Personnel hunger. How to raise the prestige of working professions? Increasing the prestige of working professions How to increase the prestige of working professions


The prestige of the profession is one of the main social mechanisms that regulate the process professional self-determination, and is understood as a comparative assessment of the significance and attractiveness of various professions based on certain values. Each social and socio-professional group has a certain scale of prestige due to different value systems. Therefore, professions that are attractive to some social groups of young people may not enjoy prestige from others. The hierarchy of prestige in the public consciousness changes over time, which depends on changes in the field of professional stratification and mobility. The prestige of professions in demand in this moment time on the labor market, ensures the attractiveness of the relevant faculties and specialties in the university.

At various socio-professional groups available common set of values, but they functional weight is different. Therefore, young people rate higher the prestige of those professions with which they are better acquainted, but according to the same criteria. This partly explains the overestimation of the prestige of one's own profession.

The role of profession prestige in regulating the process of professional self-determination of young people lies in the fact that prestige determines the attractiveness of professions and their popularity among young people, and thus orients young people to prefer certain professions to others. According to American sociologists, the prestige of professions reflects the system of stratification of a particular society, therefore, the study of prestige is one of the methods for studying social stratification.

In addition to the prestige of the profession, the prestige of the university is also considered as a social mechanism for regulating the professional self-determination of young people by the social institutions of the profession and education.

In the public mind, the prestige of the profession and the university is associated with employment opportunities, as well as professional career. Nod professional career refers to the successful promotion of professional, social, official, property and other hierarchy. Career Opportunities Determine Choices promising profession and a prestigious university, which ensures the regulation of professional self-determination at the personal level.

At the moment, there is a situation that lies in the inconsistency of the hierarchy of prestige. The prestige of professions that correspond to the highest wages and ample opportunities to make a career is growing (lawyer, manager), and there is a decrease in the prestige of a number of professions that require high qualifications and a level of education (engineer, teacher). This hierarchy of prestige reflects the crisis transitional state of society - the discrepancy between education, profession and income as indicators of social status. As a result, focusing on a certain social status, young people entering universities have few opportunities to get a job or income that matches their profile and level of professional training. Violation of the connection between the level of education, sphere professional employment and remuneration of a specialist forms an appropriate scale of prestige and thus not only leads to forced employment outside the specialty, but also influences the motivation for choosing the level of education, profession and university.

Russian sociologists conducted a study of the image of the profession, which is interconnected with the concept of the prestige of the profession. The image of the profession- a subjective picture of the world, it reflects the interaction of the subject (professional) and his environment, the dynamics of the formation of professionalism and its change depending on the change in the social environment. Potential specialists do not choose a profession, but the image of the profession, or rather, the image of a specialist of a certain professional group. They choose a profession not as a functional, as a type of activity, but as a group of belonging and, in general, as a future social status, a model of the desired future. The future profession is perceived by them as a tool for shaping this future.

Professional affiliation, taking into account qualification, educational and other characteristics, can be considered as an indicator characterizing the social position of a person in society, since social groups ns can exist otherwise than through professional groups. concept the prestige of the profession associated with the concept professional career. Both of these terms act as an indicator and indicator of individual success from the standpoint of a change in the social position of the individual.

Terminology issues

Giving a definition of a career in the Dictionary of the Russian Language, S.I. Ozhegov notes that there are several meanings of this word. The first is where a career is understood as an occupation. In another meaning, a career is "the path to success, a prominent position in society, in the service field, as well as the very achievement of this position."

Russian scientists conducted a study, during which it turned out that the attitude towards the prestige of the profession among students changes throughout their studies at the university. In the transition from junior to senior years, the proportion of students who are guided in choosing their future occupation by the motive of vocation is steadily decreasing, and at the same time the proportion of those who intend to build their relations with the professional life world on the basis of an assessment of the prestige of their future work, job growth prospects, and the level of remuneration increases. .

The prestige of a profession is mobile over time: the hierarchy of professions in the public mind is changing, which depends on changes in the field of professional stratification and mobility. The movements of various professions on the scale of social prestige over time are explained by the changing needs of the labor market for specialists of a certain profile and certain qualifications.

