Presentation about the feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Presentation for the class hour "Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya". Images from the movie "Zoya"


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Zoya's grandfather, Pyotr Ioannovich Kozmodemyanovsky (such was the first name), was a priest. On the night of August 27, 1918, he was captured by the Bolsheviks and, refusing to hand over the horses to them, was drowned in a pond after severe torture. The son of the executed - Anatoly Petrovich, Zoya's father - together with his wife Lyubov Timofeevna worked in the village as teachers. The Kosmodemyansky family.

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In the 201st metropolitan school, Zoya studied well. She was fond of history, loved to read and dreamed of entering the Literary Institute. In 1940, Zoya suffered acute meningitis, after which she underwent rehabilitation at a sanatorium for nervous diseases in Sokolniki, where she became friends with the writer Arkady Gaidar, who was also lying there. A year later, the war began ...

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According to the documents, in October 1941, when the Nazis furiously rushed to our capital. Kosmodemyanskaya graduated from the Central reconnaissance and sabotage school and voluntarily joined the fighter partisan detachment.

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Her detachment performed its last task in the village of Petrishchevo, Vereisky district, Moscow region - here Zoya and her comrades Boris Krainev and Vasily Klubkov monitored the Germans and prepared to set fire to the houses in which the invaders settled down for the night.

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Having dispersed throughout the village, the partisans carried out their plan. But the Nazis, frightened by the unexpected raid of saboteurs, managed to run out of the burning houses. ABOUT further development events, it is known that Krainev did not wait for Zoya and Klubkov at the agreed meeting place and, having left, returned safely to his own. Klubkov was captured by the Germans, and Zoya, having missed her comrades and left alone, decided to return to Petrishchevo and continue the arson. However, both the Germans and the locals were already on their guard, and the Nazis put up guards from several Petrishchev's men.

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Zoya was seen trying to set fire to the shed of Nazi accomplice S. A. Sviridov - she was seen by the owner of the building himself and called the Nazis. For the capture of a partisan, Sviridov was rewarded by the Germans with a bottle of vodka, and later, by our court, he was sentenced to death.

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When it became known about the capture and death of Zoya, after the liberation of the village, partially burned by scouts, by the Soviet army, the investigation showed that one of the group, Klubkov, turned out to be a traitor. The transcript of his interrogation contains detailed description what happened to Zoya:

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“When I approached the buildings that I was supposed to set fire to, I saw that the sections of Kosmodemyanskaya and Krainova were on fire. As I approached the house, I broke the Molotov cocktail and threw it away, but it did not catch fire. At this time, I saw two German sentries not far from me and decided to run away into the forest, located 300 meters from the village. As soon as I ran into the forest, two German soldiers fell on me and handed me over to a German officer. He pointed a revolver at me and demanded that I reveal who had come with me to set fire to the village.

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... I said that there were only three of us, and named the names of Krainov and Kosmodemyanskaya. The officer immediately gave some order, and after some time they brought Zoya. She was asked how she set fire to the village. Kosmodemyanskaya replied that she did not set fire to the village. After that, the officer began to beat her and demanded evidence, she was silent, and then she was stripped naked and beaten with rubber sticks for 2-3 hours. But Kosmodemyanskaya said one thing: "Kill me, I won't tell you anything." She didn't even give her name. She insisted that her name was Tanya. Then they took her away, and I never saw her again.” Klubkov was tried and shot.

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Interrogations of the infiltrator began. Zoya did not say anything definite to the Nazis, she hid her real name and called herself "Tanya from Moscow." The Nazis undressed the girl, flogged her with belts, after which the sentry assigned to her for 4 hours led her barefoot, in her underwear, in the cold down the street.

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The execution of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. The next morning, the execution of the partisan took place. For Zoya, the Nazis built a gallows, and a sign with the inscription "Pyro" was hung on the girl's chest and began to take pictures. Before the massacre, Kosmodemyanskaya shouted: “Citizens! You don’t stand, don’t look, but you need to help fight! This death of mine is my achievement.”

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Artist: D. Mochalsky, "Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya".

