Creative project on technology "my professional choice". Professional choice presentation for the lesson (grade 9) on the topic Presentation my professional choice teacher


Municipal educational institution
"Secondary Educational School No. 12

"My professional choice"

creative project

Arbuzova Svetlana
9th grade student

Kazmenko Natalya Vasilievna


  1. Identification of the problem………………………………3
  2. Identification of the main parameters………...…4
  3. Determination of interests and inclinations ...... 5
  4. Identification of individual characteristics………………………………………...6
  5. Requirements to professional activity…………………………………………..7
  6. Mistakes in choosing a profession……………...7
  7. Ways to get a profession…………………….8
  8. Conclusion………………………………………..….9

1. Identification of the problem

Choosing a profession is a big responsibility, which is very important to realize as early as possible. I know many examples of how people who have a diploma in any specialty do a completely different thing all their lives. Of course, each circumstance may be different. A mistake in choosing a profession can lead to the fact that, doing something other than one's own, a person is burdened by it, does not cope well with his work, and his character deteriorates. Conversely, the most happy people, these are those who enjoy their work, they are doing well and this contributes to success and career growth. Of course, it is difficult to think ahead 30 years, because a lot can change over the years, and many professions that people had 30 years ago no longer exist, thanks to the development of technology. And yet, in order not to regret later, we must try to understand ourselves and learn as much as possible about different professions. This project will be my first attempt in this direction.

2. Identification of the main parameters

  1. match with mine own desires and abilities
  2. Availability of necessary education
  3. Job Opportunity
  4. Profession prestige
  5. The material costs of obtaining a profession must match the income of the family
  6. high wage
  7. Family approval of this profession

3. Determination of interests and inclinations.

I like many professions: designer, architect, philologist, linguist. But I opted for three professions: a doctor, a biology teacher or a psychologist. In all these professions, one way or another, the subject of interest, service, transformation are social systems, population groups, people of different ages.They involve studying and further work in large cities, which will require great sacrifice and determination.It's good that I have two more years left, and the decision should not be made tomorrow.Career guidance is the provision of assistance to a person in professional self-determination, that is, in choosing a profession that best meets individual characteristics, the inclinations and abilities of a person, a profession that meets the needs and capabilities of a person and the demands of the labor market.

4. Identification of individual characteristics

I have an inclination in the field of Human-to-human. I have normal self-esteem and communication skills. According to the results of the test, I am a choleric. By nature - hardworking, persistent, demanding.

5. Requirements for professional activity

The profession must be:

  • Interesting and varied
  • highly paid
  • Useful
  • Stimulating mental activity

6. Mistakes in choosing a profession

  • Transferring your relationship to a person to a profession
  • Passion for the outer side of the profession
  • Choosing a profession under the influence of random circumstances
  • Ignorance of medical contraindications
  • Ignorance of your abilities

7. Ways to get professions

  • Kuban State Medical University
  • Kuban State University
  • Armavir State Pedagogical Academy

8. Conclusion

Comparing your individual characteristics andrequirements for professional activity, I came to the conclusion that I have the qualities to master all three professions. So, questions of choice come to the fore. educational institution and practical problems. In the next two years, with successful studies and a favorable financial situation of the family, I will be able to change my professional plans.