The prestige of a profession is also determined by the level of qualification, the time spent on professional training to master the profession. Consequently, the choice of a profession is carried out already with the choice of a training system, a level of professional education. Thus, the high prestige of the professions of intellectual labor for certain segments of young people orients them towards entering universities.

The prestige of professions that are currently in demand in the labor market ensures the attractiveness of the relevant faculties and specialties in the university; the most prepared applicants who are able to pass competitive exams are guided by these specialties. The rest are forced in their choice to focus, rather, not on the prestige of the profession, but on obtaining higher education in general, thus pre-forming a situation where subsequent plans are not related (or almost not related) to employment and a career in the specialty received at the university. Consequently, the social orientation in this case completely replaces the professional one.

So, the prestige of a profession and a university in the public mind is associated with opportunities for professional growth, a professional career, which at the personal level regulates the process of professional self-determination.

Interviews with students from various universities in the city of St. Petersburg. The sample structure included students from various faculties receiving absolutely different specialties. Target this study- collection and analysis of data to determine the factors influencing the professional self-determination of student youth.

Based on the analysis of the survey data, the following conclusions can be drawn. Almost all students today are working students. The nature of their activities affects the value consciousness of students. Students who do not have any practical experience are less career and professional oriented. The values ​​of education and professionalism are more significant for those students whose work is related to the profile of the received specialty. If a student plans to work in a specialty, then it becomes an actual value for him. Otherwise, material values ​​prevail. The specificity of professional self-determination at the student stage lies in the fact that the choice of the future profession has already been made, but it remains incomplete, can be rethought taking into account new experience and revised. In many ways, this depends on satisfaction with the choice of university and specialty that has already been made, since the motivation for choosing a future place of work and professional plans largely depend on this. Half of the respondents are satisfied with the choice of university and profession. High satisfaction with the choice of profession and university is observed among economists, architects, and lawyers. This is largely due to the prestige and high pay in these professions. Students who are satisfied with their choice more often plan to work in their specialty. Among the motivating values, the interesting nature of the work prevails, status motivation - they value the prestige of the profession. Almost all respondents are characterized by the dominance of the motive of high earnings in their future or present work. You can also note a certain egocentrism in the process of professional orientation: a profession is needed in order to realize one's potential, make a career, and have a good income. Students seek to benefit for themselves, and not to give to people, society, the state.

  • Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1982. S. 239.

One of the fragments of the USSR, the monument "Worker and Collective Farm Girl", still towers at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. The symbol of the era of socialism, in which the working man was a key figure, in the current realities looks empty. The manufacturing sector is experiencing an acute shortage of personnel. Is it possible to restore prestige to working professions, how to do it, Pravda.Ru was puzzled.

There is no doubt about how popular the professions of a builder, factory worker, miner or painter are in modern Russia. It is enough to look around and see visitors who are ready to lay bricks for a penny, or elderly factory workers who do not see the opportunity to change their profession and are forced to earn their bread with their hands. But the main thing that we will see is the absence of youth in production environment because for the most part, young Russians are ashamed to go into a profession where they have to work with their hands. And the shortage of personnel is compensated by workers who are not only not professionals, but also do not show even a small interest in the success of their business.

The need to raise the prestige of working professions is regularly stated by the head of the Russian government, Dmitry Medvedev. The question is only what methods this can be done - try to revive the former (still Soviet) programs to support the authority of workers, look for some new solutions, or stimulate with high wages. The last option is probably the most difficult, since in most cases the wages of workers engaged in manual labor are paid not by the state, but by their direct employers, for whom minimizing costs is in the first place today. But even those plant managers who are ready to pay a decent salary for the work of a qualified specialist cannot find a suitable candidate. Simply because the opinion has taken root in the minds of Russians that it will be much more successful to work as a manager in some office than to work at a factory, regardless of salary.

"Pravda.Ru" found out from experts what is the reason for such a low popularity of working professions and how can the situation be corrected?

"The issue is the rearmament of jobs," he said. Elena, managing partner of LLC "AVK Group"rollson the.- When there will be decent work, interesting CNC machines (numerical program control - ed. ) and decent working conditions, then working profession and become prestigious.