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The German officer waved, but Zoya continued: “Comrades, victory will be ours. German soldiers, before it’s too late, surrender. The Soviet Union is invincible and will not be defeated ... No matter how much you hang us, you don’t outweigh everyone - we are 170 million. Our comrades will avenge you for me," said Kosmodemyanskaya, already with a noose around her neck.

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Her body hung for about a month, repeatedly abused by German soldiers passing through the village. Drunken German soldiers stabbed her with bayonets ... Zoya was cut off one of her breasts ... On New Year's Eve 1942, drunken Germans tore off clothes from hanging clothes and once again abused the body, stabbing it with knives. The next day, the Germans gave the order to remove the gallows, and Zoya was buried by local residents outside the village.

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In January, Soviet troops entered the village of Petrishchevo. The story of a courageous girl shocked everyone. The country with tears in its eyes read an essay about Tanya. A commission arrived and with it ten women - mothers who had lost their daughters at the front. None of them in Tanya (an exhumation was carried out) recognized their daughter.

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After the war, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was posthumously awarded the Star of the Hero Soviet Union and solemnly reburied at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. The fate of Zoya became widely known from the article "Tanya" by Pyotr Lidov, published in the newspaper "Pravda" on January 27, 1942. The author accidentally heard about the execution in Petrishchevo from a witness - an elderly peasant who was shocked by the courage of an unknown girl: "They hung her, and she spoke. They hung her, but she kept threatening them ...".

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Zoya entered the people's memory. Memorials to the heroine are installed on the Minsk highway near the village of Petrishchevo and on the platform of the Izmailovsky Park metro station. In Moscow, the name of the Kosmodemyanskys - the sister and brother of Alexander, also a Hero of the Soviet Union - is named after the street and the school where they studied. There is Zoya in the sky - an asteroid bears her name.

Young heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Completed by: student of grade 4-A MOU secondary school No. 19 Yakimenko Ksenia Teacher: Stupchenko I.N. Krasnodar 2014

2 June 2 At 4 o'clock in the morning, without declaring war, Hitler's troops attacked our country. The Great Patriotic War began. Everyone from young to old stood up to defend the country.

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, she is one of them.

Zoya Anatolyevna KOSMODEMYANSKAYA (September 8, 1923 - November 29, 1941), Zoya Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya was born in September 1923 in the Tambov region, into a family of hereditary priests. In 1930 the family moved to Moscow. Her father died in 1933 when Zoe was 10 years old. Life was poor and poor. My mother's small salary was not enough. Zoya studied well at school, was especially fond of history and literature, dreamed of entering the Literary Institute ..

Since the ninth grade, since last summer, Zoya had a gray book. Zoya was a member of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union, that is, a Komsomol member.

What is heroism? I don't know. I want to do something to make victory more audible and visible!

On November 27, at 2 am, a group of Boris Krainov, Vasily Klubkov and Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya set fire to three houses in Petrishchevo in which German officers and soldiers were located; while the Germans lost 20 horses. It is known about the future that Zoya, having missed her comrades and left alone, decided to return to Petrishchevo and continue the arson. However, the Germans were already on their guard.

With the onset of the evening of November 28, while trying to set fire to another shed, Kosmodemyanskaya was noticed by a guard appointed by the Germans. Which called the Germans, who grabbed the girl (around 7 pm). Guard Sviridov, for this he was awarded a bottle of vodka. During the interrogation, she called herself Tanya and did not say anything specific. Having stripped naked, she was flogged with belts, then the sentry assigned to her for 4 hours led her barefoot, in her underwear, down the street in the cold.

She is eighteen: modest, slim. Goes to death without fear. She is not afraid of death from the enemy - She gives her life for the Motherland. The execution took place the next morning. For Zoya, the Nazis built a gallows, and a sign with the inscription "Pyro" was hung on the girl's chest.