  1. 1. Creative project "My professional choice" Completed by a student of grade 9A Baranova Lena
  2. 2. Identification of the problem There are two years left before graduation, and the need to choose a profession has already arisen.
  3. 3. Definition of a specific task and its formulation The task of the project is to analyze the profession of an engineer, identify its main requirements for a person and identify opportunities for mastering this profession.
  4. 4. Identification of the main parameters1. Coincidence with my own desires and abilities.2. Availability of obtaining the necessary education.3. Employability.4. The prestige of the profession.5. The material costs of obtaining a profession must match the income of the family.6. High wages.7. Family approval of this profession.
  5. 5. Identification of traditions, history, trends Over the past 10-15 years Russian market work has changed a lot. In particular, the demand for engineers is growing again. This fact imposes increased requirements, first of all, on the system of personnel training. And both in quantitative and qualitative terms. Three trends can be identified here. The first is market growth. information technologies leads to an increase in demand for traditional IT specialties such as systems analysts, computer architects, designers, information security etc. The second is the growing demand for new engineering specialties. For example, a genuine technological revolution is currently underway in the communications industry: multi-service networks of national, regional and city scale are being created; the formation of a new generation network (NGN) is underway; WiMAX broadband radio access, third-generation mobile communications (3G), digital television are on the way. New specialists are needed to create and operate such systems. In addition, there is a growing demand for "hybrid" specialties at the intersection of IT technologies, telecommunications and business. Among them, the most popular are the following areas: the effectiveness of investments in IT; assessment of the cost of ownership of high technologies; justification of IT solutions, etc. There is already a serious struggle between employers for such specialists, and, according to experts, the shortage of qualified personnel in the IT market and the communications industry will only increase. The third is the growing requirements for formal and non-formal education of a new generation of engineers. Thus, many foreign (for example, Microsoft and Cisco) and the most successful Russian software development firms have their own certification systems. In addition to such "certification education", more and more attention is paid to fundamental (theoretical) education, taking into account the prestige of a higher educational institution. These trends create a good basis for the formation of new education systems that involve the integration of universities and high-tech companies. This integration is extremely beneficial for everyone. For universities, this means the opening of new "top" specialties and increasing their prestige, for companies - the creation of a personnel base for themselves. And they can't do without each other. Universities carry an educational brand, an official diploma and a training ground, which high-tech companies do not have. The latter carry design experience, engineering skills and knowledge of the real market, which universities do not have.
  6. 6. Activity Analysis I have an aptitude for Human-Technology. I have normal self-esteem and communication skills. According to the test results, I have strong nerves and working capacity at a high level, I am a real workaholic! :) I can do any job: nervous breakdowns on the basis of professional employment I'm not likely to be threatened.
  7. 7. Development of ideas, options, alternatives Engineer Designer Operator Designer
  8. 8. Requirements for professional activity The profession should be: interesting and varied; highly paid; useful; stimulating mental activity.
  9. 9. Analysis and synthesis of ideas Requirements for the specialty Specialties Coincidence with Availability Employment Prestige Number of desires for education pointsengineer + + + + 4designer + + - + 3operator - - + - 1designer - + + + 3 Conclusion: I choose the profession of engineer. This specialty scored the most points and is the most acceptable for me.
  10. 10. Ways of obtaining a profession Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute
  11. 11. Summary I would like to become an engineer. I think that in order to get this profession, I should enter the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University.

slide 1

Creative project "My professional choice"

Made by a student of grade 9A Baranova Lena

slide 2

Problem Identification

There are two years left before graduation and there is already a need to choose a profession.

slide 3

Definition of a specific task and its formulation

The objective of the project is to analyze the profession of an engineer, identify its main requirements for a person and identify opportunities for mastering this profession.

slide 4

Identification of the main parameters

Coinciding with my own desires and abilities. Availability of necessary education. Job opportunity. Profession prestige. The material costs of obtaining a profession must match the income of the family. High profit payment. Family approval of this profession.

slide 5

Identification of traditions, history, trends

Over the past 10-15 years, the Russian labor market has changed a lot. In particular, the demand for engineers is growing again. This fact imposes increased requirements, first of all, on the system of personnel training. And both in quantitative and qualitative terms. Three trends can be identified here. First, the growth of the information technology market leads to an increase in demand for such traditional IT specialties as system analysts, computer architects, designers, information security experts, etc. The second is the growing demand for new engineering specialties. For example, a genuine technological revolution is currently underway in the communications industry: multi-service networks of national, regional and city scale are being created; the formation of a new generation network (NGN) is underway; WiMAX broadband radio access, third-generation mobile communications (3G), digital television are on the way. New specialists are needed to create and operate such systems. In addition, there is a growing demand for "hybrid" specialties at the intersection of IT technologies, telecommunications and business. Among them, the most popular are the following areas: the effectiveness of investments in IT; assessment of the cost of ownership of high technologies; justification of IT solutions, etc. There is already a serious struggle between employers for such specialists, and, according to experts, the shortage of qualified personnel in the IT market and the communications industry will only increase. The third is the growing requirements for formal and non-formal education of a new generation of engineers. Thus, many foreign (for example, Microsoft and Cisco) and the most successful Russian software development firms have their own certification systems. In addition to such "certification education", more and more attention is paid to fundamental (theoretical) education, taking into account the prestige of a higher educational institution. These trends create a good basis for the formation of new education systems that involve the integration of universities and high-tech companies. This integration is extremely beneficial for everyone. For universities, this means the opening of new "top" specialties and increasing their prestige, for companies - the creation of a personnel base for themselves. And they can't do without each other. Universities carry an educational brand, an official diploma and a training ground, which high-tech companies do not have. The latter carry design experience, engineering skills and knowledge of the real market, which universities do not have.