As the expert explained, it is necessary to install modern equipment at factories and enterprises, which would be interesting for young specialists to work with. Because to instill the interest of a new generation in old machines that have been plowed for several decades and still remember the builders of the "bright communist future" is an impossible task. A slightly different approach to solving the problem member of the State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy Alevtina Aparina.

“There is no need to invent anything special - just return to the system that we had, namely, that there are vocational schools and that work is done there in a quality manner. Vocational schools should be connected with enterprises, and so that students meet with those who are high-class professionals and were really proud of their profession.The main thing is to have a guarantee that the graduate will receive workplace. Then, of course, the prestige will also increase, because prestige is the desire to get an interesting job, so that it is paid as it should be, a member of the State Duma committee believes. - And, of course, a young person should have a mentor, officially or unofficially, so I believe that here we should start, just like in sports, from schools for young, say, football players. So it is here - just to restore the authority, the prestige of the vocational school."

At the moment, the Russian manufacturing sector is going through hard times. The assertion that working professions are low-paid and unattractive is firmly held in the public mind. There are not enough hands in the industry, you can’t lure young people into such work with a roll. Why did such a situation arise? And how to raise the prestige of the profession?

Do you provide youth?

On the manufacturing enterprises Now the workers are mainly specialists of pre-retirement age - those who received the appropriate education back in the Soviet Union. Recruiters say that attracting young people to such work is not an easy task, and there is no need to talk about middle-aged workers at all.

“There are simply no such employees. For example, a turner and a miller cannot be found for quite a long period of time. If applicants of this profile apply for vacancies, then these are mostly people over 40 years old,” says Tatyana Trofimova, HR manager at NPO Unihimtek.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this. A mature and experienced worker does not need to be adapted and introduced into the profession. On the other hand, a couple more years - and there will simply be no one left at the enterprises: the young shift will leave to find jobs in fashionable and highly paid industries. Why are things like this?

Let's start with the fact that in working specialties, whatever one may say, there is little romance, and representatives of the new generation clearly do not dream of becoming leaders in production.

"From the side young specialist Arguments not in favor of industrial specialties can be such factors as relatively low wages, shift work work, night shifts,” says Natalya Boytsova, HR Manager at PROPLEX.

Tatyana Trofimova says that the problem is also related to the existing system of vocational education: “Colleges and universities do not enroll students in blue-collar courses. And for several years, graduates do not enter the market. For example, in Podolsk schools and technical schools for more than three years there has been no recruitment for such specialties as a turner, milling machine operator, there have been interruptions in the recruitment of fitters, repairmen.

Alexander Karpov, Human Resources Director of LG Electronics RUS, links the prestige of the profession with the state of the Russian manufacturing sector as a whole.

“In order for the specialty "worker" to be regarded as prestigious, it is necessary that domestic industrial production develop intensively, at a faster pace and stably, without sharp ups and downs in comparison with the Russian economy. If production develops, working professions will be in demand and prestigious,” adds the expert.

Money is the engine of progress

Middle-aged specialists also do not strive to become a key link in the production process. Probably, the point is not so much that the profession is not considered fashionable, but in the amount of salary. There is an opinion that among the workers it is, to put it mildly, not very high. Therefore, specialists prefer to get a job, for example, as sales managers (a job that for the most part does not require experience and special knowledge).

Is not it production professions- underpaid?

"And there is. In fact, the search for a job in a commercial structure is due to the fact that the salary for working specialties is much lower than that of the same sales managers,” says Tatyana Trofimova.

Natalya Boytsova notes that a lot depends on qualifications: “At the induction stage, while the work of a newcomer is controlled by a mentor, the employee really gets a little. Nevertheless, if we are talking about the long term, a competent, qualified specialist will always cost a lot.”

“Comparison of the level of payment of workers and, for example, sales managers is not yet in favor of the workers. During the crises, our production "fell" and, as a result, the demand for workers, which caused at least a freeze in their wages. But this is in the relatively short term. I think that the demand for skilled workers and their salaries will grow at a faster pace than the demand for sales managers and their wages,” comments Alexander Karpov.

Raise the prestige!