One of the witnesses describes the execution itself in the following way: “Until the gallows, they led her by the arms. She walked straight, with her head held high, silently, proudly. They took me to the gallows. There were many Germans and civilians around the gallows. They led her to the gallows, ordered to expand the circle around the gallows and began to photograph her ... She had a bag with bottles with her. She shouted: “Citizens! You do not stand, do not look, but you need to help fight! This death of mine is my achievement.” After that, one officer swung, while others shouted at her. Then she said: “Comrades, victory will be ours. German soldiers, before it's too late, surrender.” Then they set up a box. She, without any command, stood on the box herself. A German approached and began to put on a noose. At that time, she shouted: “No matter how much you hang us, you don’t hang everyone, we are 170 million. But our comrades will avenge you for me.” She said this already with a noose around her neck. She wanted to say something else, but at that moment the box was removed from under her feet, and she hung. She grabbed the rope with her hand, but the German hit her on the hands. After that, everyone dispersed.

Her body hung for about a month, repeatedly abused by German soldiers passing through the village. Drunken German soldiers stabbed him with bayonets ... Zoya was cut off one of his breasts ... On New Year's Eve 1942, drunken Germans tore off clothes from hanging clothes and once again abused the body, stabbing him with knives. The next day, the Germans gave the order to remove the gallows, and Zoya was buried by local residents outside the village.

The fate of Zoya became widely known from the article "Tanya", published in newspapers on January 27, 1942. The author accidentally heard about the execution in Petrishchevo from a witness - an elderly peasant who was shocked by the courage of an unknown girl: "They hung her, and she spoke. They hung her, but she kept threatening them ...".

On February 16, 1942, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and awarded the Order of Lenin. Her heroic deed served as an example during the war for many people.

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Slide text: Zoya's grandfather, Pyotr Ioannovich Kozmodemyanovsky (this was the first name), was a priest. On the night of August 27, 1918, he was captured by the Bolsheviks and, refusing to hand over the horses to them, was drowned in a pond after severe torture. The son of the executed - Anatoly Petrovich, Zoya's father - together with his wife Lyubov Timofeevna worked in the village as teachers. The Kosmodemyansky family.

Slide text: Zoya studied well at the 201st school in the capital. She was fond of history, loved to read and dreamed of entering the Literary Institute. In 1940, Zoya suffered acute meningitis, after which she underwent rehabilitation at a sanatorium for nervous diseases in Sokolniki, where she became friends with the writer Arkady Gaidar, who was also lying there. A year later, the war began ...

Slide text: According to the documents, in October 1941, when the Nazis furiously rushed to our capital. Kosmodemyanskaya graduated from the Central reconnaissance and sabotage school and voluntarily joined the fighter partisan detachment.

Slide text: Her detachment performed its last task in the village of Petrishchevo, Vereisky district, Moscow region - here Zoya and her comrades Boris Krainev and Vasily Klubkov monitored the Germans and prepared to set fire to the houses in which the invaders settled down for the night.

Slide text: Having dispersed throughout the village, the partisans carried out their plans. But the Nazis, frightened by the unexpected raid of saboteurs, managed to run out of the burning houses. It is known about the further development of events that Krainev did not wait for Zoya and Klubkov at the agreed meeting place and, having left, returned safely to his own. Klubkov was captured by the Germans, and Zoya, having missed her comrades and left alone, decided to return to Petrishchevo and continue the arson. However, both the Germans and the locals were already on their guard, and the Nazis put up guards from several Petrishchev's men.

Slide text: Zoya was seen trying to set fire to the shed of Nazi accomplice S. A. Sviridov - the owner of the building himself saw her and called the Nazis. For the capture of a partisan, Sviridov was rewarded by the Germans with a bottle of vodka, and later, by our court, he was sentenced to death.

Slide text: When it became known about the capture and death of Zoya, after the liberation of the village partially burned by scouts by the Soviet army, the investigation showed that one of the group, Klubkov, turned out to be a traitor. The transcript of his interrogation contains a detailed description of what happened to Zoya:

Slide text: “When I approached the buildings that I was supposed to set on fire, I saw that the sections of Kosmodemyanskaya and Krainova were on fire. As I approached the house, I broke the Molotov cocktail and threw it away, but it did not catch fire. At this time, I saw two German sentries not far from me and decided to run away into the forest, located 300 meters from the village. As soon as I ran into the forest, two German soldiers fell on me and handed me over to a German officer. He pointed a revolver at me and demanded that I reveal who had come with me to set fire to the village.