slide 6

Activity analysis

I have an inclination in the field of Human-Technology. I have normal self-esteem and communication skills. According to the test results, I have strong nerves and high efficiency, I am a real workaholic! :) I can do any job: nervous breakdowns due to professional employment are unlikely to threaten me.

Slide 7

Development of ideas, options, alternatives

Engineer Designer Operator Designer

MBOU "Shumyachskaya secondary school named after V.F. Alyoshin"

Lesson script in grade 8 on the topic:

"My professional choice"

Technology teacher:

N. Yu. Starovoitova

p.g.t. Shumyachi. 2018

  • profession,
  • speciality,
  • qualification,
  • position.

  • Profession is the labor activity of a person, which gives him the means for existence and development.

  • Speciality- type of occupation within the same profession.

  • Qualification is the level of professionalism.

  • Position is the place a person occupies in an organization.

Goals :

  • contribute to the formation of ideas about professions;
  • to form the ability to work with sources of information about the ways of obtaining a profession, basic professional requirements;
  • develop the ability to analyze the information received;
  • to cultivate respect for people of different professions;
  • to develop in schoolchildren a conscious attitude to work, professional self-determination in the conditions of freedom to choose a field of activity in accordance with their capabilities, abilities and taking into account the requirements of the labor market;
  • to teach to analyze one's capabilities and abilities (to form the need for awareness and assessment of the qualities and capabilities of one's personality).

  • At present, there are more than 40,000 professions, while 500 of them disappear annually (footman, barber, coachman) and almost as many

new ones appear.

  • motives- this is what induces a person to activity, for the sake of which it is performed.

Motives for choosing a profession


Characteristics of the motive


Focus on the highest universal values ​​and needs


The desire to improve your inner world, the development of moral qualities



Striving for the aesthetics of labor, its beauty, harmony

Desire to acquire specialized knowledge


The desire to be original in work, improving scientific discoveries, getting opportunities for creativity


Striving for material wealth


The desire for professions that are valued among friends, allow you to achieve a prominent position in society, provide rapid career advancement

Related to the content of labor

Knowledge of labor processes, focus on mental and physical labor

  • Professional Plan- reasonable idea about the chosen field of labor activity, about ways of mastering future profession and career prospects
  • growth.

Personal professional plan

1. Main goal

What will I do; what labor contribution I will make to the common cause; who I will be; what I will be; where will I be; what I will achieve.

2. Immediate tasks and distant prospects

Specialty, work; what and where to study; prospects for improving skills, professional growth.

3. Ways and means to achieve the goal

Study of reference literature; conversations with experts; admission to a certain educational institution (college, university, courses)

4. External resistance on the way to achieving the goal

Difficulties, possible obstacles.

5. Internal conditions for achieving the goal

Opportunities: state of health, ability to learn, perseverance, patience, propensity for practical and theoretical work, other personal qualities.

6. Fallback options and ways to achieve them

For example: “I won’t go through the competition to a technical school - I’ll try at a vocational school for the same specialty

Protection creative project on the topic:


professional choice"

Project Protection Plan

  • Identification of the problem.
  • Awareness of the problem area.
  • Analysis and synthesis of ideas.
  • Occupational analysis.
  • Determination of the basic requirements for the profession.
  • Identification of the possibility of mastering this profession.
  • Technology for determining the ways of obtaining a profession and choosing a place of study.
  • Self-evaluation and project evaluation.


  • Prepare a project on the topic “My professional choice” pp. 144-152 (for those who did not defend the project in today's lesson)

  • What did you like about today's lesson?
  • What profession was discussed in our lesson?
  • What do you remember the most important and important for yourself?
  • What could be useful to you in life?