The conclusion suggests itself as follows: there is only one way to ensure a bright future for the Russian manufacturing sector - to increase the attractiveness of blue-collar jobs. How to do it? Our experts shared their opinion on this issue.

Natalya Boytsova believes that a whole range of measures is needed to attract young people: “Employment centers, youth labor exchanges, job advertisements not only in newspapers, but also in universities, technical schools, participation in job fairs in educational institutions. The most important thing is to convince young professionals that big quick money is not always a smart choice. After all, the guarantee of personal financial stability of everyone is precisely high qualification, which can be obtained not only at the end of the university, but also by working in production.

Alexander Karpov is of the opinion that it is necessary to develop the domestic industry, in fact, to carry out reindustrialization at a new innovative level. Moreover, it is necessary to develop, first of all, such high-tech, innovative enterprises that ensure the production of goods with high added value that are in demand by modern people. And in addition to this, purposefully engage in the popularization of working professions, starting from the school bench.

When choosing a profession, one must also remember that it is not the place that makes the person beautiful, but the person the place. Do not forget that the profession should correspond to the abilities and bring moral satisfaction.

The prestige of a profession is determined not only by high income and social status, but also by such indicators as stability, career prospects, and demand in the distant future.

TOP 10 most prestigious professions in Russia:

  1. Programmers, IT specialists. Specialists in this field are in high demand at the present time, their work is well paid. The rapid development of IT technologies in Russia implies a constant demand for the profession for many years to come.
  2. Entrepreneurs, businessmen. Private business in the presence of commercial abilities can bring high incomes. An additional advantage is independence from the employer.
  3. A top manager is the face of a company, a senior executive, which is prestigious in itself. And paid accordingly. In addition to professional skills and specific knowledge in their industry, a top manager must have creative and flexible thinking, high analytical skills, and constantly learn new things. Moreover, in different periods of the company's activity, a variety of qualities are required from a top manager: at the start-up stage, he must prove himself to be a bright leader and a successful entrepreneur; in the heyday - a far-sighted strategist; at the time of the crisis - an experienced anti-crisis manager.
  4. Lawyers, lawyers. The population of Russia for the most part is legally illiterate, and jurisprudence is cumbersome, so lawyers will be in constant demand. The most demanded and highly paid at all times are civil lawyers.
  5. Doctors. The profession is considered the most noble and prestigious in the whole world, but not very highly paid in Russia. The highest salary of doctors in Kamchatka.
  6. Pilots and astronauts. These professions are not only prestigious, but respected, romantic and highly paid in any region of Russia.
  7. Creative professions (designers, artists) are prestigious in terms of respect and recognition. It all depends on talent, dedication, luck. As it is rightly said about creative professions: “In the first half of life, a person works for the name, in the second half, the name works for the person.”
  8. Engineers. The prestige of this profession increases during the development of industry, but from a material point of view it is not the most profitable profession in Russia.
  9. Bankers. All professions associated with finance are initially prestigious. Being a banker was considered prestigious at all times. It all depends on the size of the bank, position, region, etc. recent times It is more prestigious to work in a state bank than in a private one.
  10. Economists. The prestige of the profession also depends on the place of work, position, region. But there is no doubt that this profession is universal and in demand in any social system, in any branch of the national economy and at all levels.

When choosing a profession, one must also remember that it is not the place that makes the person beautiful, but the person makes the place. Do not forget that the profession should correspond to the abilities and bring moral satisfaction. You can understand your predisposition to a certain profession at a career guidance consultation at the Elmira Davydova Center.