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Slide text: ... I said that there were three of us in total, I named the names of Krainov and Kosmodemyanskaya. The officer immediately gave some order, and after some time they brought Zoya. She was asked how she set fire to the village. Kosmodemyanskaya replied that she did not set fire to the village. After that, the officer began to beat her and demanded evidence, she was silent, and then she was stripped naked and beaten with rubber sticks for 2-3 hours. But Kosmodemyanskaya said one thing: "Kill me, I won't tell you anything." She didn't even give her name. She insisted that her name was Tanya. Then they took her away, and I never saw her again.” Klubkov was tried and shot.

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Slide text: Artist: Schukin V. G., Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

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Slide text: Interrogations of the infiltrator have begun. Zoya did not say anything definite to the Nazis, she hid her real name and called herself "Tanya from Moscow." The Nazis undressed the girl, flogged her with belts, after which the sentry assigned to her for 4 hours led her barefoot, in her underwear, in the cold down the street.

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Slide text: Artist: K. Shchekotov, "Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya before her execution."

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Slide text: The execution of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. The next morning, the execution of the partisan took place. For Zoya, the Nazis built a gallows, and a sign with the inscription "Pyro" was hung on the girl's chest and began to take pictures. Before the massacre, Kosmodemyanskaya shouted: “Citizens! You don’t stand, don’t look, but you need to help fight! This death of mine is my achievement.”

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Slide text: Artist: D. Mochalsky, "Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya".

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Slide text: The German officer waved, but Zoya continued: “Comrades, victory will be ours. German soldiers, before it’s too late, surrender. The Soviet Union is invincible and will not be defeated ... 170 million. Our comrades will avenge you for me," Kosmodemyanskaya said already with a noose around her neck.

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Slide text: The feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

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Slide text: Her body hung for about a month, repeatedly abused by German soldiers passing through the village. Drunken German soldiers stabbed her with bayonets ... Zoya was cut off one of her breasts ... On New Year's Eve 1942, drunken Germans tore off clothes from hanging clothes and once again abused the body, stabbing it with knives. The next day, the Germans gave the order to remove the gallows, and Zoya was buried by local residents outside the village.

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Slide text: In January, Soviet troops entered the village of Petrishchevo. The story of a courageous girl shocked everyone. The country with tears in its eyes read an essay about Tanya. A commission arrived and with it ten women - mothers who had lost their daughters at the front. None of them in Tanya (an exhumation was carried out) recognized their daughter.

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Slide text: After the war, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was posthumously awarded the Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union and solemnly reburied at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. The fate of Zoya became widely known from the article "Tanya" by Pyotr Lidov, published in the newspaper "Pravda" on January 27, 1942. The author accidentally heard about the execution in Petrishchev from a witness - an elderly peasant who was shocked by the courage of an unknown girl: "They hung her, and she spoke. They hung her, and she kept threatening them ...".

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Slide text: Artist: T. Gaponenko, "After the expulsion of the fascist invaders."

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Slide text: Zoya entered the people's memory. Memorials to the heroine are installed on the Minsk highway near the village of Petrishchevo and on the platform of the Izmailovsky Park metro station. In Moscow, the name of the Kosmodemyanskys - the sister and brother of Alexander, also a Hero of the Soviet Union - is named after the street and the school where they studied. There is Zoya in the sky - an asteroid bears her name.

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Slide text: Monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

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Slide text: Petrishchevo village. Monument to Zoya. Slide text: There is an unusual school in Moscow. No one has been studying in her building for eight years. He is 90 years old, but the city authorities are hesitant to demolish it. School No. 201 is recognized as a monument of federal significance. The old building deserved this honor because it still remembers the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, Zoya and Sasha Kosmodemyansky, who studied here - brother and sister, who, despite the difference in age, always studied in the same class. At the gate there is a tree carefully planted by Zoya's hands, and in the new building of the school, which has now become gymnasium No. 201, there is a museum that stores things related to the Kosmodemyansky family. Desks of Zoya and Sasha.