1. V.D. Simonenko, A.A. Elektov, B.A. Goncharov, O.P. Ochinin, E.V. Eliseeva, A.N. Bogatyrev. Technology. Grade 8, M:, "Ventana-Count", 2014;

2. "I know the world" - children's encyclopedic economics. M .: "Ast-rel" 2003.

3. Internet resources

4. M.Yu. Savchenko. Career guidance. Personal development. Exam readiness training. M..


Creative project on technology

Topic: "My professional choice."

G. Essentuki, 2009.

1. Introduction. Awareness of the problem.

3rd page

2. Identification of interests and inclinations.

3 p.

3. Algorithm for the analysis of selected professions.

4 pages

4. Development of ideas, options and alternatives. Rationale for the choice.

4 pages

5. Professiogram and analysis of selected professions.

5 pages

6. Revealing your individual characteristics

7 p.

7. Determination of career paths

8 p.

8. Professional test

8 p.

9. Used Books

8 p.

1. Introduction. Awareness of the problem.

Choosing a profession is a big responsibility, which is very important to realize as early as possible. I know many examples of how people who have a diploma in any specialty do a completely different thing all their lives. Of course, each circumstance can develop differently: most often, graduates of technical schools and universities either cannot find a vacancy, or vacant position requires a professional with experience. A mistake in choosing a profession can lead to the fact that, being engaged in something other than one's own, a person is burdened by it, does not cope well with his work, and his character deteriorates. Conversely, the happiest people are those who enjoy their work, they are doing well and this contributes to success and career growth.

I asked my relatives, acquaintances and neighbors: what profession would you choose now if you could start over? Out of 12 people, only 5 would not change anything. Others feel they made the wrong choice.

Grandmother, who worked in geology, then in trade, then as a bath attendant in a sanatorium, said that her calling was in crop production, and it would be better if she studied as an agronomist.

A neighbor worked as a seamstress for many years, but everyone knows that she has a talent for amusing and entertaining people, however, in order to work as an organizer of leisure, one had to graduate from the Cultural Education School or the Pedagogical Institute.

Grandmother's friend graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages, but she could not work in her specialty and studied again as an accountant. She changed many jobs until she retired. Now she believes that she should have studied at the Medical Institute.

Of course, it is difficult to predict 30 years ahead, because a lot can change over the years, and many professions that people had 30 years ago no longer exist, thanks to the development of technology. And yet, in order not to regret later, we must try to understand ourselves and learn as much as possible about different professions. This project will be my first attempt in this direction.

2. Determination of interests and inclinations.

I like many professions: journalist, designer, artist, archaeologist, psychologist, art critic, architect. But I am well aware that for creative professions I may not have enough talent and abilities. Other professions involve study and further work in large metropolitan cities, which will require great sacrifice and fanatical determination. It's good that I have two more years left, and the decision should not be made tomorrow.

3. Algorithm of my professional self-determination.

4. Development of ideas, options and alternatives. Rationale for choice

I decided to explore three possible options from the professions that interest me:

- maximum program(a dream of a fascinating profession related to science, research and expeditions);

- minimum program(in case of failure to enter the university or adverse circumstances, you can get a profession in college);

- the program is optimal(taking into account my interests and real opportunities for full-time study at a university).

As a result, I chose three professions: an archaeologist or a history teacher or a cutter.

I can explain my choice by the fact that I love history, I watch educational television programs about the development of civilizations with interest. In addition, I like to do needlework - embroider and sew. This, of course, is not enough to judge whether these professions suit me, so I decided to collect information about them.

5. Professiogram and analysis of selected professions.

Aspects of professions.


History teacher


The subject of labor

Finds during excavations


Materials, fabrics

Labor goals




Means of labor


Theoretical and functional


Working conditions

Outdoor work in summer + living conditions in winter

Work sitting or standing at home

Working standing or sitting at home

The nature of communication at work

Minimum communication

Working with the audience

General staff, clients





Features of labor

Long expeditions


The finished product of labor.

Typical Difficulties

Employment problems

nervous tension

Low job prestige

Minimum education for work

Higher education, PhD.

Higher professional

Primary vocational

Work schedule and wages


Fixed salary.

As per class schedule.

Hourly payment.

8 hour working day. Piecework wages.

Opportunities for professional growth

Department head, rector

Head teacher, methodologist, director.