The most prestigious professions in the world

  1. Nanotechnologies. Specialists in this field will be constantly in demand in the future. Since the industry is the most relevant state program in the developed world and well funded, high wages for nanotechnologists are guaranteed for many years to come.
  2. IT specialists. This profession has been on the list of prestigious ones for many years, and in the future it is also expected to be in high demand, decent pay, due to the fact that IT-technologists ensure the functioning of almost all processes in the modern world.
  3. Biotechnology is the profession of the future in agriculture, healthcare and food industry. Being a government program that is going to be rapidly developed, biotechnology is adequately financed. Being a scientist or practitioner in this field is very prestigious.
  4. Ecologists. The problem of environmental pollution is only getting worse with time. Therefore, ecologists will always be in demand not only for the purpose of cleansing the environment, but also for the development of new environmentally friendly technologies and industries.
  5. Marketers. The modern world is oversaturated with goods and services. It is impossible to do without marketers in their implementation and production of new ones that consumers need.
  6. Doctors of various specializations: anesthesiologists, surgeons, psychiatrists, therapists, dentists. Health is the main thing that people value and what they do not save on. And good doctors are respected.
  7. Technical and executive directors in various industries. To create a new competitive product or new technologies requires the ability to work with large amounts of information, to coordinate the work of many hundreds of people. Such work is within the power of extraordinary personalities.
  8. Lawyers. In all countries of the world, legal professionals have a prestigious status. Indeed, even in the age of Internet technologies, when books on legislation are available to anyone, not everyone can understand their cumbersome intricacies.
  9. Pilots. Airline passengers are initially treated with respect for the professionals they trust with their lives. A modern aircraft is a super-complex machine that requires serious technical knowledge, excellent physical fitness, psychological stability, and the ability to make responsible decisions promptly.
  10. A financial market analyst is a specialist who has information about price fluctuations, the relationship between supply and demand in the market. He can give competent advice on transactions in the financial markets and a forecast for the future.

It's no secret that the Russian manufacturing sector in general, and the Orenburg sector in particular, has long been experiencing a shortage of those who can, and most importantly, want to work with their hands. The assertion that working professions are low-paid and unattractive is firmly held in the public mind. At industrial enterprises, there is an acute shortage of qualified personnel at all levels - from workers to engineers - and young people are not interested and do not want to enter vocational schools, colleges and technical schools, because they do not feel the prestige of working specialties.

According to Minister of Labor and Employment of the Orenburg Region Vyacheslav Kuzmin, it is impossible to consider issues of the prestige of professions, employment of young people without understanding the foundations of economic development.

On the one hand, over the past seven years, the gross regional product has grown from 500 to 850 billion rubles, respectively, and the budget has grown from 50 to 80 billion rubles, the minister says. - On the other hand, we have presidential decrees in May demanding higher wages for healthcare, education and culture workers. All this is a non-productive sphere in which products are not produced as such. Where to get funds? It is clear that they can appear only by increasing labor productivity, developing the economy, and, as a result, increasing budget revenues.

An increase in labor productivity is possible subject to the technical re-equipment of production, the introduction of new efficient equipment and technologies, the intensification of labor, the rational organization of production processes and depends on the professional viability of personnel.

The current type of economy involves the constant improvement of the workforce through its training and skills development and dictates the need for workforce qualitatively different type.

However, we often have cases when a specialist, having a diploma in a particular specialty, has not seen new equipment, as they say, in his eyes, - says Vyacheslav Kuzmin. - The situation is even worse when the so-called specialist, having received a diploma, believes that now he should not study anywhere and nothing.

Today in the region there are 10 thousand vacancies for 14.4 thousand unemployed. And there is often no one to fill these vacancies, since there are no workers with suitable qualifications.

Educational and industrial symbiosis

In order for specialists of proper qualification to leave technical schools and colleges, educational programs do not stand still. From the nearest school year a new educational standard is being introduced, designed to radically change the approach to learning in secondary vocational schools.

- The Russian Ministry of Labor has compiled a list of professions in demand on the labor market that require secondary vocational education, - said Larisa Filkova, head of the vocational education department of the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg Region. - This list is called "TOP-50" professions. It was compiled on the basis of the country's needs, the landmark was high-tech industries, as well as the service sector. At the same time, the requirements for the competence of participants in competitions within the WorldSkills championships were taken into account.

According to the regional Ministry of Education, this year 31 specialized professional education organizations in the region are ready to accept about 1,500 applicants.

These requirements also set new approaches to learning itself - in order to educate a competent and qualified specialist, first you need to invest in teachers who can transfer knowledge of the proper level.