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Slide text: Alexa ndr Anatolyevich Kosmodemyansky - Hero of the Soviet Union, brother of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Guards senior lieutenant, commanded the SU-152 battery of the 350th Guards Heavy Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment (43rd Army, 3rd Belorussian Front). He died during the assault on the settlement of Firbrudenkrug on the Zemland Peninsula northwest of present-day Kaliningrad. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery next to the grave of his sister. In honor of Alexander Kosmodemyansky, a village in Kaliningrad was named, as well as the small planet Shura, discovered by T. M. Smirnova on August 30, 1970 at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. In Moscow there is Zoya and Alexander Kosmodemyansky Street.

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Slide text: Zoya and Alexander Kosmodemyansky.

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Slide text: Monument to Zoya and Shura. Zoe's notebooks.

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Slide text: Monument to Zoya in Tambov.

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Family Zoya's father Anatoly studied at the seminary, but did not graduate from it; married a local teacher Lyubov Churikova

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The feat of a girl ... On the night of November 21-22, 1941, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya crossed the front line as part of a special sabotage and reconnaissance group of 10 people. Already in the occupied territory, the fighters in the depths of the forest ran into an enemy patrol. Someone died, someone, showing cowardice, turned back, and only three - the group commander Boris Krainov, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and the Komsomol organizer of the intelligence school Vasily Klubkov continued to move along the previously determined route.

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On the night of November 27-28, they reached the village of Petrishchevo, where, in addition to other military installations of the Nazis, they were to destroy a radio and radio field station carefully disguised as a stable. electronic intelligence.

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Captivity, torture and execution Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya penetrates the southern part of the village and destroys the houses where the Germans lodge with Molotov cocktails. Zoya successfully completed the combat mission - she destroyed two houses and an enemy car with bottles of "KS". However, when returning back to the forest, when she was already far from the place of sabotage, she was noticed by the local headman Sviridov. He called the Nazis. And Zoya was arrested. Grateful invaders poured Sviridov a glass of vodka, as local residents told about this after the liberation of Petrishchevo.

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Having stripped naked, she was flogged with belts, then the sentry assigned to her for 4 hours led her barefoot, in her underwear, down the street in the cold. Local residents Solina and Smirnova (burnt victims) also tried to join the tortures of Kosmodemyanskaya, throwing a pot of slop into Kosmodemyanskaya (Solina and Smirnova were subsequently sentenced to death).

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At 10:30 the next morning, Kosmodemyanskaya was taken out into the street, where the gallows had already been built; a sign was hung on her chest with the inscription "The arsonist of houses." When Kosmodemyanskaya was led to the gallows, Smirnova hit her on the legs with a stick, shouting: “Who did you hurt? She burned my house, but did nothing to the Germans ...

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All the way to the gallows they led her by the arms. She walked straight, with her head held high, silently, proudly. They took me to the gallows. There were many Germans and civilians around the gallows. They led her to the gallows, ordered to expand the circle around the gallows and began to photograph her ... She had a bag with bottles with her. She shouted: “Citizens! You do not stand, do not look, but you need to help fight! This death of mine is my achievement.” After that, one officer swung, while others shouted at her.

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Monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya in the village of Petrishchevo. Zoe's mother L.T. Kosmodemyanskaya at the monument to her daughter Then she said: “Comrades, victory will be ours. German soldiers, before it's too late, surrender." The officer yelled angrily: "Rus!" “The Soviet Union is invincible and will not be defeated,” she said all this at the moment when she was photographed ...

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Then they put up a box. She, without any command, stood on the box herself. A German approached and began to put on a noose. At that time, she shouted: “No matter how much you hang us, you don’t hang everyone, we are 170 million. But our comrades will avenge you for me.” She said this already with a noose around her neck. She wanted to say something else, but at that moment the box was removed from under her feet, and she hung. She grabbed the rope with her hand, but the German hit her on the hands. After that, everyone dispersed. Obelisk in memory of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya before 46 high school in Dresden

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Presentation slides

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Zoya Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya - Red Army soldier of the sabotage and reconnaissance group of the headquarters of the Western Front. The first woman to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously) during the war. It became a symbol of the heroism of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Her image is reflected in fiction, journalism, cinema, painting, monumental art, museum expositions.

