with a few nice words (it's very nice to talk to you or glad to meet you). Farewell compliments are very important for further cooperation
  1. We quickly forget what we hear on the phone and therefore:
  • we fix the information in the client card or database;
  • write down a brief impression of the conversation;
  • analyze the telephone conversation.

What is the difference between a telephone conversation and a face-to-face conversation?

difference What to do
There is no communication of non-verbal signals, therefore, you cannot weaken or reinforce the actions of your messages through non-verbal means Smile on the phone, the voice becomes more pleasant. Highlight especially significant words with your voice, change intonation. Consciously change the strength of your voice, do not speak in a monotone.
You do not have the ability to receive important sincere messages and quickly respond to them. Assume the agreement on the part of the client to conclude the contract initially. Apply congruence on the phone.
Complex concepts and processes are available only when visual aids are demonstrated. Therefore, more often than in a personal conversation, there are misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the reported information. Use short sentences, they formulate only one thought. Pause periodically to let the other person digest what you have said. Simplify information. You have little time at your disposal and cannot afford to delve into explanations.
You can take the interlocutor by surprise when he is not ready for a conversation and disrupt his affairs. Ask: how much time is there for a conversation.
It is easier for the client to say no due to greater distance. The client is in a strong position. He can say goodbye and hang up at any time Objection needs to be answered quickly.
Manage the contact with clarifying questions: ask a question → listen to the answer → give feedback that you understand what the client cares about → ask the next question.
Your position seems less secure to the client, because you want something from him. Always remember that you are offering mutually beneficial cooperation.
Various visual interferences distract your interlocutor from the phone Call back in case of interference. It is necessary to speak slowly, calmly, loudly enough and clearly.
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