In order for future specialists to receive not only theoretical, but also practical skills in the process of training, and precisely those that will be needed in the future in a particular production, colleges and technical schools enter into a kind of symbiosis with industrial enterprises. Such mutually beneficial cooperation has been built, for example, between Strela and the OSU University College. The company spent money and bought necessary equipment where students from different colleges can do their internship. As he says Deputy Director of the College Sergey Dorofeev Thus, gaining experience throughout the entire training, the company gets into its ranks a ready-made specialist with the skills that are needed at this particular place of work.

But here it is important to understand that a successful career awaits only those who are really interested in building it. The sooner the student decides future profession, the more likely it is that he will go through all the stages that precede the birth of a true professional. These are the guys who come to the Orenburg College of Service.

- We have guys who, even before admission, go to us for various courses in order to get to know the profession better, - shares Director of the College of Service Tatyana Malgina. - Therefore, after graduation, almost 100% of graduates find a job. Over the past couple of years, I can remember only one case when our student ended up on the labor exchange.

piece goods

If specialists are fully prepared to work in production, then they are snapped up like hot cakes. But let's be honest, this doesn't happen as often as we would like. Situations have become quite common when enterprises retrain or retrain those who have already come to them with a diploma.

- We understand that we have a specific production, and therefore we simply will not find ready-made specialists who can come to our enterprise and immediately start working, - says Head of Human Resources Department, Plastic LLC Olga Kosova. - Therefore, we have a developed institute of mentoring in our production, when more professional staff share their experiences with young people.

A somewhat different situation has developed at the eco-farm "Kushkul greenhouses". The company works with completely new technologies, growing vegetables indoors.

- Unfortunately, when we faced the problem of finding employees for our enterprise, we found out that the Orenburg Regional Agrarian University does not train such specialists, - shared eco-farm HR manager Yulia Chusova. - Therefore, we decided to train practically from scratch those who wish to work with us. As a result, we literally get a piece of goods that fully meets our requirements.

Experts see the root of the problems in the low prestige of working professions in the fact that in a certain period of time the state missed the opportunity to regulate the labor market.

- In the 90s, when the main thing for the state was to pull young people out of the gates, they began to massively recruit graduates for humanitarian specialties, - says Andrei Kirillov, deputy chairman of the committee for the consumer market, services and entrepreneurship development of the Orenburg administration. - It was then that we received a mass release of economists and lawyers, who simply oversaturated the labor market. Today, despite the target recruitment and other attempts to regulate the social order for personnel, the state has not debugged this system. In any case, the solution of the problem is in a dialogue between all parties involved in the process, including between the business community as a potential employer.

All participants of the round table agreed with this, recognizing that a constructive dialogue took place, which means that each participant got an idea of ​​what each side should work on in order to eventually solve personnel problems in the region through joint efforts.


Education away from life

Anna Pavlenko, head of the youth policy department of the Orenburg administration:

“Unfortunately, today, when we come to schools and hold career guidance events, we see that, right up to graduation, schoolchildren have no idea who they want to be in the future. In order for them to have the opportunity to get to know the working professions better, we offer them to work during the summer holidays. The situation with the employment of teenagers also leaves much to be desired. Previously, more guys were asked to work. Today, there are cases when mothers bring teenagers to employment offices. In addition, schoolchildren no longer want to be engaged in landscaping and cleaning the territories. They are more attracted to work in offices, although they lack the qualifications for it. What is the reason? In many factors, but I believe that the lion's share of responsibility lies with education. Unfortunately, today children are protected from life as much as possible, protected from everything, and often too much. Schoolchildren do not see manual labor, because enterprises are afraid to take responsibility and monitor the safety of working with a teenager. Even labor lessons at school today have become theoretical. How then can we get locksmiths and turners, if the children do not even know what the machines look like?