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Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was a Red Army soldier of the sabotage brigade, led by the legendary Artur Karlovich Sprogis. In June 1941, he formed a special military unit No. 9903 to carry out sabotage operations in the rear of enemy troops. It was based on volunteers from the Komsomol organizations in Moscow and the Moscow region, and the command staff was recruited from students of the Frunze Military Academy. During the battle near Moscow, 50 combat groups and detachments were trained in this military unit of the intelligence department of the Western Front. In total, in September 1941-February 1942, they made 89 penetrations behind enemy lines, destroyed 3,500 German soldiers and officers, eliminated 36 traitors, blew up 13 fuel tanks, 14 tanks

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On the night of November 27-28, the group commander Boris Krainov, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and the Komsomol organizer of the intelligence school Vasily Klubkov reached the village of Petrishchevo, where, in addition to other military facilities of the Nazis, they were to destroy the field station of radio and electronic intelligence carefully disguised as a stable. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya successfully completed her combat mission - she destroyed two houses and an enemy car with bottles of "KS". However, when returning back to the forest, when she was already far from the place of sabotage, she was noticed by the local headman Sviridov. He called the Nazis. And Zoya was arrested. Grateful invaders poured a glass of vodka to Sviridov.

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Zoya was tortured for a long time and brutally, but she did not give out any information either about the brigade or about where her comrades should be waiting. She also hid her name, calling herself Tanya. However, soon the Nazis captured Vasily Klubkov. He showed cowardice and told everything he knew. Boris Krainov miraculously managed to escape into the forest. Subsequently, Klubkov was recruited by fascist intelligence officers and sent back to the Sprogis brigade with a “legend” about escaping from captivity. But he was quickly exposed. During the interrogation, Klubkov spoke about the feat of Zoya.

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From the protocol of interrogation dated March 11 - 12, 1942 V. Klubkov: - Were you present at the interrogation of Kosmodemyanskaya? Yes, I attended. The officer asked her how she set fire to the village. She replied that she had not set fire to the village. After that, the officer began to beat Zoya and demanded evidence, but she categorically refused to give any. Seeing that Zoya was silent, several officers stripped her naked and beat her severely with rubber sticks for 2-3 hours, trying to get her to testify. Kosmodemyanskaya told the officers: "Kill me, I won't tell you anything." Then they took her away, and I never saw her again.”

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The execution took place the next morning. For Zoya, the Nazis built a gallows, and a sign with the inscription "Pyro" was hung on the girl's chest and began to take pictures. Before the massacre, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya shouted: “Citizens! You do not stand, do not look, but you need to help the army fight! My death for the Motherland is my achievement in life.” All this she said at the moment when she was photographed

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The German officer waved, but Zoya continued: “Comrades, victory will be ours. German soldiers, before it’s too late, surrender. The Soviet Union is invincible and will not be defeated ... No matter how much you hang us, you don’t outweigh everyone - we are 170 million. Our comrades will avenge you for me," said the Komsomol member already with a noose around her neck.

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Her body hung for about a month, repeatedly abused by German soldiers passing through the village. Drunken German soldiers stabbed him with bayonets ... Zoya was cut off one of his breasts ... On New Year's Eve 1942, drunken Germans tore off clothes from hanging clothes and once again abused the body, stabbing him with knives. The next day, the Germans gave the order to remove the gallows, and Zoya was buried by local residents outside the village.

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In January, Soviet troops entered the village of Petrishchevo. The story of a courageous girl shocked everyone. The country with tears in its eyes read an essay about Tanya. A commission arrived and with it ten women - mothers who had lost their daughters at the front. None of them in Tanya (an exhumation was carried out) recognized their daughter

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After the war, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was posthumously awarded the Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union and solemnly reburied at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. The fate of Zoya became widely known from the article "Tanya" by Pyotr Lidov, published in the newspaper "Pravda" on January 27, 1942. The author accidentally heard about the execution in Petrishchevo from a witness - an elderly peasant who was shocked by the courage of an unknown girl: "They hung her, and she spoke. They hung her, but she kept threatening them ...".

  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  • No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should only have Key information, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
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