Shop manager, atelier management.

Labor market

In large or ancient cities

Jobs are not easy to find

It's not hard to find a job


General characteristics of the profession . People in this profession work in research institutes, first as graduate students and junior researchers, and after defending their thesis, they receive a degree and the right to lead a research group on a specific topic. Archaeologists are looking for material confirmation of hypotheses in the history of ancient civilizations. In the warm season, they go to the excavations of ancient settlements, collect finds, describe the remains of ancient buildings. In winter, they summarize the results, draw conclusions, consider versions, and make reports.

Enthusiasm, observation, patience, efficiency, analytical mind, logical thinking.

General diseases of the cardiovascular system, allergic diseases, diseases of the spine and legs.

: Higher education and specialization in the history of the ancient world.

Ways to get a profession: in large cities and university centers.

Related specialties: museum researcher, university lecturer.


History teacher

Teaches schoolchildren in accordance with the programs, applies in the classroom various methods study of the material and control of knowledge. Knows the individual characteristics of students. Engaged educational work. Maintains documentation - logs, reports. Communicates with teachers, students, and parents.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist: High culture and responsibility, observation, justice, discipline, sociability, benevolence, emotional stability and exactingness.

Medical contraindications: Work is not recommended for people with neuropsychiatric and serlecular diseases and speech disorders.

Professional training requirements : Special education, knowledge of pedagogy and psychology.

Ways to get a profession: You can get an education in the Pedagogical Universities of Stavropol, Karachaevsk, Armavir and large cities and regional centers.

Related specialties: social science, civics.

Opportunities for private entrepreneurship: patent tutoring


General characteristics of the profession: Works with clients (taking orders, taking measurements, sketching a model, drawing up a design and modeling, making patterns and cutting fabric products, fitting). Supervises the work of a seamstress (explains the features of processing the product and controls the quality of work).

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist: The work of a cutter requires efficiency, competence, accuracy and conscientiousness, benevolence towards seamstresses and customers.

Medical contraindications: Work is not recommended for people with diseases of the spine and legs.

Professional training requirements : The cutter must have a special professional education and broad specialization (men's, women's clothing). Be able to sew any product to show the seamstress, know the technological equipment and sewing materials.

Ways to get a profession: You can get an education in professional sewing colleges in the cities of Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk and Lermontov.

Related specialties: seamstress, master of industrial training.

Opportunities for private entrepreneurship: wide - from individual tailoring to mass production of products for the purpose of free sale.

6. Revealing your individual characteristics.

With the help of tests given in the textbook and introspection, I compiled my personal characteristics.

Name of personality traits




1. Memory

visual, long-term

Auditory, short term.

2. Attention

Steady concentration

Switching and distribution

3. Thinking



4. Representation




Honesty, diligence, perseverance, exactingness

Pride, resentment and pride.


Phlegmatic person


Creative, pedagogical,


Comparing my individual characteristics and the requirements for the individual characteristics of specialists in archaeology, history teacher and cutter, I came to the conclusion that I have the qualities to master all three professions. This means that the issues of choosing an educational institution and practical problems come to the fore.

In this project, I considered the scheme for choosing the profession of a teacher. But this does not mean that the remaining two options can be ignored. In the next two years, with successful studies and a favorable financial situation of the family, I will be able to change my professional plans.

7. Determination of ways of getting a profession.

8. Professional test.

Professional test in archeology can be carried out by studying any ancient thing or object, trying to identify it with similar things, determine the date of its manufacture and connect with the historical period. Necessary information for research can be found in reference books and the Internet.

The job of a teacher I have the opportunity not just to observe, but even to compare and draw conclusions about the pedagogical techniques and methods of different teachers.

Professional test according to cutter's work can be carried out by undertaking to sew a product, under the guidance of an experienced cutter.

9. Used Books.

Textbook for 9th grade students "Technology of the main areas of professional activity." V.D. Simonenko. Moscow. Publishing house Ventana-Graf. 2006

"Technology" Grade 9. Professional self-determination. Author-compiler A.N. Bobrovskaya. Volgograd. Publishing house "Uchitel" 2007.

Internet resources:

http :// www. nesterova. ru/ cgi-bin/ proftest/ proftest. cgi? view=0

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