Evgenia Matrusenko, Chief Specialist of the Occupational Health and Safety Department, Industrial Safety Department of Gazpromneft-Orenburg LLC:

“To work at our enterprise, certain qualifications are required, since we have a complex modern production. In order to adapt a specialist, we organize training for him in advanced training courses, and also attach a mentor to support him in the first months of work. Representatives of each profession are tested annually, based on the results of which the issue of the need for additional training is decided. Professional educational institutions, of course, give the future specialist certain knowledge about the methods of certain works. But to work in such a specific production as oil production, a specialist can only be taught in a company. But that's not all: it's not enough to be a skilled worker, it's important to do your job safely. And along with a decent salary and social package Gazpromneft-Orenburg offers its employees safe conditions labor. One of the main corporate values ​​of the company is industrial safety and labor protection. In our work, we strive to achieve "Goal - Zero". This means zero harm to human health, zero harm to the environment, zero harm to the equipment on which we work. To do this, the company is implementing a set of preventive measures, for example, the 5 Steps of Safety program, which are designed to form a correct understanding of these important issues and improve the production culture. The company invests heavily in appropriate staff training, providing all employees with modern and high-quality equipment. personal protection. I want to note that our enterprise is included in the regional register of the most conscientious employers, annually confirms the title of the best enterprise in the Orenburg region in the field of labor protection. Such a significant status for us is the result of systematic work within the framework of the corporate policy in the field of industrial safety.”


Lilia Kosheleva, Head of the Human Resources Department of the Orenburg branch of Energosbyt Plus OJSC:

“We have positions for which we accept even without work experience - with primary vocational and secondary vocational education. These are specialties that do not require special qualifications: controllers, technicians, contact center operators. If people want to develop further and get a more serious position, then they will certainly need to get a higher education. professional education. The personnel policy of our company is aimed at helping our employees develop. There is an opportunity to study, get an education at the expense of the company, there is a mentoring system. We need highly qualified specialists, but if they cannot be found, we train them ourselves.

We are happy to promote employees of our company up the career ladder. We have developed horizontal and vertical rotation. For positions that require high level competencies and are accordingly highly paid, we tend to appoint those who have already worked with us for some time. But employees must show that they are ready to learn: perhaps to stay late after work, to study new software systems.

Every month we accept up to 10 people in all branches of the company in the Orenburg region. The level of the initial salary is not less than 15 thousand rubles. However, if the employee proves himself, he has a chance to earn more and occupy a high position. The company is present in 17 regions. And our former employees today they work in positions of the highest level in other cities. In general, there are a lot of opportunities for the development of young specialists. And if a person wants to try his hand, he can declare himself in several ways. First, come to practice, after which many young people remain at the enterprise. He can also send a resume: in electronic or paper form. Due to internal transfers, we almost always need controllers and contact center employees, we invite new employees to these positions.”

Alexander Shlychkov, head of the training and production center of JSC "PO" Strela ":

“Is the region experiencing a shortage of workers? I would say more precisely: the region is experiencing a shortage of qualified personnel. And a skilled worker, for example, a turner, can only become after 5-6 years of work. Our training and production center has existed since the 60s. To date, annually about 500 people from schools, universities and colleges come to us - and UOC specialists introduce them to production process, technologies used at the association, modern high-precision equipment. We have a license to train in 65 professions. For this, the training center has all the conditions: equipped classrooms, an excellent computer class, a production site where 8 machines are installed. These are universal and CNC machines. All specialists who teach theoretical disciplines have been trained in the psychological and pedagogical foundations vocational training adults. Future machine operators first undergo theoretical training. These are such subjects as: metallurgy, tolerances and technical measurements, reading drawings and diagrams, labor protection, special technologies - all that a highly qualified worker should know.

Direct training costs, for example, for a turner, are about 60 thousand rubles. In addition, every month we pay the student a salary in the amount of 1 minimum wage.

However, some students still do not finish their studies: they leave, realizing that these are not their professions. But they are very few - less than 3%. The rest remain in production. The company has agreements with many educational institutions where a lot of guys come to practice. And yet, only we ourselves can fully prepare an employee for our specifics. Yes, we select employees, leaving only the best. But we pay decent wages- and this is an average of more than 40 thousand rubles. at the plant - and we know for sure that people are interested in their work, they are interested in it and will remain at the enterprise.


The list of professions in demand in the labor market of the region for May 2017*:

  • doctors of various specializations;
  • nurse;
  • teachers of various specializations;
  • car driver;
  • cashier;
  • cook;
  • machine operator;
  • rolling stock repairman;
  • turner;
  • tractor driver

*according to the regional Ministry of Labor and Employment

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